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2005年3—4月,在拉萨曲水县雄色寺周围山上的灌丛地,对藏雪鸡栖息地选择,通过调查和测量与其有关的14个参数,发现雪鸡喜欢在灌丛盖度较低、距离民居近的地方觅食,并喜欢在灌丛盖度较低、草本种类较少、草本盖度较低、岩石较多、距民房距离较近的地方休息。另外还发现,人类保护和投食对雪鸡栖息地选择也有很大的影响。调查结果显示,研究地区的雪鸡活动在很大程度上依赖人类活动。  相似文献   

桃红岭自然保护区梅花鹿对春季栖息地的利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2005年3~5月在江西桃红岭自然保护区对华南梅花鹿(Cervus nippon kopschi)春季栖息地的利用进行了初步研究。选择10类生态因子,并设置256个10 m×10 m样方。选择指数的结果表明,梅花鹿喜欢灌丛和灌草丛、郁闭度较低、灌木盖度较小、食物丰富度高、半阴半阳及向阳、中坡位、坡度平缓、水源距离较近、人为干扰距离>800 m和海拔高度在300~450 m的环境。并对目前桃红岭梅花鹿栖息地存在的一些问题进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

2008 年3 月和2008 年11 月,在舟山群岛以獐的足迹、粪便和卧迹等新鲜活动痕迹为依据,对獐春、秋季栖息地利用特征进行研究。共设置样方420 个,对样方内生境类型、乔木盖度、灌木盖度、草本盖度、坡位、坡度、坡向、海拔、人为干扰距离和水源距离等10 个生态因子进行测量评估。结果发现,獐春、秋两季的栖息地利用特征是(1)隐蔽和食物因子:春、秋季利用阔叶林、农田和山坡地,秋季对灌木林也有较高的利用率,而对农田的利用率下降;春、秋季乔木盖度、灌木盖度和草本盖度较低处(≤50%) 利用率较高,但春季对乔木盖度较高处(> 50% )也有较高的利用率; (2) 地形因子:春季对坡度较缓、中下坡位、海拔较低处(< 100 m)利用率较高;秋季对坡度较缓、中下坡位、海拔较低(<100 m)的南坡利用率较高; (3) 水源因子:春季利用水源距离较近(< 200 m) 的区域;秋季对水源距离较近(< 200 m)和较远(>600 m) 区域的利用率均较高; (4) 干扰因子:春季主要利用距离人为干扰近处(< 100 m),秋季主要利用距离人为干扰远(> 200 m)处。逐步判别分析显示,春、秋季獐栖息地利用特征存在显著差异,乔木盖度、坡度、坡向、海拔和人为干扰5 个因子是主要的区分因子。舟山群岛人为干扰剧烈、次生乔木和灌木较为发达以及草本植物不发达等一系列特点,造成了舟山群岛獐特殊的栖息地现状。本研究将对制订适合于海岛的动物栖息地保护对策提供理论依据,也为了解海岛生境下獐不同季节的生存状况提供科学依据。  相似文献   

清凉峰自然保护区梅花鹿秋季对栖息地利用的初步分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
20 0 3年 9~ 1 1月 ,作者在浙江省清凉峰自然保护区 ,对梅花鹿栖息地的利用进行了研究 ,选择 9类生态因子 ,并设置 3 89个 1 0m× 1 0m样方。选择指数的结果表明 ,梅花鹿喜欢选择草甸 沼泽和灌丛、郁闭度较低、食物丰富度高、上坡位、海拔≥ 1 2 0 0m、人为干扰距离 >1 0 0 0m、向阳、坡度平缓的生境。分析表明 ,梅花鹿对灌木盖度的选择以适合为准。主成份分析表明 ,影响梅花鹿栖息地选择的主要因子有 4种 ,依次为 :干扰因子 (包括海拔、坡位和人为干扰距离 )、食物因子 (包括郁闭度、食物丰富度和植被型 )、灌木盖度因子和地形因子 (包括坡度和坡向 )。  相似文献   

南充雉鸡的巢址选择和春夏季栖息地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年3-6月,采用野外直接观察法和样方法,在四川省南充市太和白鹭自然保护区对雉鸡(Phasianus colchicus)的巢址选择和春夏季栖息地选择进行了研究。通过主成分分析和对比分析,巢址选择研究结果表明:雉鸡的巢都是选择在乔木盖度小、距水距离较近、草本高度和盖度都较大的白茅(Imperata cylindri-cal)干草丛中;影响雉鸡巢址选择的主要因子依次为:坡度、总盖度、乔木平均胸径、乔木盖度、郁闭度、距水距离、距路距离、灌木平均高度、巢周围干草比例、裸地面积、巢上方覆盖物厚、灌木盖度和巢所在草丛宽度等13个因子。春夏季栖息地选择研究结果表明:雉鸡在春夏季倾向于在植被总盖度大、坡度适中、乔木盖度适中、草本盖度和高度较大、灌木盖度较小、灌木高度较大、隐蔽度较大、距路距离较远和郁闭度较大等的生境栖息。  相似文献   

四川山鹧鸪(Arborophila rufipectus)是我国西南山地特有的珍稀濒危鸟类,迄今对其越冬栖息地的了解甚少。2013年1月和2014年1—2月,在四川老君山国家级自然保护区对其冬季栖息地特征进行了研究。野外共测定了48个利用样方和30个对照样方的特征参数。结果表明:四川山鹧鸪偏好选择海拔较低、坡度平缓、乔木盖度较小、竹子较矮、草本低矮稀疏、1.0 m层盖度较大、4.0~5.0 m层盖度较小、距小路和林缘较近的栖息地。此外,四川山鹧鸪还倾向于选择在距水源较近及地表落叶丰富的栖息地活动。安全与食物条件可能是影响四川山鹧鸪冬季栖息地选择的关键因素。  相似文献   

对于特有珍稀鸟类的保护而言,了解其对特定栖息地的要求至关重要。灰胸薮鹛(Liocichla omeiensis)是我国西南山地一种特有的画眉科(Timaliidae)珍稀鸟类。2010~2013年冬季,采用样线法和样方法,在四川峨眉山对灰胸薮鹛的冬季栖息地特征进行了调查。沿山间公路、山脊或林中小径布设观察样线。样线共计26条,总长70 km。观察发现,灰胸薮鹛主要在常绿阔叶林林缘地带活动,海拔范围约500~1 300 m。共设置47个利用样方和25个对照样方。χ2检验的结果表明,灰胸薮鹛主要选择阳坡。与对照样方的差异性检验显示,灰胸薮鹛喜好利用海拔较低、乔木数量较少、乔木胸径较小、乔木均高较低、乔木盖度较小、灌木盖度较大、竹子均高较高、竹子盖度较大、草本盖度较大、藤本植物较丰富、植被总盖度较大和距林缘距离较小的生境。逐步判别分析结果表明,灌木盖度、草本盖度、竹子盖度和距林缘距离是区分利用样方与对照样方的关键因子,判别准确率达87.5%。灰胸薮鹛对冬季栖息地的选择主要与食物和隐蔽条件有关。  相似文献   

2006年3—6月,采用野外直接观察法和样方法,在四川省南充市太和白鹭自然保护区对雉鸡(Phasianus colchicus)的巢址选择和春夏季栖息地选择进行了研究。通过主成分分析和对比分析,巢址选择研究结果表明:雉鸡的巢都是选择在乔木盖度小、距水距离较近、草本高度和盖度都较大的白茅(Imperata cylindrical)干草丛中;影响雉鸡巢址选择的主要因子依次为:坡度、总盖度、乔木平均胸径、乔木盖度、郁闭度、距水距离、距路距离、灌木平均高度、巢周围干草比例、裸地面积、巢上方覆盖物厚、灌木盖度和巢所在草丛宽度等13个因子。春夏季栖息地选择研究结果表明:雉鸡在春夏季倾向于在植被总盖度大、坡度适中、乔木盖度适中、草本盖度和高度较大、灌木盖度较小、灌木高度较大、隐蔽度较大、距路距离较远和郁闭度较大等的生境栖息。  相似文献   

闫永峰  刘迺发 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4278-4284
2004和2005年的4~7月,采用样方法和直接观察法,对甘肃省东大山自然保护区喜马拉雅雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis)的巢址选择进行了研究.共测量36个巢址.研究表明,喜马拉雅雪鸡的巢主要分布于2601~3000 m之间,多在高山岩石草地和裸露岩石区、突出大石下和灌木下或草丛中、中坡及中坡以上的坡位、坡度26°~40°之间的阳坡和半阳坡上营巢.主成分分析表明,影响巢址选择的主要因子可分为捕食因子和食物因子两类,其主要因子依次为灌丛高度、距悬崖的距离、草本盖度、灌丛密度和物种丰富度;作为捕食因子与食物因子权衡的结果,其巢址选择有利于喜马拉雅雪鸡的野外生存.此外,悬崖环境(距悬崖的距离和500m内的悬崖数)在巢址选择中起到重要作用,这可能与雪鸡的避敌方式及飞翔能力较差有关.  相似文献   

云南大中山黑颈长尾雉栖息地选择周年变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Li W  Zhou W  Liu Z  Li N 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):499-508
采用比较利用和可利用栖息地的方法,分别对云南大中山黑颈长尾雉秋冬季、春季和夏季栖息地展开调查。检验和Bonferroni置信区间分析结果表明,黑颈长尾雉不同季节均偏向选择常绿阔叶林,偏向选择或回避选择的乔木、灌木和草本的种类不尽相同。利用和可利用样方差异性检验显示,不同季节对地形因素的选择性不明显,仅夏季距水源距离一个因子差异显著;植被因子中,春季差异显著的仅有乔木层盖度因子,夏季有乔木密度、乔木层盖度、落叶层盖度和草本层盖度等4个因子,秋冬季有乔木层盖度、草本层盖度和藤本密度等3个因子。主成分分析表明,不同季节利用样方负荷绝对值较大的因子在各主成分中的序位不尽相同,即栖息地选择的主要生态因子随季节发生变化。单因素方差分析和逐步判别分析表明,秋冬季与春季栖息地特征较接近,而与夏季差别较大。χ2  相似文献   

The habitat selection of Tibetan Snow Cocks in shrub vegetation was investigated in Lhasa,Tibet,China,between March and April,2005.Fourteen parameters were measured.These include altitude,slope,slope aspect,slope position,vegetation cover,plant type and other environmental parameters.Results show that Snow Cocks favor foraging in areas where vegetation cover was small and close to the residents' houses.Supplementary food supplied by humans has caused Snow Cocks to decrease their foraging range.Snow Cocks also favor roosting in areas with low vegetation,sparse grass,short grass,large rocks and close to houses.The Snow Cocks' activity in the study areas show a close relationship with human activities.  相似文献   

The habitat selection of Tibetan Snow Cocks in shrub vegetation was investigated in Lhasa, Tibet, China, between March and April, 2005. Fourteen parameters were measured. These include altitude, slope, slope aspect, slope position, vegetation cover, plant type and other environmental parameters. Results show that Snow Cocks favor foraging in areas where vegetation cover was small and close to the residents’ houses. Supplementary food supplied by humans has caused Snow Cocks to decrease their foraging range. Snow Cocks also favor roosting in areas with low vegetation, sparse grass, short grass, large rocks and close to houses. The Snow Cocks’ activity in the study areas show a close relationship with human activities. __________ Translated from Zoological Research, 2006, 27(5): 513–517 [译自: 动物学研究]  相似文献   

Abstract. Snow patch vegetation in Australia is rare, being restricted to the relatively small area of alpine and subalpine country in the highlands of southeastern Australia. Snow patch vegetation occurs on steeper, sheltered southeastern slopes, where snow persists until well into the growing season (December/January). We surveyed the vegetation of 33 snow patch sites in the alpine and subalpine tracts of the Bogong High Plains, within the Alpine National Park, in Victoria. The vegetation was dominated by herbs and graminoids, with few shrubs and mosses. Major structural assemblages identified included closed herb‐fields dominated by Celmisia spp, and grasslands dominated by Poa fawcettiae or Poa costiniana. These assemblages occurred on mineral soils. Open herb‐fields dominated by Caltha introloba and several sedge species occurred on rocky and stony substrata. Vegetation‐environment relationships were explored by ordination and vector fitting. There was significant variation in the floristic composition of snow patch vegetation as a function of duration of snow cover, altitude, slope and site rockiness. Alpine sites were floristically distinct from subalpine sites, with a greater cover of Celmisia spp. and a lesser cover of low shrubs in the former. There was floristic variation within some snow patches as a function of slope position (upper, middle or lower slope) but this was not consistent across sites. The current condition of snow patch vegetation on the Bogong High Plains is degraded, with bare ground exceeding 20% cover at most sites. Snow patch vegetation is utilized preferentially by domestic cattle, which graze parts of the Bogong High Plains in summer. Such grazing is a potential threat to this rare vegetation type.  相似文献   

Snow cover and its spatio-temporal changes play a crucial role in the ecological functioning of mountains. Some human activities affecting snow properties may cause shifts in the biotic components of ecosystems, including decomposition. However, these activities remain poorly understood in subalpine environments. We explored the effect of human-modified snow conditions on cellulose decomposition in three vegetation types. Snow density, soil temperature, and the decomposition of cellulose were studied in Athyrium, Calamagrostis, and Vaccinium vegetation types, comparing stands intersected by groomed ski slope and natural (outside the ski slope) stands. Increased snow density caused the deterioration of snow insulation and decreased the soil temperature inside the ski slope only slightly in comparison with that outside the ski slope in all vegetation types studied. The decomposition was apparently lower in Athyrium vegetation relative to the other vegetation types and strongly (Athyrium vegetation) to weakly lower (other vegetation types) in groomed than in ungroomed stands. Wintertime, including the melting period, was decisive for overall decomposition. Our results suggest that differences in decomposition are influenced by ski slope operations and vegetation type. Alterations in snow conditions appeared to be subtle and long-term but with important consequences for conservation management.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are highly threatened by human activities, even within the protected areas that have been established to conserve biodiversity. Human activities may have different degrees of impact on vegetation structure, composition and diversity. Some studies have measured direct evidence of human activities in forming disturbance gradients, while others have quantified canopy cover as a proxy for disturbance. When measurement is confined to human activities, disturbance may be underestimated in areas of poor canopy cover where forest degrading activities have ceased. Where measurements are restricted to canopy cover, disturbance may be underestimated in areas of extensive canopy cover that may have been subject to past disturbances, and overestimated for areas where canopy cover is naturally sparse. Combining indicators of past and present disturbances is therefore necessary to examine the full spectrum of human disturbances. Forest vegetation in Popa Mountain Park, Myanmar was surveyed and classified into three levels of disturbance—undisturbed, medium disturbed and highly disturbed—derived from evidence of cutting and canopy cover. The forests are second or third growth after clearing for agriculture in the early 20th century. All trees with ≥10 cm diameter at breast height in 168 sample plots (10 m × 10 m) were identified and measured. Density, basal area and diversity decreased and dominance rose when disturbance increased. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) clearly discriminated three forest stands and CCA axes were significantly correlated to soil moisture, soil nitrogen, elevation, slope, aspect, distance from park boundary and distance from villages. Abstract in Myanmar is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

报道了原产地为西藏自治区白朗县马乡地区(海拔4500m以上)的藏雪鸡(Tetraogallus tibetanus)在人工条件下(在拉萨市区海拔3650m)为期4年的饲养繁殖情况,以及藏雪鸡在人工条件下所产的卵和野生卵的大小及重量的差异显著性分析结果。  相似文献   

徐凯健  曾宏达  任婕  谢锦升  杨玉盛 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6960-6968
福建省长汀县是中国南方最严重的水土流失区之一,在20世纪80年代初和2000年两次集中治理的推动下,当地生态环境已得到显著改善。基于Landsat系列卫星影像提取长汀县1975—2013年共6期植被覆盖度分布图,分析该区在不同时期植被覆盖度及其空间格局的时空动态,并探讨人类干扰与政策治理对植被覆盖度及景观格局的影响。结果表明:(1)近38年来,长汀县平均植被覆盖度由47.02%(1975)提升至71.47%(2013),在覆盖度结构上逐渐形成以中高和高植被覆盖度占主导的格局;县域中部河田盆地的植被覆盖度由30.83%(1975)提升至60.34%(2013)。(2)在景观格局上,研究期间长汀县极低、低和中低覆盖度斑块平均面积呈波动下降趋势、同时斑块密度增加,而中高、高植被覆盖度区域面积扩大,表明封禁、造林等治理措施导致植被覆盖度较高的区域不断汇聚成片。(3)植被覆盖度的提升在空间上主要集中在海拔600 m和坡度25°以下区域,尤其在海拔400—600 m和坡度5°—15°区域最显著,表明植被的破坏和恢复过程与人类活动的联系密切。(4)空间分析表明,在距离农户居民地边缘1.2 km的范围内,越接近居民地中心的区域植被覆盖度越低、破碎度越大且恢复缓慢,但这种空间差异伴随治理进行正在逐步减弱。总体上看,长汀县生态治理和人类干扰的长期驱动影响,其恢复速度在不断提升。  相似文献   

南昌市植被覆盖度时空演变及其对非气候因素的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵丽红  王屏  欧阳勋志  吴志伟 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3723-3733
植被是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,植被覆盖在空间上的差异是气候和人类活动交互作用的结果。随着城市扩张,人类活动的加剧及不合理的土地利用方式导致了很多生态问题,对植被覆盖有重大影响。基于地形调节植被指数的像元二分模型,利用3期landsat-5 TM影像图分析南昌市植被覆盖度时空演变特征,并结合DEM数据分析植被覆盖度及变化的地形梯度分异规律,利用3期土地利用图量化植被覆盖度变化对土地利用方式转变的响应。结果显示:1)研究区2001—2010年植被覆盖度从0.54下降为0.42,总体上呈退化趋势,2005年之后植被退化有所减缓;2)植被覆盖度的地形梯度变化显著。植被覆盖度与高程呈高度的正相关性,在坡度0—22°梯度带呈现较高的正相关,在坡度22—40°梯度带呈现较高的负相关。80%以上植被覆盖变化集中在海拔30 m以下、坡度4°以下的区域;3)植被覆盖度变化是地形与土地利用综合作用的结果。在平原低丘区,土地利用行为是植被覆盖变化的主导因素。城市的建设和扩张导致占用耕地、林地和草地,以及大面积的撂荒、伐林等土地活动对植被覆盖退化的贡献率为50%以上,是植被覆盖退化的主要原因,而退耕还林还草、废弃地复垦、后备资源开发为植被覆盖增加的主要原因。可为平原低丘区生态环境监测和构建环境友好型土地利用模式提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The interaction between ecological and hydrological processes is particularly important in arid and semi-arid regions. Often the interaction between these processes is not completely understood and they are studied separately. We developed a grid-based computer model simulating the dynamics of the four most common vegetation types (perennial grass, annuals, dwarf shrubs and shrubs) and related hydrological processes in the region studied. Eco-hydrological interactions gain importance in rangelands with increasing slope, where vegetation cover obstructs run-off and decreases evaporation from the soil. Overgrazing can influence these positive feedback mechanisms. In this study, we first show that model predictions of cover and productivity of the vegetation types are realistic by comparing them with estimates obtained from field surveys. Then, we apply a realistic range in slope angle combined with two land use regimes (light versus heavy grazing intensity).Our simulation results reveal that hydrological processes and associated productivity are strongly affected by slope, whereas the magnitude of this impact depends on overgrazing. Under low stocking rates, undisturbed vegetation is maintained and run-off and evaporation remain low on flat plains and gentle slope. On steep slopes, run-off and evaporation become larger, while water retention potential decreases, which leads to reduced productivity. Overgrazing, however, reduces vegetation cover and biomass production and the landscape's ability to conserve water decreases even on flat plains and gentle slopes.Generally, the abundance of perennial grasses and shrubs decreases with increasing slope and grazing. Dominance is shifted towards shrubs and annuals. As a management recommendation we suggest that different vegetation growth forms should not only be regarded as forage producers but also as regulators of ecosystem functioning. Particularly on sloping range lands, a high percentage of cover by perennial vegetation insures that water is retained in the system.  相似文献   

The type of snow cover considerably influences the sctructure of vegetation and production-related processes in alpine communities of diverse regions. The relation of snow cover thickness to the structure of apline plant communities in the eastern Tsinghai-Tibet Plateau (Sichuan, People's Republic of China) was studied by analyzing the vegetation in 251 sample areas grouped in five transects along the gradient of mesotopographic conditions and wintertime snow cover thickness. Considerable differentiation of plant communities related to snow cover thickness in revealed along the line from the northern to the southern slope. It is shown that the influence of snow cover on the distribution of particular plant species is significantly greater than the influence of soil properties (pH, content of humus, total phosphorus, potassium, and ammonia nitrogen in the upper strata of soil). Among the 56 herbaceous plant species and 7 shrub species studied, 52 herbaceous and all the 7 shrub species showed significant (P < 0.05) correlation (positive or negative) to snow cover thickness. Snow cover thickness appeared also significantly correlated to a number of soil properties: soil thickness, content of water, total phosphorus, and humus. But, in contrast to the alpine communities of the Caucasus and the Alps, no considerable acidification of the soil under snowflakes, due to perpetual removal of cations by melt water, was observed.  相似文献   

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