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八个苹果品种对苹果叶螨和金纹细蛾的抗性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用我国苹果生产上较普遍的8个品种对苹果叶螨和金纹细蛾的自然抗性进行了观察,结果表明,这些品种对这两种害虫的抗性比较一致,而不同品种间的抗性差异却很明显。其中金冠、青香蕉等为高抗品种,可以减缓苹果叶螨的增长速度,也使金纹细蛾在整个苹果生长期一直被抑制于可以允许的经济受害水平以下;国光、富士、新红星乃系高度感虫,它们受这两种虫害都较严重;秦冠的抗虫性是属中间水平;只有红星和短枝型金冠对这两种害虫的抗感程度变化较大,它们对金纹细蛾表现高抗,而对苹果叶螨却为易感。  相似文献   

苹果潜叶蛾是苹果树上的一种新害虫,它与白杨潜叶蛾(Leucoptera susinella Herrich-Schaffer)极相近似,据作者鉴定与白杨潜叶蛾应同为一属,是属于潜蛾科(Lyonetiidae)。这种害虫于1951年发现于山东济南市及烟台市,为害苹果、海棠、沙果、兰叶海棠、山荆子及其他苹果属植物,少数为害梨及洋梨。1951—1953年在烟台此虫为害苹果甚烈,曾造成部分果园的灾害,据近年了解此虫现在分布于山东省胶东地区、济南市、河  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫多样性作为生物多样性的重要组成部分,在农业生态系统中发挥重要的生物控害与传粉功能。【方法】对山东烟台3种不同防控措施的苹果园,即普通生物防治区、功能植物调控区和化学防控区进行了为期2年(2018-2019)的害虫和天敌种群调查,比较了3种不同生态措施苹果园主要害虫、天敌发生特征。【结果】发现生防区、功能植物区的绣线菊蚜Aphis citricola Vander Goot、金纹细蛾Lithocolletis ringoniella Mats.、苹果全爪螨Panonychus ulmi(Koch)发生数量比化防区都高,而其内的异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis、中华通草蛉Chrysoperla sinica(Tjeder)、食蚜蝇Syrphidae发生数量明显比化防区高。【结论】功能植物区和生防区的天敌数量均高于化防区,在一定程度上可抑制害虫发生的种群密度;而化防区内进行化学防治控制主要害虫的同时,也对天敌数量产生一定的负影响,其害虫种群数量波动较大,容易暴发成灾。  相似文献   

苹果透翅蛾(Conopia hector Bulter)(小透羽)是我省苹果、梨、桃等果树的严重害虫,以苹果受害最重。过去对该虫的防治主要是采取挖治的方法,此法耗费劳力,伤树皮,易引起腐烂病,造成树势衰弱与死亡。本文报道了我们两年来对该虫的生活史、习性及化学防治的研究结果,并初步肯定了666粘泥对幼虫的防治效果。 一、生活史及习性 苹果透翅蛾每年发生一代,以3—4龄幼虫在被害  相似文献   

北京郊区苹果小卷蛾成虫发生规律研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苹果小卷蛾AdoxophyesoranaFischervonR slerstamm为北京郊区大桃生产中的主要害虫 ,试验采用黑光灯诱杀、糖醋盆诱集 2种方法在不同生态环境果园对其成虫发生期进行了观测。结果显示苹果小卷蛾在北京地区 1年发生 3代 ;越冬代成虫羽化高峰为 5月底至 6月初 ,第 1代幼虫防治适期为 6月1 0~ 1 5日 ;第 1代成虫羽化高峰为 7月中旬 ,第 2代幼虫防治适期为 7月下旬。  相似文献   

苹果绵蚜防治技术研究简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苹果绵蚜 ( Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann)俗称绵虫、棉花虫、血色蚜虫 ,是我国规定的植物检疫性有害生物 ,也是苹果属 ( Malus)果树的重要害虫。该虫在烟台发生较普遍 ,为害较严重 ,并有逐渐向非发生地区扩散蔓延为害趋势。为寻找经济、快速、有效的防治方法 ,笔者多年进行了这方面的研究 ,取得显著的效果 ,现简报如下 :1材料与方法在山东海阳、蓬莱、莱州等选择苹果绵蚜发生较重的老果园 ,树龄 2 0 - 30年之间 ,树势中等。供试药剂为 4 0 %氧化乐果乳油 (山东张店农药厂 )。设 5个处理 ,分别是 :( 1 )涂干 :在距地面 50 cm左右的主干处 …  相似文献   

性信息素水盆诱捕器和黑光灯诱捕棉铃虫成虫数量的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉铃虫 (Helicoverpaarmigera(H櫣bner) )已成为我国头号害虫 ,1 992年在华北棉区暴发 ,造成直接经济损失 1 0 0亿元 ,此后种群水平居高不下 ,严重威胁我国棉花的正常生产。为避免大面积防治失效 ,标准化测报是重要前提[1 ,2 ] 。根据目前我国棉铃虫测报标准化方法 ,黑光灯 ( 2 0W)诱蛾是成虫种群动态监测的主要手段 ,对越冬代更是唯一手段[3] 。然而 ,近年报道黑光灯在气温低时诱效低 ,前期诱蛾少 ,对防治指导性差[4] ,而全季性信息素(性诱剂 )水盆诱捕器的诱蛾效率均高于黑光灯[5] 。为进一步明确性信息素的监测…  相似文献   

多纹豹蠹蛾(Zeuzera multistrigata Moore)属鳞翅目豹蠹蛾科,是福建省沿海防护林木麻黄(Casuarina)的主要蛀干害虫。国内对此虫的发生规律研究,尚未见正式报道。国外分布于印度、孟加拉国、缅甸。一、研究方法(一) 生物学特性观察在惠安赤湖林场,莆田县山星林场设立研究基点。(1) 每隔3—15天定期上山解剖有虫株,1982—1987年共剖木5748株;(2) 在不同方同设立3个林间养虫室,种植有虫木;(3) 野外套笼1382株虫害木;(4) 室内水培苗木饲养,养虫笼木段饲养,玻璃培养皿盛木屑饲养;(5)黑光灯诱蛾。各方法互相验证,取长补短。(二) 生态因子调查采取踏查和标准地  相似文献   

重阳木是世界上具有重要价值的树种之一,近年来重阳木帆锦斑蛾BischofiapoiycarpaCramer对其危害日益突出。该害虫在我国许多省区都有不同程度的发生,2006年在安徽省合肥地区暴发成灾。经过室外调查和室内饲养观察,分析了其暴发成灾的原因,明确了该虫的形态特征、年生活史和生活习性。该虫在合肥地区1年发生4代,有世代重叠现象。主要以幼虫在重阳木枝干的树皮、裂缝等处越冬。越冬幼虫至次年4月开始活动。在7月和8月份,以第2代和第3代幼虫危害最重。建议采用植物检疫、人工捕杀、微生物农药及化学杀虫剂等多种方法加以防治,自然天敌对其也有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

【目的】明确粗放管理的苹果园系统内金纹细蛾Lithocolletis ringoniella发生为害动态规律、其寄生蜂种类和对金纹细蛾的控害作用,为金纹细蛾生物防治提供理论依据。【方法】试验于2018年在烟台福山区管理粗放的苹果园内,通过系统调查和实验室解剖对金纹细蛾的发生及其寄生蜂种类进行调查。【结果】在粗放管理的苹果园系统内,5月中旬-6月中旬是金纹细蛾成虫发生的全年最高峰,幼虫发生的两个高峰期分别在5月底和6月中下旬,而田间叶片被害率在6月中旬以后明显升高,7月初出现大量落叶。在自然生态系统下,共调查发现金纹细蛾姬小蜂SympiesislaevifronsKamijo、金纹细蛾绒茧蜂Apanteles theivorae、金纹细蛾跳小蜂Ageniaspis pestacsipes Rate、金纹细蛾羽角姬小蜂Eulopaus longulus Zett、柠黄姬小蜂Cirros-pilues ogimae (Howard) 5种寄生蜂;在5月底至6月初和7月下旬出现2个寄生高峰,其中6月底以前,金纹细蛾姬小蜂、金纹细蛾绒茧蜂寄生率高,分别达到33.69%和29.48%,是优势种寄生蜂,7月份以后金纹细蛾跳小蜂是优势种寄生蜂,平均寄生率为38.54%,最高达71.72%。【结论】在粗放条件下,金纹细蛾寄生蜂自然寄生率高,不同时期优势种寄生蜂不同,应注意保护天敌,充分发挥寄生蜂对金纹细蛾的控害作用。  相似文献   

Protecting insects in agro-ecosystems may result in substantial benefits assuming that numerous species produce ecological services. The impact of pesticides on non-target insects is a function of the number of treatments, chemical product, amount of active ingredients and the method of application in the fields, together with their persistence in the environment. To reduce the use of these products, several methods of integrated pest management were developed in agriculture. Among them mating-disruption (MD) is widely employed, for example against the codling moth Cydia pomonella L., a key pest in apple orchards. MD should minimize the negative impacts of chemical pest management on non-target insects in the vegetation surrounding the orchards. We investigated this hypothesis in a long-term MD program on insect populations in the edges of managed plots, using five gall-inducing aphid species in 135 Pistacia palaestina trees. The highest aphid species richness was found in trees growing away from orchards followed by trees in orchards close to Kiwi patches which were never sprayed with insecticides. Intermediate aphid species richness was revealed in parcels where MD against codling moth has been carried out during the last 18?years. In these plots, reduced number of chemical treatments was used against secondary pests each year. Trees in orchards with intensive chemical treatment with insecticide had almost no galls. In conclusion, the populations of the five non-target species in the adjacent natural environment did not suffer significantly from the few chemical treatments. The long term MD program of C. pomonella has a minimum disruption on non-target species in the orchards and their immediate surroundings.  相似文献   

We examined the faunal composition and abundance of phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in apple orchards under different pest management systems in Hungary. A total of 30 apple orchards were surveyed, including abandoned and organic orchards and orchards where integrated pest management (IPM) or broad spectrum insecticides (conventional pest management) were applied. A total of 18 phytoseiid species were found in the canopy of apple trees. Species richness was greatest in the organic orchards (mean: 3.3 species/400 leaves) and the least in the conventional orchards (1.4), with IPM (2.1) and abandoned (2.7) orchards showing intermediate values. The phytoseiid community’s Rényi diversity displayed a similar pattern. However, the total phytoseiid abundance in the orchards with different pest management systems did not differ, with abundance varying between 1.8 and 2.6 phytoseiids/10 leaves. Amblyseius andersoni, Euseius finlandicus, and Typhlodromus pyri were the three most common species. The relative abundance of A. andersoni increased with the pesticide load of the orchards whereas the relative abundance of E. finlandicus decreased. The abundance of T. pyri did not change in the apple orchards under different pest management strategies; regardless of the type of applied treatment, they only displayed greater abundance in five of the orchards. The remaining 15 phytoseiid species only occurred in small numbers, mostly from the abandoned and organic orchards. We identified a negative correlation between the abundance of T. pyri and the other phytoseiids in the abandoned and organic orchards. However, we did not find any similar link between the abundance of A. andersoni and E. finlandicus.  相似文献   

Adult apple blossom weevils, Anthonomus pomorum (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), leave their overwintering sites within and outside orchards to colonise apple trees in early spring. This study was conducted to characterize the temporal pattern of spring colonization of apple trees by overwintered weevils in relation to climatic conditions and apple bud stages, based on multiple mark-release-recapture experiments and field observations of foraging activities of weevils. The process of spring colonization of apple trees by overwintered weevils was related to thermal time totals above 0 °C. The dispersal into orchards initiated when the thermal time totals reached 161±27 (s.d.) degree-days (DD) calculated from January 1, or 117±16 DD from February 1. The daily dispersal speed of individual weevils within orchards was determined primarily by the maximum daily temperature, whereas crawling, feeding, and mating activities of weevils on apple trees were influenced by the mean evening temperature between 18:00 and 22:00 hours. On the other hand, the spring colonization of overwintered weevils was not synchronized with any specific apple bud stage, though the level of female foraging and reproductive activities on apple trees was related to apple bud stages. The overwintered weevils initiated dispersal into orchards over a wide range of bud developmental stages from little silver greenish tip B (51) to the mouse-ear stage C3 (54). These findings are discussed in relation to the ecology and pest management of this insect.  相似文献   

不同寄主植物对山楂叶螨生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
李定旭  侯月利  沈佐锐 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1562-1569
室内采用叶碟饲养的方法研究了苹果、桃、李、樱桃和杏等不同果树对山楂叶螨Tetrancychusvienensis生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明,在李树上山楂叶螨的发育历期短、生殖力强、存活率高,rm值大,而在樱桃和杏树上该螨的发育历期长、生殖力弱、存活率低、rm值小。寄主转换试验结果表明,当山楂叶螨由苹果转移至樱桃和杏树时,其生长发育的历期显著延长,rm值大幅度降低;而由苹果转移至桃树和李树时,其生长发育的历期虽也有所延长,但差异不显著,rm值则明显降低。表明山楂叶螨对新寄主的适应因不同寄主而异,在桃和李上经历1代后即可适应,而在杏和樱桃上经历2代后才能适应新的寄主。  相似文献   

Five apple orchards in West Virginia, USA, were managed with five different pest management practices ranging from unsprayed to conventional insecticides. Data were collected on aphid, predaceous insect, and spider abundance every 2 weeks from May to July along one or two randomly selected, 15 consecutive tree transects. A total of 892 individual predaceous insects was observed: 32% wereAphidoletes aphidimyza, 21% wereCoccinella septempunctata and the rest were from 13 other taxa. The most important aphid predator seemed to beC. septempunctata. Of the 32 sample transects with predators, 72 % showed an edge effect in which either the standard error or mean of predator abundance differed from the edge towards the center of the orchard. This edge effect extended a mean of 7 trees (30 m) into the orchard. Only 39% of the 33 transects that had spiders showed an edge effect, extending into the orchard a mean of 8 trees (33 m). However, 75% of the transects with more than one spider per tree had an edge effect of 10 trees (43 m). We recommend a minimum border of seven trees before sampling for aphid predators and 10 trees before sampling for spiders. A recommended experimental plot size, for semi-dwarf, free-standing apple orchards, to eliminate edge effects is 1.25 ha for aphidophaga, 1.5 ha for spiders; a minimum plot size of 0.6 ha for aphidophaga and 0.75 ha for spiders would minimize edge effects.  相似文献   

The rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is one of the major pests of European apple orchards, commonly controlled by the use of synthetic insecticides. In the present work, the non‐protein amino acid DL‐β‐aminobutyric acid (BABA), known to induce plant resistance against a wide range of abiotic and biotic stresses, has been tested for its protective effect against this pest on apple. We first verified the lack of any contact effect of BABA on the insect itself. Next we applied BABA as a soil drench to apple and monitored its effect on the population development of aphids after artificial infestation. We demonstrated that BABA strongly reduced the population growth and that this compound severely affected various life‐history characteristics of the aphid such as female longevity and fecundity, nymph mortality, and larval development.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Resistance of the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lep., Tortricidae) to the organophosphorus compound (OP) azinphosmethyl was observed in apple orchards in Israel. The level of resistance varied with the pest control strategy. Compared with a sensitive laboratory population, the resistance level was highest in insects from the preventative pest control strategy, intermediate in integrated pest management (IPM) orchards, and relatively low in the organic orchards. The level of azinphosmethyl resistance in larvae (but not in adults) exposed for 17 generations in the laboratory to a pesticide-free diet was reduced by 50%. Codling moth larvae resistant to azinphosmethyl were also resistant to various insect growth regulators (IGRs). The IGRs include three chitin synthesis inhibitors (diflubenzuron, novaluron and teflubenzuron), two juvenile hormone mimics (pyriproxyfen and fenoxycarb) and one ecdysone agonist (methoxyfenozide). Codling moth resistant to azinphosmethyl was tolerant to methoxyfenozide and novaluron without previous history of application in apple orchards, indicating the possibility of cross-resistance. According to this study, managing resistance programs in apple orchards should be based on IPM principles with minimum use of conventional neuroactive pesticides.  相似文献   

  • 1 In European and American apple orchards the insect species richness, calculated from our own, and published data, varied widely (30–940 species). The dominance of insect orders was similar to that found in natural communities.
  • 2 To test the predictions of the‘resource diversity hypothesis’(RDH) and the‘intermediate disturbance hypothesis’(IDH) of insect diversity, we analysed the simultaneous impact of vegetational diversity and intensity of orchard management practice on the species richness of characteristic insect categories in six types of apple stands, over 5 years, in Hungary.
  • 3 The more diverse was the vegetation adjacent to the orchard and the less intensively was the orchard managed, the greater was the total insect species richness, supporting both hypotheses.
  • 4 The number of agricultural pest species found in the apple orchards depended above all on the diversity of adjacent agricultural vegetation, supporting only the RDH.
  • 5 The species richness of specialized apple pests was limited only by the intensity of pest control, supporting only the IDH.
  • 6 Within the category of generalist natural enemies species richness mainly varied with the diversity of adjacent vegetation, supporting the RDH.
  • 7 The aeroentomofauna constituted a surprisingly high percentage (>50%) for both total species and agricultural pests, but was poorly represented within the natural enemies category, and absent from the specific apple pest category.
  • 8 A general conclusion is that the number of insect species in perennial orchard-systems within agricultural areas is determined primarily by the regional extra-orchard vegetational diversity and secondly by the degree of local intra-orchard disturbances and plant diversity. Consequently, at the community level the predictions of both hypotheses can be simultaneously valid at different spatial scales and are not mutually exclusive. However, within the community, at the level of the different insect categories studied here, only one of the hypotheses proved to be valid.

To improve the success of integrated pest management in commercial apple orchards, I investigated whether the use of unmown white clover groundcover would enhance the numbers of a predatory ground beetle, Chlaenius micans (Fabricius), relative to mowing. From 2009 to 2011, narrow-spectrum insecticides were sprayed in one apple orchard and broad-spectrum insecticides in another in Akita Prefecture, northern Japan. Half of each orchard was plowed and sown to white clover in mid-April 2009; subsequently, these plots were not mowed and herbicides were not applied. The other half of each orchard was mowed every 3 weeks from mid-May to late August each year, and herbicides were sprayed around trees in mid-June. Significantly more adult Ch. micans were captured in pitfall traps in the unmown clover plots than in the mown plots. Thus, the retention of unmown groundcover increased the populations of adult Ch. micans in apple orchards.  相似文献   

1 Many apple growers in Washington State, U.S.A. use mating disruption (MD) for control of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus). Fewer applications of synthetic, broad‐spectrum insecticides are made in MD orchards than in orchards under conventional (C) management. Spider abundance and diversity in MD, C and certified organic (O) orchards were compared. Spiders inhabiting the trees (arboreal), the understory vegetation, and the ground surface were studied. 2 Total arboreal spider density and total understory spider density were significantly higher in O orchards than in MD and C orchards. Many species occurred in both the trees and the understory. 3 Arboreal, visually orientated, hunting spiders and arboreal ambushers/runners were significantly more abundant in O orchards compared to C and MD orchards. Visual hunters were significantly more abundant in MD compared to C orchards. Numbers of spiders in two other guilds (web‐makers and nocturnal hunters) showed no statistical differences with respect to orchard management type. 4 The highest density of ground surface‐dwelling spiders occurred in one of the O orchards. Two C orchards had higher densities than any MD orchard. Ground surface species were distinct from those in the understory and the trees. 5 With one exception, an orchard's arboreal fauna was most similar to that of another orchard under the same type of pest management. Three exceptions were noted among comparisons of the understory faunas. The ground surface‐dwelling fauna of one O orchard was distinctive, whereas that in the second O orchard was similar to the C and MD orchards. 6 Reduced use of synthetic, broad‐spectrum insecticides in MD orchards did not result in arboreal spider densities comparable to those found in O orchards. A contributing factor may be that all species were univoltine. Spider populations may thus be severely reduced by even a small number of synthetic, broad‐spectrum insecticide applications and the time required for recovery may be lengthy.  相似文献   

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