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对拉萨半干旱河谷表土花粉和冲积物样品进行对比分析,结果表明,拉萨半干旱河谷的表土花粉组合能较好反映样方植被群落特征,而河流冲积物表层花粉样中,拉萨河中游样品花粉组合能较好地反映其中上游流域植被的总体面貌,下游段河流冲积物花粉组合主要反映河道周围湿地植被群落特征。主成分分析(PCA)结果说明,前两个因子轴的累计贡献率为41.9%,较好地解释了该区域花粉种属的分布与两个轴之间的关系。同时,研究区表土花粉莎草科/(禾本科+蒿属)Cy/(G+A)值由拉萨河中游至下游逐渐减小,反映该流域的湿度从东到西逐渐降低。  相似文献   

阴山山脉东段花粉通量及其与表土花粉比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阴山山脉东段蛮汉山和大青山山顶草甸、桦木林、虎榛子灌丛、人工油松林及杂草草原5个植被类型花粉通量与表土花粉对比研究发现,不同植被类型及同一植被类型不同样点花粉通量和花粉浓度差异明显,捕捉器样品花粉源区面积小于表土样品,能较好地反映样品点周围植被组成,但受虫媒植物和局地植物花粉影响,与表土样品花粉组合差异明显;表土样品中松属、桦属、蒿属及藜科花粉含量多高于捕捉器样品,表明这些花粉不仅易于传播,而且在表土中具有较强的保存能力;禾本科花粉具低代表性,花粉保存能力较低.地层花粉分析中应引起注意.  相似文献   

通过陕西太白山13个样点表土花粉组合特征和气孔器及其与植物类型之间关系的分析,结果发现:针阔混交林花粉组合能很好地反映植物类型特征,落叶阔叶林和针叶林花粉组合能较好地与植物类型相对应,高山灌丛草甸花粉组合未能反映植物类型数量特征;主要花粉类型松属、铁杉属和桦属花粉具超代表性,胡桃属和榆属花粉具适宜代表性,落叶松属、冷杉属、杜鹃花科和槭属花粉具低代表性;DCA(Detrended Correspondence Analysis)分析表明,通过花粉数据能够较好区分不同植被类型,结合气孔器特征能够准确反映植被特征。  相似文献   

本文通过分析西藏米拉山东、西坡不同植被类型23个表土花粉样品,结合现代植被样方调查资料,探讨了米拉山地区表土花粉组合与现代植被的关系。结果显示,米拉山地区的表土花粉组合特征基本上能够反映出现代植被类型特征,但是在科属类别,组成方面又存在一定的差异性。同时,米拉山地区主要花粉类型代表性R值分析结果表明,灌木植物花粉杜鹃属具有低代表性,草本植物花粉蒿属、禾本科具有超代表性,而莎草科与蓼属则具有低代表性,这为本地区及相似地区古气候重建提供了基础和验证资料。  相似文献   

对拉萨半干旱河谷表土花粉和冲积物样品进行对比分析,结果表明,拉萨半干旱河谷的表土花粉组合能较好反映样方植被群落特征,而河流冲积物表层花粉样中,拉萨河中游样品花粉组合能较好地反映其中上游流域植被的总体面貌,下游段河流冲积物花粉组合主要反映河道周围湿地植被群落特征。主成分分析(PCA)结果说明,前两个因子轴的累计贡献率为41.9%,较好地解释了该区域花粉种属的分布与两个轴之间的关系。同时,研究区表土花粉莎草科/(禾本科+蒿属)Cy/(G+A)值由拉萨河中游至下游逐渐减小,反映该流域的湿度从东到西逐渐降低。  相似文献   

为揭示和探讨水青冈表土花粉与现生植被的关系及其花粉代表性,我们对日本本州北部白神岳圆齿水青冈林中苔藓表土花粉进行了分析,结合前人研究资料,结果表明Fagus花粉可有效指示青冈林森林植被:在水青冈优势林中Fagus花粉百分含量达35%—40%以上;偏离水青冈林或无水青冈林分布时,含量低于5%—10%;介于两者之间为含有水青冈的混交林。这一结果与我国众多学者报道的表土花粉研究显示Fagus花粉的低代表性不相一致,其主要原因可能与国内取样点松属(Pinus)花粉的突出含量及林地较高的植物多样性紧密相关,从而干扰"遮掩"了水青冈花粉具有合适代表性这一特点。  相似文献   

滦河流域及周边地区花粉与植被关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
滦河流域及周边地区空气中的花粉组合基本上反映了当地的植被面貌, 与植物的花期相对应, 乔木植物的花期多在春季, 草本植物的花期多在夏秋季, 该地冬季基本上无植物开花, 冬季空气中的花粉应是当年或多年春、夏、秋季散落在地上又被风吹到空气中的表土花粉和一些外来花粉 ;表土花粉随海拔高程的降低依次出现山地草甸、针阔混交林或以针叶树为主的针阔混交林、山地灌草丛、滨海平原草甸和滨海草甸或滨海盐生草甸的等 5个花粉组合带, 分别为蒿 (Artemisia)唐松草 (Thalictrum)松(Pinus)桦 (Betula) 孢粉组合带、松桦栎 (Quercus) 蒿孢粉组合带、藜科 (Chenopodiaceae)蒿禾本科 (Gramineae)中华卷柏 (Selaginellasinensis) 孢粉组合带、藜科蒿菊科 (Com positae)香蒲 (Typha) 孢粉组合带和藜科蒿莎草科 (Cyperaceae)禾本科孢粉组合带 ;由于花粉在河水中是以悬移质颗粒被搬运, 因此在不同时期沉积物花粉组合存在着一定的差异, 其中洪水期间河水对孢粉的分选作用最为明显。  相似文献   

吉林长白山植被垂直地带性是欧亚大陆从温带到寒带植被水平地带性的真实对照。通过对长白山北坡不同植物群落21个样点表土花粉组合及其与群落组成数量关系的分析,结果发现:(1)木本植物花粉占76.1%,木本植物与草本植物花粉比值(AP/NAP)约3.2,以桦属和松属为主;(2)岳桦云冷杉林和岳桦林花粉组合能较好地反映植物群落组成;红松云冷杉林花粉组合只能部分反映植物群落外貌;红松林的花粉组合不能较好反映植被特征;高山苔原花粉组合未能反映植物群落数量特征;(3)主要花粉类型中松属和桦属花粉具超代表性,云杉属、杜鹃花科和蔷薇科花粉具低代表性;(4)通过花粉相对含量,DCA分析能较好地区分不同植被类型,但是红松林与红松云冷杉林、岳桦云冷杉林无法区分。本研究可为本区古植被与古环境恢复提供新证据。  相似文献   

选取江西南昌西山地区的表土和苔藓样品做孢粉分析,得出其与植被的关系,并且初步推断西山洗药湖沼泽表土花粉的来源,为钻孔花粉来源分析提供帮助。研究结果表明:南昌西山地区表土花粉组合能够较好的反映出当地植被状况。由于沼泽对区域花粉的汇聚作用,其表土花粉谱更能代表整个区域的植被状况。沼泽表层样品中主要花粉类型松属(Pinus)、蒿属(Artemisia)花粉来源于西山地区小区域和东南部季风区大区域;杉木属(Cunninghamia)、大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)等主要来源于洗药湖沼泽周围山地;莎草科(Cyperaceae)等花粉源则为沼泽内部的植物;禾本科(Poaceae)花粉来源相对复杂。聚类分析较难区分马尾松林带和杉木林带;毛竹林带、农田带、沼泽表层带和周围山地带则可以清晰地划分出来。由主成分分析可知,影响西山地区表土花粉组合的第一因子是湿度,第二因子是人类活动。  相似文献   

选取南京丘陵地区29处样点,分别搜集表土及捕捉器样品,开展两种采样方式下孢粉组合与植被关系研究。结果表明,南京低山丘陵地区花粉类型以松属、栎属、枫杨属、榆属、蔷薇科、菊科、禾本科为主,表土花粉组合较好地反映了现代植被特征。主成分分析可以大致区分人工草坪区、农田区以及森林区的样品。农田区表土花粉浓度最低,每克仅为4 964粒,农田的翻耕以及微生物环境是造成其花粉浓度低的重要原因;森林区花粉浓度(每克29 176粒)及花粉通量(49 358粒/平方厘米/年)均很高。人类活动的增强可能会造成孢粉浓度的下降。在探究本地区历史时期人类活动时,可运用孢粉浓度以及与农作物相关的孢粉类型的变化来分析。所有捕捉器样品的乔木花粉百分比均低于其对应的表土样品,其中以松属尤为明显。  相似文献   

空气致敏花粉污染研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李倩  靳颖  华振玲  刘家熙 《生态学报》2005,25(2):334-338
对空气致敏花粉污染概念的提出 ,空气致敏花粉污染的特点和影响因素 ,花粉采集方法的改进以及空气致敏花粉污染的研究进展等方面进行了总结 ,指出了研究中存在的问题 ,并对研究前景进行了展望  相似文献   

干旱区石羊河流域河水孢粉组合特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石羊河流域初春和仲夏两季不同地点 ,洪水期、平水期 30个河水样孢粉分析显示 ,没有人类影响的情况下 ,河水样孢粉组合是由河流上游径流区的植物孢粉和采样点附近植被孢粉组成的 ,前者在孢粉组合中至少占30 %~ 6 0 %。河水搬运孢粉的能力非常强 ,可长距离、大量地搬运孢粉。孢粉组合中河水贡献孢粉的含量较高 ,如 :云杉属 (PiceaDietr.)花粉河水的贡献率在中下游可达 16 .5 %和 7.7%。采样时间、地点影响河水的孢粉组合和浓度 ,洪水期是孢粉搬运的主要时期。河水经过水库后 ,其中孢粉绝大多数沉积在水库中。  相似文献   


Cupressaceae is one of the most widespread families in the Mediterranean region, widely used as ornamental trees both in cities and extra urban areas. The family is also known to produce a considerable amount of pollen grains. Nevertheless, Cupressaceae pollen is generally scarce in sediments and it is attested to be one of the most underrepresented pollen in ancient spectra. Cupressaceae pollen diffusion was detected by means of two sampling methods: moss cushions, which are able to accumulate pollen grains for several successive years, and volumetric sampler, which records the airborne pollen day by day. The study was conducted in the city of Florence (Italy), repeating moss samplings at the same sites for three times. The comparison between the two sampling methods revealed the low preservation of this pollen type and suggested that even low quantities of this pollen may indicate the local presence of the source plants. In order to test the contribution of the local pollen sources to the background of the airborne pollen, the pollen content of moss cushions was also related to the number of Cupressaceae plants surroundings each sampling site. The results indicate a noticeable influence of the plants growing in a short-range distance.  相似文献   

Sheila Hicks 《Aerobiologia》1992,8(2):220-230
Summary Aerobiology involves the study of particles present in the air. Of these, palaeoecologists are most interested in pollen and spores, specially those which come to rest on the surface of the ground. Pollen sampling in palaeoecological studies, therefore, uses a pollen trap which is placed at ground level and the sampling period is a whole season or year.Using examples from northern Finland, for each vegetation type sampled, a pollen analogue is obtained which comprises percentage presence and deposition values cm–2 year–1 for the pollen types recorded. This analogue is used to interpret pollen assemblages from the past. In general, the tree pollen provides information of the regional situation and the herbaceous pollen of specific local conditions. Both natural and man-made environments are considered. The absolute deposition values are often crucial in distinguishing between two plant communities with otherwise similar percentage pollen values. They can also be used to follow the location of the boundaries between different vegetation types through time. Seasonal records of pollen deposition are sometimes useful in distinguishing the different source of the pollen reaching a specific site. In certain instances, annual pollen deposition values can be employed to estimate the rate of accumulation of a peat deposit. In addition, long series of annual pollen deposition values can be compared with meteorological data for the same period to test for trends and correlations. This, potentially, allows both a more detailed interpretation of past climatic changes and provides a basis for models predicting futures ones.  相似文献   

The pollen spectra of air and surface soil samples from a rooftop (at 14 m) and from ground level (at 1.6 m) in the suburbs of Vienna (Austria) were compared. Two soil samples and two air samples were taken on four different days to account for possible differences: in winter when no pollination occurred (reference day), in spring during the main flowering of Betula (birch day), in spring/summer during the main flowering of Poaceae (grass day), and in autumn during the main flowering of Ambrosia (ragweed day). Thirty-five different pollen types were used to describe the pollen spectra. Frequencies of certain pollen types reflect a seasonal impact on both the surface soil and air samples and show a similarity between air and soil samples on most of the days. However, the seasonal impact is higher in the air samples and shows a high consistency for ground and rooftop level. Kendall’s tau correlation coefficients further substantiate the similarities of the samples especially for the pollen season days. Exceptions include the winter day when pollination was low and the air samples recorded nearly no pollen at all, and the ragweed day when Ambrosia pollen was abundant in three of four samples but not in the ground surface soil sample. Thus, (1) air and surface pollen samples record similar signals during the pollen season but not during the ragweed and winter season and (2) air and surface pollen samples show the impact of local vegetation also in pollen traps located at different heights.  相似文献   

孢粉是重建古植被、古气候的重要基础数据。孢粉数据库对研究样点至区域和全球尺度上的古环境演变规律、古气候变化特征反演和古生物地球化学循环模拟等具有重要意义。该文收集整理了中国1960-2020年间发表和部分未发表的现代花粉数据记录, 包括样品编号、采样位置、采样地经纬度和海拔高度、样品类型、数据来源、数据类型、周边植被信息、参考文献、花粉类群及其含量等信息; 并对数据进行筛选和标准化等处理, 由此整合为中国现代花粉数据集。该数据集由4 497个现代花粉采样点的数据信息组成, 包括660个来自中国第四纪孢粉数据库数据, 1 763个前期整理发表的数据和2 074个近期收集的数据, 涵盖772个花粉类群。样品类型以土壤表层样品(3 332个)为主, 苔藓样品以及湖泊、海洋表层样品等为辅, 广泛分布于全国不同地理区域和植被类型中, 其中以温带荒漠区域(24.91%)和亚热带常绿阔叶林区域(24.02%)最丰富, 其次为温带草原区域(16.14%)和青藏高原高寒植被区域(15.83%)。数据按照来源可分为原始数据(58%)和数值化数据(42%); 按照数据类型可分为原始统计粒数的样点(59%)和以花粉百分比表达的样点(41%)。半个多世纪以来, 科研人员开展了大量的表层现代花粉取样和研究。本数据集虽然仅获取部分记录, 但样点覆盖了我国绝大多数地区, 可有效地用于古植被与古气候重建的现代孢粉与现代植被校验, 并将为中国孢粉数据库的建立与更深入的孢粉研究提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

Summary The circadian periodicity of the five allergologically most important pollen types in S. Finland and two different spore types were studied at two sites, about 200 meters apart: one Burkard sampler situated on a roof at a height of 15 meters and the other on a garden lawn at ground level. The circadian rhythms of pollen released close to the ground (herb pollen) did not correlate at the two sampling heights used. Variations in pollen from high sources (trees) were significantly correlated at the two heights used. The circadian rhythms of spores from low source distant from the sampling sites (Suillus as an example of forest fungi) were not always correlated; instead, spores with sources at different heights (Cladosporium as an example) had similar circadian periodicity not depending on the sampling level. It was shown that, when studying circadian rhythms of atmospheric particles, the sampling height used is often of great importance. Circadian rhythms of the same pollen and spore types for ten years at the higher sampling site are presented for long-term comparison.  相似文献   

Summary The Compositae rarely cause respiratory allergy, but in our area located North-West of Milan, symptoms of sensitization appear with ever increasing frequency and are wide-spread. The importance of the pollination of Ragweed has been documented thanks to aerobiological sampling carried over a period of three years, using a pollen trap (Lanzoni VPPS 2000) and collecting weekly data.The results show that the Ragweed pollen is present as from mid July and that the highest pollen concentration is found at the end of August (1988: 125 grains/m3 of air; 1989: 289 grains/m3 of air; 1990: 378 grains/m3 of air).It is possible to find a significant quantity of pollen until the first days of October. Because of the allergological importance of Ragweed, it is advisable that the stations of aerobiological sampling consider Ragweed pollen much more carefully and carry out the pollen count of Ragweed separately from that of the other Compositae. We would also advise that Ragweed be included in the standard Skin-Prick-Test panel for patients with late-summer allergy symptoms.  相似文献   

Despite it being a component of the seston we know very little about fluvial (waterborne) pollen and spore (palynomorph) transport. This paper presents the results of a monitoring programme conducted over two years and at a catchment scale in South West England. A hierarchical monitoring network was established with flood peak samples taken at 9 sub-catchments, intra-hydrograph samples taken in two sub-catchments and time-integrated sampling undertaken at one location. In addition sampling was undertaken of probable palynomorph sources such as channel bed and bank sediments, and the airborne pollen flux was monitored using modified Tauber traps. The results support previous research in illustrating how the vast majority of fluvial pollen and spores are transported during floods (91%) and that the main control on waterborne palynomorph assemblages is the catchment vegetation and its spatial distribution but with a long-distance (extra-catchment) component. However, strong seasonal effects are also shown, and the importance of distinctive sources such as the riparian input, bed re-suspension and overland flow into drains and tributaries is revealed. Fine sediment in river pools appears to act as a selective store of damaged cereal type pollen grains derived from arable fields. Although pollen does form part of composite particles the data presented here suggest that the majority of the pollen is transported as single grains. Fluvial palynomorph loading is strongly dependant upon discharge and so concentrations in laminated or varved sediments could be regarded as a proxy for flood magnitude. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   

软质与硬质地表对树木花粉日飘散变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郄光发  杨颖  王成  牟少华 《生态学报》2010,30(15):3974-3982
以油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、白玉兰(Magnolia denudata)、白皮松(Pinus bungeana)、臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)为被试树种,对比研究了春季静风晴朗天气中软质与硬质两种地表条件下不同树种在距树10m高度1.5m处花粉浓度的日变化特征。研究结果表明:(1)4个树种在相同地表环境的花粉浓度日变化趋势基本一致,但同一树种花粉浓度的日变化特征在软、硬两种地表条件下的差异明显。软质地面一天内空气中花粉浓度最大值出现14:00时前后,04:00时花粉浓度最低,这与全天内空气温度的变化正好一致,而与空气相对湿度的变化恰好相反。硬质地表近地空间空气中的花粉浓度则呈现"双峰型"日变化特征,两次峰值分别出现在14:00时和20:00时,硬质地面花粉浓度20:00时晚高峰的出现时间与硬质地面温度日峰值一致。(2)分析硬质地表20:00时花粉浓度高峰出现的原因可能与硬质地面的散热特性有关,硬质地面夜间释放积蓄热量的过程会在一定程度上增强近地面空气的对流运动,并辅助空气中的花粉粒子不断飘散,形成花粉浓度晚高峰。(3)相对于软质地面来讲,硬质地表对空气中花粉飘散的影响作用持续时间更长,这也在一定程度上延长了致敏花粉的危害时间,加剧了致敏花粉的污染程度。研究还进一步在花粉致敏树种栽植、地表覆盖方式等方面进行了讨论;同时建议花粉症患者根据花粉污染发生规律合理规避花粉浓度聚集高峰期出行,从而有效缓解致敏花粉对易感人群的健康威胁。  相似文献   

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