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描述了斯里兰卡步甲总科直角步甲属3新种:斯直角步甲O.srilankaicus sp.nov.,贝氏直角步甲O.batesi sp.nov.和卵形直角步甲O.ovatulus sp.nov.。股直角步甲O.femoralis Chaudoir为斯里兰卡新纪录种。  相似文献   

简述了印度尼西亚圆丘直角步甲Orthogonius inops Chaudoir并确定同产于哈马黑拉岛(Halmahera)的O.aeq-uistrialus Jordan为其新异名(syn.nov),记述了产于苏拉威西岛(Sulawesi)的直角步甲属2新种;苏岛直角步甲O.sulawesicus sp.nov和里氏直角步甲O.ribbei sp.nov。上述模式标本均保存在法国国家自然历史博物馆。  相似文献   

简要记述了步甲科中国特有属连唇步甲属Sofota Jedlieka 之鉴别特征及地理分布情况,本属原记载2种,即台湾连唇步甲S.chujoi Jedlicka(产于台湾省)和黑连唇步甲S.nigrum Tian et Chen(产于广东省).本文描述采自广东省北部的1新种:南岭连唇步甲S.nanlingense sp.nov.,并提供本属分种检索表.  相似文献   

本文记述新加坡和泰国南部产直角步甲族直角步甲属3新种。 1. 壮须直角步甲Orthogonius solidicornis, 新种 (图1~5)   正模 ♂,标签为“Singapore Seletar Reservoir, 1°42′N, 103°48′E, 07-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg","Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen"和“Orthogonius sp. l"(Morvan 先生初步鉴定),保存于丹麦哥本哈根博物馆。   本新种触角短,头及前胸背板具刻点,前胸背板后角阔,鞘翅第3行距无毛穴,雄性阳具中叶粗壮,易与本属其它种相区别。 2. 泰直角步甲Orthogonius thaicus, 新种 (图6~10)   正模 ♂,标签为“Thailand Satum Province, Thale Ban National Park, 4°42′N,100°10′E, 22~24-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg", "Zoologisk Museum Copenhagen", Morvan 先生的初步鉴定标签为“Orthogonius sp. 2"及“ssp. de. Or. angustus Chaud."; 副模 1♀,"Thailand Satum Province, Thale Ban National Park, 4°42′N, 100°10′E, 22~24-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg","Zoologisk Museum Copenhagen"; 1♀, "Thailand Satum Province, Thale Ban National Park, 4°42′N, 100°10′E, 18~20-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg","Zoologisk Museum Copenhagen"。正模保存于丹麦哥本哈根博物馆,1副模由Morvan 先生收藏(法国Carentoire),另1副模保存在中国广州华南农业大学。   本新种相似于O. angustus Chaudoir, 但其体色更暗,唇基4刚毛,雄虫第7腹板略凹入,雄虫阳具中叶稍粗,可与后者区别。 3. 莫氏直角步甲Orthogonius morvani, 新种 (图11~15)   正模 ♂,标签为“Thailand Satum Province, Thale Ban National Park, 4°42′N,100°10′E, 22~24-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg", "Zoologisk Museum Copenhagen"和“Orthognius sp. l"(Morvan 先生初步鉴定);副模1♀,同正模。正模和副模分别保存于丹麦哥本哈根博物馆和中国广州华南农业大学。   本新种与产于缅甸的O. dispar Bates 很相近,但其雄虫第7腹板中央深凹,鞘翅近端部圆截,且雄性阳具中叶形状与后者明显不同。  相似文献   

记述印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛产直角步甲族3新种。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国云南、越南和老挝的爪步甲属1新种:垂角爪步甲Onycholabis pendulangulus sp.nov.。新种前胸背板前角垂直向下方弯曲,呈刺状,从而和同属其它种类明显不同。新种模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所、中国科学院昆明动物所标本馆、美国加州科学院标本馆(旧金山)、日本自然科学博物馆(东京)和英国自然历史博物馆(伦敦)。  相似文献   

【目的】沟胸步甲属Holcoderus属于鞘翅目(Coleoptera)步甲科(Carabidae)壶步甲族(Lebiini)。本研究旨在对该属在中国分布的各个种进行分类厘定。【方法】基于中国科学院动物研究所的馆藏标本以及欧洲多家博物馆的模式标本,采用形态比较学方法开展研究。【结果】共发现中国沟胸步甲属5种,其中包括新种1种(双毛沟胸步甲H. bisetus sp. n.,模式产地:云南西双版纳),中国新纪录种3种(雅沟胸步甲H. gracilis、绿沟胸步甲H. smaragdinus和红腿沟胸步甲H. aeripennis)。提供了中国所有种类的形态描述及特征图,并编制了分种检索表。【结论】至此,我国所分布的沟胸步甲属物种从此前记录的1种增加至5种。  相似文献   

掘步甲属Scalidion Schmidt-Gbel,1846 为步甲科壶步甲族(Carabidae, Lebiini) 中的1个小属,分布于中国、印度、缅甸和越南。通过观察巴黎自然博物馆和华南农业大学馆藏标本,本文对该属进行简要的分类研究,提供了分种(亚种)检索表、照片并附形态特征图。该属目前仅记录2种,即喜掘步甲S. hilare Schmidt-G?bel 和黄掘步甲S. xanthophanum (Bates),2种均在中国有分布,其中后者包括2个亚种。喜掘步甲为贵州新记录,黄掘步甲指名亚种为广东、贵州和越南新记录,黑色亚种S. xanthophanum nigrans (Bates)为贵州新记录。  相似文献   

绒蛛步甲属Apotomus Illiger已记录14种,其中一种分布于我国。本文记述产于海南省琼山市的一新种,模式标本保存在华南农业大学昆虫标本室。黑绒蛛步甲Apotomus atripennis Motchulsky,1858。分布 中国湖北;印度,锡金,孟加拉国及东南亚。琼绒蛛步甲,新种Apotomus qiongshanensis sp.nov.,雌虫:体长3.8mm,宽1.6mm。雄虫不说  相似文献   

彩步甲属Mastax Fischer von Waldheim在中国分布8种,分别为:布氏彩步甲M.brittoni Quentin,1952、台湾彩步甲M.formosana Dupuis,1912、盖氏彩步甲M.gestroi Bates,1892、宽斑侧步甲M.latefaciata Liebke,1931、饰彩步甲M.ornata Schmidt-Gobel,1846、杂彩步甲M.poecila Schaum,1863、美彩步甲M.pulchella Dejean,1831和大彩步甲M.thermarum(Steven,1806),其中饰彩步甲和大彩步甲为中国新纪录种.依据成虫形态特征编制了中国彩步甲属的分种检索表.  相似文献   

记述采自中国河南的叶蜂科叶蜂属2新种,半红顺角叶蜂Tenthredo semirufiterga sp.nov.和暗斑黄角叶蜂Tenthredo lushinella sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存于湖南长沙中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(2):183-189
Four new species are added to the philopotamid fauna of India. The newly described species under Chimarra Stephens are Chimarra barnardi sp. nov. and C. padami sp. nov. (both from Arunachal Pradesh), C. bidenta sp. nov. from Uttarakhand and C. quadrata sp. nov. from Sikkim. These species are distinguishable from each other as well as from previously known allied species by consistent variation in the structure of inferior appendages, tergite X and the phallic apparatus of males.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mountain midges (Diptera: Deuterophlebiidae) of the Palaearctic Region are revised to include eight species. Four new species are described: D. brachyrhina sp. nov., D.oporina sp. nov. and D. blepharis sp.nov. from the Himalayas (Assam and Sikkim), and D.bicarinata sp. nov. from southern Korea. A lectotype is designated for D.mirabilis Edwards, and a key to adult males of all Palaearctic species is provided.
Larval, pupal and adult characters were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of world species of Deuterophlebiidae. Based on features of the adult male, the Himalayan species D. brachyrhina and D. oporina are considered the most primitive deuterophlebiids. The Nearctic species D. inyoensis is proposed as the sister group of the remaining species. Relationships among the latter are based primarily on larval and pupal characters; however, lack of information about the immature stages of several Palaearctic species contributes to a poorly resolved phylogeny. Several alternative hypotheses are presented and discussed. All phylogenetic alternatives suggest that the Nearctic fauna originated from at least two invasions of North America.  相似文献   

记述中国巨须隐翅虫属 Oxporus Fablicius 6新种,其中,刘氏巨须隐翅虫 Oxyporus(Oxporus)liuae sp.nov.,狭巨须隐翅虫O.(O.)angustatrs sp.nov.,二郎山巨须隐翅虫O.(O.)erlangshanus sp nov.和黑腹巨须隐翅虫O.(O.)atratulus sp.nov.来自四川,双带巨须隐翅虫O.(O.)bifasciarius sp.nov.和黄腿巨须隐翅虫O.(O.).femoratus sp.nov.采至云南.编制了中国已知种检索表.  相似文献   

Abstract:Three new species which have previously been confused with Pannaria rubiginosa are described. The first, Pannaria complanata sp. nov., from southern India, has a possibly subtropical Afro-Asian distribution, the second, Pannaria emodii sp. nov., may be restricted to the eastern Himalayas from Bhutan to Sichuan (China), and the third, Pannaria ramulosa sp. nov. is known only from Java. The last two species are both related toPannaria asahinae P. M. Jørg. from Japan. A fourth new species from southern Taiwan, the isidiate Pannaria formosana, is closely related to Pannaria ramosa Vain., a little known species from the Philippines.  相似文献   

Twelve species of the genus Oswaldella Stechow have been studied, eight of which are new to science [Oswaldella delicata sp. nov., O. encarnae sp. nov., O. garciacarrascosai sp. nov., O. gracilis sp. nov., O. grandis sp. nov., O. incognita sp. nov., O. obscura sp. nov. and O. rigida sp. nov.], originating from the Weddell Sea and collected by several antarctic expeditions with R.V. Polarstem. Each is described and figured, its systematic position is considered and current data concerning its autecology and geographical distribution are given. Finally, a comparative table is presented including the principal features of all known species of the genus.  相似文献   

中国稀切叶蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目,蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记载中国稀切中蚁属Oligomsrmex Mayr18种,其中描述8新种。分别编制了兵蚁和工蚁的检索表。评论了该属中国种类的分类历史。18个已知种依是卷须稀切叶蚁O.capreolus Wheeler,高结稀切叶蚁O.altinodus sp.nov,弯刺稀切叶蚁O.curvispinus sp.nov,条纹稀切叶蚁O.striatus sp.nov,尖刺稀切叶蚁O.acutispinus sp.nov,惠勒稀切叶蚁O.wheeleri Ettershank,钝齿稀切叶蚁O.obtusi-dentus sp.nov,双角稀切叶蚁O.bihornatus sp.nov,多音稀切叶蚁O.polyphemus Wheeler,邵氏稀切叶蚁O.sauteri Forel,香港稀切叶蚁O.taiponicus Wheeler,直背稀切叶蚁O.rectidorsus sp.nov,湖南稀切叶蚁O.hunanensis Wu et Wang,纹头稀切叶蚁O.reticapitus sp.nov,拟亮稀切叶蚁O.pseudolusciosus Wu et Wang,光亮稀切叶蚁O.lusciosus Wheeler,江西稀切叶蚁O.jiangxiensis Wu et Wang,阿美稀切叶蚁O.amius Forel。  相似文献   

The genus Ommatius is firstly reported from Hainan Island. Three species, O. corolla sp. nov., O. huoae sp. nov., O. jianfenglingensis sp. nov., are described as new to science. A key to the species, illustrations of the adults and male genitalia are provided.  相似文献   

记载中国网蝽科1新记录属:海氏网蝽属Heissiella Péricart,1984(国外分布:印度,不丹;国内分布:海南),及1新种:华海氏网蝽Heissiella sinica sp.nov.。文中提供了新种成虫背面观照片、雌雄性生殖器特征图及该属种检索表。  相似文献   

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