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朱耀军  郭菊兰  武高洁 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2681-2687
红树林湿地是地球上生产力最高的区域之一,尽管红树林的面积相对较少,但其单位面积的固碳能力很强,是重要的"蓝碳"碳库,其有机碳储量及动态对于全球碳平衡有重要影响。本文对红树林湿地有机碳(包括植被生物量碳和沉积物有机碳)的碳储量及计量方法,沉积物中有机碳的组成、来源及溯源方法,以及影响红树林湿地有机碳动态的因素等方面的研究进行了综述,并对其存在的问题和今后的研究趋势进行了分析。基于红树林湿地的固碳潜力和资源快速减少的现状,准确评估红树林碳库及其动态,有助于气候变化框架条约下的滨海湿地碳计量和价值评价,可以揭示红树林生态系统与全球变化的反馈关系,为红树林生态恢复和保护提供依据。  相似文献   

红树林是分布于热带、亚热带潮间带的重要蓝碳生态系统之一,在我国广西沿岸广泛分布。为了更好地探究全球气候变化背景下我国红树林潜在适宜生境的变化趋势,本研究利用2021年广西沿海湿地遥感解译数据、全球海洋环境和生物气候环境数据,构建了最大熵生境分布模型,用于模拟广西沿海红树林及其入侵种互花米草潜在适宜区的空间分布,并预测极端气候变化情景下(SSP5-8.5)的变化趋势。结果表明:2021年,广西沿海现有红树林面积9136.7 hm2,模型预测其潜在适宜生境面积为55955.9 hm2,现有红树林分布区面积已基本覆盖其潜在高适宜区和近10%的中等适宜区。互花米草现有面积1320.4 hm2,预测其潜在高适宜区面积是现有面积的2倍,表明仍有大面积高适宜区未被互花米草占据。影响红树林现有潜在生境分布重要性最大的环境因子依次为离岸欧氏距离(62.2%)、地形凹凸指数(8.7%)、最热季平均海温(6.1%)、海底地形高程(5.6%),其潜在适宜分布区主要受地理条件影响。全球气候变化情景(SSP5-8.5)下,预测红树林的潜在适宜区面积...  相似文献   

裘晟  叶勇 《生态学杂志》2020,(4):1330-1337
红树林是位于海岸潮间带的森林湿地生态系统,具有抗风削浪、保护堤岸、封存CO2缓解全球气候变化等多种功能。然而,由于地理位置及生存环境特殊,红树林湿地模型的研究相对内陆湿地滞后。为了推动红树林湿地模型的研究,本文将目前常见红树林湿地模型按功能划分为植被生长生产模型、水文模型、物流能流模型三类,以阐述相关模型研究的进展,并对目前红树林湿地模型研究提出几点看法:(1)现有红树林湿地模型在不同区域、尺度下运行的有效性有待进一步验证;(2)国内对红树林生态系统服务及植被恢复工作相关模型研究较少,今后需加强该方面的研究。  相似文献   

邢红爽  乌佳美  陈健  史作民 《生态学报》2023,43(12):5186-5199
随着全球气候变化的加剧,陆地生态系统中植物光合作用限制影响程度的增加已成为降低全球植被净初级生产力的主要因素。系统了解植物光合作用限制因素是科学评估植被生产力的重要前提,也是缓解植物光合作用限制,增加植物光合碳同化能力的先决条件。对植物光合作用限制因素进行了系统解析,分析了光合作用三种限制因素生化限制(Biochemical limitation,lb)、气孔限制(Stomatal limitation,ls)、叶肉限制(Mesophyll limitation,lm)的环境响应,重点讨论了叶肉限制及其影响机理,述评了光合作用限制定量分析方法及改善措施,最后以提高植被生产力为驱使目标,对未来植物光合作用限制因素研究提出以下内容:(1)基因工程技术与系统生物学数据相结合提高植被生产力;(2)气孔响应速度对植物光合作用的影响机制;(3)水通道蛋白(Aquaporin, AQPs)和碳酸酐酶(Carbonic anhydrase, CAs)感知环境信号变化的驱动基因。以期为未来气候变化背景下,深入认识和降低植物光合作用限制,提...  相似文献   

海平面上升影响下广西钦州湾红树林脆弱性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李莎莎  孟宪伟  葛振鸣  张利权 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2702-2711
全球气候变化所导致的海平面上升等现象对海岸带产生显著影响。红树林是生长在热带、亚热带沿海潮间带的生态系统,对海平面上升极为敏感。以广西钦州湾红树林生态系统为对象,采用SPRC(Source-Pathway-Receptor-Consequence)评估模式分析了气候变化所导致的海平面上升对红树林生态系统的主要影响。构建了以海平面上升速率、地面沉降/抬升速率、生境高程、日均淹水时间、潮滩坡度和沉积速率为指标的脆弱性评价体系。在GIS平台上量化各脆弱性指标,计算脆弱性指数并分级,建立了定量评价红树林生态系统脆弱性方法,实现了在不同海平面上升情景(近40年来广西海平面平均上升速率、IPCC预测的B1和A1FI情景)和时间尺度下(2030年、2050和2100年),广西钦州湾红树林生态系统脆弱性的定量空间评价。研究结果表明,在近40年广西海平面平均上升速率与B1情景下,钦州湾红树林在各评估时段表现为不脆弱。而在A1FI情景下,至2050年研究区域41.3%红树林为低脆弱,至2100年增加至69.8%。研究采用的SPRC评估模型、脆弱性评价指标体系和定量空间评估方法能够客观定量评价气候变化所导致的海平面上升影响下红树林生态系统脆弱性,可为制定切实可行的应对措施和保障海岸带生态系统安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   

红树林、珊瑚礁、盐沼和上升流是地球上生物多样性最丰富、生产力最高的四大海洋生态系统。许许多多的海洋生物依赖于红树林生长,它们跟红树植物一道有机地构成了地球上一类独特的生态系统,其中一种生物消失就可能引起与之相关的几个物种的衰亡。联合国环境规划署指出的殃及人类的全球十大环境祸患中,与红树林生态系统有关的包括:土壤遭到破坏、气候变化、生物多样性减少、  相似文献   

高山植物的光合生理特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高山植物的光合作用受强辐射、低温和干旱环境的影响。近年来,大气CO_2浓度上升和全球气候变暖的趋势日益明显,影响着高山植物的光合生理。本文综述了强辐射、低温和干旱等高山环境因子以及全球气候变化引起的大气CO_2和温度上升对高山植物光合特性的影响,并提出未来高山植物光合生理的研究热点主要是开展不同地域的高山植物光合特性研究,环境因子交互作用对高山植物光合特性的影响研究,不同植物的光合特性对全球气候变化响应的差异,模拟土壤有效养分含量增高对高山植物光合特性的影响,建立数学模型预测全球气候变化对高山植物动态的影响以及通过长期定位研究探索不同生长阶段高山树木的光合特性。  相似文献   

气候变化对森林土壤有机碳贮藏影响的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
Zhou XY  Zhang CY  Guo GF 《应用生态学报》2010,21(7):1867-1874
森林土壤有机碳库是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,其积累和分解的变化直接影响陆地生态系统的碳贮藏与全球的碳平衡.气候变化将影响植物光合作用及土壤有机碳的分解和转化过程,进而影响森林土壤有机碳贮量及土壤碳动态.温度、降水、大气CO2浓度等气候因子对森林土壤碳贮藏均具有重要影响.了解气候变化对森林土壤有机碳贮藏的影响有助于人们科学管理森林碳库以及进一步寻找缓解气候变化的可行途径.为此,本文综述了森林土壤有机碳贮量的分布以及升温、降水变化和大气CO2浓度升高对森林土壤有机碳贮藏影响的国内外研究进展,并提出了有关的研究展望.  相似文献   

叶肉导度和叶片导水率是影响光合作用的两个重要过程,叶肉导度通过影响从气孔下腔到Rubisco酶位点的二氧化碳浓度梯度直接影响光合作用,而叶片导水率则通过影响水分供应或气孔行为来影响光合作用,然而对这两个生理过程之间的协同性研究较少。本研究选择9种红树林植物为研究对象,探讨盐生环境下植物叶肉导度和叶片导水率的协同性及其与叶片解剖结构特征之间的相关性。结果表明,9种红树林植物叶片导水率(0.78~5.83 mmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)·MPa-1)、叶肉导度(0.06~0.36 mol·m~(-2)·s~(-1))、最大光合速率(7.23~23.71μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1))等特征的差别较大;叶肉导度与最大光合速率呈显著正相关,而与比叶重无显著相关性,其原因是由于比叶重与叶片厚度、叶片密度不存在相关性;叶脉密度与气孔密度呈较强的相关性,说明红树林植物叶片水分运输与散失相关的叶片结构之间存在协同关系;叶片导水率不受叶脉密度影响,并且与叶肉导度、最大光合速率也不存在相关性,这很可能与红树林植物叶片的肉质化、有发达的储水组织有关,体现了红树林植物叶片结构和功能的特殊性。  相似文献   

海草生态系统的固碳机理及贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由海草、红树林、盐沼草等植被组成的滨海和海洋生态系统是地球中高效的碳汇热点,它们所固定的碳被称为"蓝碳".作为全球生态服务功能价值最高的生态系统之一,海草生态系统所固定的碳是蓝碳里的重要组成部分.高生产力、高效过滤及高稳定性造就了海草生态系统巨大的固碳能力,进而对全球碳循环具有深刻影响.然而,人为影响以及全球气候变化使全球海草床加速衰退,成为地球生物圈中退化速度最快的生态系统之一.当前,国内外对海草床等滨海生态系统固碳能力的关注、研究深度与广度仍远远不足,对全球海草固碳的评估仍存在诸多不确定性.为了能更准确地评估全球海草床的碳埋存,一些基础性的科学问题应优先考虑:1)全国和全球海草的准确分布面积;2)不同海草优势种类或不同地域的海草床碳汇能力的差异;3)人为干扰和全球气候变化对海草生态系统碳捕获和碳埋存的影响.  相似文献   

Mangroves are among the world's most carbon‐dense ecosystems, but they are threatened by rapid climate change and rising sea levels. The accumulation and decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) are closely tied to mangroves' carbon sink functions and resistance to rising sea levels. However, few studies have investigated the response of mangrove SOM dynamics to likely future environmental conditions. We quantified how mangrove SOM decay is affected by predicted global warming (+4°C), sea level changes (simulated by altering of the inundation duration to 0, 2, and 6 hr/day), and their interaction. Whilst changes in inundation duration between 2 and 6 hr/day did not affect SOM decay, the treatment without inundation led to a 60% increase. A warming of 4°C caused SOM decay to increase by 21%, but longer inundation moderated this temperature‐driven increase. Our results indicate that (a) sea level rise is unlikely to decrease the SOM decay rate, suggesting that previous mangrove elevation gain, which has allowed mangroves to persist in areas of sea level rise, might result from changes in root production and/or mineral sedimentation; (b) sea level fall events, predicted to double in frequency and area, will cause periods of intensified SOM decay; (c) changing tidal regimes in mangroves due to sea level rise might attenuate increases in SOM decay caused by global warming. Our results have important implications for forecasting mangrove carbon dynamics and the persistence of mangroves and other coastal wetlands under future scenarios of climate change.  相似文献   

Impact of expected climate change on mangroves   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
C. D. Field 《Hydrobiologia》1995,295(1-3):75-81
There is a consensus of scientific opinion that the activities of man will cause a significant change in the global climate over the next hundred years. The rising level of carbon dioxide and other industrial gases in the atmosphere may lead to global warming with an accompanying rise in sea-level. Mangrove ecosystems grow in the intertidal zones in tropical and sub-tropical regions and are likely to be early indicators of the effects of climate change. The best estimates of predicted climate change in the literature are presented. It is suggested that a rise in mean sea-level may be the most important factor influencing the future distribution of mangroves but that the effect will vary dramatically depending on the local rate of sea-level rise and the availability of sediment to support reestablishment of the mangroves. The predicted rise in mean air temperature will probably be of little consequence to the development of mangroves in general but it may mean that the presence of mangroves will move further north and south, though this will depend on a number of additional factors. The effect of enhanced atmospheric CO2 on the growth of mangroves is unknown at this time but that there is some evidence that not all species of mangroves will respond similarly. The socio-economic impacts of the effects of climate on mangrove ecosystems may include increased risk of flooding, increased erosion of coast lines, saline intrusion and increased storm surges.  相似文献   

Ong Jin-Eong 《Hydrobiologia》1995,295(1-3):343-351
Despite the recent better understanding and awareness of the role of mangroves, these coastal forest communities continue to be destroyed or degraded (or euphemistically reclaimed) at an alarming rate. The figure of 1% per year given by Ong (1982) for Malaysia can be taken as a conservative estimate of destruction of mangroves in the Asia-Pacific region. Whilst the Japanese-based mangrove wood-chips industry continues in its destructive path through the larger mangrove ecosystems of the region, the focus of mangrove destruction has shifted to the conversion of mangrove areas into aquaculture ponds and the consequences of the unprecedented massive addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by post industrial man.Mangroves are non-homogeneous; characterised by distinct vegetative zones that occupy the interface between land and sea and dynamically interacting with the atmosphere above as well as with the influences of the adjacent land and sea. The conservation of mangroves should thus include not only the various vegetation and tidal inundation zones but also the adjacent marine and terrestrial areas (including the water catchment area).On the current concern with global climate change, it is pointed out that relative sea level change is very much site dependent. For effective planning and management, it is vital to know if a particular site is stable, rising or sinking so efforts should be directed to find suitable methods for determining this. However, should rapid relative sea level rise take place, there is very little likelihood of saving mangroves whose landward margins have been developed by man, a fact to bear in mind when selecting sites for conservation. The Matang mangroves of Malaysia is rare case of successful sustainable management of a tropical rain forest. Although the tools of management are available they are not widely applied. We particularly urge the Japanese mangrove wood-chips industry to look to long term sustainable use rather than short term gains. A suggestion is made to appeal to the new Government of Japan to take the lead in environmental friendliness especially to the rain forests of the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

Threats to mangroves from climate change and adaptation options: A review   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5  
Mangrove ecosystems are threatened by climate change. We review the state of knowledge of mangrove vulnerability and responses to predicted climate change and consider adaptation options. Based on available evidence, of all the climate change outcomes, relative sea-level rise may be the greatest threat to mangroves. Most mangrove sediment surface elevations are not keeping pace with sea-level rise, although longer term studies from a larger number of regions are needed. Rising sea-level will have the greatest impact on mangroves experiencing net lowering in sediment elevation, where there is limited area for landward migration. The Pacific Islands mangroves have been demonstrated to be at high risk of substantial reductions. There is less certainty over other climate change outcomes and mangrove responses. More research is needed on assessment methods and standard indicators of change in response to effects from climate change, while regional monitoring networks are needed to observe these responses to enable educated adaptation. Adaptation measures can offset anticipated mangrove losses and improve resistance and resilience to climate change. Coastal planning can adapt to facilitate mangrove migration with sea-level rise. Management of activities within the catchment that affect long-term trends in the mangrove sediment elevation, better management of other stressors on mangroves, rehabilitation of degraded mangrove areas, and increases in systems of strategically designed protected area networks that include mangroves and functionally linked ecosystems through representation, replication and refugia, are additional adaptation options.  相似文献   

红树植物淹水胁迫响应研究进展   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
陈鹭真  林鹏  王文卿 《生态学报》2006,26(2):586-593
潮汐淹水是红树植物面临的主要环境胁迫之一,也是导致目前红树林造林成活率低的一个关键因子。由于长期适应于水淹生境,红树植物发育出一套适应于潮间带生长的抗淹水机制。综述了与红树植物相关的抗淹水胁迫响应机制,包括了形态结构、生长、水分和光合作用、膜脂过氧化系统和根系脱氢酶系统、内源激素和胁迫多胺等5个方面。提出应用人工潮汐系统研究红树植物的淹水抗性机理是确定不同种类红树植物的耐淹水能力的有效手段。并指出生长的研究是淹水胁迫响应研究的基础,而与分子手段相结合的激素水平的研究将在红树植物抗性胁迫研究中得到重视。  相似文献   

Mangrove forests play an important role in climate change adaptation and mitigation by maintaining coastline elevations relative to sea level rise, protecting coastal infrastructure from storm damage, and storing substantial quantities of carbon (C) in live and detrital pools. Determining the efficacy of mangroves in achieving climate goals can be complicated by difficulty in quantifying C inputs (i.e., differentiating newer inputs from younger trees from older residual C pools), and mitigation assessments rarely consider potential offsets to CO2 storage by methane (CH4) production in mangrove sediments. The establishment of non‐native Rhizophora mangle along Hawaiian coastlines over the last century offers an opportunity to examine the role mangroves play in climate mitigation and adaptation both globally and locally as novel ecosystems. We quantified total ecosystem C storage, sedimentation, accretion, sediment organic C burial and CH4 emissions from ~70 year old R. mangle stands and adjacent uninvaded mudflats. Ecosystem C stocks of mangrove stands exceeded mudflats by 434 ± 33 Mg C/ha, and mangrove establishment increased average coastal accretion by 460%. Sediment organic C burial increased 10‐fold (to 4.5 Mg C ha?1 year?1), double the global mean for old growth mangrove forests, suggesting that C accumulation from younger trees may occur faster than previously thought, with implications for mangrove restoration. Simulations indicate that increased CH4 emissions from sediments offset ecosystem CO2 storage by only 2%–4%, equivalent to 30–60 Mg CO2‐eq/ha over mangrove lifetime (100 year sustained global warming potential). Results highlight the importance of mangroves as novel systems that can rapidly accumulate C, have a net positive atmospheric greenhouse gas removal effect, and support shoreline accretion rates that outpace current sea level rise. Sequestration potential of novel mangrove forests should be taken into account when considering their removal or management, especially in the context of climate mitigation goals.  相似文献   

夜间变暖提高荫香叶片的光合能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵平  孙谷畴  蔡锡安  饶兴权  曾小平 《生态学报》2005,25(10):2703-2808
研究了不同氮供应的条件下夜间变暖对荫香叶片光合能力的影响。当植株生长在相同的日间温度(25℃),而夜间温度从18℃增至20℃时,叶片的光合速率增高(p<0.05)。高氮供应的植株,夜间变暖下其叶片光合速率较低氮供应的高,氮供应增高能促进夜间变暖提高叶片光合速率的效应。在低氮供给和夜间变暖下,植株叶片的光下呼吸和暗呼吸的增高显著(p<0.05)。无论在高氮或低氮供应下,生长在夜间变暖下的植物,其叶片的R ub isco最大羧化速率(Vcm ax)和光合电子传递最大速率(Jm ax)增高(p<0.05),氮供应能增强夜间变暖对Vcm ax和Jm ax的正向效应。夜间变暖降低植株叶片的比叶重,而增加单位叶干重的氮含量(Nm),单位叶面积的氮含量(Na)没发生明显变化。随着全球气候变化,夜间趋暖将有利于树木叶片光合能力的提高,结合高氮供给将会明显地增高植物的碳固定。  相似文献   

Will mangrove encroachment into saltmarshes affect saltwater mosquito habitats? To address this, we synthesized information from two perspectives: 1) at a detailed level, the immature mosquito habitat within mangroves; 2) at a more general or regional level, changes due to mangrove expansion into saltmarshes. This is a synthesis of two research projects. One showed that mosquito larval habitats in mangroves are complex, related to the detailed interactions between topography and tidal patterns and that not all parts of a mangrove forest are suitable habitat. The other, based on remote sensing and analysis of rainfall data, showed that mangrove encroachment in eastern Australia is related to both climate and human land use over several decades (1972–2004). An important question emerged: when mangroves encroach into saltmarshes will they displace saltmarsh immature mosquito habitats or will they replace them with mangrove ones? There is no simple answer: it will vary with climate change and sea level scenario and how these affect the system. We conclude that mosquito management, which is locally implemented, needs to be integrated with land use planning systems, which often operate at a more general level.  相似文献   

Coastal vegetated wetlands such as mangrove forests provide multiple ecosystem services, though are potentially threatened by contemporary accelerated sea level rise (SLR), in addition to other immediate threats such as agriculture and coastal development. Several studies have revealed that mangroves are able to adapt to, and keep pace with local relative SLR through vertical surface elevation change (SEC), however data are lacking, with often only surface accretion rate (SAR) data available. We systematically review published studies of SEC and SAR from globally distributed monitoring sites using meta-analysis, and compare them with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC AR5) SLR scenarios. Hydro-geomorphic setting plays an important role, with basin mangroves potentially less vulnerable to SLR through land building processes. We find that SAR in both basin and fringe mangroves can cope with low SLR scenario (RCP 2.6) throughout the 100 years projection period. However, SAR can only keep pace with high SLR scenario (RCP 8.5) up to year 2070 and 2055 in basin and fringe mangrove settings respectively. These were associated with potential sediment accumulation of 41 cm and 29 cm respectively from the baseline. Mangrove degradation promoted lowering trends of SEC, while mangrove management such as rehabilitation practice stimulated positive trends of SEC. Mangrove ecosystems may be vulnerable to contemporary SLR in small island locations such as the Caribbean, East Africa and parts of the Indo-Pacific that are dominated by fringe mangroves and where SEC cannot keep pace with both low and high IPCC AR5 SLR scenarios. A global expansion of current mangrove surface elevation monitoring effort is urgently needed in order to better assess the vulnerability of mangroves, and the factors affecting their resiliency in the face of rising sea levels.  相似文献   

Long-term carbon capture and storage (CCS) is currently considered a viable strategy for mitigating rising levels of atmospheric CO(2) and associated impacts of global climate change. Until recently, the significant below-ground CCS capacity of coastal vegetation such as seagrasses, salt marshes, and mangroves has largely gone unrecognized in models of global carbon transfer. However, this reservoir of natural, free, and sustainable carbon storage potential is increasingly jeopardized by alarming trends in coastal habitat loss, totalling 30-50% of global abundance over the last century alone. Human intervention to restore lost habitats is a potentially powerful solution to improve natural rates of global CCS, but data suggest this approach is unlikely to substantially improve long-term CCS unless current restoration efforts are increased to an industrial scale. Failure to do so raises the question of whether resources currently used for expensive and time-consuming restoration projects would be more wisely invested in arresting further habitat loss and encouraging natural recovery.  相似文献   

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