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Synopsis The ovary of the domestic pigeon,Columba livia, has been assayed histochemically for the localization of 5-3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (5-3-HSDH), 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17-HSDH), 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11-HSDH), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6P-DH) and NADH-diaphorase activities during different periods of the reproductive cycle. 5-3-HSDH, 17-HSDH, 11-HSDH, G6P-DH and NADH-diaphorase activity was found in the theca interna of growing, atretic and postovulatory follicles, the granulosa of ovulatory, atretic and postovulatory follicles, and interstitial gland cells during the pre-incubation and the laying periods. During the incubation and squab feeding periods only 5-3-HSDH, G6P-DH and NADH-diaphorase activities were observed in the above mentioned cells. The steroidogenic potential of atretic follicles depends upon the type of atresia a follicle undergoes.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of protein conformations in terms of the distance between residues, represented by their C atoms, is presented. We consider four factors that contribute to the determination of the distanced i,i+k between a given pair ofith and(i+k)th residues in the native conformation of a globular protein: (1) the distancek along the chain, (2) the size of the protein, (3) the conformational states of theith to(i+k)th residues, and (4) the amino acid types of the and(i+k)th residues. In order to account for the dependence on the distancek along the chain, the statistics are taken for three ranges, viz., short, medium, and long ranges (k8; 9k20; andk21; respectively). In the statistics of short-range distances, a mean distanceD k and its standard deviationS k are calculated for each value ofk, with and without taking into account the conformational states of all residues fromi toi+k (factors 1 and 3). As an Appendix, the relations for converting from the distances between residues into other conformational parameters are discussed. In the statistics of long-range distances, a reduced distanced* ij (the actual distance divided by the radius of gyration) is used to scale the data so that they become independent of protein size, and then a mean reduced distanceD l (a, a) and its standard deviation l (a, a) are calculated for each amino acid pair (a, a) (factors 2 and 4). The effect of the neighboring residues along the chain on the value of the distanced* ij is explored by a linear regression analysis between the actual reduced distanced* ij and the mean value over theD l for all possible pairs of residues in the two segments of the (i–2)th to the (i+2)th and the (j–2)th to the (j+2)th residues. The effect is assessed in terms of the tangentA l (a, a) of the calculated regression line for each amino acid pair (a, a). In the statistics of medium-range distances, only factors 1 and 4 are considered, to simplify the analysis. The scaled distanced i,i+k =(d i,i+k -D k )/S k is used to eliminate the dependence onk, the distance along the chain. The propertiesD m (a, a), m (a, a) andA m (a, a) corresponding toD l (a, a), l (a, a), andA l (a, a), and also calculated for each amino acid pair (a, a). The results are interpreted as follows: the smaller values ofD l (a, a) andD m (a, a) indicate a preference of the pair (a, a) for a contact (e.g., pairs between hydrophobic amino acids, and pairs of Cys with aromatic amino acids), and the larger values of these quantities indicate a preference for distant mutual location (e.g., pairs between strong hydrophilic amino acids); the smaller values of l (a, a) and m (a, a) indicate a strong preference for either contact or noncontact (e.g., pairs between hydrophobic amino acids, and pairs between strong hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids, respectively), and the larger values of these quantities indicate the ambivalent/neutral nature of the preference for contact and noncontact (e.g., pairs containing Ser or Thr); the smaller values ofA l (a, a) andA m (a, a) indicate that the distance of an (a, a) pair is determined independently of the amino acid character of the neighboring residues along the chain (e.g., some pairs of Cys or Met with other amino acids) and the larger values of these quantities indicare that such amino acid character contributes strongly to the determination of the distance (e.g., pairs containing Ser or Thr, and pairs between amino acids with small side chains). The difference between the statistics for the long- and medium-range distances is also discussed; the former reflect the difference between the hydrophobic and hydrophilic character of the residues, but the latter cannot be easily interpretable only in terms of hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity. The data analyzed here are used in the optimization of an object function to compute protein conformation in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous avons fait élever des larves d'Anergates atratulus par des ouvrières deMyrmica laevinodis à 22°C. Pour y parvenir, il n'est pas utile de faire hivernerensemble les larves d'Anergates et les ouvrières deMyrmica. La présence de larves autochtones n'empêche pas lesMyrmica d'élever des larves d'Anergates. Dans toutes les expériences lesMyrmica ont été soumises au fridavant de recevoir des larves d'Anergates. Aucune reine deMyrmica n'a été utilisée dans ces expériences.Sur les 64 larves d'Anergates que nous avons utilisées, 38 se sont transformées en imagos. C'est au début de l'adoption et au moment des métamorphoses que périrent la plupart des 26Anergates perdus. Les femelles vécurent en général 2 ou 3 jours et cherchèrent très tôt à quitter le nid natal. Les mâles vécurent 2 à 3 semaines.
Summary Larvae ofAnergates atratulus were experimentally reared by workers ofMyrmica laevinodis, at 22°C. An overwintering of both larvae ofAnergates and workers ofMyrmica is not necessary for the success of that experiment. The presence of larvae ofMyrmica does not keep theMyrmica from rearing larvae ofAnergates. The workers ofMyrmica have been cooled, in all the experiments, before receiving larvae ofAnergates. No queen ofMyrmica have been used in that experiments.38 of the 64 larvae ofAnergates used became imagos. Most of the 26 lostAnergates died at the beginning of the adoption and during the metamorphosis. The females lived generally 2 or 3 days and tried, very early, to leave their native nest. The males lived 2 or 3 weeks.

Anergates atratulus Myrmica laevinodis, 22 . bmecme Anergates Myrmica. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica . 64 Anergates , 38 . 26 Anergates 2 3 . 2 3 .

Synopsis Small numbers of mitochondria-rich (chloride) cells were found in the yolksac epithelium of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) embryos just before hatching and in eleuthero-embryos up to 14 days after hatching. This suggests that the yolksac epithelium may play a limited ionoregulatory role in this species.Mitochondria-rich cells were also present in small numbers in the branchial epithelium of embryos just before hatching and in increasing numbers in eleutheroembryos during the first two weeks after hatching. The cells in the branchial epithelium showed marked variations in appearance, particularly in the fine structure of the tubular (smooth) endoplasmic reticulum. Few of the mitochondria-rich cells examined here had the pitted apex which is characteristic of homologous cells in other species.There appeared to be no differences in the numbers or appearance of mitochondria-rich cells in embryos and eleutheroembryos reared in different ambient salinities (distilled water, 110/00 and 130/00 sea water), possibly indicating that the genesis of the ionoregulatory function of the gills has not occurred at that interval of development.  相似文献   

Summary Details are given of a study of blood samples from 24 patients with Hb H disease from different Mediterranean countries and from the Far East. Four different types of -thal-1 (--) were observed, namely-() ( 20.5-kb deletion);--MED-I ( 17.5-kb deletion);--MED-II (>26.5-kb deletion); and--SEA ( 18-kb deletion, in Orientals only). The -thal-2 was mainly of the deletion type (16 with the 3.7-kb deletion; 1 with the 4.2-kb deletion), while 4 of the 7 patients with a nondeletional type had the five-nucleotide deletion at the donor splice site of the first intron of the 2 gene. All patients had a mild-to-moderate hemolytic anemia; no significant differences in hematology were observed between the groups. Hb A2 was decreased to about one-third of the normal level. The Hb H formation varied considerably and its quantitation was not always satisfactory. Patients with Hb H disease due to any -thal-1 combined with a nondeletional -thal-2 had the highest Hb H levels and a more marked anemia. The chain production was small and absent in patients with the MED-II type of -thal-1 because this deletion included the and genes. The highest chain levels were present in the four patients with the SEA type of -thal-1. The chain production was increased, particularly in patients with a mutation of C T at position-158 to the G globin gene. This chain was primarily present as Hb Bart's (or 4) and only about 15% was recovered as Hb F or 22. The evaluation of the rate of chains produced in these patients was greatly facilitated by data from one patient who had Hb H disease and a heterozygosity for the A-+. The low levels of Hb A2 and of Hb F (relative to Hb Bart's) can be explained by a decreased affinity of chains for and chains as compared with chains in conditions of severe chain deficiency.  相似文献   

A new synthetic brassinolide analogue, 2,3-dihydroxy-17-(3-methylbutyryloxy)-7-oxa-B-homo-5-androstan-6-one (11), has been shown to exhibit typical brassinolide activity characterised by elongation, swelling, twisting and splitting of the bean second internode. It was prepared from the known lactone 2,3,17-trihydroxy-7-oxa-B-homo-5-androstan-6-one (4) which was transformed to an isopropylidenedioxy derivative. After protection of the 2- and 3-hydroxy groups it yielded the 2,3-isopropylidenedioxy-17-(3-methyl-butyryloxy)-7-oxa-B-homo-5-androstan-6-one (7) on treating with 3-methylbutyryl chloride in pyridine. The analogue with a 2-methylbutyric moiety (10, 2,3-dihydroxy-17-(2-methyl-butyryloxy)-7-oxa-B-homo-5-androstan-6-one) in position 17 stimulated only elongation and swelling of the bean second internode. However, in this bioassay 100 times more 10 or 11 compared to 24-epibrassinolide is required to obtain the same effects. Analogues with -oriented hydroxyl groups at C-2 and C-3 (14,15), a 6-ketone (17,18) or 6-oxa-7-oxo-lactone system (12,13) in ring B lack the typical brassinolide activity. In addition, the active brassinosteroids applied to the second internode stimulated a similar, but 30% lower elongation of the first internode. From data presented here we conclude that the presence of two hydroxy groups in the positions 22 and 23 of the brassinolide side chain, which are considered as a key structural requirement, is not absolutely necessary for a compound to exhibit typical brassinosteroid activity. Nevertheless, these compounds have generally 2–10 times lower activity than that having 22,23-vicinal diol in the side chain.  相似文献   

Doubled haploid (DH) progeny from a cross between the scald susceptible barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivar Ingrid and the resistant accession CI 11549 (Nigrinudum) was evaluated for resistance in the pathogen Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem) J.J. Davis. Two linked and incompletely dominant loci confer resistance CI 11549 against isolate 4004. One is an allele at the complex Rrs1 locus on chromosome 3H close to the centromere; the other is located 22 cM distally on the long arm. The latter locus is designated Rrs4. In BC3-lines into Ingrid from CI 2222 (another Nigrinudum) resistance seems governed by one locus close to the telomeric region of chromosome 7H, probably allelic to Rrs2. In neither case did we find any trace of the recessive gene rh8 reported to be present in Nigrinudum. Various resistance donors of Ethiopian origin designated as Nigrinudum, Jet or Abyssinian were identical to a great extent with respect to markers, but differed in resistance to different isolates of scald or in barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) resistance. The implications for their use as differentials in scald tests and screening of germplasm collections are discussed.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 (ambient + 35 Pa) increased shoot dry mass production in Avena fatua by 68% at maturity. This increase in shoot biomass was paralleled by an 81% increase in average net CO2 uptake (A) per unit of leaf area and a 65% increase in average A at the ecosystem level per unit of ground area. Elevated CO2 also increased ecosystem A per unit of biomass. However, the products of total leaf area and light-saturated leaf A divided by the ground surface area over time appeared to lie on a single response curve for both CO2 treatments. The approximate slope of the response suggests that the integrated light saturated capacity for leaf photosynthesis is 10-fold greater than the ecosystem rate. Ecosystem respiration (night) per unit of ground area, which includes soil and plant respiration, ranged from-20 (at day 19) to-18 (at day 40) mol m-2 s-1 for both elevated and ambient CO2 Avena. Ecosystem below-ground respiration at the time of seedling emergence was -10 mol m-2 s-1, while that occuring after shoot removal at the termination of the experiment ranged from -5 to-6 mol m-2 s-1. Hence, no significant differences between elevated and ambient CO2 treatments were found in any respiration measure on a ground area basis, though ecosystem respiration on a shoot biomass basis was clearly reduced by elevated CO2. Significant differences existed between leaf and ecosystem water flux. In general, leaf transpiration (E) decreased over the course of the experiment, possibly in response to leaf aging, while ecosystem rates of evapotranspiration (ET) remained constant, probably because falling leaf rates were offset by an increasing total leaf biomass. Transpiration was lower in plants grown at elevated CO2, though variation was high because of variability in leaf age and ambient light conditions and differences were not significant. In contrast, ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) was significantly decreased by elevated CO2 on 5 out of 8 measurement dates. Photosynthetic water use efficiencies (A/E at the leaf level, A/ET at the ecosystem level) were increased by elevated CO2. Increases were due to both increased A at leaf and ecosystem level and decreased leaf E and ecosystem ET.  相似文献   

Human α-globin maps to pter-p13.3 in chromosome 16 distal to PGP   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary Fibroblasts from a fetus with an unbalanced karyotype 46(XY),-16,+(16qter-16p13.3::4q31.1-4qter) were found to possess only one allele at the 3 hypervariable region (3HVR) close to the -globin locus and two alleles at the PGP locus. This places the -globin locus at the very tip of 16p, distal to PGP.  相似文献   

Summary Nine genotypes of sorghum were screened for their relative susceptibility to zinc deficiency in soil. All the varieties were highly responsive to zinc application, but behaved differently under zinc stress conditions in respect of dry-matter production, zinc concentration and uptake. The varieties, JS-263, 29/1, JS-20 and Son 127×SL-245 and CSH-1 were relatively more susceptible to zinc deficiency than 3677×6352, Son 3×SL 209, CSH-3 and 2077×1151. re]19730102  相似文献   

Different ζ globin gene deletions among Black Americans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Four types of chromosomes with a deletion between the human embryonic and globin genes were identified among 2.8% of 321 Black Americans from Georgia. Two deletions of approximately 11 kb which differed by about 300 bp occurred on chromosomes with or without a polymorphic Xba I site 5 to the globin gene [(X+) or (X-)]. The deletions are identifiable in Xba I digests of genomic DNA using an or a globin gene probe which yield fragments of 23 kb from (X+)–* chromosomes or 27 kb from (X)–* chromosomes. Digestion with other enzymes and probing with both and probes gave fragments typical of the two globin gene deletions previously identified in Polynesians. Among Black Americans, these globin gene deletions have been found in combination with globin gene deletions in trans but not in cis. Homozygotes have not been found. Hematologic data on carriers of the globin gene deletions in association with Hb AS, SS, and SC suggest that these deletions have no effect on the function of the adult globin genes.  相似文献   

Summary Single point mutations in the upstream region of exon 6 of the -galactosidase A gene were found in two Japanese cases of the cardiac form of Fabry disease; 301ArgGln (902GA) in a case that has already been published and 279GlnGlu (835CG) in a new case. They both expressed markedly low, but significant, amounts of residual activity in COS-1 cells. In contrast, two unrelated cases with classic Fabry disease were found to have different point mutations, which showed a complete loss of enzyme activity in a transient expression assay; 328GlyArg (982GA) in the downstream region of exon 6 in one case and two combined mutations, 66GluGln (196GC)/112ArgCys (334CT), in exon 2 in the other. We conclude, on the basis of the results recorded in this study and those in previous reports, that the pathogenesis of atypical Fabry disease is closely associated with point mutations in the upstream region of exon 6 of the -galactosidase A gene.  相似文献   

Summary The tryptic peptides from the A and B chains of cat hemoglobins A and B have been isolated and the amino acid compositions determined. Differences between the two chains were found in two peptides,T-1 (GlySer) andT-14 (AsnSer and LysArg). The GlySer and LysArg substitutions are placed at-1 and-144 respectively from earlier work, and the third substitution, AsnSer at-139 is suggested from this work. In addition, the presence of a blocked amino terminus in B has been confirmed. Tentative sequences constructed by homology with known-chain structures suggest the occurrence of substitutions at 1 1 contacts in A and B that may be functionally significant. There are at least 18 differences in amino acid composition between cat A and dog-chains and 22 differences between cat A and normal adult human-chains.  相似文献   

On age morphological changes of males of Chydoridae (Cladocera)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
N. N. Smirnov 《Hydrobiologia》1967,30(3-4):555-571
Summary Young and adult males of 11 species of Chydoridae are studied, their figures being published here (fig. 1–15). The necessity is stressed to distinguish young forms of males and gynandromorphic individuals.Pleuroxus balatonicus is considered to be described from the population ofPleuroxus unicatus having under Balaton Lake conditions retarded transformation of young males into adult form, and accordingly having unusually numerous young males. \qO\qs\qn\qo\qv\qn\qy\ye \qr\ye\qz\qu\ql\Qj\qt\qa\qt\qy 11 (. 1–15). . , Pleuroxus uncinatus , Pleuroxus balatonicus.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested by Cohen and Newman (1985) that many of the patterns in published food webs can be derived from a stochastic model in which the species are arranged in a trophic hierarchy (the cascade model). We suggest that, if predators are larger than their prey, a trophic hierarchy can be generated on the basis of body size Empirical evidence from the literature shows that there is a positive relationship between predator and prey size for a range of invertebrates and that predators are usually larger than their prey. Using experimental data on an aquatic food web we show that body size can lead to the type of trophic hierarchy used in the cascade model, suggesting that many food web patterns may be a product of body size. This conclusion is discussed with respect to the limitations of the food web data and the relationship between static and dynamic models of web structure.  相似文献   

Summary A single injection of -interferon (-IFN) (30 000 units/mouse), a major biological modifier of natural killer (NK) cytolytic activity, strongly stimulated NK activity in normal mice, as expected, while the same treatment did not statistically alter the NK response in cyclophosphamide (CY)-suppressed animals.We investigated the possibility of thymosin 1 cooperating with -IFN in boosting NK activity in CY-suppressed animals.The results show that treatment with thymosin 1 (200 g/kg) for 4 days, followed by a single injection of -IFN 24 h before testing, strongly restored NK activity in CY-suppressed mice. Thymosin 1 was, moreover, able to accelerate the recovery rate of NK activity in bone marrow reconstituted murine chimeras.Taken together the data support the concept that the synergic effect between thymosin 1 and -IFN could be the result of effects on differentiation of the NK lineage at different levels.  相似文献   

Calf lens A-crystallin isolated by reversed-phase HPLC demonstrates a slightly more hydrophobic profile than B-crystallin. Fluorescent probes in addition to bis-ANS, like cis-parinaric acid (PA) and pyrene, show higher quantum yields or Ham ratios when bound to A-crystallin than to B-crystallin at room temperature. Bis-ANS binding to both A- and B-crystallin decreases with increase in temperature. At room temperature, the chaperone-like activity of A-crystallin is lower than that of B-crystallin whereas at higher temperatures, A-crystallin shows significantly higher protection against aggregation of substrate proteins compared to B-crystallin. Therefore, calf lens A-crystallin is more hydrophobic than B-crystallin and chaperone-like activity of -crystallin subunits is not quantitatively related to their hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) is known to be an important translational control mechanism in all eukaryotes with the major exception of plants. Regulation of mammalian and yeast eIF2 activity is directly governed by specific phosphorylation on Ser-51. We now demonstrate that recombinant wheat wild-type (51S) but not mutant 51-Ala (51A) protein is phosphorylated by human PKR and yeast GCN2, which are defined eIF2 kinases. Further, only wheat wild-type eIF2 is a substrate for plant-encoded, double-stranded RNA-dependent kinase (pPKR) activity. Plant PKR and GCN2 phosphorylate recombinant yeast eIF2 51S but not the 51A mutant demonstrating that pPKR has recognition site capability similar to established eIF2 kinases. A truncated version of wild-type wheat eIF2 containing 51S but not the KGYID motif is not phosphorylated by either hPKR or pPKR suggesting that this putative eIF2 kinase docking domain is essential for phosphorylation. Taken together, these results demonstrate the homology among eukaryotic eIF2 species and eIF2 kinases and support the presence of a plant eIF2 phosphorylation pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Leghorn, Cornish and White Rock hens were subjected to starvation. Free amino acids were determined in blood samples taken after 48, 72 and 96 h of starvation. A progressive decrease in concentration of the majority of amino acids was found. Changes in amino acid concentrations during starvation were dependent on the breed of hen.  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts were produced from clones of two cultivars of Medicago sativa, Rangelander and Regen S. Protoplasts from the Regen S clone generally gave rise to calli while those from the Rangelander clone would undergo direct embryogenesis. Effects of plant growth conditions, donor tissue pretreatment and protoplast culture conditions on mesophyll protoplast production and subsequent development patterns were investigated. The major factor determining whether or not mesophyll protoplasts would be produced from either of the clones was the pretreatment in water of shoots excised from the donor plants. Pretreatment in water containing growth regulators did not alter protoplast production or development in the Regen S clone. Pretreatment of the Rangelander clone shoots with abscisic acid or naphthaleneacetic acid was slightly beneficial to embryo production while pretreatment with benzylaminopurine was detrimental. Altered leaf morphology induced by growth condition changes did not affect mesophyll protoplast production or subsequent development patterns when shoots were pretreated in water. Culture of protoplasts in liquid droplets or solid agar medium increased low density protoplast survival and subsequent embryo production in the Rangelander clone.  相似文献   

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