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采用ISSR标记方法分析了62个朱顶红(Hippeastrum spp.)品种(包含60个引自荷兰的品种和2个苏州本地品种)的遗传多样性,并采用UPGMA法对62个朱顶红品种进行聚类分析.在此基础上,通过特异性条带的比较及筛选,采用黑白方格示意图法构建了供试品种的ISSR指纹图谱.扩增结果显示:用11条引物从62个朱顶红品种的基因组DNA中共扩增出118条带,其中多态性条带109条,多态性条带百分率达92.4%,有5条引物扩增条带的多态性条带百分率达100.0%.62个品种间的遗传相似系数变幅较大,为0.371 4~0.842 9,表明各品种间存在丰富的遗传变异和遗传多样性.聚类分析结果显示:在遗传相似系数0.63处62个品种被分为7组,多数形态相似的品种被聚在一起;其中形态相似的白色单瓣品种间遗传相似系数较高(约0.8),大多聚在一起,表明它们同源性较高;而2个苏州本地品种间遗传相似系数最高(0.842 9),表明它们可能具有同一来源.品种‘小红星’在引物UBC873扩增图谱的450 bp处有1条特异性条带,而品种‘精灵’在引物UBC835扩增图谱的3 000 bp处有1条特异缺失条带,这2条特异性条带可分别用于品种‘小红星’和‘精灵’的鉴定.基于引物UBC835和UBC873的ISSR扩增条带组合构建了供试的62个朱顶红品种的ISSR指纹图谱,采用这一指纹图谱可对供试的所有朱顶红品种进行鉴定.  相似文献   

利用RAPD标记技术,对8个沙梨(Pyrus pyrifolia)主栽品种进行RAPD分析。结果显示,从33个10碱基随机引物中筛选出了2个多态性高的引物S2075和S1296,扩增位点分别为11个和10个,以此为基础建立了8个品种的DNA指纹图谱;根据这2个引物中任何一个的扩增图谱均可以将这8个品种区分。研究结果为沙梨品种的区别与鉴定提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   

32个柿主栽品种SSR图谱构建及遗传变异分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以32份柿主栽品种为试验材料,利用SSR标记技术构建其指纹图谱并进行遗传多样性分析。从78对候选引物中筛选出20对多态性高、稳定性好的引物作为核心引物,构建柿主栽品种SSR指纹图谱。结果显示:(1)20对引物在32份材料中共扩增出183条多态性条带,每对引物扩增出3~20条不等,平均每对引物扩增出9.15条,多态性比率为81.3%。各个位点的杂合度在0.410 3~0.914 3之间,平均为0.702 7。(2)8对引物在12个品种上具有特征带型,采用5对引物进行组合鉴定即可将32个柿品种完全区分开。(3)依据SSR带型特征,对每对引物生成的不同带型直接编号,简化柿SSR带型记录方法,并利用每个品种的带型编号,建立其DNA指纹图谱,结果表明,核心引物组合法比特征谱带法更适用于构建中国柿主栽品种DNA指纹图谱。(4)根据系统聚类分析将32个柿主栽品种分为两大类,品种间的亲缘关系与地理来源具有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

地黄SCoT分子标记体系的建立和指纹图谱的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究采用L_(25)(5~6)正交设计和单因素两种方法,对影响地黄SCoT-PCR反应的5个因素(模板DNA浓度,引物浓度,ddH_2O和Mix的用量以及退火温度)进行了优化。结果表明:优化后的反应体系总体积为25μL,含有8μL ddH_2O,1μL模板DNA(80 ng·μL~(-1)),1μL引物(8μmol·L~(-1))和15μL Mix,退火温度为45℃。运用30份地黄种质材料,对优化的SCoT-PCR正交体系进行多次重复验证,获得了多态性丰富、条带清晰的扩增图谱,证明该反应体系稳定可靠。利用该体系对32条SCoT引物进行两次筛选,得到14个扩增产物清晰、重复性好且多态性条带相对较高的引物。利用SCoT_4等5条引物构建了上述地黄2个种共30份种质的SCoT指纹图谱。利用这5个SCoT引物指纹图谱可将7个地黄常用栽培品种区分开。这表明SCoT分子标记体系适用于地黄主要品种亲缘关系及遗传多样性的研究,所构建的指纹图谱也为地黄常见的7个栽培品种的区分提供参考依据。  相似文献   

中国鸭茅主栽品种DNA指纹图谱构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SSR标记和SCoT标记构建了我国主栽的21个鸭茅品种的DNA指纹图谱。从180对SSR引物和80个SCoT引物中,筛选出多态性高、谱带清晰的SSR引物和SCoT引物各24个。24对SSR引物在供试材料中共检测到186个条带,其中多态性条带为175个,品种特异条带6个,平均多态性比率94.03%,多态性信息量均值0.845,Shannon指数变幅0.4479~0.6549,基因多样性指数变幅0.2946~0.4633,可鉴别的品种数2~21个;利用24个SCoT引物在供试材料中共检测到321个条带,其中多态性条带为249个,品种特异条带6个,平均多态性比率76.33%,多态性信息量均值0.907,Shannon指数变幅0.2588~0.6329,基因多样性指数变幅0.1695~0.4451,可鉴别的品种数1~21个;5对SSR引物和5个SCoT引物在10个品种上具有唯一特征谱带,最终综合各项指标筛选出5个引物(A01E14、A01K14、B03E14、D02K13和SCoT23)上的37个条带用于鸭茅品种DNA指纹图谱构建,数据库中每个品种均具有唯一DNA指纹编码,构建的DNA指纹数据可用于鸭茅品种真伪鉴定,为品种权保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

19个枇杷杂交新品种(系)的SSR鉴定和指纹图谱构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究枇杷(Eriobotryajaponica)杂交品种真实性和DNA指纹图谱,对新育成的19个枇杷杂交品种(系)进行SSR标记鉴定分析。结果表明,从已发表的89对SSR引物中筛选出扩增条带清晰稳定的多态性引物19对,在24份枇杷材料中共扩增到83条带,每对引物平均扩增4.37条,PIC值为0.234~0.983,平均为0.764。经12对具有父本特征带多态性引物鉴定, 19个杂交新品种(系)全部为真杂种,真杂种率为100%。UPGMA聚类分析表明,19个杂交新品种(系)的遗传相似系数为0.728~0.969,与杂交亲本‘新白2号’和‘贵妃’聚为同一个大类,并可细分为4个亚类,红肉与白肉的枇杷品种(系)间无明显划分。同时利用8对多态性SSR引物组合,构建了19个枇杷杂交新品种(系)的分子指纹图谱。这为枇杷品种鉴定、新品种权保护和杂交育种提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

用ISSR分子标记鉴别东北地区黑木耳生产菌株的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
利用ISSR分子标记对东北地区黑木耳生产菌株进行了分子鉴别,结果表明在选用的20个UBC-ISSR引物中,有10个引物能对供试的27个黑木耳菌株基因组DNA进行扩增,获得的指纹图谱清晰稳定、多态性强。用NTSYS软件进行聚类分析,相似水平在0.75时,可将27个供试黑木耳菌株分为3个组群。研究结果说明ISSR分子标记,可以有效地用于黑木耳生产菌株快速准确鉴别,是黑木耳指纹图谱分析的理想手段。  相似文献   

基于ISSR标记的烤烟种质遗传多样性研究   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
杨本超  肖炳光  陈学军  石春海 《遗传》2005,27(5):753-758
利用ISSR标记分析了24份代表性烤烟种质的遗传多样性。从100个ISSR引物中筛选出10个引物,通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳可以检测到208条稳定的条带,片段大小介于200~2 400 bp之间,条带数在7~37条之间;扩增片段中多态性带141条,平均多态性比率(PPB)为67.79%。 通过UPGMA聚类分析,24个烤烟品种分为5类,最大一类有12个材料,主要衍生于Coker319。品种间遗传相似指数(GS)范围为0.66~0.85,表明其遗传多样性较低,需要拓宽烤烟种质的遗传基础。同时,利用2个多态性好的ISSR引物可以将这24份烤烟材料区分开,每个品种都有各自独特的指纹图谱,表明ISSR标记适于烟草品种鉴定和遗传多样性研究。  相似文献   

利用ISSR分子标记对东北地区黑木耳生产菌株进行了分子鉴别,结果表明在选用的20个UBC-ISSR引物中,有10个引物能对供试的27个黑木耳菌株基因组DNA进行扩增,获得的指纹图谱清晰稳定、多态性强。用NTSYS软件进行聚类分析,相似水平在0.75时,可将27个供试黑木耳菌株分为3个组群。研究结果说明ISSR分子标记,可以有效地用于黑木耳生产菌株快速准确鉴别,是黑木耳指纹图谱分析的理想手段。  相似文献   

用ISSR分子标记鉴别东北地区黑木耳生产菌株的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ISSR分子标记对东北地区黑木耳生产菌株进行了分子鉴别,结果表明在选用的20个UBC-ISSR引物中,有10个引物能对供试的27个黑木耳菌株基因组DNA进行扩增,获得的指纹图谱清晰稳定、多态性强。用NTSYS软件进行聚类分析,相似水平在0.75时,可将27个供试黑木耳菌株分为3个组群。研究结果说明ISSR分子标记,可以有效地用于黑木耳生产菌株快速准确鉴别,是黑木耳指纹图谱分析的理想手段。  相似文献   

桂热杧系列品种(系)的亲缘关系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从100条ISSR引物中选取12条多态性好的引物,对广西亚热带作物所选育的16个杧果(Mangifera indica L.)品种(系)及其可能亲本共22个样品的亲缘关系进行了分析。结果表明:这12条引物共扩增出127条DNA谱带,其中多态性条带为85条,条带多态百分率为66.93%。聚类分析显示,所有供试品种(系)之间的亲缘关系都比较近,相似系数在0.81以上;如果以相似系数0.82为标准,可将供试的22个品种(系)分为3大类。利用ISSR技术能较好地区分桂热杧系列品种(系)的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Two molecular marker systems, SCoT and ISSR were used for identification and genetic comparison analysis of 23 mango germplasm accessions collected within Guangxi province of China. Using 18 selected SCoT primers 158 bands were generated, of which 104 (65.82%) were polymorphic. Eighteen selected ISSR primers amplified 156 bands with 87 (55.77%) being polymorphic. The cultivars of Xiang Ya Mango type and their progeny have high genetic similarity with each other. The 23 cultivars were clustered into two major groups based on the SCoT analysis and three major groups based on the ISSR analysis with UPGMA. These clusters are in accordance with their known origins and main phenotypic characteristics. Our results indicated that the SCoT analysis better represents the actual relationships than ISSR analysis, although both analyses give similar results. The results also demonstrate that the SCoT marker system is useful for identification and genetic diversity analysis of mango cultivars.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of 19 advanced cultivars and landraces of brinjal was carried out using RAPD and ISSR markers. Twenty-nine RAPD primers generated a total of 240 amplified fragments, while 23 anchored and non-anchored ISSR primers produced 299 fragments. Of these, 66 (27.5%) RAPD and 56 (18.73%) ISSR fragments were polymorphic. All the cultivars could be distinguished based on RAPD and/or ISSR profiles. A set of two RAPD primers, OPW 11 and OPX 07, was adequate to distinguish all the 19 cultivars. On the other hand, a minimum of ten ISSR primers were required to achieve the same result. Eleven cultivars could be identified by the unique presence or absence of one to four markers. The correlation between primer Rp and the number of cultivars distinguished by RAPD was r = 0.873, while that for ISSR it was r = 0.327. The correlation between PIC of primer and the number of cultivars distinguished was r = 0.324 for RAPD, while for ISSR primers it was r = ? 0.066. The probability of chance identity between two cultivars for RAPD and ISSR markers was calculated as 8.94×10?4 and 2.25×10?2, respectively. The average Jaccard’s similarity coefficient between cultivars based on combined RAPD and ISSR data was estimated to be 0.919. The UPGMA analysis grouped the cultivars into three main clusters with significant bootstrap support. While the cultivars bred at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi formed one sub-cluster; others did not show a prominent region-based clustering.  相似文献   

Eighteen ginger cultivars from Northwest Himalayan region, showing significant differences in rhizome size, texture and pungency, were selected and characterized both by chemical and genetic analyses. The genetic analysis was undertaken utilizing molecular markers (ISSR and SSR) while chemical characterization was done through HPLC of four chemical markers (gingerol homologues and shogaol). The data revealed moderate to high diversity in the collection, clustering them broadly into two groups. Both ISSR and SSR techniques were efficient in distinguishing all the 18 ginger cultivars, however, SSR markers were observed to be better in displaying average polymorphism (77.8%) than ISSR (66.7%). Based on statistical analysis, one ISSR and two SSR primers could be identified which effectively distinguished closely related ginger cultivars. Chemical profiling and subsequent multivariate analysis distinguished five lines which were distinct from rest of the collection. The study has contributed in understanding the genetic and chemical diversity of the region, characterization of lines for commercial exploitation and ginger gene pool conservation.  相似文献   

 Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers generated by 22 primers were tested for their ability to distinguish among samples from 94 trees of 68 citrus cultivars. Within each of the six cultivar groups studied, most of these cultivars are so closely related that they are difficult to distinguish by other molecular-marker techniques. ISSR markers involve PCR amplification of DNA using a single primer composed of a microsatellite sequence anchored at the 3′ or 5′ end by 2–4 arbitrary, often degenerate, nucleotides. The amplification products were separated on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels and detected by silver staining. ISSR banding profiles were very repeatable on duplicate samples. Different citrus species had very different fingerprint patterns. Within Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck and C. paradisi Macf., in which all cultivars have originated by the selection of mutants, ISSR markers distinguished 14 of 33 sweet orange and 1 of 7 grapefruit cultivars. Five of six lemon cultivars were discriminated by ISSR markers. Many differences were found among mandarin cultivars; however, all five satsuma cultivars analyzed had identical ISSR fingerprints. Four of five citrange cultivars were distinguishable, but ‘Troyer’ and ‘Carrizo’ had identical ISSR fingerprints. ‘Kuharske Carrizo’ citrange, which has better citrus nematode resistance than other ‘Carrizo’ citrange accessions, had unique ISSR fingerprints. Three ISSR markers that differentiated certain sweet orange cultivars were hybridized to Southern blots of sweet orange DNA digested with different restriction endonucleases. The sweet orange cultivars tested could be distinguished by these ISSR-derived RFLP markers. Moreover, one ISSR marker unique to ‘Ruby’ blood orange was observed in its progeny trees. Received: 9 September 1996 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

牡丹品种鉴定用ISSR引物的筛选与开发   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用于牡丹品种鉴定的DNAISSR-PCR反应体系已经建立。利用DNAISSR分子标记分析少量牡丹品种时,容易获得各品种的特有ISSR标记。然而,中国牡丹品种约有1500个,在小批量品种范围内找到的品种特有ISSR标记有可能出现在其它品种中。因此,利用DNAISSR分子标记对数量庞大的中国牡丹品种进行区分和鉴定时,寻找品种特有标记成为突出的技术难题。标记是由引物通过PCR扩增产生的。因此,关键在于找到理想的ISSR引物。对已知的ISSR引物的筛选未获得良好的PCR扩增结果。报道牡丹鉴定用ISSR引物的设计与开发新途径。  相似文献   

Molecular variability among seven cultivars of A. deliciosa var. deliciosa was investigated through RAPD markers. Thirty four decamer primers were screened generating polymorphic patterns of amplified DNA for these cultivars. Twenty one selected primers gave clear and reporducible patterns. A total of 430 bands were produced and 29.37% of them were polymorphic. The patterns distinguished between the cultivars and their analysis established an approach to classification within A. deliciosa var. deliciosa based on RAPD markers. The dendrogram clearly differentiated male from female cultivars. While abbot and allison female cultivars were closely related, bruno and abbot female cultivars showed maximum dissimilarity.  相似文献   

B Bornet  F Goraguer  G Joly  M Branchard 《Génome》2002,45(3):481-484
In this study, the use of inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) to assess genetic diversity between cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) is reported. ISSR technology rapidly reveals high polymorphic fingerprints and thus determines the genetic diversity among potato cultivars. Nine primers were selected according to the number of amplified markers and the level of polymorphism detected. Three primers (GAG(CAA)5, CTG(AG)8, and (AG)8) were used to cluster the 28 potato accessions and 77 polymorphic markers were sufficient to identify all of the accessions. Among the 15 simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs tested, the most abundant were CAA and AG. Argentinian- and European-grown potatoes were easily distinguished, with a higher level of genetic diversity among potatoes from Argentina. An ISSR study using a limited number of cultivars and very few primers clearly differentiated between all cultivars, thus ISSR was revealed to be a good tool for the genetic identification of potato and for future germplasm-management programs.  相似文献   

Spring orchid (Cymbidium goeringii) is a popular flowering plant species. There have been few molecular studies of the genetic diversity and conservation genetics on this species. An assessment of the level of genetic diversity in cultivated spring orchid would facilitate development of the future germplasm conservation for cultivar improvement. In the present study, DNA markers of intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) were identified and the ISSR fingerprinting technique was used to evaluate genetic diversity in C. goeringii cultivars. Twenty-five ISSR primers were selected to produce a total of 224 ISSR loci for evaluation of the genetic diversity. A wide genetic variation was found in the 50 tested cultivars with Nei’s gene diversity (H = 0.2241) and 93.75% of polymorphic loci. Fifty cultivars were unequivocally distinguished based on ISSR fingerprinting. Cultivar-specific ISSR markers were identified in seven of 50 tested cultivars. Unweighted pair-group mean analysis (UPGMA) and principal coordinates analysis (PCA) grouped them into two clusters: one composed the cultivars mainly from Japan, and the other contained three major subclusters mainly from China. Two Chinese subclusters were generally consistent with horticultural classification, and the third Chinese subcluster contained cultivars from various horticultural groups. Our results suggest that the ISSR technique provides a powerful tool for cultivar identification and establishment of genetic relationships of cultivars in C. goeringii.  相似文献   

利用RAPD和ISSR分子标记分析怀地黄种质遗传多样性   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
用RAPD与ISSR技术对怀地黄的8个品种和2个脱毒品系进行了种质遗传多样性分析。分别从80条RAPD引物和44条ISSR引物中筛选出适合怀地黄种质分析的17条RAPD引物和10条ISSR引物,用于RAPD和ISSR分析。17条RAPD引物共扩增出177条带, 多态性位点数为109; 多态性位点比率为61.58%;平均多样性指数(I)为0.3135;每个位点的有效等位基因数(Ne)是1.3641; 10条ISSR引物共扩增出110条带. 多态性位点数为79; 多态性位点比率为71.58%;平均多样性指数(I)为0.3577;每个位点的有效等位基因数(Ne)是1.4037。 基于扩增条带数据库建立了各自的Jaccard遗传相关系数矩阵,构建了相似的分子树状图,将10个供试材料分为2类:一类群含组培85.5、大田85.5、组培9302、大田9302、金状元和金白6个材料;另一类群含北京1号、大红袍、地黄9104和野生地黄4个材料。两种分子标记的分析结果呈极显著正相关(r=0.649)。结果表明,RAPD与ISSR标记适合于怀地黄种质遗传多样性分析,ISSR标记技术是一种多态性和重复性优于RAPD技术的实用技术。  相似文献   

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