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Further investigations were carried out at Ain Hanech, Algeria in 1998 and 1999 to explore its potential for investigating early hominid behavioral patterns and adaptation. Research concentrated on the stratigraphy and dating, identifying new archaeological deposits, and excavating the Ain Hanech and El-Kherba localities. To enhance the chronological control within a biostratigraphic framework, the Ain Boucherit fossil-bearing stratum, yielding a Plio-Pleistocene fauna, is correlated with the regional stratigraphy. In the stratigraphic sequence, the Ain Boucherit stratum, located 13m below the Ain Hanech Oldowan occurrences, is found in Unit Q of the Ain Hanech Formation. Unit Q shows a paleomagnetically reversed polarity, which may be correlated with an age earlier than the Olduvai normal subchron (1.95-1.77Ma). Based on test trenches and stratigraphic analyses, additional Oldowan deposits A, B, and C are identified at Ain Hanech. All three deposits and the El-Kherba site contain Mode I technology artefacts associated with an Early Pleistocene fauna. El-Kherba is stratigraphically equivalent to Ain Hanech. These two archaeological sites are estimated to be dated to about 1.8Ma.  相似文献   

Analyzing lithic industries of Lower Pleistocene and beginning of Middle Pleistocene times allows to define three groups not clearly chronological but which reflect the cognitive evolution of prehistoric Men who knapped them and the constraints of the environment: - “Archaic Oldowan” industries in which raw flakes are dominant and no small tools retouched on flakes or debris are present; - “Classical Oldowan” industries in which raw flakes are dominant and small tools retouched on flakes and debris – especially scrapers – are present; - “Acheulean industries”, in which bifaces are present – generally in small proportions – and small retouched tools are increasingly standardized.  相似文献   

The Oldowan technology has traditionally been assumed to reflect technical simplicity and limited planning by Plio-Pleistocene hominids. The analysis of the Oldowan technology from a set of 1.6-1.4 Ma sites (ST Site Complex) in Peninj adds new information regarding the curated behavior of early hominids. The present work introduces new data to the few published monographic works on East African Oldowan technology. Its relevance lies in its conclusions, since the Peninj Oldowan assemblages show complex technological skills for Lower Pleistocene hominids, which are more complex than has been previously inferred for the Oldowan stone tool industry. Reduced variability of tool types and complex use of cores for flaking are some of the most remarkable features that identify the Oldowan assemblages from Peninj. Hominids during this period seem to have already been experimenting with pre-determination of the flaked products from cores, a feature presently assumed to appear later in time. Planning and template structuring of flaked products are integral parts of the Oldowan at Peninj.  相似文献   

The paper presents the preliminary results of five years’ multidisciplinary researches (2010–2014 years) of the new Lower Palaeolithic Bayraki site, situated in the vicinity of Dubossary town in Moldavia, on the high terrace (VII) of the Dniester River. In the Lower and Middle Pleistocene deposits are discovered six layers including lithic artefacts of Lower Palaeolithic character. Two layers (I and II) relate to deposits dated by the Brunhes period and four layers (III, IV, V and VI) are attributed to the Matuyama period. The highest number of artefacts (884 objects) is issue from the layer V (the Jaramillo period), whose lithic industry has an Oldowan character. In other layers are found few flint archaeological objects and sporadic fragments of indeterminable bones. In the layer III is found a fossil horse mandibular (Equus sussenbornensis). At present, this site presents the oldest Low Pleistocene across all East European Plain.  相似文献   

The site of Hummal is situated in the region of El Kowm in central Syria. The site comprises an archaeological sequence covering the entire Pleistocene epoch, and encompasses all major Palaeolithic complexes currently known in the Middle East. At the base of the site, 14 m below today's ground level, several layers with a lithic assemblage attributed to the Lower Palaeolithic have been excavated over the past years. At present, the collection recovered from this lowest succession at Hummal contains more than 700 stone artefacts and more than 3000 bone fragments. The lithic assemblage is characterized by a simple flaking technique and the presence of different pebble tools, such as choppers, hammerstones and sphaeroids. Additionally four handaxes were recovered, which have a symmetric shape, are clearly bifacial and rather flat. The lithic assemblage from the lowermost layers of the Hummal excavation largely resembles an Archaic, Lower Palaeolithic assemblage, belonging to the so-called Oldowan or Mode 1 stage. However, the presence of well-shaped and symmetric handaxes sheds doubt on the validity of this attribution to a Mode 1, Oldowan or the Early Acheulean Stage. It can, therefore, be debated, whether the common classifications of lithic industries are adequate for describing the archaeological record from the period in question in the Middle East.  相似文献   

New sites from the Lower Paleolithic of the Republic of Djibouti: Initial results from a recent survey of the Gobaad Basin, Central Afar. Previous research in the Republic of Djibouti resulted in two notable Paleolithic findings: the Oldowan elephant butchery site of Barogali, excavated by J. Chavaillon and A. Berthelet, and a Homo erectus/sapiens maxilla described by L. de Bonis et al. These discoveries were made in the 1980s, and no paleoanthropological surveys have been conducted in Djibouti in the following decades. In 2007, the Mission archéologique et paléontologique Afar Djibouti (MAPAD) carried out a new survey of the Gobaad Basin and discovered several new archaeological and paleontological sites attributed to the Lower Paleolithic. Three sites in particular contain rich concentrations of lithic artifacts on the surface that, based on field examination, can be attributed to the Oldowan. Of these, the site of Chekheyti Issie 3 (CKI-3) is the largest, comprising a surface of well over 100 m2 of abundant Oldowan lithics in spatial association with fossil hippopotamus remains. The presence of lithic refits, identified in an ad hoc fashion in the field, suggests that the site was minimally disturbed. Further excavation and analysis of CKI-3 should provide insight into carcass acquisition and processing by early hominids. More generally, the newly discovered sites in the Gobaad Basin will allow for the testing of a range of hypotheses regarding both local and regional variation in hominid technology, behavior, and subsistence strategies in the Lower Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The Oldowan Industrial Complex has long been thought to have been static, with limited internal variability, embracing techno-complexes essentially focused on small-to-medium flake production. The flakes were rarely modified by retouch to produce small tools, which do not show any standardized pattern. Usually, the manufacture of small standardized tools has been interpreted as a more complex behavior emerging with the Acheulean technology. Here we report on the ~1.7 Ma Oldowan assemblages from Garba IVE-F at Melka Kunture in the Ethiopian highland. This industry is structured by technical criteria shared by the other East African Oldowan assemblages. However, there is also evidence of a specific technical process never recorded before, i.e. the systematic production of standardized small pointed tools strictly linked to the obsidian exploitation. Standardization and raw material selection in the manufacture of small tools disappear at Melka Kunture during the Lower Pleistocene Acheulean. This proves that 1) the emergence of a certain degree of standardization in tool-kits does not reflect in itself a major step in cultural evolution; and that 2) the Oldowan knappers, when driven by functional needs and supported by a highly suitable raw material, were occasionally able to develop specific technical solutions. The small tool production at ~1.7 Ma, at a time when the Acheulean was already emerging elsewhere in East Africa, adds to the growing amount of evidence of Oldowan techno-economic variability and flexibility, further challenging the view that early stone knapping was static over hundreds of thousands of years.  相似文献   

The Early Stone Age sites of Gadeb (Ethiopian South-East Plateau) were excavated under the direction of Desmond Clark in the 1970s. Dated to between 1.45 and 0.7 Ma, Gadeb proved that humans had already occupied high altitude areas in the Lower Pleistocene. Despite the importance of the Gadeb sites, their lithic assemblages were never published in detail, and no review of the stone tools has ever been reported since the original 1970s study. This paper updates the information available on Gadeb by presenting a systematic review of the lithic technology of several assemblages. The objectives are to evaluate the technological skills of Gadeb knappers and to contextualize them into the current discussion of the origins of the Acheulean and its possible coexistence with the so-called Developed Oldowan in East Africa.  相似文献   

The Upper Pleistocene/Lower Holocene fossil-bearing sites of the Serra da Capivara National Park Region have yielded three cervid species: Mazama gouazoubira, M. americana and Blastocerus dichotomus, all currently living in South America, the two first in the region. A grand total of more than one hundred remains demonstrates the presence of Mazama gouazoubira in seven sites, mainly the Toca das Moendas, the Toca do Serrote do Artur, the Toca da Cima dos Pilão. This small species shows, since the Upper Pleistocene, a conspicuous tendency to reduce the average dimensions of its teeth and long bones. From the taller M. americana, only a dozen of remains were found in four sites, mainly the Sitio do Meio. In all of these it is sympatric with M. gouazoubira. It differs from this last one by its cheek teeth and its limb bones size and proportions. The oldest site where the species is known is Tarija (Bolivia, Middle Pleistocene) and it does not show any significant changes in size and proportions between recent and fossil samples. Sixteen remains of the large B. dichotomus were found in five sites, mainly the Toca das Moendas and the Toca da Barra do Antonião. The species is a rare fossil, but is frequently figured in the rock art painting of the region, where it is presently unknown.  相似文献   

The large mammals of Vallonnet cave, found into a level contemporary of Jaramillo event, are characteristics of the second half of the Lower Pleistocene. Some differences with the faunas of Fuente Nueva 3 and Barranco Leon, in Spain, which datation is the middle of the Lower Pleistocene, show that Vallonnet is younger. On the other hand, the differences are clear with Soleilhac faunas, which datation is the beginning of the middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Technological analysis of lithic artefacts recovered at the Aurora stratum of Atapuerca-TD6 shows that this Lower Pleistocene assemblage is similar to Mode I Technology (=Oldowan tradition) documented at many African sites. Diachronic comparison of the different levels of Gran Dolina allows us to conclude that this particular form of early European technology lacks the production of big flakes to manufacture large tools such as bifaces and cleavers. Rather, it is characterized by the presence of small artefacts, including flakes, denticulates, notches, and side-scrapers, many of which bear use-wear traces of butchery and woodworking. The dominant production technique is orthogonal, which is also reflected in the core recovered at the slightly older level of TD4. The raw materials also found in the Middle Pleistocene occupations at Atapuerca, though with significant proportion differences, have a local origin and include varieties of flint, quartzite and sandstone as well as limestone and quartz. TD6 small artefacts were made from most of these, although the retouched pieces seem to have been preferentially made of the best quality flint, i.e., Cretaceous flint, pointing to the existence of differential use of lithic material, and therefore, some degree of planned knapping behaviour. Most of the "cha?nes opératoires" or reduction sequences took place inside the cave, although some artefacts, elaborated on Cretaceous flint, seem to have been retouched off site, possibly near the supply sources.  相似文献   

In 2004–2006 a group of Lower Palaeolithic sites was discovered in the northeastern Caucasus: Ainikab I–VI, Gegalashur I–III and Muhkai I–II. Since then, they have been the subject of comprehensive scientific investigations. One site which is undergoing active research is the multilayered site of Muhkai II. Multiple cultural layers at the site have been found in a 73 m thick sequence of Early Pleistocene sediments. The geological age of the layers encompasses the interval 2.1–0.8 million years ago, or the majority of the Early Pleistocene. Layer 80 of Muhkai II is located in the central part of the section at a depth of −33.6 to −34.0 m. Its significance lies in the fact that the site contains two cultural layers–the upper and the lower (main)–that are preserved in situ or have been subject to minimal fluvial processes. The finds consist of lithic artefacts and osseous faunal remains. According to field observations and microstratigraphic analyses, the cultural layers can be characterised as the ancient surfaces of an occupation area. Two stages of occupation can be defined in the lower cultural layer. Layer 80 of Muhkai II was a periodically visited location at the banks of a waterbody, where the acquisition and butchery of large mammals took place. The faunal collection contains 301 bones, deriving from four carnivorous and six herbivorous species of mammals. The total lithic collection contains 1094 finds. According to typological and technological criteria the lithic assemblage relates to the Oldowan and has analogies with Oldowan sites in Africa (particularly with sites of the Olduvai Gorge as well as others). At the same time, some specifics of the lithic assemblage reflect the uniqueness of the site and its functional type. Layer 80 of the Muhkai II site is estimated to date to within the chronological interval ∼2.1–1.7 mya.  相似文献   

The lithic assemblage of the Early Pleistocene site of Bizat Ruhama, Israel demonstrates the earliest evidence for systematic secondary knapping of flakes. The site, dated to the Matuyama chron, is one of the earliest primary context Oldowan occurrences in Eurasia. According to the experimental replication of the stone-tool production sequence, the secondary knapping of flakes was a part of a multi-stage operational sequence targeted at the production of small (<2 cm) flakes. This sequence included four stages: acquisition of chert pebbles, production of flakes, deliberate selection of flakes of specific morphologies, and their secondary knapping by free-hand or bipolar methods. The results suggest that flakes with retouch-like scars that were produced during this sequence and which commonly are interpreted as shaped tools are unintentional waste products of the small flake production. The intentional manufacture of very small flakes at Bizat Ruhama was probably an economic response to the raw material constrains. Systematic secondary knapping of flakes has not yet been reported from other Early Pleistocene sites. Systematic secondary knapping for small flake production became increasingly important only in the lithic industries of the second half of the Middle Pleistocene, almost a million years later. The results from Bizat Ruhama indicate that Oldowan stone-tool production sequence was conceptually more complex than previously suggested and offer a new perspective on the capabilities for invention and the adaptive flexibility of the Oldowan hominins.  相似文献   

Martine Faure 《Geobios》1984,17(4):427-437
The new species Hippopotamus incognitus is recognized for the first time in the Middle and Upper Pleistocene of Western Europe. It was confused either with the Lower Middle Pleistocene H. major or the recent H. amphibius. H. incognitus is quite different from H. major with a lesser size, a lower skull, more slender limb bones and lenghtened metapodials. The size is bigger, the cheek teeth more bulky and the proportions of the limb bones different than in H. amphibius. These three species correspond to three distinct phylogenetical lineages originating in the same african tetraprotodont Pleistocene stock.  相似文献   

The Middle East (from the Mediterranean coast to Iran and from the Red Sea to the Black Sea) is located at the crossroads of African, Asian and European continents. It is a compulsory route well-trodden during the dispersal of the first humans out of Africa. Recent discoveries, mainly in Syria, Jordan and Israel, show that the first settlements in this area date back to over 2 million years (Ma). The location of the deposits containing archaic industries of the Oldowan type in the broad sense, often called “Core and Flake Industries”, indicates that several roads have been repeatedly used to connect Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula with the Euphrates and the Tiger basins. From south to north, if the coastal road and the tectonic depression of the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley and the Beqaa were privileged places of very old settlements, the desert roads through Jordan and Syria were also readily used even before 2 Ma. We can observe at least three successive stages of archaic industries. During the oldest one, from about 2.5 to 1.8 Ma, choppers, chopping-tools, cores and flakes are prevailing without traces of intentional retouching (Sites of Aïn Al Fil in Syria, of the Zarqa Valley in Jordan in particular). This period might be named Pre-Oldowan or Lower Oldowan. From approximately 1.8 to 1.3 Ma, a similar culture developed with the additional presence of regular polyhedrons and sometimes a rough bifacial shaping as well as the beginning of rare intentional retouching other than that of use-wear; we will call it Upper Oldowan (Lower G-Hummal in Syria, Bizat Ruhama and Lower Ubeidiya in Israel). Starting around 1.3 Ma, coarse bifaces begin to appear, always knapped with a stone hammer. This technology points to the transition towards Acheulean industries. The first bifaces appeared within a very Oldowan technological background (Hummal, Ubeidiya). However, in the Levant, sites often considered as “pre-Acheulean” because they lacked bifaces, though they belonged to more recent periods, younger than 1.3 Ma, have been termed “Tayacian” in order to underline their difference from Acheulean properly speaking. They seem contemporary with the first Acheulean phases and could correspond to a final Oldowan. The question remains, however, whether these are non-Acheulean cultures or “Acheuleans without bifaces”.  相似文献   

For a long time, the scientific community assumed that the Acheulean culture was expressed on the territory of the Armenian Plateau as well as in the neighboring regions of the Caucasus only by its late phase; therefore, it appeared in the second half of the Middle Pleistocene. In recent years, the Armenian-Russian mission has discovered and studied much older Acheulean industries sites, located in northern Armenia (the Lori intermountain Depression). These industries, represented by archaic type tools (large hand axes, picks, choppers, chisel-like tools, scrapers, points, etc.), are discovered in three deposits of origin of proluvial genesis. In the Karakhach site, this type of industry is deposited in the lower levels of volcanic tuff and below; the U/Pb study of this level of tuff proposes a series of dates, assigned to the time interval between 1.944 + 0.046 and 1.75 + 0.02 Ma. The paleomagnetic study demonstrated the inverse polarity on the tuff and the normal polarity of the underlying deposits; in correlation with other dating, this fact allows to attribute the Acheulean layers of the site of Karakhatch to the Lower Pleistocene, in particular to the Oldoway episode and to the Upper Matuyama time period. The estimated age and the techno-morphological characteristics of the tools indicate the Lower Acheulean period. The dating of the Muradovo site does not seem possible, however its very old industries and the archaeological layers, where they were discovered, find equivalents in the layered layer, surmounted by tuffs, of the Karakhatch site. The Kutran I site presented a paleosol sequence with similar Acheulean tools (hand axes, picks, choppers, etc.). Its oldest layer is older than 1.5 Ma, the upper layer is attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene; this fact means that it is possible to speak of the Lower Acheulean and of its transition to the Middle Acheulean period. The specific character and the age of the Lower Acheulean of Armenia admit that it could have formed independently of the Lower Acheulean of Africa, whose estimated age does not rise before 1.76 Ma. It should also be noted that on the neighboring territory of Georgia about the same time when appeared the Acheulean culture in Armenia, the Oldowan Dmanisi site already existed.  相似文献   

Wei Dong 《Geobios》2008,41(3):355
New remains of Leptobos (Smertiobos) crassus have been identified among the fossils excavated from a new early Pleistocene site at the Renzidong in Anhui Province, Eastern China. It is a Leptobos bearing frontal appendices with a simple curvature and its distal part turns higher than the other species of the subgenus. The present study shows that the first appearance of Leptobos in China is in the zone equivalent to the European MNQ 16b, later than its first appearance in Western Europe (MNQ 16a); and the genus Leptobos can serve as index fossil of the lower Pleistocene in China (2.5-0.78 Ma, Chinese definition).  相似文献   

Explorations and diggings of the Italian Institute of Human Palaeontology in Latium from 1950 to 2005, have brought out the following composite sequence: (1) for upper-middle Pleistocene of northern Latium: Travertine, gravels Acheulian-Mousterian transition, Riss. Homo (femur), Elephas antiquus, Hippopotamus, Bubalus murrensis, with upper Acheulian artefacts. (2) In middle Latium, middle Pleistocene: Volcanoclastic K-Ar 360 Ky. Below: Lower Acheulian complex and bone artefacts. Homo, Inuus, Elephas antiquus, Ursus deningeri, Dama clactoniana. Volcanic ash with Zelkowa, Buxus: caucasian flora. Hot pyroclastic flow about 15 m (50 feet) thick between 520 and 530 Ky. Limno-tuffite with Taxodiacea flora Lower-middle Pleistocene choppers artefacts below volcanic limit of 700 Ky. Southern Latium, lower Pleistocene: travertine reed Phragmites fragments. Ceprano hominid calvarium 800-900 Ky old. Gravel with chopper artefacts. Red sand with Unio shells. Lower palaeolithic gravelly sand, with very rough choppers artefacts, at Arce, Colle Marino, Colle Pece localities; at Castro dei Volsci chopper, assemblage is more evolved. Unconformity. Yellow sand layer with middle Villafranchian Anancus arvernensis and Mammuthus meridionalis fauna.  相似文献   

Melka Kunture is a cluster of Pleistocene sites, extending over ?100 km2 between 2000 and 2200 m asl, in the upper Awash Valley of Ethiopia. Starting around 2 million-years ago, the archaeological sequence includes sites with lithic productions of the Oldowan, Early Acheulean, middle Acheulean, final Acheulean, Early Middle Stone Age, Middle Stone Age and Late Stone Age. All over the Pleistocene, the climate was rainy and cooler than at the lower elevations of the Rift Valley, allowing the development of Afromontane vegetation. Hippopotamuses are ubiquitous and dominant in terms of biomass, but Alcelaphini are well represented, notably with genus Connochaetes and genus Damaliscus. Hominin fossils have been discovered in association with the Oldowan, the Early Acheulean, the middle Acheulean and the Early Middle Stone Age. Animal tracks and hominin footprints have also been documented, the latter ones in layers dated between 1.2 and 0.7 million-years.  相似文献   

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