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鹅掌楸属植物的多糖壁前体和花粉管的生长   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文观察描述了中国鹅掌楸(Liriodendronchinense)和北美鹅掌楸(L.tulipifera)花粉在异已柱头萌发和花粉管生长期间多糖壁前体的发生、形态结构和生理功能.1、多糖壁前体在形态上有P-粒子(Polysaccharideparticles),被膜小泡(coatedvesicle)和小泡(vesicle)三种。2、P-粒子于单核花粉期已经发生,至花粉管延伸期为发生高峰。多糖壁前体是在高尔基体,内质网和线粒体的相继、连续作用下,由淀粉质体、蛋白体和脂滴降解形成.3、P-粒子的形态随不同发育时期而变化,早期为成群的电子透明小泡,或为蛋白质束缚的挤压成多面体形,后期为内含颗粒或微纤丝的无被膜粒子或具刺被膜粒子。4、P-粒子移至管端.或融合或单个通过周质内质网(CER),释放内容物参与管端壁的形成,被膜小池和小泡移至花粉管次顶端区向质膜外分泌,参与花粉管壁内层的形成,或移至管端,提供膜片。最后讨论了亲和性与超微结构特征的关系.  相似文献   

对10属种十字花科植物与油菜萝卜胞质不育系杂交时花粉在柱头上粘全、萌发、花粉管伸长等情况进行了观察。结果表明:(1)海甘蓝花粉粒粘合较难;(2)48h内无瓣焊菜(Rorippa dubia)、毛果诸葛菜(Orychophragnus violaceus)、桂竹香(Cheiranthus cheiri)、海甘蓝(C花粉管的伸长受阻 于分萌发启动之明,花粉壁内形成胼胝质塞;播蒿、紫罗兰、莘菜花粉管伸长  相似文献   

采用非固定、DMSO渗透和异硫氰酸标记的鬼笔环肽(FITC—Ph)染色方法,观察水稻花粉离体萌发过程中花粉管内肌动蛋白微丝的形态和分布。结果表明:(1)水稻花粉水合2min后即可萌发,花粉管生长速度在600~1500μm/h之间。(2)水合而未萌发的花粉粒中,大量较短的梭形微丝束构成微丝网络结构,萌发过程中花粉粒内的梭形微丝束松解,部分微丝转移至萌发的花粉管内沿花粉管纵轴呈束状结构;随着花粉管的伸长,微丝束主要分布在花粉管中前端,但在花粉管顶端区域始终未见明显的微丝束。(3)水合后不能正常萌发的花粉粒内肌动蛋白微丝呈弥散不规则分布,在相同萌发时间生长迟缓的花粉管中,微丝束较少,且主要位于花粉管近萌发孔的部位。表明微丝骨架的形态和分布影响水稻花粉管的萌发和生长。  相似文献   

兰科植物的有性生殖特殊,每朵花只有1个花药,且花粉有聚集成块发育的特征。为了揭示铁皮石斛花粉块的发育特征,该研究以野生铁皮石斛不同时期的花药为材料,采用半薄切片和植物组织化学方法对其发育过程进行解剖学观察分析,并对成熟花粉块进行离体培养,观察花粉管的萌发状况。结果表明:(1)铁皮石斛花药壁由1层表皮细胞,2层药室内壁细胞,1层中层细胞和1层绒毡层细胞组成。开花时,绒毡层细胞退化,中层细胞没有退化,药室内壁细胞则形成纤维状细胞壁;药室中的小孢子母细胞没有明显的胼胝质壁结构。(2)小孢子发生属同时型,减数分裂后四分体小孢子不分散,以四合花粉状态发育,并进一步连接形成花粉块。(3)在小孢子发育中,孢粉素覆盖在整个花粉块表面形成花粉外壁,但花粉块内部的花粉没有花粉外壁结构;在花粉块表面的花粉外壁上未见花粉萌发孔。(4)在花粉离体萌发实验中,具有花粉外壁的花粉块表面花粉未见萌发,仅由花粉块内部的花粉萌发出花粉管。  相似文献   

兰州百合(Lilium davidiiDach.)花粉在PEG-400 中萌发,用高度灵敏和特异的t-ZR-IgG和iPA-IgG 免疫亲和层析分离纯化萌发花粉和萌发液中细胞分裂素,并用酶检疫连锁鉴定法(ELISA)测定N6-异戊烯腺嘌呤核苷(t-ZR)和异戊烯基腺苷(iPA)含量。结果表明每克鲜重花粉含有39 ng t-ZR和48 ng iPA。花粉水合后t-ZR 含量略有下降,而iPA 含量明显增高,细胞分裂素总量几乎不变。水合过程中有细胞分裂素的消长,这种变化与花粉管的启动有关。在萌发的前3 小时,花粉管生长速度最快,t-ZR和iPA 在花粉管和萌发液中的含量也随着增加,其增长趋势和花粉管生长速度同步  相似文献   

用TRITC-鬼笔碱荧光显微探针入共焦激光扫描镜,观察了不同萌发阶段的姜花花粉和花粉管内肌动蛋白微丝的结构和分布格局的变化,花粉水合后在花粉内的微丝呈不规则网络状。但在靠近萌发孔周围,由於网络微丝向萌发孔汇集而延伸拉长,因此在萌发孔前缘出现荧光特别明亮区,显示微丝在此外开始密集。花粉水合后10-30分钟,大多数花粉管从萌发孔伸出,此时,在花粉管顶形成一个长约10-20μm的顶端区域微丝网络;在花粉  相似文献   

氮离子注入对棉花花粉形态和生活力及育性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了氮离子注入棉花花粉对其形态,生活力和育性的影响。结果表明:氮离子束对花粉壁有明显的刻蚀作用,并能促进花粉粒间的融合。离子注入导致花粉管生长受抑制;过氧化物酶同工酶活性增强,酶带数目增加;萌发率、花粉管穿过花柱到达胚珠率、结籽率和成铃率均较对照显著降低。离子注入剂量与花粉损伤程度的大小呈正相关。经20×10 ̄(15)N ̄+/cm ̄2剂量处理的花粉,其萌发率降为对照的52.3%;花粉管长度仅为对照的17.1%;而且未获得成熟的种子。文中建议棉花花粉离子束诱变的剂量范围以5×10 ̄(15)N ̄+/cm ̄2-10×10 ̄(15)N ̄+/cm ̄2为宜,并且讨论了离子注入技术在植物外源基因导入和细胞融合等方面的应用。  相似文献   

利用透射电子显微镜技术,对自交亲和植物拟南芥授粉前后花粉和乳突细胞的超微结构进行了观察。发现花粉和柱头乳突细胞一些未经报道的超微结构特征,可能与拟南芥花粉和乳突细胞的识别及花粉管生长相关:(1)成熟花粉中,电子透明的、体积较大的小液泡(直径200~1000nm)呈均匀分布。部分小液泡内含有多层膜状结构物质,推测可能是膜的一种储存形式,与花粉萌发时大量出现的小囊泡有关。(2)花粉萌发时,小液泡由均匀分布变为不均匀分布。(3)授粉前后的乳突细胞顶端和侧端的内壁上有明显的壁内突结构,粘附的花粉开始萌发时的乳突细胞壁内突处可观察到直径50~100nm的小泡存在,表明拟南芥乳突细胞具有一定的分泌功能。  相似文献   

对10属种十字花科植物与油菜萝卜胞质不育系杂交时花粉在柱头上粘合、萌发、花粉管伸长等情况进行观察。结果表明:(1)海甘蓝花粉粒粘合较难;(2)48 h内无瓣焊菜〖WTBX〗(Rorippa dubia)〖WTBX〗、毛果诸葛菜(Orychophragmus violaceus)、桂竹香(Cheiranthus cheiri)、海甘蓝(Crambe abyssinica)花粉管的伸长受阻于花粉萌发启动之时,花粉壁内形成胼胝质塞;播娘蒿、紫罗兰、荠菜花粉管伸长但未进入乳突细胞;芝麻菜花粉管进入乳突细胞而未进入柱头,‘浠水白’(Brassica campestris)、蓝花子有花粉管进入柱头及花柱而未进入胚囊。  相似文献   

钙调素对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛脑和玉米胚CaM能显著促进花粉萌发和花粉管生长(图1),而CaM抑制剂TFP、CPZ及另外两个专一性更强的抑制剂Compound48/80和W7均严重抑制甚至阻止花粉的萌发(图2,3)。用对CaM亲和性较低的W7同系物W5,在与W7同样浓度下,对花粉萌发和花粉管生长无明显影响。此外,W7对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的抑制效应可被外源CaM所消除(图4)。在花粉萌发过程中,其内源CaM含量显著上升,在花粉萌发率接近最大值时,花粉CaM含量达最高水平(图5)。上述结果表明CaM对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的调控起重要作用。  相似文献   

刘林 《植物学通报》2002,19(5):588-594
研究了西瓜花粉壁超微结构以及单核花粉液泡化时期ATP酶活性超微细胞化学定位。花粉壁的外壁分为外层和内层 ,外层包括覆盖层、基粒棒和基足层等三层 ,内层只包含一层。外层电子密度相对较小 ,内层电子密度相对较大 ;外层与内层之间有缝隙。ATP酶活性反应产物主要分布在细胞质基质、质体、内质网和花粉内壁中  相似文献   

刘林 《植物学报》2002,19(5):588-594
研究了西瓜花粉壁超微结构以及单核花粉液泡化时期ATP酶活性超微细胞化学定位。花粉壁的外壁分为外层和内层,外层包括覆盖层、基粒棒和基足层等三层,内层只包含一层。外层电子密度相对较小,内层电子密度相对较大;外层与内层之间有缝隙。ATP酶活性反应产物主要分布在细胞质基质、质体、内质网和花粉内壁中。  相似文献   

Applying an immunocytochemical method, a localization of the protein Cry j I in the Cryptomeria japonica pollen, which is the major allergen responsible for Japanese cedar pollinosis, is investigated with the monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies produced from the protein. The protein that reacts to the polyclonal antibody localizes on the sexine, nexine, between nexine and intine layers, orbicles, cell wall of a generative cell, Golgi body and Golgi vesicles. The allergenic protein contained in the exine and orbicles of Japanese cedar pollen can diffuse or dissolve easily from there into the mucus covering of the eye and nose, causing a response in less than 1 min after exposure. Since the orbicles have a diameter of about 430 nm, they can pass easily through the pores of most protective masks to reach the sensitive tissues of the patient. The proteins react to the monoclonal antibodies (J1BO1 and J1BO7) and localize on the Golgi body, sexine, nexine and orbicles (but not between the nexine and intine layers), and on the generative cell wall. In the young pollen grain, numerous allergenic protein particles contained in the orbicles and sexine layer, but there is only a small amount of the protein between the nexine and intine layers, since the intine layer is not yet complete at this stage. More will be accumulated there during developmental maturation. The allergenic protein is also found on the tapetal materials remaining in the young anther. Since the materials forming the exine layer and orbicles come from tapetal tissue, it is assumed that some of the allergenic protein is produced in the tapetum and localized in the orbicles and pollen wall during maturation, and that the rest of the allergenic protein is produced in the Golgi body in the mature pollen grain.  相似文献   

Summary The wall ofPinus sylvestris pollen and pollen tubes was studied by electron microscopy after both rapid-freeze fixation and freeze-substitution (RF-FS) and chemical fixation. Fluorescent probes and antibodies (JIM7 and JIM5) were used to study the distribution of esterified pectin, acidic pectin and callose. The wall texture was studied on shadow-casted whole mounts of pollen tubes after extraction of the wall matrix. The results were compared to current data of angiosperms. TheP. sylvestris pollen wall consists of a sculptured and a nonsculptured exine. The intine consists of a striated outer layer, that stretches partly over the pollen tube wall at the germination side, and a striated inner layer, which is continuous with the pollen tube wall and is likely to be partly deposited after germination. Variable amounts of callose are present in the entire intine. No esterified pectin is detected in the intine and acidic pectin is present in the outer intine layer only. The wall of the antheridial cell contains callose, but no pectin is detectable. The wall between antheridial and tube cell contains numerous plasmodesmata and is bordered by coated pits, indicating intensive communication with the tube cell. Callose and esterified pectin are present in the tip and the younger parts of the pollen tubes, but both ultimately disappear from the tube. Sometimes traces in the form of bands remain present. No acidic pectin is detected in either tip or tube. The wall of the pollen tube tip has a homogenous appearance, but gradually attains a fibrillar character at aging, perhaps because of the disappearance of callose and pectin. No secondary wall formation or callose lining can be seen wilh the electron microscope. The densily of the cellulose microfibrils (CMF) is much lower in the tip than in the tube. Both show CMF in all but axial and nontransverse orientations. In conclusion,P. sylvestris and angiosperm pollen tubes share the presence of esterified pectin in the tip, the oblique orientations of the CMF, and the gradual differentiation of the pollen tube wall, indicating a possible relation to tip growth. The presence of acidic pectin and the deposition of a secondary-wall or callose layer in angiosperms but not inP. sylvestris indicales that these characteristics are not related to tip growth, but probably represent adaptations to the fast and intrastylar growth of angiosperms.Abbreviations CMF cellulose microfibrils - II inner intine - NE nonsculptured exine - OI outer intine - RF-FS rapid-freeze fixation freeze-substitution - SE sculptured exine - SER smooth endoplasmic reliculum - SV secretory vesicles  相似文献   

Cupressus arizonica pollen wall zonation and in vitro hydration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of Cupressus arizonica pollen at different degrees of hydration was examined by using cytochemical staining and light (LM) and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy. Most pollen grains are inaperturate and a minority are provided with an operculate pore enveloped by a concave annulus. Intine consists of: 1) a thin polysaccharidic outer layer, 2) a large polysaccharidic middle layer that is spongy and bordered by a mesh of large and branched fibrils, and 3) an inner cellulosic thick layer with callose concentrated on the inner side, which forms a shell around the protoplast. The protoplast is egg-shaped with PAS positive cytoplasm and prominent nucleus. Exine splits during hydration and is cast off according to three major steps: 1) the split opens like a mouth and the underlying intine is expelled by swelling like a balloon, 2) the protoplast enveloped by the inner intine is sucked in the outgrowing side, and 3) the backside of the intine gets rid of the exine shell. In water containing salts, exine is rapidly released and the middle intine may expand up to break the outer layer, with disgregation of the spongy material and release of the intine shell including the protoplast. In water lacking salts, the sporoderm hydration and breaking are negatively influenced by the population effect. Pollen when air dried after the exine release become completely flat owing to disappearance of the middle intine layer which may be restored by dipping pollen in water. The results are discussed in relation to the functional potentialities of the sporoderm.  相似文献   

云南松花粉形态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Fr.)小孢子发生发育过程中,花粉母细胞、四分孢子及花粉粒均见有粘连现象。花粉气囊的形态、大小变化复杂多样。除一般具两个正常气囊的花粉粒外,还观察到气囊不发育、具一个气囊、二个异形气囊、三个气囊和四个气囊的花粉粒。成熟花粉壁从外至内可分为外壁外层、外壁内层、内壁外层和内壁内层,它们的构成成分及形态均有明显差别。贮存后花粉的内壁结构发生了明显变化。  相似文献   

The development of the microsporangium and male gametophyte of three species of Podocarpus was studied with light microscopy (LM) and the morphology of pollen with scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). During early stages, the male cone is covered with coriaceous scales. The archesporid cells go through a dormant period. Later the pollen mother cells differentiate and undergo meiosis. Callose is detected around the tetrad and between each monad. The microspore nucleus divides several times to give rise to a multicellular gametophyte, which includes the tube cell, the stalk and body cells, and four prothallial cells. The exine of the pollen grain is rugulate in the corpus and quite smooth in the sacci. The ultrastructure of the pollen wall consists of the alveolate sexine, the laminate nexine I and the amorphous nexine II. The intine is very thin. Comparison of the mature grain of some fossils with living members of the Podocarpaceae reveals great similarity.  相似文献   

The apertural inner layer (intine) of Euphorbia L. pollen grains has a characteristic but original structure that has paired thickenings, one on either side of the colpus. To determine the nature and role of this intine layer, pollen grains of Euphorbia peplus L. were germinated in vivo and in vitro. The germination process involves wall changes that facilitate formation of the pollen tube and its subsequent growth. In the thickenings of the intine of E. peplus, the unesterified pectin epitopes are more densely localised in the inner part of the middle intine. No such epitopes are located in the intine portion adjacent to the plasma membrane (cellulosic endintine). Unesterified pectin epitopes are also localised in the outer part of the intine but are restricted to the centre of the aperture, around and in the pore. The de-esterification of pectins is very advanced at the time of dehiscence and pollen germination. The stratification of the aperture intine may take the following pathway at the time of germination: the thin outer zone of the intine in the pore region becomes disorganised and undergoes dissolution with liberation of unesterified and esterified pectins; the middle intine thickenings undergo an important elastic modification, but without liberation of unesterified pectins; the cellulosic inner intine is the progenitor of the pollen tube wall. This special intine of E. peplus is an adaptation to the hydration process preceding germination, increasing intine and pollen grain wall elasticity.  相似文献   

对含笑花药发育中的超微结构变化进行观察,结果显示:(1)花粉发育中有三次液泡变化过程——第一次是小孢子母细胞在形成时内部出现了液泡,这可能与胼胝质壁的形成有关;第二次是在小孢子母细胞减数分裂之前,细胞内壁纤维素降解区域形成液泡,它的功能可能是消化原有的纤维素细胞壁;第三次是在小孢子液泡化时期,形成的大液泡将细胞核挤到边缘,产生极性。(2)含笑花粉在小孢子早期形成花粉外壁外层,花粉外壁内层在小孢子晚期形成,而花粉内壁是在二胞花粉早期形成;花粉成熟时,表面上沉积了绒毡层细胞的降解物而形成了花粉覆盖物。研究认为,含笑花粉原外壁的形成可能与母细胞胼胝质壁有关,而由绒毡层细胞提供的孢粉素物质按一定结构建成了花粉覆盖物。  相似文献   

迷果芹(\%Sphallerocarpus gracilis)和红三叶   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对迷果芹(Sphallerocarpusgracilis(Bess.)K-Pol.)和红三叶(TrifoliumpratenseL.)进行了染色体计数及核型分析.迷果芹的染色体数目为2n=20,核型公式为K(2n)=2x=20=14m+4sm+2st(SAT);核型类型为2A,为较对称核型,该种植物的染色体数目及核型均为首次报道.红三叶的染色体数目有2n=14、16、28、32等类型,本研究首次报道了2n=14的核型公式为K(2n)=2x=14=2M+12m,核型类型为1B,为较原始的对称核型.  相似文献   

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