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杨本清  窦亮  马洪  邓春国  李贵仁 《四川动物》2012,31(2):264-265,268
观察并分析了1993 ~2011年四川蜂桶寨国家级自然保护区笼养绿尾虹雉的产卵数、受精率和产卵持续天数等3个繁殖参数.结果发现,笼养绿尾虹雉的雌鸟平均产卵数为3.62枚(n=19),平均产卵天数为41.63 d(n=19),平均受精率为14.13% (n=19).与北京笼养种群相关数据比较,其产卵数、产卵持续天数没有显著差异(均P >0.05),但受精率远低于北京种群(P<0.05).  相似文献   

北美车前(Plantago virginica)种群密度制约的统计分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
郭水良  盛海燕 《植物研究》2002,22(2):236-240
本文调查了北美车前(Plantago virginica)种群密度对植株形态参数的影响。统计表明:北美车前营养生长期间,种群密度对形态参数的影响不大,在生殖生长期间,各形态参数受到种群密度较大的制约,单株叶数(Y1)、叶长(Y2)、叶宽(Y3)、鲜重(Y4)、根重(Y5)、花穗数(Y6)、花穗长(Y7)、花数(Y8)、花序重(Y9)和花穗重/营养体(Y10)与种群密度(X)存在如下关系:Y1=22.0428-2.3022lnX、Y2=21.4185+2.183lnX、Y3=4.9934-0.5048lnX、Y4=0.1567+699.574/X、Y5=7.7310X-0.7606、Y6=0.9019+318.886/X、Y7=2.4236+179.425/X、Y8=46.3069+6914.07/X、Y9=0.1382+15.9598/X和Y10=0.047+0.0002X。文章还比较了北美车前与车前(Plantago virginica)在繁殖期的密度制约作用特点。  相似文献   

温度和食物对黑肩绿盲蝽发育、存活和繁殖的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrforhinus livisipennis(Reuter)取食白背飞虱卵时,其未成熟期的发育速率与温度呈逻辑斯蒂曲线,世代发育起点和有效积温分别为9‘83℃,359.05日度。在21-29℃时,世代存活率y1,种群内禀增长力Y2:和成虫产卵量y3:粒/雌)较高,高低温区均呈下降趋势,各参数与温度X的关系方程分别为 Y1=cxp(-3.0031+0.5223X-0.0105X2), Y2=-0.5971+0.0535X-0.0010X2,Y3=exp(-12.0791十1.3869X-0.0278X2 理论上26℃时周限增长率又最大,达1.1044倍/天。以褐飞虱卵、白背飞虱卵、褐飞虱低龄若虫和白背飞虱低龄若虫四种食物作为猎物下,黑肩绿盲蝽成虫的产卵量分别为247.63±94.73、237.25±118.62、196.83±69.08、128.14±81.29粒/雌,其卵孵化率分别为59.83、58.26、44.35、46.96%。结果表明,褐飞虱卵是黑肩绿盲蝽发育、存活和繁殖的适宜食物。  相似文献   

在四川宝兴蜂桶寨绿尾虹雉研究中心开展绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii卵人工孵化研究,用不同湿度孵化2组卵:梯度湿度组使用3种湿度,使卵失重率趋于15%;均衡湿度组始终使用50%~55%的湿度。观察记录卵质量、胚胎发育情况。结果显示:成功孵化雏鸟12只,孵化率70.6%,雏鸟3个月成活率100%;卵孵化期28.1~30.2 d,平均(29.5±0.6) d,卵失重率10.7%~17.6%,平均(14.0±2.0)%,啄壳时间26.1~28.3 d,平均(27.4±0.6) d,出壳持续时间36.5~58.5 h,平均(48.7±6.8) h;卵的日平均质量与孵化天数极显著负相关;梯度湿度组和均衡湿度组在卵的失重率和初始雏重上的差异有统计学意义,而啄壳时间和卵孵化期的差异无统计学意义;卵失重率越小,初始雏重越大;与家鸡Gallus gallus domesticus卵胚胎的发育特征相似。保持卵失重率10%~15%可做为绿尾虹雉卵孵化湿度设置的参考。  相似文献   

求偶炫耀行为有助于鸟类吸引配偶,促进发情同步。目前,笼养绿尾虹雉面临的最大问题是自然繁殖率低,发情不同步导致卵不受精是一个重要因素。本文采用瞬时扫描记录法,对四川蜂桶寨国家级自然保护区笼养绿尾虹雉的求偶炫耀行为节律及天气因素对该行为的影响进行了研究。通过对4只雄性个体和5只雌性个体的观察发现,求偶炫耀仅由雄性来发起。3月底雄性开始出现求偶炫耀行为;4月求偶炫耀进入高峰阶段,并持续到5月初,5月中、下旬渐渐消失。在一天之中,07∶00—09∶00为求偶炫耀行为的高峰期。天气因素显著影响雄性求偶炫耀行为的发生频次,与晴天相比,阴天和雨天里求偶炫耀行为发生频次更高。建议在绿尾虹雉求偶炫耀期间,尽量减少人为干扰。同时适当创造阴湿环境,将笼舍的环境温湿度调控到一个适中的区域,为发情营造良好的条件,以促进绿尾虹雉自然交配行为发生。  相似文献   

2003年和2006年的繁殖季节,对笼养条件下绿尾虹雉的行为进行了详细的观察.在48 480次行为记录中,非繁殖行为主要以走动(32.34%)、站立(12.78%)、静卧(16.32%)和静栖(16.52%)行为为主,理羽(2.65%)、进食(8.01%)和观望(9.56%)行为较少发生.绿尾虹雉的求偶炫耀行为独特,交配行为历时一般不超过5 s,雌鸟产卵过程甚短,只有几秒钟的时间.繁殖期笼养绿尾虹雉与野生个体之间在行为方面存在较大差异.  相似文献   

白颈长尾雉Syrmaticus ellioti是鸡形目Galliformes雉科Phasianidae长尾雉属Syrmaticus珍稀鸟类。为了解笼养白颈长尾雉夏秋季行为节律的特点和变化规律, 2016年6月和10月采用瞬时扫描法对湖南省野生动物救护繁育中心笼养的6只白颈长尾雉行为节律进行观测。将白颈长尾雉的行为分为取食、运动、警戒、静止、清理共5类, 包含16种具体行为, 对每一种行为进行描述, 初步建立白颈长尾雉行为谱。统计各时间段白颈长尾雉行为种数, 研究发现白颈长尾雉夏季的行为种类较多且更活跃。游走、站立、休憩、摄食、觅食、理羽和张望等行为在各个时间段有发生。运动和静止行为是人工饲养白颈长尾雉主要行为类型。夏季的警觉行为相较秋季发生频率更高。建议笼养条件下在繁殖期间对雄鸟进行分栏管理, 避免雄鸟求偶炫耀争夺配偶打斗受伤, 同时雌雄搭配多应以1雄2雌或者1雄3雌搭配为佳; 警觉行为在秋季发生的频率较低, 秋季白颈长尾雉受威胁情况不多, 且不存在求偶、孵卵、育雏等繁殖期行为, 只需要保证自身安全即可, 非繁殖期共笼饲养是可行的, 只需保持合理的密度即可。初步掌握白颈长尾雉夏秋季节的行为习性, 时间规律和活动节律, 能为笼养白颈长尾雉饲养、野外放归、保护等提供科学参考。  相似文献   

笼养绿尾虹雉血液生理生化指标分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解人工饲养绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)血液生理生化指标及特点,以四川宝兴蜂桶寨国家级自然保护区笼养的9只成年非繁殖期绿尾虹雉为研究对象,测定了34项血液生理生化指标,按性别分组统计进行差异显著性检验。结果表明,绿尾虹雉血液生理指标不同性别间无显著差异(P0.05)。血液生化指标中的血液总蛋白雄性显著低于雌性(P0.05),血清尿素雄性显著高于雌性(P0.05),但血液中的其他有机物(白蛋白、球蛋白、肌酐、葡萄糖、尿素、酶、总胆固醇、甘油三酯等)及无机离子(钾、钠、镁、氯、钙、磷、铁)不同性别之间无显著差异(P0.05)。说明本实验条件下,笼养绿尾虹雉非繁殖期血液生理指标与性别没有相关性,血清总蛋白、血清尿素含量可能与性别有关。  相似文献   

圈养绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii多为一雄配多雌,但由于雄鸟更换,雌鸟产蛋期交错,且无特定产蛋位,导致亲子关系难以确认。本研究从绿尾虹雉基因组中广泛筛选微卫星位点,得到13对引物。采用微卫星PCR引物特异性鉴定程序(SPE)对引物序列进行评估,排除1例PCR产物长度相近的特殊多位点扩增。利用获得的12个微卫星标记在18份绿尾虹雉蛋壳/羽毛DNA样品中进行遗传多样性分析,同时以其中15份蛋壳样品(2018—2019年搜集)为检材,进行了亲缘(同胞)关系鉴定。结果表明,这12个微卫星标记可用于绿尾虹雉亲缘关系的鉴定,对提高小种群的维持能力,保持种群遗传多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii是中国特有的高山雉类,国家一级重点保护野生动物,具有极高的保护价值。卧龙国家级自然保护区是绿尾虹雉的重要分布区,但长期以来都缺乏针对性分布调查和生境研究。2019—2021年使用红外相机技术对保护区的绿尾虹雉种群进行了广泛调查,采用物种分布模型评价了其生境质量。结果显示:1)109个红外相机位点中共有66个拍摄到绿尾虹雉,其中银厂沟和足木沟等区域的种群相对多度较高;2)基于47个物种出现点和28个环境变量所构建的MaxEnt生境评价模型显示,保护区内绿尾虹雉的适宜生境总面积765.07 km~2,占保护区总面积的38.25%,其中,高质量和低质量生境面积分别为202.22 km~2和562.85 km~2,并且主要位于核心区;3)气候、植被、地形和人为干扰共同影响绿尾虹雉的生境质量,降水季节性适中、最干季均温和年均温较低、远离河流和公路的灌丛和草甸是绿尾虹雉的最适宜生境。总体而言,保护区的绿尾虹雉生境面积大、质量高且连通性较好,为绿尾虹雉种群资源提供了良好的生存环境。  相似文献   

Captive breeding is key to management of severely endangered species, but maximizing captive production can be challenging because of poor knowledge of species breeding biology and the complexity of evaluating different management options. In the face of uncertainty and complexity, decision-analytic approaches can be used to identify optimal management options for maximizing captive production. Building decision-analytic models requires iterations of model conception, data analysis, model building and evaluation, identification of remaining uncertainty, further research and monitoring to reduce uncertainty, and integration of new data into the model. We initiated such a process to maximize captive production of the whooping crane (Grus americana), the world's most endangered crane, which is managed through captive breeding and reintroduction. We collected 15 years of captive breeding data from 3 institutions and used Bayesian analysis and model selection to identify predictors of whooping crane hatching success. The strongest predictor, and that with clear management relevance, was incubation environment. The incubation period of whooping crane eggs is split across two environments: crane nests and artificial incubators. Although artificial incubators are useful for allowing breeding pairs to produce multiple clutches, our results indicate that crane incubation is most effective at promoting hatching success. Hatching probability increased the longer an egg spent in a crane nest, from 40% hatching probability for eggs receiving 1 day of crane incubation to 95% for those receiving 30 days (time incubated in each environment varied independently of total incubation period). Because birds will lay fewer eggs when they are incubating longer, a tradeoff exists between the number of clutches produced and egg hatching probability. We developed a decision-analytic model that estimated 16 to be the optimal number of days of crane incubation needed to maximize the number of offspring produced. These results show that using decision-analytic tools to account for uncertainty in captive breeding can improve the rate at which such programs contribute to wildlife reintroductions. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is involved in the regulation of emotionality including fear and anxiety, which modulate autonomic control of cardiovascular function. We therefore investigated the central effects of porcine NPY, selective Y1, Y2 and Y5 receptor agonists and a Y1 receptor antagonist on heart rate (HR) and HR variability in freely moving mice using auditory fear conditioning. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections were applied 15 min before the tone-dependent memory test. NPY dose-dependently induced bradycardia associated with decreased HR variability, and blunted the stress-induced tachycardic response. The selective Y1 receptor antagonist BIBO 3304 blocked the NPY- and Y1-receptor agonist-induced suppression of conditioned tachycardia without affecting basal HR. The tachycardia elicited by both conditioned and unconditioned stressor was effectively attenuated by the Y1 receptor agonist. These results suggest a specific contribution of Y1, but not Y2 and Y5 receptors, to modulation of emotional responses most likely unrelated to impairment or modulation of memory. The NPY-induced bradycardia is attributed to not yet characterized NPY receptor subtypes other than Y1, Y2 and Y5, or a complex receptor interaction. In conclusion, NPY mediates central inhibition of sympathetic outflow, potentially coupled with attenuation of parasympathetic tone, i.e., mechanisms that may be associated with the reported anxiolytic action.  相似文献   

The optimal ratio of spermatozoa : egg (15 000 : 1) for artificial insemination of African catfish Clarias gariepinus gave fertilization and hatching rates of 80 and 67%, respectively. Below a sperm : ova of 3000 : 1 fertilization success decreased significantly. Excessive sperm (>15 000 : 1) partly inhibited fertilization success. Sperm motility was decreased significantly by 0·001 mg 1−1 Hg2+ as HgCl2, but its effect on fertilization was dependent on the sperm : ova ratio, since excess sperm masked the effect of the pollutant. The most sensitive sperm : ova ratio for monitoring pollutant effects on fertilization success was 1500 : 1, which corresponds to half the minimal amount that yields a high fertilization rate in artificial insemination. There was a good correlation between fertilization and hatching rates ( r =0·83; P<0·05). Although both fertilization and hatching rates provide equally good indicators of fertilization success, the more rapid fertilization rate test is recommended since it requires only 12 h.  相似文献   

To investigate receptor selectivity and possible species selectivity of a number of NPY analogues and fragments, receptor binding studies were performed using cell lines and membranes of several species. NPY displays 4–25-fold higher affinity for the Y2 receptor than for the Y1 receptor. The affinity of [Leu31,Pro34]NPY is 7–60-fold higher for the Y1 receptor when compared with the Y2 subtype. Species selectivity within the Y2 receptors is demonstrated by PYY(3–36), NPY(2–36), NPY(22–36), and NPY(26–36). It is shown that NPY(22–36) is species selective for the human Y2 subtype (Ki of 0.3 nM) compared with the rabbit and rat Y2 receptor (Ki of 2 and 10 nM, respectively). PYY(3–36) displays highest affinity for the human and rabbit Y2 subtype (Ki of 0.03 and 0.17 nM). The screening of NPY analogues and fragments revealed that highest affinity for the human Y2 receptor is shown by NPY(2–36) and PYY(3–36). In addition, PYY(3–36) and NPY(2–36) are not only subtype selective, but also species selective.  相似文献   

J. M. Elliott 《Ecography》1986,9(2):113-116
Gravid females of Capnia bifrons (Newman) from Windermere (English Lake District) were almost completely ovoviviparous, the eggs hatching within 15 min after oviposition in the water. When kept in the laboratory at constant temperatures between 3.8 and 19.8°C, few females survived to lay eggs at temperatures above 12.1°C. The relationship between air temperature (T°C) and the egg incubation period (Y days between fertilisation and oviposition) was given by the regression equation: Y = 316.4 T−0.9996 (r2= 0.957, p < 0.001). This equation successfully predicted egg incubation periods for gravid females kept in cages in the field.
Comparisons with similar studies on four non-ovoviviparous species of Plecoptera showed that egg development was rarely more rapid in C. bifrons . It was also shown that the hypothesis of ovoviviparity being an adaptation to combat low water temperatures could be rejected for C. bifrons from Windermere.  相似文献   

2017—2019年在广西壮族自治区桂林市永福县对7只性成熟(5雌2雄)黄额闭壳龟Cuora galbinifrons的交配与繁殖进行了观察研究,记录人工养殖条件下亲龟的生活、交配及繁殖习性,结合相关研究报导,调整亲龟饲养及龟卵孵化方法,在人工养殖条件下成功繁殖出F_1代个体。结果表明,试验亲龟生长状况良好,体质量年平均增长率达6.37%,交配高峰期为5—6月,产卵期为6—7月。共获得5枚受精卵,2次产卵之间积温为197 230~207 955℃·h,并成功孵化出F_1代稚龟3只,龟卵孵化时间为118~136 d,孵化积温为76 464~88 128℃·h,孵化率60.00%。本研究为黄额闭壳龟的人工饲养繁殖提供了理论依据和实践基础。  相似文献   

田野小家鼠种群特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年,关于种群特征的研究,当首推夏武平等(1982)对长爪沙鼠的种群动态及其调节的研究,国内对种群特征间关系的进一步探研尚不多见,而该工作对动物种群动态的预测是至关重要的。 小家鼠(Mus musculus L.)的种群特征包括诸多方面,如性比、年龄结构、胎仔数、怀孕率和身体大小等,它们的变化均与一定的种群数量相联系,今在过去工作的基础上作一些新的探求。  相似文献   

Abstract .Protein-fed Calliphora vicina , F1 offspring of wild flies in two cages with lower and higher fly densities showed variable delay in starting oocyte vitellogenesis at ambient semi-natural temperatures in warm July–August weather in 1996 and 1997 at Durham in northern England (54°45' N). The high-density flies in 1996 showed no delay, in that the thermal sum (degree-days) experienced was 133, comparable to 18°C constant, assuming the lower threshold for egg maturation to be 5°C. Low-density cages and flies in a large outdoor cage (2 m3) in both years showed delays in production of first eggs of 34 days (thermal sum 293 degree-days) in 1996 and 32 days (396 degree-days) in 1997, and longer delays for other individuals. Delays in egg production at low densities relative to high densities seem to be a group effect of unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption rates during embryonic and the first 38 days of larval development of the striped mullet were measured at 24° C by differential respirometry. Measurements were obtained at the blastula, gastrula and four embryonic stages, and at the yolk-sac, preflexion, flexion and post-flexion larval stages.
Oxygen uptake rates of eggs increased linearly from 0.024 μl O2 per egg h-1 (0·323 μl O2 mg-1 dry wt h-1) by blastulae to 0·177 μlO2 per egg h-1 (2·516 μlO2mg 1dry wth-1) by embryos prior to hatching. Respiration rates did not vary significantly among four salinities (20,25, 30, 35%0).
Larval oxygen consumption increased in a curvilinear manner from 0·243 μl O2 per larva h-1 shortly after hatching to 18·880 μl O2 per larva h-1 on day 38. Oxygen consumption varied in direct proportion to dry weight. Mass-specific oxygen consumption rates of preflexion, flexion, and postflexion larvae did not change with age (10·838 μl O2 mg 1dry wt h-1).
Larval oxygen consumption rates did not vary significantly among salinities 10–35%. Acute temperature increases elicited significant increases in oxygen consumption, these being relatively greater in yolk-sac larvae ( Q10 = 2·75) than in postflexion larvae ( Q10 = 1·40).  相似文献   

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