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细腰亚目现生类群种类丰富,包含各类蜂和蚂蚁,因其传粉、寄生和社会性等习性备受关注。有关细腰亚目化石类群的研究近年来越来越广泛。系统回顾了中国东北部中侏罗世九龙山组地层和早白垩世义县组地层中已报道的细腰亚目化石物种。详细阐述了代表性类群魔蜂科(Ephialtitidae)、中细蜂科(Mesoserphidae)、异背蜂科(Anomopterellidae)、长腹细蜂科(Pelecinidae)的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

关于鳖科属级分类的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鳖科(Trionychidae)是龟鳖目中独特的一支,通常把它归于隐颈龟亚目(Cryptodira,也叫曲颈龟亚目)之下。由于它的背腹甲外层缺乏角质盾片,而只盖以柔软的上皮,故常被统称为“软壳龟类”(soft-shelled turtles),用以与“硬壳龟类”(hard-shelled turtles)对应。除此之外,无缘板,无骨桥,助条头外露,背腹甲之间仅以韧带相连,以及镰刀形的上腹甲,倒“V”形的内腹甲,上腹甲一般不与舌腹甲接触等,都是鳖类甲壳上的主要特征。  相似文献   

四川,这个“天府之国”,不仅物产丰富,现生生物资源充沛,就连古生物化石,也很闻名。四川侏罗纪(距今约一亿八千万到一亿三千万年前,地层发育,含有大量爬行动物化石。至目前所知,这里有世界罕见的早期龟类和鳖类;有构造特殊的鳄类;有淡水生活的蛇颈龙类;有为数众多的各种恐龙;以及有接近哺乳动物的进步爬行动物,等等。这些化石,对研究龟鳖类的早期发展;鳄类的分化;蛇颈龙类的生态;恐龙的演化,和哺乳动物的起源等问题,均具重要意义。一、龟鳖类化石龟鳖类最早出现于晚三迭世(二亿年前),但到一亿二千万年前的白垩纪,各洲才有普遍分布,此前化石…  相似文献   

化石闭壳龟的新发现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
闭壳龟(Cuora)是龟科(Emydidae)中的一个现生属,有6个现生种,分布于东亚和东南亚,我国产4种。为该地区龟类动物中的一个小类群,以前未有化石发现。本文记述的是闭壳龟属的一个化石新种(Cuora pitheca,sp.nov.),时代为上新世早期。这是该属龟类的首次化石记录。它的发现,不仅把闭壳龟属的历史从现代推至上新世早期,并为探讨该龟类的进化和分布提供重要资料。  相似文献   

在1987年美国出版的《科学》杂志第273卷上,刊登了一篇题为《现代龟类的起源:已知最古老的隐颈龟》研究简报。文中记述了在美国亚利桑那州东北部卡那他层中发现的龟类化石,命名为密合卡那他龟(Ka-yentachelys aprix)。属名取自出产标本的地层名,种名则表示该龟的基颅关节紧密愈合。卡那他龟不仅生存的年代早(早侏罗世,距今一亿八千五百万年前),且具有许多两类现生龟——侧颈龟和隐颈龟臆想的共同祖先的原始特征,因而被认为与现生龟类的起源有关。自从南非中二叠世(距今二亿五千万年前)的正南龟(Eunotosaurus)被否定为龟类后,现知龟鳖类的最早代表是西德、泰国晚三叠世(距今二亿年前)的原颚  相似文献   

采用PCR方法对两爪鳖(Carettochelys insculpta)和山瑞鳖(Pdea steindachneri)mtDNA的细胞色素b基因(Cytb)进行了扩增和测序,并结合GenBank中已公布的其它15种龟鳖类和两种鳄类的同源序列,进行了序列变异比较和系统发生分析.以凯门鳄和扬子鳄为外群,采用邻接(neighbor ioining,NJ)法、最大简约(maximum likelihood,ML)法和最大似然(maximum parsimony,MP)法重建分子系统树.结果均支持将龟鳖目分为3支:侧颈龟科(Pelomedusidae)(非洲侧颈龟Pelomedusa subrufa),两爪鳖科(Carettochelyidae)(两爪鳖Carettochelys insculpta)和一支由其它15种现生龟鳘类组成的进化支.在这里两爪鳘科被认为可能代表一新的亚目;而山瑞鳖聚于鳖科(Trionychidae)中,与中华鳌(Pelodiscus sinensis)最先聚成一支,再依次与马来鳖(Dogania subplana)、非洲鳖(Trionyx triunguis)、印度箱鳖(Lissemys punctata)聚成一组.  相似文献   

半翅目鞘喙亚目是一类具有重要演化意义的昆虫。该亚目包括三个科:鞘喙蝽科(Peloridiidae)和卡拉蝽科(Karabasiidae)同属于鞘喙蝽总科;原臭虫科(Progonocimicidae)属于原臭虫总科。鞘喙蝽科是唯一的现生类群,孑遗于南半球。卡拉蝽科化石较丰富,但只发现于中亚、西伯利亚和蒙古中生代地层。本文...  相似文献   

闭壳龟—亚洲的特产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶祥奎 《化石》1990,(4):28-29
闭壳龟是龟科的一现生属,现知有10个现生种,均生活在亚洲,我国占8种,是地道的“亚洲特产”。该属自19世纪中叶建立以来,长期默默无闻,只4—5个现生种为代表。1981年,笔者第一次记述了闭壳龟的化石种类,拉开了探索该属龟类系统发生的序幕后,近几年来,有关新的化石记录和现生种类报道频增,为我们提供了更多新资料。可也有人呼吁,由于人们的滥捕,大别山区的黄缘闭壳龟的数量锐减,建议把这种最为常见的亚洲特产龟列为保护动物,以杜绝灭。看来,加强有关的科学宣传,我们责无旁贷。  相似文献   

本文报道了湖南永州都庞岭自然保护区的41 种爬行动物, 它们隶属2 目,12 科, 其中龟鳖目3 科(平胸龟科、龟科、鳖科) 3 种; 有鳞目中的蜥蜴亚目5 科(鬣蜥科、壁虎科、石龙子科、蜥蜴科、双足蜥科) 8 种;蛇亚目4 科(闪鳞蛇科、游蛇科、眼镜蛇科、蝰科) 30 种。保护区内的爬行动物有12-2% 属广布动物, 87-8% 属东洋界种类。  相似文献   

扁甲总科隶属于鞘翅目多食亚目扁甲系,目前包含25个现生科和3个化石科,其中10个科仅分布于南半球,特别是澳大利亚、新西兰和南美。当前的分子系统发育学研究显示扁甲总科的起源时间为晚三叠世至早侏罗世,而冈瓦纳古陆与劳亚古陆的分离也发生在早侏罗世约1.8亿年前。因此对中生代扁甲总科化石的研究是解释扁甲总科如今分布格局的重要基础,也有助于研究扁甲总科的演化历史。本文简要回顾了现生扁甲总科的研究历史,并对其中生代的化石研究进行了概述,迄今在中生代地层发现有12科54种扁甲总科化石。  相似文献   

Chromosome homology and evolution of emydid turtles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
G-, C-, Q-banding and standard karyotypic analyses were used to study the chromosomal relationships of emydid turtles. Ten species of emydids were used (5 batagurines and 5 emydines) which samples all of the karyotypic variation known for the Emydidae. Data from a testudinid and a chelydrid are compared to the emydids. The karyotype of Mauremys and Sacalia is considered representative of the primitive karyotype for this group because of its widespread occurrence in the morphologically primitive Batagurinae and its similarity to that of some testudinids. The emydine karyotype is believed to have evolved from the primitive batagurine karyotype by the deletion of a heterochromatic macrochromosome. Siebenrockiella and Rhinoclemys are karyotypically derived batagurines.  相似文献   

Fossil testudinids are known in Europe since the Eocene, with several taxa of medium size (from more than 0.3 m to less than 0.7 m) recognized in the Palaeogene record, most of them being poorly known. The size of several European Neogene taxa was larger (between 1 and 2 m). These large testudinids were relatively abundant and diverse, ranging from the early Miocene to the Pleistocene. However, there is a nomenclatural gap at the generic level for the Neogene forms, as their generally used assignment to the more primitive Eocene Cheirogaster cannot be sustained. This is because relatively little material has been assigned to the described species, and also because of the absence of a detailed study comparing all of the European taxa. Here, the European Cenozoic taxa are incorporated for the first time in a data matrix, so that a hypothesis on their phylogenetic relationships is justified. This study identified the large testudinids from the Neogene of Europe as belonging to a monophyletic clade, assigned to the new genus T itanochelon . The hitherto poorly understood ‘Testudobolivari, proposed nearly a century ago but lacking diagnosis, is analysed in detail. It is recognized as the best‐represented large testudinid from the European record, and is identified as the type species of T itanochelon gen. nov. Its comparison with the other Neogene species allowed a detailed study of the new genus and an analysis of its phylogenetic relationships with the other European taxa. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The origin of sexual size dimorphisms (SSD) has long been a central topic in evolutionary biology. However, there is little agreement as to which factors are most important in driving the evolution of SSD, and several hypotheses concerning SSD evolution have never been tested empirically. Emydid turtles include species with both male and female-biased SSD, and some emydids exhibit among the most extreme SSD in tetrapods. Here, we use a comparative phylogenetic approach in emydids to analyze the origins of SSD and test several hypotheses for the evolution of SSD, some for the first time. We test the Fairbairn–Preziosi hypothesis for the origin of Rensch's rule, and support it in lineages with male-biased SSD but not those with female-biased SSD. We also find support for the secondary ecological dimorphism hypothesis, which proposes that selection for ecological divergence between sexes exaggerates preexisting SSD. Finally, we find only equivocal support for the Bolnick–Doebeli hypothesis, which relates intersexual ecological divergence to interspecific ecological divergence. Our results also illustrate how global analyses of SSD may mislead in groups in which the factors that drive the evolution of SSD vary among clades.  相似文献   

四川自贡大山铺的龟化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
四川自贡大山铺富产中侏罗世的龟类。这批化石,除个别几件已有记述外,其余更多保存在自贡恐龙博物馆的标本均未报道。本文除对它们进行系统记述外,并综观我国迄今已知中侏罗世的龟类,建立一新科,成渝龟科(Chengyuchclyidae fam.nov.),解决了我国这一时期龟类长期未定的归科问题。  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1739-1753
Patterns of ossification and chondrification are well‐described for several species of turtles, but details of the chondrocranial anatomy are known for only a handful of species. Cleared and double‐stained embryos of Graptemys pseudogeographica were used to examine the fully formed chondrocranium and the formation, chondrification, and ossification of the cranium. The chondrocranium of G. pseudogeographica possesses an unusually large, irregularly shaped foramen epiphaniale that is joined with the fenestra olfactoria. As in other emydids, and many turtles generally, the taenia marginalis is present only as a small projection and the taenia medialis is lacking in mature stages of embryonic development. Ossification data for G. pseudogeographica are consistent with those of other Testudines in that the dentary and maxilla (dermal elements of the upper and lower jaws) ossify early, whereas the articular (an endochondral bone of the lower jaw) ossifies relatively late. Additionally, comparative ossification shows that the vomer is quite variable in its relative timing of ossification across Testudines.  相似文献   

描述了产自四川自贡大山铺恐龙化石坑中的三件龟甲标本,命名为一新属新种—周氏四川龟(Sichuanchelyschowigen.etsp.nov.)。该属以椎盾极横宽,中部缘盾极狭长为主要特征,它代表了成渝龟科中一类较特别的类型。  相似文献   

四川中侏罗世的龟化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对产自四川自贡中侏罗世的三件龟甲标本作了鉴定,认为均可归成渝龟属(Chengyuchelys)。一为自贡成渝龟,新种(Chengyuchelys zigongensis,sp.nov.),一为似贝氏成渝龟(C.baenoides, Young et Chow),一为成渝龟未定种(Chengyuchelys sp.)。在形态描述的基础上,讨论了成渝龟属的系统分类。  相似文献   

Cladistic analysis of the freshwater genera of Spirorchinae (Schistosomatoidea: Spirorchidae sensu Yamaguti, 1971) plus Haematotrema Stunkard, 1923, and Aphanospirorchis Platt, 1990, was completed. The Spirorchinae were considered monophyletic based on synapomorphies of the esophagus. Three lineages, Spirhapalum (Europe/Asia), Plasmiorchis+Hemiorchis (India), and Spirorchis + Henotosoma + Haematotrema + Aphanospirorchis (North America), were identified. Nelsen consensus analysis was used as the basis for recognizing 3 valid monophyletic genera: Spirhapalum, Plasmiorchis, and Spirorchis. Hapalotrematinae sensu Smith, 1972 (e.g., Hapalorhynchus/Coeuritrema), is considered the most plesiomorphic group of spirorchids. Freshwater representatives of the hapalotrematines have been reported from 7 of 12 extant turtle families, including the relatively primitive Pelomedusidae (Pleurodira) and exhibit a worldwide distribution. It is hypothesized that this group arose in the early Triassic period, prior to the breakup of Pangea. Thus, it represents a primitive lineage that was present during the diversification of turtle lineages in the mid-Mesozoic era. Spirorchinae arose later (late Cretaceous period) as a Laurasian component parasitic in the more recent pond turtles (Emydidae + Bataguridae). Species of Spirhapalum retained a relatively plesiomorphic distribution, and they are found in emydids (Europe) and batagurids (Asia). Species of Spirorchis arose and diversified with North America emydids following the separation of North America and Europe in the late Cretaceous or early Tertiary periods. Species of Plasmiorchis are hypothesized to be derived from Asian ancestors that accompanied the colonization of India by Asian batagurids during the early Tertiary period. The presence of Spirorchis species in snapping turtles (Chelydridae/North America) and of Plasmiorchis species in Indian soft-shelled turtle (Trionychidae) are considered independent colonization events.  相似文献   

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