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一株红壤溶磷菌的分离、鉴定及溶磷特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
【目的】为了提高红壤磷素利用率,探讨溶磷菌溶磷机理。【方法】利用难溶性无机盐培养基从花生根际土壤样品中分离到一株溶磷菌C5-A,结合菌落形态特征、生理生化和16S rRNA序列确定该菌株的系统发育地位;通过菌株C5-A在NBRIP液体培养基培养过程中培养液pH变化确定其溶磷能力;利用液体发酵实验测定不同的碳源、氮源对菌株C5-A溶磷的影响;通过高效液相色谱检测C5-A在不同氮源培养液中有机酸的种类和浓度。【结果】菌株C5-A鉴定为洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burkholderia cepacia),遗传稳定性较好。在FePO4和AlPO4培养液中,菌株C5-A的溶磷量和pH变化呈显著负相关;菌株C5-A对磷酸三钙、磷酸铝、磷酸铁、磷矿粉均有较强的溶解能力,最高溶磷量分别为125.79、227.34、60.02和321.15 mg/L;菌株C5-A对不同浓度的两种磷矿粉有较强的溶解能力;分别以麦芽糖和草酸铵为碳源和氮源时溶磷量最高。高效液相色谱检测出10种有机酸,分别为草酸(葡萄糖酸)、乙酸、苹果酸、琥珀酸和5种未知有机酸,然而,乙酸而非草酸似乎是影响C5-A溶磷的重要有机酸。【结论】从红壤花生根际土壤中筛选到一株对难溶性无机盐具有较强溶解能力溶的菌株C5-A,有望为开发高效红壤微生物磷肥提供种质资源。  相似文献   

溶磷真菌的筛选及耐盐特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】土壤盐渍化已成为影响土壤质量和作物产量的重要因素之一,利用微生物改良盐渍化土壤是既经济又环保的方法。【目的】从不同土壤样品和生物肥料中筛选溶磷能力较强的真菌并讨论其耐盐能力,为盐渍化土壤改良提供菌种资源。【方法】采用平板培养法筛选有一定溶磷能力的真菌,经ITS序列分析初步确定菌株的分类地位。以溶磷能力为考察指标,以NaCl梯度和磷酸钙梯度为考察因素,分析不同菌株利用无机磷源的能力,以及溶磷能力与pH的关系。【结果】共筛选得到16株具有较强溶磷能力的真菌,其中4株真菌对水稻发芽有显著的促进作用,它们是1株长枝木霉(MF-1)和3株踝节菌属菌株(SD-2、XJ-7和HLJ-3)。菌株SD-2和XJ-7生长的耐盐能力显著好于菌株MF-1和HLJ-3。当NaCl浓度为5%时,菌株XJ-7的溶磷能力最好,溶磷率可达9.50%;当NaCl浓度为1%时,菌株HLJ-3的溶磷能力较好,溶磷率为6.93%;当NaCl浓度为0时,菌株SD-2和MF-1的溶磷能力较强,溶磷率分别为9.07%和3.73%。进一步研究发现踝节菌属真菌的溶磷能力与菌液pH呈显著负相关关系。【结论】筛选获得的4株真菌其溶磷能力在不同盐环境中有显著差异,为今后土壤改良和生物肥料中菌种的选择提供理论依据和试验基础。  相似文献   

两株溶磷真菌的筛选、鉴定及溶磷效果的评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
【目的】从作物根围土壤中筛选高效溶磷菌株。【方法】结合溶磷圈筛选法和钼锑抗比色法评价菌株的溶磷能力;利用菌株的形态学特性、培养性状和微管蛋白β-tubulin基因序列分析方法进行菌株的鉴定;采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)对溶磷菌的产酸物质进行分析;并用平板亲和性实验测定菌株间的兼容性。【结果】筛选得到2株高效溶磷菌株P1-1、P2-2;经鉴定,菌株P1-1为黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger),P2-2为塔宾曲霉(A.tubingensis)。2株溶磷菌株的产酸物质相同,均为草酸、葡萄糖酸、乳酸和甘油酸。这2株溶磷菌与杀线虫功能菌株淡紫拟青霉(Purpureocillium lilacinum)、橄榄色链霉菌(Streptomyces olivaceus)和苍白杆菌(Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense)兼容性好。2菌株分别在Ca_3(PO_4)_2、Zn_3(PO_4)_2、羟基磷灰石为磷源的无机磷固体培养基中25°C培养5 d,测定溶磷圈的直径(D)与菌落直径(d),通过计算其比值D/d的大小对比,以及在Ca_3(PO_4)_2、Zn_3(PO_4)_2、羟基磷灰石为磷源的液体培养基中培养5 d,测定发酵液中有效磷含量进行比较后判定,这2株溶磷菌溶解磷的能力强且效果相当。【结论】获得了2株高效的溶磷真菌。它们能活化多种难溶性磷源,同时伴随挥发性酸性物质的产生;2个菌株与1组杀根结线虫微生物菌群兼容性均良好。  相似文献   

一株溶磷真菌筛选鉴定及其溶磷促生效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】从高产农田筛选高效溶磷微生物菌株,为溶磷微生物肥料开发提供高效菌种资源。【方法】利用菌株的形态学特性、培养特征和ITS rDNA序列分析方法进行菌株鉴定,结合液体培养和土壤培养方法研究菌株的溶磷能力,进而采用温室盆栽和田间小区试验,明确溶磷菌P83促进作物生长和提高作物产量的作用效果。【结果】溶磷菌株P83鉴定为斜卧青霉菌(Penicillium decumbens)。液体条件下培养10 d,菌株P83表现显著高效的溶磷能力,对Ca3(PO4)2(5g/L)的溶解效果,有效磷达956 mg/L,溶解率为42.68%,对湖南永和磷矿粉的溶液效果,有效磷达到152.8 mg/L;将P83菌株分别接种于施用Ca3(PO4)2、Zn3(PO4)2和磷矿粉(RP)3种磷源的盆栽试验土壤中,结果显示,菌株P83对玉米植株促生效果比对照显著提高,玉米植株鲜重提高9.5%-89.2%、干重增加35%-231%,土壤有效磷提高2.1-40.5 mg/kg。田间小区玉米产量结果显示,溶磷菌P83增产效果最好(P=0.05),玉米子粒产量达9.2t/hm2,比不接种菌剂的对照增加2.4 t/hm2,增产率为35.3%。【结论】获得了一株溶解难溶磷的斜卧青霉菌P83,它能够活化多种难溶磷、显著增加土壤有效磷水平,对玉米生长和增加作物产量具有显著作用,是一株展现良好应用前景的高效溶磷菌种。  相似文献   

溶磷性大豆根瘤内生菌的筛选、抗性及系统发育和促生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对采自河南省不同地区的大豆根瘤进行内生菌分离纯化、溶磷性筛选试验。根据能否产生溶磷圈及溶磷圈直径(D)、菌落直径(d)和D/d值大小确定菌株溶磷能力,采用钼锑抗比色法测定培养液中有效磷含量;平板筛选法对筛选菌株进行耐盐性、耐酸碱、重金属等抗性测定,并对筛选菌株进行理化特性、16S r DNA、rec A序列和系统发育分析。结果表明,从分离纯化的324株内生菌中筛选出36株具有溶磷特性,其中20株有较强溶磷性。菌株DD291发酵液中可溶性磷含量最高(452 mg/L),发酵液p H与对照相比均有不同程度下降,最大降幅达2.92。大部分溶磷性内生菌具有较强耐盐碱性,对Pb2+、Cr6+和Cu2+有较高耐受性,对Ni2+和Hg2+抗性较弱。结合细胞形态、生理生化、16S r DNA、rec A序列和系统发育分析结果,菌株确定为Bacillus cereus,Enterobacter cancerogenus,E.cloacae和Pseudomonas putida。部分溶磷菌株对大豆的生长有促进作用,显示出潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

河西走廊盐碱土壤中一株高效溶磷菌的鉴定及条件优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】探究一株从河西走廊盐碱土壤中分离的高效溶磷菌菌株Y3-35的分类地位及其溶磷特性。【方法】通过菌落形态特征、生理生化特性及其16S r RNA基因序列分析对其进行分类鉴定,采用溶磷圈法分离溶磷菌,钼锑抗比色法测定溶磷量,并利用单因素试验和正交试验对其溶磷条件进行优化。【结果】鉴定菌株Y3-35为Pantoea theicola的近缘种。菌株Y3-35溶磷量与p H呈显著负相关,最佳溶磷条件:葡萄糖20.0 g/L,蛋白胨15.0 g/L,氯化钠2.5 g/L,温度为24°C;优化条件下菌株Y3-35溶磷量最高可达723.34 mg/L,比优化前增加251%。【结论】菌株Y3-35具有很好的溶磷能力,有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

李欣  张磊  胡景江 《西北植物学报》2017,37(8):1500-1506
为了鉴定拐枣七内生细菌Pseudomonas sp.GZJR-8的pqqE和GDH基因在溶磷方面的功能,该研究通过同源重组技术分别获得pqqE和GDH基因的缺失突变体ΔpqqE和ΔGDH,采用电转法获得它们的互补菌株ΔpqqE(pqqE)和ΔGDH(GDH);难溶性无机磷培养基(PKO)定性检测结果显示,与野生型菌株(WT)相比,ΔpqqE和ΔGDH不能产生溶磷圈,ΔpqqE(pqqE)和ΔGDH(GDH)能够产生溶磷圈;抗坏血酸-钼蓝显色定磷法定量检测结果显示,WT、ΔpqqE、ΔpqqE(pqqE)、ΔGDH、ΔGDH(GDH)产生的有效磷总量分别为1 939.000 mg/L、1 279.000mg/L、1 999.000mg/L、439.000mg/L、2 314.000mg/L,与WT产生的有效磷总量相比,ΔpqqE降低1.52倍,ΔpqqE(pqqE)增加1.03倍,ΔGDH降低4.42倍,ΔGDH(GDH)增加1.19倍;培养液离心后上清的pH测定结果显示,WT、ΔpqqE、ΔpqqE(pqqE)、ΔGDH、ΔGDH(GDH)的pH分别为4.08、4.34、4.03、4.71、4.00,与WT的pH相比,ΔpqqE上升1.06倍,ΔpqqE(pqqE)降低0.27倍,ΔGDH上升1.15倍,ΔGDH(GDH)降低1.02倍。研究表明:pqqE和GDH基因具有溶磷能力,其中ΔpqqE和ΔGDH较WT的溶磷能力下降,但并未完全丧失溶磷能力,而ΔpqqE(pqqE)和ΔGDH(GDH)可以恢复到WT的溶磷能力,拐枣七内生细菌Pseudomonas sp.GZJR-8是通过产生酸性物质来溶磷,在农业生产方面具有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

类芦根际溶磷真菌的筛选、鉴定及其溶磷能力分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为揭示类芦(Neyraudia reynaudiana)等水土保持植物的耐低磷机制,开发溶磷菌种质资源,提高赤红壤磷素利用率,从类芦根际土壤中筛选到一株溶磷能力较强的真菌FP1,经形态学和ITS序列分析,鉴定为黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)。3种难溶性磷酸盐液体培养基接种菌株FP1后,其pH值和溶磷量的动态变化显示,培养液的pH值均呈显著下降趋势。溶磷量与培养时间有关,除磷酸三钙外,菌株FP1对其他难溶性磷酸盐的溶磷趋势均为先上升再下降并趋于稳定。菌株FP1对不同磷源的最大溶磷率顺序为:磷酸铝(92.02%)磷酸三钙(41.62%)3种磷酸盐的混合物(35.86%)磷酸铁(19.20%)。FP1对磷酸铝和磷酸铁都具有较强的溶磷能力,表明抗逆性强的水土保持植物类芦根际土壤蕴藏着高效的溶磷微生物资源。  相似文献   

适应玉米生产的溶磷真菌筛选及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】从土壤中筛选溶磷菌株,提供适应玉米生产的溶磷微生物。【方法】利用难溶磷无机盐培养基从作物根际土壤样品中筛选溶磷菌株,通过菌株在土豆液体培养基培养过程中培养液pH的变化确定溶磷菌株的溶磷能力。利用菌株在平板和土壤中对玉米根系的适应性,选择对玉米适应性好的菌株应用到盆栽实验和大田实验。【结果】从土壤中筛选到具有较高溶磷效果的真菌15株,经鉴定其中9株为草酸青霉,2株为变幻青霉,1株为刺孢青霉、1株为绿色木霉、1株为黑曲霉、1株为构巢曲霉。15株真菌能够显著降低PDB溶液的pH值,其中5株能够将溶液的pH从7.0降到2.0以下。实验室平板和土培试验发现菌株Z15+、ZQ3、ZI1、Zh和Z30能够在以玉米根系分泌物为C源的平板和土壤中很好地生长、定殖,表明这5株菌能够有效利用玉米的根系分泌物。将这5株菌进行盆栽种植玉米,菌株ZI1和Zh处理后,能显著的提高土壤中的有效磷含量,在第49天时,有效磷含量分别高于土壤初始含量的28.05%和37.04%,收获的玉米干重比对照分别高26.04%和20.21%。将菌株ZI1和Zh制成菌剂进行大田试验,试验结果表明菌剂Zh使大田玉米产量提高13.22%,达到10873.05 kg/hm2。而使用ZI1菌剂的大田玉米产量与CK相比没有显著差异。【结论】本实验获得的适应玉米的溶磷菌株Zh为构巢曲霉。  相似文献   

宁夏产枸杞根际溶磷菌分离及溶磷能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常用的PKO(无机培养基)和蒙金娜有机培养基,从宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarumL.)根际分离具有溶磷能力的菌株,并利用溶磷圈法测定溶磷菌株的溶磷能力。从宁夏枸杞根际共分离出88株具有溶磷能力的菌株,其中溶解无机磷能力较强的菌株4株,其溶磷圈直经(D)与菌落直径(d)的比值(D/d)从高至低依次是NQ2、NQ4、NQ3、NQ1,D/d值为3.02~1.85;菌株NQ2、NQ1、NQ3和NQ4对无机磷的溶磷强度分别为91.2、82.5、75.5和74.8μg.mL-1。所分离的4株具有较强无机磷溶解能力的菌株在微生物肥料的开发方面有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of the phosphate translocator from maize (Zea mays L.) mesophyll chloroplasts have been determined. We have used a double silicone-oil-layer centrifugation system in order to obtain true initial uptake rates in forward-reaction experiments. In addition, it was possible to perform back-exchange experiments and to study the effects of illumination and of preloading the chloroplasts with different substrates on transport. It is shown that the phosphate translocator from mesophyll chloroplasts of maize, a C4 plant, transports inorganic phosphate and phosphorylated C3 compounds in which the phosphate group is linked to the C3 atom (e.g. 3-phosphoglycerate and triose phosphate). The affinities of the transported metabolites towards the translocator protein are about one order of magnitude higher than in mesophyll chloroplasts from the C3 plant, spinach. In contrast to the phosphate translocator from C3-mesophyll chloroplasts, that of C4-mesophyll chloroplasts catalyzes in addition the transport of C3 compounds where the phosphate group is attached to the C2 atom (e.g. 2-phosphoglycerate, phosphoenolpyruvate). The phosphate translocator from both chloroplast types is strongly inhibited by pyridoxal-5-phosphate (PLP), 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid and 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS). In the case of the spinach translocator protein these inhibitors were shown to react with the same amino-acid residue at the substrate binding site, and one molecule of either DIDS or PLP is obviously required per substrate binding site for the inactivation of the translocation process. In the functionally active dimeric translocator protein only one substrate-binding site appears to be accessible at a particular time, indicating that the site might be exposed to each side of the membrane in turn. Using [3H]-H2DIDS for the labelling of maize mesophyll envelopes the radioactivity was found to be associated with two polypeptides of about 29 and 30 kDa. Since Western-blot analysis showed that only the 30 kDa polypeptide reacted with an antiserum directed against the spinach phosphate translocator protein it is suggested that this polypeptide presumably represents the phosphate translocator from maize mesophyll chloroplasts.Abbreviations DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - 2-,3-PGA 2-,3-phosphoglycerate - PLP pyridoxal-5-phosphate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TNBS 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid - triose P triose phosphate This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

The relationship between phosphate status and photosynthesis in leaves   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
K.-J. Dietz  C. Foyer 《Planta》1986,167(3):376-381
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were grown in hydroponic culture with varying levels of orthophosphate (Pi). When leaves were fed with 20 mmol·l–1 Pi at low CO2 concentrations, a temporary increase of CO2 uptake was observed in Pi-deficient leaves but not in those from plants grown at 1 mmol·l–1 Pi. At high concentrations of CO2 (at 21% or 2% O2) the Pi-induced stimulation of CO2 uptake was pronounced in the Pi-deficient leaves. The contents of phosphorylated metabolites in the leaves decreased as a result of Pi deficiency but were restored by Pi feeding. These results demonstrate that there is an appreciable capacity for rapid Pi uptake by leaf mesophyll cells and show that the effects of long-term phosphate deficiency on photosynthesis may be reversed (at least temporarily) within minutes by feeding with Pi.Abbreviation Pi orthophosphate  相似文献   

The presence of teichoic acids in a number of streptomycetes led to the conclusion that these biopolymers were widely spread in genus Streptomyces. The nature of the teichoic acid present in the mycelium was determined by extracting it with 10% trichloroacetic acid, precipitating it with ethanol and identifying the precipitated polymer by partial acid and alkali hydrolysis to alditol, alditol phosphates and glycosylalditol phosphates. Most strains examined in this survey contained glycerol or ribitol teichoic acids; in some cases neither type was detected.Structurally teichoic acids closely resemble those of other genera of gram-positive bacteria and in many cases represent poly(glycerol phosphate) and poly(ribitol phosphate) chains. The proportion of alditol residues bearing sugar substituents varied widely.Three species of genus Streptoverticillium contained glycerol teichoic acids. It is belived that some of the data presented in this paper might be used with some success in taxonomic studies of streptomycetes.  相似文献   

Many industrial wastes contain Cr(VI), a carcinogen and mutagen, the toxicity of which can be ameliorated by reduction to Cr(III). Microbacterium sp. NCIMB 13776 andDesulfovibrio vulgaris NCIMB 8303 reduced Cr(VI) to Cr(III) anoxically using 25 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 7), with 25 mM sodium acetate and 25 mM sodium formate as electron donors at 30 °C, under which conditions the rates of reduction of 500 M sodium chromate were 77 and 6 nmol h–1 mg dry cell wt for D. vulgaris and Microbacterium sp., respectively, these being increased to 127 and 17 nmol h–1 mg dry cell wt in the presence of 20 mM MOPS/NaOH buffer.  相似文献   

Phosphate uptake inLemna gibba G1: energetics and kinetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phosphate uptake was studied by determining [32P]phosphate influx and by measurements of the electrical membrane potential in duckweed (Lemna gibba L.). Phosphate-induced membrane depolarization (E m ) was controlled by the intracellular phosphate content, thus maximal E m by 1 mM H2PO 4 - was up to 133 mV after 15d of phosphate starvation. The E m was strongly dependent on the extracellular pH, with a sharp optimum at pH 5.7. It is suggested that phosphate uptake is energized by the electrochemical proton gradient, proceeding by a 2H+/H2PO 4 - contransport mechanism. This is supported also by the fusicoccin stimulation of phosphate influx. Kinetics of phosphate influx and of E m , which represent mere plasmalemma transport, are best described by two Michaelis-Menten terms without any linear components.Abbreviations E m electrical membrane potential difference - E m phosphate-induced, maximal membrane depolarization - FW fresh weight  相似文献   

The abandoned “Monte-Fresco” rock phosphate mine in Táchira, Venezuela, was sampled to study the biodiversity of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM). Rhizosphere and bulk soils were sampled from colonizer plant species growing at a mined site where pH and soluble P were higher than the values found at a near by unmined and shrubby soil. Counting and isolating of PSM choosing strains showing high solubilization halos in a solid minimal medium with hydroxyapatite as phosphate source were evaluated using ammonia or nitrate as nitrogen sources and dextrose, sucrose, and mannitol as carbohydrate sources. A larger number of PSM were found in the rhizospheric than in the bulk soil. Six fungal strains belonging to the genus Penicillium and with high hydroxyapatite dissolution capacities were isolated from bulk soil of colonizer plants. Five of these strains had similar phenotypes to Penicillium rugulosum IR-94MF1 but they solubilized hydroxyapatite at different degrees with both nitrogen sources. From 15 strains of Gram-negative bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of colonizer plants, 5 were identified as diazotrophic free-living encapsulated Azotobacter species able to use ammonium and/or nitrate to dissolve hydroxyapatite with glucose, sucrose and/or mannitol. Different nitrogen and carbohydrate sources are parameters to be considered to further characterize the diversity of PSM.  相似文献   

The structures of cell wall teichoic acids of the members of newly recognized genera of the order Actinomycetales were studied. Planotetraspora mira VKM Ac-2000T contains two types of teichoic acids: 2,3-poly(glycerol phosphate) substituted with -D-Galp at C-1 of glycerol and 1,3-poly(glycerol phosphate) substituted with -L-Rhap at OH-2 of glycerol (60%). Herbidospora cretacea VKM Ac-1997T contains the chains of 1,3-poly(glycerol phosphate) partially substituted with -D-Galp and -D-GalpNAc at C-2 of glycerol. The majority of -D-galactopyranosyl residues are substituted at OH-3 with a sulfate. The aforementioned teichoic acids have not been found in bacteria thus far. Actinocorallia herbida VKM Ac-1994T contains poly(galactosylglycerol phosphate), with the -Galp-(12)-Gro-P repeating units being linked via the phosphodiester bonds between the OH-3 of glycerol and OH-6 of galactose. Earlier, this structure was found in the cell wall of Actinomadura madura. The polymer structures were determined by chemical analysis and using 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The results show that teichoic acids are widespread in the order Actinomycetales.  相似文献   

A filamentous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. was isolated from a thermal spring of the Kamchatka peninsula. It contained a phycoerythrin unusual for cyanobacteria in that it had a phycourobilin prosthetic group. The absorption spectrum of the native purified phycoerythrin displayed maxima at 498 and 567 nm. The phycoerythrin comprised - and -subunits of molecular weights 18,700 and 19,800, respectively, in 1:1 stoichiometry. Polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing revealed one protein band at pI 4.6. The - and -subunits differed in their chromophore composition and content: -subunit carried two phycoerythrobilins while the -subunit had three phycoerythrobilins and one phycourobilin. The chromophore composition of all known phycoerythrins of cyanobacteria and red algae were compared, and on the basis of this comparative study designations C1- to C5-phycoerythrin were proposed for cyanobacterial red pigments.  相似文献   

Helmut Kunz 《Hydrobiologia》1995,297(2):83-98
Two new species of marine, sand-dwelling harpacticoids are described: Phyllopodopsyllus pallaresae n. sp. from Namibia, and P. hartmannorum n. sp. from Tanzania. The hitherto unknown male of P. xenus (Kunz) is described from Namibia. Further remarks are made on P. furciger Sars from Tanzania.Zwei neue sandbewohnende Harpacticoiden-Arten werden beschrieben: Phyllopodosyllus pallaresae n. sp. von Namibia und Phyllopodopsyllus hartmannorum n. sp. von Tansania. Außerdem wird das bisher unbekannte Männchen von Phyllopodopsyllus xenus (Kunz) von Namibia beschrieben. Morphologische Merkmale von Phyllopodopsyllus furciger Sars werden anhand eines Fundes von Tansania ergänzt.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to isolate some fungi exhibiting phosphate-dissolution ability, and to test whether these fungi are capable of increasing the amount of available P in a calcareous soil treated with rock phosphate (RP) or with triple superphosphate (TSP) and its subsequent uptake by sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench).Penicillium sp. and twoAspergillus foetidus (Naka) isolates significantly increased the availability of P in soil treated with RP or TSP during the growing season.Penicillium sp. isolate was more effective in increasing available P in the soil treated with RP or TSP than were Aspergillus isolates. However, the dry matter and P uptake responses to inoculation with these fungi were better in the soil treated with RP than in soil treated with TSP. In the TSP treated soil, the fungi achieved their maximum P releasing capacity two weeks earlier than in soil treated with RP. Positive and significant correlation coefficients among available P, P uptake and dry matter production at different periods of the growing season were observed following inoculation. However, none of these variables were found to be significantly correlated with the fungal populations.  相似文献   

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