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深圳市园林植物叶片含硫量的特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
洪渊  黄俊华  张冬鹏 《生态科学》2007,26(2):122-125
对深圳不同地点,116种园林植物叶片含硫量进行了测定,以期为科学地选择抗污、吸污绿化树种提供理论依据。结果表明,叶片含硫量在10mg·m-3的植物有5种,叶片含硫量在5~10mg·m-3的植物有12种,说明深圳市园林植物具有吸收硫污染的能力。通过植物叶片含硫量与大气中SO2关系的比较发现,大红花和簕杜鹃的叶片硫含量与大气SO2含量呈正相关;九里香的叶片硫含量与大气SO2含量呈负相关,其它植物叶片中的含硫量与空气中的SO2含量相关性不明显。植物叶片内含硫量随季节变化而变化,秋季叶片含硫量高于春季。  相似文献   

赵甍  王秀伟  毛子军 《植物研究》2006,26(3):337-341
叶片中叶绿素含量在光合作用中的光吸收、传递和转换过程中起到重要作用。为了预测未来大气CO2浓度升高并伴随温度上升的情况下,植物在不同的氮素营养水平下光合能力的变化,做了在3种氮素水平下(15 mmol.L-1N,7.5 mmol.L-1N和不施氮)CO2倍增和温度升高4℃对蒙古栎一年生幼苗叶片中叶绿素含量的影响的实验。结果表明:氮素水平对叶绿素含量影响显著,在CO2倍增(700μmol.mol-1)、高温( 4℃)和正常温度、大气CO2浓度条件下,高氮素水平下的叶绿素含量明显高于正常氮素水平和不施氮;CO2浓度和温度对叶绿素含量的影响受到氮素的制约:在高氮的条件下CO2浓度倍增促进叶绿素a、b的合成,而且对叶绿素b合成的促进尤为显著;而温度升高4℃能够促进叶绿素a的合成,但是对叶绿素b含量的影响不显著。在正常氮素条件下叶绿素a、叶绿素b及总量各个处理间的差异均不显著;在不施氮的条件下,CO2倍增和升高适当的温度在一定的程度上可以促进叶绿素a的合成,不能同时保证叶绿素b的合成。CO2浓度升高明显导致蒙古栎幼苗对氮素水平的需求也增加,高温条件下的蒙古栎幼苗也在一定程度上增加了对氮素的需求。  相似文献   

福建梅花山57种常绿树叶片叶绿素特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取福建梅花山海拔1200m和455m地区57种常绿植物为研究对象,测定两海拔的植物叶片叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量,并计算叶绿素a/b、总叶绿素含量。结果表明:(1)植物叶绿素a、b,叶绿素a+b及叶绿素a/b值大多分布在一个相对集中的区域。(2)多数植物新叶叶绿素含量高于老叶,叶绿素a/b值低于老叶,但是新、老叶无显著差异。(3)不同海拔的植物叶片总叶绿素含量和叶绿素a/b值有明显差异,低海拔地区明显高于高海拔地区。植物通过总叶绿素含量和a/b值的变化以适应不同环境条件。  相似文献   

 在甘肃民勤沙生植物园内利用植物蒸腾耗水量观测场,研究了两种优势旱生植物沙木蓼(Atraphaxis frutescens)和沙枣(Elaeagnus angustifolia)叶片中的叶绿素、可溶性糖、淀粉和N、P、K含量等对不同地下水深度(1~3.4 m)的响应。结果表明:1) 1.4 m、2.4 m和3.4 m 3种不同的地下水深度处理,产生了3种差异显著的土壤水分梯度;2) 地下水深度的变化导致了这两种旱生植物叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量、叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值等的显著变化(p<0.01);3) 地下水深度的增加引起了两种植物叶片可溶性糖含量的升高和淀粉含量的降低;4) 地下水深度的增加引起了两种植物叶片中N、P、K含量的降低;5) 不同的地下水深度引起沙枣和沙木蓼叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量、叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值、N、P、K含量、可溶性糖和淀粉增加或减少的程度不同。沙枣是非豆科固氮植物,两者的差异是否与固氮作用相关还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

在甘肃民勤沙生植物园内利用植物蒸腾耗水量观测场,研究了两种优势旱生植物沙木蓼(Atraphaxis frutescens)和沙棘(Elaeagnus angustifolia)叶片中的叶绿素、可溶性糖,淀粉和N、P、K、含量等对不同地下水深度(1-3.4m)的响应。结果表明:1)1.4m,2.4m和3.4m 3种不同地的地下水深度处理,产生了3种差异显著的土壤水分梯度;2)地下水深度的变化导致了这两种旱生植物叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量、叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值等的显著变化(P<0.01);3)地下水深度的增加引起了两种植物叶片可溶性糖含量的升高和淀粉含量的降低;4)地下水深度的增加引起了两种植物叶片中N、P、K含量的降低;5)不同的地下水深度引起沙棘和沙木蓼叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量、叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值、N、P、K含量,可溶性糖和淀粉增加或减少的程度不同。沙棘是非豆科固氮植物,两者的差异是否与固氮作用相关还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

赵甍  王秀伟  毛子军 《植物研究》2006,26(3):337-341
叶片中叶绿素含量在光合作用中的光吸收、传递和转换过程中起到重要作用。为了预测未来大气CO2浓度升高并伴随温度上升的情况下,植物在不同的氮素营养水平下光合能力的变化,做了在3种氮素水平下(15mmol·L-1 N,7.5mmol·L-1 N和不施氮)CO2倍增和温度升高4℃对蒙古栎一年生幼苗叶片中叶绿素含量的影响的实验。结果表明:氮素水平对叶绿素含量影响显著,在CO2倍增(700μmol·mol-1)、高温(+4℃)和正常温度、大气CO2浓度条件下,高氮素水平下的叶绿素含量明显高于正常氮素水平和不施氮;CO2浓度和温度对叶绿素含量的影响受到氮素的制约:在高氮的条件下CO2浓度倍增促进叶绿素a、b的合成,而且对叶绿素b合成的促进尤为显著;而温度升高4℃能够促进叶绿素a的合成,但是对叶绿素b含量的影响不显著。在正常氮素条件下叶绿素a、叶绿素b及总量各个处理间的差异均不显著;在不施氮的条件下,CO2倍增和升高适当的温度在一定的程度上可以促进叶绿素a的合成,不能同时保证叶绿素b的合成。CO2浓度升高明显导致蒙古栎幼苗对氮素水平的需求也增加,高温条件下的蒙古栎幼苗也在一定程度上增加了对氮素的需求。  相似文献   

陆菱妹   《广西植物》1984,(3):247-248
<正> 利用植物监测大气污染早已为人们所发现,但目前多从植物(如紫花苜蓿、向日葵,地衣等)叶片出现的伤害症状来估测大气受污染的程度。植物能吸收大气中的污染物质,使叶片含污染物质的量增加。并且污染物质在植物体内的含量有一定的稳定性,能比较准确地反映大气的污染程度。利用分析叶片污染物质含量来估测大气的污染状况是切实可行的。 几年来我们研究了植物对大气污染的净化能力,对桂林市内和市郊十多种主要绿化植物叶片污染物质含量进行了分析。并为了利用分析叶片污染物质含量来监测环境。对桂花树叶片含硫量分析监测大气的SO_2污染作了一些工作,现将结果进行整理如下,供参考。  相似文献   

该研究以3种阴生地被植物麦冬、虎耳草和紫萼玉簪为研究材料,采用人工模拟熏气方法,测定不同浓度(5.71,11.43,17.14,22.86mg·m~(-3))SO_2胁迫下参试植物的外观受害症状,以及膜质过氧化、保护酶活性、渗透调节物质等生理指标,以叶片吸硫量比较3种植物的净化能力,并采用模糊数学隶属函数与主成分分析法对其抗SO_2能力进行综合评价。结果显示:(1)随着SO_2熏气浓度的升高,3种植物的叶片都有不同程度的受害症状,叶片叶绿素含量、汁液pH值和相对含水量下降,丙二醛含量、叶片相对电导率、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸含量上升,且其SOD和CAT活性显著增强。(2)隶属函数法和主成分分析法综合评定结果显示,3种地被植物对SO_2抗性能力表现为:麦冬紫萼玉簪虎耳草,与叶片受伤害症状和叶液pH值下降的顺序相反,说明这2个指标可作为简单可行的评价SO_2抗性的重要鉴定指标。(3)3种植物均有一定的SO_2净化能力,其强弱顺序为虎耳草麦冬紫萼玉簪。研究表明,3种阴生地被植物都能够在SO_2胁迫下提高其保护酶活性和渗透调节物质含量,增强其抗硫胁迫和SO_2吸收能力,并以麦冬对SO_2抗性最强,虎耳草对SO_2的吸收能力最强;该试验中最低参试SO_2浓度远远高于城市大气中的实际SO_2浓度,在试验环境下3种阴生植物再都未呈现伤害症状,说明吸收硫能力强的虎耳草和麦冬可以在SO_2污染严重的林下区域大面积应用推广。  相似文献   

应用FACE研究平台,采用烟农19、扬麦16、嘉兴002、扬麦15和扬辐麦2号等5个小麦品种,以O3自然浓度为对照,研究了大气O3浓度增高50%对不同小麦品种剑叶光合色素含量的影响.结果表明:开放式大气O3浓度增高条件下,小麦剑叶叶绿素a(Chl a)、叶绿素b(Chl b)、叶绿素总量Chl(a+b)和类胡萝卜素含量在孕穗期和开花期与对照差异不显著,而花后各时期均不同程度的降低,其中,Chl a、Chl b和Chl(a+b)含量下降达显著水平,说明大气O3浓度增高对叶绿素合成影响较小,但加速了其衰降过程.不同品种小麦剑叶光合色素含量对大气O3浓度增高的反应存在基因型差异,扬麦15和嘉兴002对大气O3浓度增高的敏感性弱于扬麦16、扬辐麦2号和烟农19.在籽粒灌浆盛期(花后21 d左右),剑叶Chl a、Chl b和Chl(a+b)含量与千粒重呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

针对环境因子与草原植物叶绿素含量的联动是否关系到植物生活型优势的问题, 该研究以锡林浩特典型草原为研究区, 选取2020年7月实测的11个样地50种植物共185个牧草样品的叶绿素含量, 运用相关分析、单因素方差分析、冗余分析(RDA)、逐步回归分析和通径分析等方法, 系统性地分析了多环境因子对草原植物不同生活型叶绿素指标的影响, 进而分析植物竞争优势形成的潜在驱动机制。研究结果表明: 1)典型草原区植物叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量均与总叶绿素含量呈极显著正相关关系, 相关系数分别为0.807和0.936, 草原植物总叶绿素含量受叶绿素b含量的影响程度更大; 2)草原植物4类生活型的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量均为小/半灌木>多年生禾草>一/二年生植物>多年生杂类草; 3)环境因子对植物生活型叶绿素含量的解释程度存在差异, RDA显示环境因子对小/半灌木的叶绿素含量解释程度最大(28.0%), 其次为一/二年生植物(18.3%)和多年生杂类草(17.7%), 多年生禾草各项叶绿素指标的解释度最低(12.7%); 4)植物生活型各叶绿素指标受多种环境因子的影响, 回归分析显示小/半灌木的叶绿素b含量受到土壤有机碳含量和大气相对湿度的影响, 总叶绿素含量主要受到大气相对湿度的影响, 多年生杂类草叶绿素b含量主要受到地表温度的影响, 一/二年生植物的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量主要受到土壤pH的影响; 5)在草原生境中, 通径分析的综合研究显示植物叶绿素a含量主要受到土壤环境因子的影响, 植物叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量主要受到大气环境因子的影响, 相比较而言, 多年生禾草不易受环境因子的牵动, 成为更能忍受外界环境变化的植物种类, 因此, 在群落演替进化中这类植物逐渐占据优势地位。  相似文献   

采用盆栽控制土培试验的方法,探讨不同浓度Cd胁迫对檫木(Sassafras tzumu Hemsl.)光合特性的影响。试验共设置5个镉处理水平(CK:0 mg·kg-1,T1:5 mg·kg-1,T2:20 mg·kg-1,T3:50 mg·kg-1,T4:100 mg·kg-1)。分别测定每个处理下檫木叶片叶绿素含量、光合气体交换参数及光合—光响应曲线。结果表明:①随着处理Cd浓度的升高,檫木叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b及叶绿素总量先增加后下降,T2处理下取达到最大值;②随着Cd浓度处理升高,叶片净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(Gs)均呈现下降趋势,各处理间胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)差异不显著,檫木叶片光合速率主要受非气孔因素限制;③随着Cd浓度升高,檫木叶片的Pnmax(最大净光合速率)呈现显著下降趋势;T1处理条件下,檫木叶片的初始量子效率(α)值最大;檫木叶片的暗呼吸速率(Rd)、光补偿点(LCP)和光饱和点(LSP)总体呈现下降趋势。综上表明,在不同浓度Cd胁迫条件下,檫木叶绿素含量先增后减,在T1、T2处理下高于CK,体现了Cd胁迫“低促高抑”的效应;随着Cd浓度处理升高,光合气体交换参数及光合—光响应参数较CK总体上均呈现下降趋势,表明Cd胁迫对檫木光合作用产生了明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

CO2和O3浓度倍增及其复合作用对大豆叶绿素含量的影响   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
利用开顶箱(OTC)法研究了在CO2和O3浓度倍增及其复合作用下,大豆叶片叶绿素含量及叶绿素a/b值的变化规律。结果表明,不同生育时期大豆叶片中叶绿素含量不同,Chla、Chlb和ChlT都表现出低.高一低的趋势,而且不同处理间变化不同步。不同处理间比较,O3处理的植株叶绿素含量下降最为明显,其次是复合处理的影响,而CO2浓度倍增对提高叶片叶绿素含量有一定的作用。Chla/b呈下降趋势,受CO2倍增影响最明显,有利于提高作物的光合性能。  相似文献   

Aims Pigment composition is an important functional trait that can be affected by environmental factors. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of soil salinity on pigment composition in Suaeda salsa by comparing chlorophyll and betacyanin content in the Liaohe estuary wetland, a typical coastal wetland in northeast China.Methods We investigated the plant biomass, percentage of red leaves and pigment content (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and betacyanins) in S. salsa in intertidal and supratidal zones of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Liaohe estuary wetlands. The Na + content of both the soil and plant was also measured. Full analysis of variance and multivariate analysis were used to compare differences in pigment content and Na + content between the supratidal and intertidal zones.Important findings Pigment composition was significantly affected by soil salinity. With increasing soil salinity, the percentage of red leaves was higher in the intertidal zone than in the supratidal zone. In all three reaches, plants had lower chlorophyll a content and higher betacyanin content in the intertidal zone than in the supratidal zone. Compared to chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b was less sensitive to soil salinity. There were no differences in chlorophyll b content between the intertidal and supratidal zones in the upper and lower reaches. Furthermore, pigment composition was associated with both the plant tissue and soil Na + content. Compared to the supratidal zone, the intertidal zone had a higher Na + content in plants. There was a negative relationship between plant chlorophyll content and soil Na + content, but a positive relationship between betacyanin content and soil Na + content. Overall, the results indicated that there might be a trade-off between leaf chlorophyll and betacyanin content in S. salsa to maintain its growth and survival in high salinity environments.  相似文献   

受一定浓度SO_2熏气的大豆幼苗出现可见伤害以后,在继续熏气的过程中可见伤害程度不再进一步发展,表现出一定的适应性。与此相联系,膜透性增加和TTC还原力下降这两个SO_2伤害指标也得到一定程度的恢复,SO_2熏气使游离氨基酸含量增加,随着熏气时间延长,增加的游离氨基酸含量回到对照水平,提示受扰乱的代谢过程有所恢复。低浓度SO_2预处理提高了大豆对高浓度SO_2的抗性,与抗氧化有关的巯基(-SH)含量显著增加,超氧物歧化酶(SOD)活性也有所增强,同工酶谱分析显示有SOD同工酶带的酶量增加或新带出现。  相似文献   

It has been proven that the Ce content of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) leaves was enhanced with the increase of CeC13 concentration in Hoagland solution. The Chl a/b ratio of cucumber leaves in the control was the same as that in the treated plant, both being 3.67. However, under lower light intensity, the Chl a/b ratio in leaves of the contral was 2.72 whereas that of the treated leaves was 2.86. It showed that only under lower light intensity Ce could decrease the contents of chlorophyll b in leaves. The authors also evidenced that Ce was able to accelerate the formation of chlorophyll-protein complexes of PS Ⅰ and 110 kD polypeptide and decrease the light harvesting complex protein and 27 kD polypeptide.  相似文献   

CO2 浓度升高对两种沈阳城市森林树种光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用开顶式气室, 研究了CO2浓度升高条件下城市森林主要树种油松(Pinus tabulaefomis)和银杏(Ginkgo biloba)主要光合特性的变化。结果表明, 整个生长季, CO2浓度升高(700 mmol.mol-1)条件下2树种叶片的净光合速率、可溶性糖、淀粉和可溶性蛋白含量均接近或高于相应对照(自然CO2浓度)值, 但不同树种增加的幅度不同; 而2树种的叶绿素含量和Chl a/Chl b值对CO2浓度升高反应不一, 表现为CO2浓度升高条件下油松的叶绿素含量较对照值高, Chl a/Chl b值降低, 银杏的叶绿素含量为前期升高, 后期降低, Chl a/Chl b值变化与之正好相反, 说明城市森林组成树种对CO2浓度升高的响应具有复杂性。CO2浓度升高条件下, 两树种均未发生光合适应现象。  相似文献   

镉胁迫对旱柳光合作用和内肽酶变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过水培方法,添加不同浓度CdCl2(0、5、25、50 μmol·L-1)处理14 d,测定叶绿素含量、核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)和磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)活性、游离氨基酸含量及内肽酶活性,调查Cd对旱柳光合作用和内肽酶变化活性影响。结果发现:Cd处理降低了总叶绿素、叶绿素a、b含量; Rubisco活性随着介质中Cd浓度增加而降低;Cd抑制根和叶PEPC活性;同对照相比,根中游离氨基酸含量没有显著变化,而叶中游离氨基酸含量增加;不同浓度Cd处理降低根的内肽酶活性,高浓度Cd使叶内肽酶活力增加。这些结果表明,Cd通过降低叶绿素含量,促进叶内肽酶活性和抑制了CO2羧化酶活性来影响旱柳光合作用。  相似文献   

Summary A study of the sun leaves of two closed-forest (rainforest) and eight open-forest communities in subtropical southeast Queensland, Australia, showed that a large number of pioneer woody species in closed-forests had high levels of nitrate reductase (EC, whereas only a few herbaceous species in the open-forests showed high levels. There was a continuously declining gradient in nitrate reductase activity from pioneer to mature-forest species in all communities, associated with a decrease in Leaf Specific Area. The level of nitrate reductase activity was lower in certain plant families (including sclerophyllous monocotyledons, small-leaved composites and legumes), but still showed the same general relationship with Leaf Specific Area. The decrease in Leaf Specific Area is associated with an increase in both the dry weight: fresh weight ratio and the chlorophyll a: chlorophyll b ratio of the leaves. Three groups of plants can be recognised by nitrate reductase activity plotted against water content (% fresh weight) of their leaves-(1) pioneer, (2) mature-forest and (3) semi-sclerophyllous species. As the proportion of cytoplasm to structural tissue (indicated by water content) in leaves increases, there is a continuous increase in (a) nitrate reductase activity (b) total chlorophyll (per unit dry weight) (c) the proportion of chlorophyll b to chlorophyll a and (b) chloroplastic isoform of glutamine synthetase. These attributes are associated with high nitrogen content in the leaves and high photosynthetic potentials, resulting in rapid growth rates of pioneer species.  相似文献   



Cadmium (Cd) is well known as one of the most toxic metals affecting the environment and can severely restrict plant growth and development. In this study, Cd toxicities were studied in strawberry cv. Camarosa using pot experiment. Chlorophyll and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents, catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities and mineral nutrient concentrations were investigated in both roots and leaves of strawberry plant after exposure Cd.


Cd content in both roots and leaves was increased with the application of increasing concentrations of Cd. We found higher Cd concentration in roots rather than in leaves. Chlorophyll a and b was decreased in leaves but MDA significantly increased under increased Cd concentration treatments in both roots and leaves. SOD and CAT activities was also increased with the increase Cd concentrations. K, Mn and Mg concentrations were found higher in leaves than roots under Cd stress. In general, increased Cd treatments increased K, Mg, Fe, Ca, Cu and Zn concentration in both roots and leaves. Excessive Cd treatments reduced chlorophyll contents, increased antioxidant enzyme activities and changes in plant nutrition concentrations in both roots and leaves.


The results presented in this work suggested that Cd treatments have negative effect on chlorophyll content and nearly decreased 30% of plant growth in strawberry. Strawberry roots accumulated higher Cd than leaves. We found that MDA and antioxidant enzyme (CAT, SOD and APX) contents may have considered a good indicator in determining Cd tolerance in strawberry plant.  相似文献   

5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is a key precursor for the biosynthesis of porphyrins such as heme and chlorophyll. ALA alleviates salinity stress damage in germinating seeds and improves seedling growth. Exogenous application of ALA at low concentrations has been shown to enhance salt tolerance in a number of plants. In the present study, we studied the effect of exogenous application of ALA on enhancing salt stress tolerance in Isatis indigotica Fort. (Anhui population as S1, Shanxi population as S2). A foliar application of 0, 12.5, 16.7, 25.0, and 50.0 mg/L ALA was given to the leaves of I. indigotica plants treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl. The fresh weight of leaves and roots; chlorophyll relative content (SPAD value); photosynthetic parameters, such as net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular carbon dioxide concentration (Ci) and water use efficiency of the treated plants were determined. The third leaf of each treated plant was used to determine the activities of antioxidant enzymes. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), glutamate synthase (GOGAT), nitrate reductase (NR) activities and the malondialdehyde (MDA) content increased in response to 100 mmol/L NaCl in both S1 and S2 plants. However, the fresh weight of leaf and root, chlorophyll relative content, Pn, Gs, Ci decreased in response to salt stress in both S1 and S2 plants. In all foliar application of ALA in S1 plants, the MDA content, and the activities of SOD and POD were the highest in response to 50.0 mg/L foliar application of ALA. GOGAT and NR activities were the highest in response to 16.7 mg/L foliar ALA. Chlorophyll content and Pn were the highest in S1 plants treated with by 25.0 mg/L ALA. In S2 plants, plant fresh weight, chlorophyll relative content, SOD, CAT, NR activities and Pn treated with 16.7 mg/L ALA were higher than that of the control (CK0). POD, MDA, GOGAT activities in S2 plants treated with 25.0 mg/L ALA were the highest among all treatments. Thus, our results showed that the optimal concentration of ALA (16.7 ~ 25.0 mmol/L) increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes, which in turn helps to abate the damage caused by salt stress in I. indigotica seedlings. Furthermore, ALA also results in an increase in chlorophyll content, Pn and the activities of GOGAT and NR.  相似文献   

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