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华南地方稻种资源初级核心种质构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据核心种质理论,以表型调查数据为基础,按照丁颖水稻分类体系与系统聚类取样相结合的方法,并通过多重比较确定了适宜的取样规模,最终从4020份华南地方稻种中筛选出436份材料构建了初级核心种质,中选比例10.8%。利用表型保留比例、多样性指数、表型频率方差和变异系数等重要参数对初级核心样品代表性进行检验。结果表明,所选初级核心样品很好地代表了原种质的遗传多样性和变异幅度。  相似文献   

基于表型数据的辣椒核心种质构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以收集保存的603份辣椒种质为材料,根据果形指数大小将其分成5组。基于28个性状的表型数据,采用简单比例、平方根比例、对数比例及遗传多样性指数比例法计算各组内取样份数,比较4种组内取样比例法、6种总体取样规模和2种取样方法在构建辣椒核心种质中的作用和效果。结果表明:(1)简单比例、平方根比例、对数比例、遗传多样性指数比例法入选的材料份数占预选核心种质份数依次为24.2%、22.2%、21.1%、17.8%,说明遗传多样性指数比例法对各组取样数量的修正能力最强,使取样更加均衡。(2)当总体取样规模为15%时,遗传多样性指数比例法构建的预选核心种质遗传多样性指数(I)达到最大,表型保留比例(RPR)超过98%;当总体取样规模超过20%时,RPR值、变异系数(CV)和极差符合率(CR)虽然平缓增加,但I值反而减小;说明15%为合适的总体取样规模。(3)利用对数比例法和多样性比例法,在15%的总体取样规模下,聚类取样构建的核心种质I值、RPR值、CV值及CR值均高于随机取样。(4)该研究根据所获得的优化方案最终在表型水平建立了包含91份种质的辣椒核心种质。  相似文献   

新疆甜瓜地方种质资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,是新疆哈密瓜遗传改良的重要基因库。以121份新疆甜瓜地方品种为研究对象,结合按来源分组和系统聚类选择的方法,通过多重比较29个表型性状数据确定适宜的取样比例,筛选出25份地方品种为初选核心种质。在初选核心种质取样量上,人工定向补充5份优异种质和极值材料确定了核心种质,约占地方品种总数量的25%。对表型保留比例、遗传多样性指数、变异系数、表型频率方差、极差符合率、均值符合率、标准差符合率等检验参数进行了检验和评价。结果表明:调整后的核心种质除标准差符合率降低外,其余参数均优于或等于初选核心种质,更能代表原始样品;所构建的核心种质很好地保留了所有地方品种资源的遗传多样性和变异幅度。  相似文献   

为研究基于分子标记数据构建橄榄(Canarium album L.)核心种质的取样方案,以粤东地区64份橄榄种质材料的ISSR分析结果为基础,分别利用SM和Nei&Li遗传距离,采用UPGMA聚类法进行多次聚类随机取样,比较了不同分组情况下P、S、L和G等取样策略对核心种质构建的影响。结果表明,通过比较不同样品群的多态性位点数、多态性位点百分率、观测等位基因数、有效等位基因数、Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’s信息指数等参数,最终选择根据Nei&Li法计算遗传距离,G策略取样得到的16个样品作为核心种质。该核心种质保留了初始种质25%的样品,多态性位点和多态性位点百分率保留率分别为92.93%和98.31%,观测等位基因数、有效等位基因数、Nei’s遗传多样性指数、Shannon’s信息指数的保留率分别为9.26%、102.56%、107.39%和106.29%。因此,按该方案进行取样的核心种质可以较好地代表原有种质库的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

葡萄种质资源初级核心群的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以国家果树种质郑州葡萄圃保存的867份栽培种质为材料,对47项表型性状进行了主成分分析。采用欧氏遗传距离、离差平方和法进行种质初选。采用分组和逐步聚类法,分别以15%、20%、25%和30%的比例抽样,依次获得124、170、205和252份种质。通过对初选种质的遗传多样性指数、表型保留比例的分析,检验初级核心群的构建效果。结果表明,按种质类型分组,组内采用平方根策略、15%抽样比例获得的124份初选种质的表型保留比例和遗传多样性代表性均达到96%,表明构建的初级核心群对原始种质具有很好的代表性。  相似文献   

基于全国26个居群的174份水青树Tetracentron sinense种质,利用14条ISSR引物,采用UPGMA聚类法进行多次逐步聚类,利用三种取样策略(随机取样策略、位点优先取样策略和偏离度取样策略)构建初始核心种质,并将各遗传多样性指标进行比较分析,从而确定构建水青树核心种质的最佳方法。利用14条ISSR引物扩增出180个条带,其观测等位基因数(Na)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、Nei’s基因多样性指数(H)与Shannon信息指数(I)分别为1.6944、1.3912、0.2321和0.3509,说明水青树具有较低的遗传多样性。采用位点优先取样策略构建的核心种质各遗传多样性指数均大于随机取样策略和偏离度取样策略。利用位点优先取样策略构建了78 份核心种质资源,保留了44.83%原种质样品,遗传多样性指数Na、Ne、H和I的保留率分别为98.69%、100.01%、99.27%和98.67%,比较完好地保留了原种质的遗传多样性和遗传变异。因此,位点优先取样策略是构建水青树核心种质的最佳取样策略。  相似文献   

摘 要:为得出较为可靠的榕江茶初级核心种质群体,以加强榕江茶种质选育、开发利用和分子遗传学研究,解决其种质资源保存成本较高问题,促进榕江茶种质资源的鉴定和有效利用。以118份榕江茶种质资源为材料,对19个表型性状和4个基本品质成分共计23个农艺性状进行分析;基于2种遗传距离(标准化欧氏距离、马氏距离)、4种聚类方法(离差平方和法、非加权组平均法、最长距离法、最短距离法)和7种总体取样规模(10%、15%、20%、25%、30%、35%、40%)构建了56个候选榕江茶核心种质,利用筛选得到的最佳构建方案构建初级核心种质。通过对原种质、保留种质和核心种质的表型遗传多样性和变异程度,以及各种质不同数量性状间的t检验来评价核心种质的代表性,并用主成分分析法对核心种质进行确认。构建榕江茶核心种质时,2种遗传距离中,标准化欧氏距离优于马氏距离;4种聚类方法中,最短距离法优于另外3种;7种总体取样规模中,30%的取样比例较适宜榕江茶核心种质的构建。对构建的38份核心种质进行分析评价,结果表明,核心种质与原种质23个性状的6个特征值一致性较好,并且遗传多样性指数有一定程度的提升;t检验结果表明,核心种质平衡了稀有性状的分布,有效保留了原种质的遗传多样性;主成分分析结果表明,核心种质的主成分累计贡献率高于原种质;对核心种质进一步确认时,发现核心种质均匀分布在原始种质范围内,无重叠现象,有效的避免了核心种质的冗余。所构建的榕江茶核心种质资源可以很好地代表原种质,较好的保留了原种质的性状、遗传多样性和变异。标准化欧氏距离、最短距离法和30%总体取样规模的构建策略,是构建榕江茶核心种质的最佳方法。最终构建了38份榕江茶种质资源的初级核心种质,占原种质32.20%。核心种质评价表明初级核心种质构建有效且质量较高,能够在保证冗余较少的情况下充分代表原种质遗传多样性。  相似文献   

基于形态性状的甘薯核心种质取样策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取15%的总体取样比例,采用2种分组方法、3种组内取样量比例和2种组内个体选择方法,分析了476份广西甘薯种质资源的18个农艺性状数据,构建出13个甘薯初级核心种质样本。为确定这些样本的代表性,分别与总体进行了5个指标的比较,包括表型保留比例、表型频率方差、遗传多样性指数、变异系数、极差符合率。结果表明,按资源类型分组优于按来源地分组;组内取样量以对数法代表性最好,简单比例法的代表性其次,平方根法最差;在个体选择中,最小距离逐步取样法优于随机法。因此,按资源类型分组,再按对数比例法确定组内取样量,通过最小距离逐步取样法选择个体是甘薯核心种质构建的最佳取样策略。  相似文献   

以所收集的363份美洲黑杨无性系为实验材料,利用20对SSR引物扩增数据,设置10%、15%、20%、25%、30%、35%、40%共7个取样梯度构建南方型美洲黑杨初级核心种质,并采用平均观察等位基因数(Na)等遗传参数的t检验对核心种质有效性进行确认,以初级核心种质、保留种质以及原始种质三者之间平均观察等位基因数(Na)等遗传参数的保留比例作为评价指标,结合主坐标轴分析法对初级核心种质做进一步代表性确认。结果显示:(1)20对SSR引物共检测到278个多态位点,遗传多样性参数I、H分别为1.667和0.688 2,表明南方型美洲黑杨种质资源具有丰富的遗传变异。(2)比较平均Na、I、H变化确定15%为最佳取样比例,得到54份核心种质和309份保留种质,构建的初级核心种质与原始种质的平均Na、I、H经t检验不显着,除平均Na外其他平均遗传多样性参数,如Ne、Ho、I、H的保留率分别为111%、105%、104%和104%。(3)PCoA分析显示,所构建的初级核心种质不仅与原始种质分布相似,而且分散均匀覆盖较全面,可以代表原始种质在图中的几何分布。研究认为,所构建的45份初级核心种质保存了原始种质大部分的等位基因和基因型,剔除了原始种质的遗传冗余度和遗传重复度,具有更高的遗传多样性参数保留率,能全面代表原始种质的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

为了解辣椒(Capsicum annuum)种质资源的遗传多样性,以57份辣椒种质资源为材料,对34个表型性状进行变异度、多样性及主成分分析,分别基于表型性状和SSR分子标记进行聚类分析。结果表明,种质间的34个表型性状存在差异,平均变异系数为40.67%,平均Shannon-Weiner多样性指数为1.20;提取的10个主成分可以代表辣椒种质表型性状75.972%的遗传信息,其中第1主成分占比22.317%,主要由果实横径、单果重、果肩形状和果顶性状所组成;19对SSR引物的平均Nei’s基因多样性指数及香农信息指数分别为0.48和0.80;基于表型性状和SSR标记均将57份辣椒分为4类,但2种聚类结果间的相关性不显著(r=-0.175 9)。这为辣椒育种的亲本选配及种质资源评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) is the world’s most popular beverage crop. However, to date, no core collection has been selected from worldwide germplasm resources on the basis of genotype data. In this study, we analyzed 788 tea germplasm accessions using 23 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Our population structure analysis divided the germplasms into a Japanese group and an exotic group. The latter could be divided into var. sinensis and var. assamica. The genetic diversity was higher in germplasms from China, Taiwan, India, and Sri Lanka than in those from other countries, and low in germplasms from Japan. Using the number of SSR alleles as a measure of genetic diversity, we developed a core collection consisting of 192 accessions and three subcore collections with 96, 48, and 24 accessions. Although the results might be affected by marker-selection bias, the core 192 collection adequately covered the range of variation of the 788 accessions in floral morphology, and the chemical composition of first-flush leaves. These collections will be powerful tools for breeding and genetic research in tea.  相似文献   

云南地方稻核心种质耐低磷特性研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
1引言磷是作物的必需性营养元素,人类将面临农业可持续发展与磷素资源严重短缺的矛盾[17].土壤普查结果表明,全国有59%以上的土壤缺磷[1].为了提高作物产量,生产中通过施用磷肥来解决土壤缺磷的问题.由于磷肥利用率低,不仅增加生产成本,还带来资源短缺、环境污染及食品安全等诸多问题[21,26].发掘水稻利用磷的内在潜力,培育磷高效利用新品种,可减少磷的施用量.近年来,野生或地方稻绿色基因发掘及改良进展显著,如资源高效利用[22~24]、高产基因[3,20,27]和抗性基因[2,13]等,利用植物基因型间磷元素利用效率的差异,筛选和培育磷高效基因型作物…  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were used to assess genetic diversity and study genetic relatedness in a large collection of Malus germplasm. A total of 164 accessions from the Malus core collection, maintained at the University of Illinois, were genotyped using apple SSR markers. Each of the accessions was genotyped using a single robust SSR marker from each of the 17 different linkage groups in Malus. Data were subjected to principal component analysis, and a dendrogram was constructed to establish genetic relatedness. As expected, this diverse core collection showed high allelic diversity; moreover, this allelic diversity was higher than that previously reported. Cluster analysis revealed the presence of four distinct clusters of accessions in this collection.  相似文献   

Fluorescence microsatellite markers were employed to reveal genetic diversity of 340 wheat accessions consisting of 229 landraces and 111 modern varieties from the Northwest Spring Wheat Region in China. The 340 accessions were chosen as candidate core collections for wheat germplasm in this region. A core collection representing the genetic diversity of these accessions was identified based on a cluster dendrogram of 78 SSR loci. A total of 967 alleles were detected with a mean of 13.6 alleles (5–32) per locus. Mean PIC was 0.64, ranged from 0.05 to 0.91. All loci were distributed relatively evenly in the A, B and D wheat genomes. Mean genetic richness of A, B and D genomes for both landraces and modern varieties was B > A > D. However, mean genetic diversity indices of landraces changed to B > D > A. As a whole, genetic diversity of the landraces was considerably higher than that of the modern varieties. The big difference of genetic diversity indices in the three genomes suggested that breeding has exerted greater selection pressure in the D than the A or B genomes in this region. Changes of allelic proportions represented in the proposed core collection at different sampling scales suggested that the sampling percentage of the core collection in the Northwest Spring Wheat Region should be greater than 4% of the base collection to ensure that more than 70% of the variation is represented by the core collection. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

长江春大豆核心种质构建及分析   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:33  
利用长江春大豆初选核心种质SSR(simple sequence repeat)标记和农艺性状表型等基础数据,对用不同个体取样方法以及不同数据类型建立的核心种质进行评价,目的是确定中国大豆(Glycine max)核心种质的最佳取样策略提供依据,结果表明,根据SSR分子数据聚类,采用类内随机取样,类内以遗传相似性系数取样以及仅依据遗传相似性系数取样都可用于大豆核心种质构建,但是综合不同评价参数发现,以类内随机取样最佳,类内按遗传相似性系数取样次之,单独以遗传相似性系数取样较差。分析不同SSR等位变异保留比例的遗传多样性指数发现,当保留90%和80%的SSR等位变异时,核心种质具有更高的遗传多样性,由于与SSR分子数据种质遗传关系评价的不一致性,农艺性状等基础数据虽然可用来构建核心种质,但其SSR分子水平代表性相对较低,本研究结果还表明,用不同方法或同一方法不同重复次数取样建立的核心种质具有异质性,且这种异质性随核心种质取样比例的降低而增大,因此,虽然可依据不同数据类型确定相应的方法建立核心种质,但综合表型和分子数据建立的核心种质更具有代表性。  相似文献   

A core collection and mini core collection of Oryza sativa L. in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extent of and accessibility to genetic variation in a large germplasm collection are of interest to biologists and breeders. Construction of core collections (CC) is a favored approach to efficient exploration and conservation of novel variation in genetic resources. Using 4,310 Chinese accessions of Oryza sativa L. and 36 SSR markers, we investigated the genetic variation in different sized sub-populations, the factors that affect CC size and different sampling strategies in establishing CC. Our results indicated that a mathematical model could reliably simulate the relationship between genetic variation and population size and thus predict the variation in large germplasm collections using randomly sampled populations of 700?C1,500 accessions. We recommend two principles in determining the CC size: (1) compromising between genetic variation and genetic redundancy and (2) retaining the main types of alleles. Based on the most effective scheme selected from 229 sampling schemes, we finally developed a hierarchical CC system, in which different population scales and genetic diversities allow a flexible use of genetic resources. The CC, comprising 1.7% (932) of the accessions in the basic collection, retained more than 85% of both the SSR and phenotypic variations. A mini core collection, comprising 0.3% (189) of the accessions in the basic collection, retained 70.65% of the SSR variation and 76.97% of the phenotypic variation, thus providing a rational framework for intensive surveys of natural variation in complex traits in rice genetic resources and hence utilization of variation in rice breeding.  相似文献   

Common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.), the progenitor of Asian cultivated rice (O. sativa L.), is endangered due to habitat loss. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the genetic diversity of wild rice species in isolated populations and to develop a core collection of representative genotypes for ex situ conservation. We collected 885 wild rice accessions from eight geographically distinct regions and transplanted these accessions in a protected conservation garden over a period of almost two decades. We evaluated these accessions for 13 morphological or phenological traits and genotyped them for 36 DNA markers evenly distributed on the 12 chromosomes. The coefficient of variation of quantitative traits was 0.56 and ranged from 0.37 to 1.06. SSR markers detected 206 different alleles with an average of 6 alleles per locus. The mean polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.64 in all populations, indicating that the marker loci have a high level of polymorphism and genetic diversity in all populations. Phylogenetic analyses based on morphological and molecular data revealed remarkable differences in the genetic diversity of common wild rice populations. The results showed that the Zengcheng, Gaozhou, and Suixi populations possess higher levels of genetic diversity, whereas the Huilai and Boluo populations have lower levels of genetic diversity than do the other populations. Based on their genetic distance, 130 accessions were selected as a core collection that retained over 90% of the alleles at the 36 marker loci. This genetically diverse core collection will be a useful resource for genomic studies of rice and for initiatives aimed at developing rice with improved agronomic traits.  相似文献   

对419份广西水稻地方品种初级核心种质进行芽期、苗期的耐冷性鉴定及相关分析,结果表明:广西水稻地方品种芽期、苗期耐冷性主要集中在7级和9级,总体耐冷性较弱。芽期、苗期极强耐冷种质(1级)分别为24份和27份,占参试总数的5.73%和6.44%,其中10份种质芽期和苗期均表现极强耐冷(1级)。芽期、苗期耐冷性呈极显著正相关(r=0.66)。粳稻芽期、苗期耐冷性均显著高于籼稻;粘糯稻之间耐冷性差异是由籼粳稻类型的耐冷差异引起的;来自高寒山区稻作区的品种芽期和苗期平均耐冷表现最强。利用34个SSR标记与芽期、苗期耐冷性进行Pearson相关分析,在第7和第9染色体上,各鉴定出1个同时与芽期和苗期耐冷性相关联的位点。本研究为水稻芽期、苗期耐冷育种提供新的抗源材料,并为水稻耐冷基因定位及机理研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Presently, Theobroma cacao L. (cacao) in Cuba is mainly cultivated in the eastern region where plantations comprise a mixture of clonal varieties, hybrids, progeny of Trinidad Selected Hybrids, and traditional—also known as ancient—cacao. The ancient genetic resources, probably the plants most closely related to the original introductions, are endangered by their progressive replacement by modern clones. To promote the conservation and utilization of these genetic resources, a representative sample of 537 traditional Cuban cacao plants was used to develop a core collection. Core collections based on 15 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were generated using five different sampling algorithms: random sampling, simulated annealing, stepwise clustering with random sampling, the M strategy, and maximum genetic diversity. The five core collections were designed to capture 95 % of the SSR alleles in the complete collection. The genetic, morphological, and geographical diversity of each core collection was compared with that of the entire collection. The entire collection contained 139 alleles, including 104 rare ones, with the 95 % allelic coverage threshold achieved with 133 alleles. The core collection generated by the maximum genetic diversity algorithm had the lowest number of accessions (185), the highest mean genetic distance (0.486), the lowest morphological character redundancy, and the highest diversity as assessed by the mean Shannon-Weaver diversity index (0.757). This core collection can thus serve as the basis of future improvement programs based on local genetic resources.  相似文献   

Ex situ germ plasm collections of woody crops are necessary to ensure the optimal use of plant genetic resources. The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) germ plasm bank, consisting of 229 accessions, is located in Centro de Investigación ‘La Orden’. Despite great progress in conservation, ex situ collections face size and organization problems. Core collections obtained from structured samples of bigger collections are a useful tool to improve germ plasm management. In this work, we used simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to establish a core collection in this underutilised Mediterranean fruit tree species. Four approaches have been carried out (random sampling, maximization, simulated annealing and stepwise clustering) to determine the best method to develop a core collection in this woody plant. The genetic diversity obtained with each subset was compared with that of the complete collection. It was found that the most efficient way to achieve the maximum diversity was the maximization strategy, which, with 30 accessions, recovers all the SSR alleles and does not show significant differences in allele frequency distribution in any of the loci or in the variability parameters (H O, H E) between the whole and core collections. Thus, this core collection, a representative of most fig diversity conserved in the germ plasm bank, could be used as a basis for plant material exchange among researchers and breeders.  相似文献   

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