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正2016年4月,在西藏雅鲁藏布江中游干流下段的派镇段(29°31′9″N,94°52′12″E,海拔2 897 m),6月在米林段(29°12′1″N,94°5′16″E,海拔2 947 m),2017年7月在里龙段(29°8′32″N,93°54′34″E,海拔2 960 m),使用定置刺网共捕获到15尾疑似黄斑褶(Pseudecheneis sulcatus)的鱼类标本(图1a,b)。2017年4月在雅鲁藏布江下游墨脱段(29°18′10″N,95°16′52″E,海拔682 m)采集到一批黄斑褶标本(图1c,d),并与中游的黄斑褶进行了形态学比较鉴定。  相似文献   

正2018年4月13日,在贵州省梵净山国家级自然保护区金顶景区(27°53′50″N,108°43′11″E,海拔1 153 m)采集到游蛇科(Colubridae)雌性成体标本1号(图1)。依据形态学特征鉴定为方花蛇(Archelaphe bella),标本(标本号GZULIN20180413)现存于贵州大学生物多样性与自然保护研究中心实验室。方花蛇在国外见于越南、缅甸(IUCN 2018);国内分布于湖南(梁启燊等1982)、福建及云南(赵尔宓等1998)、广西(蒋爱伍等2006)、  相似文献   

2020年5月23日在湖南省通道县万佛山镇(26° 11′47″N,109°56′21″E,海拔924 m)采集到4号两栖动物标本,经形态特征比较,与雷山琴蛙(Nidirana leishanensis)相似;基于线粒体16S rRNA构建的琴蛙属(Nidirana)部分物种贝叶斯系统发育树显示,此次采集的琴蛙标本与雷...  相似文献   

<正>2014年7月23日,在江西武夷山国家级自然保护区叶家厂附近(27°52′42.07″N,117°43′25.24″E,海拔963 m)采集到蛇类标本1号,鉴定为大眼斜鳞蛇(Pseudoxenodon macrops)。经查阅文献,为江西省首次发现该物种(钟昌富2004,赵尔宓2006,程松林等2009),距离本发现地最近的该物种分布地位于福建省邵武县(赵尔宓1998)。标本保存在江西武夷山国家级自然保护区标本室(编号:WYS2014072501)。该标本为幼体,体长255 mm,尾长50 mm,头宽5.5 mm。头顶有两条黑色横纹,中间有1道相当于顶鳞长  相似文献   

彭丽芳  黄松 《动物学杂志》2015,50(1):159-159
<正>安徽省黄山市祁门县地处皖南山地多雨区,属北亚热带湿润季风气候。雨量充沛,四季分明,日照较少,气候温和。2014年5月10日21时,在祁门县渚口乡伊坑村旁的山径上(29°49′08″N,117°32′17″E,海拔254 m)采集到蛇类成体雌性标本1号(采集号:HS14023,标本保存在黄山学院标本馆)。当时气温17℃,小雨。经鉴定该标本为游蛇科(Colubridae)脊蛇属(Achalinus)棕脊蛇(A.rufescens)(图1)。棕脊蛇为小型穴居或隐匿生活  相似文献   

2021年7月28日01:10在云南省文山壮族苗族自治州马关县古林箐乡(103°57′31. 33″E,22°49′27. 38″N,海拔1592 m)进行两栖爬行动物野外调查时,发现并采集到正在路边爬行的成体雄性蛇类标本1号(采集号:006882),保存于西南林业大学生物多样性保护学院标本室(SWFU006882)....  相似文献   

云南省发现弄岗狭口蛙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2018年6月,在位于云南省文山壮族苗族自治州的文山国家级自然保护区(23°21′41″N,104°50′26″E,海拔1 300 m)采集到无尾目(Anura)姬蛙科(Microhylidae)狭口蛙属(Kaloula)标本3号,包括雄性成体标本1号和雌性成体标本2号,并对相应形态特征进行了测量,雄性头体长为35.79mm,雌性头体长为48.01 mm和42.78 mm。根据形态特征比较发现,该种群的标本皮肤光滑,背部呈橄榄绿色,有不规则的深绿色斑纹,指端平切且具两排小乳突,雄性胸部有小柠檬黄色斑点,雄性全蹼,雌性为1/3蹼,与采集自弄岗国家级自然保护区的弄岗狭口蛙(K. nonggangensis)地模标本(海拔186 m)的形态鉴定特征基本一致,仅体色和体型大小稍有差异。基于16S rRNA基因片段进行系统发育分析表明,这些标本与弄岗狭口蛙模式产地标本聚在一起,共享同一单倍型。可以确定所采集的3号标本均为弄岗狭口蛙,为云南省两栖纲分布新记录物种。新发现的种群分布于中高海拔处,较地模标本的低海拔分布记录有较大的拓展。该物种的发现说明,云南东南部与广西西南部的喀斯特地区具有相似的物种组成,对该区域将来的生物地理学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国东北地区发现姬鼩鼱分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2014年在黑龙江省横道河子地区(44°48′44″N,129°02′04″E,海拔约740 m)采集到1只鼩鼱(标本编号为CH5)。2015年在内蒙古自治区达赉湖地区(48°37′20″N,117°53′17″E,海拔约720 m)采集2只鼩鼱(标本编号为DE7和DE12)。这些新获标本经鉴定为姬鼩鼱(Sorex minutissimus)。《小鼩鼱(食虫目:鼩鼱科)辽宁省新纪录》文中的标本(080910,090920)经重新鉴定也为姬鼩鼱。利用mt DNA的Cyt b基因全序列构建系统进化树,结果揭示,小鼩鼱聚为一支,姬鼩鼱聚为另一支,新获标本(CH5、DE7、DE12)和待厘定标本(080910、090920)都聚在姬鼩鼱一支,进一步支持形态学鉴定结果。2015年采集的姬鼩鼱为内蒙古自治区新纪录,而《小鼩鼱(食虫目:鼩鼱科)辽宁省新纪录》文中的小鼩鼱(Sorex minutus)(标本号:080910,090920)更正为辽宁省姬鼩鼱新纪录。  相似文献   

<正>2013年8月6日~11日,作者在辽宁省凌源市进行野外调查,于大河北乡南刘杖子村田地边缘的山麓(40°48'02.3″N,118°54'11.4″E~40°48'09.5″N,118°54'11.6″E,海拔约693 m)采集到蜥蜴标本3号,另于居民住宅附近低矮丘陵顶部(40°48'02.5″N,118°54'02.9″E,海拔811 m)采集到蜥蜴标本1号。经鉴定为蜥蜴科Lacertidae麻蜥属Eremias山地麻蜥E.brenchleyi,为辽宁省蜥蜴新纪录。标本保存于沈阳师范大学两栖爬行动物研究所标本室,编号为SYNU13090016~SYNU13090019。  相似文献   

正2019年4月,在西藏自治区林芝地区察隅县下察隅镇(97°01′11″E,28°29′58″N,海拔1 550 m)附近草丛及石堆间采集到一批两栖类标本。经分类鉴定,其中一种为蟾蜍科(Bufonidae)头棱蟾属(Duttaphrynus)的黑眶蟾蜍(D.melanostictus,图1),为西藏地区分布新记录种。主要鉴别特征:雄性成体平均体长(67.1±10.6)mm(n=10),雌性(76.3±13.7)mm(n=10)。头宽大于头长;头部具黑色骨  相似文献   

湖南省衡东县发现大卫鼠耳蝠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年7月26日于湖南省衡东县四方山仙妃洞(26°58′24.93″N,113°3′23.03″E,海拔641 m)捕到1只雌性蝙蝠。该蝙蝠体型较小,前臂长34.54 mm,后足长超过胫长的一半;通体黑褐色,被毛毛尖染有淡棕色,腹毛由前而后淡棕色毛尖逐渐增加,到腹后部几乎形成淡棕色区;颅全长13.34 mm,齿式为2.1.3.3/,初步鉴定为大卫鼠耳蝠(Myotis davidii)。基于线粒体Cyt b基因1 140 bp序列对上述标本与大卫鼠耳蝠不同种群进行系统发育分析,大卫鼠耳蝠是一个单起源的谱系,其种群形成了广东、广西一个支系和江苏、安徽、浙江、湖南、重庆另一个支系,其中,江苏种群和广西种群之间的遗传距离最远。通过形态特征和线粒体Cyt b基因序列鉴定,确认此标本为蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidac)鼠耳蝠属的大卫鼠耳蝠。标本保存于湖南师范大学脊椎动物标本馆。  相似文献   

中越边境西隆山自然保护区的植物调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西隆山是滇南最高峰 ,最高海拔 3 0 74.3m ,跨越中越两国边境线。其北坡在中国境内 ,南坡在越南境内。西隆山 2 0 0 0年被列入国家级自然保护区。西隆山已经查明的高等植物 1 79个科 ,469个属 ,781种。其中 ,国家级保护植物和珍稀濒危植物有 2 3种。在西隆山分布的植被类型有 5种 :山地雨林、季风常绿阔叶林、山地苔藓常绿阔叶林、山顶苔藓矮林和次生植被。人为活动对植物多样性的影响很大 ,该文据此对保护措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

2013年7月在广东南岭国家级自然保护区阳山县境内(24°48′39.5′′N,112°51′01.3′′E,海拔155 m)捕捉到4只雄性蝙蝠,体型小,前臂长34.1~34.7 mm,颅全长14.3~14.7 mm;体毛浓密,背毛毛基黑色,毛尖灰色,腹毛黑或棕色,毛尖奶油白,靠近肛门处腹毛浅灰色,些许白色;翼膜附着于跖部末端;后足特别延展,长度超过胫骨长之半;鉴定为长指鼠耳蝠[Myotis longipes(Dobson1873)]。同时,基于Cyt b基因序列(1 140 bp)构建的部分鼠耳蝠物种系统进化关系,进一步确认上述标本为长指鼠耳蝠,为广东省翼手目新纪录。该种蝙蝠在我国贵州、广西、重庆有分布记载,但标本和相关资料很少。本文给出了长指鼠耳蝠的外形和头骨特征测量数据,并与印度的标本进行了对比。长指鼠耳蝠的回声定位声波为调频型(FM),主频率为68.2 k Hz;此外,对其分类地位和分布状况进行了讨论。标本保存于广东省生物资源应用研究所。  相似文献   

The first capture of the Greenland (or Black) halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in the Arctic Ocean on the border with the East Siberian Sea (79°03′–79°08′ N 139°59′–141°16′ E, 259–277 m) and the repeated findings of the species in the Laptev Sea (78°03′–78°04′ N 132°56′–133°04′ E, 307 m; 78°33′–78°35′ N 138°44′–138°48′ E, 125 m) are reported. Fish (79 specimens with the length of 15.0–44.5 cm) were caught during four bottom trawlings on the edge of the continental shelf of the two seas in the transformed waters of Atlantic origin, as evidenced by the discovery of the indicator species of these waters—the Glacier lanternfish Benthosema glaciale (Myctophidae)—in one of the stomachs of halibut. The other captures of Greenland halibut in the Arctic were also reviewed.  相似文献   

稻田施氮水平对两种水稻热值变化特征影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对两种水稻类型(早稻,晚稻)在不同氮素水平下植株的热值动态进行了分析。结果表明,水稻植株的热值不仅因品种,器官而存在着差异,而且随着水稻生长发育的进程不同也存在着差异。两种水稻的热值最低出现在小花分化期,最大值出现在分蘖期或开花灌浆时期。不同氮素水平对水稻热值的影响规律为,随着氮素水平的增加,水稻各种组织器官的热值也增加,同一器官下,高氮素水平下的水稻组织热值高于低氮下组织的热值,不同器官热值(根,茎,叶,穗)之间在相同及不同氮素水平下存在显著差异。通过分析表明,没有氮素投入下的两种水稻基础热值为16979J/g,早稻每增加1kg/hm^2N,可以提高植株热值1.72J/g,晚稻每增加1kg/hm^2N,可以提高植株热值1.24J/g,这说明,氮素使用对早稻的热值效应影响要大于晚稻。因此,在运用热值指标进行能量分析时,必须考虑氮素使用水平对热值的影响。  相似文献   

Many organisms use proton pump to earn energy for living. Some proton pumps start to work by light and one of the famous proteins are called proteorhodopsin (PR). From recent study it used not only protons but also mono-valent cations, divalent cations, or mono-valent anions during pumping activity. The goal of this study is to find new types of proton pumping proteins in the surface of the ocean. Metagenome samples were collected from the beach in Taean-gun and Incheon (Kkotji beach (36°30′0′′N, 126°19′56′′E), Kkotji mud (36°30′8′′N, 126°19′60′′E), Duegi beach (36°31′6′′N, 126°19′39′′E), Sorae salt pond (37°24′25′′N, 126°44′41′′E), swamp (37°24′59′′N, 126°44′54′′E) and reservoir (37°24′39′′N, 126°45′5′′E) in West Sea of Korea. Genomic DNA of each sample was isolated and used for PCR with specific primers for PR and sodium pumping rhodopsin. As a result, we obtained an unidentified PR in Duegi beach sample. The unidentified PR was expressed with chimeric expression system. It has 528 nm absorption maximum at pH 7. By the light differential spectrum measurement, putative M and O photo-intermediates were detected at around 400 and 600 nm, respectively. Similar to GPR, it has light driven outward proton transfer activity.  相似文献   

Leaf samples and tree rings formed between the mid‐1960s and mid‐1990s from sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) at Gatineau Park (45°30′ N, 75°54′ W), Quebec were analysed for δ13C. Leaf samples were collected at ground level (1–2 m above ground) at monthly intervals during the summer, whereas tree cores were extracted from the largest trees (d.b.h. > 30 cm) in the young deciduous forest in August 1998. Significant linear decreases in δ13C over time were found in foliage and tree rings, but the decrease in δ13C was significantly greater in foliage than in the wood. The apparent isotopic discrimination (Δ) of tree rings varied insignificantly around a mean of 18‰, whereas foliar Δ increased significantly from 19‰ in the 1960s to around 23‰ by the mid 1990s, likely as a result of an increasing canopy effect as the forest matured. Using models of carbon discrimination and Δ‐values of the tree rings, we calculate that the intrinsic water use efficiency of mature sugar maple has increased by approximately 4% over the study period.  相似文献   

A strain of Aspergillus sp. is described and proposed as a new species under the name ‘Aspergillus insulicola sp. nov.’ Montemayor & Santiago, 1973. This strain was isolated from soil samples taken in ‘Aves Island’ during a scientific expedition. — Aves Island, situated at 15°, 40′, 42″ N and 63°, 36′, 47″ W, about 665 Km of the coast of Venezuela, has very special ecological conditions. Due to its smallness: 550 m long and 40 to 120 m across and to its low profile only 3 m over sea level, it is swept by the sea during the periodical storms and hurricanes in the area. It has thus a very interesting fauna and flora. We took a series of soil samples to study its mycological flora. Forty samples were inoculated by dilution method. In this first paper a species is described and proposed as a new species because of its macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, as well as by its biological properties, under the name ‘Aspergillus insulicola sp. nov.’. In its study we have tried to follow as closely as possible the methods recommended by Kennet B. Raper & Dorothy Fenell, world authorities on the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium. The strain is being kept in USB under the number T1, and has been sent to ATCC & CBSC to be incorporated in their collections.  相似文献   

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