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分别将炼油废水、印染废水、造纸废水样品倍比稀释后涂布平板分离菌株,用苯酚羟化酶基因特异引物检测苯酚降解菌,共分离得到87株降酚菌。经ER IC-PCR指纹图分析,显示15种不同的类型。进一步对显示不同ER IC-PCR指纹图的15种分离物的代表菌株进行ARDRA多态性分析,结果可分为4个OTUs(Operational Taxonom ic Un it,OUT),表明实验分离得到的降酚菌至少存在4个不同的种(species)。  相似文献   

一株高效苯酚降解真菌的分离鉴定及其菌剂的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】含酚废水是普遍存在的有毒、难降解的有机污染物之一,生物法处理含酚废水因成本低、无二次污染而具有广阔的应用前景。可降解苯酚的微生物中,真菌比细菌对恶劣环境的适应性更好。针对液态菌液保存时间较短和运输困难的瓶颈,制备固体菌剂可以提高菌体存活率和储藏稳定性。【目的】筛选一株能够高效降解苯酚的真菌,优化其降酚性能并选择合适的载体制备菌剂。【方法】通过逐级驯化和纯化分离降酚菌,筛选得到降酚性能较强的真菌并通过ITS r DNA基因测序进行种属鉴定,通过参数优化进一步提高菌株降解苯酚的性能;以不同材料为载体制备菌剂,通过稀释平板计数法和苯酚降解实验探究菌剂在不同温度下的保存效果。【结果】分离筛选得到一株高效降解苯酚真菌QWD1,通过鉴定证明其属于Magnusiomyces capitatus,其最适降解条件:(NH_4)_2SO_4为氮源,接种量为15%,pH为7.0,温度为35°C,氮源浓度为14 mmol/L。在此条件下,28 d内对1 600 mg/L苯酚去除率可以达到97.15%;制备菌剂最合适载体为谷糠,适宜保存温度为4°C,保存时间可达到90 d甚至更长,活菌数高达2.5×10~8 CFU/g左右,降解苯酚效果良好。【结论】筛选得到了一株高效降解苯酚真菌,优化其降解性能并将其制备成菌剂,为处理含酚废水提供了新菌种和理论支持。  相似文献   

研究了某焦化废水处理厂接触氧化池中降酚菌群的苯酚羟化酶大亚基基因(the largest subunit of the multi-component phenol hydroxylase,LmPH)的多样性。通过温度梯度凝胶电泳(temperature gradient gel electrophoresis,TGGE)对比分析了氧化池4个区段(O1-O4)中降酚菌群LmPH的组成。它们的TGGE图谱完全一样、相似性为100%,表明该处理池中不同区段的降酚菌群的功能基因组成是高度相似的。以O4段的菌群为代表建立LmPH基因克隆文库,从中挑选了49个克隆测序。依据LmPH基因的DNA序列所推测的氨基酸序列完全相同的归为一类的原则,49个克隆被分为16种类型,其中优势LmPH基因主要有5种类型(多于4个克隆),而另外11种类型都只有1个克隆。与已知基因同源性超过90%的有7种类型,低于80%的有2种类型。基于氨基酸序列的系统进化树分析表明,LmPH文库中绝大部分的类型都属于低亲和常数(low-Ks)的LmPH,占所有克隆的92%。只有一个类型属于高亲和常数(high-Ks)的。因此,处理焦化废水的工业装置中不仅具有丰富多样的苯酚羟化酶基因类型,而且以编码低亲和常数的占优势地位,而过去报道的通过富集培养分离得到的降酚菌则多带有高亲和常数的酶。这提示我们传统的富集培养方法并不能筛选到生态环境中的真正优势功能菌。  相似文献   

张玉秀  蒙小俊  柴团耀 《微生物学报》2013,53(10):1117-1124
摘要:【目的】酚类物质的去除是焦化废水处理的关键问题,目的是从焦化废水中分离高效的苯酚降解细菌。【方法】以苯酚为唯一碳源筛选纯化降解苯酚细菌,菌株鉴定采用菌落形态和16S rRNA 序列分析方法,并研究其苯酚降解特性和在焦化废水中的除酚作用。【结果】菌落形态和16S rRNA序列比对分析表明分离的P1菌株为红球菌属(Rhodococcus sp.)细菌;其耐酚浓度高达1400 mg/L,苯酚降解的最适条件为32℃-42℃、pH 7.0和0-4%盐;苯酚降解动力学曲线符合Haldane动力学模型,qmax=0.517/h,Ks=77.487 mg/L,Ki=709.965 mg/L;不同重金属对红球菌P1菌株的苯酚降解抑制作用不同,Zn2+、Mn2+和低浓度的Pb2+对菌株降酚没有影响,Cu2+、Ni2+、Cd2+均抑制菌株对酚的降解;红球菌P1菌株2d内可完全降解1/3焦化原水中的279.9 mg/L酚类物质。【结论】P1菌株是1株高效的苯酚降解菌,具有生物处理焦化废水酚类物质的潜力。  相似文献   

高效苯酚降解菌细胞固定化方法与条件的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
含酚废水是一种难降解有机废水,对环境污染非常严重。目前常利用细菌处理含酚废水。但利用细菌处理含酚废水存在一些缺点,为此将1株高效苯酚降解菌进行细胞固定化。采用正交实验设计方法确定了该菌株固定化的最佳条件,并且考察了该固定化细胞降解苯酚的最佳条件。实验表明:该菌株的固定化细胞降解苯酚能力和耐受苯酚能力均大于游离细胞,经36 h可将1 800 mg/L苯酚降解完全。其降解苯酚的最适温度为30℃,最佳pH值为5~9。  相似文献   

【目的】从煤化工废水中分离、筛选苯酚高效降解微生物,初步考察微生物与DTRO技术联用,构建含酚废水生物强化处理工艺的可行性。【方法】采用苯酚浓度梯度培养基对苯酚降解微生物进行分离和筛选;根据菌体形态电子显微镜观察、菌株生理生化特性考察和16S r RNA基因系统发育树构建,对菌株进行初步生物学鉴定;将筛选出的高效苯酚降解菌制备成相应的菌剂与碟管式反渗透(DTRO)技术组合形成"生物强化-DTRO"工艺,并试用于含酚废水的处理。【结果】共获得7株纯化细菌,其中Phe-03和Phe-05为高效苯酚降解菌;该2株菌均可以苯酚为唯一碳源生长。经鉴定Phe-03为壤霉菌属(Agromyces)菌株;Phe-05为棒杆菌属(Corynebacterium)菌株。到目前为止,壤霉菌属(Agromyces)菌株降解苯酚尚未见报道。在初始苯酚浓度达到1 300 mg/L条件下,Phe-03和Phe-05菌株44 h内对苯酚降解率均达到70%以上;76 h后苯酚降解率均超过90%。组合形成的"生物强化-DTRO"工艺不仅可以有效去除废水中的酚类化合物,而且还能减少反渗透膜污染,以及增加膜的通透性。【结论】研究表明微生物技术可与DTRO技术联用,构建含酚废水生物强化处理工艺,可为含酚废水处理技术研究提供一种选择思路。  相似文献   

焦化废水中4株苯酚高效降解菌的分离及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:从焦化废水中筛选苯酚高效降解菌并进行鉴定.方法:在100~1000 mg/L的苯酚为惟-碳源的无机盐培养基上分离出单菌落,测定各菌株的生长曲线以及对苯酚的降解效牢;利用 16S rDNA序列分析结合菌株的形态特征确定各菌株的分类地位.结果:筛选获得4株苯酚降解菌,均能够以苯酚为惟一碳源,在30℃、pH7.0、摇床转速130 r/min、2%的接种量条件下,24h内能将1 000mg/L的苯酚降解91%以上;4株菌可初步鉴定为芽孢杆菌属(ZL1)、产碱杆菌属(ZL2、ZL4)、沙雷氏菌属(ZL3).其中,从焦化废水中分离出高效降解苯酚的沙雷氏菌未见报道.结论:从焦化废水中获得4株苯酚高效降解细菌,对高浓度含酚废水的生物降解具有潜在的应用前景.  相似文献   

研究了某焦化废水处理厂接触氧化池中降酚菌群的苯酚羟化酶大亚基基因(thelargestsubunitofthemulti-componentphenolhydroxylase,LmPH)的多样性。通过温度梯度凝胶电泳(temperaturegradientgelelectrophoresis,TGGE)对比分析了氧化池4个区段(O1—O4)中降酚菌群LmPH的组成。它们的TGGE图谱完全一样,相似性为100%,表明该处理池中不同区段的降酚菌群的功能基因组成是高度相似的。以O4段的菌群为代表建立LmPH基因克隆文库,从中挑选了49个克隆测序。依据LmPH基因的DNA序列所推测的氨基酸序列完全相同的归为一类的原则,49个克隆被分为16种类型,其中优势LmPH基因主要有5种类型(多于4个克隆),而另外11种类型都只有1个克隆。与已知基因同源性超过90%的有7种类型,低于80%的有2种类型。基于氨基酸序列的系统进化树分析表明,LmPH文库中绝大部分的类型都属于低亲和常数(low-Ks)的LmPH,占所有克隆的92%。只有一个类型属于高亲和常数(high-Ks)的。因此,处理焦化废水的工业装置中不仅具有丰富多样的苯酚羟化酶基因类型,而且以编码低亲和常数的占优势地位,而过去报道的通过富集培养分离得到的降酚菌则多带有高亲和常数的酶。这提示我们传统的富集培养方法并不能筛选到生态环境中的真正优势功能菌。  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定从某化工厂附近土样中分离到的一株耐高浓度苯酚的菌株T10,通过优化菌株的培养条件提高菌株对苯酚的降解率。【方法】根据菌株的形态、生理生化鉴定及16S rDNA测序分析确定其种属,以液体摇瓶培养菌株T10对苯酚的降解率为指标,对菌株的生长条件进行优化。【结果】菌株T10属恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida)。添加葡萄糖、蛋白胨能有效缩短T10菌的生长周期,并使苯酚的降解率提高1.7倍。在菌体初始接种浓度为10%、温度为30°C、转速为180 r/min条件下,对初始苯酚浓度、pH和装液量的响应面优化结果如下:初始苯酚浓度3 000 mg/L、pH 7.5和装液量80 mL/250 mL,苯酚去除率最高可达到87.56%。【结论】T10菌能够耐受较高浓度的含酚废水,并且对苯酚有较强的降解能力,为下一步利用生物法处理含酚废水提供科学依据。  相似文献   

高效苯酚降解菌的选育及降酚特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以苯酚为惟一碳源,采用逐量分批驯化筛选法筛选高效降酚菌并研究其降酚特性.结果筛选出1株可降解高浓度苯酚的菌株,经鉴定为假单孢菌属(Pityrosporum sp.).该菌株可降解 1 800 mg/L的高浓度苯酚,其降酚性能受许多因素影响:降解苯酚的最适环境条件为温度 30 ℃,pH 6~7,振荡速率大于 150 r/min.  相似文献   

Molecular epidemiological tools for Salmonella Dublin typing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract A total of 32 strains of Salmonella Dublin recovered from cattle were differentiated by electrophoretic typing of their esterases (zymotyping), restriction fragment length polymorphism of ribosomal DNA (ribotyping), arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) using five primers, PCR based on repetitive extragenic palindromic sequences (REP-PCR) and PCR based on enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences (ERIC-PCR). ERIC-PCR and REP-PCR each gave one type, zymotyping gave three, AP-PCR gave five and ribotyping gave seven types. Combination of ribotyping and AP-PCR produced a total of 11 types, whereas 14 different types were obtained by all five methods. Thus a combination of several methods enhanced the discrimination of cattle-adapted strains among the genotypically homogeneous serovar Salmonella Dublin.  相似文献   

A total of 39 phenol- and p-cresol-degraders isolated from the river water continuously polluted with phenolic compounds of oil shale leachate were studied. Species identification by BIOLOG GN analysis revealed 21 strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens (4, 8 and 9 of biotypes A, C and G, respectively), 12 of Pseudomonas mendocina, four of Pseudomonas putida biotype A1, one of Pseudomonas corrugata and one of Acinetobacter genospecies 15. Computer-assisted analysis of rep-PCR fingerprints clustered the strains into groups with good concordance with the BIOLOG GN data. Three main catabolic types of degradation of phenol and p-cresol were revealed. Type I, or meta-meta type (15 strains), was characterized by meta cleavage of catechol by catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23O) during the growth on phenol and p-cresol. These strains carried C23O genes which gave PCR products with specific xylE-gene primers. Type II, or ortho-ortho type (13 strains), was characterized by the degradation of phenol through ortho fission of catechol by catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (C12O) and p-cresol via ortho cleavage of protocatechuic acid by protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (PC34O). These strains carried phenol monooxygenase gene which gave PCR products with pheA-gene primers. Type III, or meta-ortho type (11 strains), was characterized by the degradation of phenol by C23O and p-cresol via the protocatechuate ortho pathway by the induction of PC34O and this carried C23O genes which gave PCR products with C23O-gene primers, but not with specific xylE-gene primers. In type III strains phenol also induced the p-cresol protocatechuate pathway, as revealed by the induction of p-cresol methylhydroxylase. These results demonstrate multiplicity of catabolic types of degradation of phenol and p-cresol and the existence of characteristic assemblages of species and specific genotypes among the strains isolated from the polluted river water.  相似文献   

Background. We have investigated the possibility that the same patients may be colonized by Helicobacter pylori strains of different genotypes or phenotypes in the antrum as compared to in the duodenum. The strains were typed for DNA fingerprints, different lipopolysaccharides (LPS), and Lewis antigen expression on the O –side chains of LPS.
Materials and Methods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications using primer sequences (i.e., the Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus [ERIC]) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) elements were performed to asses chromosomal DNA diversity between H. pylori strains. The expression of different LPS types and Lewis antigens in the various H. pylori isolates were determined by whole bacterial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using monoclonal antibodies.
Results. Duodenal ulcer patients had different H. pylori genotypes in the duodenum as compared to in the antrum as shown by ERIC-PCR (44%) and by RAPD-PCR (75%). Different DNA patterns were found among the strains that were isolated from various regions of the duodenum in 4 of 16 patients (25%) as shown by ERIC-PCR and in 8 of 16 patients (50%) as shown by RAPD-PCR. Sixty-three percent of the duodenal ulcer patients had H. pylori strains with a different Lewis antigen phenotype in the duodenum as compared to in the antrum, and 3 of 16 patients (19%) had strains with different Lewis antigens expressed by strains from different duodenal biopsies from the same patient.
Conclusion. The results suggest that a mixed population of different H. pylori strains with marked variation, both genotypically and phenotypically, colonize the same patient.  相似文献   

目的了解临床分离耐甲氧西林溶血性葡萄球菌(MRSH)的SCCmec基因型别及相同SCCmec型别菌株的同源性。方法多重PCR进行SCCmec分型,ERIC-PCR法对相同SCCmec型别菌株进行同源性分析。结果83株临床分离MRSH菌株中,SCCmecI型有23株(27.7%),SCCmecⅡ型有10株(12.1%),SCCmecm型有24株(28.9%),SCCmecIV型有1株(1.2%),I、Ⅱ混合型有8株(9.6%),I、Ⅲ混合型有6株(7.2%),Ⅱ、11混合型有5株(6.0%),I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ混合型有3株(3.6%),未分型3株(3.6%)。ERIC—PCR结果显示,23株SCCmecI型分为11型,其中A型5株,B型5株,C型3株,其余8株各为1型,2株未分型;10株SCCmecⅡ型分为6型,其中D型4株,E型2株,3株各为1型,1株未分型;24株SCCmecm型分为9型,其中F型11株,G型2株,H型2株,I型2株,5株各为1型,2株未分型。结论临床分离MRSH中,SCCmecI、Ⅲ型为多,部分菌株呈混合型别;相同SCCmec型别的部分菌株之间可能存在克隆传播。  相似文献   

为了建立适用于嗜热链球菌菌株资源多样性调查的菌株分型方法,尝试将1型CRISPR位点间区序列分析用于嗜热链球菌的菌株分型,并与常用ERIC-PCR指纹图谱方法进行了比较。结果表明,1型CRISPR位点间区序列分析可以把30株从三个不同样品中分离的嗜热链球菌分成三种差异明显的类型:不同类型菌株之间没有相同的间区序列;而同一类型菌株之间,间区序列的组成和排列则基本一致,并且上述分型的结果与用ERIC-PCR指纹图谱技术获得的结果完全一致。因此,1型CRISPR位点间区序列分析是嗜热链球菌分型鉴定的可靠方法,并适用于大量菌株的分型鉴定和多样性调查。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effectiveness of three different molecular techniques, repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR (REP-PCR), enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence PCR (ERIC-PCR) and the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR) for rapid typing of Photobacterium damselae ssp. piscicida strains isolated from different species of marine fish and geographic areas. The results obtained by the three methods showed that RAPD and ERIC-PCR were more discriminative for suitable rapid typing of Ph. damselae ssp. piscicida than REP-PCR. The analysis of DNA banding patterns generated by both molecular methods (RAPD and ERIC-PCR) clearly separated the strains into two main groups that strongly correlated with their geographic origin. Moreover, the REP-PCR analysis was less reproducible than the RAPD and ERIC-PCR methods and does not allow the establishment of genetic groups. RAPD and ERIC-PCR constitute valuable tools for molecular typing of Ph. damselae ssp. piscicida strains, which can be used in epidemiological studies of photobacteriosis infections.  相似文献   

藏北地区传统发酵乳中乳杆菌的多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:【目的】针对藏北地区的乳杆菌来源及种属,对其多态性进行研究。【方法】采用ERIC-PCR技术和NTSYS-pc2.1软件对从藏北地区牧民家庭制作的发酵乳制品中分离出的77株乳杆菌进行多样性分析。【结果】ERIC-PCR扩增出的条带清晰,重复性好,多态性高。聚类分析表明,在0.73的水平上,77株乳杆菌共分为4大类群:干酪乳杆菌群A1、发酵乳杆菌群A2,瑞士乳杆菌群A3和植物乳杆菌群A4。其中,干酪乳杆菌群A1和发酵乳杆菌群A2分别占供试乳杆菌的35.06%和61.04%,为优势菌群。进一步对优势菌群  相似文献   

Edwardsiella tarda is an enterobacterial fish pathogen that causes mortality in various fish species worldwide. In this study, we analyzed the intraspecific variability in a collection of E. tarda strains isolated from turbot. To do this we employed 4 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods: (1) random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), (2) enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR), (3) repetitive extragenic palindromic-PCR (REP-PCR) and (4) BOX-PCR. E. tarda isolates from different hosts were also included for comparison. E. tarda strains from turbot showed high molecular homogeneity when RAPD (primers P3 and P6), ERIC-PCR and BOX-PCR were employed. However, with regard to the REP-PCR and RAPD (primers P4 and P5) techniques, different genetic groups could be established within these isolates using either technique. The 2 RAPD types presented an 85% similarity, while those obtained with REP-PCR showed 74% similarity. Based on the results obtained, although a high genetic homogeneity was found in turbot isolates, the RAPD test (with primers P4 and P5) and REP-PCR were capable of discrimination within these strains, and they are therefore considered the most appropriate typing methods for studies of edwardsiellosis in turbot.  相似文献   

目的对副溶血性弧菌进行ERIC-PCR分子分型、耐药性和血清型相关性研究。方法肠细菌基因间共有重复序列(ERIC)为引物,对40株菌株基因组DNA进行扩增,得到DNA指纹图谱,并利用SPSS13.0统计软件对DNA扩增图谱进行分析,做出聚类图从而分型,并与菌株血清型、耐药性比较分析。结果40株菌用ERIC-PCR分为5个型,分辨力指数为(DI)为0.5;血清分型分为4个型;对8种抗生素中的萘啶酸、头孢噻亏、头孢西丁出现了不同程度的耐药。耐药菌株均出现在ERIC-PCR方法分型A型和血清分型O3型中。结论研究显示ERIC-PCR方法可以用于该菌分型分析,具有较好的分型能力。血清分型与ERIC-PCR方法分型一致。通过ERIC-PCR分型的树状图和血清分型结果推断,血清型O3群菌株很可能起源于血清型O1群菌株,血清型O3群和O1群密切相关。  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the molecular characterization of Bacillus anthracis strains by multiplex PCR, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR) and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). METHODS AND RESULTS: Three primers were used to amplify the cya, cap and cereolysinAB genes in the multiplex PCR. Two distinct ERIC-PCR and RAPD fragments, which separated B. anthracis into two groups, were used as probes in Southern hybridization experiments. The probes hybridized only to the cya+ B. anthracis strains identified by the multiplex PCR. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the two cloned fragments showed they were from the pXO1 plasmid of B. anthracis. CONCLUSION: Multiplex PCR simultaneously identified isolates of the Bacillus cereus group and the B. anthracis virulence factors. ERIC-PCR and RAPD, combined with the Southern hybridization analyses, differentiated B. anthracis strains and separated them from the closely related B. cereus group bacteria. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: ERIC-PCR and RAPD assay could be effective in differentiating virulent from avirulent B. anthracis. Our results also show that the amplification of the large plasmids was allowed in the ERIC-PCR and RAPD assay.  相似文献   

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