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2020年2月—2021年2月,采用直接观察与红外相机陷阱结合的方法,在四川唐家河国家级自然保护区的大草坪和大草堂区域,对绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii的繁殖周期及群体活动模式等进行了研究。共获取绿尾虹雉有效探测316次。研究结果表明:1)绿尾虹雉具有季节性群体活动的习性,群体在繁殖期前逐步解散,繁殖期后又逐步聚集,非繁殖期的越冬期会结成大群活动;2)绿尾虹雉的繁殖期为3月下旬—6月中下旬,雌性独自营巢繁殖,雄性多单独活动,也表现为集单性小群体活动;3)繁殖期群体大小为2.58只±0.94只,以单性群为主;非繁殖期群体大小为3.37只±2.30只,以单性群和雌雄混群为主,且两者的遇见率差异不明显;繁殖期和非繁殖期群体活动方式无显著差异。本研究结果丰富了绿尾虹雉的基础资料,为其保护管理策略的制订提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

研究高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)繁殖季的活动模式,对于了解它们的生存策略及生态防治非常重要。于2019年选择高原鼢鼠繁殖期(3至5月)在甘肃省玛曲县采日玛乡,利用无线电跟踪技术监测高原鼢鼠繁殖季活动模式,并分析高原鼢鼠活动强度与0~10 cm土层土壤温度和土壤相对湿度的关系。1)高原鼢鼠在繁殖期内表现出3个日活动高峰,第一个高峰时间是08:00时,第二个高峰时间是14:00时,第三个高峰时间是20:00时;2)日活动差异指数(θ)表明,高原鼢鼠在繁殖期内活动强度变化幅度较大,呈非均匀型分布;昼行性指数(λ)表明,高原鼢鼠在繁殖期白天更为活跃;日活动时间总量(AT)表明,高原鼢鼠繁殖期每天的总活动时长在8h左右;3)相关分析表明,高原鼢鼠繁殖期活动强度与0~10 cm土层的土壤温度呈正相关(P 0.05),与0~10 cm土层的土壤相对湿度不相关(P 0.05)。繁殖期的高原鼢鼠活动强度受0~10 cm土层土壤温度影响,不受土壤相对湿度影响。  相似文献   

黑斑蛙繁殖期血浆性激素浓度变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了黑斑蛙在繁殖期血浆性激素的变化,得到如下结果:1.雄蛙在繁殖期吋,精巢饱满,活动精子多、血浆雄激素含量高;繁殖期过后,精巢萎缩,活动精子数少、血浆雄激素含量低。说明雄激素影响精子的形成与成熟;2.雌蛙在排卵前,卵巢较重、有不同发育阶段的卵泡、血浆雌激素含量高;排卵后,卵巢较轻,有残留小卵和残留物,血浆雌激素含量低。说明雌激素对卵和副性征的发育有关。  相似文献   

于东  赵文阁 《四川动物》2007,26(2):409-411
2004年4月~2005年6月对哈尔滨地区花背蟾蜍的出蛰情况、繁殖期的活动规律、繁殖行为、繁殖力和繁殖期的食性等进行了观察。结果表明,哈尔滨地区花背蟾蜍最早出蜇日期是4月19日,雄性先于雌性、成体先于亚成体出蛰;繁殖活动受温度影响比较明显,繁殖的最适气温为20℃、水温为15℃,雄体之间争雌现象显著;繁殖高峰后逐渐迁入陆地活动,繁殖期的摄食活动明显受繁殖的影响,表现为繁殖期不积极捕食,空胃率占69.39%。  相似文献   

鬼鸮甘肃亚种繁殖期叫声研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
古远  方昀  孙悦华 《四川动物》2006,25(1):28-33
利用叫声回放和声谱分析对莲花山自然保护区鬼甘肃亚种(Aegolius funereus beickianus)繁殖期的叫声进行了研究。共记录了领域叫声、尖叫声等6种叫声,分析了各种叫声的特征及与行为的联系。发现不同地点录制的领域叫声存在差异,但同一个体的叫声也有变化。甘肃亚种的领域叫声和欧洲的指名亚种A.f.fu-nereus及北美的亚种A.f.richardsoni相比较,单音数量少,单音长度小,频率高,但差异不大。  相似文献   

2005年10月~2006年9月录制了灰头斑翅鹛繁殖期和非繁殖期的16种鸣声,其中雄鸟鸣声有14种,包括: 3种休息时鸣声,3种跳跃、飞行时鸣声,1 种报警鸣声,1种求救鸣声,1 种营救鸣声,1种恫吓鸣声及4种鸣唱.雌鸟鸣声有10种,包括: 3种休息时鸣声,3种跳跃、飞行时鸣声,1 种报警鸣声,1种求救鸣声,1 种营救鸣声,1种恫吓鸣声.灰头斑翅鹛的鸣声简单,其鸣叫为单音节或者单音节的重复,鸣唱均为单音节的重复.用北京阳宸公司的VS-99语音工作站对录制的鸣声进行了声谱分析并绘制出鸣声的语谱图.研究发现灰头斑翅鹛对录音回放有应答反应.  相似文献   

笼养条件的改变对大鸨繁殖期行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002~2004年4~6月,采用瞬时扫描法对哈尔滨动物园饲养的16只(5♂,11♀)大鸨(Otis tarda)的繁殖期行为进行了观察。利用非参数检验法讨论了笼舍面积、舍内设计及外界噪音对大鸨繁殖期的行为分配、日节律、炫耀及一些特殊行为的影响。结果表明,环境因子对大鸨繁殖期行为存在显著影响,当环境条件改变后,大鸨的警戒行为发生显著变化(P〈0.01),其次为炫耀、游走行为(P〈0.05)。另外,环境因子的变化对雄性大鸨的炫耀路线及求偶方式亦存在影响,同时影响沙浴等特殊行为。  相似文献   

2007年11月、12月和2008年3月,在内蒙古达赉湖地区,采用扫描取样法对雌雄蒙原羚繁殖期及其前后昼间行为时间分配进行了研究。 研究表明:(1)繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后,雌性蒙原羚采食时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为(44.9±3.8)%、(43.5±4.0)% 和 (46.2±3.1)%;卧息时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别 为(32.3±4.8)%、(29.2±2.9)% 和 (28.0±4.8)%;雌性蒙原羚在繁殖期及其前后采食、移动和卧息的行为时间分配差异不显著(P>0.05),站立、繁殖、“其他”行为时间分配差异性显著(P<0.05)。(2)繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后, 雄性蒙原羚采食时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为 (52.6±3.8)%、(17.5±2.8)% 和 (29.8±4.8)%;卧息时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为 (13.4±6.4)%、(24.2±4.1)% 和 (44.2±4.7)%。雄性蒙原羚在繁殖期及其前后采食、卧息、站立、移动、繁殖、“其他”时间分配均有显著差异(P<0.05)。动物采食卧息的行为时间分配反映动物的能量平衡策略。雌性蒙原羚的时间分配表明,雌性蒙原羚的能量平衡策略在繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后没有发生显著变化,均为能量摄入最优化策略,尽可能多的时间分配在采食上;雄性蒙原羚的时间分配表明,在繁殖期前,其能量平衡策略为能量摄入最优化策略,尽可能多的时间分配在采食上;雄性蒙原羚繁殖期及繁殖期后其能量平衡策略转变为能量支出优化策略,尽可能少的支出能量,尽可能多的时间分配在卧息上。  相似文献   

古远方昀  孙悦华 《四川动物》2006,25(1):28-33,F0004
利用叫声回放和声谱分析对莲花山自然保护区鬼鹗甘肃亚种(Aegolius funereus beickianus)繁殖期的叫声进行了研究。其记录了领域叫声、尖叫声等6种叫声,分析了各种叫声的特征及与行为的联系。发现不同地点录制的领域叫声存在差异,但同一个体的叫声电有变化。甘肃亚种的领域叫声和欧洲的指名亚种A.f.funereus及北美的亚种A.f.richardsoni相比较,单音数量少,单音长度小,频率高,但差异不大。  相似文献   

2014年4—10月,利用焦点个体取样法与连续记录法对北京市野生动物救护繁育中心饲养的褐马鸡Crossoptilon mantchuricum繁殖期以及非繁殖期的行为时间分配和活动节律进行了研究。统计了不同性别与不同季节的行为时间分配差异。在繁殖期,雌性褐马鸡的取食时间大于雄性,而雄性褐马鸡的移动、警戒行为时间大于雌性。在非繁殖期,雌雄褐马鸡行为差异变小,但雄性褐马鸡的警戒行为仍然较多。  相似文献   

The patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) in Kala Maloue, Cameroon, have their birth season in the mid-dry season, whereas closely related, sympatric tantalus monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops tantalus) have their birth season in the wet season. To evaluate the optimality of a species-specific birth season, I estimated the daily intake of available energy and gross protein, and energy expenditure for one individual of each sex of each species between respective birth and mating seasons. The monkeys obtained a larger amount of available energy and gross protein in the birth season than in the mating season. No significant seasonal differences in energy expenditure between the birth and mating season were found. Thus, the birth season appears to be timed to the season when the monkeys can obtain more surplus energy and protein. Interspecific differences in the optimality of birth season were attributed to widely exploitative foraging, supported by the patas' high locomotive ability, which may enable them to obtain more energy from seeds of Acacia seyal and gums of A. sieberiana, and more protein from grasshoppers and seeds of A. seyal in the mid-dry season than the tantalus monkeys. A review of preceding studies suggests that the availability of seeds of Acacia fruiting during the dry season may exert the dominant influence on timing of birth not only in patas but also in savanna monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), which include the tantalus monkeys.  相似文献   

Seasonality in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentration in soil and shoots of five Brachystegia-Julbernardia (miombo) woodland trees was studied from September 1991 to March 1993 at two regrowth miombo sites in central Zambia. Shoot growth started in the dry season (September–November) and lasted until April during the 1991/92 season but had virtually ceased by January 1993 during the 1992/93 season. The shoot growing season was associated with low foliar N/P ratios. These ratios were much lower (<5) during the 1991/92 season than in the 1992/93 season (12–15). The increase in foliar N/P ratios after the shoot growing season was caused by a sharp drop in foliar P concentration, apparently due to reabsorption before leaf fall. There were no annual variations in biomass N concentration in contrast to P. During the 1992/93 growing season P concentrations in foliage and wood were a quarter and a third, respectively, of the 1991/ 92 levels. Since the short shoot growing season observed during the 1992/93 season is typical of savanna woodland trees in southern Africa, the high biomass P concentration and longer growing season in 1991/92 season were exceptional and may have been related to reduced competition by shallow rooting herbaceous plants caused by the severe drought of that season.  相似文献   

刘美  马志良 《应用生态学报》2021,32(6):2045-2052
本文研究了青藏高原东部窄叶鲜卑花高寒灌丛生长季前期、生长季后期和非生长季3个生育期的土壤氮转化速率对模拟增温的响应,分析全球气候变暖对高寒灌丛土壤氮循环过程的影响。结果表明: 模拟增温使高寒灌丛土壤温度显著升高1.2 ℃,土壤水分显著降低2.5%。高寒灌丛生长季土壤净氮矿化(氨化和硝化)速率显著高于非生长季,但土壤净氮固持速率显著低于非生长季。土壤氮矿化在生长季前期以硝化作用为主,在生长季后期和非生长季以氨化作用为主。模拟增温对高寒灌丛土壤氮转化过程的影响在不同时期存在显著差异。模拟增温显著增加了生长季前期土壤净氨化、净硝化、净氮矿化、净氮固持速率和非生长季土壤净硝化、净氮矿化速率,并显著降低了生长季后期土壤净硝化、净氮矿化、净氮固持速率和非生长季土壤净氨化速率。但模拟增温对高寒灌丛非生长季净氮固持速率和生长季后期净硝化速率的影响不显著。未来气候变暖将显著改变青藏高原东部高寒灌丛土壤氮转化,进而加速高寒灌丛土壤氮循环过程。  相似文献   

Climate conditions is an important factor affected the fragrant rice growth and development. In order to study the effects of different planting seasons on fragrant rice performance in South China, present study was conducted with three planting seasons (early season (April to July), middle season (June to September) and late season (August to November)) and three fragrant rice cultivars, ‘Basmati-385’, ‘Meixiangzhan-2’ and ‘Xiangyaxiangzhan’. The results showed that the highest grain yield and grain 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2-AP, key component of fragrant rice aroma) content were both recorded in late season treatment while the fragrant rice in middle season treatment produced the lowest grain yield, grain filling percentage, 1000-grain weight and gain 2-AP content. The highest contents of precursors (proline, pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid and 1-pyrroline) which related to 2-AP biosynthesis were recorded in late season treatment compared with early season treatment and middle season treatment. The highest activities of enzymes (proline dehydrogenase, pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid synthetase and ornithine transaminase) which involved in 2-AP biosynthesis were also observed in late season treatment. Moreover, the fragrant rice cultivars in late season possessed the lowest chalk rice rate, chalkiness as well as the highest brown rice rate, head rice and protein content. Thus, the optimal season for fragrant rice production in South China is the late season.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed with the aim of investigating the effect of season on haematological parameters and erythrocyte osmotic fragility (EOF) of pigs. A total of 23 local pigs including males, non-pregnant and non-nursing females, aged 9 to 12 months were used for the study, ten animals were used during the hot-dry season and thirteen during the harmattan season. Blood sample was taken from each animal for the determination of EOF and other haematological parameters as well as total protein. The PCV value of 39.7±1.9 % obtained during the hot-dry season was significantly higher than 32.00 ± 0.9 % obtained during the harmattan season. Total leucocyte count of 18,836.5±1727.1 obtained during the harmattan season was higher than the value 15,920.00±1119.1 recorded during the hot-dry season. The neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio value was significantly higher during the harmattan season, with a value of 0.61±0.0 than the recorded value of 0.43±0.0 during the hot-dry season. The percentage haemolysis values obtained during the harmattan season at NaCl concentration of 0.5-0.9 % with a value of 92.03±0.02 % respectively were significantly higher than those recorded during the hot-dry season. In conclusion, the haematological values showed that harmattan season was more stressful to pigs than the hot-dry season in the Northern Guinea Savanna zone of Nigeria.  相似文献   

群落中的物种相互作用构成了复杂的生态网络。有关物种的数量和组成的季节性动态变化已有较多的研究, 但是对于生态网络的动态变化知之甚少。揭示生态网络的动态变化对于理解群落的稳定性以及群落的动态变化过程和机理具有重要意义。本研究以垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)榕小蜂群落为研究对象, 分别在西双版纳的干季和雨季采集了榕小蜂的种类和数量信息。比较了两个季节榕小蜂群落的动态变化以及共存网络的参数(例如网路直径、连接数、嵌套性和群落矩阵温度)变化。结果显示: 雨季榕果内传粉榕小蜂Eupristina koningsbergeri所占比例高于干季, 传粉榕小蜂的种群数量也高于干季, 而在干季非传粉榕小蜂的种类增加(干季15种小蜂, 雨季14种)。从榕树-传粉榕小蜂互利共生系统的适合度来看, 干季非传粉小蜂的增加对传粉榕小蜂和榕树的适合度是不利的。在干季, 共存网络物种间的连接数(干季0.95, 雨季0.47)多于雨季, 群落矩阵温度(干季23.24, 雨季2.64)也显著高于雨季。表明干季榕小蜂群落组成及种间关系较雨季更为复杂而多样, 高的矩阵温度暗示群落受到的干扰更大。  相似文献   

福建九龙江北溪浮游植物群落分布特征及其影响因子   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别于2011年枯水期(2月)、丰水期(5月)和平水期(10月),系统调查研究了福建九龙江北溪浮游植物群落组成、丰度的分布特征及其与环境因子的关系.共鉴定浮游植物107种,隶属于7门64属.不同水文期浮游植物主要优势种类不同,枯水期为马索隐藻和梅尼小环藻,丰水期为四尾栅藻和四角十字藻,平水期则演替为微小平裂藻.不同水文期浮游植物丰度变化明显,其平均值依次为枯水期(154.77×104 cells·L-1)>平水期(76.40×104 cells·L-1)>丰水期(45.40×104 cells·L-1).相关分析表明, 枯水期和平水期浮游植物丰度与铵态氮(NH4+-N)呈显著正相关,丰水期浮游植物丰度与温度呈极显著正相关.典范对应分析(CCA)表明,水体温度是影响该水域浮游植物分布格局的重要因子,溶解态活性磷浓度也对浮游植物的分布有较大的影响.CCA排序图较好显示了浮游植物物种分布和环境因子之间的关系.  相似文献   

目的利用EFM技术对纳帕海湿地不同季节7个水样样品中的浮游病毒丰度开展了调查,并对影响浮游病毒丰度的环境因子进行了相关性分析。方法元素检测,叶绿素a检测,荧光显微镜检测浮游细菌及浮游病毒的丰度。结果从生态分布上来看旱季和雨季浮游病毒丰度的平均值分别为3.63×10~6/mL和3.71×10~7/mL,浮游病毒丰度季节性变化不显著。从对影响浮游病毒丰度的环境因子相关性分析来看,旱季浮游病毒与Chl-a具有弱负相关性(r=0.49,P0.05);而雨季浮游病毒丰度与Chl-a具有显著正相关性(r=0.37,P0.05),表明雨季纳帕海湿地浮游病毒丰度受Chl-a含量的影响较大。旱季浮游病毒丰度与温度显著负相关,虽然在雨季浮游病毒丰度与温度也呈负相关,但并不显著;在雨季,水体pH变化较明显,而浮游病毒丰度与水体pH呈显著负相关,表明湿地的来水主要在雨季,而离子组成变化大。虽然在雨季和旱季,从多点采样的平均值来看浮游病毒丰度并无明显差异,但从一些局部的采样点来看,雨季的浮游病毒丰度显著高于旱季,说明在纳帕海区域浮游病毒的分布并不平均,因采样点环境的不同会产生明显的区别。结论对纳帕海高原湿地浮游病毒生态分布的调查,是对该地域生态学研究的补充,使得这一独特地理环境的微生物研究更加系统化。  相似文献   

The strength of sexual selection may vary between species, among populations and within populations over time. While there is growing evidence that sexual selection may vary between years, less is known about variation in sexual selection within a season. Here, we investigate within‐season variation in sexual selection in male two‐spotted gobies (Gobiusculus flavescens). This marine fish experiences a seasonal change in the operational sex ratio from male‐ to female‐biased, resulting in a dramatic decrease in male mating competition over the breeding season. We therefore expected stronger sexual selection on males early in the season. We sampled nests and nest‐holding males early and late in the breeding season and used microsatellite markers to determine male mating and reproductive success. We first analysed sexual selection associated with the acquisition of nests by comparing nest‐holding males to population samples. Among nest‐holders, we calculated the potential strength of sexual selection and selection on phenotypic traits. We found remarkable within‐season variation in sexual selection. Selection on male body size related to nest acquisition changed from positive to negative over the season. The opportunity for sexual selection among nest‐holders was significantly greater early in the season rather than late in the season, partly due to more unmated males. Overall, our study documents a within‐season change in sexual selection that corresponds with a predictable change in the operational sex ratio. We suggest that many species may experience within‐season changes in sexual selection and that such dynamics are important for understanding how sexual selection operates in the wild.  相似文献   

In Calicut populations of P. hydrodromous, the ovary is not refractory during September—November of the prebreeding season; it is inhibited from developing apparently by a gonad-inhibiting hormone(s) contained in the eyestalks. The prevalent tendency in Paratelphusa during the prebreeding season is to reproduce, and not to moult. The precocious ovarian growth induced by eyestalk removal during this season is biochemically impoverished, possibly due to uneven oocyte development, which in turn may be caused by the unpreparedness of a section of the population of oocytes for vitellogenesis. The ovary appears to have to pass through a period of oogonial proliferation under the influence of the moult-precipitating hormones during the moulting season, and subsequently through a period of oocyte differentiation during the prebreeding season, for normal vitellogenesis during the breeding season.  相似文献   

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