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大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)、化脓隐秘杆菌(Trueperella pyogenes,Arcanobacterium pyogenes)和坏死梭杆菌(Fusobacterium necrophorum)是与子宫内膜病变相关的主要病原体。本研究使用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)直接鉴定四川地区139例孕妇宫颈分泌物中的病原体,而不进行细菌培养。此外,对上述3种病原体的耐药性进行了考察。结果显示,第1次生产后检查发现子宫内膜炎的发生率(35.25%)高于第2次生产后检查(15.53%)。在6个样品中检测到大肠杆菌,在11个样品中检测到化脓隐秘杆菌,并在10个样品中检测到坏死梭杆菌。在第1次检查中,化脓隐秘杆菌和坏死梭杆菌的子宫污染感染高于第2次检查。药敏实验结果显示,大肠杆菌、化脓隐秘杆菌和坏死梭杆菌分别对9种、6种和7种药物产生耐药性。总之,本研究建立了用于诊断孕妇产后子宫内膜炎的3种主要病原体的标准PCR,该方法更简单、成本低和快捷,且对主要细菌检测具有较高的灵敏度。此外,大肠杆菌的耐药性高于另外2个菌种。  相似文献   

【目的】本试验旨在测定产后健康奶牛和罹患真胃左方变位(left displacement of the abomasum,LDA)奶牛粪便中微生物菌群的变化,以期探讨LDA发生与菌群的关联性,评估其对机体代谢的潜在影响。【方法】采用16S rDNA高通量测序技术,测定10头健康奶牛(Health)、10头真胃左方变位奶牛(LDA)粪便中微生物16SrDNAV3–V4区序列,并对菌群群落结构和多样性进行比较,分析其与LDA发生的相关性。【结果】多样性分析表明,Health组与LDA组奶牛的粪便中微生物多样性和群落组成存在较大的差异,其中LDA奶牛粪便微生物具有较高的物种丰度和种群差异性。对门、科、属3个分类水平上最大丰度排名前10的物种进行分析发现,LDA奶牛疣微菌门、蓝菌门、变形菌门、梭杆菌门、拟杆菌科、p-2534-18B5菌科、艰难杆菌科、梭杆菌科、螺旋菌属、5-7N15菌属和梭杆菌属的丰度显著升高(P<0.05),而螺旋体门、TM7菌门、瘤胃球菌科、理研菌科、密螺旋体属的丰度显著下降(P<0.05)。功能预测分析表明,LDA奶牛碳水化合物代谢和脂质代谢通路相关功能基因显著上调,而遗传信息处理相关功能基因显著下调。【结论】本试验研究了健康奶牛和LDA奶牛粪便微生物的变化,为LDA的致病机理、早期诊断提供了理论依据与研究基础。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年阿尔茨海默症患者肠道微生态结构与认知功能的关系。方法将2016年7月-2019年5月医院收治的86例老年阿尔茨海默病患者和73例健康志愿者,分别记为研究组和对照组。采用简易精神状态评价量表(MMSE)进行评分评价两组认知功能,采用高通量测序检测两组肠道微生物多样性。比较两组肠道微生物多样性与MMSE评分,并比较研究组中认知功能正常者与障碍者肠道微生物结构;采用Pearson相关性分析法探讨肠道微生物结构与认知功能障碍者的相关性。结果研究组肠道菌群Chao1指数、Shannon指数、放线菌门、拟杆菌门、放线菌科、乳杆菌科、拟杆菌科、双歧杆菌属、乳杆菌属、拟杆菌属、MMSE评分均低于对照组(均P0.05);研究组厚壁菌门、变形菌门、子囊菌门、梭菌科、假单胞菌科、葡萄球菌科、肠杆菌科、隐球酵母科、梭状芽孢杆菌属、假单胞菌属、葡萄球菌属、变形杆菌属、假丝酵母菌属相对丰度均高于对照组(均P0.05);研究组中认知功能障碍发生率为70.93%,且认知功能障碍者肠道菌群Chao1指数、Shannon指数,门、科、属水平相对丰度与认知功能正常者对比和上述结果一致;研究组与对照组肠道拟杆菌门、子囊菌门、拟杆菌科、梭状芽胞杆菌属、假丝酵母菌属、放线菌门、乳杆菌属、拟杆菌属相对丰度差异具有统计学意义(均P0.05);研究组认知功能障碍与认知功能正常者肠道未分类拟杆菌门、子囊菌门、假单胞菌属、拟杆菌属、变形杆菌属、梭状芽孢杆菌属、拟杆菌门、拟杆菌科、假丝酵母菌属相对丰度差异具有统计学意义(均P0.05);研究组中肠道菌群Chao1指数、Shannon指数,放线菌门、拟杆菌门、放线菌科、乳杆菌科、拟杆菌科、双歧杆菌属、乳杆菌属、拟杆菌属相对丰度与MMSE评分均呈正相关,厚壁菌门、变形菌门、子囊菌门、梭菌科、假单胞菌科、葡萄球菌科、肠杆菌科、隐球酵母科、梭状芽孢杆菌属、假单胞菌属、葡萄球菌属、变形杆菌属、假丝酵母菌属相对丰度与MMSE评分均呈负相关。结论老年阿尔茨海默病患者肠道微生物结构存在异常,且认知功能障碍者更加严重,认知功能与肠道微生物相关。  相似文献   

为了探究哈尼梯田稻-鱼共作综合种养模式(稻渔组, DY组)和传统池塘养殖模式(池塘组, CT组)下杂交黄颡鱼(Tachysurus fulvidraco♀×Pseudobagrus vachellii♂)肠道微生物结构变化, 试验采用16S rDNA测序技术对不同养殖模式下黄颡鱼肠道微生物进行分析。测序结果显示, CT组和DY组优势菌门均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和梭杆菌门(Fusobacteria)。和CT组相比, 在门水平上DY组厚壁菌门和拟杆菌门相对丰度显著上升, 而变形菌门相对丰度显著下降。在属水平上DY组梭状芽孢杆菌属、Romboutsia属、Paludibacter属、Epulopiscium属和拟杆菌属相对丰度显著上升, 而邻单胞菌属丰度显著下降。不同的养殖模式没有显著影响黄颡鱼肠道微生物的丰富度(Richness), 但DY组拥有更高的微生物均匀度(Evenness)。BugBase表型预测结果如下, CT组革兰氏阴性菌, 兼性厌氧菌丰度更高, DY组则革兰氏阳性菌, 厌氧菌丰度更高。同时DY组肠道菌群相较于CT组具有更低的潜在致病性和生物膜形成能力。DY组黄颡鱼肠道微生物多样性更高, 稳定性更好, 对疾病的抵抗力可能更强。水稻-黄颡鱼新型稻渔综合种养模式具有更佳的经济和生态效应。  相似文献   

通过生长曲线、最适培养温度、最适培养方式、体外抑制奶牛子宫内膜炎常见病原菌的效果及其与奶牛子宫内膜上皮细胞黏附性等一系列实验,对1株分离自健康奶牛阴道的嗜酸乳杆菌进行生物学特性的研究。结果表明该菌最适培养温度为39℃,在偏于厌氧的环境下生长最佳,在培养18~20 h后收获最佳,对奶牛子宫内膜炎常见病原菌具有一定的抑制作用,并与奶牛子宫内膜上皮细胞具有一定的黏附作用。  相似文献   

目的 分析风痰闭阻型耐药性癫痫患者肠道微生物群的组成特点。方法 选取湖北省中西医结合医院13名风痰闭阻型耐药性癫痫患者作为观察对象,13名匹配的健康人作为对照进行研究,采用粪便基因组DNA检测,对数据进行生物信息学分析,探索风痰闭阻型耐药性癫痫人肠道菌群的结构组成特征,并进行血清炎性因子分析及相关性分析。结果在风痰闭阻型耐药性癫痫患者中观察到更高的微生物alpha丰富度,且病例组人群粪便中检测的变形菌门、γ-变形菌纲、肠杆菌目、肠杆菌科、埃希―志贺菌属、梭杆菌门、梭杆菌纲、梭杆菌目、梭杆菌科、梭杆菌属丰度较对照组增加,拟杆菌门、拟杆菌纲、拟杆菌目、栖粪杆菌属丰度较对照组减少(LDA值>4,P<0.05)。风痰闭阻型耐药性癫痫患者体内血清TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6和IL-8水平显著增加,血清IL-10水平显著降低,且变形菌门、γ-变形菌纲、埃希―志贺菌属与血清TNF-α水平呈正相关,拟杆菌门、拟杆菌纲、拟杆菌目、栖粪杆菌属与血清TNF-α水平呈负相关;埃希―志贺菌属与血清IL-1β水平呈正相关,梭杆菌门、梭杆菌纲、梭杆菌目、梭杆菌科、梭杆菌属与血清IL-6水平呈正相关;...  相似文献   

目的分析脑卒中后抑郁症患者粪便中的微生物种群多样性和均衡性。方法选择我院2018年10月至2020年10月神经内科住院部收治的68例脑卒中后抑郁症患者为试验组。在同一时期选择我院体检中心的68例健康体检者作为对照组。采用第二代高通量测序技术对其粪便中的微生物种群多样性和均衡性进行分析。结果(1)两组对象粪便样本微生物种群Good′s Coverage指数差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而试验组OTU种类、Chao 1指数和Ace指数高于对照组(均P<0.05)。(2)两组对象粪便样本微生物种群Shannon指数、Simpson指数和Evenness指数差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。(3)两组对象粪便样本微生物种群均包括变形菌门、拟杆菌门、梭杆菌门以及厚壁菌门,其中试验组厚壁菌门相对丰度显著低于对照组,而其他3种菌门则高于对照组(均P<0.05)。(4)试验组患者粪便样本微生物种群理研菌科、氨基球菌科、梭杆菌科、Erigeronaceae、肠杆菌科和紫单胞菌科的相对丰度较高,而瘤胃菌科、普雷沃菌科、毛螺菌科以及单毒丝菌科的相对丰度较低(均P<0.05)。(5)在属水平上,试验组对象粪便样本微生物种群有11种菌属的相对丰度高于对照组,有3种菌属的相对丰度低于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论脑卒中后抑郁症患者粪便中微生物种群与健康人群存在较大差异。  相似文献   

【目的】研究水貂远端肠道微生物群落组成及其多样性。【方法】通过高通量测序技术研究水貂远端肠内容物细菌的组成和多样性。【结果】从10只健康水貂远端肠道内容物样品中得到146 287高质量序列代表17个菌门、167个细菌属。水貂肠道细菌以厚壁菌门(59.99%)、拟杆菌门(16.2%)、梭杆菌门(11.5%)、放线菌门(5.9%)和变形菌门(5.3%)为主,其中厚壁菌门最为丰富。厚壁菌门中的梭菌目是最丰富的目,而梭菌目中的链球菌占有50%以上的OTUs,是最大的细菌属。【结论】水貂肠道内存在复杂的微生物区系,这对进一步研究水貂对营养物质吸收利用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

【目的】研究水貂远端肠道微生物群落组成及其多样性。【方法】通过高通量测序技术研究水貂远端肠内容物细菌的组成和多样性。【结果】从10只健康水貂远端肠道内容物样品中得到146 287高质量序列代表17个菌门、167个细菌属。水貂肠道细菌以厚壁菌门(59.99%)、拟杆菌门(16.2%)、梭杆菌门(11.5%)、放线菌门(5.9%)和变形菌门(5.3%)为主,其中厚壁菌门最为丰富。厚壁菌门中的梭菌目是最丰富的目,而梭菌目中的链球菌占有50%以上的OTUs,是最大的细菌属。【结论】水貂肠道内存在复杂的微生物区系,这对进一步研究水貂对营养物质吸收利用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

目的探索银屑病患者咽颊部口腔微生物的组成变化与银屑病的发病以及疾病进展的关系,为银屑病的个性化诊疗提供新的思路。方法采集临床上经过严格筛选的15例银屑病患者(试验组)和15例健康人(对照组)的咽颊部黏膜样本,提取细菌基因组DNA,进行PCR扩增,将扩增后的DNA样本进行16SrRNA高通量测序法分析(Illumina测序)。测序结果与Greengenes Database进行比对,通过生物信息学、医学统计学分析银屑病患者咽颊部口腔微生物结构组成与正常人的差异。结果在菌群门的水平上,试验组中厚壁菌门在数量上占有绝对优势,其余拟杆菌门、变形菌门、放线菌门、梭杆菌门也依次占有一定比例;对照组中厚壁菌门在数量上同样占有绝对优势,拟杆菌门、变形菌门等也占有不小的比例。虽然在相对丰度上银屑病患者与健康对照组有区别,但差异无统计学意义。在菌群属的水平上,试验组患者中颗粒链球菌与梭杆菌占有明显的相对丰度,对照组则以颗粒链球菌、巨型球菌、Bulleidia、Parvimonas、梭杆菌为主。两组菌群在构成上已经表现出明显的区别。另外,在银屑病患者的咽颊部菌群中颗粒链球菌、梭杆菌和Bulleidia的相对丰度有所升高,而Oribacterium与产线菌(Filifactor)则明显降低,与健康人群相比差异有统计学意义(t=2.5010,P0.05;t=2.0875,P0.05)。结论银屑病患者与健康正常人咽颊部微生物组成结构在属水平上存在明显的差异。咽颊部微生物在银屑病的发病以及疾病进展中的作用值得深入研究。  相似文献   

Bacteria contaminate the uterus of most dairy cattle after parturition and endometritis causes infertility. An endometritis score can be ascribed based on the vaginal mucus character and odour but it is not clear if the clinical score reflects the number of uterine bacteria or the inflammatory response. The present study tested the hypothesis that clinical evaluation of endometritis reflects the number of bacteria present in the uterus, and the acute phase protein response. Swabs (n = 328) were collected from the uterine lumen of dairy cattle, 21 and 28 days postpartum, vaginal mucus was scored for character and odour, and blood samples collected for acute phase protein measurement. Bacteria were identified following aerobic and anaerobic culture, and the bacterial growth density was scored semi-quantitatively. When bacteria were categorised by their expected pathogenic potential in the uterus, purulent or fetid odour vaginal mucus was associated with the growth density of pathogenic bacteria but not opportunist contaminants. When bacteria were analysed independently, Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Proteus and Fusobacterium necrophorum growth densities were associated with mucopurulent or purulent vaginal mucus. The bacterial growth densities for A. pyogenes, Escherichia coli, non-hemolytic Streptococci, and Mannheimia haemolytica were associated with a fetid mucus odour. Peripheral plasma concentrations of alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein were higher if there was a fetid compared with a normal vaginal mucus odour (1.50 +/- 0.09 mg/mL versus 1.05 +/- 0.02 mg/mL, P < 0.001), but did not differ significantly between vaginal mucus character scores. The evaluation of the character and odour of vaginal mucus reflects the number of bacteria in the uterus, and the acute phase protein response.  相似文献   

Parturition complications predispose establishment of uterine infections, which in turn affect subsequent fertility. The aim of present study was to characterize and compare the type of bacterial flora prevalent within the uterine lumen of dystocia-affected buffaloes and compare them with the normally calving buffaloes. The study was conducted on 40 buffaloes; of which 10 calved normally (Group I) and 30 were treated for dystocia (Group II). Bacteriological examination was performed using uterine swabs, which were collected before delivery, immediately after delivery and day's 24-60 postpartum. A total of 30 uterine swabs from Group I and 79 swabs from Group II were collected, of which 19 (63.3%) and 71 (89.9%) yielded significant bacterial growth, respectively. A total of 205 isolates belonging to 10 different genera of bacteria were identified, 8 facultative anaerobes and 2 obligate anaerobes. In Group II, 91.6% of the bacteria positive swabs (n = 71) yielded mixed cultures, whereas the remainder being pure cultures. In contrast, 89.5% of the bacteria positive swabs of Group I (n = 19) yielded pure cultures. Mixed infections comprised mostly Arcanobacter (Actinomyces) pyogenes together with obligate anaerobes, Fusobacterium spp. and Bacteroides spp. In Group II, the frequency of incidental and coliform group bacteria was highest at the time of parturition, i.e., before and immediately after delivery, and decreased to nil during the 24-60-day postpartum period. However, in Group I, the incidental and coliform group of bacteria present at the time of parturition apparently persisted beyond the period when uterine involution is complete. The frequency of obligate anaerobes and A. pyogenes at the time of parturition was nil in the Group I while they predominated in dystocia-affected buffaloes (Group II). During the postpartum period of 24-60 days, the frequency of both obligate anaerobes and A. pyogenes increased significantly in Group II, whereas in Group I, only occasional isolates were obtained. To conclude, at the time of calving the prevalence of obligate anaerobes and A. pyogenes occurring in combination was highest in dystocia-affected buffaloes, and further increased in the postpartum period suggesting that these infections act synergistically.  相似文献   

Fifteen lactating Holstein cows were used in a trial designed to evaluate the effectiveness of intrauterine inoculation (challenge) of Actinomyces pyogenes (A) alone or in combination with Fusobacterium necrophorum (F) and Bacteroides melaninogenicus (B) to induce pyometra. Cows were assigned to one of five groups: A (n = 3), AB (n = 3), AF (n = 3), ABF (n = 3) or C (control, broth medium alone; n = 3). All cows exhibited estrus 12 or 13 d prior to challenge (Day 0=first day of challenge). During the prechallenge period, the reproductive tract of each cow was palpated per rectum and uterine fluid aspirates for culture and uterine biopsies were also obtained. All cows received an intravenous injection of 5,000 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG; Day 5) and an intrauterine infusion of 40 ml of 0.7% iodine solution (Day 1). Cows were then inoculated on Days 0, 1 and 2 of the experiment. Sequential palpations of the reproductive tracts, samples of uterine fluid for culture and uterine biopsies were performed for a total of 30 d after the first inoculation. A cow was diagnosed as having pyometra when purulent uterine fluid and a corpus luteum were detected by palpation per rectum. The number of cows that developed pyometra in Group A was 2 of 3, in Group AB 3 of 3, in Group AF 3 of 3, in Group ABF 3 of 3 and in Group C 0 of 3. Cows with pyometra did not exhibit estrus. In 7 of 11 cows, pyometra persisted for more than 21 d. In cows that developed pyometra, the same species of bacteria infused into the uterus were usually recovered one or more times during the postchallenge period. When clinical pyometra was diagnosed, histologic endometritis was invariably present. Histologic endometritis and concurrent isolation of A . pyogenes alone or A . pyogenes with gram-negative anaerobic bacteria occurred in 91.7% of samples during the postchallenge period. Regardless of bacterial treatment, gram-negative anaerobic bacteria were frequently isolated with A . pyogenes during this period.  相似文献   

Dohmen MJ  Joop K  Sturk A  Bols PE  Lohuis JA 《Theriogenology》2000,54(7):1019-1032
A study was conducted to investigate the relationship between intra-uterine bacterial contamination, endotoxin levels and the development of endometritis in cows that experienced a dystocia or retained their placenta. Fifteen healthy cows, 31 cows with retained placenta (RP) and 13 cows that had dystocia were clinically examined 1 or 2 days after parturition when a uterine swab for bacteriological examination was taken. In addition, plasma and uterine lochia samples were collected to determine lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the plasma IgG anti-LPS concentrations. Subsequently, 15 RP and 6 dystocia cows were initially left untreated and another uterine swab was collected at 2 and 4 wk postpartum. Immediately after calving, RP cows had significantly higher LPS levels in uterine lochia (average of 2.24 x 10(4) Endotoxin Units (EU)/mL) as compared to dystocia and healthy postpartum cows (average of 0.10 and 0.26 EU/mL, respectively). However, plasma LPS levels were below the detection limit (<0.036 EU/mL platelet-rich plasma) in all groups of cows. IgG anti-LPS levels in plasma were not significantly different between the 3 groups immediately postpartum (average of 26, 16 and 44 Median Units (MU)/mL) for healthy, dystocia and RP cows, respectively), but they were significantly lower when compared to plasma IgG anti-LPS levels of healthy cows at more than 2 months postpartum (mean 83 MU/mL). High LPS levels in lochia at 1 or 2 days postpartum were significantly related to abnormal cervical discharge, the presence of Escherichia coli, black pigmented gram-negative anaerobes and Clostridium spp. shortly after calving, and Arcanobacterium pyogenes and gram-negative anaerobes in the uterus at 14 days postpartum. These results suggest that the presence of E. coli and LPS (endotoxins) in lochia early postpartum favor the development of uterine infections by A. pyogenes and gram-negative anaerobes later postpartum. LPS were not observed in plasma, suggesting that either they are not absorbed into the blood, or they are efficiently detoxified by IgG anti-LPS or other detoxification mechanisms.  相似文献   

Sixteen primiparous Holstein cows with retained fetal membranes (RFM) were studied for postpartum prostaglandin release, uterine infection and resumption of estrous cyclicity after manual removal of RFM (eight cows) versus leaving the RFM untreated (eight cows). The RFM were results of induced parturition on Day 274 of gestation. Seventeen non-RFM primiparous cows were controls. The 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-metabolite of prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGFM) was measured in daily blood samples. Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were cultured from weekly uterine swabs from Week 3 until results were negative. Resumption of estrous cyclicity was determined by milk progesterone three times weekly. Manual removal caused an immediate and large but short-lived increase in PGFM, probably due to the physical damage of uterine tissue. No sustained difference in postpartum PGFM release between cows with RFM manually removed and cows with RFM left untreated was detected. Non-RFM controls had lowest PGFM concentrations. Uterine infections were more frequent and more severe after manual removal of RFM. Untreated RFM-cows and controls were similarly affected. Most infections involved Actinomyces (formerly Corynebacterium ) pyogenes and/or Fusobacterium necrophorum . Actinomyces pyogenes was isolated in the third week postpartum in 5 8 cows with RFM manually removed versus 2 8 cows with RFM left intact and in 2 17 controls. Manual removal prolonged the interval from calving to first functional corpus luteum by 20 d. This study, using RFM resulting from induced parturition, shows that manual removal of RFM can delay the postpartum return to normal reproductive status without altering PGFM profiles.  相似文献   

Anaerobic gram-negative oral bacteria such as Treponema denticola, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Campylobacter rectus, and Fusobacterium nucleatum are closely associated with periodontal diseases. We measured the relative population (bacterial levels) of these oral pathogens in subgingival tissues of patients at different stages of Korean chronic periodontal diseases. We divided the individuals into those with chronic gingivitis (G), moderate periodontitis (P1), severe periodontitis (P2), and normal individuals (N) (n?=?20 for each group) and subgingival tissue samples were collected. We used real-time PCR with TaqMan probes to evaluate the change of periodontal pathogens among different stages of periodontitis. Bacterial levels of A. actinomycetemcomitans and C. rectus are significantly increased in individuals with chronic gingivitis and moderate periodontitis, but unchanged in severe periodontitis patients. These results suggest that analyzing certain bacterial levels among total oral pathogens may facilitate understanding of the role of periodontal bacteria in the early stages of periodontitis.  相似文献   

本研究旨在建立一种多重PCR方法检测青海藏绵羊子宫内膜炎主要的病原菌。首先,提取5种标准菌株基因组,筛选出特异性引物;然后以标准菌株的基因组为模板,建立多重PCR方法。用无菌棉拭子涂抹藏绵羊子宫,置于LB培养液中培养并编号,48 h后提取样品基因组。运用单一PCR法对600份样品基因组进行检测,记录阳性样品;再挑取单一PCR法检测的阳性样品进行多重PCR检测,再次记录阳性样品,通过计算两种检测方法的符合率验证多重PCR方法;随机挑出30份阳性样品,进行病原菌分离鉴定菌种种类。单一PCR检测的样品中,无乳链球菌感染比例占47.33%,大肠杆菌占34.83%,金黄色葡萄球菌占6.5%,未检出沙门氏菌和化脓隐秘杆菌;多重PCR检测的阳性样品中,无乳链球菌感染比例占45.50%,大肠杆菌占33.50%,金黄色葡萄球菌占6.5%;两种检测结果相比较,多重PCR检测出的符合率均高于95%;分离鉴定的病原菌与两种PCR方法检测出的菌种结果基本一致。成功建立了多重PCR方法并检测出引起青海藏绵羊子宫内膜炎的主要病原菌为无乳链球菌、大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌。  相似文献   

Bekana  M.  Jonsson  P.  Kindahl  H. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1996,37(3):251-263
The post-partum intrauterine bacterial flora, prostaglandin release, uterine involution and resumption of ovarian activity were studied in 9 Swedish dairy cows during the first 8-week period. Uterine involution was monitored by transrectal examinations of the reproductive tract 3 times weekly. Bacteriological examination was performed from twice weekly uterine biopsies. The main PGF2α metabolite (15-ketodi- hydro-PGF2α) was monitored from twice daily blood plasma samples, while morning samples were used for progesterone determinations. The cows were assigned to 2 groups: Group I (n = 7) with an uncomplicated puerperal period and Group II (n = 2) with signs of intrauterine infections. A total of 143 biopsies were collected, of which 129 (90.2%) were found to be bacteriologically negative. Thirteen (9.1%) of the remaining 14 biopsies were bacteriologically positive, while one (0.7%) was probably a contamination on a single occasion. The 13 bacteriologically positive biopsies belonged to the Group II cows from which 31 isolates contained 6 different genera of facultative and obligate anaerobic bacteria. Actinomyces pyogenes along with Bacteroides sp. and Fusobacterium necrophorum were found to predominate in a mixed flora. The bacteria were rapidly eliminated and disappeared completely from the uteri towards the end of the third week post-partum. The average number of days required for completion of uterine involution was 21.8 ± 3.0 for all animals. The plasma levels of the PGF2α metabolite were significantly elevated for the first 12–18, and 18 and 27 days in Group I and Group II, respectively. There was no significant relationship between the duration of PGF2α release and the time required for completion of uterine involution (p>0.05). Progesterone analysis showed resumption of ovarian activity and subsequent ovulation in 4 of the 9 cows 44-55 days post-partum. Thus, intrauterine infections are not commonly seen in cows with normal calving and comparison between the duration of PGF2α release and the time required for completion of uterine involution showed insignificant correlation. However, the longer duration of PGF2α release recorded in the 2 cows with intrauterine infections are related to the increased frequency of infections.  相似文献   

The summer mastitis pathogens Actinomyces pyogenes, Peptococcus indolicus, Bacteroides melaninogenicus ss. levii, Fusobacterium necrophorum and Streptococcus dysgalactiae were isolated from the polyphagous symbovine dipterans Hydrotaea irritans (Fallén) and Morellia sp. caught around dairy heifers on pasture, but not from the haematophagous species Haematobia irritans (L.), Haematobosca stimulans (Meigen), Culicoides sp. and Simulium sp. Secretions from clinical cases of summer mastitis proved to be sources of summer mastitis bacteria for more than 3 weeks despite antibiotic treatment and teat amputation. Taking into account the seasonal activity pattern of Hydrotaea irritans and its topographical distribution on grazing cattle, it appears evident that this fly may play a central role in the establishment and maintenance of the bacterial contamination with summer mastitis pathogens on the teats of healthy cattle. In the present study the survival of A.pyogenes and P.indolicus for 7 days in experimentally infected Hydrotaea irritans, as demonstrated by the recovery of these microorganisms from agar plates exposed to live infected flies, is described. However, experimental transmission of summer mastitis from sick to healthy heifers by Hydrotaea irritans proved unsuccessful.  相似文献   

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