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长白山源头溪流底栖动物群落结构季节动态   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王璐  杨海军  李昆  李玲  南晓飞  张振兴 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4834-4842
源头溪流是河流生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要区域,对底栖动物的生物多样性维持具有重要意义。目前,针对我国源头溪流底栖动物群落结构的研究薄弱,对长白山源头溪流底栖动物季节动态的研究尚未见报道。采用野外原位定量取样的方法,力图阐释长白山源头溪流底栖动物群落结构的季节动态特征及其主要环境驱动因子。研究结果表明:(1)共计采集底栖动物90个分类单元,隶属于3纲9目38科。其中,水生昆虫85属,占绝对优势。底栖动物群落结构的季节动态明显,底栖动物密度及多样性在夏、秋季显著高于冬季和春季,并在冬季达到最低值。(2)底栖动物功能摄食类群以收集者占优势,其次为撕食者、捕食者和刮食者,滤食者相对丰度最低。不同功能摄食类群的季节动态不一致,但密度和物种丰富度整体表现为秋季最高。(3)水温、凋落叶分布和流速是长白山源头溪流底栖动物群落结构季节动态的主要环境驱动因子。本研究可为长白山源头溪流后续相关研究及长白山松花江水系生态修复提供基础数据支持及参考。  相似文献   

群落时空格局研究是后续深入开展相关研究的基础。基于2012年山东省新薛河底栖动物调查数据,就新薛河上游典型溪流生境底栖动物群落结构进行了比较研究。结果表明:共采集底栖动物108种,隶属10纲,74属;短脉纹石蛾(Cheumatopsyche sp.)、长钝直突摇蚊(Orthocaldius vaillanti)、拟长跗摇蚊属一种(Paratanytarsus sp.E)、Neozarelia sp.为研究区域优势类群,相对丰度分别为25.1%、9.8%、9.0%、8.6%。各河段优势物种组成、密度、生物量、生物多样性均存在显著差异。非度量多维标度排序和多响应置换过程分析从群落层面验证了不同河段群落结构的差异;且发现,流量越小,群落分化越明显。通过指示物种和双向聚类分析,进一步明确了物种组成对群落结构的影响。总之,不同生境底栖动物物种组成和群落结构存在较大差异,栖境多样性对生物多样性的维持和保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了解互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵红树林的生态影响, 作者对位于北海市西村港的红树林湿地以及周边互花米草盐沼的大型底栖动物群落多样性和群落结构进行了研究。2012年10月至2013年9月连续4次取样, 按照取样时间研究大型底栖动物的种类、物种组成、生物量和生物多样性等群落特征的差异, 探讨互花米草入侵红树林湿地对大型底栖动物的影响。本研究共采集底栖动物16种, 隶属于5门7纲15科, 其中互花米草群落10种, 红树林湿地12种。研究发现互花米草入侵后中国绿螂(Glauconome chinensis)个体数量剧增, 导致不同采样时间互花米草盐沼的大型底栖动物生物量均显著高于红树林湿地; 除个别月份外, 红树林湿地大型底栖动物的Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均显著高于互花米草群落。基于生境-采样时间的双因素方差分析结果表明, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson指数在两种生境间差异显著; 两种生境的Margalef丰富度和Pielou均匀度指数在不同采样时间差异显著; 大型底栖动物生物量和物种数量在两种生境间和不同采样时间差异均显著。基于多元回归分析的研究结果表明, 互花米草密度是影响大型底栖动物生物量的关键因子, 而互花米草株高可以解释物种个体数量、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson指数在两种生境的变化。对不同采样时间大型底栖动物群落结构的非度量多维度(non-metric multidimensional scaling, NMDS)分析结果表明, 红树林与互花米草群落的大型底栖动物群落相似性很低。总而言之, 在西村港地区, 互花米草入侵虽然增加了大型底栖动物的生物量, 但由于优势物种的凸显, 显著降低了大型底栖动物群落的多样性, 且种类组成与群落结构与红树林群落相比已有差异。由此可见, 互花米草入侵红树林对当地的大型底栖动物群落多样性造成影响。  相似文献   

红树林植被对大型底栖动物群落的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈光程  余丹  叶勇  陈彬 《生态学报》2013,33(2):327-336
大型底栖动物是红树林生态系统的重要组成部分,从红树林大型底栖动物种类、红树林与其周边生境大型底栖动物群落的比较,以及生境变化对动物群落的影响等方面阐述了红树林植被与大型底栖动物群落的关系.从物种数量上看,软体动物和甲壳类动物构成了红树林大型底栖动物的主要部分.影响大型底栖动物分布的环境因素包括海水盐度、潮位和土壤特性等,但在小范围区域,林内动物的分布更多地与红树林植被特性和潮位有关.因此,由于红树林植被破坏或者恢复引起的生境变化,将导致大型底栖动物群落和常见物种种群的变化,尤其对底上动物影响明显;随着人工恢复红树林的发育,林内底栖动物的多样性相应增加,优势种也发生变化.相比位于相同潮位的无植被滩涂,红树林可促进潮间带生物多样性.  相似文献   

张勇  刘朔孺  于海燕  刘东晓  王备新 《生态学报》2012,32(14):4309-4317
溪流底栖动物群落结构受不同空间尺度环境因子的共同作用。基于2010年钱塘江中游流域60个样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物和环境变量数据,寻找与研究流域底栖动物群落结构变化密切相关的关键环境变量,解析流域尺度和河段尺度的环境因子对底栖动物群落的相对影响。PCA分析表明该区域的主要环境梯度是流域内的土地利用类型及其引起的溪流物理生境退化程度和水体营养状态。CCA分析发现影响底栖动物群落的流域尺度的关键环境变量是纬度、海拔、样点所在流域大小、森林用地百分比,河段尺度是总氮、总磷、钙浓度、二氧化硅浓度和平均底质得分。偏CCA分析得到两种尺度环境因子对底栖动物变异的总解释量为26.4%,流域尺度和河段尺度变量分别为总解释量的50%和31%;方差分解结果表明研究区域大型底栖无脊椎动物受到两种尺度环境因子的综合影响,且流域尺度环境因子较河段尺度环境因子更为重要,体现了其在溪流生态系统保护、恢复、监测和评价中的重要参考价值。  相似文献   

【目的】了解江苏省徐州市云龙湖大型底栖动物的群落结构及其环境影响因子,可以为保护云龙湖水生态环境提供依据。【方法】于2013—2017年对云龙湖大型底栖动物和水环境因子进行了调查。利用1/16 m2彼得逊采泥器采集大型底栖动物样品,同时利用有机玻璃采水器采集水样,每年的5月和10月各采样一次,共采样10次。利用3种群落多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数、Margalef物种丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数)评价云龙湖大型底栖动物的群落结构,选择ShannonWiener指数进行水质评价,并应用典型相关分析(CCA)得出大型底栖动物与环境因子之间的关系。【结果】云龙湖大型底栖动物群落结构简单,物种较少,3种群落多样性指数年际波动不大。云龙湖水质多年处于轻污染到中污染水平之间。优势物种中水丝蚓属的主要影响因子是总氮浓度,摇蚊幼虫的主要影响因子为高锰酸盐指数。【结论】云龙湖的水体有富营养化风险,应对云龙湖大型底栖动物的保护和水质改善给予足够重视。  相似文献   

大型底栖动物在当地生物多样性、食物链构成、水质指示和物质循环中有重要的作用, 但目前国内对森林内陆水体(湖泊、水库、溪流)中的大型底栖动物综合调查较少。作者于2019、2020年对广东车八岭国家级自然保护区的9个采样点开展了大型底栖动物的定性调查, 采样点涵盖保护区不同功能区、海拔、水体环境和水体底质。共鉴定出大型底栖动物4门6纲18目38科57种, 水生昆虫稚虫占大多数, 且多喜好清洁流动水体。在低海拔实验区即可采集到种类与数量可观的清洁水体指示物种。当地的大型底栖动物以亚热带森林典型物种为主, 多偏好栖息于流动水体, 反映了保护区的物种区系及其水体环境。本研究可为保护区的物种编目、环境评估和长期监测提供基础资料。  相似文献   

海洋微型底栖生物的多样性与地理分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋微型底栖生物是指生活于海洋沉积物中及表面的所有单细胞原核和真核微型生物,包括原核微生物、真核微藻及原生动物等光合自养和异养的类群.与水体相比,海洋底栖生境孕育了形态和功能多样性更高的微型生物,在陆架浅海单位体积沉积物中其丰度较之水体中同类生物高一至几个数量级,而深海则孕育着特殊进化环境下新奇多样且数量庞大的微型底栖生物,是维持海洋生物多样性、海洋生态系统结构和功能不可或缺的部分.迄今对于微型生物是全球性还是限定性分布一直存在争议,对其解答受到分类研究欠缺及采样不足的制约.分子生物学从正反两方面提供了理论依据,但无法得出一个普遍接受的观点.海洋微型底栖生物的多样性研究侧重于物种多样性及群落结构与分子多样性,较为显著的进展体现在原核微生物的分子多样性及底栖真核微藻的物种多样性研究,对于海洋底栖原生动物的多样性研究则相较滞后.本文综述了国内外对海洋微型底栖生物各主要类群的分类学和多样性研究进展,探讨了各类群在全球的潜在物种多样性,并就我国未来加强海洋微型底栖生物多样性构成、分布与变动及驱动变化的因子以及底栖微食物网的研究提出了建议.  相似文献   

为了解大型底栖动物沿河流分布的物种丰富度变化及环境因子对其种群的影响,于2016年12月对高岚河的大型底栖动物进行了调查,并对理化指标进行了测定。研究结果发现,物种丰富度沿河流纵向梯度变化差异性不显著,生物多样性指数沿河流变化差异不显著,说明高岚河大型底栖动物群落结构稳定。高岚河上游的生态指示种为高翔蜉和四节蜉,中游的生态指示种为四节蜉和萝卜螺,下游的指示种为萝卜螺。模糊聚类分析发现高岚河大型底栖动物类群可划分为3个生境类群,且在梯度分布下群落生境较相似,大型底栖动物群落间关系接近,分布均匀。典范对应分析发现影响大型底栖动物群落结构沿梯度分布的主要因子是海拔、pH、浊度和深度。  相似文献   

谭琳  陈慈  朱昆鹏  韩诺  王璐  韩博平 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4176-4189
β多样性指不同生境间群落物种组成的差异,其空间格局及影响因素是生物多样性维持研究的重要内容。以典型的南亚热带中小型河流—广州流溪河为对象,在对底栖硅藻进行季节调查的基础上,采用Baselga对β多样性的分解框架,基于S?rensen相异性系数将底栖硅藻的β多样性分解为周转和嵌套两个组分,运用广义非相似性模拟(Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling, GDM)分析了空间与环境因子对β多样性及其组分的影响。结果表明:底栖硅藻β多样性、物种周转和嵌套组分无明显季节差异,物种周转是流溪河底栖硅藻β多样性的主要组分(>75%);环境与空间过程共同影响流溪河底栖硅藻β多样性和物种周转组分格局,但环境选择是主要的驱动因子;与枯水期相比,丰水期的空间因素对β多样性和物种周转组分的影响程度降低。作为一种非线性距离回归方法,GDM能较好地识别底栖硅藻β多样性及其组分对环境梯度和空间距离的响应。  相似文献   

Tropical stream ecosystems in montane forest watersheds are important centers of endemism and diversity and provide essential ecosystem services. These habitats are subject to a variety of stressors, including the conversion of adjacent terrestrial habitats from forest to agriculture, but the impacts of these anthropogenic effects are largely unknown because of the paucity of studies in these systems. In montane habitats in the wet tropics, large-scale cultivation of tea is common and can represent an important source of income at local and national scales. However, little is known about how tea cultivation impacts adjacent stream ecosystems. In this study, we examine stream macroinvertebrate assemblages in a biodiversity hotspot the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Specifically, we compare diversity of macroinvertebrate assemblages found on cobbles in stream riffles in watersheds dominated by forest with those surrounded by tea cultivation. We found that streams surrounded by tea were characterized by significantly lower dissolved oxygen and had lower total estimated species richness and number of families. Furthermore, the richness of invertebrate taxa known to be sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance were substantially reduced in tea streams and general assemblage-level analysis shows significant differences in the composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages between tea and forested streams. Our results suggest that tea cultivation may reduce stream habitat quality and biodiversity in the East Usambaras. Further research is needed to evaluate the effects of tea cultivation on streams over longer times scales and to address methods for minimizing negative effects of agriculture on montane stream communities.  相似文献   

The degradation of habitats and species loss in freshwaters is far greater than in any other ecosystem. The decline in biodiversity has a strong potential to alter the functioning of the ecosystem and the services they provide to human society. Therefore, there is an urgent need for accurate information on patterns and drivers of diversity that could be used in the management of freshwater ecosystems. We present the results of an analysis of the relationships between macrophyte species richness and environmental characteristics using an extensive dataset collected from 160 sites in two central-European bioregions. We modelled macrophyte species richness using recursive partitioning methods to assess the diversity-environmental relationships and to estimate the environmental thresholds of species richness in rivers, streams, ditches and ponds. Several hydrological and chemical variables were identified as significant predictors of macrophyte richness. Among them, pH, conductivity, turbidity and substrate composition appeared as the most important. There is also evidence that natural ponds support a greater number of plant species than man-made ponds. Based on the detected environmental thresholds, we offer a series of simple rules for maintaining higher macrophyte species richness, which is potentially useful in the conservation and management of aquatic habitats in central Europe.  相似文献   

1. Physico-chemical conditions and benthic macroinvertebrates were studied in two adjacent alpine streams in the Tyrolean Alps, Austria, for 2 years, and aquatic insect emergence was recorded for 1 year.
2. In the spring-fed system, maximum discharge and increased concentrations of suspended solids, nitrate and particulate phosphorus occurred during snowmelt in June. In the glacier-fed stream, high discharge and strong diel fluctuations in flow and concentrations of suspended solids created a harsh and unstable environment during summer. Glacial ablation, variation in groundwater inflow, and water inputs from tributaries draining calcareous rocks caused water chemistry to vary both seasonally and longitudinally in glacier-fed Rotmoosache.
3. A total of 126 aquatic or semi-aquatic invertebrate taxa were collected, 94 of which were found in the glacier-fed stream and 120 in the spring-fed stream. Chironomid abundance was 2–8 times and taxa richness 2–3 times lower in the glacier-fed stream than in the spring-fed stream, as was the number of chironomid taxa (72 versus 93 total).
4. These results broadly support the conceptual model by Milner & Petts (1994) concerning glacier-fed stream systems. However, single samples and seasonal means showed relatively high invertebrate abundance and richness, especially during winter, indicating a considerable degree of spatial and temporal variability.
5. We suggest that the seasonal shifts from harsh environmental conditions in summer to less severe conditions in autumn and a rather constant environment in winter are an important factor affecting larval development, life-history patterns and the maintenance of relatively high levels of diversity and productivity in glacier-fed streams.  相似文献   

In alpine regions worldwide, climate change is dramatically altering ecosystems and affecting biodiversity in many ways. For streams, receding alpine glaciers and snowfields, paired with altered precipitation regimes, are driving shifts in hydrology, species distributions, basal resources, and threatening the very existence of some habitats and biota. Alpine streams harbour substantial species and genetic diversity due to significant habitat insularity and environmental heterogeneity. Climate change is expected to affect alpine stream biodiversity across many levels of biological resolution from micro‐ to macroscopic organisms and genes to communities. Herein, we describe the current state of alpine stream biology from an organism‐focused perspective. We begin by reviewing seven standard and emerging approaches that combine to form the current state of the discipline. We follow with a call for increased synthesis across existing approaches to improve understanding of how these imperiled ecosystems are responding to rapid environmental change. We then take a forward‐looking viewpoint on how alpine stream biologists can make better use of existing data sets through temporal comparisons, integrate remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) technologies, and apply genomic tools to refine knowledge of underlying evolutionary processes. We conclude with comments about the future of biodiversity conservation in alpine streams to confront the daunting challenge of mitigating the effects of rapid environmental change in these sentinel ecosystems.  相似文献   

Alpine streams are dynamic habitats harboring substantial biodiversity across small spatial extents. The diversity of alpine stream biota is largely reflective of environmental heterogeneity stemming from varying hydrological sources. Globally, alpine stream diversity is under threat as meltwater sources recede and stream conditions become increasingly homogeneous. Much attention has been devoted to macroinvertebrate diversity in alpine headwaters, yet to fully understand the breadth of climate change threats, a more thorough accounting of microbial diversity is needed. We characterized microbial diversity (specifically Bacteria and Archaea) of 13 streams in two disjunct Rocky Mountain subranges through 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Our study encompassed the spectrum of alpine stream sources (glaciers, snowfields, subterranean ice, and groundwater) and three microhabitats (ice, biofilms, and streamwater). We observed no difference in regional (γ) diversity between subranges but substantial differences in diversity among (β) stream types and microhabitats. Within‐stream (α) diversity was highest in groundwater‐fed springs, lowest in glacier‐fed streams, and positively correlated with water temperature for both streamwater and biofilm assemblages. We identified an underappreciated alpine stream type—the icy seep—that are fed by subterranean ice, exhibit cold temperatures (summer mean <2°C), moderate bed stability, and relatively high conductivity. Icy seeps will likely be important for combatting biodiversity losses as they contain similar microbial assemblages to streams fed by surface ice yet may be buffered against climate change by insulating debris cover. Our results show that the patterns of microbial diversity support an ominous trend for alpine stream biodiversity; as meltwater sources decline, stream communities will become more diverse locally, but regional diversity will be lost. Icy seeps, however, represent a source of optimism for the future of biodiversity in these imperiled ecosystems.  相似文献   

We measured water quality, recorded physical habitat characteristics and collected aquatic invertebrates from 17 rockface seeps, five springs and five streams in a geologically diverse region of New Zealand's North Island to investigate factors influencing invertebrate distribution and community composition within and among these habitats. A total of 147 aquatic invertebrate taxa was found; 84 taxa occurred in seepage samples and 53% of these were found only in those habitats, including several new species. Where paired stream-seepage comparisons could be made, seeps contributed on average 35% of new species to the total species pool. The invertebrate faunas of all habitats were dominated taxonomically by Trichoptera and Diptera, but seepages were relatively depauperate in Ephemeroptera and richer in Coleoptera taxa compared to streams and springs. Seepage faunas were dominated numerically by Mollusca, and had lower percent abundance of aquatic insects (23% overall) compared to springs (77%) and streams (93%). Seepages underlain by different geologies generally had distinct water quality signatures, with seeps draining greywacke, sandstone and volcanic rocks grouping close to their receiving streams in a Principal Component Analysis. Seepage invertebrate community composition reflected underlying geology and associated differences in water chemistry, as well as seepage size and cover by moss. Incorporation of seepage habitats into conservation planning and aquatic ecosystem protection, and maintenance of their function and connectivity with lotic and groundwater ecosystems are important considerations for freshwater biodiversity management. Maintenance of riparian plant cover over seepages should help sustain supplies of organic matter, moss cover and shade, providing habitat complexity and low water temperatures.  相似文献   

Woody debris (CWD) is an important habitat component in northern Gulf of Mexico coastal plain streams, where low gradients and low flows allow accumulation of CWD and promote low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. We tested the influences of CWD and DO on stream macroinvertebrates experimentally by placing two surface area CWD treatments each in three concentrations of ambient DO in two streams in Louisiana, USA, with macroinvertebrates collected from ambient woody debris used as a control. We also sampled macroinvertebrates in benthic and woody debris habitats in three streams twice yearly over 2 years to examine the applicability of the experimental results. Total abundance, richness (generic), and Shannon–Wiener diversity were all higher in lower DO conditions during the experiment, and total abundance was higher in the larger CWD treatment. Stream sampling corroborated the relationship between higher diversity and low DO in both benthic and woody debris habitats, but the relationship between richness and low DO only was supported in benthic habitats. Few taxa correlated with DO or CWD in the experiment (5 of 21 taxa) or stream survey (2 of 54 taxa). Whereas most taxa were uncorrelated with experimentally manipulated and in-stream measured variables, we suggest these taxa respond as generalists to stream habitat and physicochemistry. Based on this experiment and stream sampling, we believe the majority of macroinvertebrates in these streams are tolerant of seasonally low DO conditions.  相似文献   

Resources structure ecological communities and potentially link biodiversity to energy flow. It is commonly believed that functional traits (generalists versus specialists) involved in the exploitation of resources depend on resource availability and environmental fluctuations. The longitudinal nature of stream ecosystems provides changing resources to stream biota with yet unknown effects on microbial functional traits and community structure. We investigated the impact of autochthonous (algal extract) and allochthonous (spruce extract) resources, as they change along alpine streams from above to below the treeline, on microbial diversity, community composition and functions of benthic biofilms. Combining bromodeoxyuridine labelling and 454 pyrosequencing, we showed that diversity was lower upstream than downstream of the treeline and that community composition changed along the altitudinal gradient. We also found that, especially for allochthonous resources, specialisation by biofilm bacteria increased along that same gradient. Our results suggest that in streams below the treeline biofilm diversity, specialisation and functioning are associated with increasing niche differentiation as potentially modulated by divers allochthonous and autochthonous constituents contributing to resources. These findings expand our current understanding on biofilm structure and function in alpine streams.  相似文献   

Jeff Scott Wesner 《Oikos》2012,121(1):53-60
Food webs in different ecosystems are often connected through spatial resource subsidies. As a result, biodiversity effects in one ecosystem may cascade to adjacent ecosystems. I tested the hypothesis that aquatic predator diversity effects cascade to terrestrial food webs by altering a prey subsidy (biomass and trophic structure of emerging aquatic insects) entering terrestrial food webs, in turn altering the distribution of a terrestrial consumer (spider) that feeds on emerging aquatic insects. Fish presence, but not diversity, altered the trophic structure of emerging aquatic insects by strongly reducing the biomass of emerging predators (dragonflies) relative to non‐feeding taxa (chironomid midges). Fish diversity reduced emerging insect biomass through enhanced effects on the most common prey taxa: predatory dragonflies Pantala flavescens and non‐feeding chironomids. Terrestrial spiders (Tetragnathidae) primarily captured emerging chironomids, which were reduced in the high richness (3 spp.) treatment relative to the 1 and 2 species treatments. As a result, terrestrial spider abundance was lower above pools with high fish richness (3 species) than pools with 1 and 2 species. Synergistic predation effects were mostly limited to the high richness treatment, in which fish occupied each level of vertical microhabitat in the water‐column (benthic, middle, surface). This study demonstrates that predator diversity effects are not limited to the habitat of the predator, but can propagate to adjacent ecosystems, and demonstrates the utility of using simple predator functional traits (foraging domain) to more accurately predict the direction of predator diversity effects.  相似文献   

Environmental filtering and spatial structuring are important ecological processes for the generation and maintenance of biodiversity. However, the relative importance of these ecological drivers for multiple facets of diversity is still poorly understood in highland streams. Here, we examined the responses of three facets of stream macroinvertebrate alpha diversity to local environmental, landscape‐climate and spatial factors in a near‐pristine highland riverine ecosystem. Taxonomic (species richness, Shannon diversity, and evenness), functional (functional richness, evenness, divergence, and Rao's Quadratic entropy), and a proxy of phylogenetic alpha diversity (taxonomic distinctness and variation in taxonomic distinctness) were calculated for macroinvertebrate assemblages in 55 stream sites. Then Pearson correlation coefficient was used to explore congruence of indices within and across the three diversity facets. Finally, multiple linear regression models and variation partitioning were employed to identify the relative importance of different ecological drivers of biodiversity. We found most correlations between the diversity indices within the same facet, and between functional richness and species richness were relatively strong. The two phylogenetic diversity indices were quite independent from taxonomic diversity but correlated with functional diversity indices to some extent. Taxonomic and functional diversity were more strongly determined by environmental variables, while phylogenetic diversity was better explained by spatial factors. In terms of environmental variables, habitat‐scale variables describing habitat complexity and water physical features played the primary role in determining the diversity patterns of all three facets, whereas landscape factors appeared less influential. Our findings indicated that both environmental and spatial factors are important ecological drivers for biodiversity patterns of macroinvertebrates in Tibetan streams, although their relative importance was contingent on different facets of diversity. Such findings verified the complementary roles of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity, and highlighted the importance of comprehensively considering multiple ecological drivers for different facets of diversity in biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

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