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鸣禽的鸣唱与人类的语言产生相似,是一种复杂的习得性行为.因此,鸣禽可以作为研究人类语言学习与产生的重要模式动物.鸣禽鸣唱受到相互联系的鸣唱控制核团调控.多巴胺作为脑内重要的神经递质,参与调控哺乳动物多种活动.多巴胺及其受体在鸣禽鸣唱相关神经核团大量分布.近期研究表明,多巴胺通过调控鸣唱相关核团,促进鸣禽幼年期鸣曲学习、成年期鸣曲保持以及求偶性鸣唱的产生.本文结合本课题组的研究工作,对近年鸣禽多巴胺系统调控鸣唱相关神经核团及鸣唱行为的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了多巴胺信号调控鸣禽鸣唱学习行为的潜在机制.  相似文献   

与人类语言学习或形成一样,鸣禽鸣唱也是一种发声学习行为,二者具有一定的相似性,例如发声学习过程均需听觉反馈的参与,幼年期具有更强的发声学习能力,可对复杂的声学结构和音节序列进行控制等。尽管鸣禽和人类的发声器官在结构上有很大差异,但二者发声的物理机制仍表现出很强的相似性。虽然相比于其他哺乳动物,鸣禽和人类的亲缘关系很远,但通过对比发声行为产生的基础通路——脑干先天发声控制通路,以及与发声学习相关的更高神经水平的发声运动和学习通路脑区位置、相互联系、功能及基因表达谱,提示鸣禽鸣唱和人类语言的神经控制具有一定的进化相似性。这些共同特征使得鸣禽成为了研究发声学习的理想模型。本文对鸣禽与人类的发声器官及发声行为的神经控制通路进行了比较,并对鸣禽模型在人类失语症治疗研究中潜在的应用前景进行了展望,以期为研究人类语言学习的神经机制及语言障碍的治疗带来理论参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

鸣禽因其独特的习得性鸣唱行为,成为了研究运动学习的理想模型。现已证实,鸣禽的鸣唱行为受前脑内的鸣唱控制系统直接调控。有证据显示,鸣唱控制系统内有胆碱能递质及其受体分布,其中发声运动核团接受来自基底前脑中枢胆碱能系统的胆碱能神经支配,其可通过胆碱能递质影响发声运动核团的神经活动,进而影响鸣唱行为。在哺乳动物中的研究证实,中枢胆碱能系统参与了对运动行为和运动学习神经过程的调控。了解中枢胆碱能系统对鸣禽鸣唱行为的调控作用,有助于更好地理解鸣禽鸣唱运动控制和鸣唱学习记忆的神经机制,并可从比较生理学的角度,为研究其它动物感觉运动和学习记忆的神经过程,乃至人类语言产生的神经过程提供重要参考。本文对迄今国内外在胆碱能递质对鸣禽发声运动核团作用受体的选择性及其对神经元活动影响的研究进展进行了综述,为揭示中枢胆碱能系统调控鸣禽鸣唱行为的神经机理提供有价值的线索。  相似文献   

鸣禽的鸣唱是一种习得性行为,它由脑内离散的神经核团所控制,这些核团相互关联构成鸣唱控制系统.鸣禽体内的性激素可以通过调控鸣唱系统来影响鸣唱行为.研究表明性激素中的雄激素在调节鸣唱稳定性方面发挥关键作用.雄激素可以通过调控细胞增殖、神经元电生理特性、突触传递及相关受体来影响鸣唱控制核团进而导致鸣唱行为改变.本文主要集中在雄激素对鸣禽鸣唱行为调控作用的神经机制研究进展进行论述.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Sun YY  Zuo MX 《生理科学进展》2010,41(3):232-235
成年鸣禽鸣唱语句的形成和维持依赖于听觉反馈。X区是鸣禽前脑回路的一个重要核团,对鸣禽的发声学习和语言结构的稳定有重要作用。X区在解剖结构、电生理学以及神经化学等方面的特性与哺乳类基底神经节极为相似。对鸣禽前脑X区的研究有助于揭示人类语言学习的中枢机制。本文对近年来鸣禽X区的相关研究进展,包括鸣禽X区的结构特征、电生理特性及神经化学特征予以阐述。  相似文献   

鸟鸣及其鸣唱控制系统发育可塑性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鸟类的鸣唱控制系统已成为研究神经系统与学习、行为和发育相关的一个重要模型。鸣禽鸣唱学习行为的神经基础为脊椎动物复杂习得行为的解剖学功能定位提供了一个范例。它也可为我们研究人类语言学习记忆提供借鉴,对近年来在鸟类鸣唱及其呜唱控制系统发育可塑性方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

10种鸣禽控制鸣啭神经核团大小与鸣唱复杂性的相关性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为进一步揭示鸣禽鸣唱行为的神经生物学机制 ,本实验先对 8个科 10种鸣禽的鸣唱行为进行了观察和录音 ,并借助声谱软件分析了每种鸣禽的鸣唱复杂性。鸣唱语句复杂性的评价指标包括 :短语总数、每个短语中所含的平均音节数及音节种类数、所有短语的总音节数及音节种类数、最长短语的音节数及音节种类数。然后 ,测定了前脑三个鸣啭学习控制核团和一个与发声无关的视觉参考核团体积 ,分析了鸣唱语句复杂性和这些核团大小间的相关关系。结果表明 :1)HVC和HVC/Rt与 7种鸣唱语句复杂性指标无关 ;RA和RA/Rt与总音节种类数相关 ;AreaX与总音节数及音节种类数相关 ;2 )HVC/RA和HVC/X比值与多个鸣唱语句复杂性指标相关。结果提示 :鸣禽鸣唱复杂性不同特征可能受不同神经控制  相似文献   

鸣禽鸣唱控制系统的前端脑通路(anterior forebrain pathway, AFP)在鸣唱学习中发挥着重要作用。新纹状体巨细胞核外侧部(lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum, LMAN)是AFP的最后一级输出核团,AFP中的信号通过LMAN传导到弓状皮质栎核(robust nucleus of the arcopallium, RA),与高级发声中枢(high vocal centre,HVC)共同调节RA的活动,从而影响鸣禽的发声行为。LMAN可能通过其与RA的单突触连接来影响鸣唱可塑性。文章对近年来LMAN在鸣唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

对近年来听觉反馈在鸣禽鸣唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述.鸣禽的鸣曲学习与人类的语言学习都是一种依赖于听觉反馈的模仿学习.在鸣曲学习过程中,幼鸟根据听觉反馈的信息对鸣曲进行比较和修正,使其不断完善;在鸣曲维持过程中,成鸟通过听觉反馈实时监测自己鸣曲的完整性与准确性,使鸣曲保持稳定.鸣曲的输出与听觉反馈信息在鸟脑中得到整合,并指导下一次鸣唱做出适当的调整.近年来,这种感觉与运动信息在鸣禽发声核团中的整合机制逐渐引起了国内外研究者的兴趣.其中,新纹状体巨细胞核外侧部(LMAN)神经元对自鸣曲(BOS)高度选择性的听觉应答在鸣曲去稳定化过程中的作用,以及高级发声中枢(HVC)中镜像神经元的发现,为今后的研究提供了重要的线索.  相似文献   

鸣禽在成年之后表现出广泛的鸣唱行为可塑性变化,其中与季节相关的可塑性变化最为突出.季节可塑性变化与呜禽体内的睾酮水平相关,并伴随鸣唱控制核团的生长或萎缩.研究显示,睾酮的代谢产物与其靶受体结合后,能诱导激素敏感基因表达,其表达产物能促进新生神经元的存活和突触形成,改变鸣唱控制核团的细胞兴奋性和突触传递,从而引起鸣唱行为变化.主要综述性激素对成年鸣禽鸣唱行为以及鸣唱系统可塑性变化的影响以及有关分子细胞机制的研究进展.  相似文献   

Song of passerine birds is one of the few animal signals that is learned and that improves with practice. Vocal practice is crucial early in life to perfect a song imitation, but it also occurs throughout life and may continue to improve aspects of song performance. Differences in song performance among males that share song types, that is sing structurally similar songs may be particularly salient to receivers. We here test the hypothesis that aspects of song performance improve in a songbird species that deletes song types from its repertoire early in the first breeding season to share their final single song type with territorial neighbours. Over 3 yrs, we recorded songs in a population of Puget Sound white‐crowned sparrows Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis and measured percentage peak performance and consistency thereof in all of the song types in each male's repertoire. We found that within the first year on territory, percentage peak performance was higher in shared than unshared songs but did not change from first to second recording. Contrary to the hypothesis that song performance improves with age, song performance declined from the first to the second year. Our results support the hypothesis that high‐performance singers share songs. We did not find support for song performance improving within or between years, like it does in some other songbird species.  相似文献   

鸟类鸣唱曲目与复杂性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鸟类的鸣唱是研究性选择和动物声音通讯的良好素材,一般认为鸟类的鸣唱曲目是性选择的结果.本文综述了鸣唱曲目和鸣唱复杂性的实验和理论成果,阐述二者的相关性,曲目和复杂鸣唱产生的解剖学基础及其得以进化形成的功能性原因.曲目和鸣唱的复杂性源于鸟类发声器官特定结构的复杂性和神经系统的协调作用,鸣唱的表现形式同时受多种因子影响,可根据改变的生境进行适应性调节.曲目和多种鸣唱型存在的必要性还在于其功能的多样性,鸟类借助于多种鸣唱型之间的转换,传达了有利于繁殖的多种信息.  相似文献   

Relationship between song characters and morphology in New World pigeons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the pattern of variation in song characters among 16 New World pigeon species belonging to different taxonomic groups defined by morphological characters. Structural, temporal and frequency characters of the song were analysed. Principal components analyses showed that species belonging to the same taxonomic group were also grouped together by their song characters. In addition, individuals were correctly assigned into taxonomic groups by discriminant function analyses in more than 87.8% of cases. These analyses also showed that more than 87.5% of the individuals could be correctly classified by species when all song characters were included. Correct classification of individuals by species and taxonomic groups dropped when character types were analysed separately, thus showing that structural, as well as temporal and frequency characters are fundamental to define species- and group-specific identities of New World pigeon's songs. Correspondence between patterns of vocal and morphological variation found in this study can be a consequence of evolutionary changes in morphology affecting song production, as for example body size changes that constrain the syrinx to produce certain acoustic frequencies.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(23):5153-5158.e5
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Songs of passerines are generally complex, long‐range acoustic signals, and are highly diverse across species. This diversity must nevertheless be shaped by the capabilities of the avian vocal physiology. For example, within species, loudness has been shown to trade‐off with aspects of song complexity. Here, I ask if such trade‐offs with loudness influenced the evolutionary diversification of song among passerines. Comparing perceived song loudness across > 140 European and North American species showed that loudness is positively related to body size and to singing with simple trilled syntax, and negatively related to aspects of syllable complexity. Syntax and syllable phonology together explained more variation than body size did, indicating that the acoustic design of songs is an important factor determining loudness. These results show for the first time that loudness covaries with, and possibly limits, song complexity across species, suggesting that a trade‐off with loudness shaped the evolutionary diversification of passerine song.  相似文献   

Many birds have songs with variable structure and sequences. In earlier studies, we characterized some features from the song structures of California Thrashers (Toxostoma redivivum). In the Thrashers, there were a large number of phrase types, dozens to hundreds and the songs that were sequences of these many phrases were not random, but show some structure referred to as syntax. For example, a syntactic rule might be that phrase type A can be followed by phrase type B, but not type C. We, along with others, have assumed that syntax is an important feature of songs. This paper describes an experimental attempt to determine that syntax is important to California Thrashers by recording the reaction of territorial thrashers to playbacks of other thrasher songs, some of which obeyed the syntax rules we had discovered while others violated those rules. We also obtained video recordings of their behaviour near the playback speakers. We observed differences in the reactions to the birds that heard these two types of playbacks. Resident males reacted to either playback type, but more strongly when the original order was preserved. We observed difference in their behavioural response to correct or altered syntax. This indicates that the syntax of their songs is perceived in territorial defence by the birds.  相似文献   

Among songbirds with large song-type repertoires, there may be functional variation in how individuals organize and display song-type diversity over time. Past studies focusing on conventional measures of song production have been extremely productive. However, network analysis offers a novel set of tools to quantify additional, previously unstudied elements of song organization and display. We studied protracted bouts of singing by 10 male House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to (1) test functional hypotheses of variation in song diversity in this species, and (2) evaluate the utility of network metrics in such research. Our analysis included a variety of conventional measures of song production and several standard metrics from network theory to quantify how variably the many song types in a male’s repertoire could be connected to one another and the limitations or diversity of their song sequences. Analysis of conventional variables showed that males produced more and longer songs, at shorter intervals, containing more syllables and more different syllable types, and also more different song types, prior to than after pairing and early in the morning regardless of breeding stage. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that song diversity functions in mate attraction and possibly in territory signaling. In contrast, analyses of network metrics revealed variety in song sequencing by males, but comparatively few and weak effects associated with either breeding stage or time of day. Overall, most song types connected to only a few others and a relatively small proportion of all possible song-type transitions actually occurred. Hence, much of the variety in song sequencing that was possible with the large song repertoires of males was not realized. The latter outcomes, brought to light via network analyses, highlight an important paradox for future research on this and related species with large song repertoires.  相似文献   

Song learning has evolved within several avian groups. Although its evolutionary advantage is not clear, it has been proposed that song learning may be advantageous in allowing birds to adapt their songs to the local acoustic environment. To test this hypothesis, we analysed patterns of song adjustment to noisy environments and explored their possible link to song learning. Bird vocalizations can be masked by low‐frequency noise, and birds respond to this by singing higher‐pitched songs. Most reports of this strategy involve oscines, a group of birds with learning‐based song variability, and it is doubtful whether species that lack song learning (e.g. suboscines) can adjust their songs to noisy environments. We address this question by comparing the degree of song adjustment to noise in a large sample of oscines (17 populations, 14 species) and suboscines (11 populations, 7 species), recorded in Brazil (Manaus, Brasilia and Curitiba) and Mexico City. We found a significantly stronger association between minimum song frequency and noise levels (effect size) in oscines than in suboscines, suggesting a tighter match in oscines between song transmission capacity and ambient acoustics. Suboscines may be more vulnerable to acoustic pollution than oscines and thus less capable of colonizing cities or acoustically novel habitats. Additionally, we found that species whose song frequency was more divergent between populations showed tighter noise–song frequency associations. Our results suggest that song learning and/or song plasticity allows adaptation to new habitats and that this selective advantage may be linked to the evolution of song learning and plasticity.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in bird song has received much attention in evolutionary studies, yet few consider components within songs that may be subject to different constraints and follow different evolutionary trajectories. Here, we quantify patterns of geographic variation in the socially transmitted “whistle” song of Albert''s lyrebirds (Menura alberti), an oscine passerine renowned for its remarkable vocal abilities. Albert''s lyrebirds are confined to narrow stretches of suitable habitat in Australia, allowing us to map likely paths of cultural transmission using a species distribution model and least cost paths. We use quantitative methods to divide the songs into three components present in all study populations: the introductory elements, the song body, and the final element. We compare geographic separation between populations with variation in these components as well as the full song. All populations were distinguishable by song, and songs varied according to the geographic distance between populations. However, within songs, only the introductory elements and song body could be used to distinguish among populations. The song body and final element changed with distance, but the introductory elements varied independently of geographic separation. These differing geographic patterns of within‐song variation are unexpected, given that the whistle song components are always produced in the same sequence and may be perceived as a temporally discrete unit. Knowledge of such spatial patterns of within‐song variation enables further work to determine possible selective pressures and constraints acting on each song component and provides spatially explicit targets for preserving cultural diversity. As such, our study highlights the importance for science and conservation of investigating spatial patterns within seemingly discrete behavioral traits at multiple levels of organization.  相似文献   

黑腹果蝇(D.melanogaster)雄蝇发出的求爱歌系由两个不同的成分——正弦歌和脉冲歌组成。正弦歌在刺激雌蝇发情上可能起着重要的作用,而脉冲歌则关系到种的识别。 在脉冲歌的诸成分中,脉冲间间隔(ipi)特别重要。我们对野生型和突变型SM_1Cy/Pm,SM_1Cy/+和+/Pm进行了研究。虽然突变型有异常的翅形和异常的眼色,但实验结果表明,野生型和上述突变型的ipi平均值是一致的。  相似文献   

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