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在(0.66 ±0.2)℃/min(0℃~-20℃)的降温速度下,采用高分辨率差热分析法分别对石楠(Photinia serrulata Lindl.)和蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox(L.)Link)活体幼茎和经过10 min高温煮沸的幼茎在结冰过程中的热力学行为进行分析,并根据茎的形态解剖结构对他们的结冰特征进行研究。结果显示:石楠和蜡梅的活体幼茎在结冰过程中的差热扫描曲线均出现3个放热峰;而经过高温杀死后的茎仅出现1个单放热峰。分析结果表明,2种植物活体幼茎的3个放热峰可能与其木质部、质外体、韧皮部、形成层的结冰、脱水以及髓组织的结冰、脱水过程有关。进一步采用生理盐水浸湿的滤纸进行模拟实验,结果发现差热扫描曲线出现与高温杀死的茎类似的放热峰。实验结果表明,采用高分辨率差热分析法可以探测植物组织结冰过程中的放热强度、结冰温度及其与结冰动力学过程相关的大量细节,适用于植物的结冰动力学分析。  相似文献   

在(0.66±0.2)℃/min(0℃~-20℃)的降温速度下,采用高分辨率差热分析法分别对石楠(Photinia serrulata Lindl.)和蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link)活体幼茎和经过10 min高温煮沸的幼茎在结冰过程中的热力学行为进行分析,并根据茎的形态解剖结构对他们的结冰特征进行研究。结果显示:石楠和蜡梅的活体幼茎在结冰过程中的差热扫描曲线均出现3个放热峰;而经过高温杀死后的茎仅出现1个单放热峰。分析结果表明,2种植物活体幼茎的3个放热峰可能与其木质部、质外体、韧皮部、形成层的结冰、脱水以及髓组织的结冰、脱水过程有关。进一步采用生理盐水浸湿的滤纸进行模拟实验,结果发现差热扫描曲线出现与高温杀死的茎类似的放热峰。实验结果表明,采用高分辨率差热分析法可以探测植物组织结冰过程中的放热强度、结冰温度及其与结冰动力学过程相关的大量细节,适用于植物的结冰动力学分析。  相似文献   

在美国每年因霜冻而使农作物,果树等遭受严重损害,价值达60亿美元,科学工作者研究植物因冰冻而死亡的原因,发现冰冻植物表面分布大量结冰细菌,即丁香假单胞菌(Pseudonmonas syringae)。  相似文献   

目的:研究高功率微波( HPM)照射后视网膜感光细胞中膜脂质的分子结构改变,探讨HPM的损伤机制.方法:通过显微FT-IR技术观察HPM照射前后大鼠视网膜冰冻切片中感光细胞外节的膜脂质分子特征吸收峰的位移与吸收值差异,分析脂质分子结构的改变情况.结果:HPM照后外节发生了膜脂质分子特征吸收峰的位移,并出现=C-H基团和...  相似文献   

冻害对植物的影响主要是由于细胞结冰引起的。当温度下降时,植物组织的温度可降至冰点而不结冰,必须达到过冷却点才结冰,这种现象称为“过冷却现象”。植物组织的过冷却点常随各种因素(如不同季节、不同环境等)而变化,在植物抗冻生理方面,与植物组织的冰点测定相比,过冷却点的测定  相似文献   

在美国每年因霜冻而使农作物,果树等遭受严重损害,价值达60亿美元,科学工作者研究植物因冰冻而死亡的原因,发现冰冻植物表面分布大量结冰细菌,即丁香假单胞菌(Pseudonmonas syringae),这是因为该细菌在0—-6°C时形成冰凝集核之故,  相似文献   

对江西产酸模属(Rumex L.)7种植物进行了叶形态结构的显微观察.结果表明:(1)叶片上表皮均有气孔器分布,表皮上普遍具有腺体和异细胞,叶肉中均含有晶体细胞,晶体类型为簇晶;(2)下表皮细胞特征及气孔类型、叶肉细胞的分化及排列方式、中脉维管束数目等特征具有明显的种间差异,可以作为属下种级鉴定指标;(3)小酸模在气孔类型、栅栏组织和海绵组织排列紧密程度、中脉形状及维管束数量等特征上与同属其它种类具有显著的差异,形态解剖学证据支持小酸模亚属(Subgen.Acetosella(Meisn.)Rech.)的成立;(4)根据酸模属植物气孔器类型的演化阶段,并结合孢粉学、形态学等证据,认为酸模属处于蓼科植物系统演化的较低或中等地位.通过对酸模属植物叶形态结构的比较观察,为探讨该属的系统演化关系及属下分类提供叶解剖学证据.  相似文献   

胞外多肽信使的氨基酸偏好特征研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物细胞外多肽信使已经被证实是植物信号转导中重要的第一信使。通过运用生物信息学的方法,分析比较了已知的植物、动物及微生物的胞外多肽信使的氨基酸序列,发现这些来自不同种的胞外多肽信使具有共同的氨基酸偏好特征。利用在线工具对胞外多肽信使的氨基酸偏好特征进行了验证,并根据细胞外多肽信使的氨基酸偏好特征推测了新的植物胞外多肽信使,这些结果对发现新的植物胞外多肽信使将会有所帮助。  相似文献   

有被小泡是细胞膜的特化结构之一,因其膜外覆盖一层网络状的包涵蛋白而得名。至今认为有被小泡在动、植物细胞中均存在,参与胞内运输、膜循环等细胞内重要生理过程。有被小泡的包被结构本身可能包含了某种信号,通过分子间识别去完成一系列细胞功能,不过在植物中还没有直接的实验证据表明有被小泡的功能。  相似文献   

柑橘溃疡病对柑橘产业造成了巨大损失,而研究柑橘与溃疡病菌的互作关系以及柑橘的感病和抗病性均需要观察溃疡病菌在柑橘寄主中的侵染和定殖过程。激光共聚焦扫描显微镜不仅可以观察活细胞,活组织的动态代谢过程,而且可以获得三维图像,对于病原菌在柑橘植物组织内的繁殖和致病机制研究具有重要意义。但是,选择适宜的植物材料和制片方法对激光共聚焦扫描显微镜的观察效果影响很大。本文对激光共聚焦扫描显微镜所观察的材料在其处理和观察方法上加以改进,获得了质量更好的图片和实验结果,也使得实验更为方便快捷。激光共聚焦扫描显微观察还在瞬时表达分析中得到应用,提高了柑橘瞬时表达分析的效果。通过将切片和压片相结合观察到溃疡病菌在不同时间点对柑橘叶片的侵染情况,而通过3D建模能观察到柑橘叶片不同组织层面中的病菌数量和病菌位置,为研究溃疡病菌在叶片中的定殖方式和入侵数量提供了前期基础。  相似文献   

Overwintering buds of blackcurrant cultivars 'Ben Lomond' and'Ben More' were examined by differential thermal analysis (DTA).Photographic evidence relates the first (primary) exotherm tothe freezing of water in the basal pith and bud scales. Thenumber of secondary exotherms either matched, or was fewer than,the number of floral racemes within the bud. There is evidencein the structure of the secondary exotherms that the freezingof individual primordia was being recorded.Copyright 1993, 1999Academic Press Differential thermal analysis, freezing injury, buds, Ribes nigrum, blackcurrant  相似文献   

用差热分析(Differential thermal analysis: DTA)研究了山桃(Prunus davidiana)、杏(P. armeniaca)、青岛“粉红梅”(P.mume cv.'Fenhong Mei,)、“小绿萼”(P.mume cv.'Small Green Calyx')及其种问杂种“小绿萼”梅×山桃、青岛“粉红梅”×杏和杏×青岛“粉红梅”的低温放热(Low temperature exotherm)与冻害关系,以及皮部和木质部的冰冻类型(Freezing pattern)。在差热分析中,观察到亲本和杂种的木质部都有二次放热现象。低温放热后,引起木质部和髓射线薄壁细胞死亡,原生质膜透性急剧增加。在杂种与亲本之间,存在着明显的差异。分离的皮部却只出现一次高温放热(High temperature exotherm)。高温放热是与冻害无关的。文末讨论了梅花及其杂种在北京越冬的主要障碍及有关栽培措施。  相似文献   

Neotropical ecosystems between treeline and snowline, called páramos, stretch along Andean ranges from Costa Rica to northern Peru. The páramo climate is characterized by regular night frosts occurring throughout the year. Páramo plants use two strategies to deal with freezing temperatures. They either avoid ice formation in the tissues or tolerate extracellular ice formation. We tested the microclimate hypothesis, which suggests that the freezing resistance of the páramo plants is determined by plant height, that is, that taller plants experience a milder microclimate and avoid freezing, whereas smaller plants are exposed to the more extreme thermal conditions near the ground and tolerate them. We measured the temperature at which ice formed inside the plants (the ‘exotherm’), and compared it with the temperature at which 50% damage to the tissue occurred (Lt50); a significant difference between the exotherm and Lt50 would indicate freezing tolerance whereas the absence of a difference would indicate avoidance by supercooling. We analysed the freezing resistance of 38 common Ecuadorian páramo species. We found no correlation between plant height and freezing resistance mechanism or injury temperature and reject the microclimate hypothesis. Tolerant plants reach higher altitudes than avoidant plants, but their altitudinal ranges largely overlap and the Lt50 does not differ between them. These results suggest that there is no qualitative difference between the two strategies to survive the páramo frosts. Shrub leaves were injured at significantly lower temperatures than other life forms, such as herbs, which may reflect leaf anatomical differences among the plants.  相似文献   

The mechanism of freezing injury in xylem of winter apple twigs   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In acclimated winter twigs of Haralson apple (Pyrus Malus L.), a lag in temperature during cooling at a constant rate was observed at about −41 C by differential thermal analysis. The temperature at which this low temperature exotherm occurred was essentially unaffected by the cooling rate. During thawing there was no lag in temperature (endotherm) near the temperature at which the low temperature exotherm occurred, but upon subsequent refreezing the exotherm reappeared at a somewhat higher temperature when twigs were rewarmed to at least −5 C before refreezing. These observations indicate that a small fraction of water may remain unfrozen to as low as −42 C after freezing of the bulk water in stems. The low temperature exotherm was not present in twigs freeze-dried to a water content below 8.5% (per unit fresh weight), but it reappeared when twigs were rehydrated to 20% water. When freeze-dried twigs were ground to a fine powder prior to rehydration, no exotherm was observed. Previous work has shown that the low temperature exotherm arises from xylem and pith tissues, and that injury to living cells in these tissues invariably occurs only when twigs are cooled below, but not above the temperature of the low temperature exotherm. This study revealed that the low temperature exotherm resulted from the freezing of a water fraction, that the freezing of this water was independent of the freezing of the bulk water, that the exotherm was associated with some gross structural feature but not the viability of the tissue, and that injury to living cells in the xylem and pith was closely and perhaps causally related to the initial freezing of this water.  相似文献   

Fully hydrated lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds showed dual freezing exotherms (−9 and −18°C), even after 10 hours imbibition. Only the −9°C exotherm was observed in seeds imbibed for 20 hours, but without external nucleation, all water in the embryo supercooled. Results indicate that the endosperm acts as a barrier to ice propagation. Other experiments suggest that the pericarp may also protect the embryo under certain freezing conditions.  相似文献   

Differential Thermal Analysis of hydrated lettuce cv. GreatLakes achenes using a rapid cooling rate (20 °C h–1)produced two exotherms per achene. Both exotherms representedthe freezing of supercooled water. The high temperature exothermoccurred at –93 °C and was produced by freezing ofwater inside the pericarp but exterior to the endosperm. Thetemperature at which it occurred could be altered by the additionof nucleating agents. The low temperature exotherm produced by freezing of the embryooccurred at –162 °C and marked the death of the seed.Its temperature was not changed by the addition of nucleatingagents but its occurrence required the structural integrityof the endosperm. At low cooling rates (1 and 2 °C h1)low temperature exotherms were not recorded and samples removedat –25 °C had high viability. Slow cooling causeda redistribution of water within the seed whereby ice formingoutside the endosperm caused desiccation of the embryo and preventedits freezing. A mechanism is proposed, in terms of established supercoolingand nucleation theory, to explain the observed results and thevalue of freeze tolerance to the species in its natural habitatis discussed. Cooling rate, differential thermal analysis, freezing avoidance, Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, seed, supercooling, water migration  相似文献   

Twelve saturated mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines have been identified for which the thermotropic phase behavior observed upon cooling from the L alpha phase is dependent upon the thermal history of the sample in the gel phase. If fully hydrated samples of these lipids are cooled and soon thereafter examined by differential scanning calorimetry, one observes a single highly cooperative endotherm (the chain-melting phase transition) upon heating, and on subsequent cooling, a single exotherm that may occur at temperatures as much as 4-6 degrees C below that of the single endotherm observed upon heating. In contrast, if the samples are incubated in the gel state at low temperatures for prolonged periods of time, one observes a single heating endotherm as before, but two sharp exotherms upon cooling. The latter transitions occur at temperatures close to that of the single endotherm observed upon heating and the single cooling exotherm observed prior to incubation in the gel state. The combined enthalpy of the two cooling exotherms is the same as that of the single heating endotherm or the single cooling exotherm initially observed. Infrared spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction studies indicate that the structural conversions characteristic of liquid-crystalline/gel phase transitions occur at both of those cooling exotherms. Of the 12 lipids that exhibit this unusual behavior, nine fulfill the previously defined structural requirements for the formation of the so-called mixed-interdigitated gel phase, and there is evidence in the literature that one of the three remaining lipids also forms such a structure. Infrared spectroscopic studies of the other two lipids indicate that their gel phases exhibit spectroscopic features that closely resemble those of lipids that meet the previously defined structural criteria for the formation of mixed-interdigitated gel phases and that differ markedly from those of both saturated symmetric-chain and saturated mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines that do not normally form mixed-interdigitated gel phases. Also, electron density reconstructions based on small-angle X-ray diffraction studies of the gel phases of those two lipids indicate that the thickness of their gel phase bilayers is consistent with their forming mixed-interdigitated gel phases. Thus the unusual thermotropic phase behavior described here may be a general characteristic of phosphatidylcholines that form mixed-interdigitated gel phases. This unusual behavior is not associated with any major change in any of several physical properties of these lipid bilayers but may arise from an alteration of the size and/or structure of microdomains present in the liquid-crystalline phase.  相似文献   

Thermal analyses of freezing events in hydrated lettuce (LactucasativaL.) seeds show a correlation between low temperature exotherms(LTEs) (evidence of ice crystal formation) and seed death. Yet,weather patterns common to the Northern Great Plains of NorthAmerica regularly create conditions where non-dormant seedsof native plants hydrate with snow melt and are subsequentlyexposed to -30 °C or colder conditions. To determine ifsuch weather patterns decimate dispersed seeds, we measuredthe effects of freezing on fully hydrated winterfat (Eurotialanata(Pursh) Moq.) seeds harvested from the Northern Plainsat two USA and one Canadian location. Survival of hydrated seedsto -30 °C at a cooling rate of 2.5 °C h-1was similarto that of seeds not subjected to cooling, even though botha high temperature exotherm (HTE) and an LTE were observed.Although the LTE was not related to winterfat seed survival,freeze-stressed seeds had reduced germination rates and reducedseedling vigour, particularly for the collection with the lightestseeds. The temperature of LTEs was similar among seed collectionswith a mean of -17.6 °C, but was warmer when the seeds wereimbibed at 0 °C compared to 5, 10 or 20 °C. We founda significant correlation between the HTE and LTE temperatures.The difference and the correlation may be due to the highermoisture content of seeds imbibed at 0 °C. After pericarpremoval, only one exotherm in the range of the LTE was observed.This was also true for the naked embryo. We conclude that anLTE indicates ice formation in the embryo, but that it doesnot signal the death of a winterfat seed.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Eurotia lanata(Pursh) Moq.,Krascheninnikovia, Ceratoides,winterfat, exotherm, freezing tolerance, freezing avoidance, seedbed ecology, germination, D50, seedling vigour, seed collection  相似文献   

Hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) were placed individually into artificial nests constructed in jars of damp soil and then were cooled slowly to temperatures between-7.7 and-12.7 °C. Distinct exotherms were recorded in all jars when water in the soil began to freeze at temperatures between-0.9 and-2.4 °C. A second (animal) exotherm was subsequently detected in some of the jars when water in hatchlings also began to freeze. An animal exotherm occurred in the temperature records for all 23 hatchlings that died in tests terminating at temperatures between-7.7 and-10.8 °C, but no such exotherm was apparent in the temperature records for the 23 turtles that survived these treatments. Moreover, the 4 hatchlings that produced exotherms in tests terminating between-11.5 and-12.7 °C failed to survive, but 5 of 7 hatchlings that produced no exotherm in these tests also died. Thus, turtles that die at subzero temperatures above-11 °C apparently succumb to freezing when ice propagates across their integument from the frozen soil, but animals that die at temperatures below-11 °C generally perish from some other cause. These findings indicate that hatchling painted turtles overwintering inside their shallow, subterranean nests survive exposure to subzero temperatures by avoiding freezing instead of by tolerating freezing.  相似文献   

DTA of lettuce seeds was used to study the cryoprotective mode of action of DMSO. Lettuce seeds were imbibed for 16 hr in 5, 10, 15 or 20% aqueous solutions of DMSO either with or without a 6 hr preimbibition in water. Seeds were frozen to postsecondary exotherm temperatures; exotherms were recorded; and germination was tested after freezing. DMSO had at least a twofold effect on the lettuce seeds: it increased the degree of supercooling, and it imparted a capacity to survive following freezing beyond secondary exotherm levels.  相似文献   

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