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小麦Ms2基因易位后的染色体组定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ms2基因易位后育成的显性核不育六倍体小黑麦与硬粒小麦(包括二粒小麦)杂交,F1代群休中的不育株用原父本连续回交,每轮F1群体中的不育株与可育株之比都符合1:1。同时用黑麦为父本所做的杂交与回交,各F,群体中的不育株比例明显下降。说明易位后的Ms2基因到达A或B染色体组的某一条染色体上了。细胞学检查的结果也支持这一结论。  相似文献   

利用Beagle等4个不含D染色体组的完全六倍体小黑麦为父本,给一个混合群体内的不育株分 株系连续5次杂交(包括回交),从中选出了一个株系,其杂交(包括回交)一代始终分离出一半左右的不 育株,从而认为MS, (Tal)基因,’巳经由4D染色休上易位到其他染色体组的某一条染色体上去了。 新育成的显性雄性不育六倍体小黑麦雄性不育彻底且稳定,异交结实率高,无其他不良性状,可作为六 倍体小黑麦杂交育种(特别是轮回选择育种)的好工具来使用。  相似文献   

我国发现的小麦显性雄性不育单基因Tal即太谷核不育小麦,开花时颖壳开张角度大,雌蕊柱头外露,便于接受外来花粉,在麦类育种和遗传研究中有重要价值。我们采用具有AABB染色体组型的四倍体硬粒小麦做轮回父本,与太谷核不育小麦杂交并回交,在回交后代育性调查和染色体组成的检查中,已经把太谷核不育小麦的显性不育单基因Tal定位在D组的某一染色体上。本研究利用Tal基因染色体组定位的结果和得到的材料,进一步把Tal基因定位在4D染色体上。  相似文献   

刘秉华  邓景扬 《遗传》1984,6(6):10-12
目前,定位小麦雄性不育核基因还没有一 个十分成功的方法。定位一个核不育基因的困 难在于携带核不育基因的不育株只能做母本, 对它很难进行单体分析。为了定位我国发现的 太谷核不育小麦的显性雄性不育单基因Tal, 我们设计了一种端体分析方法。在对Tal基因 进行端体分析的同时,我们还进行了染色体组 定位的研究工作,以提高定位的准确性和减少 端体分析的工作量。本文是对太谷核不育小麦 显性不育基因Tal染色体组定位研究工作的 总结。  相似文献   

刘秉华 《遗传》1991,13(4):35-36
近些年来,我国先后在小麦、谷子、亚麻、油菜、水稻等作物上发现了显性核不育材料。在这些不育材料中,太谷核不育小麦的遗传研究比较深入,它的显性不育基因Ms2已经定位在4D染色体短臂上,但其它作物显性核不育  相似文献   

小麦显性雄性不育单基因Tal的染色体定位1)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘秉华  邓景扬  杨丽 《遗传》1986,8(2):13-14
我国发现的小麦显性雄性不育单基因Tal 即太谷核不育小麦,开花时颖壳开张角度大,雌 蕊柱头外露,便于接受外来花粉,在麦类育种和 遗传研究中有重要价值。我们采用具有AABB 染色体组型的四倍体硬粒小麦做轮回父本,与 太谷核不育小麦杂交并回交,在回交后代育性 调查和染色体组成的检查中,已经把太谷核不 育小麦的显性不育单基因Tal定位在D组的 某一染色体上Ell。本研究利用Tat基因染色 体组定位的结果和得到的材料,进一步把Tal 基因定位在4D染色体上。  相似文献   

利用染色体消除法获得太谷核不育小麦纯合体   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
太谷核不育小麦的育性受单个显性雄性不育基因(Ta1)控制,其不育株总是杂合(Ta1ta1)的,纯合不育株(Ta1Ta1)并不存在。实验以太谷核不育小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)为母本和玉米(ZeamaysL.)杂交,利用杂合子和幼胚细胞分裂过程中父本玉米染色体自发消除的特点,经过激素处理、幼胚拯救和染色体人工加倍,成功地获得了自然界不存在的纯合显性太谷核不育小麦新种质(Ta1Ta1),并利用“玻璃化”超低温保存方法,将这一宝贵新种质长期保存下来。  相似文献   

本文利用普通小麦品系“中国春”(对照)、中国春ph1b突变体分别与八倍体小黑麦、六倍体小黑麦杂交,杂种F1的减数分裂前期I染色体行为表现异常,中期I出现较多的单价体、棒状二价体和多价体,在后期和末期出现落后染色体、染色体片断和微核。原因是ph1b基因的存在造成染色体联会机制紊乱,致使一些部分同源染色体配对并发生互换,有可能在以后的世代产生染色体易位与基因重组。  相似文献   

以太谷核不育小麦为母本与5个四倍体小麦种——硬粒小麦、波斯小麦、波兰小麦、埃及小麦、东方小麦为父本,进行杂交和回交。杂种F_1育性分离比例是:不育株与可育株为1:1,染色体构型为14Ⅱ+7Ⅰ。不育株的回交后代是随着回交次数的增加,分离出的不育株数逐次减少,可育株数逐次增多,极显著偏离1:1;BC_3不育株绝大多数染色体构型为14 Ⅱ+1 Ⅰ,带有一个单价体,BC_3可育株染色体构型为14Ⅱ。杂种F_1的可育株,其回交后代全是可育株,没有分离出1株不育株。以太谷核不育小麦为母本与3个六倍体小麦种—印度矮生小麦、瓦维洛夫小麦、密穗小麦为父本,进行杂交和回交,其后代育性分离比始终为1:1。测定结果表明:太谷核不育小麦的显性不育基因是在D组染色体的某个染色体上。因而这个基因不能直接导入不含有D组染色体的小麦种中去,如硬粒小麦。  相似文献   

六倍体小黑麦是普通小麦品种遗传改良的重要基因资源,可以拓宽小麦的遗传基础。本研究以六倍体小黑麦为供体向普通小麦转移黑麦染色质,以探明六倍体小黑麦×六倍体小麦杂交、回交后代的染色体遗传特性,为小黑麦种质材料的后续研究和利用奠定基础。以六倍体小黑麦16引171为母本,六倍体小麦川麦62为父本配制杂交及回交组合,利用非变性荧光原位杂交技术(non-denaturing florescence in situ hybridization,ND-FISH)对F1、BC1F1和BC1F2植株进行细胞学跟踪鉴定。结果表明,杂种F1回交结实率为2.61%;BC1F1植株2R染色体传递频率最高;BC1F2植株中黑麦染色体在后代的传递率为6R>4R>2R,小麦背景中5B-7B相互易位染色体在BC1F2植株中表现出严重偏分离。在BC1F1和BC1F2植株中观察到24种结构变异染色体,包括染色体片段、等臂易位染色体、易位染色体以及双着丝粒染色体,且部分BC1F2植株的种子表现粒长和千粒重均优于六倍体小麦亲本川麦62。因此,在利用六倍体小黑麦作为桥梁向普通小麦导入黑麦遗传物质时,应尽量采取多次回交的...  相似文献   

利用蓝粒太谷核不育硬粒小麦89-2343[AABB 4D(MS2)/4E]与普通小麦7739-3(2n=42)杂交、回交所产生的蓝粒可育株与白粒矮败材料杂交、回交,育成了一份矮败蓝粒小麦.选用13份遗传背景不同的白粒普通小麦与之杂交、回交,育成了13份矮败蓝粒小麦.对后代的粒色和育性分离进行分析,蓝粒矮败不育株占22.1%,白粒非矮秆可育株占77.7%,表明蓝粒基因、Ms2和Rht10均位于附加染色体上,且连锁紧密;但不同轮回亲本,矮败蓝粒的传递率有差异,477A的传递率最高,接近50%.细胞学分析表明矮败蓝粒小麦仍为单体附加系;探讨了矮败蓝粒小麦在群体改良和杂种小麦生产中的应用.  相似文献   

以Ms2近等基因系处于减数分裂期的可育小穗cDNA作为驱动因子(driver),以同一时期的不育小穗cDNA作为测验因子(tester)进行缩减杂交(SSH),将扩增后的缩减杂交产物进行克隆,构建了一个包含882个重组克隆的SSH文库.分别以可育小穗和不育小穗的cDNA为探针与SSH文库克隆进行反式Northern杂交,结果显示接近90%的克隆在不育小穗中呈上调表达.对文库中21个克隆插入片段的序列相似性分析表明其中有18个与来源于穗部或减数分裂期的花药cDNA同源.13个克隆的编码产物与已知功能的蛋白质同源,其中5个参与碳代谢活动,4个参与胞内分子的运输,2个蛋白产物参与染色体的构成及染色体的结构变化,1个是生长素抑制蛋白,1个是转录因子.用中国春缺体四体材料对9个克隆进行了染色体定位,其中一个克隆定位于第四染色体同源群,与Ms2所在的染色体同属一个同源群.通过搜索水稻的同源BAC(bacterial artificialchromosome)和PAC(P1 artificial chromosome)克隆,推测另外11个克隆的染色体位置,其中4个克隆可能位于第四染色体同源群.用RNA点杂交对11个克隆进行表达谱分析,其中8个克隆在不育株的小穗和花药中呈上调表达.  相似文献   

小麦株高性状的QTL分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自20世纪60年代农林10号矮秆基因被用于小麦育种以来,矮化育种成为世界范围内势不可挡的趋势,矮秆基因研究被越来越多的育种专家重视,先后鉴定出20余个矮秆基因,并应用其中6,7个基因,培育了大批丰产潜力大的半矮秆品种,应用矮秆冬小麦吕系DN3338(♀)和F390(♂)杂交得到的F2:3群体,研究小麦株高的遗传基础,以控制株高的数量性状基因座进行定位,利用240个F2:3家系,构建了含215个微卫星标记,覆盖3600cM,由21个连锁群组成的遗传 连锁图谱,并对该群体进行了4个环境(2年:2000年和2001年,2点:北京和石家庄)3重复的田间种植;采用区间作图法,对该群体的株高性状进行了QTL分析。结果表明:7个影响株高的QTL分别位于染色体1B,4B(2个),6A(2个),6D和7A上,每个QTL能解释5.2%-50.1%的表型变异,每个环境条件下检测出的所有QTL能解释64.8%-75%,的表型变异,除了7A上的QTL外,其他6个降低株高的QTL均来自ND3338,其效应介于0.94cm-9.33cm之间,且其中的4个在所有的环境下都能被检测出来,具有较高的稳定性,在4BS的Xgwm113标记附近有一主效QTL,其在不同的环境下能降低株高7.91cm-9.33cm,解释27.8%-36.2%,的表型变异,有着同农林10号中Rht-Blb相近的效应;同时在4BS上还发现一个和地点互作的QTL,该QTL在石家庄的两年试验中均被检测到,且有较大的效应值(80cm和7.6cm),因此,认为大部分的QTL能在所有的环境中检测到,这些QTO可以被用于品种改良和分子标记辅助选择育种。  相似文献   

Summary Hexaploid triticales were crossed with common wheats, and the resultant froms were selected for either triticale (AD 213/5-80) or common wheat (lines 381/80, 391/80, 393/80). The cytogenetic analysis showed that all forms differ in their chromosome composition. Triticale AD 213/5-80 and wheat line 381/80 were stable forms with 2n = 6x = 42. Lines 391/80 and 393/80 were cytologically unstable. In triticale AD 213/5-80, a 2R (2D) chromosome substitution was found. Each of the three wheat lines had a chromosome formed by the translocation of the short arm of IR into the long arm of the IB chromosome. In line 381/80, this chromosome seems to be inherited from the Kavkaz wheat variety. In lines 391/80 and 393/80, this chromosome apparently formed de novo since the parent forms did not have it. The karyotype of line 381/80 was found to contain rye chromosomes 4R/7R, 5R and 7R/4R. About 15% of the cells in line 391/80 contained an isochromosome for the 5R short arm and also a chromosome which arose from the translocation of the long arms of the 5D and 5R chromosomes. About one-third of the cells in the common wheat line 393/80 contained the 5R chromosome. This chromosome was normal or rearranged. Practical applications of the C-banding technique in the breeding of triticale is discussed.  相似文献   

Alloplasmic wheat - Elymus ciliaris chromosome addition lines.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J Jiang  P Chen  B Friebe  W J Raupp  B S Gill 《Génome》1993,36(2):327-333
Alloplasmic euploid wheat with the cytoplasm of Elymus ciliaris (2n = 4x = 28, ScScYcYc) is male sterile and has reduced vigor. However, alloplasmic plants with E. ciliaris chromosomes 1Sc or 1Yc marked by gliadin genes Gli-Sc1 and Gli-Ycl, respectively, are vigorous and fertile. The Rf genes on 1Sc and 1Yc are named Rf-Sc1 and Rf-Yc1. Two chromosome translocations involving 1Yc were isolated. The first involved the short arm of 1Yc translocated to the short arm of wheat chromosome 3B. The second involved the short arm of 1Yc translocated to the short arm of a chromosome, designated L, of E. ciliaris. The second line also has another E. ciliaris chromosome designated A and lacks wheat chromosome 6A. This line is resistant to Puccinia recondita. The relationship between fertility restoration and nucleolar organizing regions is discussed. Key words : Triticum aestivum, Elymus ciliaris, chromosome addition, Rf genes, nucleolar organizing regions.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Triticum eastivum x T. timopheevii hybrid lines developed on the basis of five varieties of common wheat and resistant to leaf rust were analyzed by the use of microsatellite markers specific for hexaploid common wheat T. aestivum. Investigation of intervarietal polymorphism of the markers showed that the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 4, depending on the marker (2.5 on average). In T. timopheevii, amplification fragments are produced by 80, 55, and 30% of primers specific to the A, B, and D common wheat genomes, respectively. Microsatellite analysis revealed two major areas of introgression of the T. timopheevii genome: chromosomes of homoeological groups 2 and 5. Translocations were detected in the 2A and 2B chromosomes simultaneously in 11 lines of 24. The length of the translocated fragment in the 2B chromosome was virtually identical in all hybrid lines and did not depend on the parental wheat variety. In 15 lines developed on the basis of the Saratovskaya 29, Irtyshanka, and Tselinnaya 20, changes occurred in the telomeric region of the long arm of the 5A chromosome. Analysis with markers specific to the D genome suggested that introgressions of the T. timopheevii genome occurred in chromosomes of the D genome. However, the location of these markers on T. timopheevii chromosomes is unknown. Our data suggest that the genes for leaf-rust resistance transferred from T. timopheevii to T. aestivum are located chromosomes of homoeological group 2.  相似文献   

The effect of the 1RS chromosome arm from rye on plant regeneration from microspore-derived embryos was studied using anther culture technology with genotypes carrying the 1BL-1RS translocated chromosomes, the normal wheat chromosome 1BL-1BS, and ditelosomic lines DT 1BS and DT 1BL. A significant difference was observed in microspore-derived green plants between chromosome structure concerned with 1RS and 1BS arms. An analysis of the inheritance of the 1B-1R translocation was performed on the basis of the frequency of male gametes 1BL-1RS in the microspore-derived green plants and that of the 1B-1R translocation inherited through the pollen or the egg cell from structurally heterozygous hybrids 1BL-1BS/1BL-1RS. Both the normal 1B and the translocated 1BL-1RS chromosomes were sexually transmitted through the pollen grains with the same frequency. The 1BL-1RS chromosome is only transmitted through 45% of the egg cells. On the contrary, two-thirds of the microspore-derived green plants regenerated from the anther culture experiments possess the translocated chromosome. The involvement of the rye chromosome arm 1RS from 'Aurora' on regeneration capacity of the microspore-derived embryos has been proposed through the effect of a "gametophytic gene."  相似文献   

八倍体小黑麦×普通小麦杂种后代群体中的染色体易位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用改良的Giemsa C-带技术以单株为基础分析了八倍体小黑麦×普通小麦的杂种BC_1,F_(?)和F_(?)代植株的核型。在鉴定了C-带核型的1098株杂种后代植株中,发现了78条小麦-黑麦和277条黑麦-黑麦易位染色体。在不同的世代和株系中,小麦-黑麦染色体易位率变化在4.35—14.07%之间,平均7.10%;黑麦-黑麦染色体易位率在0.48—52.78%之间,平均25.23%。鉴定的小麦-黑麦易位染色体涉及了黑麦的14条不同的染色体臂和小麦的A、B和D组染色体。易位的48.57%发生在小麦和黑麦的部分同源染色体之间,51.43%发生在非部分同源染色体之间。不同的黑麦染色体臂参与易位的频率不同。小麦-黑麦染色体易位主要发生在杂种的早期世代,使用适当的选择技术在F_3获得了纯合的易位植株。文中讨论了快速选育易位系的技术和它们在小麦育种中的应用问题。  相似文献   

Genotyping was performed for the leaf rust-resistant line 73/00i (Triticum aestivum x Aegilops speltoides). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes Spelt1 and pSc119.2 in combination with microsatellite analysis were used to determine the locations and sizes of the Ae. speltoides genetic fragments integrated into the line genome. Translocations were identified in the long arms of chromosomes 5B and 6B and in the short arm of chromosome 1B. The Spelt1 and pSc119.2 molecular cytological markers made it possible to rapidly establish lines with single translocation in the long arms of chromosomes 5B and 6B. The line carrying the T5BS x 5BL-5SL translocation was highly resistant to leaf rust, and the lines carrying the T6BS x 6BL-6SL translocation displayed moderate resistance. The translocations differed in chromosomal location from known leaf resistance genes transferred into common wheat from Ae. speltoides. Hence, it was assumed that new genes were introduced into the common wheat genome from Ae. speltoides. The locus that determined high resistance to leaf rust and was transferred into the common wheat genome from the long arm of Ae. speltoides chromosome 5S by the T5BS x 5BL-5SL translocation was preliminarily designated as LrAsp5.  相似文献   

Summary Using in situ hybridization techniques, we have been able to identify the translocated chromosomes resulting from whole arm interchanges between homoeologous chromosomes of wheat and rye. This was possible because radioactive probes are available which recognize specific sites of highly repeated sequence DNA in either rye or wheat chromosomes. The translocated chromosomes analysed in detail were found in plants from a breeding programme designed to substitute chromosome 2R of rye into commercial wheat cultivars. The distribution of rye highly repeated DNA sequences showed modified chromosomes in which (a) most of the telomeric heterochromatin of the short arm and (b) all of the telomeric heterochromatin of the long arm, had disappeared. Subsequent analyses of these chromosomes assaying for wheat highly repeated DNA sequences showed that in type (a), the entire short arm of 2R had been replaced by the short arm of wheat chromosome 2B and in (b), the long arm of 2R had been replaced by the long arm of 2B. The use of these probes has also allowed us to show that rye heterochromatin has little effect on the pairing of the translocated wheat arm to its wheat homologue during meiosis. We have also characterized the chromosomes resulting from a 1B-1R translocation event.From these results, we suggest that the observed loss of telomeric heterochromatin from rye chromosomes in wheat is commonly due to wheat-rye chromosome translocations.  相似文献   

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