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对鸟类巢期的研究不仅可以丰富鸟类繁殖生物学资料,也可为理解和研究鸟类的生态适应与进化提供重要线索和依据。2013—2014年3月份至7月份,在若尔盖湿地保护区及周边对55对繁殖黑颈鹤的营巢时长进行了研究,调查结果显示:黑颈鹤的营巢时长在0.5—40 d之间,平均巢期为(6.7±9.3)d;在其营造的4种巢型中,巢期长短依次为:泥堆巢草堆巢草墩巢岛地巢,且差异性极显著(P0.001),巢期与巢型显著相关(r=0.728);在其营巢的3种巢址生境中,巢期长短依次为:湖泊生境沼泽生境河流生境,且差异性极显著(P0.001),巢期与巢址生境显著相关(r=0.315);从不同营巢月份看,巢期长短依次为:4月份巢5月份巢6月份巢,且差异性极显著(P0.01),巢期与筑巢月份显著相关(r=0.664);巢期与巢体积大小具有显著相关性(r=0.856),即营巢时间越长巢体积越大。黑颈鹤的营巢时间长短主要受营巢生境、月份和做巢类型的影响。  相似文献   

吴庆明  邹红菲  金洪阳  马建章 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6470-6477
双台河口保护区是世界濒危鸟类丹顶鹤大陆种群西线群体不同生活史阶段的重要栖息地。2008-2010年3-4月,采用定点观察法、二维坐标法、方差分析、因子分析等方法对保护区内春迁期丹顶鹤觅食栖息地的多尺度选择进行了监测分析。研究结果表明:(1)春迁期,该保护区丹顶鹤觅食栖息地选择包括2个尺度3个选择,即大生境尺度内觅食生境类型选择和小生境尺度内觅食区选择、觅食微生境选择;(2)觅食生境类型偏好选择芦苇沼泽(90.00%),也偶选玉米地、泥滩、草甸等生境;(3)觅食区选择通过宏生境因子和干扰因子来判定,宏生境因子包括明水面、堤坝和火烧地,距离均在30m以内;干扰因子包括居民区和油田等强干扰因子和道路等弱干扰因子,均采取远离的方式进行回避,居民区保持在1km以上,油田保持在2km以上,道路保持在300-500m;(4)觅食微生境选择通过微生境因子来判定,包括植被高度、植被密度、植被直径等,选择盖度小(<5%)且植被高度小于喙长的区域觅食。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地丹顶鹤繁殖生境质量变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
基于1996和2004年扎龙湿地丹顶鹤生境因子专题图,通过建立生境适宜性模型和种群格局最邻近体模型,定量分析了扎龙湿地丹顶鹤繁殖生境质量的变化.结果表明:研究期间,扎龙湿地丹顶鹤繁殖适宜生境经历了面积丧失和功能丧失过程;2004年,研究区内丹顶鹤繁殖适宜性生境已大量丧失,核心区繁殖适宜生境已经严重斑块化.丹顶鹤繁殖生境选择行为对生境质量变化的响应表现为两个过程:一是丹顶鹤巢址不断向核心区集中的过程,二是在核心区的分布格局经历了从均匀分布到成群分布的生态过程.  相似文献   

Beilfuss, R.D., Meine, C.D., & Archibald, F.W. 2000. The World Crane Action Plan: implications for conservation of cranes and wetlands in Africa. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 227.

The IUCN Species Survival Commission recently published The Cranes: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Prepared over the past three years by the IUCN Crane Specialist Group, the document reviews the status of the world's cranes (Family: Gruidae) and their habitats, summarises recent crane conservation actions, and specifies priority measures for the future. Eleven of the 15 crane species are now proposed for inclusion on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals, and several subspecies and populations are critically endangered. Africa supports six species of cranes in 39 countries. The Black Crowned Crane Balearica pavonina, national bird of Nigeria, is resident in western and central Africa. The Grey Crowned Crane B. regulorum, national bird of Uganda, spans eastern and southern Africa. The Wattled Crane Bugeranus carunculahrs, largest and. rarest of Africa's cranes, ranges from Ethiopia to South Africa. The Blue Crane Anthropoides paradiseus, national bird of South Africa, is endemic to South Africa and Namibia. The Demoiselle Crane A. Virgo and Eurasian Crane Grus grus are winter visitors. Cranes have been the focus of intensive captive propagation and reintroduction programs as well as extensive habitat protection efforts. They are also excellent umbrella species for ecosystem-level conservation efforts. Wetlands that provide a home for cranes include the floodplains of the great river systems of Africa, such as Kafue Flats and Zambezi Delta of the Zambezi River system, the Okavango River Delta, the Sudd of the Upper Nile River, the Bangweulu Basin and swamps of the Zaire River system, the Senegal River Delta, and the Inner Niger River Delta, and the wetlands of Lake Chad. Small, isolated wetlands provide vital breeding habitat. This presentation will provide an overview of the action plan for those interested in cranes in particular, as well as those working in ecosystems and regions where cranes occur.  相似文献   

运用面积转换矩阵和景观指数对双台河口自然保护区丹顶鹤繁殖生境的变化进行分析。结果表明 ,该地区丹顶鹤繁殖生境的面积不断减小 ,景观异质性和破碎化程度不断增强 ,生境质量不断下降。生境质量的变化将直接引起在该地区丹顶鹤繁殖数量的变化 ,从 1989~1998年 ,在双台河口自然保护区繁殖的丹顶鹤数量逐年下降 ,丹顶鹤的繁殖容量日益减小 ,原因是道路和油井开发强度的不断增大等人类活动的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Because their breeding and wintering areas are in remote locations, little is known about the biology of Black-necked Cranes ( Grus nigricollis ), including their migratory behavior. Using satellite telemetry, we monitored the migration of Black-necked Cranes ( N = 6) in China to determine migration routes and the location of stopover sites. From 2005 to 2007, four cranes were tracked during two spring migrations and one fall migration, one was tracked during one spring and one fall migration, and one was tracked during one spring migration. On average, the cranes made seven flights over a 5-d period to migrate 651 km to breeding areas in the spring. In the fall, birds averaged six flights in 5 d to migrate 694 km. The routes traveled by cranes during spring and autumn migration were similar. Both the migration distances and duration of migration are the shortest reported for any crane species to date. Most stopover sites were in areas along rivers and close to wetlands in the Daliang Mountains and the Ruoergai Plateau. Conservation measures are needed to reduce habitat loss (wetland and pasture) in the Daliang Mountains and establish a reserve for stopover sites in the Ruoergai marshes, such as Longriba and Bai River in Hongyuan County.  相似文献   

白鹤(Leucogeranus Leucogeranus)是国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,唯一一种极度濒危(CR)鹤类,分布和种群数量是评估其濒危程度的重要参数。无人机调查作为目前生态学研究的一个重要调查方法,为查明白鹤的越冬分布、种群数量及幼鸟比例,于2022年1月使用地面监测结合无人机调查的方法在江西、山东、安徽、湖南、湖北等地的湖泊和农田中开展越冬白鹤调查。野外调查共记录白鹤5607只,网络信息检索在调查区域外的8个地点记录白鹤9只,合计记录越冬白鹤5616只。其中江西鄱阳湖记录到越冬白鹤4813只,占总数的85.7%,主要分布在康山垦殖场、五星垦殖场和成新垦殖场;山东黄河三角洲记录到越冬白鹤625只,占总数的11.1%。安徽、湖南、湖北分别记录到越冬白鹤34,63和72只。对部分群体的白鹤幼鸟数量进行统计,4680只白鹤中,记录到幼鸟674只,幼鸟比例为14.4%,其中湖南越冬白鹤幼鸟比例最高,达28.6%,山东越冬白鹤幼鸟比例最低,为11.5%。调查刷新了白鹤种群数量,证实了山东黄河三角洲是目前除江西鄱阳湖外最重要的白鹤越冬地,缓解了白鹤越冬期过度集中的压力。基于本研究结果,我们...  相似文献   

谢富赋  刘红玉  李玉凤  王娟  刘伶 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5584-5594
丹顶鹤作为湿地环境的指示物种,其种群数量逐年下降引起了野生动物保护工作者的广泛关注。近年来,随着研究的深入,鸟类生境选择具有多尺度特征的观点逐渐成为研究者的共识。江苏盐城自然保护区是丹顶鹤大陆西线种群最重要的越冬栖息地,选择该区域进行多尺度越冬生境选择研究对于丹顶鹤保护具有重要的现实意义。基于遥感影像和丹顶鹤越冬分布的调查,本文用极坐标的方法在GIS软件中对丹顶鹤分布定位进行制图。借助Arc GIS 10.2和fragstats 4.2软件,从点缓冲、景观和区域3个尺度系统分析丹顶鹤越冬生境多尺度利用特征。在点缓冲尺度上,通过缓冲分析和叠置分析描述丹顶鹤生境利用的强度,发现丹顶鹤连续利用生境和经常利用生境的植被类型是碱蓬,偶尔在芦苇中活动,偏好生境区植被覆盖度在30%以下,植被高度在60 cm以下。在景观尺度上,丹顶鹤偏好程度较高的前三类生境为芦苇沼泽、碱蓬沼泽、明水,对互花米草沼泽具有负向选择。在区域尺度上,受道路和土地利用干扰影响,丹顶鹤主要分布于保护区核心区的低干扰区域;除了干扰之外还与生境面积、生境破碎程度密切相关。综合三个尺度,研究得出丹顶鹤生境选择具有明显的多尺度利用特征,丹顶鹤保护需要考虑多尺度生境保护问题。  相似文献   

A number of wildlife species have recovered from the brink of extinction to flourish and, in some cases, even become a commonly recognized urban species (e.g., Canada goose [Branta canadensis]). Broadly extirpated from much of their historical range in North America, the sandhill crane (Antigone canadensis) demonstrated this potential for population recovery. The trajectory of the eastern population of greater sandhill cranes is remarkable—perhaps as many as 90,000 cranes now occur throughout the same Great Lakes states that reported only dozens of birds less than a century ago. However, understanding future population growth of the species remains uncertain because breeding birds are increasingly exposed to the pressures of urban sprawl and a changing agricultural landscape. From 2009 to 2014 we investigated the survival of sandhill crane nests and young up to 11 weeks of age (the point at which they are capable of flight) in the core of the eastern population's range in central Wisconsin and at its peripheral extent in a rapidly developing urban region of northeastern Illinois, USA. We located crane nests via systematic surveys on foot and from helicopters, we then radio-tagged the young and monitored them until they died or were capable to sustained flight. Overall, young were more likely to hatch from nests in Illinois (60%) than in central Wisconsin (46%), regardless of differences in land cover surrounding the nest site. In contrast, the survivorship of young was positively correlated with urban land cover in both regions but higher in central Wisconsin (54%) than in northeast Illinois (27%). Overall, the probability of producing young was greater in landscapes with more urban development, regardless of region. We suggest that differences in predator composition, predator behavior, and crane density between rural and urban areas is the primary reason for the difference in crane productivity. Higher recruitment of sandhill cranes using urban landscapes may allow cranes to echo the population trajectory of urban Canada geese. We anticipate that sandhill cranes will continue to use urban landscapes, and likely expand their geographic range as breeding pairs benefit from the increased survivorship of young in those landscapes. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   

苏北地区丹顶鹤越冬种群数量及栖息地分布动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用资料追踪和历史时期土地利用变化数据深入研究了有资料记载以来苏北地区丹顶鹤越冬种群数量变化与栖息地分布的时空响应。结果显示,20世纪80年代之初,丹顶鹤越冬种群广泛分布于苏北地区,尤其是长江中下游的内陆湖泊、沼泽及江苏沿海滩涂湿地;20世纪90年代之后丹顶鹤分布区域逐渐向沿海滩涂湿地转移,主要分布于盐城市的射阳县境内;进入21世纪,丹顶鹤分布区域集中于盐城国家级珍禽保护区核心区。与此同时,丹顶鹤越冬种群数量也经历了十分明显的变化过程,与20世纪90年代相比,数量减少50%以上。丹顶鹤越冬种群数量及栖息地分布变化与栖息地分布点周围的土地利用方式及人为干扰有关,栖息地面积丧失和景观破碎化是丹顶鹤越冬种群数量减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

Abstract: Wetlands in the Playa Lakes Region (PLR) provide important habitats for wintering waterfowl, cranes, and both migrant and breeding shorebirds. Playa Lakes Region wetlands experience naturally fluctuating hydroperiods but are exposed to anthropogenic stresses, which are exacerbated during summer and may influence PLR wetland occupancy and selection by breeding shorebirds. We examined wetland-scale habitat use and nest-site selection of the 4 dominant shorebirds (American avocets [Recurvirostra americana], black-necked stilts [Himantopus mexicanus], killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], snowy plovers [C. alexandrinus]) nesting in playas, saline lakes, and in both created and riparian wetlands in the PLR of Texas, USA. All 4 species nested in saline lakes. Only avocets and killdeer nested in playas, and snowy plovers nested in riparian wetlands. No nests were found in created wetlands. Wetland habitat changed (P < 0.001) during the breeding season, while water habitats generally decreased. Used (i.e., shorebirds found nesting) wetlands had more (P < 0.05) mudflats than non-used (i.e., shorebirds not found nesting) wetlands, which had more (P < 0.05) dry habitats. Used and non-used wetlands had similar (P > 0.05) amounts of water habitats. Nests were located close to vegetation on bare dry ground and dry ground with vegetation. Because water is ephemeral in PLR wetlands, shorebirds must select—in a somewhat predictive manner upon arrival—wetlands with suitable nest-site and brood-rearing habitat. Although surface water is necessary for nesting, its presence is not adequate for delineating suitable PLR wetland habitat for breeding shorebirds. Our findings that created wetlands cannot compensate for regional wetland losses in habitat or function highlights the need for conservation of natural PLR wetlands  相似文献   

There are few quantitative estimates of numbers of Africa's endangered grey crowned cranes (Balearica regulorum), yet conservation of this species will depend on such estimates. We used line-transect distance sampling on multiple 2-km segments of an existing road network to estimate the abundance of grey crowned cranes in a portion of the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, during the wet (April) and dry (August) seasons of 2016. We analysed data from 106 transects on which we observed 174 groups of 1–61 cranes (median and mode = 2). Abundance and density estimates on the areas surveyed were best modelled without group size as a covariate and indicated that mean crane densities were significantly lower in the wet season (2.4/km2) than in the dry season (20.2 cranes/km2). Even based on survey areas of different size, minimum estimated numbers of cranes in the Crater (wet season: 108–133; dry season: 362–401) likely reflect the concentration of cranes in the nonbreeding (dry) season in the perennial wetlands of the Crater and reinforce the notion of the Crater being a key seasonal habitat for crane populations in northern Tanzania, as previously suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

The red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis (Statius Müller, 1776)) is a rare and endangered species that lives in wetlands. In this study, we used variance partitioning and hierarchical partitioning methods to explore the red-crowned crane–habitat relationship at multiple scales in the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve (YRDNR). In addition, we used habitat modeling to identify the cranes’ habitat distribution pattern and protection gaps in the YRDNR. The variance partitioning results showed that habitat variables accounted for a substantially larger total and pure variation in crane occupancy than the variation accounted for by spatial variables at the first level. Landscape factors had the largest total (45.13%) and independent effects (17.42%) at the second level. The hierarchical partitioning results showed that the percentage of seepweed tidal flats were the main limiting factor at the landscape scale. Vegetation coverage contributed the greatest independent explanatory power at the plot scale, and patch area was the predominant factor at the patch scale. Our habitat modeling results showed that crane suitable habitat covered more than 26% of the reserve area and that there remained a large protection gap with an area of 20,455 ha, which accounted for 69.51% of the total suitable habitat of cranes. Our study indicates that landscape and plot factors make a relatively large contribution to crane occupancy and that the focus of conservation effects should be directed toward landscape- and plot-level factors by enhancing the protection of seepweed tidal flats, tamarisk-seepweed tidal flats, reed marshes and other natural wetlands. We propose that efforts should be made to strengthen wetland restoration, adjust functional zoning maps, and improve the management of human disturbance in the YRDNR.  相似文献   

生境破碎化对丹顶鹤巢位选择的影响   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:15  
1985、1995年和1998年4-5月,采用查阅保护区历史资料及实地调查方法,对辽宁双台河口国家级自然保护区内丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)的主要营巢地-东郭苇场和赵圈河苇场的生境破碎化及丹顶鹤在2片苇场中的营巢状况和繁殖种群数量变动情况作了系统的考察和研究,发现丹顶鹤的营巢生境破碎严重,已由成片的芦苇湿地变成91个斑块,其中最小营巢斑块面积为0.37km^2,最小巢间距为304m,比过去资料记载的最小巢区面积缩小了0.72km^2,但繁殖种群数量变动不大,多年来一直维持在30对左右,丹顶鹤为了适应变化了的环境,已采取了缩小巢区面积的生态适应对策。  相似文献   

生境质量是反映区域生物多样性水平的重要指标,而规划科学、管理有效的自然保护地对于维护生境质量、巩固区域生态安全具有重要作用。以天津市为例,运用InVEST模型Habitat Quality模块评估了天津市2000、2005、2010、2015、2018年生境质量时空变化格局,基于叠加分析自然保护地内外生境质量变化探讨自然保护地对维护区域生境质量发挥的作用。结果表明:(1)2000—2018年间天津市生境质量总体下降了13.18%,并呈现出明显的由中心城区向环城四区扩散的趋势,高质量区域仅占天津陆域国土面积的4%,主要分布在天津北部山区和于桥水库、团泊洼、北大港、大黄堡等湿地。(2)天津保护地空间分布上呈集中分布态势,覆盖了天津市约75%的高质量生境区域和25%的较高质量生境区域。(3)从整体上看不同类型的自然保护地内生境质量保护效果不同,自然保护区优于其它类保护地,其生境质量明显得到提升。所有保护地中有10处保护地生境质量略有下降,但低于全域下降水平,只有盘山风景名胜区和古海岸与湿地自然保护区生境质量下降高于全域平均水平。(4)自然保护地对天津市生境质量下降的趋势起到了一定缓冲作用,其...  相似文献   

Conservation of shorebirds throughout their breeding and migratory ranges has become a priority as shorebird populations decline globally. Along the North Atlantic Coast, management efforts have particularly focused on preserving nesting habitat for piping plovers (Charadrius melodus), which are protected under the Endangered Species Act. It is unclear whether these conservation measures suffice to protect foraging habitat for piping plovers and other shorebirds on stopover during migration along the Atlantic Flyway. To evaluate the extent to which conservation of piping plover nesting areas extends to all habitats used by plovers, and to determine whether these protections also benefited non-breeding migratory shorebirds in the region, we conducted weekly shorebird surveys, recording the number and locations of piping plovers and other species, during northward and southward migration on Fire Island and Westhampton Island, New York, USA, from 2014–2016. We used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to assess the degree of spatiotemporal overlap between breeding plovers, foraging plovers, and other migratory shorebirds that temporarily stage at the site. The spatiotemporal distribution of migratory shorebirds matched more closely with piping plovers seen during foraging than piping plovers observed tending nests and engaging in other breeding activities. Migratory shorebirds and foraging piping plovers were more abundant and frequent in wet intertidal zones outside of fenced-off nesting areas, which were not protected under current management regimes. Therefore, additional protection of piping plover foraging habitat could benefit plovers and migratory shorebirds that use similar feeding grounds during stopover on northward and southward migration. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Due to loss and degradation of natural wetlands, waterbirds increasingly rely on surrounding human-dominated habitats to obtain food. Quantifying vigilance patterns, investigating the trade-off among various activities, and examining the underlying mechanisms will help us understand how waterbirds adapt to human-caused disturbances. During two successive winters (November-February of 2012–13 and 2013–14), we studied the hooded crane, Grus monacha, in the Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve (NNR), China, to investigate how the species responds to human disturbances through vigilance and activity time-budget adjustments. Our results showed striking differences in the behavior of the cranes when foraging in the highly disturbed rice paddy fields found in the buffer zone compared with the degraded natural wetlands in the core area of the NNR. Time spent vigilant decreased with flock size and cranes spent more time vigilant in the human-dominated buffer zone. In the rice paddy fields, the birds were more vigilant but also fed more at the expense of locomotion and maintenance activities. Adult cranes spent more time vigilant and foraged less than juveniles. We recommend habitat recovery in natural wetlands and community co-management in the surrounding human-dominated landscape for conservation of the hooded crane and, generally, for the vast numbers of migratory waterbirds wintering in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River floodplain.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting a species’ distribution across a landscape is of central importance in ecology, biogeography and conservation biology. However, it presents daunting challenges when populations are highly dynamic (i.e. increasing or decreasing their ranges), particularly for small populations where information about ecology and life history traits is lacking. Currently, many modelling approaches fail to distinguish whether a site is unoccupied because the available habitat is unsuitable or because a species expanding its range has not arrived at the site yet. As a result, habitat that is indeed suitable may appear unsuitable. To overcome some of these limitations, we use a statistical modelling approach based on spatio‐temporal log‐Gaussian Cox processes. These model the spatial distribution of the species across available habitat and how this distribution changes over time, relative to covariates. In addition, the model explicitly accounts for spatio‐temporal dynamics that are unaccounted for by covariates through a spatio‐temporal stochastic process. We illustrate the approach by predicting the distribution of a recently established population of Eurasian cranes Grus grus in England, UK, and estimate the effect of a reintroduction in the range expansion of the population. Our models show that wetland extent and perimeter‐to‐area ratio have a positive and negative effect, respectively, in crane colonisation probability. Moreover, we find that cranes are more likely to colonise areas near already occupied wetlands and that the colonisation process is progressing at a low rate. Finally, the reintroduction of cranes in SW England can be considered a human‐assisted long‐distance dispersal event that has increased the dispersal potential of the species along a longitudinal axis in S England. Spatio‐temporal log‐Gaussian Cox process models offer an excellent opportunity for the study of species where information on life history traits is lacking, since these are represented through the spatio‐temporal dynamics reflected in the model.  相似文献   

The study of habitat selection and diet has a long history in ecology. This is often used to assess the functional roles of wetland in biodiversity conservation. Shifting habitat and diet may be one of the survival strategies during extremely adverse conditions. Therefore, sudden changes in habitat selection may indicate the deterioration of the habitat quality, and management interventions are necessary. Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus) became critically endangered due to loss of habitat, and is currently a global conservation focus. Every winter, more than 95% of the species'' global population congregates at Poyang Lake, and feeds on tubers of Vallisneria spiralis in shallow water and mudflat habitat. In this study, we reported the first sighting of large numbers of Siberian cranes foraging at wet meadows, where they fed on a different plant, Potentilla limprichtii due to extreme scarcity of their preferred tuber. To understand how well the cranes adapted to such unusual habitat, field surveys to assess the distribution of cranes across different habitats, and food availability in each habitat were carried out in the winter of 2011. Field observations on crane behaviors at different habitats were also conducted. Results show that cranes displayed significantly different behavior patterns when using the wet meadow, compared to the crane''s optimal habitat - shallow water and mudflat. Both juveniles and adults spent significantly less time foraging, and more time alerting in meadows than in shallow waters and mudflats. These results indicated that the meadow might be a suboptimal wintering ground for Siberian crane, which helped the cranes survive from extreme unfavorable conditions. To some degree, this finding alleviates the general concern over the fluctuating of its food resources which was caused by hydrological disturbances. However, more studies are needed to assess the consequences of such diet and habitat shift for crane survival.  相似文献   

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