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粤东沿海引种无瓣海桑试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄陵  詹潮安 《生态科学》2003,22(1):45-49
粤东沿海引种无瓣海桑试验4年的结果表明:该引种区分别比原产地及我国已引种成功的湛江、深圳更北1°08'2°22'和1°06',有其特殊的生长发育、生态适应性等特点以及造林、管护等技术规程,共造林面积243.3hm2,是目前我国该树种引种最北、面积最大、引种最成功的林分.经观测,该林分生长发育正常,在适宜生境下,造林后1年平均树高生长可达2.24m,比乡土树种提前6~7年实现防护作用:造林后一年开花结实,每年2次,能自然更新,1998年9月种植的林分已出现4期自然更新小苗,而且,其抗逆性、经济品质等生物、经济学特性与原产地基本相同.  相似文献   

陈家庸  黄正福   《广西植物》1988,(2):179-189
.本文报道珍稀濒危植物引种保存的初步研究结果。 总结了引种保存60种植物的生长发育情况,并详细介绍银杉、金花茶、银杏、杜仲、天麻及人参等的引种栽培试验结果。 论述引种保存植物与主要环境因素的关系。  相似文献   

东北接骨木在大庆地区引种栽培,适应性强,生长发育良好,为优良的观赏绿化树种。通过对其播种繁殖技术的研究表明,东北接骨木种子生产性育苗,秋播和春播均可,以秋播为佳。但干种子春播前须经过低温层积或暖湿预处理,否则播后当年不出苗或夏季出苗。  相似文献   

海南椴生态生物学特性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄仕训  王才明  王燕   《广西植物》1994,14(4):376-380
海南椴是我国特有珍贵树种,广西第一批保护植物,仅分布在海南和广西南部局部地区;热带性树种,喜光耐旱,对土壤适应性强。引种试验表明,能耐-6℃低温,种子场圃发芽率80%以上。实生苗六年生便开花结果。  相似文献   

为科学开发利用姜科花卉种质资源,收集84种姜科花卉种质资源进行引种,结合生长情况、观赏特点和经济用途进行引种保存的分析与评价,采用人工杂交育种的方法进行种质创新。结果表明,84种姜科花卉种质资源引种成活了77种,成活率91.7%,成活种类的开花率98.7%,结果率63.6%。生长状况优的种类占59.5%,生长良好的占7.1%,生长中等的占25%,死亡的占8.3%。分布于中低海拔热带亚热带地区的大部分姜科种类能在粤港澳大湾区保存,而分布在热带、中高海拔及特殊生境地区的则不适宜。阶段驯化法可用于引种保存工作;有60.7%的种类为多用途花卉。杂交育种法既可创新种质又可转移保存优良姜科花卉基因。  相似文献   

广西国家级保护植物迁地保护研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
王才明  王燕  黄仕训   《广西植物》1994,14(1):39-53
分布于广西的第一批国家珍稀濒危保护植物共123种.用迁地保存方法,引种栽培其中的102种,占广西分布种类总数的82.92%。对其中的33种进行了播种繁殖和21种的扦插繁殖试验,已成功地繁殖出一批苗木。对引种植物进行了物候期记录和生长量测定,并观察了引种植物的适应性。另外还引种保存区外产的国家保护植物41种。现已初步建成面积1.33公顷的广西珍稀濒危植物种质资源园。  相似文献   

西伯利亚红松(Pinus sibirica)是寒温带森林主要成林树种, 具有较强的区域适应性和应用价值, 已成为大兴安岭林区的重要引种树种。文章基于植物引种程序, 从西伯利亚红松引种准备、引种造林试验、引种应用等方面综述了国内外最新研究动态, 并分析当前该树种引种研究存在的不足, 从不同尺度对西伯利亚红松未来可能研究方向进行展望, 以期为西伯利亚红松在大兴安岭林区的推广种植和森林生态系统可持续发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

参照CTFS技术标准在鹞落坪国家级自然保护区(以下简称鹞落坪自然保护区)建立11.56 hm~2动态监测样地,以鹞落坪自然保护区落叶阔叶林乔木树种为研究对象,探讨其区系组成、种群结构、物种多样性以及优势种种间联结性。结果表明:(1)样地内胸径≥1 cm的乔木共有24910株,分属于35科、57属、103种;优势科为蔷薇科、槭树科、冬青科、樟科、杜鹃花科、虎耳草科、桦木科、壳斗科;(2)样地内乔木树种分布相对均匀,主要优势树种为茅栗、鹅耳枥、白檀和四照花;乔木树种在各个高度均有分布,但主要集中在2—8 m之间;(3)χ~2检验结果显示,样地内15个优势种105个树种对中仅有32个树种对之间存在显著的相关性,说明群落种间关联较弱。从联结系数(AC)来看,105个树种对中呈现显著正关联的树种对占42.9%,显著负关联的树种对占24.8%,但关联强度大部分集中在相对较低的水平,表明该地区群落结构整体仍处于发育阶段。  相似文献   

南京地区耐寒常绿阔叶树种资源调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
南京地区地处亚热带北缘,是一些常绿阔叶树种自然分布的北界.通过对南京地区常绿阔叶树种的实地考察,表明南京地区有12种自然分布的常绿阔叶树种;目前园林上引种并已应用的有25种.另外,引种了109种能够露地栽培的常绿阔叶树种,其中乔木28种,灌木77种,藤本4种.可以认为南京地区是耐寒常绿阔叶树种引种分布的关键地区.  相似文献   

大叶相思引种栽培初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大叶相思引种栽培试验,经五年初步研究,对其生长发育、育苗造林、生态学特性及在福建的适生范围作了调查。对四年生人工林测定,平均生长量为高2.2米/年,胸径2.0厘米/年,生长季日生长量0.79厘米。地上部净生产量52.77吨/公顷,凋落量6.10吨/公顷·年。它是速生高产、耐贫瘠、适应性广的薪炭树种。  相似文献   

东江林场20个乡土阔叶树种拟木蠹蛾为害调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拟木蠹蛾Arbela spp.是华南地区严重影响人工林质量和稳定性的一类钻蛀害虫。本研究以广东省东江林场20个乡土阔叶树种人工幼林为研究对象,调查分析拟木蠹蛾对不同树种的为害状况及其与林木生长的关系。结果表明:7 a生时共有5个树种受到拟木蠹蛾为害,分别为西南桦Betula alnoides、海南红豆Ormosia pinnata、山杜英Elaeocarpus sylvestris、翻白叶Potentilla fulgens和楝叶吴茱萸Evodia glabrifolia,8 a生时新增1个受害树种——秋枫Bischofia javanica;受害树种生长表现和感虫情况均差异显著(P0.05),但种内感虫个体生长表现与未感虫个体差异不显著(P0.05);这些受害树种的虫口高度分布范围不同,生长较快的翻白叶和西南桦,其虫口主要分布在树冠以下,生长速度中等的海南红豆和山杜英的虫口分别集中在树冠下缘附近和树冠下缘上部,生长较慢的楝叶吴茱萸和秋枫的虫口则分别多在树冠下缘附近及其下部和树冠下缘及其上部,据此初步提出以枝下高作为主要参考指标分析其虫口高度分布特征。研究结果补充完善了拟木蠹蛾发生规律和为害特征方面的资料,且为该区域营建混交林的树种选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Chrysomyxa rhododendri is a rust which infects Picea abies growing near the alpine timberline. Attacked needles are normally shed, but few remain on shoots. We hypothesised that these needles increase transpiration of Picea during winter. Partly damaged, completely damaged and healthy needles of an infected tree as well as healthy needles of a resistant tree were compared in a microscopy analysis, and needle conductance of shoots was measured gravimetrically. Despite needle shedding, more than 6% of needles remaining on infected tree shoots were damaged. Partly damaged needles showed local brownish areas in the periphery and completely damaged needles necrotic parenchyma and epidermal tissues. Cuticular conductance of affected shoots was up to 25.23?±?2.75 mmol m?2 s?1 at moderate water potential and thus twofold higher than in the resistant tree. Needle shedding reduces negative effects of Chrysomyxa infections during summer, but remaining damaged needles impair tree water relations in winter.  相似文献   

R.M. Holdo 《植被学杂志》2006,17(3):369-378
Questions: How does tree growth in a tropical woodland savanna vary as a function of size, and how is it affected by competition from neighbours, site attributes, and damage caused by disturbance? Location: western Zimbabwe. Methods: Trees of common species were tagged, mapped, and measured annually between 2001 and 2003 in a Kalahari sand woodland savanna. Diameter increments were analysed with mixed model regressions for the largest ramet in each genet. Stem diameter and damage, soil texture, and indices of competition at multiple spatial scales were used as covariates. Results: Stem diameter increased initially and then declined as a function of size in undamaged trees, which grew faster than damaged trees. Growth in damaged trees declined with size. No site differences were detected, and there was evidence for between‐tree competition on growth only in the fastest‐growing species, Brachystegia spiciformis. In several species the growth rate of the largest ramet increased as a function of the basal area of secondary ramets, contrary to expectations. For many species, the growth models showed poor explanatory power. Conclusions: Growth in Kalahari sand savanna trees varies as a function of size and changes in tree architecture caused by disturbance agents such as fire, frost, and elephant browsing. Disturbance may thus play an important role on vegetation dynamics through its effects on growth in the post‐disturbance phase. Growth is highly stochastic for some species in this system, and more deterministic in others. It is hypothesized that this dichotomy may be driven by differences in rooting depth among species.  相似文献   

采用样带网格、树干解析和经验模型方法,研究了长白山毛赤杨和白桦.沼泽交错群落生物量分布格局。揭示群落建群种生长过程、器官生物量分布、群落生物量水平分布和垂直分布规律性,结果表明,毛赤杨和白桦在生长过程及适宜生境方面存在差异.毛赤杨生长速度是白桦的2~3倍,随交错区环境梯度旱化。其生长呈减缓趋势,而白桦生长呈加快趋势,故白桦是耐水湿树种,毛赤杨是喜湿树种,毛赤杨和白桦个体营养器官生物量表现出相似的分布规律.两者营养器官生物量分布格局为树干1/2、树根1/4、树枝1/10、树皮1.5/20、树叶1/20,乔木层生物量占群落生物量的87%~90%、灌木层占7%~9%、草本层占2%~3%,群落生物量沿沼泽到森林交错区环境梯度呈显著线性递增趋势。  相似文献   

森林次生演替优势种苗木的光可塑性比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨小波  王伯荪 《植物学报》1999,16(3):304-309
本文从研究苗木的叶绿素含量和RuBP羧化酶活性随着光环境的变化而发生改变的规律出发,来探讨森林次生演替优势种苗木的光可塑性大小和对弱光环境的适应能力。各种苗木的叶绿素含量都随着光强度变弱而增加,但如果较长时间生长在弱光环境中,由于叶绿素的合成小于分解,其含量也会逐渐变小。不同的演替阶段优势种苗木的叶绿素含量的增加或减少在量上有一定的区别。以叶绿素含量随着光环境变化的测定值为指标,用模糊数学分析的结果表明,苗木的耐荫性大小顺序是演替后期种(黄果厚壳桂Cryptocarya concinna)>演替过渡种(藜蒴 Castanopsis fissa)>演替过渡种(荷木 Schima superba)>演替先锋树种(马尾松Pinus massoniana);且藜蒴和荷木很接近,稍靠近黄果厚壳桂。马尾松和荷木的RuBP羧化酶活性随着生长环境的光强度的增加,其活性有所增加;但黄果厚壳桂的相应值是在每日直照光1h的光环境中最高。除马尾松外,演替过渡种和后期种的苗木都是在每日直照光1 h的光环境中生长最好,这和每日短期照光提高RuBP羧化酶活性的(与没有直照光的环境相比较)同时又不分解叶绿素、不降低其含量有密切的关系。  相似文献   

闽东沿海防护林台风灾害的影响因子   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以2010年台风"鲇鱼"(编号1013)为例,调查闽东主要海防林树种台风受灾情况,并对其影响因子进行分析,结果表明:1)不同树种受害程度差异明显,阔叶树种受害重于针叶树种,平均受害级和受害指数分别高出79.1%和76.7%。其中,桉树受灾最重,平均受害级和受害指数分别比湿地松、木麻黄高出90.5%、36.2%和86.7%、36.6%。受灾类型中,折干现象最严重,比例高达40.7%。2)林木不同形态特征受灾程度差异显著,折干类型集中于12~14cm径级,比例为56.8%,倒伏、掘根类型集中10~12cm,比例为57.9%,弯干、断稍现象径级分布较均匀,但同在14cm比例最高,分别为28.6%和18.3%。林木抗风性能与植株尖削度成正相关,而与树高、树冠面积、树冠相对高度成负相关。3)地形条件是影响林木受灾的重要因素,表现为受灾程度迎风坡大于背风坡,陡坡大于缓坡,同一坡向上,迎风坡下腹大于上腹,背风坡正好相反。4)割脂对湿地松抗风性能有较大影响,割脂林木受害指数比未割脂高40.6%,因割脂发生折干植株比例为92.7%。  相似文献   

达维台风对海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林群落的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 海南岛地处我国台风的频发地带, 台风是影响海南岛热带雨林的一个重要的自然干扰因子。该文对2005年达维台风前后海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林天然次生林2 600 m2固定样地的物种组成、胸高断面积、植株数目、风倒木的影响因子、物种多样性、生物量变化及碳储量归还进行比较分析。结果显示, 台风后森林内产生大量的风倒木、断枝和落叶, 导致群落郁闭度减少、透光性增强, 并产生大量的林窗。台风后群落的组成结构发生显著变化, 受损株数达514株(占总株数26.1%); 其中风倒木比例较大, 达206株(占总株数10.5%)。方差分析结果显示, 受台风影响产生的风倒木与未明显受损树木的胸径面积、树高和木材密度均无显著差异; 但与树种组成有较紧密的关联, 对乔木层、幼树层和下木层造成的损害存在种类上的明显差异。台风产生的损害可以分为直接性损害和间接性损害两种: 1)直接性损害主要作用于乔木层, 造成大径级植株严重受损; 部分树种重要值降低, 变成伴生种, 或者次优势种和原有优势种成为共同优势种; 2)间接性损害主要通过风倒木作用于幼树层和下木层, 产生的倒木、断枝和落叶压倒其它植株, 表现为小面积范围内的个体死亡, 甚至有种类消失; 部分优势种的个体数减少较多, 但占该种群所有个体数目的比例较小。乔木层的Shannon-Wiener和Simpson多样性指数均略有下降, 而幼树层和下木层均略有上升, 但3个林层均表现为不同程度的种类消失和一些种类的个体数目减少。此次台风还造成该样地至少占台风前总生物量10.42%的生物量归还给林地, 并对森林生态系统碳循环产生重大影响。  相似文献   

Moderately dense woodland (cerrad?o) grew in two isolated patches of bushy savanna (cerrado) in central S?o Paulo over 23 years of bird censuses. Various uncommon birds were lost and some forest species were permanently gained. Fall and winter fruits attract long and short-distance migrants. Woodpeckers and some birds that nest in their holes seem to disappear during tree growth. Some birds in weedy areas nearby disappeared when the pastures replaced these areas, however sugar cane reduced the numbers of birds even more up to the point when some areas became pastures once more. Even travel-prone species disappear with vegetation growth in cerrado protected fragments, and therefore "metapopulations" may not survive over time, only in space.  相似文献   

Activity following arousal in winter in North American vespertilionid bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Many bat species hibernate to conserve energy during winter and like all hibernators they commonly arouse. During these arousals, some bats may undertake activities away from the hibernation site. Systematic ecological studies of the frequency and purpose of winter activity in temperate zone bats of North America are rare and much of the literature involves observations of single individuals or unmarked populations.
  • 2 We review the available literature on winter activity among North American vespertilionid bats to highlight the paucity of data on this subject and to stimulate future research. Due to the lack of repeated, systematic studies on most North American species, the conclusions drawn are general or pertain only to parts of the geographical range of any species.
  • 3 We suggest that winter activity is ubiquitous among temperate zone bats, but the degree and purpose of activity varies greatly between and within species. In general, cave‐dwelling bats tend to be relatively inactive compared with tree and foliage roosting bats during winter.
  • 4 Cave‐dwelling and tree cavity‐dwelling species do not appear to feed, but they do drink and occasionally copulate during the hibernation period. Species that hibernate in foliage or leaf litter are the most active species during winter and may feed and drink throughout winter, although they probably do not copulate because of their solitary nature.
  • 5 We encourage researchers to conduct studies on all aspects of winter activity for North American vespertilionids across wide latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. We suggest studies in the near future be focused on estimating the energetic costs and benefits of winter activity through determination of the frequency and intensity of winter feeding activity and more thorough examinations of movements within and among caves. Studies on common, wide‐ranging species have the potential to illuminate large‐scale patterns and differences and should be favoured over studies on rarer species.

Mediterranean climates are prone to a great variation in yearly precipitation. The effects on ecosystem will depend on the severity and timing of droughts. In this study we questioned how an extreme dry winter affects the carbon flux in the understorey of a cork oak woodland? What is the seasonal contribution of understorey vegetation to ecosystem productivity?We used closed-system portable chambers to measure CO2 exchange of the dominant shrub species (Cistus salviifolius, Cistus crispus and Ulex airensis), of the herbaceous layer and on bare soil in a cork oak woodland in central Portugal during the dry winter year of 2012. Shoot growth, leaf shedding, flower and fruit setting, above and belowground plant biomass were measured as well as seasonal leaf water potential. Eddy-covariance and micrometeorological data together with CO2 exchange measurements were used to access the understorey species contribution to ecosystem gross primary productivity (GPP).The herbaceous layer productivity was severely affected by the dry winter, with half of the yearly maximum aboveground biomass in comparison with the 6 years site average. The semi-deciduous and evergreen shrubs showed desynchronized phenophases and lagged carbon uptake maxima. Whereas shallow-root shrubs exhibited opportunistic characteristics in exploiting the understorey light and water resources, deep rooted shrubs showed better water status but considerably lower assimilation rates. The contribution of understorey vegetation to ecosystem GPP was lower during summer with 14% and maximum during late spring, concomitantly with the lowest tree productivity due to tree canopy renewal. The herbaceous vegetation contribution to ecosystem GPP never exceeded 6% during this dry year stressing its sensitivity to winter and spring precipitation.Although shrubs are more resilient to precipitation variability when compared with the herbaceous vegetation, the contribution of the understorey vegetation to ecosystem GPP can be quite variable and will ultimately depend of tree density and canopy cover.  相似文献   

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