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根田鼠对不同类型栖息地的利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究根田鼠(Microtus oeconomus)对不同类型栖息地的利用强度,于2002-2003年的7-9月在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站地区采用样方法测定了4种类型栖息地(人工耕作地、真草甸、沼泽化草甸、金露梅灌丛)中的3个根田鼠活动强度变量(跑道长度、跑道分叉数、洞口数)。除了跑道长度和跑道分叉数在真草甸和沼泽化草甸问差异不显著外,3活动强度变量在不同类型栖息地间均差异显著,而且变化趋势一致;根田鼠对4类栖息地的利用强度从大到小依次为金露梅灌丛、沼泽化草甸、真草甸、人工耕作地。整体上根田鼠表现为偏好利用食物资源丰富、没有竞争性啮齿类栖息、较为郁闭的栖息地。  相似文献   

2006年10-11月和2007年10-11月,在京杭运河邵伯-高邮段的西侧堤坝上,采用样方法测定了狗獾3个不同类型栖息地的特征变量和利用强度,结果表明:狗獾主要生活在郁闭度较高的森林中,对泡桐、泡桐-杨树次生林的利用强度显著的高于杨树人工林(P<0.05);多元线性逐步回归分析表明:洞口数主要受灌木密度、大树密度、草本植物盖度、土壤含水率和人为干扰强度的影响(P=0.002),而粪堆数主要受灌木密度、大树密度和人为干扰强度的影响(P=0.012)。整体来看,影响狗獾栖息地选择的因素主要是郁闭度、人为干扰水平有关的因子。  相似文献   

局部实验增温对根田鼠栖息地内斑块利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨局部实验增温所形成的斑块效应对根田鼠栖息地利用的可能影响,通过建立开顶式增温小室模拟全球变暖,采用标志重捕法分别调查了不同放牧强度样地上4种处理内根田鼠的捕获频次。这4种处理分别为实验增温组、剪草模拟放牧组、实验增温兼剪草模拟放牧组以及对照组。研究结果表明:⑴不同的放牧强度对根田鼠的捕获频次没有显著影响;在重度放牧样地上,不论是暖季还是冷季,4种处理内根田鼠的捕获频次间的差异均达到显著水平;在轻度放牧样地上,暖季,4种处理内根田鼠的捕获频次间没有显著差异,而在冷季,这种差异则可达到显著水平(P<0 05)。⑵增温小室的建立所形成的隐蔽效应对根田鼠的栖息地选择并没有显著影响,剪草处理对根田鼠的栖息地选择也没有影响,在暖季,局部实验增温对根田鼠的栖息地选择并无影响;在冷季,实验增温组与对照组间的差异显著(P<0 05),而实验增温兼剪草模拟放牧组与剪草模拟放牧组间无明显差异。结果表明,在暖季,局部实验增温对根田鼠的栖息地选择不存在明显影响,而在冷季,这种影响在实验增温组与对照组间达到显著水平,而实验增温兼剪草模拟放牧组与剪草模拟放牧组间则不明显。  相似文献   

2011-2013年夏季,在阿尔金山国家级自然保护区高山草甸和高山荒漠区,累计调查样方261个,其中白尾松田鼠穴居地洞群利用样方40个。利用主成分分析法、Vanderloeg和Scavia选择指数分析白尾松田鼠穴居栖息地选择的影响因子。结果表明,穴居地和对照样方在植物种类、植被高度、植被盖度和土壤硬度等方面差异极显著(P0.01)。主成分分析表明,影响白尾松田鼠穴居地利用的主要因子为隐蔽级、植物高度、植物种类和土壤硬度。白尾松田鼠喜欢选择少于4种植物、高度小于8 cm、土质较软(3-4 kg/cm2)、隐蔽级在8 cm以下的栖息地。白尾松田鼠更偏爱植物种类较少,植被高度更低,隐蔽级更低,土壤更软的栖息地。  相似文献   

1980—1982年在青海省海北高寒金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)灌丛地区,用标志重捕法(CMR)对自然栖息地中的根田鼠(Microtus oeconomus)进行了野外调查。本文主要分析了根田鼠种群数量变动特点和繁殖、存活及年龄结构与种群动态的关系,并试图探讨根田鼠种群的稳定机制。  相似文献   

动物的免疫功能是影响动物适合度的重要因素之一。本文以根田鼠(Microtus oeconomus)为研究对象,在野外围栏条件下,通过球虫感染和混合驱虫药处理,测定根田鼠的植物血凝素反应(Phytohemagglutinin,PHA)、血清抗匙孔血蓝蛋白(Keyhole limpet haemoeyanin,KLH)的IgG 水平和血象参数,探讨寄生物感染对免疫功能的影响。结果表明,根田鼠随球虫感染率和感染强度的增加,对PHA的反应峰值降低、血清抗KLH的IgG水平、白细胞总数、淋巴细胞的百分比及血浆蛋白含量明显下降、嗜碱性粒细胞的百分比增加,嗜酸性粒细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和单核细胞的百分比未检出显著变化。由此说明,球虫感染降低了根田鼠的细胞免疫和体液免疫功能。  相似文献   

寄生物是调节小哺乳动物种群波动的因子之一。许多生物和非生物因子可影响寄生物的感染。本研究以根田鼠为对象,在野外围栏条件下测定了根田鼠肠道寄生物种类及其感染率,并分析了根田鼠建群者数量、性别、年龄及时间对寄生物感染率的影响。结果表明,根田鼠肠道寄生物有球虫、线虫和绦虫,球虫是主要寄生物, Eimeria wenrichi 为球虫中的优势种;其感染率随根田鼠建群者数量增加而增加,且随时间而显著变化。在根田鼠幼体中,高密度处理组E. wenrichi 的感染率显著高于低密度处理组,而根田鼠幼体的E. ochrogasteri 感染率显著高于成体。本研究未发现根田鼠性别间的球虫感染率差异。上述结果说明,在根田鼠种群中,球虫感染率有时间变化,且受宿主密度的制约,高密度种群引起的生前应激与当前密度制约性感染可能对球虫感染率具有耦合效应。  相似文献   

在自然生态系统中,不同营养级物种可通过特征介导间接效应对生态系统的稳定及种群产生深刻的影响。但目前有关特征介导间接效应的实验研究多见于无脊椎动物、鱼类和两爬类。本研究以根田鼠为对象,在野外围栏内建立预防捕食者和未预防捕食者两种实验处理种群,并通过采用麦克马斯特法测定两种处理种群实验个体肠道寄生物感染种类及感染率和感染强度,采用PHA(phytohemagglutinin)反应和白细胞分类计数测定不同处理种群实验个体免疫能力,以分析捕食风险对根田鼠肠道寄生物的感染效应。结果表明,未预防捕食者处理组根田鼠PHA反应、白细胞计数和淋巴细胞计数较预防捕食者处理组实验个体显著降低,而球虫 E. wenrichi 的感染率和感染强度则显著增加,但绦虫和线虫以及其他3种球虫的感染率和感染强度无显著差异。结果表明,捕食者可通过介导猎物免疫力特征而间接影响猎物肠道寄生物的感染,验证了本项提出的捕食风险可通过降低根田鼠的免疫能力而增加其肠道寄生物感染的假设。  相似文献   

琵琶柴根系分叉数与连接长度权衡关系的坡向差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权衡关系是生活史对策理论的基础,根系分叉数和连接长度的权衡关系对理解植物在不同生境下的表型可塑性有重要意义。利用Arc GIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型(DEM),采用全根系挖掘法,研究了祁连山北坡荒漠草原不同坡向琵琶柴(Reaumuria soongorica)根系分叉数和连接长度间的关系。结果表明:随着坡向由南坡转向西坡、东坡、北坡,草地群落密度、盖度、高度和土壤含水量呈逐渐增加的趋势,琵琶柴种群的高度、根冠比以及根系连接长度呈逐渐减小趋势,比根长和分叉数逐渐增加;不同坡向琵琶柴根系分叉数和连接长度的相关性存在差异,在南坡和北坡琵琶柴根系分叉数和连接长度之间存在极显著的负相关关系(P0.01),在东坡和西坡二者之间存在显著的负相关关系(P0.05);琵琶柴根系分配给根系分叉数和连接长度的资源间存在着"此消彼长"的权衡关系。不同坡向琵琶柴根系合理权衡连接长度和分叉数的资源配置模式,反映了异质生境中资源多重竞争下琵琶柴生物量分配机制和提高种群适应性的策略。  相似文献   

高寒退化草地星毛委陵菜根系分叉数和连接长度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根系分叉数和连接长度影响着植物根系的空间分布和资源获取,二者的权衡关系有助于深层次的理解植物根系构型的生态适应性。在祁连山北坡高寒退化草地,设置未退化(T_1)、轻度退化(T_2)、中度退化(T_3)和重度退化(T_4)4个退化梯度样地,采用全根挖掘和Win-RHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法,研究了星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)根系分叉数和连接长度之间的关系。结果表明:随着天然草地退化程度的加剧,草地群落的密度、高度、盖度、地上生物量和土壤含水量逐渐减小,土壤紧实度不断增大,星毛委陵菜种群的密度、高度、盖度、地上和地下生物量、根冠比和根系连接长度逐渐增大,分叉数呈相反的变化趋势;不同退化草地星毛委陵菜根系分叉数与连接长度之间的相关性存在差异(P0.05),在未退化(T_1)和重度退化(T_4)草地星毛委陵菜根系分叉数和连接长度之间存在极显著的负相关关系(P0.01),在轻度退化(T_2)和中度退化(T_3)草地二者之间存在显著的负相关关系(P0.05)。随着天然草地的退化,星毛委陵菜选择减小根系分叉数和增大根系连接长度的构型构建模式,反映了植物不同功能性状间生物量分配的权衡机制。  相似文献   

Facultative shifts in nesting habitat selection in response to perceived predation risk may allow animals to increase the survival probability of sessile offspring. Previous studies on this behavioral strategy have primarily focused on single attributes, such as the distance moved or changes in nesting substrate. However, nest site choice often encompasses multiple habitat elements at both the nest site and nest patch scales. We studied the within-season re-nesting strategy of a multi-brooded songbird, the Brewer’s sparrow (Spizella breweri), to determine whether pairs utilized a “win-stay, lose-switch” decision rule with respect to inter-nest distance, nest substrate and/or nest patch characteristics in response to previous nest fate. Pairs moved sequential nest sites slightly farther following nest predation versus success. When inter-nest distance was controlled, however, pairs changed nest patch attributes (shrub height, potential nest shrub density) associated with probability of nest predation to a greater extent following nest predation than success. The strategy appeared to be adaptive; daily nest survival probability for previously depredated pairs increased with greater Euclidian habitat distances between attempts, whereas previously successful pairs were more likely to fledge second attempts when nest sites were similar to those of previous attempts. Our results suggest that nesting birds can use prior information and within-season plasticity in response to nest predation to increase re-nesting success, which may be a critical behavioral strategy within complex nest predator environments. Re-nesting site selection strategies also appeared to integrate multiple habitat components and inter-nest distances. The consideration of such proximate, facultative responses to predation risk may clarify often unexplained variation in habitat preferences and requirements.  相似文献   

This study aimed to reveal changes in spatial behaviour of common voles (Microtus arvalis) after alteration of their habitat by farming practices. Radio-collared common voles were tracked before and after mulching, mowing, harvesting wheat, and ploughing in the flood plain of the river Unstrut in central Germany. Voles undisturbed by agricultural practices were tracked on a mulchland, an abandoned pasture, and a cattle pasture. There was a large decrease in home-range size after harvesting wheat (96%, P<0.001). Changes after mowing (–74%, P=0.06) were almost significant whereas changes after mulching were not (+14%, P=0.60). On the cattle pasture we found a decrease in home-range size (42%, P=0.03) possibly due to increased spatial activity of cattle in autumn. There was a positive correlation of home-range size and vegetation height for plots with and without farming activity but no correlation with vegetation cover, population density, and breeding. Radio-collared common voles did not show evasive movements and farming practices did not cause a shift of centres of activity. Common voles clearly reacted to sudden changes in vegetation height, which may indicate an immediate response to predation risk. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Although competition and predation are considered to be among the most important biotic processes influencing the distribution and abundance of species in space and time, the relative and interactive roles of these processes in communities comprised of cyclically fluctuating populations of small mammals are not well known. We examined these processes in and among populations of field voles, sibling voles, bank voles and common shrews in western Finland, using spatially replicated trapping data collected four times a year during two vole cycles (1987–1990 and 1997–1999). Populations of the four species exhibited relatively strong interspecific temporal synchrony in their multiannual fluctuations. During peak phases, we observed slight deviations from close temporal synchrony: field vole densities peaked at least two months earlier than those of either sibling voles or bank voles, while densities of common shrews peaked even earlier. The growth rates of all four coexisting small mammal species were best explained by their own current densities. The growth rate of bank vole populations was negatively related to increasing densities of field voles in the increase phase of the vole cycle. Apart from this, no negative effects of interspecific density, direct or delayed, were observed among the vole species. The growth rates of common shrew populations were negatively related to increasing total rodent (including water voles and harvest mice) densities in the peak phase of the vole cycle. Sibling voles appeared not to be competitively superior to field voles on a population level, as neither of these Microtus voles increased disproportionately in abundance as total rodent density increased. We suggest that interspecific competition among the vole species may occur, but only briefly, during the autumn of peak years, when the total available amount of rodent habitat becomes markedly reduced following agricultural practices. Our results nonetheless indicate that interspecific competition is not a strong determinant of the structure of communities comprised of species exhibiting cyclic dynamics. We suggest that external factors, namely predation and shortage of food, limit densities of vole populations below levels where interspecific competition occurs. Common shrews, however, appear to suffer from asymmetric space competition with rodents at peak densities of voles; this may be viewed as a synchronizing effect.  相似文献   

Complex interactions such as interference competition and predation, including intraguild predation, are now recognized as important components in animal community structure. At the lower end of a guild, weasels may be highly affected by other guild members due to small body size in relation to other predators. In 2000 and 2001, we radio-collared 24 ermines Mustela erminea and 25 long-tailed weasels M. frenata in 2 areas that differed in abundance of guild members. We tested the hypothesis that when faced with an increased density of other guild members, weasels would modify space and habitat use to reduce the risk of predation associated with encounters involving guild members. We predicted that weasels would increase use of specific habitats (such as refuges) to reduce encounter rates in the presence of a greater number of guild members. Because M. erminea is smaller than M. frenata and thus better able to take advantage of small rodent burrows as refuges from predators and as feeding grounds, we also predicted that M. frenata would show a stronger response to a higher abundance of guild members than M. erminea . Results were consistent with our predictions. Faced with an increased abundance of guild members, M. frenata showed increased habitat selectivity and reduced activity levels, which resulted in increased daily travel distances and increased home ranges. Mustela erminea responded to an increased abundance of guild members through reduced use of preferred habitat which M. frenata already occupied. The contrasting pattern of habitat selection observed between the 2 mustelid species suggested cascading effects, whereby large-predator pressure on M. frenata relaxed pressure of M. frenata on M. erminea . Our results draw attention to the likelihood that competitive intraguild interactions play a facilitating role in M. erminea – M. frenata coexistence.  相似文献   

This study examined predator faunas of artificial ground and shrub nests and whether nest predation risk was influenced by nest site, proximity to forest edge, and habitat structure in 38 grassland plots in south-central Sweden. There was a clear separation of predator faunas between shrub and ground nests as identified from marks in plasticine eggs. Corvids accounted for almost all predation on shrub nests whereas mammals mainly depredated ground nests. Nest predation risk was significantly greater for shrub than for ground nests at all distances (i.e. 0, 15 and 30 m) from the forest edge. However, nest predation risk was not significantly related to distance to forest edge, but significantly increased with decreasing distance to the nearest tree. Different corvid species robbed nests at different distances from the forest edge, with jays robbing nests closest to edges. We conclude that the relationship between the predation risk of grassland bird nests and distance to the forest edge mainly depends on the relative importance of different nest predator species and on the structure of the forest edge zone. A review of published articles on artificial shrub and ground nest predation in the temperate zone corroborated the results of our own study, namely that shrub nests experienced higher rates of depredation in open habitats close to the forest edge and that avian predators predominantly robbed shrub nests. Furthermore, the review results showed that predation rates on nests in general are highest <50 m inside the forest and lower in open as well as forest interior habitats (≥50 m from the edge). Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 30 July 1998  相似文献   

近年来,干旱、鼠害及人为对草原的过度开发利用等对达赉湖地区赤狐的数量及分布范围造成了很大影响。借助于主成分分析、Bailey’s判别分析、遥感和地理信息系统对达赉湖自然保护区赤狐的生境选择及生境的景观特征进行了研究。在赤狐家域内采用样线法和样方法,共设置10 m×10 m样方245个(实验样方101个,对照样方144个),并测定样方内的7个生境因子:植被类型、隐蔽级、食物丰富度、雪深、距水源距离、距围栏距离、距居民点距离。对样方内数据进行主成分分析得出,食物和隐蔽性是赤狐生境选择的主要因子,距居民点距离和距围栏距离是赤狐生境选择的次要因子,雪深和距水源距离是赤狐在生境选择中未表现出选择和利用的因子。利用Bailey’s方法和基于赤狐的生境分布图的景观统计得出:赤狐偏好选择柳灌丛和芦苇塘两种生境,这两种生境的总面积约为1093.47 km2,占研究区总面积的14.05%;赤狐随机利用河道、典型草原和草甸草原3种生境类型,这3种生境的总面积约为4721.79 km2,占研究区总面积的60.67%。;回避的生境为冰面和沙化草地,总面积约为1968.09 km2,占研究区总面积的25.29%。基于地理信息系统和Fragstats的景观特征分析得出,赤狐最适宜生境的面积最少,斑块数量最多,平均斑块面积最小,平均形状指数最小,平均斑块距离最大;其次是较适宜生境和不适宜生境;一般适宜生境的面积最多,斑块数量最少,平均斑块面积和平均形状指数最大,平均斑块距离最小。赤狐多分布于斑块较大的适宜其生存的生境或分布于由这些斑块形成的生境斑块镶嵌体中。  相似文献   

1. We studied the relative role of local habitat variables and landscape pattern on vole–plant interactions in a system with grey-sided voles ( Clethrionomys rufocanus (Sund.)) and their favourite winter food plant, bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.). The study was conducted during a vole peak year (1992–93) in a tundra area in northern Norway.
2. Using Mantel statistics we were able to separate the direct effects of the spatial patterning of habitats and the indirect effects due to spatial aggregations of similar habitats.
3. Results indicate that knowledge about the explicit spatial patterning of patches does not improve our understanding of the system. Instead, two local factors, vegetation height and bilberry biomass, explained more than 50% of the variation in cutting intensity in winter (defined as the proportion of above-ground shoots cut). Increasing vegetation height increased, and increasing bilberry biomass decreased, the cutting intensity.
4. The conclusion that grey-sided voles are able to distribute themselves relative to habitat quality was also partially supported by our estimated over-winter persistence by voles in the various habitats. Vole persistence was uncorrelated with vegetation height, the important predictor of autumn vole density, but tended to correlate with the deviation from the relation between vegetation height and autumn vole density. This conforms to the expectations from the theory of ideal-free habitat distribution.
5. The cue for vole habitat choice, i.e. vegetation height, indicates that either predation or freezing risk is important for voles when selecting over-wintering habitat.  相似文献   

Summary In northern Fennoscandia, microtine rodent populations fluctuate cyclically. The environment of an individual vole can be considered to be predictable when the risks of predation and intra- and interspecific competition change with the cycle, such that both are high during the population highs of voles. The risk of predation is also high during the vole crash. After the crash, the vole population is characterized by low intra- and interspecific competition and low predation pressure. The main predators affecting voles during the crash are the small mustelids, least weasel and stoat. The density of these specialist predators declines drastically during the winter after the vole crash. We studied experimentally the impact of the perceived presence of stoats on the breeding and mating behaviour of voles. In a series of breeding experiments with bank voles,Clethrionomys glareolus, both old and young females suppressed breeding when exposed to the odour of stoats,Mustela erminea. The weights of females decreased in both experimental and control groups, but more among the voles under odour exposition. It seems that females actively avoided copulations under high predation risk and that breeding suppression is mediated by a change in female mating behaviour. There was no change in male behaviour or physical condition between the experimental and control treatments. An alternative mechanism for the observed breeding suppression could be the one caused by decreased feeding in females mediated with low energy intake which does not allow breeding. Regardless of its mechanism, delay of breeding should increase the probability of non-breeding females to survive to the next breeding season. The females surviving the crash should gain a strong selective advantage in a predator-free environment of the subsequent breeding season, which could explain the adaptive function of this antipredatory strategy.  相似文献   

Nest predation is a primary cause of nesting mortality for many bird species, particularly passerines. Nest location can affect predation, and it has also been demonstrated that predation risk can alter nest site selection. Birds can limit predation risk by selecting specific habitat characteristics; by changing nest site characteristics between attempts; and by dispersing between nesting events. Here we report breeding data from a population of Orange-breasted Sunbirds Anthobaphes violacea (L.), for a single breeding season in the Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, South Africa. Neither shrub type nor nest height was found to affect the outcome of a nest. For subsequent breeding attempts, birds were not more likely to change the type of shrub in which they nested after a predation event than when the attempt was successful, nor did they change the height of their nest. However, we found that the distance between a nest and the subsequent one was significantly shorter after a successful nest than after an unsuccessful one. We interpret this as an adaptive strategy to avoid predation.  相似文献   

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