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为掌握裕民贝母种子休眠的形态响应机制,判断外源GA_3能否有效解除种子形态休眠,对CK和GA_3:30 mg/L处理下种子的形态结构及亚微结构变化规律进行比较。结果表明:(1)GA_3:30 mg/L处理下种子的形态休眠时间为60 d,比CK处理提前20 d,胚率从22.33%提高到87.67%,然后种子进入生理休眠阶段;(2)种子具翅,质轻型小,胚完成形态休眠后结构分化仍不明显;(3)随种子形态休眠的打破,种皮颜色不断加深,胚乳不断水解,胚不断生长发育,胚率提高至恒定;(4)随种子形态休眠的解除,种皮气孔器结构稳定,但叶绿体数量持续增加,种皮、胚乳及胚的亚微结构变化不明显,仅胚乳表皮细胞破损严重。  相似文献   

本文对药用植物种子形态结构多样性、休眠习性的多样性、萌发习性的多样性进行了研究。1 药用植物种子形态和结构的多样性(1 )种子外部形态的多样性 ;(2 )种子内部结构的多样性 :①种皮结构的多样性 ;②胚的结构多样性 ;③胚乳的多样性。2 药用植物种子休眠习性的多样性(1 )种皮休眠 ;(2 )胚休眠 :①胚未完全分化引起的休眠 ;②生理休眠。3 药用植物种子萌发习性的多样性(1 )低温型种子 ,萌发最适温度 1 5℃左右。(2 )中温型种子 ,萌发最适温度 2 0~ 2 5℃。(3 )高温型种子 ,萌发最适温度 3 0℃。(4)变温型种子 ,萌发要求有昼夜一定变化…  相似文献   

为探明种皮和胚乳是否是限制桃儿七种子萌发的主要因素,利用组织切片和显微技术,对桃儿七种子及其不同萌发期(1、7、14、21、28 d)解剖结构和播种后一定时期内(7~210 d)的植株生长形态进行观察。桃儿七种子由种皮、胚乳和胚构成。种皮包括外种皮和内种皮,外种皮致密规整,由外至内分别为栅状石细胞和表皮层细胞,内种皮由5~6层海绵细胞组成。胚乳占种子体积的绝大部分,包括珠孔胚乳和外胚乳。胚由胚根、胚轴和子叶组成,被致密种皮、多层珠孔胚乳和外胚乳包围。萌发期1~7 d胚根和胚轴开始伸长,7~14 d两片子叶分离,14~21 d胚根突破珠孔胚乳和种皮,21~28 d胚根、胚轴和子叶继续扩张伸长。种子播种210 d后可平均形成3片功能真叶和5条不定根。致密种皮(物理休眠)和多层胚乳(机械休眠)是限制桃儿七种子萌发的两个主要因素。  相似文献   

通过云南红豆杉新采收种子形态观察、透水性测定、种子大小以及所带胚乳多少对离体胚萌发率的影响等试验,探讨云南红豆杉种子的休眠与萌发机理。结果表明,云南红豆杉种子呈倒卵形和三棱形;胚酒瓶形,白色;胚乳淡黄色,油质。种子千粒重为72.934g;种皮、种仁和种胚分别占种子鲜重的50.56%、40.45%和8.99%;胚与种子的体积比(E∶S)为0.074。胚的体积为0.156—1.012mm~3,种子为51.658—109.649mm~3,两者呈显著正相关(P0.05,r=0.810)。完整种子的吸水率明显低于破裂种皮、酸蚀40min和酸蚀20min的种子,但差异随着浸泡时间延长而缩小;种子含水量饱和时,完整种子、破皮种子与酸蚀种子的吸水率无显著差异(前者为23.7%,后两者约28.0%)。不同大小种子离体胚的萌发率差异显著(P0.05),特大、大、中、小和特小种子的离体胚的萌发率为80%、77.8%、67.5%、62.0%和44.0%。胚乳抑制离体胚的萌发,不带胚乳离体胚的萌发率为41.3%,显著高于带胚乳的萌发率(P0.05),带部分胚乳的胚为9.7%—13.3%,带全胚乳的胚为0。同时离体胚培养过程中所用种胚的新鲜程度也严重影响胚的萌发率。云南红豆杉种子休眠属于中度生理休眠类型,种子中的抑制物质含量随时间的动态变化和胚乳中抑制物质含量的多少对胚萌发率的影响是以后云南红豆杉休眠研究的重点。  相似文献   

为探究低温层积过程中桃儿七种子细胞壁代谢及种皮超微结构与休眠解除的内在联系,该研究通过低温层积解除桃儿七种子休眠,分析休眠解除过程中种子不同部位细胞壁组分及相关代谢酶的变化,同时利用扫描电镜对种皮的超微结构进行观察。结果表明,(1)桃儿七种皮主要由角质层、栅状石细胞层及海绵组织层3层构成,在层积过程中,种皮内部的海绵组织逐步疏松膨胀,种皮表面破损加剧;(2)种子不同部位的细胞壁组分具有明显差异,整个层积过程中,种胚、种皮和胚乳中的纤维素含量均在层积中期(45 d和60 d)降至最低,3个部位的纤维素酶活性在层积中期对应升高;种胚和种皮内的半纤维素含量均在层积中期显著下降,种皮中甘露聚糖酶活性和木糖苷酶活性在层积中期时相应达到最大;3个部位的果胶含量均在层积后期(75 d和90 d)时显著下降,而种皮和胚乳中多聚半乳糖醛缩酶活性也在层积后期相应升高;(3)种胚和胚乳内过氧化物酶活性在层积75 d和90 d时明显下降,而SOD活性在此时显著上升。(4)种子不同部位3种木质素单体的组成比例具有明显区别,同时3种木质素单体含量均随层积时间的延长而显著降低,且胚乳和种皮中的S-木质素含量对种子萌发存在显著的负向影响关系。研究认为,在低温层积过程中,桃儿七种子内细胞壁组分纤维素、半纤维素及木质素的逐步酶解,活性氧作用下的细胞壁松弛以及海绵组织层的疏松膨胀和种皮的破裂,破坏了细胞壁的刚性结构,促使种子机械束缚力降低,吸水性能提高、胚根生长能力增强,最终导致其休眠解除。  相似文献   

种子的萌发能力由胚周围组织(种皮和胚乳)强加的物理限制与胚的生长潜能之间的平衡所决定.覆盖胚根尖端的珠孔端胚乳细胞的弱化被植物激素赤霉素(gibberellin, GA)促进但被脱落酸抑制,是胚根伸出的重要前提.GA是一种调控植物许多关键生理过程,如种子萌发、根和茎的伸长、开花、座果和种子发育的重要激素. GA在种子萌发与休眠解除中的作用主要受其生物合成与分解代谢和信号转导途径的调控.本文主要综述了GA的生物合成与代谢、GA的信号转导以及它们对种子萌发和休眠解除调控的研究进展.此外,本文也提出了本领域需要进一步研究的科学问题,试图为解释GA调控种子萌发与休眠的分子机理提供新的研究信息.  相似文献   

马蹄香种子生物学特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵桦  杨培君  李会宁   《广西植物》2006,26(1):14-17
马蹄香的雌蕊子房半下位,心皮6枚,蒴果蓇葖状,果实成熟时沿腹缝线开裂。种子呈三角状倒椭圆形,其背面凸出,具明显横皱纹,腹面凹入。马蹄香种子由种皮、胚乳和胚三部分构成。种皮由多层细胞组成;核型胚乳,种子成熟时游离胚乳核形成胚乳细胞,而胚尚未分化,仍停留在原胚阶段。种子发芽试验表明,马蹄香种子萌发率极低,具有种子休眠的生物学特征。对马蹄香种子的化学成分作了分析研究,种子胚乳中富含营养物质,其中粗蛋白含量为17.3(g/100g)。此外,种子含有丰富的镁、锰、钙、铁、锌等矿质元素。  相似文献   

离体条件下TDZ对解除北五味子种子休眠的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以深度休眠的北五味子种子为材料,研究了离体条件下,种皮、胚乳因素对北五味子种子休眠的影响;建立了离体条件下,使用TDZ有效解除北五味子种子休眠的方法;并对北五味子种子解除休眠过程中过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性变化规律进行分析.结果表明,(1)种皮和胚乳因素是引起北五味子种子休眠的主要因素,种皮和胚乳对北五味子种子的萌发具有不同程度的抑制作用;(2)MS培养基中添加0.02 mg·L-1 TDZ能有效解除北五味子种子休眠,可使第30天的发芽率达到90.0%,显著缩短北五味子种子休眠时间;(3)随着北五味子种子休眠被解除,过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性均呈明显的增加趋势.  相似文献   

以采自广西金秀县的绞股蓝种子为研究材料,对其休眠原因、休眠类型及其破眠方法进行了研究,为绞股蓝种子繁殖提供理论依据和技术支持。结果表明:(1)绞股蓝新采收成熟种子的生活力达91%,在10℃~35℃恒温和15℃/25℃变温中的发芽率均低于10%,新种子的生活力极显著大于发芽率,具有显著的休眠现象。(2)绞股蓝种皮不限制吸水,胚分化发育完全,离体胚发芽率为(78.0±4.8)%,且能够长成正常幼苗,说明绞股蓝种子的胚在离体条件下无休眠现象。(3)绞股蓝完整种子及其粉碎种子的水提液对白菜种子的萌发率、苗高及根长均有抑制作用,随水提液浓度增加抑制作用均显著增强,且粉碎种子的抑制作用较强;当粉碎种子的水提液浓度为5%时白菜种子萌发率、苗高、根长分别为18.0%、0.1cm、0.1cm,分别显著低于对照77.1%、97.3%、95.8%,说明绞股蓝种子的种皮和胚乳中存在水溶性萌发抑制物质,是绞股蓝种子休眠的主要原因。(4)GA3和6-BA不能促进绞股蓝种子萌发,低温层积对绞股蓝种子休眠的解除具有促进作用;绞股蓝种子的休眠属于生理休眠类型,休眠水平属于中间型。(5)低温干藏能够打破绞股蓝种子休眠,是绞股蓝种子破除休眠及种子保存较为理想的方式。  相似文献   

张双羽  唐红  何丽霞 《西北植物学报》2019,39(12):2187-2196
以紫斑牡丹种子为试验材料,考察不同浓度赤霉素(GA_3)处理下种子生根情况,同时对其种皮纹饰进行了扫描电镜(SEM)观察,并对胚乳结构进行了荧光倒置显微镜、透射电镜(TEM)观察,以揭示GA_3对紫斑牡丹种子下胚轴解除休眠过程中种子种皮、胚乳结构变化和生根的影响。结果表明:(1)GA_3处理能够促进紫斑牡丹种子生根,以300 mg/L GA_3处理的种子生根效果最好,与对照相比可提前14.66 d生根,生根率可达62.33%。(2)扫描电镜观察发现,紫斑牡丹种皮表面含有蜡质,种子萌发进程中蜡质明显不断增加,种皮表面网眼逐渐消失,种皮皱缩明显。(3)光学显微镜观察发现,GA_3处理的紫斑牡丹种子胚乳细胞中含有较多淀粉体和蛋白体,并随着种子萌发进程逐渐积累,可为种子萌发提供足够的养分。(4)透射电镜观察发现,GA_3处理的紫斑牡丹种子胚乳细胞内大分子营养物质不断降解,线粒体、内质网、高尔基体等细胞器相继出现,种子下胚轴休眠解除,细胞壁较薄后期消融,利于营养物质传送。研究认为,适宜浓度GA_3处理可有效加快紫斑牡丹种皮结构的改变和胚乳细胞内物质代谢进程,促进种子萌发,且300 mg/L GA_3处理紫斑牡丹种子24 h可以获得最好的生根效果。  相似文献   

Aims The physiological responses during dormancy removal and multi-phasic germination were investigated in seeds of Paeonia corsica (Paeoniaceae).Methods Seeds of P. corsica were incubated in the light at a range of temperatures (10–25 and 25/10°C), without any pre-treatment, after W (3 months at 25°C), C (3 months at 5°C) and W + C (3 months at 25°C followed by 3 months at 5°C) stratification, and a GA 3 treatment (250 mg·l-1 in the germination substrate). Embryo growth, time from testa to endosperm rupture and radicle emergence were assessed as separate phases. Epicotyl–plumule emergence was evaluated incubating the germinated seeds at 15°C for 2 weeks, at 5 and 25°C for 2 months on agar water before transplanting to the soil substrate at 10, 15 and 20°C and at 15°C for 2 months on the surface agar water with GA 3 .Important findings Embryo growth, testa rupture, endosperm rupture (radicle emergence) and growth of the epicotyl were identified as four sequential steps in seeds of P. corsica. Gibberellic acid alone and warm stratification followed by 15°C promoted embryo growth and subsequent seed germination. Cold stratification induced secondary dormancy, even when applied after warm stratification. After radicle emergence, epicotyl–plumule emergence was delayed for ca. 3 months. Mean time of epicotyl–plumule emergence was positively affected by cold stratification (2 months at 5°C) and GA 3. P. corsica seeds exhibited differential temperature sensitivity for the four sequential steps in the removal of dormancy and germination processes that resulted in the precise and optimal timing of seedling emergence.  相似文献   

Leubner-Metzger G 《Planta》2002,215(6):959-968
'Coat-imposed' seed dormancy of many non-endospermic and endospermic species is released during after-ripening. After-ripening-mediated promotion of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) seed germination is mainly due to a promotion of testa rupture and a similar promotion of subsequent endosperm rupture. Treatment of after-ripened or freshly harvested mature seeds with abscisic acid (ABA) delays endosperm rupture and inhibits the induction of class I beta-1,3-glucanase (betaGlu I) in the micropylar endosperm, but does not affect the kinetics of testa rupture. After-ripening-mediated release of photodormancy is correlated with a decreased gibberellin (GA) requirement for testa rupture during dark-imbibition. Reciprocal crosses between wild-type tobacco and sense-betaGlu I transformant lines showed that betaGlu I over-expression in the seed covering layers can replace the promoting effect of after-ripening on testa rupture in light, but only if the mother plant is a sense-betaGlu I line. This maternal effect supports the model of two sites for betaGlu I action: (i) betaGlu I contribution to the after-ripening-mediated release of dormancy in the dry seed state, which is manifested in the promotion and ABA-insensitivity of testa rupture during imbibition. (ii) ABA-sensitive expression of betaGlu I in the micropylar endosperm, which contributes to endosperm rupture. The importance of GA-signaling and testa characteristics appear to be a common feature during the after-ripening-mediated release of coat-imposed dormancy in endospermic and non-endospermic seeds.  相似文献   

羊草种子休眠机制及破除方法研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
羊草种子休眠程度深、发芽率低是限制栽培利用的重要因子.采用不同破除羊草种子休眠的方法,测定各处理对种子萌发的影响,以探索破除羊草种子休眠的有效途径.结果显示:(1)刺破种皮的裸种子较完整种子的萌发率、吸水速率、生活力分别由对照的6%、63%、0%显著增加到60%、86%、94%.(2)完整羊草种子分别用清水浸种1 d、30% NaOH浸种80 min、清水浸种1 d后用30% NaOH浸种60min其萌发率由6%分别显著提高到36%、60%、84%,而各浓度赤霉素处理完整种子其萌发率较对照均无显著变化. (3)采用清水浸种1 d后用30% NaOH处理60 min,再施加200 μg/g GA3综合处理,可使羊草完整种子的发芽率由6%提高到91%,接近其种子生活力94%.研究表明,羊草种子的稃与种皮不影响种子水分的吸收,但影响种子对GA3的吸收、不同程度地阻碍大分子物质的渗入、限制羊草种子内部萌发抑制物的渗出,从而引起种子休眠;分析认为稃和种皮以及种子内部萌发抑制物质是引起羊草种子休眠的主要原因.  相似文献   

Myrigalone A (MyA) is a rare flavonoid in fruit leachates of Myrica gale, a deciduous shrub adapted to flood-prone habitats. As a putative allelochemical it inhibits seed germination and seedling growth. Using Lepidium sativum as a model target species, experiments were conducted to investigate how environmental cues modulate MyA's interference with key processes of seed germination. Time course analyses of L. sativum testa and endosperm rupture under different light conditions and water potentials were combined with quantifying testa permeability, endosperm weakening, tissue-specific gibberellin (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) contents, as well as embryo growth and apoplastic superoxide production important for cell expansion growth. Lepidium sativum testa permeability and early water uptake by imbibition is enhanced by MyA. During late germination, MyA inhibits endosperm weakening and embryo growth, both processes required for endosperm rupture. Inhibition of embryo cell expansion by MyA depends on environmental cues, which is evident from the light-modulated severity of the MyA-mediated inhibition of apoplastic superoxide accumulation. Several important key weakening and growth processes during early and late germination are targets for MyA. These effects are modulated by light conditions and ambient water potential. It is speculated that MyA is a soil seed bank-destroying allelochemical that secures the persistence of M. gale in its flood-prone environment.  相似文献   

Carotenoid cleavage, catalyzed by the 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) constitutes a key step in the regulation of ABA biosynthesis. In Arabidopsis, this enzyme is encoded by five genes. NCED3 has been shown to play a major role in the regulation of ABA synthesis in response to water deficit, whereas NCED6 and NCED9 have been shown to be essential for the ABA production in the embryo and endosperm that imposes dormancy. Reporter gene analysis was carried out to determine the spatiotemporal pattern of NCED5 and NCED9 gene expression. GUS activity from the NCED5 promoter was detected in both the embryo and endosperm of developing seeds with maximal staining after mid-development. NCED9 expression was found at early stages in the testa outer integument layer 1, and after mid-development in epidermal cells of the embryo, but not in the endosperm. In accordance with its temporal- and tissue-specific expression, the phenotypic analysis of nced5 nced6 nced9 triple mutant showed the involvement of the NCED5 gene, together with NCED6 and NCED9, in the induction of seed dormancy. In contrast to nced6 and nced9, however, nced5 mutation did not affect the gibberellin required for germination. In vegetative tissues, combining nced5 and nced3 mutations reduced vegetative growth, increased water loss upon dehydration, and decreased ABA levels under both normal and stressed conditions, as compared with nced3. NCED5 thus contributes, together with NCED3, to ABA production affecting plant growth and water stress tolerance.  相似文献   

A. Hepher  J. A. Roberts 《Planta》1985,166(3):314-320
Seeds of Trollius ledebouri exhibit low germination when maintained on moistened filter paper. Dormancy can be overcome by the application of gibberellins A4+A7 or by testa removal. Germination is characterised by a change in the anatomy of the seed and by specific alterations in the protein complement of the endosperm tissue. These anatomical and biochemical changes are also exhibited by isolated endosperm tissue maintained in the absence of the embryo. The observations described are discussed in relation to the interaction between the endosperm and the embryo in the control of seed germination in T. ledebouri.Abbreviation GA gibberellin  相似文献   

沙葱种皮特性、种胚及种子浸提液与种子休眠的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以沙葱休眠种子为试材,检测其种皮透水性、透气性、超微结构、种胚休眠及种子浸提液。结果表明,酸蚀种子吸水12h达饱和,吸水率是完整种子的2倍;其呼吸强度最大值是完整种子的1.36倍。酸蚀处理使种子表面结构破损,角质层脱落,种孔露出。沙葱种子离体胚接种培养后2~3d,种胚开始萌发,萌发率达85%。沙葱完整种子与粉碎种子的浸提液对白菜种子发芽率、苗高、根长均有抑制作用,且随着浓度的提高而增强。  相似文献   

新疆干旱区植物藜的种子异型性及其萌发机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆干旱区分布的植物藜(Chenopodium album)的种子有黑色和褐色两种类型。对藜的异型性种子从形态结构、不同环境因素及激素或化学物质对萌发的影响以及同工酶谱等方面进行了研究,并对其萌发及适应异质环境的机理进行了讨论。结果表明:(1)藜的异型性种子在形态结构、萌发休眠特性等方面都存在明显差异:黑色种子种皮厚且硬,休眠,萌发慢,萌发率低;褐色种子种皮薄而软,不休眠,萌发快且萌发率高;(2)黑色种子的休眠可通过切除胚根外缘种皮得以完全解除;(3)赤霉素、乙烯利对黑色种子的萌发无明显促进作用;KNO3可较显著促进黑色种子的萌发;协同使用乙烯利和KNO3时,可显著提高黑种子萌发率,完全打破休眠;(4)黑色种子和褐色种子的酯酶、过氧化物酶及过氧化氢酶同工酶谱带存在差异;(5)黑色种子的萌发需要光照,而褐色种子则对光不敏感;低温贮藏对二者的萌发均无显著影响,尽管黑色种子的萌发率有波动。研究结果初步显示黑色种子的休眠是内源(胚)和外源(种皮)因素共同所致。藜的种子异型性及其萌发机理的形成是其对新疆干旱区异质化环境的高度适应。  相似文献   

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