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伪狂犬病毒对神经系统的传导具有跨突触传导、自我复制和宿主范围广等特性,自20世纪70年代起,便开始运用于神经解剖学研究领域。四十年的应用实践使伪狂犬病毒神经传导有了许多新的进展,无论是在病毒神经传导机理上,还是在传导应用中。伪狂犬病毒神经传导机理,着重于阐释病毒对初级神经细胞的侵染过程和对次级神经细胞的传导方向;传导应用则着重于探索新的神经传导毒株和对病毒传导技术进行革新。目前,伪狂犬病毒神经传导理论和应用尚有许多未知的领域需要研究,结合分子生物学技术的探索会使神经传导研究事半功倍。  相似文献   

项目名称 延续资助项日 伪狂犬病毒跨突触传输机制的研究 构建癌症中基于ceRNA机制的长非编码RNA调控网络 白介素-17家族细胞因子的功能与作用机制  相似文献   

狂犬病毒是仅有的完全特异的示踪剂,因为它能逆向通过化学突触进行神经示踪且不改变神经细胞的代谢,可以逐级的,时间依赖的方式感染大量的突触联系的神经网络.根据狂犬病毒的特性解释该病毒作为神经示踪剂的优势,总结狂犬病毒跨神经进行示踪的方法,并对基因修饰的狂犬病毒的新兴技术进行讨论和展望.  相似文献   

以伪狂犬病毒基因缺失标志疫苗株TK/gG-/LacZ 为亲本株,通过同源重组,构建了表达猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)主要免疫原性蛋白GP5的重组伪狂犬病毒TK/gG-/GP5 .经PCR、Southern杂交、Western blot证实构建正确,并能表达GP5.同时,对重组病毒在PK-15细胞中的增殖特性进行了检测,结果与亲本株相比,增殖滴度无显著性差异.将重组病毒免疫BALB/c小鼠,2次免疫后4周,50%(3/6)小鼠产生了低水平的GP5特异性ELISA抗体,但中和抗体均小于1:4.  相似文献   

为了研制出能够同时预防猪细小病毒(Porcine parvovirus,PPV)和猪伪狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies virus,PRV)的二联活疫苗,本研究将PPV VP2基因克隆到伪狂犬病毒通用转移质粒pG中,构建重组伪狂犬转移质粒pGVP2。利用脂质体转染法将重组质粒pGVP2和PRV HB98弱毒株DNA共转染至猪睾丸(ST)细胞,使其在ST细胞内发生同源重组,经5次绿色荧光空斑纯化重组病毒rPRV-VP2。分别用重组病毒rPRV-VP2、亲本PRV HB98弱毒株、商品化PPV灭活苗和DMEM细胞培养液免疫6周龄雌性昆明小鼠,2周后进行二免。一免后第7周用PRV强毒NY株对小鼠进行攻毒。结果获得表达VP2基因的重组病毒rPRV-VP2,经ELISA试验、血清中和试验(SN)、血凝抑制试验(HI)和流式细胞检测发现,重组病毒rPRV-VP2株可有效刺激小鼠机体产生抗PPV和PRV抗体,同时具有增强小鼠机体细胞免疫反应的能力,且对PRV强毒攻击具有保护作用。结果表明,重组病毒rPRV-VP2可作为同时预防PPV和PRV感染的重组疫苗候选株。  相似文献   

根据GenBank发布的猪2型圆环病毒(PCV2 )序列(AY0 35 82 0 ) ,设计两对特异性引物,采用PCR方法,分别扩增了猪2型圆环病毒ORF1和ORF2基因。将ORF1和ORF2基因的PCR产物回收并酶切后,依次插入到伪狂犬病毒gE gI双缺失通用转移载体pIECMV中,构建了猪2型圆环病毒_伪狂犬病毒重组中间转移质粒pIEORF1-ORF2。采用脂质体介导法,将重组中间转移质粒pIEORF1_ORF2与伪狂犬病毒TK- gE- LacZ+ 基因组共转染IBRS_2细胞,待发生细胞病变后收集病毒液进行空斑纯化,利用检测PCV2ORF1基因和ORF2基因的PCR方法筛选重组病毒TK- gE- gI- ORF1-ORF2+ ,用Southernblotting鉴定重组病毒,并用Westernblotting检测ORF1_ORF2融合蛋白的表达情况,在此基础上也测定了重组病毒在不同细胞上的增殖滴度。结果表明,外源基因ORF1和ORF2已成功插入到TK- gE- LacZ+ 亲本株的基因组中,并获得了表达,表达的蛋白可与PCV2阳性血清发生反应。同时发现ORF1和ORF2基因的插入不影响重组病毒的增殖特性,其毒力与亲本株相当。  相似文献   

C3d-M28增强伪狂犬病毒gC基因体液免疫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究补体C3d的受体结合功能区(M28)对伪狂犬病毒gC基因DNA疫苗免疫增强作用。将4拷贝的M28基因与伪狂犬病毒gC基因串联后,克隆到载体pcDNA3.1中,构建融合表达的重组质粒(sgC-M284)。BALB/c小鼠免疫试验表明,sgC-M284免疫组比单独表达伪狂犬病毒gC蛋白的重组质粒(sgC)免疫组产生的ELISA抗体高17倍,对致死剂量(316LD50)伪狂犬病毒攻毒的保护率提高了63%。gC基因与M28基因融合表达诱导产生的IL-4水平接近了伪狂犬灭活疫苗免疫组的产生的IL-4水平,显著增强了基于Th2途径的体液免疫反应。  相似文献   

从伪狂犬病病毒中删除Cre/LoxP介导的报告基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据pEGFP-C1序列,设计并合成一对引物,通过PCR扩增出两端各含一个同向LoxP位点的GFP表达盒,克隆于转移载体pSKLR获得pSKLR-G-LoxP。通过经典同源重组方法,得到表达GFP的TK基因缺失伪狂犬病毒重组毒株S03109。该重组病毒在转染了pOG231(表达Cre重组酶)的293T细胞上连续传代,筛选得到重组病毒株S0419。荧光显微镜观察、Western blot及PCR检测结果表明,S03109感染细胞后持续表达GFP,而S0419不表达GFP。PCR证实S0419为含单个LoxP位点的TK基因缺失病毒,并且在细胞培养上遗传稳定,测序结果(GenBank登录号AY822465)表明,在Cre重组酶的作用下,两个同向LoxP序列之间的GFP表达盒被正确除去。对BALB/c小鼠的半数致死量(LD50)及免疫保护实验结果表明,S03109和S0419对BALB/c小鼠的LD50值均大于3×105PFU,免疫BALB/c小鼠,攻毒后平均存活率分别为67.5%与70%。以上结果表明,利用Cre/LoxP位点特异性重组系统,成功去除了插入重组伪狂犬病病毒基因组中的GFP报告基因。  相似文献   

狂犬病毒糖蛋白基因的痘苗病毒表达质粒 pWS 4在鸡胚细胞内与野生型痘苗病毒天坛株 (痘苗病毒 )同源重组 ,经蚀斑纯化 ,获得表达狂犬病毒糖蛋白基因的重组痘苗病毒 (重组病毒 )。该重组病毒DNAdotblot显示强阳性信号 ,间接免疫荧光试验胞膜及胞浆均见到强阳性荧光反应 ,Westernblot分析仅在 6 4ku处呈现一条狂犬病毒非融合性糖蛋白带。免疫小鼠和狗 ,第 2 8d抗狂犬病毒中和抗体滴度分别达 2 4 30和 >6 96。初免后 14d用 5 0~ 10 0LD50 狂犬病毒CVS株对小鼠脑内攻击 ,保护率达 80 %以上。致病性明显减弱。从第 11代起连续传至 30代 ,病毒纯度、病毒滴度、血凝滴度、蛋白的表达、抗原活性和保护性均无差异 ,说明该重组病毒有良好的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   

双表达狂犬病毒基因的非复制型痘苗病毒改建及免疫效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少重组病毒非必需外源基因,进一步提高非复制重组痘苗病毒狂犬病疫苗的安全性,本研究改建不含报道基因LacZ的双表达狂犬病毒Ag株G、N的非复制重组痘苗病毒VTKRG△CKRN.采用G418-neo富集、蓝白斑及免疫蚀斑筛选等方法,以表达狂犬病毒糖蛋白(RG)基因的非复制重组痘苗病毒VTKRG△CKlacZ作为亲本株,利用同源重组原理,删除C与K片断间lacZ,并将狂犬病毒核蛋白(RN)基因插入C-K片段间.经核酸及蛋白水平检测表明VTKRG△CKRN能同时稳定有效地表达狂犬病毒G和N,并具有非复制病毒生长特性.重组病毒裸鼠毒力实验表明VTKRG△CKRN较复制型重组痘苗病毒VTKRG病毒毒力显著减弱.VTKRG△CKRN免疫小鼠可诱生较高有效中和抗体,并能保护小鼠免于致死剂量狂犬病毒攻击.以1.6×106PFU较低免疫剂量、仅一次免疫狗可保护狗经致死量中国狂犬病毒街毒株SBD株攻击后存活,诱生具有保护性中和抗体.非复制狂犬-痘苗重组病毒VTKRG△CKRN免疫效果好、更具安全性.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus glycoproteins gE and gI are required to infect some, but not all, regions of the rodent central nervous system after peripheral injection. After infection of the retina, pseudorabies virus mutants lacking either gE or gI can subsequently infect neural centers involved in the control of circadian function but cannot infect visual circuits mediating visual perception or the reflex movement of the eyes. In this study, we used genetic complementation to test the hypothesis that gE and gI are required for entry into the specific retinal ganglion cells that project to visual centers. These data strongly suggest that gE and gI must function after the viruses enter primary neurons in the retina.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that intraocular injections of virulent and attenuated strains of pseudorabies virus (PRV) produce transneuronal infection of functionally distinct central visual circuits in the rat. The virulent Becker strain of PRV induces two temporally separated waves of infection that ultimately target all known retinorecipient neurons; the attenuated Bartha strain only infects a functionally distinct subset of these neurons. In this study, we demonstrate that deletion of a single viral gene encoding glycoprotein gI is sufficient to reproduce both the novel pattern of infectivity and the reduced neurovirulence of the Bartha strain of PRV. Glycoprotein gIII, a major viral membrane protein required for efficient adsorption of virus in cell culture, has no obvious role in determining the pattern of neuronal infectivity, but appears to function with gI to influence neurovirulence. These data suggest that neuroinvasiveness and virulence are the products of an interaction of viral envelope glycoproteins with as yet unidentified cellular receptors.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein B mediates the absorption and penetration of the pseudorabies virus in the form of an immunodominant Ag, and represents a major target for the development of new vaccines. This study evaluated the efficiency of live attenuated Salmonella typhimurium SL7207 for the oral delivery of DNA vaccine encoding the pseudorabies virus glycoprotein B (pCI-PrVgB) in vivo, leading to the generation of both systemic and mucosal immunity against the pseudorabies virus Ag. An oral transgene vaccination of pCI-PrVgB using a Salmonella carrier produced a broad spectrum of immunity at both the systemic and mucosal sites, whereas the intramuscular administration of a naked DNA vaccine elicited no mucosal immunoglobulin (Ig)A response. Interestingly, the Salmonella-mediated oral transgene vaccination of the pseudorabies virus glycoprotein B biased the immune responses to the Th2-type, as determined by the IgG2a/IgG1 ratio and the cytokine production profile. However, oral vaccination mediated by Salmonella harbouring pCI-PrVgB showed inferior protection to systemic immunization against virulent pseudorabies virus infection. The expression of transgene delivered by Salmonella bacteria in antigen-presenting cells of both the systemic and mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues was further demonstrated. These results highlight the potential use of live attenuated S. typhimurium for an oral transgene pseudorabies virus glycoprotein B vaccination to induce broad immune responses.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein gIII of pseudorabies virus is multifunctional.   总被引:25,自引:24,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
One of the major glycoproteins of pseudorabies virus, gIII, is nonessential for growth in cell culture. Mutants defective in gIII, however, consistently yield lower titers of infectious virus (3- to 20-fold) than does wild-type virus. The interactions of gIII- mutants with their host cells were compared with those of wild-type virus in an attempt to uncover the functions of gIII. We show that gIII plays a major role in the stable adsorption of the virus to its host cell; in the absence of gIII, the rate of adsorption is reduced and adsorption is easily reversed by washing. Thus, adsorption of pseudorabies virus can be said to occur in at least the following two ways: (i) a gIII-mediated rapid adsorption or (ii) a slower and more labile adsorption that is independent of gIII. After virions have been complexed with monoclonal antibodies against gIII (but not some monoclonal antibodies against other glycoproteins), both modes of adsorption were inhibited. Glycoprotein gIII affects virus stability and virus release, as well as adsorption. The effect on virus release is marked when the virus is defective in additional functions. Thus, although we found no obvious difference in the release of virus from gIII- or wild-type virus-infected rabbit kidney cells, release of a gIII-/gI- double mutant from the cells occurred less readily than did release of a gI- mutant. The gIII-/gI- and gIII- mutants, however, adsorbed to cells at a similar rate, indicating that the effects of gIII on adsorption and virus release constitute separate functions. The Bartha vaccine strain of pseudorabies virus has a defective gIII gene and is released poorly from rabbit kidney cells. After the resident Bartha gIII gene was replaced by the gIII gene of wild-type virus, virus release was enhanced considerably. Since inactivation of gIII in wild-type pseudorabies virus did not significantly affect virus release, the Bartha strain must be defective in another function which, in conjunction with gIII, significantly affects virus release. These results indicate again that gIII affects virus release in conjunction with other functions. Also, although the Bartha strain was functionally defective in virus release, it adsorbed to cells as well as wild-type virus did, showing that the effects of gIII on virus adsorption and release constitute separate functions. We conclude that gIII is a multifunctional glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Two severe porcine infectious diseases, pseudorabies (PR) and transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) caused by pseudorabies virus (PRV) and transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) respectively often result in serious economic loss in animal husbandry worldwide. Vaccination is the important prevention means against both infections. To achieve a PRV genome-based virus live vector, aiming at further TGEV/PRV bivalent vaccine development, a recombinant plasmid pUG was constructed via inserting partial PK and full-length gG genes of PRV strain Bartha K-61 amplified into pUC119 vector. In parallel, another recombinant pHS was generated by introducing a fragment designated S1 encoding the major antigen sites of S gene from TGEV strain TH-98 into a prokaryotic expression vector pP(RO)EX HTc. The SV40 polyA sequence was then inserted into the downstream of S1 fragment of pHS. The continuous region containing S1fragment, SV40 polyA and four single restriction enzyme sites digested from pHS was subcloned into the downstream of gG promoter of pUG. In addition, a LacZ reporter gene was introduced into the universal transfer vector named pUGS-LacZ. Subsequently, a PRV genome-based virus live vector was generated via homologous recombination. The functionally effective vector was purified and partially characterized. Moreover, the potential advantages of this system are discussed.  相似文献   

Transneuronal tracing of neuronal circuitry with neurotropic viruses has provided valuable insights in the way in which the nervous system imposes temporal organization on physiological processes and behavior. The swine alpha herpes virus known as pseudorabies virus, or PRV, has been particularly useful in this regard. Early studies identified attenuated mutants with selective tropism for visual circuitry involved in circadian regulation, and subsequent experiments employing this virus have provided considerable insight into the polysynaptic organization of the suprachiasmatic nuclei and associated circuitry. This literature, which has emerged during the past decade, is the subject of this mini review.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus encodes a membrane protein (Us9) that is essential for the axonal sorting of virus particles within neurons and anterograde spread in the mammalian nervous system. Enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Us9 mimicked the trafficking properties of the wild-type protein in nonneuronal cells. We constructed a pseudorabies virus strain that expressed Us9-GFP and tested its spread capabilities in the rat visual system and in primary neuronal cultures. We report that Us9-EGFP does not promote anterograde spread of infection and may disrupt packing of viral membrane proteins in lipid rafts, an essential step for Us9-mediated axonal sorting.  相似文献   

Reactivation from latency results in transmission of neurotropic herpesviruses from the nervous system to body surfaces, referred to as anterograde axonal trafficking. The virus-encoded protein pUS9 promotes axonal dissemination by sorting virus particles into axons, but whether it is also an effector of fast axonal transport within axons is unknown. To determine the role of pUS9 in anterograde trafficking, we analyzed the axonal transport of pseudorabies virus in the presence and absence of pUS9.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein gIII of pseudorabies virus is a major antigen found in the envelopes of virus particles as well as in and on the surfaces of infected cells. It is not an essential gene product for virus growth in tissue culture. In this report, we provide evidence that, although it is not essential, the gIII protein is required for efficient virus growth and that gIII mutants are quickly outgrown by wild-type virus in mixed infections.  相似文献   

As part of a study designed to identify the genes responsible for the virulence of pseudorabies virus, we have mapped the genomes of two independently derived vaccine strains (Bartha and Norden) by restriction enzyme analysis. The structures of these genomes have been compared with that of the genome of a laboratory strain previously mapped, of restriction fragments which had been cloned. The genome of the Bartha strain was found to be very similar to that of other pseudorabies virus strains, except that a deletion of approximately 2.7 X 10(6) daltons was found in the unique short (US) region. This deletion was also observed in the genome of the Norden vaccine strain but was not observed in the genomes of any other pseudorabies virus strains that have been studied (more than 20). The genome of the Norden strain differs from that of other pseudorabies virus strains in several other respects as well. The most important difference is that in contrast to all other pseudorabies virus strains analyzed to date, which contain a type 2 herpesvirus DNA molecule (in which the US region only inverts itself relative to the unique long [UL] region), the genome of the Norden strain is a type 3 molecule in which both the US and the UL regions of the genome invert themselves, giving rise to four isomeric forms of the genome. The ability of the UL region to invert itself is probably related to the fact that a sequence normally present in all other pseudorabies virus strains at the end of the UL only is found also in inverted form at the junction of the UL and the internal inverted repeat in the Norden strain.  相似文献   

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