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Transverse sections of petioles from the fourteen species of European spiny Astragalus have been examined. Variation between species was found in several anatomical characters including shape of petiole in transverse section; number of cortical layers; number of vascular bundles; amount of collenchyma tissue and shape and abundance of pith cells. Two major groups of species may be recognized on the basis of anatomical features.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the nodal and vascular anatomy in the Cyatheaceae are discussed as they relate to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the family. There is in the Cyatheaceae (excluding Metaxya and Lophosoria) a basic nodal pattern consisting of four major phases of leaf trace separations. Abaxial traces arise from the leaf gap margins, and the last abaxial traces from each side of the gap are larger and undergo numerous divisions. Distally adaxial traces separate from the gap margins, and the last adaxial traces are usually larger and undergo multiple divisions. In addition, medullary bundles frequently become petiole strands of the adaxial arc in the petiole. Rarely, cortical bundles form petiole strands in the abaxial arc in the petiole. Leaf gaps of the squamate genera of the Cyatheaceae are fusiform and possess prominent lateral constrictions which result from medullary bundle fusions and the separation of leaf traces. A characteristic petiole pattern is found in all members of the Cyatheaceae. There is an increase in the complexity of the petiole vascular tissue which results in a gradation from the undivided strand in Metaxya, to the three-parted petiole pattern in Lophosoria, and finally to the much-dissected petiole vascular tissue in the advanced genera. Nodal and vascular anatomy data basically support Tryon's phyletic scheme for the family. The Sphaeropteris-Alsophila-Nephelea line shows certain tendencies toward increased complexity of nodal and vascular anatomy, whereas the Trichipteris-Cyathea-Cnemidaria line shows the same anatomical and morphological characters in a direction of increased simplification or reduction.  相似文献   

绞股蓝营养器官的结构及其人参皂甙的组织化学定位研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
绞股蓝是多年生草质藤本植物。根系由不定根组成,根的初生结构木质部为2-4原型,次生结构中栓内层较厚,攀缘茎,具5棱,周围纤维连成一环,幼茎的维管束排成两圈,外圈5个,内圈4或5个,老茎圆柱形,周围纤维呈不连续环状,维管束具次生木质部和次生韧皮部,排成一圈,掌状复叶互生,小叶5-7片,背腹型,叶柄具5束维管束,进入小叶时分为7-9束,茎和叶的初生维管束为双韧维管束,组织化学实验表明,绞股蓝人参皂甙主要分布在营养器官的同化组织及韧皮部薄壁细胞中,厚角组织,表皮及周皮的栓内层也有少量分布。  相似文献   

A comparative study of the leaf anatomy of the subtribe Conceveibinae was carried out. Leaves show a similar structural arrangement in all species, however, there are small variations among the taxa that allow definitions of species or groups. It is not possible to recognize infrageneric divisions or to maintain some genera as different from Conceveiba. The analysis included the study of 11 characters of taxonomic importance of the leaf: the form, the size and the apex of the papillae of the lower side of the blade, the number of layers of the palisade parenchyma, the presence or absence of the midrib pith, the number of vascular bundles of petiole as well as the central cylinder and the medulla, and the presence or absence of the sclerenchyma in the different levels of the petiole. The results are evaluated from a taxonomical point of view. With leaf anatomy characters only, it is possible to separate the genus Conceveiba in the subtribe.  相似文献   

Many characters of leaf (hair, hypodermal cells, palisade layers, intercellular space, distinction between spongy and palisade parenchyma, "palisade ratio", distribution of collenchyma and sclerenchyma, presence or absence of starch grains, calcium oxalate crystals, number, shape and arrangement of bundles of petiole) are useful distinguishing characters. Reduction of palisade layers seems to be the trend of evolution in Piper and Peperomia.  相似文献   

Leaf movements in Abutilon theophrasti Medic, were monitored manually and by a continuous electronic recording device. Plants entrained to a daily regime of a 15 h light span followed by 9 h of darkness showed rhythmic movements that persisted under conditions of continuous illumination and constant temperature with a circadian period. The rhythmic change in orientation of the leaf from a near horizontal (day) to a near vertical (night) position was attributed to movement of the blade and not the petiole. The end of the petiole next to the blade functions as a joint or pulvinus. Anatomical confirmation of the existence of a pulvinus in the Abutilon leaf was provided by light microscopy. Vascular tissue in this region forms a solid cylinder with no pith, and the cortex is parenchymatous. In the main part of the petiole, the vascular tissue is arranged in four to six bundles, a pith is present, and the cortex contains a sub-epidermal ring of collenchyma. Both the functional and anatomical evidence indicate the presence of a pulvinus that functions in circadian leaf movements of Abutilon.  相似文献   

A comparative study was undertaken on the leaves and petioles of 16 species of Mallotus in order to investigate anatomical variations of potential in species identification. There is a range of characters which varies between species. These include the outline of the midrib and petiole in transverse sections, the shape of the vascular tissue in midribs, the presence of central bundles in the petiole, the presence of terminal sclereids, enlarged tracheids, presence or absence of non-glandular trichomes, and parenchymatous sheaths in vascular bundles. A combination of these characters may be used to identify species. Anatomical data support the placing of only a few species into the respective sections.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of the nodal and leaf anatomy of Bonnetiaceae was completed in order to provide evidence for evaluation in relation to systematics. Nodal anatomy is trilacunar, three-trace or unilacunar, one-trace. Basic leaf anatomical features of the family include: complete or incomplete medullated vascular cylinder in petiole; paracytic mature stomata with encircling ridges; large mucilaginous cells in the adaxial surface of mesophyll; periclinal divisions in upper surface layers; and discrete patches of phloem within the vascular bundles. Especially noteworthy is the presence in some genera of foliar vascular bundles enveloped by a sheath composed of two concentric regions, i.e., an inner region consisting of multiple layers of fibers and an outer specialized endodermis composed of thin-walled cells with Casparian strips. Leaves are variable with respect to lamina and cuticle thickness, relative amount and number of palisade and spongy layers, venation of lamina, and the presence or absence of sclereids and crystals in the mesophyll. A major feature in the evolution of Bonnetiaceae is development of a highly divergent, essentially parallel, leaf venation that is superficially similar to that of some monocotyledons and apparently unique among dicotyledons. Foliar anatomy provides important characters for the recognition of subgroups within Bonnetiaceae and is consistent with the segregation of Bonnetiaceae from Theaceae.  相似文献   

睡莲科三属植物叶的比较解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了睡莲科的睡莲属、莼菜属和萍蓬草属三属植物叶的比较解剖学特征。结果表明,莼菜属叶柄仅具一个维管束,其余二个属均有数个维管束,且维管束为有限的、星散排列,这一特征与单子叶植物的很相似;叶柄基本组织中,除萍蓬草属无气道外,其它两个属均有气道;在睡莲属和萍蓬草属中存在星状石细胞,而莼菜属中则无此细胞;莼菜属和萍蓬草属具腺毛,睡莲属无腺毛。由于睡莲科此三属植物叶的解剖学特点存在很大的差异,因此认为睡莲科的这三属可能来源于不同的祖先,因此建议将莼菜属和萍蓬草属从睡莲科中分离出来。分别独立为莼菜科和萍蓬草科。  相似文献   

The leaf, stem, root, tuber and dropper anatomy of the orchid tribe Diseae (including the subtribes Satyriinae, Disinae, Brownlecinac, Huttonaeinae and Coryciinae) is reviewed. The study is largely based on investigations of 123 species, and data from several previous publications have also been incorporated. Two characters were identified as being taxonomically valuable: (1) the presence of sclerenchyma caps associated with leaf vascular bundles, and (2) the degree of dissection of the siphonostele of the tuber ('polystelic' or 'monostelic'). The phylogenetic analysis shows that anatomical characters do not change the basic structure of a cladogram that is based on morphological characters. The taxa of Diseae are discussed on the basis of anatomical data. Subtribes Satyriinae (excluding the anatomically unusual genus Pachites), Brownleeinae, Huttonaeinae, and Coryciinae are uniform in. critical anatomical characters. However, subtribe Disinae is rather diverse in vegetative anatomy. Disa sect. Micranthae differs from the rest of the genus in its leaf anatomy. The occurrence of foliar sclerenchyma bundle caps and 'polystelic' tubers supports the incorporation of Herschelianthe in Disa sect. Stenocarpa.  相似文献   

中国特有植物血水草属的解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Illustrations of seedling development and the adult plant of Cladium jamaicense Crantz are given. The course of vascular bundles in the leaf is described in detail. The structure of seedling and adult leaves are compared. Development of leaf primordia and initiation of vascular bundles are followed. Changes in the anatomy within one leaf and differences between foliage leaves and scales are related to their development. The adaxial vascular bundles that are inversely orientated are initiated within a procambial complex in close association with the largest abaxial bundles. Normally orientated adaxial bundles have an origin independent of other bundles. A hypothesis is presented which accounts for the differentiation of inverted bundles in morphogenetic terms. No developmental evidence was found to support the phylogenetic derivation of the leaf of Cladium by adaxial folding and fusion of laminar halves with their own adaxial surfaces.  相似文献   

采用离析法和石蜡切片法对单芽狗脊营养器官进行形态解剖研究。结果表明:单芽狗脊叶为异面叶,上、下表皮细胞均为不规则型,仅下表皮有气孔器分布;叶柄维管束有2~6个,自叶柄基部向上至叶轴仅有2个较大的维管束;根状茎薄壁细胞之间有多个维管束散生分布,且富含丰富的淀粉粒;皮层在根的横切结构中占比较大,木质部的发育方式为外始式;单芽狗脊珠芽的发育过程分为三个阶段,珠芽原基的形成期、珠芽原基的分化期、成熟期。  相似文献   

The leaf, stem, root, tuber and dropper anatomy of the orchid tribe Diseae (including the subtribes Satyriinae, Disinae, Brownlecinac, Huttonaeinae and Coryciinae) is reviewed. The study is largely based on investigations of 123 species, and data from several previous publications have also been incorporated. Two characters were identified as being taxonomically valuable: (1) the presence of sclerenchyma caps associated with leaf vascular bundles, and (2) the degree of dissection of the siphonostele of the tuber (‘polystelic’ or ‘monostelic’). The phylogenetic analysis shows that anatomical characters do not change the basic structure of a cladogram that is based on morphological characters. The taxa of Diseae are discussed on the basis of anatomical data. Subtribes Satyriinae (excluding the anatomically unusual genus Pachites), Brownleeinae, Huttonaeinae, and Coryciinae are uniform in. critical anatomical characters. However, subtribe Disinae is rather diverse in vegetative anatomy. Disa sect. Micranthae differs from the rest of the genus in its leaf anatomy. The occurrence of foliar sclerenchyma bundle caps and ‘polystelic’ tubers supports the incorporation of Herschelianthe in Disa sect. Stenocarpa.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomy of six genera was investigated. The petiole of Brasenia schreberi possesses a pair of bundles, the other five possess closed, scattered vascular bundles, resembling those of the Monocotyledons. True vessels are absent. Air passages are present in the ground tissue of the petiole except for Nuphar pumilum. Leaves are all dorsiventral. Stomatal apparatuses of the Ranunculaceous type are generally confined to the upper surface of the lamina, but fewer stomata are found on the lower surface of the lamina of Nelumbo nucifera. The stomatal apparatuses of Nelumbo nucifera are of the Haplocheilic type in development, but of the Ranunculaceous type at maturity. Hydathodes and sclerenchymatous idioblasts are present only in Nelumbo nucifera. Glandular hairs and hydropotens occur on the lower surface of the lamina in all the investigated species except Nelumbo nucifera. Astrosclereids are present in all the taxa except Brasenia schreberi and Nelumbo nucifera. According to observations we consider that the genus Brasenia is a primitive one in Nymphaeaceae and it has a close phylogenetic relationship with Cabomba. They may be treated as an independent family, Cabombaceae, which is better included in the order Nymphaeales. Nymphaea, Nuphar, Euryale and Victoria are closely related to one another and should be retained in the family Nymphaeaceae. Nelumbo shows, specialized features distinct from those of the rest of the Nymphaeaceae. It should be segregatednot only as a distinct family but also as a distinct order, Nelumboales.  相似文献   

This work describes the leaf anatomy of 16 species belonging to three genera of the Malpighiaceae family found in the Cerrado (Minas Gerais State, Brazil). The scope of this study was to support the generic delimitation by contributing to the identification of the species and constructing a dichotomous identification key that includes anatomical characters. The taxonomic characters that were considered to be the most important and used in the identification key for the studied Malpighiaceae species were as follows: the presence and location of glands; presence of phloem in the medullary region of the midrib; mesophyll type; presence and type of trichomes; and presence, quantity, and disposition of accessory bundles in the petiole. It was also possible to indicate promising characters for future taxonomic and phylogenetic studies in the Malpighiaceae family, especially for the Banisteriopsis, Byrsonima, and Heteropterys genera.  相似文献   

The anatomy, palynology, morphology and distribution of the trichomes on the aerial parts of Salvia chrysophylla Stapf, an endemic species in Turkey, were studied in order to understand the usefulness of these characteristics for systematic purposes. Some anatomical characters such as (1–)2–24-rowed pith rays in roots, dorsiventral leaves, obviously larger upper epidermal cells, and two to three large vascular bundles in the center and two to four small subsidiary bundles in the wings of petiole provide information of taxonomical significance. Three main types of trichomes were observed on the stem, inflorescence axis, leaf and calyx surfaces of S. chrysophylla. They are peltate, capitate glandular and non-glandular. Capitate glandular and non-glandular trichomes were further subdivided into several kinds. Glandular trichomes are present in abundance on the inflorescence axis and calyx, but non-glandular ones were mainly situated on the leaf and stem. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies on the pollen grains have revealed that they are oblate-spheroidal and their exine ornamentation is bireticulate-perforate.  相似文献   

The histology of the xeromorphic leaves of Allamanda nerüfolia, Thevetia peruviana and Vinca minor have been examined by LM and SEM. The most important xeromorphic characters in the leaves are thick and cutinized outer cell walls of the upper epidermis, a thick and in A. nerüfolia highly sculptured cuticle and in V, minor a two–layered palisade chlorenchyma and fiber bundles in the veins. A considerable variation occurs in characters not considered xeromorphic. The oxalate crystals in A. nerüfolia and T. peruviana differ conspicuously from each other both in shape and location. The nonarticulated laticifers are branched and located on both sides of the vascular strands in A. nerüfolia and T. peruviana , while they are unbranched and confined to the abaxial side of thehveins in V. minor. In addition attention was paid to the petiole appendages observed in the three species. When young these formations are secretory in A. nerüfolia and T. peruviana and consequently constitute colleters. The histological differentiation of the leaves is also briefly described.  相似文献   

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