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长江中下游湖泊贝类物种濒危状况评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长江中下游是我国淡水贝类资源分布最为集中的地区.由于人类活动加剧,该区域贝类受到严重威胁.为系统评估贝类物种现状,于2003年5月至2005年6月对13个典型湖泊进行了系统调查.共采集贝类69种,其中中国特有种44种.不同类型湖泊贝类的组成差别较大.通江湖泊的物种明显较丰富,尤其是适应流水生境的种类,如河螺属、短沟蜷属及蚌科的种类.大型通江湖泊鄱阳湖和洞庭湖的贝类分别有53种和57种,占总数的76.8%和82.6%.阻隔湖泊的物种较少,在4-19种之间.对67种贝类濒危等级的评价结果表明,近危及受威胁的种类占58.2%,只有37.3%的种类种群稳定.与历史资料相比,该区域贝类的多样性已明显下降,双壳类优势类群由大型的蚌类演变为小型的河蚬.分析显示,贝类资源衰退的主要原因是江湖阻隔、过度捕捞和水体污染等人为干扰.  相似文献   

长江流域淡水软体动物物种多样性及其分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究以正式发表的淡水软体动物文献和部分未发表野外调查数据为基础资料,分析了长江流域淡水软体动物物种多样性及分布格局。长江流域已报道的软体动物有296种,隶属17科62属,其中有197种是中国特有种。田螺科、肋蜷科、盖螺科、椎实螺科和蚌科是长江流域软体动物的主要组成部分,这5科种类数之和达249种,占总数的84.1%。从总体上低海拔地区的软体动物物种数高于高海拔地区,而高海拔地区特有种所占的比例却高于低海拔地区。支流和湖泊的种类数接近,分别为202种和210种,远高于长江干流(31种)。各水系软体动物的种类数、特有种数及特有种比例明显不同,洞庭湖水系和鄱阳湖水系的多样性最高。聚类分析表明,长江流域软体动物的分布基本反映了流域内的地势特点,形成了高原、中低海拔山地和低海拔平原的分布格局。不同类群的物种其分布格局也不相同,田螺科和椎实螺科的分布范围较广,肋蜷科和盖螺科种类分布范围狭窄,多数种类仅存在于单个水系,蚌科种类分布最为集中,以鄱阳湖和洞庭湖的种类最为丰富,种类数分别为58种和45种。研究表明,金沙江下游(云贵高原湖泊)、鄱阳湖和洞庭湖软体动物物种多样性丰富,建议将其列为我国淡水软体动物急需关注和保护的热点地区。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2014,38(1):19-26
研究以正式发表的淡水软体动物文献和部分未发表野外调查数据为基础资料,分析了长江流域淡水软体动物物种多样性及分布格局。长江流域已报道的软体动物有296种,隶属17科62属,其中有197种是中国特有种。田螺科、肋蜷科、盖螺科、椎实螺科和蚌科是长江流域软体动物的主要组成部分,这5科种类数之和达249种,占总数的84.1%。从总体上低海拔地区的软体动物物种数高于高海拔地区,而高海拔地区特有种所占的比例却高于低海拔地区。支流和湖泊的种类数接近,分别为202种和210种,远高于长江干流(31种)。各水系软体动物的种类数、特有种数及特有种比例明显不同,洞庭湖水系和鄱阳湖水系的多样性最高。聚类分析表明,长江流域软体动物的分布基本反映了流域内的地势特点,形成了高原、中低海拔山地和低海拔平原的分布格局。不同类群的物种其分布格局也不相同,田螺科和椎实螺科的分布范围较广,肋蜷科和盖螺科种类分布范围狭窄,多数种类仅存在于单个水系,蚌科种类分布最为集中,以鄱阳湖和洞庭湖的种类最为丰富,种类数分别为58种和45种。研究表明,金沙江下游(云贵高原湖泊)、鄱阳湖和洞庭湖软体动物物种多样性丰富,建议将其列为我国淡水软体动物急需关注和保护的热点地区。    相似文献   

基于1950s以来的长江中下游湖泊鱼类调查数据,分析通江湖泊与阻隔湖泊的鱼类分类多样性差异,以及通江和阻隔湖泊鱼类分类多样性的时间序列变化,探讨江湖阻隔对鱼类多样性的影响。结果显示,阻隔湖泊鱼类物种数、平均分类差异指数(Δ+)和分类差异变异指数(Λ+)平均值分别为48.47±14.64、74.02±3.09和736.89±33.80;通江湖泊为76.22±14.40、78.31±0.98和697.31±25.53。阻隔湖泊物种数和Δ+值显著低于通江湖泊(P<0.001),而阻隔湖泊Λ+值显著高于通江湖泊(P=0.002),表明阻隔湖泊物种间亲缘关系更近,均匀度下降,即物种分类单元减少,且集中分布于某几个分类阶元,稳定性变差。典型通江与阻隔湖泊鱼类群落分类多样性的时间变化分析发现,两种类型湖泊的鱼类物种数和Δ+值均随时间推移整体呈现下降趋势,Λ+值整体呈现升高趋势;并且阻隔湖泊的Λ+值随阻隔时间增加而大幅上升,Δ+和Λ+...  相似文献   

绢丝丽蚌(Lamprotula fibrosa)隶属于软体动物门、瓣鳃纲、古异齿亚纲、真瓣鳃目、蚌科、丽蚌属,是中国特有的淡水经济蚌类;主要生活在长江流域中下游湖泊中。绢丝丽蚌壳厚质优、坚硬、皎白闪亮,具有较高的经济价值。  相似文献   

中国淡水双壳类特有种的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过查阅有关文献整理得出,中国淡水双壳类特有种计有58种,隶属于双壳纲(Bivalvia)2科17属,其中主要是蚌科(Unionidae)的种类(16属57种)。我国淡水双壳类特有种的组成和区系成分,以东洋界华中区的种类占绝对优势,仅有少数种类渗透到古北界;特有种在我国16个省有分布,但主要集中分布于江西、湖南、安徽、浙江、江苏五省。双壳类特有种的形成和保存可能与我国古地理环境及其生活的水域环境有关。  相似文献   

中山市淡水浮游动物区系调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2005年6~7月和12月对中山市主要淡水水体的浮游动物区系进行了调查。结果表明,中山市主要淡水水体浮游动物由38目92科129属317种组成。区系特点以原生动物最丰富,有30目82科102属263种,占浮游动物物种总数的83%;其次为轮虫,有4目4科19属37种组成,占12%;枝角类和桡足类物种数最少。各样点浮游动物种类在11~168种之间,种类最少的出现在洪奇沥,最多的出现在逍遥谷。研究结果表明,中山市淡水浮游动物资源比较丰富。各区系浮游动物的分布与水体的营养状态密切相关,污染严重的水体,种类数较少,清洁水体,种类数较多。  相似文献   

<正>蛋糕不变,份额有变长江中下游地区地势低平,湖泊密布,是我国淡水湖泊分布最集中的地区。这些美丽的湖泊犹如珍珠般点缀在长江两岸。沧海桑田,江湖格局演变至今,仅有洞庭湖、鄱阳湖及石臼湖等少数几个湖泊依旧保持着与长江自然连通状态。长期演变形成的长江与通江湖泊之间特殊的交互作用在维系长江中下游防洪、水资源、水环境和水生态安全上具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

长江流域若干水体寡毛类区系组成及相似性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了长江流域十余个水体水栖寡毛类的区系组成及分布。共鉴定水栖寡毛类53种,隶3科27属,其中仙女虫科15属31种(占58.49%);颤蚓科11属20种(占37.74%);线蚓科1属2种(占3.77%).在河流、草型湖泊和藻型湖泊这三类水体中,以草型湖泊的物种数最多,达36种;其次为长江干流,34种;藻型湖泊仅24种。对寡毛类的种间关系及不同生境寡毛类种类组成的相似性进行了聚类分析,结果表明,寡毛类的种类分布具有明显的地域性,据此可将其划分为6类(A-F组).    相似文献   

正背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)是我国淡水水体中分布很广的淡水双壳类软体动物之一,因其分布广、在湖泊中多营底栖生活[1],对污染物具较强耐受且可在体内富集,易采集等特点,可被用做评价湖泊污染的指示生物3][2,。"淡水贝类观察监测体系"自2003年由本实验室提出后,背角无齿蚌被确定为该研究体系的"指示生物",进而创新性地培育出一种规格、遗传质量、数量、污染背景值等均可控,且可野外移殖和回捕的标准化监测指  相似文献   

Long-lived lakes are often sites of spectacular endemic radiations. During the Oligocene to recent history of the Paratethys, large, long-lived (more than a million years) lakes with endemic faunas formed three times, in three different basins: the first in the Pannonian basin, the second in the Euxinian (Black Sea) basin, and the third in the Caspian basin. Because the Euxinian lake inherited much of the fauna of Lake Pannon, the three lakes together hosted two endemic radiations of molluscs. The most long-lived lake in the region was Lake Pannon, which persisted approximately seven million years from the late Middle Miocene to the Early Pliocene. Lake Pannon was formed by isolation from the sea. Changes in hydrological regime and/or water chemistry in addition to the relative lowstand which accompanied (or caused) the isolation almost completely exterminated the restricted marine fauna of the basin. A few highly euryhaline and marginal marine cardiids, dreissenids, and hydrobiids survived this environmental change. As in other fossil and extant long-lived lakes, the originally low-diversity fauna radiated into a high number of related endemic species (‘species flocks’) and genera in the expanding and ecologically vacated lake. Many originally freshwater taxa (unionids, sphaeriids, viviparids, valvatids, melanopsids, lymnaeids, planorbids) entered the lake as well, and some of them also gave rise to endemic clades. Evolution in both relict and freshwater immigrant groups led to the appearance of highly unusual shell shapes. Many lineages exhibit gradual morphological changes over one to several million years. More than 900 endemic mollusc species have been described from Lake Pannon, although this number includes junior synonyms, invalid species names, and highly similar chronospecies. Applying a conservative taxonomy, all these species belong to four bivalve and eight gastropod families. The high degree of endemism, however, is reflected by proposals of some authors to establish as many as five new families based on Lake Pannon endemics.  相似文献   

Patrick Martin 《Hydrobiologia》1996,334(1-3):63-72
By their antiquity, history, rarity, great depth in many instances and the presence of highly diverse faunas with many endemics, ancient lakes constitute ecosystems of a special nature, clearly apart from the large majority of extant lakes. While the fauna of these lakes is becoming better and better known for various animals groups, the Oligochaeta are still poorly known. Tubificidae and Naididae are found in each ancient lake. On the other hand, some families are restricted to only one lake, such as Aeolosomatidae and Proppapidae in Lake Baikal or Eudrilidae and Ocnerodrilidae (megadriles) in Lake Tanganyika, but such a distribution is probably due to a lack of knowledge or sampling biases. All ancient lakes have an endemic oligochaete fauna except Lake Kinneret (Israël). The oldest, Lake Baikal (20–25 Ma), holds the most abundant and diverse oligochaete fauna, in which species flocks are even recognizable or suspected. In contrast, the oligochaete fauna of the slightly younger Lake Tanganyika is very scarce. This is partly due to an obvious lack of studies, as the oligochaete fauna of other great African lakes is virtually unknown, but this might be the result of an environment in these lakes less favourable to oligochaetes. Some factors likely to interact with speciation in oligochaetes are discussed but nothing can be concluded to date. A recent interest in African great lakes revealed a more diverse oligochaete fauna than previously assumed but a better study of this fauna is still badly needed.  相似文献   

The morphologically remarkable endemic fauna within ancient lakes has received much attention in the literature. More inconspicuous taxa, however, often lack detailed molecular and morphometrical examination, although their proportion of the endemic fauna of an ancient lake must not be underestimated. Consequently, a better understanding of evolutionary patterns and processes within these lakes requires more knowledge about the often-neglected inconspicuous taxa. In the present study, we focus on the notoriously cryptic pea clam genus Pisidium (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). Though the genus is widely distributed, most endemic species are reported only from ancient lakes, including the European ancient sister lake system of Ohrid and Prespa on the Balkan Peninsula. Here we test for the first time hypotheses on the evolution of the endemic pea clams in this European biodiversity hotspot by molecular means. Combining a broad 16S phylogeny (comprising most European pea clam species), network analyses and morphometrical analyses, we found interesting biogeographical patterns and provide evidence for cryptic species in both lakes. Furthermore, we confirmed the proposed sister-species relationship of the endemics P. edlaueri in Lake Ohrid and P. maasseni in Lake Prespa, and we suggest scenarios of the endemic pea clam evolution within both lakes. The patterns of speciation found in the genus Pisidium are compared to patterns in morphologically distinct molluscan groups in lakes Ohrid und Prespa.  相似文献   

Lake Dongting is the second largest floodplain lake along the Yangtze River basin. However, the study on fish communities in the Dongting Lake is limited, lacking systematic research on the spatio-temporal variations of fish assemblages in this area. Fish were sampled seasonally from December 2012 to October 2014 in the Dongting Lake. 80 fish species belonging to 54 genera, 17 families, and 7 orders with dominant Cyprinidae accounting for 58.8% of the total species were collected. The species richness reduced by 36 in contrast with the historic records. The number and percentage of riverine and river-sea migratory species decreased by 13 (2.2%) and 4 (3.0%) respectively in comparison with historic records. We detected significant seasonal and regional differences in species composition and biodiversity. The diversity and evenness of fishes were significantly higher in summer and autumn than those in other seasons. Meanwhile, significantly lower diversity was observed in the east Dongting Lake than other regions. Our results indicated that seasonal flood pulses and, assisting by river-lake connectivity may play a fundamental role for the fish resources supplement in floodplain lakes. This study demonstrated significant spatio-temporal variations of fish assemblages in the Dongting Lake, which provided scientific foundations for fish conservation in this area. © 2019, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The endemic cyprinid species flock of Lake Lanao, Philippines is a classic example of explosive evolution. Based on historical surveys, most of the 18 endemic cyprinid species in Lake Lanao are now believed to be extinct. We compared results of landing and market surveys conducted in 2008 to information from historical surveys. Field sampling and fishermen interviews provided additional information on the status of the endemic and other fish species in Lake Lanao. Puntius lindog and Puntius tumba were the only two endemic species recorded in 2008, accounting for 0.01 % and 0.04 % respectively of the total weight harvested. Our discovery that at least two endemic cyprinids remain in Lake Lanao is surprising and significant as the lake is increasingly imperiled by human disturbances, exploitation and introduced species. Protecting and conserving the remaining endemic species are important management priorities.  相似文献   

Ancient Lake Ohrid: biodiversity and evolution   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Worldwide ancient lakes have been a major focal point of geological, biological, and ecological research, and key concepts in, for example, evolutionary biology are partly based on ancient lake studies. Ancient lakes can be found on most continents and climate zones with most actual or putative ancient lakes in Europe being restricted to the Balkan Region. The arguably most outstanding of them is the oligotrophic and karstic Lake Ohrid, a steep-sided graben of rift formation origin situated in the central Balkans. Here, an attempt is made to summarize current knowledge of the geological, limnological, and faunal history of Lake Ohrid. Additionally, existing data on biodiversity and endemism in Lake Ohrid are updated and evaluated, and patterns and processes of speciation are reviewed in the context of the Ohrid watershed, including its sister lake, Lake Prespa. Whereas the geological history of the Ohrid Graben is relatively well studied, there is little knowledge about the limnological and biotic history of the actual lake (e.g., the age of the extant lake or from where the lake first received its water, along with its first biota). Most workers agree on a time frame of origin for Lake Ohrid of 2–5 million years ago (Mya). However, until now, the exact limnological origin and the origin of faunal or floral elements of Lake Ohrid remain uncertain. Two largely contrasting opinions either favour the theory of de novo formation of Lake Ohrid in a dry polje with a spring or river hydrography or a palaeogeographical connection of Lake Ohrid to brackish waters on the Balkan Peninsula. Whereas neither theory can be rejected at this point, the data summarized in the current review support the de novo hypothesis. An assessment of the fauna and flora of Lake Ohrid confirms that the lake harbours an incredible endemic biodiversity. Despite the fact that some biotic groups are poorly studied or not studied at all, approximately 1,200 native species are known from the lake, including 586 animals, and at least 212 species are endemic, including 182 animals. The adjusted rate of endemicity is estimated at 36% for all taxa and 34% for Animalia. In terms of endemic biodiversity, Lake Ohrid is with these 212 known endemic species and a surface area of 358 km2 probably the most diverse lake in the world, taking surface area into account. Preliminary phylogeographical analyses of endemic Lake Ohrid taxa indicate that the vast majority of respective sister taxa occurs in the Balkans and that therefore the most recent common ancestors of Ohrid- and non-Ohrid species likely resided in the region when Lake Ohrid came into existence. These data also indicate that there is relatively little faunal exchange and overlap between Lake Ohrid and its sister lake, Lake Prespa, despite the fact that the latter lake is a major water supplier for Lake Ohrid. Studies on selected species flocks and scatters, mostly in molluscs, point towards the assumption that only few lineages originally colonized Lake Ohrid from the Balkans and that the majority of endemic species seen today probably started to evolve within the lake during the early Pleistocene. Within the Ohrid watershed, endemism occurs at different spatial and taxonomic scales, ranging from species endemic to certain parts of Lake Ohrid to species endemic to the whole watershed and from subspecies to genus level and possibly beyond. Modes of speciation in the Ohrid watershed are largely affected by its degree of isolation. Observational evidence points towards both allopatric (peripatric) and parapatric speciation. Though sympatric speciation within a habitat is conceivable, so far there are no known examples. Today, the lake suffers from increasing anthropogenic pressure and a “creeping biodiversity crisis”. Some endemic species presumably have already gone extinct, and there are also indications of invasive species penetrating Lake Ohrid. The comparatively small size of Lake Ohrid and the extremely small range of many endemic species, together with increasing human pressure make its fauna particularly vulnerable. It is thus hoped that this review will encourage future research on the ecology and evolutionary biology of the lake’s taxa, the knowledge of which would ultimately help protecting this unique European biodiversity hot spot. Guest editors: T. Wilke, R. V?in?l? & F. Riedel Patterns and Processes of Speciation in Ancient Lakes: Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Speciation in Ancient Lakes, Berlin, Germany, September 4–8, 2006  相似文献   

Changes in nutrient loading and invasive species are among the strongest human-driven disturbances in freshwater ecosystems, but our knowledge on how they affect the biodiversity of lakes is still limited. We conducted a detailed historical analysis of the mollusc community of Oneida Lake based on our comprehensive lakewide study in 2012 and previous surveys dating back to 1915. In the early 20th century, the lake had a high water clarity, with abundant macrophytes and benthic algae, and hosted the most diverse molluscan community in New York State, including 32 gastropod and 9 unionid species. By the 1960s, lake turbidity increased during a period of anthropogenic eutrophication, resulting in a 38% decline in species richness and a 95% reduction in abundance of native gastropods grazing on benthic algae. Following the invasion of Dreissena spp. in 1991 and subsequent increases in water clarity, native gastropod species richness expanded by 37% and abundance increased 20-fold by 2012. In contrast, filter-feeding unionids were unaffected by increased turbidity during the period of eutrophication but were extirpated by dreissenids. Through contrasting effects on turbidity, eutrophication and Dreissena spp. have likely driven the observed changes in native grazing gastropods by affecting the abundance of light-limited benthic algae. Given the high species richness and ecological importance of benthic grazers, monitoring and managing turbidity is important in preserving molluscan diversity.  相似文献   

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