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曹波  贺乐天  张璞 《人类学学报》2015,34(4):451-460
本文主要是对贵州兴义猫猫洞遗址出土的人化石进行的初步研究,并对哺乳动物化石、地层、堆积物作叙述。该遗址的人类化石包括下颌骨4件,股骨3段,是中国南方洞穴遗址中发现的数量较多,系统分类地位较清楚的晚期智人的化石。人类化石同层的鹿牙作铀系法测年结果为14500±1200 BP,相当于更新世的末期。  相似文献   

王頠  莫进尤 《人类学学报》2004,23(2):130-137
广西扶绥县南山洞发现人类化石及哺乳动物化石。人类化石包括2枚智人牙齿化石,分别是左下第三臼齿和右下第二臼齿,其形态特征与广西其他山洞发现的智人化石相似,归入晚期智人。哺乳动物化石多为华南大熊猫———剑齿象动物群成员,时代属更新世晚期。该地点新发现的蒙古野驴化石属华南晚更新世动物群的首次发现。南山洞所有化石发现于洞内浅褐色砂质粘土中,堆积物第二层钙板层的铀系年龄为30—40ka。蒙古野驴的出现暗示中国南方大陆可能在末次冰期出现过干冷的气候环境。  相似文献   

安徽巢县人类化石地点的新材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1983年对巢县银山人类化石地点的发掘结果再次表明,该地点的人类化石的地质时代大致相当于北京猿人地点1—4层的或稍晚。发现人类上颌骨化石一块,具有早期智人的特征。  相似文献   

广西柳江土博甘前洞的铀系年代   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
本文报道晚期智人化石地点广西柳江博甘前洞新生碳酸盐岩和骨化石样的铀系测年结果。该地点表层钙板在约94Ka前开始形成,含化石粘土堆积叠压的钙板年代为约20ka,人牙化石应位于二者之间。二个动物化石样的二种铀系法年代范围为85-139ka,表明该地点与含化石堆积与表层钙板间无地层倒序现象,支持人牙化石大于100ka的结论。邻近的柳江晚期智人化石地点和柳州白莲洞人类遗址铀系测年的结果与本文一致。具现代解剖特征智人在中国南方出现的时间,很可能不晚于西非和非洲。在现代人类起源方面,中国不应是远离中心、滞后和被取代的地区。  相似文献   

中国早期智人牙齿化石   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
张银运 《人类学学报》1986,5(2):103-113
中国目前较为可靠的早期智人牙齿材料应包括在巢县、许家窑、长阳、周口店新洞和桐梓发现的人类牙齿化石,代表一类与早期组早期智人相当或十分相近的古人类。丁村人类牙齿化石可能是代表晚期组早期智人也可能是代表解剖学上的现代智人。就牙齿材料而言,尚无充分的证据能表明在中国曾同时存在过两种类型的早期智人。  相似文献   

贵州桐梓新发现的人类化石   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文主要描述1983年在贵州桐梓县岩灰洞新发现的四枚人类牙齿化石,并对1972年在该洞发现的两枚人类牙齿一并作进一步的讨论。经研究表明,它们的形态特征与北京猿人非常相似,而与早期智人有着明显的差异。因此,我们认为桐梓人类化石似应属直立人(Homoerectus),而不是以前认为的早期智人(early Homo sapiens)。该遗址的地质时代为更新世中期。  相似文献   

郧县人类头骨化石与周口店直立人头骨的形态比较   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
对郧县人类头骨化石与周口店直立人头骨作了形态上的比较以检验直立人特征在郧县头骨化石上的表现情况.比较项目包括眶上圆枕、枕骨圆枕、枕平面与项平面之间的转折情况、眶后收缩、颅骨最大宽位置、颅盖低平情况、前额后倾情况和颅容量.结果表明,在郧县人类头骨化石的这些特征项目中,有的因头骨破损和变形而难以肯定.其余的则应是早期智人的特征.从形态上讲,郧县人类头骨化石目前还难肯定是属于直立人,而有可能属于智人,如果认为“直立人”和“智人”是两个不同的物种的话.  相似文献   

发现于埃塞俄比亚MiddleAwash地区Bodo地点距今60万年的人类头骨化石是迄今发现的最为古老和完整的非洲中更新世人类化石。由于Bodo头骨化石在形态特征上兼有直立人与智人的特点,多年来学术界对其分类地位一直存在争议。Rightmire认为Bodo头骨化石与BrokenHill及Petralona等在分类上属于古老型智人的中更新世人类更为接近,是非洲直立人向古老型智人过渡的代表。至少在距今60万年的中更新世早期直立人向古老型智人转变的成种事件在非洲就已经发生。以Bodo头骨为代表的一批更新世中期非洲和欧洲人类化石构成了可能是后期人类祖先的人属海德堡种。这些观点导致了近年学术界对古老型智人在非洲及欧亚出现时间以及更新世中期非洲和欧亚地区古人类相互之间演化关系的关注。基于这样的背景,本文对年代与Bodo化石接近的周口店直立人头骨特征与Bodo头骨的相似及差异表现情况进行了对比研究。结果发现Bodo头骨在一系列特征上与周口店直立人相似,同时在包括颅容量在内的其它一些特征上呈现出后期智人的特点,但总体形态上似乎与直立人更为相似。作者认为尽管这种进化上的镶嵌现象在中国古人类化石记录上也广泛存在,但由于中国人类化石标本在年代上的不确定性,目前还没有可靠的证据说明这种集直立人与智人化石特征为一体的镶嵌性在中国古人类化石出现的时间接近或早于非洲。考虑到中国与非洲直立人生存年代的巨大差异及人类演化的不同步或地区间差异,具有较多后期人类特征表现的人类首先出现在非洲是完全可能的。根据这些研究对比,作者就人类演化的镶嵌现象、更新世中期非洲与亚洲地区人类演化上的差异等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

马晓岚 《化石》2003,(4):2-2
7月 7日中国科学院在京宣布 :在周口店遗址新发现古人类化石。据介绍 ,今年 6月 ,周口店古人类研究中心在周口店遗址附近的田园洞出土了山顶洞人时期的晚期智人化石 ,经中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所吴新智院士等专家初步鉴定 ,该人类化石在形态上属现代智人 ,牙床代表一个成年个体。专家表示 ,该化石为人类进化研究提供了新的证据。同时 ,田园洞也因此成为自上世纪 2 0年代以来周口店遗址第 2 7个具有学术价值的地点。据中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员朱敏介绍 ,2 0 0 1年 ,北京市田园林场工作人员在寻找水源过程中发现一…  相似文献   

广西柳江土博出土的人牙化石及共生的哺乳动物群   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
在广西柳江县土博公社发现一洞穴,地层中含有人类化石和哺乳动物化石。其时代初步定为更新世晚期。人类化石仅是牙齿九枚,根据其形态特征,这些材料的系统地位似应与柳江人相当,分类上可归属晚期智人。  相似文献   

柳江化石智人的身高   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
作者将柳江人的右侧股骨残段作了复原。根据华南人由肢骨测量身高的公式,如果柳江人股骨属男性,其身高为156.69±3.74厘米,比现代当地居民的平均身高偏矮。  相似文献   

Trotter and Gleser's (Trotter and Gleser: Am J Phys Anthropol 10 (1952) 469-514; Trotter and Gleser: Am J Phys Anthropol 16 (1958) 79-123) long bone formulae for US Blacks or derivations thereof (Robins and Shute: Hum Evol 1 (1986) 313-324) have been previously used to estimate the stature of ancient Egyptians. However, limb length to stature proportions differ between human populations; consequently, the most accurate mathematical stature estimates will be obtained when the population being examined is as similar as possible in proportions to the population used to create the equations. The purpose of this study was to create new stature regression formulae based on direct reconstructions of stature in ancient Egyptians and assess their accuracy in comparison to other stature estimation methods. We also compare Egyptian body proportions to those of modern American Blacks and Whites. Living stature estimates were derived using a revised Fully anatomical method (Raxter et al.: Am J Phys Anthropol 130 (2006) 374-384). Long bone stature regression equations were then derived for each sex. Our results confirm that, although ancient Egyptians are closer in body proportion to modern American Blacks than they are to American Whites, proportions in Blacks and Egyptians are not identical. The newly generated Egyptian-based stature regression formulae have standard errors of estimate of 1.9-4.2 cm. All mean directional differences are less than 0.4% compared to anatomically estimated stature, while results using previous formulae are more variable, with mean directional biases varying between 0.2% and 1.1%, tibial and radial estimates being the most biased. There is no evidence for significant variation in proportions among temporal or social groupings; thus, the new formulae may be broadly applicable to ancient Egyptian remains.  相似文献   

华南地区男性成年人由长骨长度推算身长的回归方程   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从近年来收集的华南地区汉族成年男性50具已知生前身长的骨骼材料,算出从各长骨推算身长的常数(a)及回归系数(b),并算出长骨长度与身高的相关系数(r)数值在0.516—0.913之间,表明相关度较为密切,在此基础上算出10个由各长骨的估计身长的回归方程。并采用校正值:0.6毫米×(年龄—30),校正因年龄所造成的身长误差。从肱骨、腓骨及肱骨加桡骨、股骨加胫骨的长度推算身长最为理想。本文所得的回归方程,适用于华南人。  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationship between femur length and stature in children between the ages of 8 and 18 years. In previous investigations, my colleagues and I reported the surprising finding that femur length bears a nearly constant relationship to stature in adult humans regardless of ethnicity or gender. This earlier study revealed that the femur/stature ratio averages 26.74% in adult humans, and that using the ratio to predict stature from femur length yields remarkably accurate estimates. The current study shows that femur/stature ratios of children between the ages of 8 and 11 differ significantly from their older counterparts. Between the ages of 12 and 18, there are no significant differences due to age in the femur/stature ratio; however, there are significant differences in this age group attributable to gender. This study also shows that the worldwide average adult femur/stature ratio does not adequately describe children in this age range. This study strongly documents the adolescent growth spurt in the femur/stature ratios of both males and females at the precise time one would expect to see the spurt occur (10-12 in females; 12-14 in males). This growth follows a nearly identical trajectory in both genders, with relative femur growth dominating before the peak years of the growth spurt, and relative stature growth dominating afterward. This accounts for the ratio's rise to maximum values just before peak growth, and its decline toward the adult ratio thereafter. These findings require us to use separate adolescent femur/stature ratios of 27.16 (females) and 27.44 (males) to estimate the stature of children between the ages of 12 and 18. Preliminary testing shows these ratios to be more accurate in estimating stature than the properly selected Trotter and Gleser adult regression equation. Use of the adolescent male ratio with the Homo erectus juvenile WT 15000 results in a lower stature estimate (157.4 cm) than previously reported. It is suggested that continued testing of the ratio occur, but that the values herein derived may be useful in routine forensic cases involving children in this age range, and with subadult paleontological specimens.  相似文献   

中国汉族男性腰椎的身高推断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了中国汉族男性腰椎的测量及腰椎推断身高的方法。测量指标有 :椎体前高、椎体后高、椎体上矢径、椎体下矢径、椎体上横径、椎体下横径、椎体中部横径、椎孔矢状径、椎孔横径、左侧椎弓根厚度。将各腰椎的测量数据与身高进行了相关分析并建立了中国汉族男性腰椎推断身高的回归方程。本研究所建立的方程 ,可以用于中国汉族男性腰椎的身高推断。  相似文献   

台湾海峡晚更新世人类肱骨化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡保全 《人类学学报》2001,20(3):178-185
产自台湾海峡海底的人类右肱骨石化程度高; 个体大而粗壮 ,三角肌粗隆发育 ,骨干上下两半段不在同一纵轴上 ,形成 6 5°的夹角 ,这些显示不同于新石器时代和现代人的原始性状 ,其演化水平和日本的港川人及欧洲的克罗马农人相当。与人化石一同捞出的哺乳动物化石有古菱齿象、野马、最后鬣狗、达氏四不像鹿等 ,表明其时代为晚更新世晚期。  相似文献   

The specimen KNM-WT 15000 is an exceptionally complete 1.53 Myr juvenile skeleton of Homo erectus from West Turkana, Kenya. It therefore provides a unique opportunity to examine stature estimates of fossil hominids based strictly on long bone lengths. Using recovered axial and appendicular elements of KNM-WT 15000 that contributed to stature during life, we conclude that KNM-WT 15000 was much shorter at time-of-death than previous estimates that used only appendicular elements. We conservatively estimate stature-at-death at about 147 cm, although this individual could have been as short as 141 cm. Because long bone based estimates of stature also imply the axial skeletal proportion, our new stature estimate stems from the recognition of axial/appendicular disproportion in the individual KNM-WT 15000. It is possible that the peripubescent age-at-death of this specimen, and any resulting differential maturity between the appendicular and axial skeleton, may have contributed to previous overestimates of stature-at-death. However, the possibility that this individual was abnormal, as implied by axial/appendicular disproportion, remains to be fully tested. Regardless, these results suggest that some interpretations of the biology of early African Homo erectus, largely based upon KNM-WT 15000, should be viewed with caution. 5 Primate Evolution and Morphology Group, Department of Human  相似文献   

天津蓟县桃花园明清家族墓地人骨的身高推算(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对天津蓟县桃花园墓地2004年和2005年出土的171例成年人骨标本的身高推算,得出桃花园组男性居民的平均身高约为167.19cm,女性居民的平均身高约为152.89cm。男性居民的平均身高普遍高于古代北方居民,而低于现代北方居民。女性居民身高水平低于古代北方居民和我国现代北方居民。  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to estimate male and female Egyptian stature from long bone length usingTrotter &Gleser negro stature formulae, previous work by the authors having shown that these rather than white formulae give more consistent results with male dynastic material. Evidence is presented that the tibia length should include the spine in the later (1958) formulae and should exclude it in the earlier (1952) formulae. It is also shown that better results are obtained if the constants in the stature formulae are modified so as to conform more exactly with the basic data published byTrotter &Gleser. When consistency has been achieved in this way, predynastic, proportions are founded to be such that distal segments of the limbs are even longer in relation to the proximal segments than they are in modern negroes. Such proportions are termed ?super-negroid?.  相似文献   

In previous limited investigations of the human femur/stature ratio we (Feldesman and Lundy: Journal of Human Evolution 17:583-596, 1988; Feldesman et al.: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79:219-220, 1989) have shown it to be remarkably stable across ethnic and gender boundaries. In this study we evaluate the femur/stature ratio in 51 different "populations" of contemporary humans (n = 13,149) sampled from all over the world. We find that the mean ratio of femur length to stature in these populations is 26.74%, with a very restricted range of variation. When we compare mean femur/stature ratios of males and females, there are no statistically significant differences. ANOVA performed on a naive grouping of samples into "whites," "blacks," and "Asians" indicates that there are significant racial differences (P less than 0.001). When we subject these groups to Tukey's HSD procedure (a post-hoc test), we find that "blacks" are responsible for the significant ANOVA, being significantly (P less than 0.005) different from the other ethnic groups. "Whites" and "Asians" are not significantly different (P = 0.067) under the conditions of this analysis, although all these racial comparisons may be suspect given the small sample sizes. We tested the efficacy of the ratio in three situations: predicting stature of repatriated white Vietnam veterans; predicting stature in a random sample of South African blacks (of known stature), and predicting the stature of a single Akka pygmy. In the first and third cases, the femur/stature ratio does better than the traditionally recommended regression equation, while in the second case the predictions from the femur/stature ratio are less accurate than from the appropriate regression equation. These results encouraged us to apply this ratio to mid- and late-Pleistocene fossil hominids, where the choice of reference population for stature estimates continues to trouble workers. We estimated stature for a sizeable number of Homo erectus (HE), early Neanderthal (EN), Near Eastern Neanderthal (NEN), and early anatomically modern Homo sapiens (EAMHS) by using the simple relationship: stature (cm) = femur length (cm) * 100/26.74. Our results show that HE fossils are slightly taller on average than either EN or NEN samples, which do not differ significantly in stature, while EAMHS fossils are significantly taller than all three earlier groups. While these results are not surprising, our stature estimates for these fossils differ from currently published estimates based on sample-specific regression-based formulae.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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