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记述聪谷蛾亚科Harmacloninae 2属2种,其中聆谷蛾属Micrerethista Meyrick,1938及齿聆谷蛾M.denticulata Davis,1998为中国首次报道.文中提供了成虫及外生殖器图.  相似文献   

记述我国地谷蛾亚科Meessiinae1新纪录属——黑地谷蛾属Epactris Meyrick,1905及1新纪录种——短黑地谷蛾E.alcaea Meyrick,1924。首次记述了该属外生殖器特征,并研究和讨论了短黑地谷蛾的雌性外生殖器变异。研究标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述我国地谷蛾亚科Meessiinae 1新属:骨斑地谷蛾属Maculiscleritica gen.nov.,及3新种:三角骨斑地谷蛾M.triangulidens sp.nov.,弯刺骨斑地谷蛾M.curvispinea sp.nov.和截齿骨斑地谷蛾M.truncatidens sp.nov,.提供新种成虫外形、翅脉和雌雄外生殖器特征图及分类检索表.模式标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

中国谷蛾一新属新种(鳞翅目:谷蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述地谷蛾亚科Meessiinae的1新属:合腺地谷蛾属Unilepidotricha gen.nov.,及新种细弯合腺地谷蛾Unilepidotricha gracilicurva sp.nov.(图1~6)。新属与Xeringinia属近似且新种与X.altilis(Meyrick)很相似,但雄性腹部背面第3与第4节之间有特殊的狭长鳞片斑,颚形突和阳茎基环发达;雌性交配囊有2个囊突等可以区别。模式标本采自云南大理州巍山县巍宝山自然保护区,保存在南开大学生命科学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国太宇谷蛾属Gerontha Walker10种,其中有4新种:拟华太宇谷蛾G.similihoenei sp.nov.,喙太宇谷蛾G.rostriformis sp.nov.,梯缘太宇谷蛾G.trapezia sp.nov.,褶太宇谷蛾G.rugulosa sp.nov.和3新纪录种:暹罗太宇谷蛾G.siamensis Moriuti,1989(图7,17~18)、清迈太宇谷蛾G.nawapuriensis Moriuti,1989(图8,19)、钻太宇谷蛾G.borea Moriuti,1977(图9,20).首次发现和报道了弯茎太宇谷蛾Gerontha flexura Huang et al .(图6,15-16)和暹罗太宇谷蛾G.siamensis Moriuti的雌性个体.文中给出了所有中国种的检索表.研究标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

连宇谷蛾属Rhodobates全世界已知17种和1亚种,其中3种分布于非洲,14种和1亚种分布于古北区和东洋区.记述采自河南内乡的1新种.  相似文献   

首次报道了纵纹谷蛾属Amorophaga Zagulajev,1968及日本纵纹谷蛾A.japonica Robinson,1986在中国的分布.首次描述了日本纵纹谷蛾雌性个体,简要讨论了该种抱器瓣及爪形突的变异,并提供了成虫及外生殖器图.日本纵纹谷蛾Amorophaga japonica Robinson,1986中国新纪录(图1~7)本种与A.cryptophori外形上相似,但可根据雌雄外生殖器特征进行区分:本种雄性外生殖器爪形突基部不特化,小叶末端具2或3枚小刺突,抱器瓣背缘具1粗指状小叶,不达抱器瓣末端,雌性外生殖器第8背板后缘不特化;而A.cryptophori雄性外生殖器爪形突基部特化形成l对形似颚形突的突起,小叶末端不具刺突,抱器瓣背缘具1宽叶,超过抱器瓣末端,雌性外生殖器第8背板后缘特化,形成三叶状结构.研究标本:1 ♂,江西上饶三清山(28°93′N,118°09′E;海拔389 rn),2012-05-15,李锦伟采,玻片号YLL12129;1 ♂,浙江清凉峰龙塘山(30°07′N,118°51′E;海拔500 m),2012-05-22,杨琳琳、张振国采,玻片号YLL12113m,YLL12113w;1 ♂,福建武夷山三港(27°45′N,117°41′E;海拔740 m),2004-05-19,于海丽采,玻片号MYH11006;1 ♂,1♀,广东连州大东山(24°46′N,112°41′E;海拔650m),2004-06-21,张丹丹采,玻片号XYL08043m,YLL11046f.分布:中国(浙江、福建、江西、广东);日本.  相似文献   

白九维 《昆虫学报》1992,35(3):339-345
斑卷蛾属Terthreutis系Meyrick(1918)根据模式种sphaerocosma建立的。该属(卷蛾亚科)到目前为止,世界上共记载有3种、分布在中国及印度。多年来,从我国广东、云南、四川及西藏等省区收集到的小蛾类标本中发现这属2个老种及3个新种。由于本属种类不断增加,属征需要进一步完善补充记述。为完整起见,对老种也给与统一补充记述。  相似文献   

隐斑谷蛾属Crypsithyris全世界已知38种,其中5种分布于中国。本文记述了采自湖南、贵州和江西的1新种:锯隐斑谷蛾Crypsithyris serrata Xiao et Li,sp.nov.(Figs.1~3)。新种与分布日本的Crypsithyris japonica Petersen et Gaedike和Crypsithyris saigusai Gaedike相似,主要区别如下:新种前翅暗褐色,具1大的椭圆形透明斑以及沿后缘具1赭白色纵带;抱器瓣近矩形,末端斜直;抱器背基突大,W形;阳茎约与囊形突等长,两侧具数个锯齿。后2种前翅乳白色,具1模糊的透明斑,在透明斑外侧有1暗斑;抱器瓣基半部宽于端半部,末端尖或钝圆;抱器背基突窄并相连成桥;阳茎明显长于囊形突且两侧无锯齿。模式标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自贵州梵净山国家级自然保护区的祝蛾科2新种:黄褐顶祝蛾Carodista flavicana Wu(祝蛾亚科Lecithocerinae)与刺茎俪祝蛾Philharmonia spinula Wu(瘤祝蛾亚科Torodorinae)。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

The genus Neolepisorus Ching was proposed in 1940 and then consisted of five species including the type, Polypodium ovatum Wall. ex Hook. et Grev. The generic sense of Neolepisorus is now more homogenour than originally constructed. Strictly speaking, the genus then had only three species: Polypodium ovatum Wall. ex Hook. et Grev. of the Himalayas and China, P. ensatum Thunb. of Japan, and China, and P. lastii Baker of Africa (Madagascar). Since then our knowledge of the genus has substantially been enriched, as there are now 10 species known from China as described in the present paper. Phylogenetically, the genus Neolepisorus is a natural one in the family Polypodiaceae, beiny closely related to Nicrosorium Link, Calysis Presl and Tricholepidium Ching in general habit, scale structure, spores and chromosome numbers (x = 36), while its affinity with the genus Lepisorus (J. Sm.) Ching is much less close in these respects. From its related genera Neolepisorus differs in terestrial habit,typically long-stipitate simple fronds, distinct lateral main veins with 1--3(4) striate and irregularly dispersed sori covered when young with angular, clathrate and long-stalked paraphyses. One marked morphological peculiarity of the genus Neolepisorus is, however, that the fronds in many species from Guizhou and Sichuan are so divided into more or less similarly pinnatifid or lobed monstrous shapes that their proper identity is frequently indiscernible--a character not yet seen in ferns of other genera in China at least. It offers an interesting research subject for the morphologists. Geographically, the genus Neolepisorus is mainly Chinese. Except one species endemic to Afrira (Madagascar), one in Indo Himalayas, upper Burma, nothern Thailand, Indo-China and China and the third species in Japan and China, all are found endemic to China,northwards to the southern part of Shaanxi (Shensi) Province, south of the Tsing-ling Range. Ecologically, they all prefer half-sunny floor under secondary forests or among shrubberies.  相似文献   

汪兴鉴  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):656-661
对前毛广口蝇属 Prosthiochaeta Enderlein(双翅目:广口蝇科)的属征进行了讨论。详细记述采自我国西南和华中地区的本属3新种: 峨眉前毛广口蝇 P. emeishana sp. Nov.,褐翅前毛广口蝇 P. fuscipennis sp. Nov. 及花翅前毛广口蝇 P. pictipennis sp. Nov.;并附其形态特征图和已知种检索表。 新种模式标本保藏于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述中国绿刺蛾属Parasa Moore 2新种:镇雄绿刺蛾P.zhenxiongica sp.nov.和西藏绿刺蛾P.xizangensis sp.nov.及3中国新纪录种:同宗绿刺蛾P.gentiles(Snellen)、缅媚绿刺蛾P.kalawensis Orhant和榴绿刺蛾P.punica (Herrich-Schaffer).另外,对中国绿刺蛾P.sinica Moore、双齿绿刺蛾P.hilarata(Staudinger)和青绿刺蛾P.hilarula (Staudinger)的混淆与误定进行了更正.提供了它们的成虫彩色照片和新种的外生殖器特征图.模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

对近来记述的古北区东部地区的毛地蜂属Panurginus Nylander全部14个种作了补充研究。中国对该属的研究较少,仅知2种:黑足毛地蜂Panurginus nigripes Morawitz 和黄跗毛地蜂Panurginus flavotarsus ? Wu。黑毛地蜂Panurginus niger Nylander为该属的模式种,分布于俄罗斯和蒙古,本文报道该种为中国新记录种。目前,中国已知该属3种,分属于2个组即niger-group和herzi-group。文中提供了中国已知种类检索表。  相似文献   

我国横断山区滇芎属植物花粉形态分化及演化趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

Abstract 1. It was observed that somatic chromosome numbers of four species of the genus Panax L. are as follows: Panax japonicus 2n=24, P. notoginseng 2n=24, P. ginseng 2n=44 and P. quinquefolius 2n=48. The somatic chromosome numbers of P. japonicus from Lushan and Jinggangshan (Jiangxi Province, China) is different from that of Japanese population (2n=48). The chromosome numbers (2n=24) of P. notoginseng is first reported. 2. The P. japonicus, one of the diploid species, which has the widest geographical distribution is perhaps the more primitive type among the living species of Panax. While, the P. ginseng and P. quinquefolius, the tetraploid species, are more advanced types than the diploid species. The conclusion from cytotaxonomy is thus different from that of chemical taxonomy. 3. The cytological analysis together with the geographic distribution of this four species shows that the Southwestern China is the modern distribution center, also the most variational center, and perhaps the center of origin for the genus Panax L.  相似文献   

小头叶蝉属系统分类研究(同翅目:叶蝉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述世界小头叶蝉属Placidus Distant昆虫9种,其中包括4个新种。条痕小头叶蝉Placidus striolatus,sp.nov. 乌樽小头叶蝉Placidus nigrocupuliferou,sp.nov.分布于云省,花顶小头叶蝉Placidus flosifronus,sp.nov.分布于湖南省,密齿小叶蝉Placidus dentatus,sp.nov。分布于四川省。中列出了所有9种小头叶蝉的名录并编制了分布检索表。新种模式标本分别保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆和中国科学院动物研究所(IZAS)。新种模式标本和示差鉴别特征如下:条痕小叶蝉Placidus striolatus,新种,正模:♂(IZAS),云南省,大围山,1350m,1956-V-22,邦浦洛夫采。该新种与P.hornei Distant相近,但其雄性生殖瓣侧面观近三角形,尾节侧瓣向后渐狭,阳茎端部近1/3处具数条长印痕,阳茎产端部腹缘锯齿状,可以与后相区别。花顶小头叶蝉Palcidus flosifrontus,新种(图3),正模♂,南非,郴州莽山,1985-Ⅶ-31,张雅林,柴勇辉采。该新种与P.hornei Distant相近,但其阳茎基部两侧所具有一对长的带状突不同于小头叶蝉属Placidus所有其他种类。密齿小头叶蝉Plasidus dentatus,新种(图4),模:♂(IZAS),四川省,马尔康,1961-Ⅵ,李贵富采。该新种与P.brunneus Kuoh相近,但其小盾片中域横刻痕不明显,连索“Y”型,阳茎端部部侧区密生小齿突,可与后明显相区分,乌樽小头叶蝉Placidus nigrocupuliferous,新种(图5),正模:♂,云南省,勐养,750m,1991-Ⅵ-9,王应伦,田润刚采。该新种与P.hornei Distant和P.bruneus Kuoh相近,但其阳基侧突呈“S”形且基部1/3膨大,阳茎侧面观呈“Y”形,腹面一支明显比背方一支狭,可与后两种明显区分。  相似文献   

Abstract Nine species of the leafhopper genus Placidus Distant have been found in the world up to now, of which 4 new species are described from South China in this paper: P. dentatus , sp. nov. from Sichuan Province, P. striolatus , sp. nov. and P. nigrocupuliferous , sp. nov. from Yunnan Province, and P. flosifrontus , sp. nov. from Hunan Province. A key to all the 9 species of this genus is proposed. The type specimens are deposited in the Entomological Museum, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling, Shaanxi, except the type specimens of P. dentatus and P. striolatus spp. nov. kept in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (IZAS).  相似文献   

记述中国草种蝇属(双翅目,花蝇科)2新种P.subcurvifolia sp.nov.和P.sinosingularis sp.nov.,并附上尾器绘图,编制了中国本属29种雄成虫检索表。模式标本保存于中科院上海昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analysis of an extensive collection of monozoic tapeworms of the genus Paracaryophyllaeus Kulakovskaya, 1961 (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), parasites of loaches (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae) in Eurasia, has revealed cryptic species diversity within this long-time monotypic genus, especially in the Paracaryophyllaeus gotoi (Motomura, 1927) species complex [syn. Paracaryophyllaeus dubininorum (Kulakovskaya, 1961); type species]. Three independent, well-supported clades were discovered on the basis of molecular data: (i) specimens from Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and Cobitis lutheri from China, Russian Far East and Japan — called herein P. cf. gotoi 1, which may be conspecific with P. gotoi (Motomura, 1927), although in the absence of sequence data for P. gotoi from its type locality (basin of the River Kumkan in Korea), no certain inferences about their identity can currently be made; (ii) specimens from M. anguillicaudatus from China and Japan — P. cf. gotoi 2, which are morphologically indistinguishable from those of P. cf. gotoi 1; and (iii) morphologically distinct tapeworms from the endemic loach Cobitis bilseli from southwestern Turkey (Beyşehir Lake), which are described herein as a new species. Paracaryophyllaeus vladkae Scholz, Oros and Aydoğdu n. sp. differs from the remaining species of the genus in the following characteristics: the testes begin anterior to the first vitelline follicles (versus posterior), the body is short and robust (versus more elongate and slender), and the scolex is wide, rounded or apically tapered (versus claviform to truncate). Species composition of the genus, host specificity of species and geographical distribution are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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