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李强  李建国  张忠启 《生态科学》2018,37(3):148-158
滨海盐渍土地区耕地的有机碳(SOC)、氮(N)及生物量演变是反映该区域土壤质量的重要内容。借助DNDC(Denitrification-Decomposition)模型模拟江苏滨海滩涂地区盐渍土水稻田土壤有机碳(SOC)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)、硝态氮(NO–3 -N)和生物量的变化过程, 分析DNDC 模型在江苏滨海盐渍土垦区土壤的适用性, 并对DNDC 模型模拟结果进行验证。结果表明:DNDC 模型在滨海地区水稻田对生物量、土壤有机碳和氮的模拟结果良好; 土壤有机碳均方根误差(RMSE)为0.069, 土壤铵态氮RMSE 为11.1, 硝态氮RMSE 为0.28, 总生物量RMSE 为397.92; 滨海盐渍土土壤有机碳和作物产量模拟精度较高(RMSE<10%), 铵态氮和硝态氮模拟精度较好(RMSE<20%); 模型能正确反映土壤有机碳、硝态氮、铵态氮在水稻生长过程中的变化规律, 同时能很好地揭示施肥与氮素含量、硝态氮与土壤水之间以及铵态氮和硝态氮含量上的相互关系。  相似文献   

模拟降雨下麻栎林地表径流和壤中流及氮素流失特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王荣嘉  高鹏  李成  刘潘伟  孙鉴妮  刘晴 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2732-2740
为探讨人工林地地表径流和壤中流产流机制及其氮素流失规律,选择鲁中南山区典型林地麻栎林为研究对象,采用模拟降雨试验方法,研究麻栎林与荒草地的产流及氮素流失特征。结果表明:(1)麻栎林的总产流量、地表径流量、壤中流量分别是荒草地的80.5%、61.4%、162.2%。地表径流产流呈不断增加且趋于稳定的特征;壤中流产流时间明显滞后于地表径流的,产流过程径流量波动比较小,保持相对稳定。地表径流量和壤中流量随时间的变化过程可分别通过对数函数和多项式函数进行模拟。(2)麻栎林的全氮总流失浓度、地表径流全氮流失浓度、壤中流全氮流失浓度为11.5、13.1、8.9 mg/L,分别比荒草地低19.0%、13.8%、8.2%。地表径流全氮流失浓度一般前期较大,而后递减并趋于稳定;壤中流全氮流失浓度在整个产流过程中保持相对稳定。地表径流和壤中流全氮流失浓度随降雨时间的变化过程可分别通过幂函数和多项式函数进行模拟。(3)在整个降雨产流过程中,麻栎林和荒草地的地表径流量分别占总产流量的61.8%和81.1%,麻栎林和荒草地的地表径流全氮流失量分别占全氮总流失量的70.4%和87.0%,径流、氮素的流失都以地表径流为主。与荒草地相比,麻栎林具有明显增加壤中流,减少氮素流失效果。  相似文献   

DNDC模型在农田氮素渗漏淋失估算中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用田间原装渗漏计测定了山东省济南市典型种植模式下,2008年冬小麦整个生长季水分和 氮素淋失量,并利用该数据对DNDC(DeNitrification-DeComposion)模型进行检验和敏感性分析.结果表明:模型对该地区农田土壤水分运动的模拟效果较好,模拟结果的精度总体上可以接受,但对氮素淋失量的模拟结果存在一定偏差,冬小麦整个生长季的氮素淋失量模拟值(18.35 kg N·hm-2)比实测值(14.89 kg N·hm-2)高3.46 kg N·hm-2,相对偏差在20%左右,模型参数尚需作进一步调整.模型敏感性分析显示,农田氮素淋失更易受到灌水量和施肥量的影响.DNDC模型在该地区有一定的适用性.  相似文献   

基于碳-水-氮耦合过程改进模型的温带草地生态系统生产力模拟研究 预测气候变化背景下生态系统总初级生产力的响应是全球变化生态学研究领域的一项核心任务。然而,对模型研究领域来说,准确模拟干旱生态系统总初级生产力的年际变异仍然是一个巨大的挑战。土壤含水量和总初级生产力对土壤水敏感性的精确模拟,是预测干旱生态系统中总初级生产力年际变异的两个关键方面。为此,本研究以一个广泛应用的生态系统模型(Biome-BGC模型)为例,旨在改进温带草地生态系统的模型模拟效果。一方面,通过对蒸散模块、土壤水沿剖面的垂直分布和田间持水量计算的改进和调整,模型实现了对土壤水模拟的更新。另一方面,我们改进了影响水-氮关系的函数,从而调节了总初级生产力对土壤水的敏感性。研究结果表明,原有模型高估了土壤含水量,低估了总初级生产力敏感性的年际变异,从而导致模拟总初级生产力的年际变异低于观测值。例如,原模型严重低估了总初级生产力在干旱年份的减少。相比之下,改进后的模型准确地模拟了观测土壤水的季节和年际变化,特别是表层土壤水。通过优化影响氮矿化的参数,改进后的模型改善了总初级生产力对土壤水敏感性的模拟,使其更接近观测值。因此,改进后模型对总初级生产力年际变异的模拟得到了很大程度的提高。我们的结果表明,在对干旱生态系统总初级生产力年际变异进行模拟时,应优先考虑表层土壤水及其对氮有效性的影响。  相似文献   

平衡施肥及雨强对紫色土养分流失的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用人工降雨装置模拟3种不同强度的降雨,采用模拟径流小区,研究了四川紫色丘陵区玉米净作条件下雨强及平衡施肥对土壤养分损失量及载体的影响.结果表明:雨强是影响地表径流量、径流总量及土壤侵蚀量的最主要因素.在小雨强条件下,无地表径流及土壤侵蚀发生;随着雨强的增大,地表径流量、径流总量及土壤侵蚀量都急剧增加.磷素和钾素流失总量也随雨强的增加而增加,而雨强对氮素流失的影响不大.在3种雨强条件下,3种施肥处理的氮素流失总量表现为:高氮施肥>农户习惯施肥>平衡施肥,平衡施肥能减少氮素流失,而高氮施肥增加氮素的流失.农户习惯施肥处理的磷流失总量和钾流失总量均高于平衡施肥和高氮施肥两种施钾处理,在紫色土坡耕地增施钾肥能减少磷、钾养分的流失.  相似文献   

伴随城市化的发展, 城市降雨径流水文机制发生改变, 城市内涝频繁发生和水质恶化严重, 最终造成城市水生态环境退化现象日益凸显。由美国EPA 研发的SWMM 模型成为城市降雨径流模拟研究的重要工具, 广泛应用于城市降雨径流产生、输移过程及其管理措施效果等方面的模拟研究, 但其参数的确定是其应用的关键性问题。可见, 对SWMM 模型敏感参数进行识别分类及其敏感性研究, 不仅有利于降低SWMM 模型应用时参数选取的工作量, 还可以提高其模拟结果的准确度。将SWMM 模型的主要敏感参数分为6 类: 汇水区性状参数、透水性地表与不透水性地表相关参数、下渗相关参数、传输模块参数、污染物累积冲刷相关参数和其他参数, 并分析得出敏感参数主要受模型输出变量类型、降雨强度和土地利用类型等因素的影响。在此基础上, 提出了针对SWMM 模型参数敏感性方面今后研究的重点, 以期为SWMM 模型在国内的应用与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

生物地球化学过程模型DNDC的研究进展及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脱氮-分解(denitrification-decomposition,DNDC)模型通过耦合土壤环境驱动的反硝化和分解过程来估计土壤中二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)等痕量气体的排放量,是目前国际上最成功的模拟陆地生物地球化学循环的模型之一.本文主要阐述了DNDC模型的发展过程及其结构,以及模型的验证和敏感因子分析,并总结了当前DNDC模型应用的热点领域.  相似文献   

从水环境角度探析农田氮素流失及控制对策   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:24  
综述了国内外关于农田氮素流失对水体影响现状、农田氮素流失途径、流失机理及其控制方法等的研究进展及其控制对策.在控制氮素流失对水环境影响方面,针对氮素地表径流流失和淋溶流失采取有效措施,减少氮素对地表水和地下水污染.氮素污染的治理关键是切断氮源和流失途径的联系,应根据氮污染源的等级划分因地制宜地采取治理措施,制定适合我国国情的BMPs(最佳管理措施)管理模式.  相似文献   

稻麦适宜氮素营养指标动态的模型设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以水稻和小麦为研究对象,通过解析和提炼稻麦适宜氮素营养指标与品种类型、栽培技术、生态环境之间的定量关系,以基于生理发育时间(PDT)的相对生长度日和相对氮素营养指标为参数,建立了稻麦适宜氮素营养指标动态模型,并利用南京3年的大田试验资料对所建模型的可靠性和适应性进行了验证.结果表明:模型生成的水稻植株氮积累量和氮含量与实际观测值之间的平均根均方差(RMSE)分别为0.1245和0.1316;模拟的小麦植株氮积累量和氮含量与实际观测值之间的平均RMSE分别为0.1166和0.1301,表明模型对稻麦氮素营养指标动态具有较好的指导性,可为不同生态环境、品种类型和生产条件下的稻麦氮素营养诊断与管理调控提供定量化和精确化的指导.  相似文献   

浙江赋石水库集水区板栗林土壤氮素迁移特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过在板栗林地设置径流小区,于2013年1—10月间采集径流水样进行测试,同时结合雨季前后土壤氮素数据,分析了浙江北部赋石水库集水区板栗林土壤氮素迁移特征.结果表明: 板栗林地的10次地表径流事件中,各径流小区径流水量差别较大,最大达0.51 m3;其中氮是主要的流失元素,硝态氮(NO3--N)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)、总氮(TN)和化学需氧量(CODMn)的浓度分别为0.02~1.87、0.04~3.53、1.69~5.33和5.30~14.07 mg·L-1,各水质指标受径流水量影响较大,且用一元一次方程可以较好地拟合氮素流失量与径流水量之间的相关关系;雨季前后板栗林地径流场上部、中部和下部3个位置的土壤中,氮素含量差异较大;总的变化趋势是随着海拔升高氮素含量增加,随着土层深度加深氮素含量降低.比较雨季前后4种土壤氮素(NO3--N、NH4+-N、TN 和水解性氮Hydro-N)的差异发现,差异较大的为Hydro-N和TN,平均差异值为20.21和307.49 mg·kg-1.该区氮素随径流流失风险较大,对赋石水库水体富营养化构成潜在压力,需重点关注.  相似文献   

辽宁省农田土壤碳库分布及变化的模拟分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
中国作为世界上一个重要的农业大国,农业土壤对全球大气中CO2浓度的影响正在引起人们的普遗关注。研究以辽宁省为对象,采用针对农业土壤碳库和痕量气体排放估算建立的反硝化分解(DNDC)模型,在建立有关辽宁省气候、农业土壤和农业生产的分县数据库基础上,估算了辽宁省农田土壤碳库储量,为118.55TgC,并发现辽宁省农田土壤碳量有较明显的地区差异,东北地区较高,西南地区较低。经过一年的耕种后,农田土壤碳的变化量也有较明显的地区差异,东北地区减少幅度较大,西南地区相对变化不大或有所增加。还发现无论何种施肥方式,辽宁省农田土壤碳的变化都存在地区差异。且施用有机肥有利于农田土壤碳的积累。在输入的土壤性质数据中,有机质数据的详细程度对DNDC模型模拟结果的精确度影响较大。  相似文献   

李守娟  杨磊  陈利顶  赵方凯  孙龙 《生态学报》2018,38(20):7178-7188
城市化在改变城市周边土地利用及其空间布局的同时,也改变了城郊土壤的碳氮循环等关键生物地球化学过程。明确城郊地区土地利用变化及其对土壤碳氮储量的影响,可有效揭示城郊地区土壤肥力提供等关键生态系统服务的演变特征。以长三角典型城郊宁波樟溪流域为例,分析了1974年至2015年其土地利用变化特征,并采用DNDC模型模拟了土地利用变化所引起的土壤碳、氮储量变化。研究表明该流域内农地和林地面积均在不断减小,而园地和城镇建设用地面积在不断增加。模拟表明农地单位面积有机碳、总氮含量逐年降低,而林地则不断增加,园地呈波动变化,不同土地利用类型的单位面积有机碳和总氮含量对温度和降雨的变化有不同程度的响应。随着城郊地区土地利用变化,流域内农地土壤有机碳和总氮储量逐年降低,园地和林地土壤有机碳和总氮储量逐年增加,土地利用变化决定了流域土壤有机碳和总氮的储量变化特征。  相似文献   

In contrast to the significant importance of tropical rainforest ecosystems as one of the major sources within the global atmospheric N2O budget (2.2–3.7 Tg N yr?1), regional estimates of their N2O source strength are still limited and highly uncertain. To contribute toward more reliable estimates of the N2O source strength of tropical rainforest ecosystems on a regional scale, we modified a process‐oriented biogeochemical model, PnET‐N‐DNDC, and parameterized it to simulate C and N turnover and associated N2O emissions in and from tropical rainforest ecosystems. Model modifications included: (1) new parameterizations associated with plant physiology and soil hydrology and the addition of algorithms relating daily leaf litterfall to water stress as well as to daily rainfall to account for the effects of heavy rainfall damage; (2) the development of a denitrifier activity index that depends on soil moisture conditions and influences N turnover by denitrification; and (3) the addition of a biological N fixation algorithm. Daily simulated N2O emissions based on site data were in good agreement (model efficiencies up to 0.83) with field observations in the Wet Tropics of Australia and Costa Rica. The model was even able to reproduce the highly dynamic pattern of N2O emissions with short‐term increases during the wet season. Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the PnET‐N‐DNDC model was sensitive to changes in soil properties such as pH, clay content, soil organic carbon and climatic factors such as rainfall and temperature. By linking the PnET‐N‐DNDC model to a geographic information systems database, tropical rainforests in a 9000 km2 area of the Wet Tropics of Australia are estimated to emit 962 t N2O‐N yr?1 (2.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1) between July 1997 and June 1998.  相似文献   

Current research on the environmental sustainability of bioenergy has largely focused on the potential of bioenergy crops to sequester carbon and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and possible impacts on water quality and quantity. A key assumption in these studies is that bioenergy crops will be grown in a manner similar to current agricultural crops such as corn and hence would affect the environment similarly. In this study, we investigate an alternative cropping system where bioenergy crops are grown in buffer strips adjacent to current agricultural crops such that nutrients present in runoff and leachate from the traditional row‐crops are reused by the bioenergy crops (switchgrass, miscanthus and native prairie grasses) in the buffer strips, thus providing environmental services and meeting economic needs of farmers. The process‐based biogeochemical model Denitrification‐Decomposition (DNDC) was used to simulate crop yield, nitrous oxide production and nitrate concentrations in leachate for a typical agricultural field in Illinois. Model parameters have been developed for the first time for miscanthus and switchgrass in DNDC. Results from model simulations indicated that growing bioenergy crops in buffer strips mitigated nutrient runoff, reduced nitrate concentrations in leachate by 60–70% and resulted in a reduction of 50–90% in nitrous oxide emissions compared with traditional cropping systems. While all the bioenergy crop buffers had significant positive environmental benefits, switchgrass performed the best with respect to minimizing nutrient runoff and nitrous oxide emissions, while miscanthus had the highest yield. Overall, our model results indicated that the bioenergy crops grown in these buffer strips achieved yields that are comparable to those obtained for traditional agricultural systems while simultaneously providing environmental services and could be used to design sustainable agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

基于径流路径的分布式面源污染模型研发与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精准刻画地表径流的路径及其所携带的面源污染物随径流的输移过程是准确估算面源污染入水体量、污染关键源区辨识和高效防控的关键,在我国以小农户种植为主、景观特征复杂的地理条件下尤为重要。鉴于目前常用的面源污染模型大都起源于国外,往往对径流路径的空间差异性及污染物陆面输移过程进行概化,介绍了一个基于径流路径的分布式面源污染模型(STEM-NPS)及其研发与应用进展。阐述了该模型的研发背景、模型原理和结构,说明了STEM-NPS模型对地表径流汇流及其所携带的污染物输移过程的精细化表达方法;介绍了该模型在不同地理环境及尺度的应用进展,展示了其在地块尺度的面源污染关键源区辨识,关键过程和关键影响因素解析及面源污染监管决策支持等方面的功能;探讨了STEM-NPS模型与其他常用模型的异同,并结合生态学研究和面源污染精准防控的需求,提出模型的应用前景及进一步发展的方向。  相似文献   

Rainfall is a driving force for the transport of environmental contaminants from agricultural soils to surficial water bodies via surface runoff. The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of antecedent soil moisture content on the fate and transport of surface applied commercial urea, a common form of nitrogen (N) fertilizer, following a rainfall event that occurs within 24 hr after fertilizer application. Although urea is assumed to be readily hydrolyzed to ammonium and therefore not often available for transport, recent studies suggest that urea can be transported from agricultural soils to coastal waters where it is implicated in harmful algal blooms. A rainfall simulator was used to apply a consistent rate of uniform rainfall across packed soil boxes that had been prewetted to different soil moisture contents. By controlling rainfall and soil physical characteristics, the effects of antecedent soil moisture on urea loss were isolated. Wetter soils exhibited shorter time from rainfall initiation to runoff initiation, greater total volume of runoff, higher urea concentrations in runoff, and greater mass loadings of urea in runoff. These results also demonstrate the importance of controlling for antecedent soil moisture content in studies designed to isolate other variables, such as soil physical or chemical characteristics, slope, soil cover, management, or rainfall characteristics. Because rainfall simulators are designed to deliver raindrops of similar size and velocity as natural rainfall, studies conducted under a standardized protocol can yield valuable data that, in turn, can be used to develop models for predicting the fate and transport of pollutants in runoff.  相似文献   

Increased nitrogen deposition has resulted in increased nitrogen pools and nitrogen leaching in European and North American forest soils. The development in Asia in general, and China in particular, suggests increased deposition of reduced nitrogen from changes in agricultural practices and of oxidized nitrogen from rapid growth of the transportation sector. Decreased nitrogen retention in forested areas in the future may cause increased NO3- leaching and, thus, acidification and eutrophication in surface waters. The differences in climate, ecosystems, land use, and deposition history make direct application of knowledge from studies in Europe and North America difficult. In Southwest China the potential for nitrogen mobilization from forest soils may be high because of the warm and humid climate, resulting in high decomposition rates of soil organic matter. However, there are very few data available for quantifying the suspected potential for increased nitrogen leaching in forest ecosystems. Here we present data from two forested catchments, dominated by Masson pine (Pinus massoniana), near Guiyang and Chongqing, respectively, in Southwest China. The present nitrogen deposition is moderate, estimated in the range from 10 to 40 kg N ha(-1) year(-1). The C/N ratios of the soils are generally below 15. Nitrate concentrations in soil water are rather variable in space, with highest values of several hundred microequivalents per liter. The turnover rate of nitrogen in the forest ecosystem is quite high compared to the atmospheric deposition rate. At present, nitrate runoff from the catchments is low and intermediate in Guiyang and Chongqing, respectively. More research is needed to improve our ability to predict future nitrogen leaching from subtropical Asian coniferous forests.  相似文献   

The concentrations of rare earth elements (REs) in atmospheric particles, soil, soil water, surface runoff, and different parts of corn in an experimental plot in the suburb of Beijing, China were measured and the flux of REs was estimated. The concentration of REs in air particles with diameter less than 10 μm is 36 ng/m3 and, by ratio analysis, the origin of REs in the atmosphere was likely local soil. The concentration of soluble REs is 0.69 μg/L in rainwater, 5–7 μg/L in surface runoff, as well as 1–4 μg/L in soil water and the application of RE mixture has no observed influences on their concentrations. The concentration of soluble REs in surface runoff and soil water was dominated by aqueous-solid-phase partitioning. By estimation of the flux, most of the REs applied will remain in the soil phase and continued application of REs will cause an accumulation of REs in agricultural soil.  相似文献   

Rice production is a substantial source of atmospheric CH4, which is second only to CO2 as a contributor to global warming. Since CH4 is produced in anaerobic soil environments, water management is expected to be a practical measure to mitigate CH4 emissions. In this study, we used a process‐based biogeochemistry model (DNDC‐Rice) to assess the CH4 mitigation potentials of alternative water regimes (AWR) for rice fields at a regional scale. Before regional application, we tested DNDC‐Rice using site‐scale data from three rice fields in Japan with different water regimes. The observed CH4 emissions were reduced by drainage of the fields, but were enhanced by organic amendments. DNDC‐Rice gave acceptable predictions of variation in daily CH4 fluxes and seasonal CH4 emissions due to changes in the water regime. For regional application, we constructed a GIS database at a 1 × 1 km mesh scale that contained data on rice field area, soil properties, daily weather, and farming management of each cell in the mesh, covering 3.2% of the rice fields in Japan's Hokkaido region. We ran DNDC‐Rice to simulate CH4 emissions under five simulated water regimes: the conventional water regime and four AWR scenarios with gradually increasing drainage. We found that AWR can reduce CH4 emission by up to 41% compared with the emission under conventional water regime. Including the changes in CO2 and nitrous oxide emissions, potential mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) was 2.6 Mg CO2 Eq. ha?1 yr?1. If this estimate is expanded to Japan's total rice fields, expected GHG mitigation is 4.3 Tg CO2 Eq. yr?1, which accounts for 0.32% of total GHG emissions from Japan. For a reliable national‐scale assessment, however, databases on soil, weather, and farming management must be constructed at a national scale, as these factors are widely variable between regions in Japan.  相似文献   

李月  万忠梅  孙丽 《生态科学》2020,39(3):212-220
CoupModel模拟范围广泛,几乎涉及了陆面过程的各种环节,且具有动态预测性。该模型不但能够较为准确地模拟森林、农田、湿地以及冻土等多种生态系统的土壤水热运移和碳氮循环等过程,还能够科学地预测气候变化背景下的增温潜势。通过对CoupModel的耦合原理及特点、数据的输入输出、多种参数估计方法及模拟结果检验等方面的详细介绍,深入了解了利用该模型模拟土壤-植被-大气系统的物质能量过程;CoupModel在国外多个国家和地区获得应用与认可,引入我国后,通过更改部分参数也在多个地区得到验证。在综合众多前人研究成果的基础上,将该模型与几种使用较广泛的同类模型进行了简单的对比分析,随后从模型参数简化、适用性验证和模型尺度等方面对其未来研究进展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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