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植物自交不亲和基因研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自交不亲和性的研究是植物生殖生物学和分子生物学研究的热点之一,对自交不亲和基因和蛋白质的深入研究是解析自交不亲和性机理的关键.对控制孢子体自交不亲和性和配子体自交不亲和性的S基因及其蛋白质产物的分子生物学研究进展进行了综述.孢子体自交不亲和性植物S位点上至少存在3个基因,即SLG、SRK和SCR基因.其中SLG、SRK基因控制雌蕊自交不亲和性,而SCR控制花粉自交不亲和性.配子体自交不亲和植物雌蕊S基因产物为S-RNase,具有核酸酶活性;配子体自交不亲和植物花粉S基因产物尚未找到.  相似文献   

配子体自交不亲和植物花粉S基因研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
配子体自交不亲和植物的自交不亲和性是由雌蕊自交不亲和因子和花粉自交不亲和因子相互作用的结果。目前已经分离和鉴定了雌蕊自交不亲和基因及其表达产物。最近从金鱼草、Prumusdulcis、梅等植物中分离的F-box基因,它具有花粉S基因特点,即在花药、成熟的花粉和花粉管中特异表达;在基因位置上,与S-RNase基因紧密连锁;不同物种或同一物种不同品种F-box基因间核苷酸和氨基酸序列上存在高度多态性。通过分子生物学方法和杂交授粉试验证明所分离的F-box基因是花粉自交不亲和基因,但目前尚未分离出该类基因相应的表达蛋白。主要综述了配子体自交不亲和植物花粉自交不亲和基因的发现、基因的结构、雌蕊自交不亲和因子和花粉自交不亲和因子相互作用的模型。  相似文献   

综述了核果类果树甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)、杏(P. armeniaca L.)、扁桃(P. dulcis (Mill.) D. A.Webb)和梅(P. mume Sieb)等自交不亲和性的研究进展。着重讨论了S-RNase基因(S基因)和SLF基因(S-locus F-box基因,或称SFB基因),S基因在杂交后代群体中的遗传规律,利用S基因的遗传特性选育自交亲和品种和确定S基因型的主要方法及其特点以及自交亲和机制的几种可能的类型。  相似文献   

芸薹属植物自交不亲和性的分子机制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
芸薹属植物自交不亲和性受单一位点的复等位基因控制,此位点命名为S位点,它决定柱头表面花粉识别的专一性,S位点糖蛋白基因(SLG)和S受体激酶基因(SRK)是控制芸薹属植物花柱自交不亲和性的两个关键因子,本文介绍了编码自产不亲和性的S位点的SLG,SRK和花粉S基因的鉴定,结构及功能,并对其信号传导途径的可能机制做了简要概述。  相似文献   

姜立杰  曹家树 《植物学报》2001,18(4):411-417
芸薹属植物自交不亲和性受单一位点的复等位基因控制,此位点命名为S位点。它决定柱头表面花粉识别的专一性。S位点糖蛋白基因(SLG)和S受体激酶基因(SRK)是控制芸薹属植物花柱自交不亲和性的两个关键因子。本文介绍了编码自交不亲和性的S位点的SLG、SRK和花粉S基因的鉴定、结构及功能,并对其信号传导途径的可能机制做了简要概述。  相似文献   

核果类果树自交不亲和性研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了核果类果树甜樱桃(PFunus avium L.)、杏(P.armeniaca L.)、扁桃(P.dulcis(Mill.)D.A.Webb)和梅(P.mume Sieb)等自交不亲和性的研究进展.着重讨论了S-RNase基因(s基因)和SLF基因(S-locus F-box基因,或称SFB基因),S基因在杂交后代群体中的遗传规律,利用S基因的遗传特性选育自交亲和品种和确定S基因型的主要方法及其特点以及自交亲和机制的几种可能的类型.  相似文献   

显花植物的受精涉及许多识别过程,其中和线个是雌性生殖组织心皮对花粉的识别。自交不亲和性(Self-incompatibility,SI)是一种广泛分布于显花植物的种内生殖障碍。在多数自交不亲和的植物中,SI的遗传控制比较简单,受控于一个由复等位基因构成的单一位点,称为S位点。在以茄科、玄参科和蔷薇科为代表的配子体自交不亲和植物中,S位编码一类核酸酶,即S核酸酶(Fig.1),控制SI在花柱中的表达,但是与花粉自交不亲和性的表达无关。后者可能由与S核酸酶不同的基因控制,这种基因常被称为花粉S基因。它是目前了解显花植物花粉识别生化和分子机理的关键。近来,通过对影响花粉SI表达突变体的前了解 花植物花粉识别生化和分子机理的关键。近来,通过对影响花粉SI表达突变体的分子遗传分析提出了一个花粉S基因产物如何与S核酸酶相互作用完成自体和异体花粉识别过程的模型(Fig.2)。另外,描述了两个在金鱼草中克隆花粉S基因的方法,即S位点选择性的转座子标记和图位克隆。  相似文献   

根据茄科、蔷薇科及玄参科植物中多个花粉特异性表达的F-box基因同源序列设计兼并引物,从苹果品种'红玉'花粉cDNA中克隆得到了3个全长基因序列Jt1、Jt2和Jt3.序列比对结果显示,3个基因在N-端都有保守的F-box基序,表明其为F-box蛋白基因家族成员.RT-PCR组织特异性、单元型特异性及连锁遗传分析结果发现,3个基因均在'红玉'花粉中特异性表达,Jt1具有单元型多态性,并在'澳洲青苹'×'红玉'杂交后代中与S9-RNase基因连锁遗传,推测认为Jt1是苹果自交不亲和性S9-单元型特异性表达的花粉S-决定子候选基因,命名为MdSLFB9(GenBank登录号为FJ610153).Jt2和Jt3与花粉S-决定子F-box基因序列相似度较高,但不具有单元型特异性表达,为苹果花粉SLFB-like基因,分别命名为MdSLFB-like1和MdSLFB-like2(GenBank登录号分别为FJ610154和FJ610155).  相似文献   

张一婧  薛勇彪 《植物学报》2007,24(3):372-388
自交不亲和性是一种广泛存在于显花植物中的种内生殖障碍, 可以抑制近亲繁殖而促进异交。其中, 以茄科、玄参科和蔷薇科为代表的配子体自交不亲和性是最常见的类型。这类自交不亲和性是由单一的多态性S-位点所控制。目前的研究发现这一位点至少包含两个自交不亲和反应特异性决定因子: 花柱中的S-核酸酶和花粉中的SLF(S-Locus F-box)蛋白。该文将主要介绍并讨论基于S-核酸酶的自交不亲和性分子机制的研究进展。  相似文献   

以毛茛科乌头属铁棒锤(Aconitum pendulum N.Busch)2个品系‘蓝花铁棒锤’(‘WSYB1’)和‘黄花铁棒锤’(‘WSYY1’)为材料,对其进行转录组测序(RNA-seq),采用生物信息学方法鉴定其中可能存在的花柱S基因(self-incompatibility gene)和花粉S基因,并对它们的序列特征进行分析。结果显示,转录组中共鉴定出2个在雌蕊中特异或高表达的花柱S基因(ApSRNase)和2个在雄蕊中特异表达的花粉S基因(ApSLF)。与耧斗菜(Aquilegia coerulea James)相似,铁棒锤中也存在S-RNase(S locus ribonucleases)和SLF(S locus F-box)控制的S-RNase类的自交不亲和系统,而不存在sS(stigma S-determinant)和pS(pollen S-determinant)控制的罂粟科类型的自交不亲和系统。  相似文献   

Gametophytic self-incompatibility in Rosaceae, Solanaceae, and Scrophulariaceae is controlled by the S locus, which consists of an S-RNase gene and an unidentified "pollen S" gene. An approximately 70-kb segment of the S locus of the rosaceous species almond, the S haplotype-specific region containing the S-RNase gene, was sequenced completely. This region was found to contain two pollen-expressed F-box genes that are likely candidates for pollen S genes. One of them, named SFB (S haplotype-specific F-box protein), was expressed specifically in pollen and showed a high level of S haplotype-specific sequence polymorphism, comparable to that of the S-RNases. The other is unlikely to determine the S specificity of pollen because it showed little allelic sequence polymorphism and was expressed also in pistil. Three other S haplotypes were cloned, and the pollen-expressed genes were physically mapped. In all four cases, SFBs were linked physically to the S-RNase genes and were located at the S haplotype-specific region, where recombination is believed to be suppressed, suggesting that the two genes are inherited as a unit. These features are consistent with the hypothesis that SFB is the pollen S gene. This hypothesis predicts the involvement of the ubiquitin/26S proteasome proteolytic pathway in the RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility system.  相似文献   

Loss of pollen-S function in Prunus self-compatible mutants has recently been associated with deletions or insertions in S-haplotype-specific F-box (SFB) genes. We have studied two self-compatible cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca), Currot (S(C)S(C)) and Canino (S(2)S(C)), sharing the naturally occurring self-compatible (S(C))-haplotype. Sequence analysis showed that whereas the S(C)-RNase is unaltered, a 358-bp insertion is found in the SFB(C) gene, resulting in the expression of a truncated protein. The alteration of this gene is associated with self-incompatibility (SI) breakdown, supporting previous evidence that points to SFB being the pollen-S gene of the Prunus SI S-locus. On the other hand, PCR analysis of progenies derived from Canino showed that pollen grains carrying the S(2)-haplotype were also able to overcome the incompatibility barrier. However, alterations in the SFB(2) gene or evidence of pollen-S duplications were not detected. A new class of F-box genes encoding a previously uncharacterized protein with high sequence similarity (approximately 62%) to Prunus SFB proteins was identified in this work, but the available data rules them out of producing S-heteroallelic pollen and thus the cause of the pollen-part mutation. These results suggest that cv Canino has an additional mutation, not linked to the S-locus, which causes a loss of pollen-S activity when present in pollen. As a whole, these findings support the proposal that the S-locus products besides other S-locus independent factors are required for gametophytic SI in Prunus.  相似文献   

RNase-based self-incompatibility: puzzled by pollen S   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Newbigin E  Paape T  Kohn JR 《The Plant cell》2008,20(9):2286-2292
Many plants have a genetically determined self-incompatibility system in which the rejection of self pollen grains is controlled by alleles of an S locus. A common feature of these S loci is that separate pollen- and style-expressed genes (pollen S and style S, respectively) determine S allele identity. The long-held view has been that pollen S and style S must be a coevolving gene pair in order for allelic recognition to be maintained as new S alleles arise. In at least three plant families, the Solanaceae, Rosaceae, and Plantaginaceae, the style S gene has long been known to encode an extracellular ribonuclease called the S-RNase. Pollen S in these families has more recently been identified and encodes an F-box protein known as either SLF or SFB. In this perspective, we describe the puzzling evolutionary relationship that exists between the SLF/SFB and S-RNase genes and show that in most cases cognate pairs of genes are not coevolving in the expected manner. Because some pollen S genes appear to have arisen much more recently than their style S cognates, we conclude that either some pollen S genes have been falsely identified or that there is a major problem with our understanding of how the S locus evolves.  相似文献   

Most fruit trees in the Rosaceae exhibit self-incompatibility, which is controlled by the pistil S gene, encoding a ribonuclease (S-RNase), and the pollen S gene at the S-locus. The pollen S in Prunus is an F-box protein gene (SLF/SFB) located near the S-RNase, but it has not been identified in Pyrus and Malus. In the Japanese pear, various F-box protein genes (PpSFBB(-α-γ)) linked to the S-RNase are proposed as the pollen S candidate. Two bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs around the S-RNase genes of Japanese pear were constructed, and 649?kb around S(4)-RNase and 378?kb around S(2)-RNase were sequenced. Six and 10 pollen-specific F-box protein genes (designated as PpSFBB(4-u1-u4, 4-d1-d2) and PpSFBB(2-u1-u5,) (2-d1-d5), respectively) were found, but PpSFBB(4-α-γ) and PpSFBB(2-γ) were absent. The PpSFBB(4) genes showed 66.2-93.1% amino acid identity with the PpSFBB(2) genes, which indicated clustering of related polymorphic F-box protein genes between haplotypes near the S-RNase of the Japanese pear. Phylogenetic analysis classified 36 F-box protein genes of Pyrus and Malus into two major groups (I and II), and also generated gene pairs of PpSFBB genes and PpSFBB/Malus F-box protein genes. Group I consisted of gene pairs with 76.3-94.9% identity, while group II consisted of gene pairs with higher identities (>92%) than group I. This grouping suggests that less polymorphic PpSFBB genes in group II are non-S pollen genes and that the pollen S candidates are included in the group I PpSFBB genes.  相似文献   

The S-RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) of Rosaceae, Solanaceae, and Plantaginaceae is controlled by at least two tightly linked genes located at the complex S locus; the highly polymorphic S-RNase for pistil specificity and the F-box gene (SFB/SLF) for pollen. Self-incompatibility in Prunus (Rosaceae) is considered to represent a 'self recognition by a single factor' system, because loss-of-function of SFB is associated with self-compatibility, and allelic divergence of SFB is high and comparable to that of S-RNase. In contrast, Petunia (Solanaceae) exhibits 'non-self recognition by multiple factors'. However, the distribution of 'self recognition' and 'non-self recognition' SI systems in different taxa is not clear. In addition, in 'non-self recognition' systems, a loss-of-function phenotype of pollen S is unknown. Here we analyze the divergence of SFBB genes, the multiple pollen S candidates, of a rosaceous plant Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) and show that intrahaplotypic divergence is high and comparable to the allelic diversity of S-RNase while interhaplotypic divergence is very low. Next, we analyzed loss-of-function of the SFBB1 type gene. Genetic analysis showed that pollen with the mutant haplotype S(4sm) lacking SFBB1-S(4) is rejected by pistils with an otherwise compatible S(1) while it is accepted by other non-self pistils. We found that the S(5) haplotype encodes a truncated SFBB1 protein, even though S(5) pollen is accepted normally by pistils with S(1) and other non-self haplotypes. These findings suggest that Japanese pear has a 'non-self recognition by multiple factors' SI system, although it is a species of Rosaceae to which Prunus also belongs.  相似文献   

In sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.), theS4′ haplotype, characterized by a self-incompatibility (SI) defect in pollen, is self-compatible and is derived from the self-incompatibleS4 haplotype by x-ray mutagenesis.SFBs (S haplotype-specific F-box protein genes) have been found to associate with pollen determinant of SI. This report identified theSFB4′ of the self-compatibleS4′ haplotype. The alignment of the sequences ofSFB4′ andSFB4 by the BLAST program revealed a 4-bp deletion inSFB4′, which is TTTA. The sequence polymorphism generated by the TTTA deletion inSFB4′ was exploited to develop a simple molecular marker specific for detecting theS4′ but not theS4 haplotype. The simple marker specific to theS4′ haplotype can be visualized directly on an agarose gel, so it can be immediately applied to a marker-assistant cherry-breeding program. Thus, this work provides a practical molecular marker for cherry breeding. Principal author. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Diploid Hordeum bulbosum (a wild relative of cultivated barley) exhibits a two-locus self-incompatibility (SI) system gametophytically controlled by the unlinked multiallelic loci S and Z. This unique SI system is observed in the grasses (Poaceae) including the tribe Triticeae. This paper describes the identification and characterization of two F-box genes cosegregating with the S locus in H. bulbosum, named Hordeum S locus-linked F-box 1 (HSLF1) and HSLF2, which were derived from an S 3 haplotype-specific clone (HAS175) obtained by previous AMF (AFLP-based mRNA fingerprinting) analysis. Sequence analysis showed that both genes encode similar F-box proteins with a C-terminal leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, which are distinct from S locus (or S haplotype-specific) F-box protein (SLF/SFB), a class of F-box proteins identified as the pollen S determinant in S-RNase-based gametophytic SI systems. A number of homologous F-box genes with an LRR domain were found in the rice genome, although the functions of the gene family are unknown. One allele of the HSLF1 gene (HSLF1-S 3) was expressed specifically in mature anthers, whereas no expression was detected from the other two alleles examined. Although the degree of sequence polymorphism among the three HSLF1 alleles was low, a frameshift mutation was found in one of the unexpressed alleles. The HSLF2 gene showed a low level of expression with no tissue specificity as well as little sequence polymorphism among the three alleles. The multiplicity of S locus-linked F-box genes is discussed in comparison with those found in the S-RNase-based SI system. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers AB511822–AB511825 and AB511859–AB511862.  相似文献   

Recently, an S haplotype-specific F-box (SFB) gene has been proposed as a candidate for the pollen-S specificity gene of RNase-mediated gametophytic self-incompatibility in Prunus (Rosaceae). We have examined two pollen-part mutant haplotypes of sweet cherry (Prunus avium). Both were found to retain the S-RNase, which determines stylar specificity, but one (S3' in JI 2434) has a deletion including the haplotype-specific SFB gene, and the other (S4' in JI 2420) has a frame-shift mutation of the haplotype-specific SFB gene, causing amino acid substitutions and premature termination of the protein. The loss or significant alteration of this highly polymorphic gene and the concomitant loss of pollen self-incompatibility function provides compelling evidence that the SFB gene encodes the pollen specificity component of self-incompatibility in Prunus. These loss-of-function mutations are inconsistent with SFB being the inactivator of non-self S-RNases and indicate the presence of a general inactivation mechanism, with SFB conferring specificity by protecting self S-RNases from inactivation.  相似文献   

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