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采用人工控制光温条件的蛭石-营养液相结合的培养方法,对根分泌物活化难溶性硫化镉以及对水稻吸收、运输镉的影响进行了研究。结果表明,缺铁水稻根分泌物和缺铁小麦根分泌匀能活化水稻根际的难溶性镉(CdS),促进了水稻对这部分镉的吸收和运输;但二者的活化强度不同,缺铁小麦根分泌物对镉的活化作用较缺铁水稻根分泌物强。  相似文献   

玉米、小麦与花生间作改善花生铁营养机制的探讨   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
采用土培盆栽方法模拟研究了玉米/花生、小麦/花生间作对花生铁营养状况的影响及其作用机制。结果表明,禾本科作物与花生间作对花生的铁营养状况有显著影响:当花生与玉米或小麦分别间作时,花生新叶叶色正常,而花生单作则表现出严重的缺铁黄化现象,间作花生新叶活性铁、叶绿素含量明显高于单作,两种间作花生各部位铁含量和吸收量明显高于单作,间作明显地促进了铁向花生地上部的转移;在单作花生表现缺铁症状14d的时间范围内,其根系质外体铁含量仅是间作花生的52%~80%;而根系还原力则是单作花生在表现缺铁症状后迅速提高,至缺铁第6d时还原力达到最大值,随后花生根系还原力迅速下降,而间作花生在0~14d内还原力增加速度缓慢,在10~14d中其根系还原力明显地高于单作花生根系还原力。其主要原因可能是禾本科作物玉米、小麦根系分泌物(如:麦根酸类植物铁载体)螯合土壤中难溶性铁并被花生吸收利用。  相似文献   

Cd和表面活性剂复合污染对小麦叶片若干生理状性的影响   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:11  
研究了溶液培养条件下Cd-直链十二烷基苯磺到钠(LAS)、Cd-二六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)和Cd-聚氧乙烯山梨醇月桂酸酯(Tween-80)3种复合污染对小麦生理状态的影响。结果表明,表面活性剂促进Cd在小麦叶中的积累,其效应顺序为CTAB〉LAS〉Tween80.Cd和表面活性剂复合污染条件下,小麦叶中Cd的大量积累导致的细胞膜脂过氧化水平大大高于单纯Cd污染下的水平。细胞中SH基含量降低  相似文献   

玉米,小麦与花间作改善花生铁营养机制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
左元梅  李晓林 《生态学报》1998,18(5):489-495
采用土培盆栽方法模拟研究了玉米/花生、小麦/花生间作对花生铁营养状况的影响及其作用机制。结果表明,禾本科作物与花生间作对花生的铁营养显著影响;当花生与玉米或小麦分别间作时,花生新叶叶色正常,而花生单作则表现出严重的缺铁花化现象,间作花生新叶活性铁、叶绿素含量明显高单作,途中瞳作花生各部位铁含量和吸收量明显高于单作,间作灶促进了铁向花生地上部的转移;在单作花生表现缺铁症状14d的时间范围内,其根系质  相似文献   

农作物Cd耐性的种内和种间差异Ⅱ.种内差   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对28个小麦、14个大豆品种(或品系)的幼苗培养试验表明,作物对Cd的耐性具有明显的种内差异;耐性品种与其吸收Cd相对较少或向地上部运移比例较低有关;部分品种虽吸收Cd量较高,但仍能正常生长,推断其具有使Cd转化为活性较低形态,从而减轻毒害的机制.  相似文献   

大豆根系质外体铁库的累积及其在缺铁时被利用的规律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
宋亚娜  王贺 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1999,41(12):1299-1302
采用营养液培养法研究了在不同程度的缺铁条件下,大豆(Glycinemax(L.)Merr.)根系质外体铁库累积与利用的规律,及其在缓解植物缺铁胁迫方面的作用。结果表明,缺铁处理下,大豆根系质外体铁库不断被再利用直至枯竭,根系还原力与过氧经物酶活性呈升降有序的周期性变化,从而一定程度上缓解缺铁胁迫,延缓植株缺铁症状的出现,新叶叶绿素和活性铁含量缓慢下降,而低铁条件下(供应10^-6mol/LFeEC  相似文献   

分别用浓度为25mmol/L、50mmol/L、100mmol/L和200mmol/L的NaCl、Na2SO4和Na2CO3的营养液培养小麦4d,较之不含盐的营养液,其自由基含量上升,产生速率增加,叶片质膜透性增加。不同盐的影响也不同,在低浓度时,NaCl的影响大于Na2SO4,高浓度时,NaCl影响小于Na2SO4,Na2CO3的影响最为显著。实验结果也表现出小麦叶片自由基含量和质膜透性呈现较好的相关性。因此可认为,盐胁迫促使自由基含量增加,自由基通过过氧化作用影响质膜透性,从而影响植物的生长。  相似文献   

以CO2为碳源工业化生产螺旋藻工艺技术的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以CO2为碳源工业化生产螺旋藻的优点是:向培养液中添加CO2的同时,实现了对pH值和碳源的调控,碳源利用率高,生产成本低.以CO2吸收速率、CO2吸收率、CO2利用率为指标,对“气泡法”、“气罩法”添加CO2的优缺点进行了综合分析和定量研究。“气罩法”CO2吸收速率是43.53mmol/(m2·min),CO2吸收率是85%,为满足10g/(m2·d)产量对碳源的需要,气罩面积与培养池面积的比值是1.5%(每天充气10h。使用孔径为40~50μm的微孔塑料管,并用“气泡法”添加CO2,CO2吸收率是67.5%,应用于大规模生产,CO2利用率是65.3%。由于气罩制造材料和内壁密集水珠的遮光作用,设置气罩后几乎损失了相同大小的培养面积,致使CO2吸收率为85%的“气罩法”在经济效益上与CO2吸收率只有40%的不产生遮光的其它CO2添加工艺相当。CO2吸收率为67.5%的“气泡法”完全达到了实用化的程度,与利用NaHCO3相比,可以降低碳源成本80%。  相似文献   

为了探讨Zn,Cd在环颈雉(Phasiamuscolchicus)体内的积累和分布规律,对太原工业区环颈雉体内不同组织的ZnCd进行了分析,并以紫荆山区为对照区(相对非污染区),对两区颈雉体内不同组织的Zn,Cd进行了比较,研究结果表明,Zn在环颈雉体内的分布规律为,股骨〉胸骨〉心〉肝〉肾〉肺〉股肌〉胸肌,Cd在环颈雉体内的分布规律为:肾〉胸骨〉股骨〉肝〉肺〉胸肌〉心〉股肌,两区环颈雉各组织中,Z  相似文献   

杂种小麦及亲本旗叶老化过程中RubisCO特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)旗叶的RuBPcase活性、含量及RuBPoase活性在旗叶全展或全展后10d达最大值,以后逐渐下降。与亲本相比,供试杂种小麦“麦优4号”在旗叶一生中尤其老化后期上述参数皆表现明显的杂种优势。旗叶RuBPcase比活性在叶绿素缓降期保持平稳,在叶绿素速降期逐渐下降。供试杂种小麦较亲本具有较高的RuBP羧化酶和加氧酶活性,表明杂种小麦不仅具有较强的光合羧化作用,而且叶片光合作用过程中的光呼吸也较强。结果与旗叶RubisCO亲合CO2和O2的动力学常数的测定结果相符。  相似文献   

The effect of zinc nutritional status on the time course of phytosiderophore release, and uptake of iron and translocation of iron to the shoot, was studied in nutrient solution cultures for two cultivars of wheat ( Triticum aestivum . cv. Aroona: T. durum , cv. Duratit) differing in their susceptibility to zinc deficiency. In the zinc-efficient cultivar Aroona, under zinc deficiency translocation of iron from roots to shoot was significantly decreased in 13- and 15-day-old plants, whereas release of phytosiderophores was enhanced when the plants were 16 days old. As zinc deficiency became more severe in older plains, translocation of iron to the shoot was further decreased and release of phytosiderophores was further enhanced. Resupplying zinc in nutrient solution to zinc-deficient plants significantly increased the translocation of iron to the shoot after 48 and 72 h. Concomitantly the release of phytosiderophores was repressed. The other cultivar Durati classified as zinc-inefficient in field observations differed from cv. Aroona by showing a lower rate of phytosiderophore release under Zinc deficiency, and a less impaired translocation of iron to the shoot. Foliar application of iron citrate to zinc-deficient Aroona plants repressed the release of phytosiderophores and increased iron concentrations in shoot and roots. Application of 55Fe to the leaves demonstrated that retranslocation of iron from the shoot to the roots was not affected by the zinc nutritional status. It is concluded that enhanced release of phytosiderophores in zinc-deficient wheat plants was induced primarily by impaired trans-location of iron lo the shoot.  相似文献   

A plant’s ability to survive in a stressful environment is correlated with its nutritional status, which can be affected by cadmium (Cd) uptake. The present study evaluated the influence of Cd on the concentrations and distributions of nutrients in the roots and shoots of the Cd-hyperaccumulator Pfaffia glomerata (Sprengel) Pedersen. Plantlets were cultivated in nutrient solutions containing increasing Cd concentrations during 20 days under greenhouse conditions, and the concentrations of Cd and essential macro- (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and micro- (Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu) elements in the roots and shoots were subsequently determined. Cd did not affect the plant biomass production. Cd accumulation was found to be higher in roots than in shoots, and influenced the distribution of macro and micro elements in those plants. Despite the high phytotoxicity of this element, our results indicated the existence of Cd-tolerance mechanisms in both nutrient uptake and distribution processes that enabled these plants to survive in Cd-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to investigate the influence of Elodea canadensis shoots on surrounding water pH in the presence of cadmium and the effect of plant-induced pH on cadmium uptake. The pH change in the surrounding nutrient solution and Cd uptake by Elodea shoots were investigated after cultivation of various plant densities (1, 3, 6 plants per 500 ml) in hydroponics at a starting pH of 4.0 and in the presence of different concentrations of cadmium (0, 0.1, 0.5 microM). Cadmium uptake was also investigated at different constant pH (4.0, 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5). To investigate if the pH change arose from photosynthetic activities, plants were grown under light, darkness or in the presence of a photosynthetic inhibitor, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), and 0.5 microM cadmium in the solution. Elodea had an ability to increase the surrounding water pH, when the initial pH was low, which resulted in increased accumulation of Cd. The higher the plant density, the more pronounced was the pH change. The pH increase was not due to the photosynthetic activity since the pH rise was more pronounced under darkness and in the presence of DCMU. The pH increase by Elodea was triggered by cadmium.  相似文献   

McLaughlin  M. J.  Andrew  S. J.  Smart  M.K.  Smolders  E. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(2):211-216
The impacts of both sulfate (SO4) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in solution on plant uptake of cadmium (Cd) vary according to effects on both sorption of Cd by soil and on uptake by the plant root. This study investigated how complexation of Cd by SO4 affected plant Cd uptake in nutrient solution. Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Fordhook Giant) was grown in nutrient solution with SO4 concentrations varying between 8 mM and 58 m M, with ionic strength maintained constant across treatments using nitrate (NO3). In a separate experiment, solution Ca concentrations was also varied to compensate for SO4 complexation by Ca. Plant growth was unaffected by increasing SO4 concentrations in solution. Despite considerable reductions in free Cd2+ ion activities in solution by increasing SO4 concentrations, plant Cd concentrations were unaffected. Similarly, plant Cd concentrations were unaffected by increasing Ca concentrations in solution to compensate for SO4 complexation of Ca. These data suggest that the CdSO40 complex is taken up by plants with equal efficiency to the free Cd2+ ion.  相似文献   

镉在土壤-植物-人体系统中迁移积累及其影响因子   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
环境镉(Cd)污染对微生物、植物、动物和人体均可产生较大的危害。食物链是镉对普通人群造成健康危害的主要途径之一。污染土壤中的镉通过植物根系吸收与体内转运最终在植物可食部分中积累。Cd通过食物链进人人体并在体内蓄积受许多因素的影响,这些影响因素主要有3个方面:土壤性质(土壤含镉量、pH、有机质、粘土矿物和土壤养分状况),植物特性(包括基因型差异、根际过程和植物生理机制)和人体微量元素营养状况等因素。本文就镉在食物链中迁移积累及其调控机理的研究进展进行简要的综述。  相似文献   

A hydroponics culture experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of iron plaque on Cd uptake by and translocation within rice seedlings grown under controlled growth chamber conditions. Rice seedlings were pre-cultivated for 43 days and then transferred to nutrient solution containing six levels of Fe (0, 10, 30, 50, 80 and 100 mg L−1) for 6 days to induce different amounts of iron plaque on the root surfaces. Seedlings were then exposed to solution containing three levels of Cd (0, 0.1 and 1.0 mg L−1) for 4 days. In order to differentiate the uptake capability of Cd by roots with or without iron plaque, root tips (white root part without iron plaque) and middle root parts (with iron plaque) of pre-cultivated seedlings treated with 0, 30 and 50 mg L−1 Fe were exposed to 109Cd for 24 h. Reddish iron plaque gradually became visible on the surface of rice roots but the visual symptoms of the iron plaque on the roots differed among treatments. In general, the reddish color of the iron plaque became darker with increasing Fe supply, and the iron plaque was more homogeneously distributed all along the roots. The Fe concentrations increased significantly with increasing Fe supply regardless of Cd additions. The Cd concentrations in dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate (DCB)-extracts and in shoots and roots were significantly affected by Cd and Fe supply in the nutrient solution. The Cd concentrations increased significantly with increasing Cd supply in the solution and were undetectable when no Cd was added. The Cd concentrations in DCB-extracts with Fe supplied tended to be higher than that at Fe0 at Cd0.1, and at Cd1.0, DCB-Cd with Fe supplied was significantly lower. Cd concentrations in roots and shoots decreased with increasing Fe supply at both Cd additions. The proportion of Cd in DCB-extracts was significantly lower than in roots or shoots. Compared to the control seedlings without Fe supply, the radioactivity of 109Cd in shoots of seedlings treated with Fe decreased when root tips were exposed to 109Cd and did not change significantly when middle parts of roots were exposed. Our results suggest that root tissue rather than iron plaque on the root surface is a barrier to Cd uptake and translocation within rice plants, and the uptake and translocation of Cd appear to be related to Fe nutritional levels in the plants.  相似文献   

The detoxifying effect of selenium on animals toxicated with heavy metals is well known. In this study we examine if there is a similar effect in plants. Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Sunny) and pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Fenomen) were grown for 21 days on a nutrient solution based on the nutrient proportions in healthy plants. Nutrients along with cadmium, copper, selenite, selenate or selenite and selenate in combinations with copper or cadmium were supplied in small amounts with a daily incremental increase of 0.12 (wheat) and 0.20 (pea). The metal and selenium uptake and distribution in the plants as well as the effects on growth were investigated.
The results show that selenium does not reduce the toxicity of heavy metals to plants. Instead, selenium enhances metal uptake and toxicity, especially in peas grown in the presence of metal and selenate. Selenite increased cadmium concentrations of pea roots up to 300% and selenate that of wheat shoots up to 50%.  相似文献   

This study characterizes cadmium (Cd) uptake by the waterlily Nymphaea aurora, (Nymphaeaceae) in two systems: a model hydroponic Cd solution and heavily polluted sludge from two sites in Israel. The uptake of Cd from hydroponic solution resulted in Cd storage in petioles and laminae of Nymphaea, as well as in the roots. The pH of the solution affected Cd solubility and availability, with pH 5.5 yielding maximum Cd content in the plant (140 mg Cd per g DW). Cd uptake was reduced by the addition of EDTA to the hydroponic growth medium, although EDTA enhanced heavy metal uptake by terrestrial plants. Nymphaea efficiently reduced the concentration of Cd in heavy metal polluted urban and industrial sludge and the amount of Cd uptake was enhanced by the addition of KCl to the sludge and by adjustment of the pH to 5.5. The inherent growth patterns of Nymphaea plants allowed Cd uptake by the shoot and root, and resulted in maximum contact between the various plant parts and the growth media. Thus, Nymphaea has potential as an optimal, highly effective phytoremediation tool for the removal of Cd from polluted waste sources.  相似文献   

The nutrient status of the root may be a factor of vital importancefor plant tolerance to changes in the environment. In this studythe effect of Cd on the K+ uptake of birch plants, starved andnon-starved of potassium, was examined. Changes in potassiuminflux of birch [Betula pendula) roots, with time, were examinedin birch plants introduced to a nutrient solution containing125/jM K+ after a K+-starvation period. Cadmium was introducedduring the K+-recovery period and the effects of the heavy metalon the development of the uptake pattern was studied. When noCd was present K+ influx, in previously K+-starved plants, increasedwith time and reached a maximum after 6 h. When 2 or 5//M Cdwas supplied simultaneously with potassium to the root, K+ influxwas unchanged during an 8 h K+-recovery period, and the K concentrationin the roots did not increase as was the case when the plantswere given K+ without Cd. In another experiment Cd supply (2//M)to K+-fed plants gave an immediate 50% decrease in K+ influx.However, after prolonged exposure to Cd (up to 20 h), K+ influxrecovered to the control value. Key words: Birch, cadmium, influx, potassium, regulation  相似文献   

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