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食物质量差异对树麻雀能量预算和消化道形态特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨志宏  邵淑丽 《生态学报》2011,31(14):3937-3946
为比较小型鸟类对不同食物的能量预算策略,本文对3组树麻雀(Passer monanus)进行2周的食物质量差异性驯化(Acclimation)。结果表明,相同和较低的生存压力下,树麻雀体重、体温、体脂含量和水分含量表现出显著的组间差异。高能食物组摄入能和可消化能增加极显著,消化率和同化率增加不显著,体内能量储备增加;低能食物组摄入能、可消化能、消化率和同化率降低极显著,体内能量储备消耗极显著。小肠和总消化道长度以及肝脏重量出现极显著的表型可塑性响应。体内能量储备增减的预算,能量摄入和能量转化器官的功能能力与自身能耗之间的预算,以及摄食低能食物时的节能预算都是树麻雀能量预算策略的重要组成部分。总之,树麻雀对不同含能食物采用不同的能量预算策略,器官水平的表型可塑性(phenotypic plasticity)响应是个体能值出现显著变化的基础,也是个体能量预算策略成功的关键。对不同食物采用不同的能量预算策略是树麻雀重要的生存对策。  相似文献   

杨志宏  吴庆明  董海燕  邹红菲 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6028-6034
风是自然环境中常见的因子之一,会对动物的行为以及能量收支产生不同程度的影响。为探讨不同风速和持续时间对树麻雀能量收支的影响,以3种风速(0.2-0.4、1.2-1.4、3.2-3.6 m/s)和3种持续时间(1、2、4 h)的9组树麻雀进行为期1周的不同风环境驯化,测定其体重、体温和摄食量、摄水量、排泄粪量、排泄次数、摄入能、排泄粪能、排出水热能散失、消化能、同化能并计算消化率和同化率。去除初体重影响和双因素分析的结果发现,摄水量(排出水量)和排出水热能散失随着风速增大而显著减少(P < 0.001);持续时间与树麻雀的摄入能、粪能和散热调节的次数显著相关(P < 0.01),其能量收支最高和散热调节次数最多为2 h,最低(少)为4 h;双因素交互作用对树麻雀能量收支的影响不显著。3级风速(4 m/s)和持续时间4 h以内的风环境不会对树麻雀的能量收支产生显著影响。  相似文献   

为探讨短期持续限食对树麻雀(Passer monanus)体重和基础代谢率的影响,及其生理适应的调节机制。以正常饲喂树麻雀为对照组(0D组,D为饥饿天数),以进食量相同和持续限食时间不同的4组(1D、3D、5D和7D)树麻雀为研究对象进行限食驯养。结果显示,体重与个体BMR间存在极显著的线性关系(r=0.512,P=0.001);5组树麻雀单位体重的基础代谢率(BMR)差异不显著,5D和7D组树麻雀的个体BMR组间差异显著(P0.05);树麻雀的体重驯养前后变化为对照组增加而4个实验组降低,驯养后,1D和7D组与对照组相比体重降低分别为显著(P0.05)和极显著(P0.01),3D和5D组相对于1D、7D组出现小幅度的上调,1~7d持续限食树麻雀的体重出现降升降的趋势。结论是:当摄食量不足时,消耗体内的能量储备和降低个体的基础能耗对缓解短期持续限食的生存压力有利,但个体适合度随之降低。体内能量储备和个体基础能耗的相应增加是树麻雀应对饥饿环境的关键,也是其重要的生存策略之一。  相似文献   

饥饿驯化对树麻雀消化道长度和重量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
鸟类消化系统的形态结构与能量摄入密切相关.本文以相同环境中进食量充足的树麻雀(Passer montanus)为对照组,与4种处于相同饥饿环境但不同饥饿天数(1D、3D、5D、7D组)树麻雀的各消化器官的长度及重量进行比较.结果显示,饥饿驯化各组树麻雀的体重和体脂含量均低于对照组;1D组树麻雀的消化器官胃、小肠、直肠长度显著增长,重量显著增加;3D、5D、7D组各消化器官的长度和重量表现出波动的变化趋势,摄食量的限制是胃干重没有发生显著变化的原因.结论是,摄能需求的不同引起树麻雀消化器官长度和重量发生显著变化,这种变化可对摄食量及消化吸收率产生直接的影响,同时这种适应性变化应当是快速、可逆和可重复的,是消化器官形态结构与功能能力及器官自身能耗之间能量预算的结果,也是个体与环境及适合度之间能量预算的结果.  相似文献   

张怡  吕世华  马静  徐华  袁江  董瑜皎 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1095-1103
采用静态箱-气相色谱法观测冬季水分管理和水稻覆膜栽培对川中丘陵地区冬水田全年的CH_4排放通量。试验设置持续淹水(CF)、冬季直接落干+稻季淹水(TF)与冬季覆膜落干+稻季覆膜(PM)3个处理。结果表明,冬季休闲期,CF、TF和PM处理CH_4排放分别为16.1、1.4 g/m~2和2.7 g/m~2;水稻生长期,CF、TF和PM处理CH_4排放分别为57.7、27.7 g/m~2和13.5 g/m~2。相较于CF处理,TF与PM处理分别减少其全年CH_4排放60.6%和78.0%。TF与PM处理水稻生长期CH_4排放峰值分别较CF处理低33.0%和56.1%。休闲期,TF、PM处理厢面与厢沟区域CH_4排放与土壤温度显著正相关(P0.05),与土壤氧化还原电位(土壤Eh)显著负相关(P0.05),而CF处理CH_4排放仅与土壤温度显著正相关(P0.05)。水稻生长期,CF处理CH_4排放与土壤温度显著正相关(P0.05),与土壤Eh显著负相关(P0.05),TF处理CH_4排放仅与土壤Eh显著负相关(P0.05),PM处理厢沟CH_4排放与土壤Eh显著正相关(P0.05)。各处理水稻生长期土壤可溶性有机碳含量(DOC)与微生物生物量碳含量(MBC)显著高于休闲期(P0.05)。研究结果为进一步研究冬水田全年CH_4排放规律及寻求有效的减排措施提供数据支撑和科学依据。  相似文献   

换羽是鸟类为保证持续生存的重要过程。换羽策略与鸟类进化及对环境的适应紧密相关,研究鸟类换羽特征,对于了解鸟类的分类、系统发育、进化历史及其对环境的适应性等方面都有重要意义。2007年3月至9月,在广东肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)和纯色山鹪莺(P.inornata)的春季换羽进行了研究。通过设置雾网捕捉2种山鹪莺,对捕捉到的成体进行体重及身体量度的测量;对飞羽及尾羽进行标记:初级飞羽以翅尖的第一枚羽毛标记为"P1",次级飞羽以翅中部最外一枚标记为"S1",向内依次递增标记;尾羽以中央两根最长尾羽为"T1",分别向两侧递增标记为"T2~T5"。采用单因素方差分析(One way ANOVA)对不同月份山鹪莺的体重值进行差异性检验,对体重与月份进行Pearson相关分析,对尾羽的长度和宽度进行Pearson偏相关分析(控制变量:体长)。研究结果表明:1)两种山鹪莺换羽期为3至5月,持续时间约为60 d;2)两种山鹪莺春季换羽仅更换尾羽,换羽模式均为离心型,即中央一对尾羽最先开始替换,然后向两侧由内到外逐次更替;3)两种山鹪莺的尾羽长度和宽度同步变化,但绝大部分山鹪莺非繁殖期尾羽长度与繁殖期尾羽长度之比大于非繁殖期尾羽宽度与繁殖期尾羽宽度之比,即繁殖期尾羽相对较宽;4)两种山鹪莺换羽期间体重大致呈现下降趋势,但变化不显著(P0.05)。推测两种山鹪莺通过增加食物的摄入来抵抗换羽期和繁殖期重叠而导致的能量消耗,这可能与该地区丰富的食物资源有关,并在一定程度上体现了两种山鹪莺换羽策略对环境的适应性。  相似文献   

黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)具有冬羽尾羽长于繁殖羽尾羽的特点,可能意味着一种新的生存和繁殖策略。为此,从2006年9月~2007年2月,在广东省肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺的秋季换羽进行研究。结果显示:(1)黄腹山鹪莺成鸟繁殖羽体长和尾羽长皆极显著短于冬羽(P<0.01),繁殖羽翼长显著短于冬羽(P<0.05),其余身体量度的差异均不显著(P>0.05)。(2)9月17日获得第一个黄腹山鹪莺换羽个体,初级飞羽已更换到P5,次级飞羽已更换到S6,11月20日后所获样本均已完成羽毛的更换。(3)初级飞羽的换羽模式为递降换羽,次级飞羽为递升换羽,尾羽为离心型换羽。(4)换羽期间,10月的个体平均体重最大,显著(P<0.01)重于11月的体重,其他各月无显著性差异(P>0.05)。据此,推测黄腹山鹪莺秋季种群换羽的持续时间约100d;相对其他羽毛而言,尾羽更换对黄腹山鹪莺生长发育的影响更为明显。  相似文献   

2007年5月,采集合肥野生动物园采集东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)及白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)的胸部廓羽、飞羽及尾羽样品共51枚,用气相色谱法分别检测其中的op’-DDT、pp’-DDD、pp’-DDE、pp’-DDT、α-六六六、β-六六六、γ-六六六、δ-六六六及六氯苯9种有机氯农药的残留量。检测结果发现,pp’-DDD、pp’-DDE、pp’-DDT、β-六六六、δ-六六六5种有机氯农药在东方白鹳和白鹤羽毛中都有不同程度的检出,其中pp’-DDD的残留量最高,在东方白鹳的廓羽、飞羽和尾羽中的平均残留量分别达到0.8936、0.8353和0.7516μg/g干重,在白鹤的廓羽、飞羽和尾羽中的平均残留量分别达到0.5685、0.5077和0.4657μg/g干重;pp’-DDD和pp’-DDT在两种鸟胸部廓羽、飞羽及尾羽间的残留量无显著差异;pp’-DDD在东方白鹳飞羽和尾羽中的残留量显著高于白鹤。  相似文献   

树麻雀代谢率和器官重量在光周期驯化中的变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为探讨光周期对树麻雀代谢产热和代谢器官变化的影响,对成年树麻雀 Passer montanus 进行温度为25℃、两种光周期16 L:8 D(LD组)和8 L:16 D(SD组)4周的气候箱驯化后,测定其体重、基础代谢率(BMR)、体脂和水分含量,以及各器官、组织的鲜重和干重.结果 显示,SD组麻雀BMR显著大于LD组,作为代谢活性器官的消化道显著增生是其BMR显著增加的主要原因之一;麻雀通过增加体重和能量储备物脂肪来实现对较长黑暗环境的适应是其成功的生存策略.SD组麻雀体重的显著增加和水分含量显著降低,说明短光照的刺激引起麻雀能量储备的增加和代谢活性器官消化道增生.光周期驯化的结果验证了"中心限制假说",即麻雀体内存在着与BMR相关的"代谢机器",中心器官(消化道)是改变麻雀BMR的基础之一.  相似文献   

以树麻雀Passer montanus为研究对象,采集四川盆地及周边地区558个样本的7项形态指标,控制纬度因子的偏相关分析表明,树麻雀的体质量、尾长、跗跖长与海拔极显著正相关(P0.01),体长与海拔显著正相关(P0.05);控制海拔因子的偏相关分析表明,树麻雀的体质量、翅长与纬度极显著正相关(P0.01)。按照海拔将树麻雀分为3组:四川盆地(海拔平均值:484.25 m,海拔范围:219~725 m)、华中平原(海拔平均值:250.70 m,海拔范围:46~784 m)、盆地周边山地(海拔平均值:2 260.42 m,海拔范围:807~4 472 m)。单因素方差分析表明:3个树麻雀种群的体质量、翅长、尾长、跗跖长之间的差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01),盆地周边山地树麻雀种群的体质量显著或极显著大于四川盆地及华中平原(P0.05或P0.01)。综上,树麻雀体型随海拔升高而显著增大,说明树麻雀的形态变异与海拔变化密切相关,符合贝格曼定律。同时,四川盆地与华中平原树麻雀种群在体质量、体长、尾长、翅长、跗跖长、嘴峰、嘴裂上的差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),未能体现出四川盆地的陆地岛屿效应。  相似文献   

The geometry of feather barbs (barb length and barb angle) determines feather vane asymmetry and vane rigidity, which are both critical to a feather''s aerodynamic performance. Here, we describe the relationship between barb geometry and aerodynamic function across the evolutionary history of asymmetrical flight feathers, from Mesozoic taxa outside of modern avian diversity (Microraptor, Archaeopteryx, Sapeornis, Confuciusornis and the enantiornithine Eopengornis) to an extensive sample of modern birds. Contrary to previous assumptions, we find that barb angle is not related to vane-width asymmetry; instead barb angle varies with vane function, whereas barb length variation determines vane asymmetry. We demonstrate that barb geometry significantly differs among functionally distinct portions of flight feather vanes, and that cutting-edge leading vanes occupy a distinct region of morphospace characterized by small barb angles. This cutting-edge vane morphology is ubiquitous across a phylogenetically and functionally diverse sample of modern birds and Mesozoic stem birds, revealing a fundamental aerodynamic adaptation that has persisted from the Late Jurassic. However, in Mesozoic taxa stemward of Ornithurae and Enantiornithes, trailing vane barb geometry is distinctly different from that of modern birds. In both modern birds and enantiornithines, trailing vanes have larger barb angles than in comparatively stemward taxa like Archaeopteryx, which exhibit small trailing vane barb angles. This discovery reveals a previously unrecognized evolutionary transition in flight feather morphology, which has important implications for the flight capacity of early feathered theropods such as Archaeopteryx and Microraptor. Our findings suggest that the fully modern avian flight feather, and possibly a modern capacity for powered flight, evolved crownward of Confuciusornis, long after the origin of asymmetrical flight feathers, and much later than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Feather eating has been associated with feather pecking, which continues to pose economic and welfare problems in egg production. Knowledge on feather eating is limited and studies of feather eating in commercial flocks of laying hens have not been performed previously. Therefore, the main objective was to investigate feather eating and its association with plumage damage and floor feather characteristics in commercial flocks of layers in barn and organic production systems. The study was performed in 13 flocks of barn layers and 17 flocks of organic layers. Each flock was visited at around 32 and 62 weeks of age. During both visits, the plumage condition was assessed and the density of floor feathers recorded. In week 62, droppings and floor feathers were collected. Droppings were examined for presence of feather content, whereas length, downiness and pecking damage were recorded for each floor feather. In week 62, a higher prevalence of hens with poor plumage condition was found in barn (22.2%) compared with organic production systems (7.4%; P<0.001), but the prevalence of droppings with feather content did not differ between the two production systems (8.5% in barn v. 4.3% in organic; P=0.99). Our hypothesis about a positive correlation between feather eating and plumage damage was not supported as no correlation was found between the prevalence of poor plumage condition and the prevalence of droppings with feather content. However, the prevalence of pecking damaged floor feathers was positively correlated both with prevalence of droppings with feather content (P<0.05) and poor plumage condition (P<0.01), indicating a possible association between feather eating and feather pecking. In conclusion, it was confirmed that feather eating occurs on-farm, but feather eating was only found to be positively correlated to the number of floor feathers with pecking damage and not as expected to the prevalence of plumage damage. More research is needed into the sources from where feathers are selected for ingestion, that is, whether they are picked from the floor litter, plucked directly from other hens or dislodged during preening of own feathers.  相似文献   

The functional life span of feathers is always much less than the potential life span of birds, so feathers must be renewed regularly. But feather renewal entails important energetic, time and performance costs that must be integrated into the annual cycle. Across species the time required to replace flight feather increases disproportionately with body size, resulting in complex, multiple waves of feather replacement in the primaries of many large birds. We describe the rules of flight feather replacement for Hemiprocne mystacea, a small, 60g tree swift from the New Guinea region. This species breeds and molts in all months of the year, and flight feather molt occurs during breeding in some individuals. H. mystacea is one to be the smallest species for which stepwise replacement of the primaries and secondaries has been documented; yet, primary replacement is extremely slow in this aerial forager, requiring more than 300 days if molt is not interrupted. We used growth bands to show that primaries grow at an average rate of 2.86 mm/d. The 10 primaries are a single molt series, while the 11 secondaries and five rectrices are each broken into two molt series. In large birds stepwise replacement of the primaries serves to increase the rate of primary replacement while minimizing gaps in the wing. But stepwise replacement of the wing quills in H. mystacea proceeds so slowly that it may be a consequence of the ontogeny of stepwise molting, rather than an adaptation, because the average number of growing primaries is probably lower than 1.14 feathers per wing.  相似文献   



The trade-off between current and residual reproductive values is central to life history theory, although the possible mechanisms underlying this trade-off are largely unknown. The ‘molt constraint’ hypothesis suggests that molt and plumage functionality are compromised by the preceding breeding event, yet this candidate mechanism remains insufficiently explored.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The seasonal change in photoperiod was manipulated to accelerate the molt rate. This treatment simulates the case of naturally late-breeding birds. House sparrows Passer domesticus experiencing accelerated molt developed shorter flight feathers with more fault bars and body feathers with supposedly lower insulation capacity (i.e. shorter, smaller, with a higher barbule density and fewer plumulaceous barbs). However, the wing, tail and primary feather lengths were shorter in fast-molting birds if they had an inferior body condition, which has been largely overlooked in previous studies. The rachis width of flight feathers was not affected by the treatment, but it was still condition-dependent.


This study shows that sedentary birds might face evolutionary costs because of the molt rate–feather quality conflict. This is the first study to experimentally demonstrate that (1) molt rate affects several aspects of body feathers as well as flight feathers and (2) the costly effects of rapid molt are condition-specific. We conclude that molt rate and its association with feather quality might be a major mediator of life history trade-offs. Our findings also suggest a novel advantage of early breeding, i.e. the facilitation of slower molt and the condition-dependent regulation of feather growth.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Avian age‐class discrimination is typically based on the completeness of the first prebasic molt. In several calidrid sandpiper species, juvenal flight feathers grown on Arctic breeding grounds are retained through the first three migrations. Thereafter, flight feathers are grown annually at temperate migratory stopover sites during the fall or on the subtropical wintering grounds. Standard methods for distinguishing age classes of sandpipers rely on a combination of traits, including body plumage, coloration of protected inner median covert edges, and extent of flight feather wear. We tested the ability of stable hydrogen isotope ratios in flight feathers (δDf) to distinguish young birds in their first winter through second fall from older adults in three calidrid sandpiper species, Western (Calidris mauri), Least (C. minutilla), and Semipalmated (C. pusilla) sandpipers. We compared the apparent reliability of the isotope approach to that of plumage‐based aging. The large expected differences in δDf values of flight feathers grown at Arctic versus non‐Arctic latitudes enabled use of this technique to discriminate between age‐classes. We determined δDf values of known Arctic‐grown feathers from juveniles that grew their flight feathers on the breeding grounds. Flight feather δDf values of southward‐migrating adults showed bimodal distributions for all three species. Negative values overlapped with species‐specific juvenile values, identifying putative second fall birds with high‐latitude grown juvenal feathers retained from the previous year. The more positive values identified older adults who grew their feathers at mid‐ and low latitudes. Importantly, δDf analysis successfully identified first‐winter and second‐fall birds not detected by plumage‐based aging. Flight feather wear alone was a poor basis for age classification because scores overlapped extensively between putative second fall birds and older adults. Flight feather hydrogen isotope analysis enables more definitive assignment of age classes when standard plumage methods are unreliable.  相似文献   

The primary feathers of birds are subject to cyclical forces in flight causing their shafts (rachises) to bend. The amount the feathers deflect during flight is dependent upon the flexural stiffness of the rachises. By quantifying scaling relationships between body mass and feather linear dimensions in a large data set of living birds, we show that both feather length and feather diameter scale much closer to predictions for geometric similarity than they do to elastic similarity. Scaling allometry also indicates that the primary feathers of larger birds are relatively shorter and their rachises relatively narrower, compared to those of smaller birds. Two-point bending tests indicated that larger birds have more flexible feathers than smaller species. Discriminant functional analyses (DFA) showed that body mass, primary feather length and rachis diameter can be used to differentiate between different magnitudes of feather bending stiffness, with primary feather length explaining 63% of variance in rachis stiffness. Adding fossil measurement data to our DFA showed that Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis do not overlap with extant birds. This strongly suggests that the bending stiffness of their primary feathers was different to extant birds and provides further evidence for distinctive flight styles and likely limited flight ability in Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental perturbations or stressors on individual states can be carried over to subsequent life stages and ultimately affect survival and reproduction. The concentration of corticosterone (CORT) in feathers is an integrated measure of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal activity during the molting period, providing information on the total baseline and stress-induced CORT secreted during the period of feather growth. Common eiders and greater snow geese replace all flight feathers once a year during the pre-basic molt, which occurs following breeding. Thus, CORT contained in feathers of pre-breeding individuals sampled in spring reflects the total CORT secreted during the previous molting event, which may provide insight into the magnitude or extent of stress experienced during this time period. We used data from multiple recaptures to disentangle the contribution of individual quality vs. external factors (i.e., breeding investment or environmental conditions) on feather CORT in arctic-nesting waterfowl. Our results revealed no repeatability of feather CORT within individuals of either species. In common eiders, feather CORT was not affected by prior reproductive investment, nor by pre-breeding (spring) body condition prior to the molting period. Individual feather CORT greatly varied according to the year, and August-September temperatures explained most of the annual variation in feather CORT. Understanding mechanisms that affect energetic costs and stress responses during molting will require further studies either using long-term data or experiments. Although our study period encompassed only five years, it nonetheless provides evidence that CORT measured in feathers likely reflects responses to environmental conditions experienced by birds during molt, and could be used as a metric to study carry-over effects.  相似文献   

Feather corticosterone (CORT) levels are increasingly employed as biomarkers of environmental stress. However, it is unclear if feather CORT levels reflect stress and/or workload in the wild. We investigated whether feather CORT represents a biomarker of environmental stress and reproductive effort in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Specifically, we examined whether individual state and investment during reproduction could predict feather CORT levels in subsequently moulted feathers and whether those levels could predict future survival and reproductive success. Through a manipulation of flight cost during breeding, we also investigated whether an increase in stress level would be reflected in subsequently grown feathers, and whether those levels could predict future success. We found that CORT levels of feathers grown during moult did not (1) reflect past breeding experience (n = 29), (2) predict reproductive output (n = 18), or (3) respond to a manipulation of flight effort during reproduction (10 experimental, 14 control females). While higher feather CORT levels predicted higher return rate (a proxy for survival), they did so only in the manipulated group (n = 36), and this relationship was opposite to expected. Overall, our results add to the mixed literature reporting that feather CORT levels can be positively, negatively, or not related to proxies of within-season and longer-term fitness (i.e., carryover effects). In addition, our results indicate that CORT levels or disturbances experienced during one time (e.g., breeding) may not carry over to subsequent stages (e.g., moult). We, therefore, petition for directed research investigating whether feather CORT represents exposure to chronic stress in feathers grown during moult.  相似文献   

Moult entails costs related to the acquisition of energy and nutrients necessary for feather synthesis, as well as the impact of reduced flight performance induced by gaps in the wing plumage. Variation in moult strategies within and between populations may convey valuable information on energetic trade-offs and other responses to differing environmental constraints. We studied the moult strategies of two populations of a pelagic seabird, the black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris, nesting in contrasting environments. According to conventional wisdom, it is exceptional for albatrosses (Diomedeidae) to moult while breeding. Here we show that black-browed albatrosses breeding on the Falklands regularly moult primaries, tail and body feathers during chick-rearing, and the majority of those at South Georgia show some body feather moult in late chick-rearing. The greater moult-breeding overlap at the Falklands allows the birds to annually renew more primary feathers than their counterparts at South Georgia. The results of the present paper, pooled with other evidence, suggest that black-browed albatrosses from South Georgia face a more challenging environment during reproduction. They also serve to warn against the uncritical acceptance of conventional ideas about moult patterns when using feathers to study the ecology of seabirds and other migrants for which there is scant information at particular stages of the annual cycle.  相似文献   

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