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Agricultural land abandonment is a major conservation issue when it comes to remote Mediterranean mountainous ecosystems. Although its impact on taxa such as birds or butterflies is well known, knowledge remains poor for less studied invertebrate taxa such as spiders. We sampled ground spiders (Gnaphosidae, Liocranidae, Miturgidae and Corrinidae) in 20 randomly selected sites (1 km × 1 km; 15 pitfall traps) that well depicted a land abandonment gradient, in terms of four forest encroachment classes. Our results showed a negative effect of land abandonment on ground spider species richness and diversity (Simpson index), pinpointing that forested habitats with more than 75 % woody vegetation cover are relatively poor. We also provide evidence for the beneficial role of low intensity grazing (0.4–4 livestock units/km2) for ground spider abundance. Community analysis revealed four distinct clusters of co-occurring species, while Generalized Linear Models at cluster and species level showed the definitive role of forest encroachment, and secondarily of other environmental factors such as humidity, elevation and longitude, in regulating species distribution patterns. Conservation measures for ground spider diversity maintenance should focus on promoting traditional agricultural practices, including small-scale cultivation and mild livestock grazing in order to preserve open and semi-open rural mosaics.  相似文献   

We measured water quality, recorded physical habitat characteristics and collected aquatic invertebrates from 17 rockface seeps, five springs and five streams in a geologically diverse region of New Zealand's North Island to investigate factors influencing invertebrate distribution and community composition within and among these habitats. A total of 147 aquatic invertebrate taxa was found; 84 taxa occurred in seepage samples and 53% of these were found only in those habitats, including several new species. Where paired stream-seepage comparisons could be made, seeps contributed on average 35% of new species to the total species pool. The invertebrate faunas of all habitats were dominated taxonomically by Trichoptera and Diptera, but seepages were relatively depauperate in Ephemeroptera and richer in Coleoptera taxa compared to streams and springs. Seepage faunas were dominated numerically by Mollusca, and had lower percent abundance of aquatic insects (23% overall) compared to springs (77%) and streams (93%). Seepages underlain by different geologies generally had distinct water quality signatures, with seeps draining greywacke, sandstone and volcanic rocks grouping close to their receiving streams in a Principal Component Analysis. Seepage invertebrate community composition reflected underlying geology and associated differences in water chemistry, as well as seepage size and cover by moss. Incorporation of seepage habitats into conservation planning and aquatic ecosystem protection, and maintenance of their function and connectivity with lotic and groundwater ecosystems are important considerations for freshwater biodiversity management. Maintenance of riparian plant cover over seepages should help sustain supplies of organic matter, moss cover and shade, providing habitat complexity and low water temperatures.  相似文献   

Studying food webs across contrasting abiotic conditions is an important tool in understanding how environmental variability impacts community structure and ecosystem dynamics. The study of extreme environments provides insight into community‐wide level responses to environmental pressures with relevance to the future management of aquatic ecosystems. In the western Lake Eyre Basin of arid Australia, there are two characteristic and contrasting aquatic habitats: springs and rivers. Permanent isolated Great Artesian Basin springs represent hydrologically persistent environments in an arid desert landscape. In contrast, hydrologically variable river waterholes are ephemeral in space and time. We comprehensively sampled aquatic assemblages in contrasting ecosystem types to assess patterns in community composition and to quantify food web attributes with stable isotopes. Springs and rivers were found to have markedly different invertebrate communities, with rivers dominated by more dispersive species and springs associated with species that show high local endemism. Qualitative assessment of basal resources shows autochthonous carbon appears to be a key basal resource in both types of habitat, although the particular sources differed between habitats. Food‐web variables such as trophic length, trophic breadth, and community isotopic niche size were relatively similar in the two habitat types. The basis for the similarity in food‐web structure despite differences in community composition appears to be broader isotopic niches for predatory invertebrates and fish in springs as compared with rivers. In contrast to published theory, our findings suggest that the food webs of the hydrologically variable river sites may show less dietary generalization and more compact food‐web modules than in springs.  相似文献   

Lakes and their topological distribution across Earth's surface impose ecological and evolutionary constraints on aquatic metacommunities. In this study, we group similar lake ecosystems as metacommunity units influencing diatom community structure. We assembled a database of 195 lakes from the tropical Andes and adjacent lowlands (8°N–30°S and 58–79°W) with associated environmental predictors to examine diatom metacommunity patterns at two different levels: taxon and functional (deconstructed species matrix by ecological guilds). We also derived spatial variables that inherently assessed the relative role of dispersal. Using complementary multivariate statistical techniques (principal component analysis, cluster analysis, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, Procrustes, variance partitioning), we examined diatom–environment relationships among different lake habitats (sediment surface, periphyton, and plankton) and partitioned community variation to evaluate the influence of niche‐ and dispersal‐based assembly processes in diatom metacommunity structure across lake clusters. The results showed a significant association between geographic clusters of lakes based on gradients of climate and landscape configuration and diatom assemblages. Six lake clusters distributed along a latitudinal gradient were identified as functional metacommunity units for diatom communities. Variance partitioning revealed that dispersal mechanisms were a major contributor to diatom metacommunity structure, but in a highly context‐dependent fashion across lake clusters. In the Andean Altiplano and adjacent lowlands of Bolivia, diatom metacommunities are niche assembled but constrained by either dispersal limitation or mass effects, resulting from area, environmental heterogeneity, and ecological guild relationships. Topographic heterogeneity played an important role in structuring planktic diatom metacommunities. We emphasize the value of a guild‐based metacommunity model linked to dispersal for elucidating mechanisms underlying latitudinal gradients in distribution. Our findings reveal the importance of shifts in ecological drivers across climatic and physiographically distinct lake clusters, providing a basis for comparison of broad‐scale community gradients in lake‐rich regions elsewhere. This may help guide future research to explore evolutionary constraints on the rich Neotropical benthic diatom species pool.  相似文献   

高山微水体由于面积微小且通过地表径流形成串联结构常常被认为与高山溪流具有类似的生境, 然而由于这两类生境中环境因子与底栖动物多样性存在差异, 它们在生态系统中的作用可能完全不同。滇西北地区是全球生物多样性热点区域之一, 境内高山微水体和高山溪流分布密集, 在区域底栖生物多样性维持方面具有重要的功能, 然而目前对这两类高山淡水生态系统的研究较少。为了比较这两类生境环境因子的异同及其对底栖动物多样性的维持作用, 2015年6月, 作者在云南省怒江州贡山县的高山峡谷内, 对27个高山微水体和同区域分布的1条高山溪流(海拔高差500 m范围)的底栖动物多样性和水环境因子进行了实地调查。结果表明: (1)高山微水体和高山溪流底栖动物群落中优势分类单元种群数量均比较庞大, 而稀有分类单元数量较多且种群较小; (2)两种生境在环境因子、物种多样性、功能多样性和群落结构方面的差异明显, 高山溪流有较高的物种丰富度、物种多样性和功能多样性; (3)高山微水体底栖动物多样性的分布与水环境因子无关, 而高山溪流底栖动物多样性与群落结构的形成受到与流速关联的水环境因子和海拔的影响。因此, 高山微水体与高山溪流不能简单地视为类似的生境类型, 它们对区域底栖动物多样性和生态功能维持可能具有不同的作用。  相似文献   

We describe forest landscape transformations during the last two millennia in the Italian peninsula by analyzing local (Rieti basin – Lago Lungo) and regional (RF93-30 Adriatic Sea) sediment cores. We identify a dynamic forest ecosystem through paleoecologic reconstruction and consider potential interventions for effective restoration of the most ancient, least disturbed forest ecosystem. The most degraded ecosystems in consequence of human activities were hygrophilous (wet) and mesic forests. In the Rieti Basin, degraded forest ecosystems on mountain slopes are undergoing some degree of forest succession and have less need of restoration. However, management plans for biodiversity, ecosystem services and resources conservation are needed to achieve more sustainable development. In Rieti, the paleoecological investigation revealed a dramatic decrease of deciduous wet and mesic tree taxa through time due to human landscape transformation. The starting point for restoration of a Mediterranean forest ecosystem that preserves natural biodiversity and associated ecosystem services requires recreating some portion of the floodplain wetland ecological niche. Once floodplain forest ecological niche has been recreated, the original ecosystem composed of Alnus, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia spp., Carpinus betulus and Acer spp., all species which today are rare, should be planted on the basis of microsite characteristics and tree autoecology.  相似文献   

Nesting seabirds import marine-derived nutrients into terrestrial food webs, affecting invertebrate abundance and community composition directly, through provision of decaying animal matter as a food source, and indirectly through effects on vegetation and prey abundance. Invertebrates have shown strong responses to seabird presence in some, but not all, ecosystems previously studied. In contrast to mainland range contractions, New Zealand’s subantarctic islands retain abundant seabird populations. We sampled ground invertebrates on mammal-free Adams Island, using pitfall traps. We surveyed sites in two vegetation types (tussock and forest) with either no nesting seabirds or nesting colonies of Gibson’s wandering albatross, sooty shearwaters or white-headed petrels. We collected 11 invertebrate orders and identified 20 Coleoptera species or higher taxa. The carrion beetle, Paracatops antipoda comprised over 50 % of Coleoptera individuals collected. P. antipoda was more abundant in forest than tussock and was positively associated with sooty shearwaters and negatively associated with white-headed petrels when compared with bird-free sites using a Poisson generalized linear model. Sooty shearwaters were also associated with elevated abundance of several herbivorous and invertebrate decomposer taxa. Nesting seabirds do appear to influence invertebrate community composition on Adams Island, but the direction of this effect appears to be taxa-specific. Further sampling with spatial replication of colonies is required to determine the extent to which these apparent taxa-specific responses are consistent across colonies and habitats.  相似文献   

Abiotic environmental variables and invertebrate assemblages were compared among four habitat types (bare hollow, sphagnum-rich hollow, pool, and mat edge) on a floating mat in Mizorogaike Pond, Kyoto. We found differences in abiotic environments between two hollows and two inundated habitats (pool and mat edge); pH was significantly lower in hollow habitats than in inundated habitats, and water depths were significantly shallower in sphagnum-rich hollows than in inundated sites. The composition of invertebrate assemblages in the hollow was distinct from that in the inundated habitats. The abundances of some dominant invertebrate taxa or functional feeding groups on the floating mat differed between the hollows and inundated habitats, and were correlated with water temperature, pH and depth. These results indicate that habitat heterogeneity created by the coexistence of hollows and inundated habitats contributes to species diversity on the floating mat in Mizorogaike Pond. A comparison of the pH values in different wetlands revealed that both bog- and fen-specific components coexist within this system. In order to adequately manage and conserve peatland ecosystems, it is necessary to consider the importance and vulnerability of both hollows and inundated habitats in peatlands.  相似文献   

In the study of food webs, the existence and explanation of recurring patterns, such as the scale invariance of linkage density, predator–prey ratios and mean chain length, constitute long-standing issues. Our study focused on litter-associated food webs and explored the influence of detritivore and predator niche width (as δ13C range) on web topological structure. To compare patterns within and between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and take account of intra-habitat variability, we constructed 42 macroinvertebrate patch-scale webs in four different habitats (lake, lagoon, beech forest and cornfield), using an experimental approach with litterbags. The results suggest that although web differences exist between ecosystems, patterns are more similar within than between aquatic and terrestrial web types. In accordance with optimal foraging theory, we found that the niche width of predators and prey increased with the number of predators and prey taxa as a proportion of total taxa in the community. The tendency was more marked in terrestrial ecosystems and can be explained by a lower per capita food level than in aquatic ecosystems, particularly evident for predators. In accordance with these results, the number of links increased with the number of species but with a significantly sharper regression slope for terrestrial ecosystems. As a consequence, linkage density, which was found to be directly correlated to niche width, increased with the total number of species in terrestrial webs, whereas it did not change significantly in aquatic ones, where connectance scaled negatively with the total number of species. In both types of ecosystem, web robustness to rare species removal increased with connectance and the niche width of predators. In conclusion, although limited to litter-associated macroinvertebrate assemblages, this study highlights structural differences and similarities between aquatic and terrestrial detrital webs, providing field evidence of the central role of niche width in determining the structure of detritus-based food webs and posing foraging optimisation constraints as a general mechanistic explanation of food web complexity differences within and between ecosystem types.  相似文献   

Open inland sand ecosystems harbour a specialised flora and fauna and are among the most endangered habitats in Central Europe. Land-use changes and lack of habitat dynamics are acknowledged as significant drivers for habitat loss and degradation. It is imperative for nature conservation to obtain criteria such as community structure and biodiversity of model groups to assess the conservation value of threatened habitats. By investigating the correlation between ground spider assemblages and habitat structure, the study aimed to find out the indicator potential of spiders in order to promote conservation objectives and management strategies for open inland sand ecosystems. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed four habitat groups with distinct spider assemblages that clearly reflected the whole variety of habitat structure types within the study area. Species distribution was constrained by biotic and abiotic gradients while the ecological traits of spiders differed significantly among the groups. Generalised linear models showed that abundances of particular species were significantly correlated with environmental factors and habitat structure, making them thus suitable as focal species to assess natural habitat modifications as well as success of management efforts. Based on these findings, we derived major aims for successful habitat management of inland sand ecosystems taking into account also the needs of arthropod conservation. Management should include both small and large reserves when aiming for higher levels of disturbance, and sand dynamics to prevent increasing scrub encroachment and to create a larger number of early succession stages.  相似文献   

Wetlands are nutrient-rich and biodiverse ecosystems that provide habitats for various animals and plants and protect against flooding. Classification of wetlands provides information to conservation planners and resource managers for ecosystem service determination. Many ecological case studies illuminate the self-organizing map (SOM) as a robust and powerful data classification and visualization tool. In this study, we use the SOM to analyze the habitat characteristics of inland wetlands in South Korea. We surveyed the plants, benthic macroinvertebrates, and bird species inhabiting 530 nationwide wetlands for four years from 2016 to 2019. Nine environmental features, including the proportion of urban area, farmland, grassland, a forest within a 1 km buffer zone, distance from the river and nearest wetland, area, perimeter, and average slope of wetland polygons, were used to train the SOM and examine the habitat characteristics of the surveyed living components. A map size of 10 × 11 pixels was considered for SOM training, and the output data were classified into eight clusters. Based on the occurrence frequency of the surveyed species group, most species were distributed in all clusters, whereas some dominated in specific clusters. We believe that our study contributes significantly to the literature because it highlights the significance of the SOM approach to cluster wetlands with dependent habitats and provides ecological information to build sustainable wetland conservation policies.  相似文献   

Climate change has had well‐documented impacts on the distribution and phenology of species across many taxa, but impacts on species’ abundance, which relates closely to extinction risk and ecosystem function, have not been assessed across taxa. In the most comprehensive multi‐taxa comparison to date, we modelled variation in national population indices of 501 mammal, bird, aphid, butterfly and moth species as a function of annual variation in weather variables, which through time allowed us to identify a component of species’ population growth that can be associated with post‐1970s climate trends. We found evidence that these climate trends have significantly affected population trends of 15.8% of species, including eight with extreme (> 30% decline per decade) negative trends consistent with detrimental impacts of climate change. The modelled effect of climate change could explain 48% of the significant across‐species population decline in moths and 63% of the population increase in winged aphids. The other taxa did not have significant across‐species population trends or consistent climate change responses. Population declines in species of conservation concern were linked to both climatic and non‐climatic factors respectively accounting for 42 and 58% of the decline. Evident differential impacts of climate change between trophic levels may signal the potential for future ecosystem disruption. Climate change has therefore already driven large‐scale population changes of some species, had significant impacts on the overall abundance of some key invertebrate groups and may already have altered biological communities and ecosystems in Great Britain.  相似文献   

Rachael E. Blake  J. Emmett Duffy 《Oikos》2010,119(10):1625-1635
When multiple stressors act simultaneously, their effects on ecosystems become more difficult to predict. In the face of multiple stressors, diverse ecosystems may be more stable if species respond differently to stressors or if functionally similar species can compensate for stressor effects on focal species. Many habitats around the globe are threatened by multiple stressors, including highly productive seagrass habitats. For example, in Chesapeake Bay, USA, regional climate change predictions suggest that elevated temperature and freshwater inputs are likely to be increasingly important stressors. Using seagrass mesocosms as a model system, we tested whether species richness of crustacean grazers buffers ecosystem properties against the impacts of elevated temperature and freshwater pulse stressors in a fully factorial experiment. Grazer species responded to pulsed salinity changes differently; abundance of Elasmopus levis responded negatively to freshwater pulses, whereas abundance of Gammarus mucronatus and Erichsonella attenuata responded positively or neutrally. Consistent with the hypothesis that biodiversity provides resistance stability, biomass of epiphytic algae that form the base of the food web was less affected by stressors in species‐rich grazer treatments than in single‐species grazer treatments. Stochastic (among‐replicate) variation of sessile invertebrate biomass within treatments was also reduced in more diverse grazer treatments. Therefore, grazer species richness tended to increase the resistance stability of both major components of the seagrass fouling community, algae and invertebrates, in the face of environmental stressors. Finally, in our model system, multi‐stressor impacts suggested a pattern of antagonism contrary to previous assumptions of synergistic stressor effects. Overall, our results confirm that invertebrate grazer species are functionally diverse in their response to environmental stressors, but are largely functionally redundant in their grazing effects leading to greater resistance stability of certain ecosystem properties in diverse grazer assemblages even when influenced by multiple environmental stressors.  相似文献   

Preserving biodiversity is a global challenge requiring data on species’ distribution and abundance over large geographic and temporal scales. However, traditional methods to survey mobile species’ distribution and abundance in marine environments are often inefficient, environmentally destructive, or resource‐intensive. Metabarcoding of environmental DNA (eDNA) offers a new means to assess biodiversity and on much larger scales, but adoption of this approach for surveying whole animal communities in large, dynamic aquatic systems has been slowed by significant unknowns surrounding error rates of detection and relevant spatial resolution of eDNA surveys. Here, we report the results of a 2.5 km eDNA transect surveying the vertebrate fauna present along a gradation of diverse marine habitats associated with a kelp forest ecosystem. Using PCR primers that target the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene of marine fishes and mammals, we generated eDNA sequence data and compared it to simultaneous visual dive surveys. We find spatial concordance between individual species’ eDNA and visual survey trends, and that eDNA is able to distinguish vertebrate community assemblages from habitats separated by as little as ~60 m. eDNA reliably detected vertebrates with low false‐negative error rates (1/12 taxa) when compared to the surveys, and revealed cryptic species known to occupy the habitats but overlooked by visual methods. This study also presents an explicit accounting of false negatives and positives in metabarcoding data, which illustrate the influence of gene marker selection, replication, contamination, biases impacting eDNA count data and ecology of target species on eDNA detection rates in an open ecosystem.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of habitats is a critical component of species' niches driving coexistence in species-rich ecosystems. However, its influence on structuring and partitioning recruitment niches has not been widely addressed. We developed a new method to combine species distribution modelling and structure from motion, and characterized three-dimensional recruitment niches of two ecosystem engineers on Caribbean coral reefs, scleractinian corals and gorgonians. Fine-scale roughness was the most important predictor of suitable habitat for both taxa, and their niches largely overlapped, primarily due to scleractinians' broader niche breadth. Crevices and holes at mm scales on calcareous rock with low coral cover were more suitable for octocorals than for scleractinian recruits, suggesting that the decline in scleractinian corals is facilitating the recruitment of octocorals on contemporary Caribbean reefs. However, the relative abundances of the taxa were independent of the amount of suitable habitat on the reef, emphasizing that niche processes alone do not predict recruitment rates.  相似文献   

The conservation and sustainable management of forests has become an important issue, especially in ecosystems where keystone species form unique and marginal forest habitats with narrow distribution. With increasing pressures and threats to nature, the establishment of Protected Areas has been recognized as a major tool for maintaining well-functioning forest ecosystems and their associated ecosystem services (ES). This study aims at assessing the changes in the status of a narrowly distributed Mediterranean forest through the perspective of land cover dynamics and the ES framework. Using the priority habitat of Cedrus brevifolia forest as a case study, the distribution of land use and land cover (LULC) was mapped and simulated, together with the supply of multiple ES before and after the implementation of conservation measures. The results prior applying the management actions revealed a general pattern of forest densification that did not act fully in favor of C. brevifolia due to competitions among forest species. From an ES viewpoint, forest densification led to landscape homogenization affecting important ES such as the increase in the supply of regulating services, and the decrease in the ability to support nursery populations and habitats. By contrast, the future simulation of LULC integrated with afforestation and thinning measures showed an expected increase in both high-density vegetation and cedar trees, benefiting multiple ES. The current findings highlight the importance of sustainable forest management in enhancing the co-occurrence of several ES and supporting the overall multi-functionality of ecosystems. The holistic approach presented in this study can offer new insights into the relation between ES and natural ecosystem and/or habitats’ management while avoiding potential negative impacts on human well-being and ecosystem resilience.  相似文献   

Tropical ecosystems are globally important for bird diversity. In many tropical regions, land‐use intensification has caused conversion of natural forests into human‐modified habitats, such as secondary forests and heterogeneous agricultural landscapes. Despite previous research, the distribution of bird communities in these forest‐farmland mosaics is not well understood. To achieve a comprehensive understanding of bird diversity and community turnover in a human‐modified Kenyan landscape, we recorded bird communities at 20 sites covering the complete habitat gradient from forest (near natural forest, secondary forest) to farmland (subsistence farmland, sugarcane plantation) using point counts and distance sampling. Bird density and species richness were on average higher in farmland than in forest habitats. Within forest and farmland, bird density and species richness increased with vegetation structural diversity, i.e., were higher in near natural than in secondary forest and in subsistence farmland than in sugarcane plantations. Bird communities in forest and farmland habitats were very distinct and very few forest specialists occurred in farmland habitats. Moreover, insectivorous bird species declined in farmland habitats whereas carnivores and herbivores increased. Our study confirms that tropical farmlands can hardly accommodate forest specialist species. Contrary to most previous studies, our findings show that structurally rich tropical farmlands hold a surprisingly rich and distinct bird community that is threatened by conversion of subsistence farmland into sugarcane plantations. We conclude that conservation strategies in the tropics must go beyond rain forest protection and should integrate structurally heterogeneous agroecosystems into conservation plans that aim at maintaining the diverse bird communities of tropical forest‐farmland mosaics.  相似文献   

Plantation and secondary forests form increasingly important components of the global forest cover, but our current knowledge about their potential contribution to biodiversity conservation is limited. We surveyed understory plant and carabid species assemblages at three distinct regions in temperate northeastern China, dominated by mature forest (Changbaishan Nature Reserve, sampled in 2011 and 2012), secondary forest (Dongling Mountain, sampled in 2011 and 2012), and forest plantation habitats (Bashang Plateau, sampled in 2006 and 2007), respectively. The α‐diversity of both taxonomic groups was highest in plantation forests of the Bashang Plateau. Beetle α‐diversity was lowest, but plant and beetle species turnover peaked in the secondary forests of Dongling Mountain, while habitats in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve showed the lowest turnover rates for both taxa. Changbaishan Nature Reserve harbored the highest proportion of forest specialists. Our results suggest that in temperate regions of northern China, the protected larch plantation forest established over extensive areas might play a considerable role in maintaining a high biodiversity in relation to understory herbaceous plant species and carabid assemblages, which can be seen as indicators of forest disturbance. The high proportion of phytophagous carabids and the rarity of forest specialists reflect the relatively homogenous, immature status of the forest ecosystems on the Bashang Plateau. China's last remaining large old‐growth forests like the ones on Changbaishan represent stable, mature ecosystems which require particular conservation attention.  相似文献   

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