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为探讨生境对卷柏属(Selaginella)植物微观形态的影响,利用扫描电子显微镜对海南七仙岭采集的7种卷柏属植物的侧叶、中叶、孢子叶的叶表皮形态以及小孢子形态进行全面观察分析,并计算气孔器大小、气孔密度、孢子大小等,比较分析其微观形态的区别及微形态与生境间的关系,为卷柏属植物的分类提供依据。结果显示:(1)同种卷柏属植物的侧叶、中叶与孢子叶在叶表皮形态上具明显差异,尤其是孢子叶上的气孔与营养叶相对较小且稀疏,与孢子叶的繁殖功能相符合。(2)不同种卷柏属植物的叶表皮特征也明显不同,主要表现在叶缘刺、气孔和瘤状突起上,表明这些特征可以作为卷柏属植物种间区分的依据。(3)卷柏属植物的小孢子形态稳定,纹饰多样;部分种间的小孢子形态相似,但可通过纹饰类型、裂缝的曲直进行区分。(4)琼海卷柏的小孢子具有独特的网状纹饰,暗示其具有独特的演化途径。(5)卷柏属植物叶表皮的气孔特征、瘤状突起特征,小孢子的颜色、纹饰,与海拔、生境的湿度有一定的相关性,但其形成机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

张梦华  张宪春 《生物多样性》2021,29(12):1607-66
卷柏属(Selaginella)是石松类植物中最大的属, 也是分类难度较大的类群之一。该属的物种划分主要基于形态特征, 但许多近缘种在形态上很难区分。近年来, 已有大量分子证据被用于各植物类群的分类学研究, 但目前未发现一套适合卷柏属物种鉴定的分子标记。薄叶卷柏复合群(S. delicatula group)是卷柏属下鉴定较为困难的类群, 包括了薄叶卷柏(S. delicatula)、黑顶卷柏(S. picta)和瓦氏卷柏(S. wallichii) 3个物种, 主要分布于亚洲的热带和亚热带地区。为了探讨薄叶卷柏复合群内物种的亲缘关系和评估不同分子标记在卷柏属分类学研究中的应用价值, 本研究对该复合群物种进行广泛取样, 共收集到73个个体, 并选取3个叶绿体基因(rbcL, psbAatpI)和2个核基因(26S nrDNA和pgiC)片段进行系统树的构建及叶绿体单倍型分析。研究发现, 基于叶绿体和核基因构建的系统发生关系存在冲突: 叶绿体基因树上薄叶卷柏个体分为两个分支(A和B), 薄叶卷柏B分支与薄叶卷柏A-S. picta分支呈姐妹关系, 并且rbcL单倍型分析结果也表明薄叶卷柏A和B两个分支存在明显分化; 而核基因结果则支持该复合群3个物种各自的单系性, 其中, S. delicatula分支与S. picta分支为姐妹群, S. wallichiiS. delicatula-S. picta分支为姐妹关系。在对复合群分布区大量标本的观察以及野外群体调查的基础上, 评估了植株茎和枝的分枝方式、孢子叶、营养叶(侧叶、中叶和腋叶)和孢子表面纹饰等形态性状的分类学价值。结果表明, 薄叶卷柏A和B分支的样本仅在植株分枝方式和大孢子表面纹饰上存在差异, 但无法依靠小孢子表面纹饰、孢子叶穗和营养叶形态等特征进行区分。基于现有证据, 薄叶卷柏复合群至少可划分为薄叶卷柏、黑顶卷柏和瓦氏卷柏3种, 但彻底澄清该复合群的物种划分还需要获取模式标本产地的材料和细胞学证据。最后, 建议在未来卷柏属的分类学研究集中于该属分类复杂的复合群, 结合使用形态学、细胞学、分子生物学(同时使用核基因和叶绿体分子标记)及地理分布等整合证据来进行物种划分。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了西藏产4种卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)植物波密卷柏(Selaginella bomiensis Ching et S.K.Wu)、宽叶卷柏(S. megaphylla Baker)、墨脱卷柏(S. mutensis Ching)和钱形卷柏(S. nummularifolia Ching)的大、小孢子形态。扫描电镜观察结果显示:这4种卷柏科植物的孢子具有复杂的外部纹饰特征,且种间有很大的差异,可作为种间鉴别的重要分类依据。4种卷柏的孢子形态均为首次报道,为卷柏科系统演化及形态学研究提供有价值的基础资料。  相似文献   

西藏产四种卷柏科植物的孢子形态观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了西藏产4种卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)植物波密卷柏(Selaginella bomiensis Ching et S.K.Wu)、宽叶卷柏(S.megaphylla Baker)、墨脱卷柏(S.mutensis Ching)和钱形卷柏(S.nummularifolia Ching)的大、小孢子形态.扫描电镜观察结果显示:这4种卷柏科植物的孢子具有复杂的外部纹饰特征,且种间有很大的差异,可作为种间鉴别的重要分类依据.4种卷柏的孢子形态均为首次报道,为卷柏科系统演化及形态学研究提供有价值的基础资料.  相似文献   

该文描述了在越南发现的卷柏科一新种——越南卷柏(Selaginella pseudotamariscina X. C. Zhang & C. W. Chen)。经过分子系统发育分析并与近缘种形态比较,认为该新种是卷柏属(Selaginella)同穗亚属(subg. Stachygynandrum)的一个物种,与S. digitata-S. imbricata分支为姐妹群关系。该新种与卷柏(S. tamariscina)和垫状卷柏(S. pulvinata)的形态近似,其植株均为莲座状,但不同之处在于中叶对称,似披针形,上表面具1沟槽; 孢子叶穗略压扁; 孢子叶和营养叶性状和排列近似,孢子叶非同形,略异形,正置,腹面孢子叶大于背面孢子叶; 背面孢子叶败育,孢子囊仅见于腹面孢子叶基部。  相似文献   

卷柏科11种雌配子体形态发育的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
刘保东  张大维 《植物研究》1993,13(3):250-256
本文用扫描电镜和光镜详细研究了人工培养的中国产卷柏科Selaginellaceae 11种卷柏的雌配子体的发育特点和形态特征,11种卷柏分别是卷柏Selaginella tamariscina(Beauv.)Spring小卷柏,S.helvetica(L.)Link,鹿角卷柏S.rossii(Bak.)Warb.,疏叶卷柏S.remotifolia Sp-ring,西伯利亚卷柏S.sibirica(Milde)Hieron,中华卷柏S.sinensis(Desv.)Spring,薄叶卷柏S.delicatula(Desv.)Alston,异穗卷柏S.heterostachys Bak.,细叶卷柏S.labordei Hieron。,伏地卷柏S.nippon-ica Fr.et Sav.和圆枝卷柏S.sanguinolenta(L.)Spring,在比较了每种雌配子体形态发育特点的基础上,讨论了卷柏科雌配子体在形态演化上的可能趋势,认为有“赤道轴缩减型”和“极轴缩减型”之分,这与根据孢子体将卷柏科分为Homoerphyllum和Heterophyllum两类的观点相吻合,并探讨了用雌配子体形态发育为卷柏类分组所能提供的依据。 其中9种系首次报道。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对睫毛卷柏(Selaginella ciliaris (Retz.) Spring)、甘肃卷柏(S.kansuensis Ching)、墨脱卷柏(S.mutensis Ching)、毛枝卷柏(S.trichoclada Alston)等4种中国产卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)植物的大、小孢子进行了详细的观察。结果表明,4种卷柏的大、小孢子在表面纹饰方面存在明显的差异,而在每一种内,孢子形态是基本稳定的。因此,孢子形态特征可以作为区分种的重要依据。4种卷柏的大、小孢子的孢壁多为混合纹饰类型,且近极面纹饰比远极面的细密。  相似文献   

中国四种卷柏科植物孢子的形态观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对睫毛卷柏(Selaginella ciliaris(Retz.)Spring)、甘肃卷柏(S.kansuensis Ching)、墨脱卷柏(S.mutensis Ching)、毛枝卷柏(S.trichoclada Alston)等4种中国产卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)植物的大、小孢子进行了详细的观察.结果表明,4种卷柏的大、小孢子在表面纹饰方面存在明显的差异,而在每一种内,孢子形态是基本稳定的.因此,孢子形态特征可以作为区分种的重要依据.4种卷柏的大、小孢子的孢壁多为混合纹饰类型,且近极面纹饰比远极面的细密.  相似文献   

中国卷柏科孢子形态的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
刘保东  包文美 《植物研究》1989,9(3):113-131
本文用扫描电子显微镜较详细地观察了中国产卷柏科Selagincl aceae植物的28种小孢子和26种大孢子的形态特征。该科孢子纹饰复杂而较稳定,较大的纹饰往往由较小的规则的纹饰构成;个别种的大孢子有单裂缝类型;同种内大小孢子纹饰不相似;作者据孢子形态学特征支持将卷柏科分为两类(相当于两个属或一个属的两个亚属),即同型叶类和异型叶类,并将异型叶类分为五个种组;根据孢子纹饰等讨论了科属内的演化关系。  相似文献   

报道了拟大叶卷柏Selaginella decipiens Warb. 在中国广西和云南的分布。该种的分布原来只知道在越南北部和印度东北部。它在形体上近似大叶卷柏S. bodinieri Hieron.,而侧叶形状和秦氏卷柏S. chingii Alston的一致,但以其较大的、近全缘的侧叶,以及较大的腋叶和较短的孢子叶穗同上述两种不同。  相似文献   

Three cryptic species of Ceratopteris thalictroides, named the south type, the north type and the third type, were examined for their morphological characteristics, using sporophytes cultivated under common conditions. The discriminant analysis for leaf characters followed by one-way layout ANOVA or Kruskal–Wallis test for selected combinations of characters revealed that the following characters may be effective for identifying the three types: the relative lengths of stipe to blade and to pinna, the degree of dissection, the segment densities on rachis and pinna rachis, and the elongation degree of ultimate segments. The number of annulus cells on sporangia also proved to be a possible distinguishing character. As morphological data were obtained from a limited number of cultivated sporophytes, they are regarded as not definitive, but only referential diagnostic characters of the types and should be utilized not solely, but collectively, to avoid identification errors of the types. An identification trial using herbarium specimens proved these diagnostic characters to be useful to a considerable degree. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The morphological and histological characters of the neurohaemal organ (sinus gland) of Portunus sanguinolentus are described in detail. The sinus gland lies on the dorsal surface of the optic ganglia, opposite the medulla interna. Histological techniques showed the presence of three tinctorially different secretory granules in the sinus gland. The predominant type of secretory material is basophilic and occurs as large granules, while two types of acidophilic material occur near the basement membrane. Cyclic changes in the relative amounts of acidophilic and basophilic material in correlation to moulting are also discussed. Allochthonous cells present in the sinus gland are identified.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus have ranges that abut in the Pyrenees. Males produce two types of song—calling song and courtship song. We have examined the use and structure of these songs in males from nine sites near Mont-Louis, Pyrénées-Onentales, France. These sites were previously used to identify the position of the hybrid zone on morphological characters. The subspecies differ in the use and structure of both types of song. Clines in these characters correspond in position with the morphological cline. At least one character may be relevant to mate choice but none of the characters show evidence of reinforcement.  相似文献   

为确定可靠的雷氏按蚊Anopheles lesteri Baisas et Hu.1936分类鉴别特征,对采自不同地区的雷氏按蚊进行了形态、染色体和分子特征的观察和分析。检视了辽宁、广东现场标本,江苏实验室品系的成蚊、虫卵特征,描述了染色体核型,并测定了采自广东、辽宁、河南和云南4省的现场标本,以及江苏、海南和广西实验室品系的核糖体DNA间隔2区(ITS2)和D3序列。结果显示成蚊、虫卵形态变异较大,不具备稳定、明确的鉴别特征;染色体核型具有多态现象,性染色体X、Y分别有3个和2个类型,可分为染色体型A与B;唯有ITS2分子序列具有客观、稳定的种间差异,系雷氏按蚊可靠、可行的鉴别特征。  相似文献   

It is widely believed that behavior is more evolutionarily labile and/or more difficult to characterize than morphology, and thus that behavioral characters are not as useful as morphological characters for estimating phylogenetic relationships. To examine the relative utility of behavior and morphology for estimating phylogeny, we compared levels of homoplasy for morphological and behavioral characters that have been used in systematic studies. In an analysis of 22 data sets that contained both morphological and behavioral characters we found no significant difference between mean consistency indices (CIs, which measure homoplasy) within data sets for the two types of characters. In a second analysis we compared overall CIs for 8 data sets comprised entirely of behavioral characters with overall CIs for 32 morphological data sets and found no significant difference between the two types of data sets. For both analyses, 95% confidence limits on the difference between the two types of characters indicate that, even if given the benefit of the doubt, morphological characters could not have substantially higher mean CIs than behavioral characters. These results do not support the idea that behavioral characters are less useful than morphological characters for the estimation of phylogeny.  相似文献   

两面针变种及类型间的小叶形态比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为更好地分类和鉴定两面针原变种、毛两面针变种以及原变种的3个类型,对两面针2个变种及原变种3个类型的小叶形态特征进行了观察,并利用扫描电镜和解剖镜对叶片表皮和叶脉进行了显微观察和微形态研究。结果显示:两面针原变种各类型和毛两面针的植物形态主要区别在叶片质地和被毛情况,叶片质地在类型内较为稳定,是首要分类性状。毛两面针的叶表面特征与原变种区别明显,类型三有别于前两种类型。叶脉特征中毛两面针和类型一也与类型二和三有所不同。叶表面和叶脉的微形态均具有较好的分类意义和鉴别意义,支持《中国植物志》关于两面针2个变种以及3个类型的划分。  相似文献   

Leaf epidermal micro morphological characters of 54 species belonging to genus Persea (Lauraceae) from America were comparatively studied by the means of light microscopy. It was shown that the leaf epidermal cells were usually regular bearing with straight or beaded anticlinal walls.Most of these species had unicellular trichomes uniformly distributed. The stomatal apparatus which were paracytic, only randomly presented in the areoles of abaxial epidermis for all sampled species, can be assigned into three types. The results showed that similar leaf epidermal characters can be found in the species with similar morphology. Nineteen characters were selected for PCA analysis, and the sampled species was divided into two clades. The characters of leaf epidermis were little different within a species but can vary among species. However, the multiple leaf epidermal characters including the shape of epidermal cells, the shape of stomatal apparatus, stomatal ledges and some distinct characters were relatively constant and taxonomically quite useful for the identification of some species with similar phenotypes.  相似文献   

介绍野生药用植物灯盏细辛的主要特征、特性、化学成分、药效及功能和栽培技术等,为进一步开发利用该植物资源提供参考。  相似文献   

Species of Prunus L. sect. Persica are not only important fruit trees, but also popular ornamental and medicinal plants. Correct identification of seedlings, barks, or fruit kernels is sometimes required, but no reliable morphological characters are available. Nowadays, the technique of DNA barcoding has the potential to meet such requirements. In this study, we evaluated the suitability of 11 DNA loci (atpB-rbcL, trnH-psbA, trnL-F, trnS-G, atpF-H, rbcL, matK, rpoB, rpoC1, nad1, and internal transcribed spa...  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Prunus subgenus Prunus is notoriously problematic and reliable discriminating characters for species and subspecies identification are missing. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed on different morphological data sets and useful diagnostic characters for Prunus spinosa and P. domestica ssp. insititia were found. Many traditionally used morphological characters were found unreliable. The hypothesis of widespread hybridization between Prunus spinosa and P. domestica ssp. insititia in Denmark were examined using PCA and HYWIN. It was found that hybrids between the two taxa are rare in Denmark.  相似文献   

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