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油杉木材物理力学性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对油杉Keteleeria fortunei木材的物理与力学性质进行测定与比较,结果表明,油杉木材的气干密度为0.576 g·cm~(-3),全干密度为0.544 g·cm~(-3),属中密度木材。油杉木材的气干径向、弦向和体积干缩系数分别为4.408%、3.272%和7.892%,气干差异干缩为1.347,油杉木材具有不易开裂和变形的特征。油杉木材的抗弯强度、顺纹抗压强度分别为92.701、57.217 Mpa,端面、弦面和径面硬度分别为4635.9、3420.8和3606.8 N,其抗弯强度、顺纹抗压强度和硬度均属中等。50年生油杉木材的物理力学性质优于22年生马尾松Pinus massoniana、湿地松Pinus elliottii和28年生杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata、秃杉Taiwania cryptomerioides。  相似文献   

17年生邓恩桉两个种源木材密度与干缩性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对邓恩桉两个种源木材基本密度和在湿、气、全干状态下的径、弦向尺寸的测定,研究了不同树干位置的基本密度和干缩率的变异规律,并运用加工工艺中减小木材皱缩和开裂措施(蒸汽调湿处理方法)探索皱缩开裂缺陷的恢复性能。结果表明:1)邓恩桉种源100(0.5265 g/cm3)的木材基本密度小于种源98(0.5360 g/cm3);2)木材基本密度在树干纵向呈波浪式变化,在横向边材显著大于心材;3)木材干缩率在纵向随高度的增加而减小,在横向边材大于心材,且弦向干缩率均为径向的1~3倍;4)经喷蒸调湿处理后,木材开裂程度减轻,且径向和弦向皱缩恢复率分别为0.4%、3.3%;5)木材基本密度与气干弦向干缩率存在极显著负相关(r=-0.313),并建立了气干干缩率与全干干缩率的回归模型。  相似文献   

香椿木材解剖构造及其物理力学性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为扩大和培育香椿资源和填补国内经济建设及人民生活对优质木材的需求,为其开发和利用提供一定的基础数据及科学的理论指导,依照GB1927-91实验方法对其木材的解剖和物理力学性质做了系统研究。结果表明:香椿纤维13年生后形态均匀,长宽比46.18,双壁厚11.00μm,纤维壁腔比0.56,腔径比0.76;导管分子平均长度383.52μm,宽度143.98μm;基本密度和气干密度分别为0.415g/cm3和0.475g/cm3,属“轻”型;差异干缩为1.93;木材的抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量和顺纹抗压强度分别为67.85MPa、6179.82MPa和38.23MPa,综合强度106.08MPa,均属“低”级,香椿的综合品质系数为2556.1×105 Pa,为高等级材。综合分析表明香椿材质优良。  相似文献   

立地条件对米老排人工林生长和材质的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对不同立地条件(不同地带和地形)下米老排(Mytilaria laosensis Lecomte)人工林胸径和树高生长以及木材品质的差异进行了比较分析.结果表明:相同地形条件下生长于南亚热带的米老排人工林林分胸径和树高以及木材密度、顺纹抗压强度和抗弯强度大于生长于中亚热带的,而木材尺寸稳定性小于生长于中亚热带的.相同地带内山谷中的米老排人工林林分胸径和树高以及木材尺寸稳定性大于山脊上的; 木材密度、顺纹抗压强度和抗弯强度则小于山脊上的.差异显著性t检验表明:立地条件(地带和地形)对米老排人工林林分胸径和树高影响均极显著,对米老排人工林的木材密度、顺纹抗压强度和抗弯强度影响极显著或显著;地形对米老排人工林的木材差异干缩影响极显著或显著,地带的影响不显著.研究结果为米老排人工林培育和木材合理利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

农田防护林木材材质物理特性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对早柳和小青杨的年轮宽度、年轮密度、木材纤维长度和干缩率及其径向变异进行了研究.结果表明,木材物理特性受年轮年龄的影响显著,而纤维长度不受年轮宽度影响.综合材质物理特性的径向变异规律,可将旱柳和小青杨整个生长期划分为4个时期:幼林期、速生期、成熟期和更新期,确定了各生长期的年龄值.  相似文献   

广西柳杉木材构造、材性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈金凤   《广西植物》1991,11(1):67-70
南丹大塘山林场所产的柳杉生长良好,年轮平均宽度达0.8cm左右,比生长在南丹的杉木还要宽,在木材构造方面,柳杉管胞(纤维)的长度、直径、胞壁厚度等都稍低于杉木,其中差距较大为早材管胞长度。从木材性质来看,除年轮宽度、弦径干缩比、弦面抗劈力、冲击韧性稍大于杉木外,余均稍低于杉木;柳杉木材质量系数为中质量,强度性质为低的一级,其他强重比如顺压、抗弯等虽稍低于杉木,但在一般用途可以适应的。无论在化工原料、原木利用,交通运输、一般用器都具有一定的经济价值。  相似文献   

杨树无性系木材基本密度和纤维素含量株内变异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对I-69[Populus deltoids Bartr. cv. Lux]、I-72杨[P. ×euramericana (Dode) Guinier cv. San Martino]、 NL-80351[I-69 × I-63(P. deltoids Bartr. cv. Harvard)]、南林-95 、南林-1388 、南林-895 、南林-447等7个杨树无性系的木材基本密度和纤维素含量进行了系统研究.其中,南林-95、南林-1388、南林-895 、南林-447是从I-69 × I-45 [P.×euramericana (Dode) Guinier cv. I-45/51]杂交F1代中选育出来的新无性系.研究结果表明,同为11 a生时,7个无性系胸径处木材基本密度差异达显著水平,从大至小依次为南林-895、I-72、I-69、南林-1388、南林-95、NL-80351、南林-447;不同杨树无性系间胸径处纤维素含量也存在显著差异,从高至低依次排序为南林-95、南林-447、南林-895、南林-1388、I-69、NL-80351、I-72.木材基本密度和纤维素含量在株内的径向变异规律均为从髓心向外以曲线形式缓慢增大,其中后者的变异模式为以多项式方程来描述的效果最好.木材基本密度纵向变异规律为从树干基部向上有随树木高度的增加而逐渐增大的趋势,木材基本密度最小值出现在基径处.本文的研究结果可为杨树人工林的定向培育提供理论依据.  相似文献   

易敏  赖猛  张露  陈伏生  胡松竹 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3677-3684
为了给刨花楠材质预测、轮伐期选择及木材合理高效利用提供理论基础,本研究以17年生刨花楠人工林为对象,采用木材性质快速测定仪(SilviScan-3TM)获得木材性质参数,研究人工林刨花楠解剖特性、木材密度与弹性模量的径向变异规律及其对气象因子的响应,重点分析生长轮宽度、年龄与各材性性质参数之间的相关性.结果表明: 刨花楠不同材性性状的径向变异规律不同,7~11生长轮为其变异曲线的转折点;木材密度和纤维壁腔比与生长轮宽度的相关性不显著,生长速度和生长轮年龄对大部分材性性状具有重要影响;不同气象因子对不同材性性状影响程度不尽相同,相对湿度是影响刨花楠材性的主要生态因子;各材性性状中,微纤丝角和弹性模量对气象因子的响应更敏感.  相似文献   

木材的物理力学属性制约树木生长发育的重要过程,也是决定木材用途的主要依据.研究木材的物理力学属性及其影响因素,可为合理应用木材、科学开展林木选育、改进林业管理等提供必要参考.目前已有的研究多关注单一的木材密度指标,且缺乏多种影响因子的比较.本研究通过建立中国木材物理力学属性及影响因素综合数据库,对自然状态下我国主要树种木材力学属性的分布格局及其驱动因素进行了探讨.结果表明,选择气干密度、弦向干缩系数和冲击韧性作为评估木材物理力学属性的基础指标,比单一木材密度指标更准确,解释率更高;在选用的生活型、气候和土壤等3类因素中,生活型是影响木材力学物理属性变化的最重要因素,气候因子次之,土壤因子基本可忽略,并且气候和土壤因子的作用被生活型所掩盖,这意味着气候因子对于木材物理力学属性的影响是通过影响物种分布而产生作用的.  相似文献   

为了研究不同施肥处理对白桦材性性状的影响,选用了4种不同施肥配方(N肥、K肥、P肥、全营养元素肥料)连续3年处理白桦实生植株,分别测定了其生长性状,木质素、纤维素含量,木材密度,微纤丝角,导管和纤维形态的变化等。结果表明:施加N肥和全营养元素肥料的白桦相对于对照组(不施加肥料)的生长性状变化显著,胸径分别是对照组的1.6和1.9倍,冠幅分别是对照组的1.4和1.5倍,纤维素含量分别增加8.7%、14.3%,木质素含量差别不明显,单位横截面积内导管数量增加,导管弦径变小,纤维长宽显著减小,长宽比没有明显变化;而施加P肥后相对于对照组木材密度增加5%,微纤丝角降低5.4%。因此合理施加N肥可以一定程度提高白桦木材造纸性能,合理施加P肥可有效提高木材的机械强度。  相似文献   

The main purpose of the study was to determine some physical and mechanical properties of European Hophornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.) wood of which is not any detailed previous research in the literature. The sample trees harvested from a mixed beech-oak-hornbeam stand in the Zonguldak Forest Enterprises, north western part of Turkey. Conventional methods followed and the test procedures were performed on small clean specimens. European Hophornbeam wood's air dry and over dry densities were determined as 890 and 853 kg m(-3); density value in volume (basic density) was determined as 671 kg m(-3); volumetric shrinkage and swelling were determined as 23.02% and 24.94%; Fiber saturation point (FSP) was found 34.21%; MOR, MOE, compression strength parallel to grain, impact bending, tensile strength parallel and perpendicular to grain, and Janka hardness values (parallel and perpendicular to grain) were determined as 131.50 N/mm2, 11501.06 N/mm2, 66.94 N/mm2, 18.66 N/mm2, 105.49 N/mm2, 7.11 N/mm2, 6.89 and 5.63 kN, respectively.  相似文献   

Some tropical trees with indistinct growth rings have a distinct interlocked grain that reveals their internal growth rhythm. To determine their growth rhythm, it is necessary to accurately measure the wood grain angle. The usual methods for grain angle measurement are radial splitting using wood disks, which occasionally provides inaccurate data, and serial tangential sectioning, which requires preparation and analysis of many sections. The present report proposes an easier but accurate method to measure grain angle using a single xylem transverse section. A confocal microscope was used to obtain two optical sections of different depths from a transverse section of a 7-year-old Hopea odorata Roxb. The tangential lag between the optical images was then calculated using image cross-correlation and transformed into grain angle. Radially consecutive sampling revealed distinct radial fluctuations in the grain angle. The fluctuation data were compared to data obtained by radial splitting and serial tangential sectioning. There was a strong correlation between grain angle using the three methods. In the region close to the cambium, however, the present method revealed an abrupt change in the grain angle, although radial splitting showed a smooth undulation throughout the radius. Using the present method, the analysis of a radial range of 5 cm required a single transverse section compared to 1,000 tangential sections 50-m thick. In conclusion, the present method using a single transverse section, confocal microscopy, and image cross-correlation analysis provides more accurate data than radial splitting, and is less time-consuming than serial tangential sectioning.  相似文献   

The isolated rabbit retina was studied electron microscopically after fixation with a 3% solution of glutaraldehyde in a 0.05 M S?rensen's phosphate buffer. In radial sections, the inner segments, nuclei, and synapses of the photoreceptor cells seemed similar in size to those from retinas that had been fixed in an isotonic solution containing 1 % crystalline osmium tetroxide in the incubating medium used for the isolation procedure. However, when the number of comparable structures was greatly increased by viewing them in tangential sections, the cellular shrinkage and mitochondrial swelling produced by this widely used, hypertonic, glutaraldehyde fixative were obvious.  相似文献   

The compressive properties of human cancellous bone of the distal intracondylar femur in its wet condition were determined. Specimens were obtained from six cadaveric femora and were tested at a strain rate of 0.002, 0.10 and 9.16 sec−1. It was found that the compressive strength decreases with an increasing vertical distance from the joint. The highest compressive strength level was recorded in the posterior medial condyle. Correlations among the mechanical properties, the bulk specimen density and the bone mineral content yield (i) highly significant correlations between the compressive strength and the elastic modulus (ii) highly significant correlations between the compressive strength or the modulus of elasticity and the bulk specimen density (iii) a doubtful correlation between the compressive strength and the bone mineral content. All recorded graphs of the impact loaded specimens displayed several well defined stress peaks, unlike the graphs recorded at low loading rates. It can be concluded that upon impact loading the localized trabecular failure which is associated with each peak, does not affect the spongy bone's stress capacity in a detrimental way.  相似文献   

The feasibility of manufacturing wood-rubber functional composite panels with a polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (PMDI) and urea-formaldehyde (UF) combination binder system was investigated. Mechanisms of interacted independent variables (board density, pressing time and pressing temperature) for effect on board properties were opened out. The board performance was evaluated by measuring internal bond (IB) strength, modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE). The test results were statistically analyzed by using response surface method (RSM) of Design-Expert software to determine the significant independent variables that influenced board properties. A mathematical simulation or response surface models were developed to predict the board properties (MOR, MOE and IB). The results showed that board density and some interactions between the experimental variables were significant factors that influenced board mechanical properties. The suggested optimal board manufacturing conditions were about 170 degrees C, for pressing temperature, 300 s for pressing time, and 1000 g cm(-3) for board density.  相似文献   

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