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南亚热带森林种群分布格局取样技术研究   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
陆阳 《植物生态学报》1986,10(4):272-282
森林群落中植物种群分布格局测定和分析的结果,密切依赖于野外取样的技术手段及资料的可靠性。本文通过鼎湖山自然保护区三个不同森林群落类型的取样,比较了随机样方、相邻格子样方、中心点四分法、最近相邻法和最近个体法在野外操作、数据整理以及种群分布格局测定分析中的效用,对各方法在南亚热带森林群落中进行种群分布格局研究中的适用性予以客观评价。研究表明,同一样地中不同取样方法和测定方法会导致不同结果。随机样方取样数据的测定结果受样方大小影响,而几种无样地方法在种类复杂的群落中,应用受到限制。相邻格子样方适用于各群落类型中种群分布格局的测定与分析。  相似文献   

鼎湖山森林植物种群分布格局分析与联结分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分布格局分析与联结分析是研究植物群落空间分布及结构的重要方法。本文以鼎湖山自然保护区马尾松群落,马尾松阔叶树混交林群落和厚壳桂森林群落为对象,选择22个主要的乔木、灌木、藤本种群,应用Greig-Smith分布格局分析、Kershaw强度分析。Hill二项局部方差分析和谱分析等四个分布格局分析方法及结合分析、协方差分析和相关分析等三个联结分析方法,描述和指示了植物种群水平分布的斑块性及种群之间在空间分布上的相互关系;并进一步从统计处理和实用范围等方面比较了各方法的合理性及有效性。研究表明,分布格局分析对于南亚热带森林植物种群分布格局强度与规模的分离是有效的。其中Greig-Smith方法有一定的适应性,并可通过与Hill方法的结合应用使其缺陷得以补偿;而谱分析方法更适用于大样本的分析。联结分析中,只有少数种间发生正或负的联结;三个方法各具特点,尤以结合分析在计算上和图示上为佳。  相似文献   

商侃侃  达良俊 《生态学杂志》2013,32(7):1912-1919
漫长历史时期的气候条件对生物多样性的现代分布格局产生了深远影响,分析以孑遗植物为优势种群落的分布格局、种群更新类型与适应策略,可揭示气候变化下孑遗植物的残存机制.本文以孑遗植物的群落生态学研究为视角,在综述孑遗落叶阔叶树种的定义、分布与生境特征、种间关系、种群更新与群落维持、植物性状与生境响应的基础上,提出在区域孑遗植物多样性研究中,应从微地形-植被关系入手,应用微地形单元的分类体系与手法,以微地形单元上斑块状植物群落为对象,分析其生境特征、种群结构、群落动态以及植物性状,揭示微地形梯度孑遗植物群落的分异格局,阐明区域内多种孑遗落叶阔叶树种的共存机制;结合植物群落谱系结构分析,进一步阐明孑遗植物群落的残存机制,有助于丰富我国亚热带山地植物多样性研究及保护生态学理论.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种研究植物种群分布格局的新三角形插值法,与二维网函数插值法相比,具有许多优点,它能提供后者所能提供的一切信息,如种群个体分布类型、斑块合计面积等,更为重要的是它克服了二维网函数插值法可插出负值的弊病,同时解决了模拟格局图的输出变形问题,计算结果更令人满意,极适合于天然植物群落分布格局的研究。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种研究植物种群分布格局的新三角形插值法,与二维网函数插值法相比、具有许多优点,它能提供后者所能提供的一切信息,如种群个体分布类型、斑块合计面积等,更为重要的是它克服了二维网函数插值法可插出负值的弊病,同时解决了模拟格局图的输出变形问题,计算结果更令人满意,极适合于天然植物群落分布格局的研究。  相似文献   

当研究对象个体差异很大或者研究尺度与植物大小属于一个数量级时,传统的以种群空间分布的坐标点图为基础的点格局分析方法存在局限性.本文引入一种在传统点格局分析方法基础上发展起来的以栅格数据为分析对象的新方法——扩展点格局分析方法,用以分析具有一定面积和形状对象的空间格局和生态过程,该方法适用于灌木研究对象.以狭域特有种四合木(Tetraena mongolica)种群的空间分布格局分析为例,采用摄影定位法,用图像处理软件及地理信息系统软件将样地信息数字化后,利用扩展点格局分析方法分析了群落中四合木单种的空间分布格局及其与群落中霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)种群的关系,四合木种群在69~ 99 cm尺度上表现为均匀分布,四合木与霸王在350 ~570cm尺度上表现出显著的负关联关系.结果揭示了灌木种群的空间结构特征.  相似文献   

本文用二维网函数插值法,对羊草草原群落14种主要植物种群的个体分布格局作了分析。 根据网格法获取的数据资料,应用插值公式计算网点值,全部计算过程由电子计算机实现。计算结果由计算机输出并打印出每个种群的个体分布格局图。 分布格局图提供了以下信息: 1.14种植物种群个体的空间分布类型; 2.聚块的大小; 3.聚块的合计面积。 种群的镶嵌格局图直观的反映了种群之间在空间上的配置关系,并可给出镶嵌体的类型。讨论了研究种群个体分布格局的取样面积以及应用插值法存在的问题。  相似文献   

杨持  郝敦元  杨在中 《生态学报》1984,4(4):345-353
本文用二维网函数插值法,对羊草草原群落14种主要植物种群的个体分布格局作了分析。 根据网格法获取的数据资料,应用插值公式计算网点值,全部计算过程由电子计算机实现。计算结果由计算机输出并打印出每个种群的个体分布格局图。 分布格局图提供了以下信息: 1.14种植物种群个体的空间分布类型; 2.聚块的大小; 3.聚块的合计面积。 种群的镶嵌格局图直观的反映了种群之间在空间上的配置关系,并可给出镶嵌体的类型。讨论了研究种群个体分布格局的取样面积以及应用插值法存在的问题。  相似文献   

四川九顶山西坡红桦林天然种群空间格局及更新研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
用T-square距离方法,通过空间格局的T形指数C及其检验值Z1,对九顶山西坡红桦种群中选取的3块样地6条样线进行了研究.结果表明,该区红桦种群空间分布格局以随机型分布为主,如样地支部牛场、十二河等,少数地区由于遭到人类的严重干扰和破坏,形成了集聚型分布格局,如样地上堰.通过分布距离指数I的进一步对照分析得出,在样线L4中,在主要的随机格局中也有少部分表现出了集聚型.本区红桦树种按其年龄段的不同分为3个年龄级:幼树、成年树、老年树.红桦幼树比较缺乏,仅占红桦树种的12%,而老年树种占24%,年龄结构为衰老型.在九顶山西坡,红桦种群已开始老化,幼树又相当缺乏,使红桦种群的自我更新面临极大威胁,建议加强对红桦林的保护和种群自我更新能力的研究.  相似文献   

岷江上游祁连山圆柏群落结构研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
应用样方调查方法,对祁连山圆柏群落外貌和结构进行研究.结果表明,该群落生活型谱中以地面芽植物为主,但一年生植物也占有较大比率,具有一些温带植物群落特征.该群落垂直结构简单,只有乔、灌、草3层,无层间植物及地被层.乔木层只有祁连山圆柏1种;灌木层以高山绣线菊的重要值最大,为153.3;草本层以丛生苔草重要值最大,达到36.8.在不同坡度样地中,大坡度样地上具有相对较多的幼苗和幼树,而低坡度样地有刺灌木和适口性差的草本较多,这主要是由于坡度不同导致样地上放牧强度不同造成的.由年龄结构和高度结构的分析可以看出,祁连山圆柏种群总体上为衰退种群,如果任由放牧等干扰继续下去,群落将向灌丛草甸方向演替.群落上层盖度对下层盖度影响较大,且各层盖度大小与其多样性之间没有必然联系.  相似文献   

Formation of the prestalk-prespore pattern in Dictyostelium was investigated in slugs and submerged clumps of cells. Prestalk and prespore cells were identified by staining with vital dyes, which are shown to be stable cell markers. Dissociated slug cells reaggregate and form slugs that contain a prestalk-prespore pattern indistinguishable from the original pattern. The pattern forms by sorting out of stained prestalk cells from unstained prespore cells. Sorting also occurs in clumps of dissociated slug cells submerged in liquid or agar. A pattern arises in 2 h in which a central core of stained cells is surrounded by a periphery of unstained cells. Sorting appears to be due to differential chemotaxis of stained and unstained cells to cAMP since exogenous cAMP (>10−7 M) reverses the normal direction of sorting-out such that stained cells sort to the periphery of the clumps.
Isolated portions of slugs regenerate a new prestalk-prespore pattern. Posterior isolates regenerate a pattern within 2 h due to sorting of a population of vitally stained 'anterior-like' cells present in posteriors. Anterior-like cells do not sort in intact slugs due to the influence of a diffusible inhibitor secreted by the anterior region. During posterior regeneration this signal is absent and anterior-like cells rapidly acquire the ability to sort. Anterior isolates regenerate a staining pattern more slowly than posterior isolates by a process that requires conversion of stained prestalk cells to unstained prespore cells.
The results suggest that pattern formation in Dictyostelium consists of two processes: establishment of appropriate proportions of two cell types and establishment of the pattern itself by a mechanism of sorting-out.  相似文献   

油松毛虫的空间分布型及抽样技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用Iwao(1968—1977)的(m)对m的回归方法以测定油松毛虫Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu越冬幼虫、茧、卵块的空间分布型, 并用不同的抽样方法比较了抽样精确度.油松毛虫越冬幼虫, 茧、卵块在油松人工林内都呈聚集分布.幼虫和茧分布的基本成分是双重个体群.卵块分布的基本成分是卵块个体, 其遵从有一公共K值的负二项分布.抽样方法:当越冬幼虫在低密度情况下以单对角线法最佳, 茧在中密度情况下, 卵块在中低密度条件下均以双对角线法为最佳.  相似文献   

植物种群空间分布格局测定的新方法:摄影定位法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 在种群空间分布格局研究中,取样方法至关重要。受点格局分析方法及地理信息系统原理与方法的启示,该文论述了一种新的测定方法:摄影定位法,即在典型草原恢复样地中选取10 m×10 m的群落片段,用竹签将其分成400个50 cm×50 cm的亚样方,应用摄影技术将这400个亚样方内所有的物体按一定的顺序拍摄下来,借助地理信息系统技术准确地确定每株(丛)植物的着生点位置,实现种群格局的测定,并通过威尔柯克森符号秩检验,表明该种方法可行。在使用此法进行种群格局测定时,工作效率大幅度提高, 且在典型草原群落种群格局测定中得到很好的效果。应用该测定方法对种群格局进行动态监测,不仅可以测定每个种群的格局动态变化过程,而且可以监测每株植物的生死过程以及种间的相互关系,进而从种群格局角度去认识演替过程,从而把演替的群落、种群尺度监测细化到个体水平。  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2001,22(4):229-233
The seed deposition pattern created by a seed disperser is one of the components of the efficiency of a species as seed disperser, and ultimately may influence the recruitment of a plant species. In this study, we used the seeds of a bird-dispersed forest palm, Euterpe edulis, to investigate the effects of two distinct seed deposition patterns created by birds that defecate (clumped pattern) and regurgitate seeds (loose-clumped pattern) on the survival of seeds experimentally set in an E. edulis-rich site, and of seedlings grown under shade-house conditions. The study was conducted in the lowland forest of Parque Estadual Intervales, SE Brazil. Clumped and loose-clumped seeds were equally preyed upon by rodents and insects. Although clumped and isolated seedlings had the same root weight after 1 year, the isolated seedlings survived better and presented more developed shoots, suggesting intraspecific competition among clumped seedlings. Our results indicate that animals that deposit E. edulis seeds in faecal clumps (e.g. cracids, tapirs) are less efficient seed dispersers than those that regurgitate seeds individually (e.g. trogons, toucans). Intraspecific competition among seedlings growing from faecal clumps is a likely process preventing the occurrence of clumps of adult palms.  相似文献   

Thymus vulgaris is a gynodioecious species (in which females and hermaphrodites coexist) with a highly variable frequency of females among natural populations (5–95%) and a high average female frequency (60%). Sex determination involves both cytoplasmic genes responsible for male sterility, i.e. the female phenotype, and specific nuclear factors responsible for the restoration of male fertility, and thus a hermaphrodite phenotype. In this study, molecular markers of the mitochondrial genome have been used to quantify the cytoplasmic diversity in 11 clumps of individuals observed in four recently founded populations. The very low diversity within patches in conjunction with the strong diversity among patches strongly suggests that clumps of individuals are the result of single matrilinear families. In clumps that contain mainly females, all the analysed females showed the same cytoplasmic pattern. This pattern differed from that shown by neighbouring hermaphrodites, indicating that the determination of sex is locally cytoplasmic. A comparison of genetic diversity before and after fire in one population showed that disturbances may cause a reduction in genetic diversity and a concurrent induction of local cytoplasmic determination of sex. Such cytoplasmic determination of sex in colonizing populations, together with the greater seed set of females, may largely improve the colonizing ability of the species.  相似文献   

夏蜡梅种群的分布数量及其主要群萍类型   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
夏蜡梅是浙江省特有的第三纪孑遗植物,国家二级重点保护的濒危物种。本文采用密度生境样方法对夏蜡梅的分布数量进行了调查和研究,并对其区系成分、群落类型进行了分析。结果表明,夏蜡梅种群有6个群落类型,主要分布于浙江省临安县的顺溪、颊口、龙岗诸镇及天台县龙溪镇一带,共有2443hm2,1732210丛,其中颊口、龙岗分布点系首次发现,而顺溪则是夏蜡梅种群的现代分布中心,数量最多,密度最大,保存完好。  相似文献   

Grasslands in North America are increasingly threatened by land conversion and ecological degradation, prompting restoration efforts to increase native plant species diversity and improve wildlife habitat. A major challenge is the removal and management of nonnative invasive species such as tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus), which has a symbiotic association with a fungal endophyte (Epichloë coenophiala) that modifies its ecological interactions. Using transplanted clumps of the cultivar Kentucky‐31, we tested the effects of endophyte infection on tall fescue's survival and performance (tiller production, flowering, and basal area) for 5 years in a central Kentucky reconstructed prairie. We predicted that endophyte infected (E+) clumps would have increased performance compared to endophyte‐free (E?) clumps. Overall, E+ clumps had greater survival, tiller production, flowering tiller production, and basal area, but not reproductive effort (proportion of tillers flowering) as compared to E? clumps. However, survival and trends in tiller number and basal area over the 5‐year period suggested experimental tall fescue populations were in decline in the reconstructed prairie, although the E? population declined more rapidly. Our study provides evidence that endophyte infection improved tall fescue's growth and survival in a postreconstruction plant community, at least in the early years following reconstruction, and may increase the invasive potential of this nonnative species in prairie restorations.  相似文献   

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