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定量分析世界范围内稻鱼共作对水稻的产量效应, 为稻鱼共作技术的大面积推广应用提供科学依据。研究搜集了公开发表的102组稻鱼共作与水稻单作处理的水稻产量数据(截至2021年12月31日)。运用Meta分析方法, 明确了稻鱼共作对水稻产量的综合效应, 进而量化分析了时间区域、田间条件、水稻品种、肥药管理、鱼苗投放和投喂管理等对稻鱼共作产量效应的影响。与水稻单作相比, 稻鱼共作显著提高了水稻产量, 平均增产率约为17.2%(95%CI: 9.4%—25.6%), 分析结果可靠。不同区域气候稻鱼共作的产量效应差异显著, 国外和热带气候区域较高。2011年以后年份、田沟布局为一侧、水稻品种为粳稻的试验田中, 稻鱼共作的水稻增产率相对较高; 不同测产方式的产量效应差异不显著。不同肥药管理稻鱼共作的产量效应差异显著, 施肥3次、单一追肥、施用有机肥与无机肥、施药的产量效应较高; 在保障增产效应的前提下可以适当减少肥料农药的施用量, 采用有机肥和不施农药方式以获取经济与环境的双重效益。投苗时间、养殖模式、投苗密度、投喂与否稻鱼共作的产量效应差异显著, 在水稻移栽后21—25d投苗单养, 规格、密度及生物量控制在40 g/尾、1 尾/m2和30 g/m2以内, 不投喂饲料更能发挥稻鱼共作的增产效应。稻鱼共作能够显著提高水稻产量, 是有效利用稻田资源的可行方式。  相似文献   

摄食不同淀粉含量饲料对军曹鱼血清生化指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验旨在研究经过10周投喂不同淀粉含量的饲料的养殖实验后, 禁食1d后再投喂对170 g军曹鱼血清生化指标的影响. 饲料以鱼粉为蛋白源, 鱼油、豆油、大豆卵磷脂为脂肪源, 分别添加0%(对照组)、6%、12%、18%、24%和30%的小麦淀粉(以微晶纤维素调平), 养殖实验期间每天饱食投喂2次. 结果表明, 饥饿再投喂饲料后各处理组军曹鱼血糖含量均在(0-5)h升高, 在5h时达到峰值, 并显著高于其他时间组, 摄食5h后开始下降, 7h时基本恢复到投喂前水平; 血清总蛋白含量在不同处理组以及同一处理组的不同时间点上均没有显著差异; 血清中甘油三酯含量在(0-5)h显著升高, 5h后其含量开始下降, 7h时基本恢复到投喂前水平. 其中0%、6%和12%组, 摄食5h后其甘油三酯含量显著高于摄食前与摄食后7h和24h, 而在18%、24%和30%组中, 其含量无显著差异; 0%淀粉组血清中胆固醇含量在(0-2)h显著升高, 2h时达到峰值, 在(2-7)h呈下降趋势, 之后趋于平稳. 其他处理组都是在(0-5)h升高, 5h后开始下降, 在7h时基本恢复到投喂前水平. 18%-30%组, 摄食后5h血清中胆固醇含量显著高于摄食前与摄食后24h. 军曹鱼血清中低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇在(0-5)h显著升高, 摄食5h后其含量开始下降, 7h时基本恢复到投喂前水平, 但各组不同时间点间均无显著性差异. 而血清中高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇含量除在24%添加组中, 摄食后5h显著高于摄食前(0h)及投喂结束后24h处理组, 其他处理之间无显著差异. 综上所述: 170 g军曹鱼禁食再摄入不同含量的小麦淀粉后其血清中血糖含量先升高后降低, 随着饲料中糖添加量的增加, 其峰值先增加, 后趋于平稳. 军曹鱼血清甘油三酯和胆固醇的含量会升高, 对其血清中低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇及高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇影响不显著.    相似文献   

我国稻田养鱼的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻田养鱼有两种形式,即“稻鱼共生”和“稻鱼轮作”。稻鱼共生系指水稻和鱼群共同生活在稻田中,双方彼得到一定利益。这种稻田养鱼方式以培育吃草的鱼种为主,搭养当地需要的鱼种为辅。稻鱼轮作是指水稻与养鱼轮流生产,即一年当中只种一季水稻,余时则为养鱼。如利用冬闲田、固水田及湖区的低洼田水稻收获后即行养鱼,此种方式以养食用鱼或大规格(15厘米以上)鱼种为主。    相似文献   

传统稻鱼系统中“田鲤鱼”的形态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻田养鱼是一种重要的传统农业系统,养殖在稻田中的鲤鱼,在长期的自然选择和人工选择下逐渐形成了适应于稻田浅水环境的“田鲤鱼”.本研究以具有千年历史的全球重要农业文化遗产系统“青田稻鱼共生系统”和“从江稻鱼鸭系统”的青田田鱼和从江田鱼为范例,通过采样对两种“田鲤鱼”进行传统形态学分析和地标几何形态学分析;采用线粒体基因构建系统发育树;通过数据库数据提取和采样测量对两种“田鲤鱼”和其他常见鲤鱼种群或品系进行传统形态学聚类分析.传统形态学分析和地标几何形态学分析表明,青田田鱼和从江田鱼在形态上存在差异,与青田田鱼相比,从江田鱼尾部长而窄,体型较细长,尾部长度占身体长度比例小.对这两种田鱼及养殖于其他水体的其他鲤鱼种群进行系统发育树分析表明,青田田鱼和从江田鱼在遗传上是独立的种群;但形态聚类分析表明,这两种田鱼归为一类,明显不同于其他鲤鱼种群或品系,与其他鲤鱼种群的差异主要表现在背鳍和尾鳍上.这些研究结果说明,长期生活在稻田环境的青田田鱼和从江田鱼在遗传和形态上均明显不同于其他水体养殖鲤鱼种群,且青田田鱼和从江田鱼之间形态上存在差异.  相似文献   

这里有明媚的山光,清澈的溪水,秀丽的梯田,还有一幅其乐融融的“稻鱼同乐”图:稻田里五彩斑斓的鱼儿欢快地嬉戏,绿色的水稻在鱼儿的陪伴下越发充满生机。这就是我国浙江青田县的龙现村。龙现村是一个千年山区古村落,1999年,该村被命名为中国田鱼第一村。村子里有400亩左右的农田,100多个水塘,具有得天独厚的稻田养鱼优势。  相似文献   

垄作稻田和垄作养鱼稻田土壤结构与肥力特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水稻半旱式垄作栽培技术(又称水田自然免耕技术)的推广运用为稻田资源的综合开发利用,尤其是稻田高产养鱼奠定了物质和技术基础。它比较合理地解决了传统淹水平作水稻和传统稻田养鱼中存在的种稻与蓄水,种稻与养鱼,养鱼与晒田,养鱼与化肥、农药施用,水稻与杂草,水稻与病虫等方面的问题,水稻增产显著,成鱼产量大幅度提高,一般可达750—2250kg·ha~(-1),高者3750kg·ha~(-1)以上。物质循环和能量转化的成倍增加,势必对稻田生境和土壤肥力产生影响。因此,搞清楚传统淹水平作稻田起垄后的垄作稻田和垄作养鱼稻田的土壤结构和土壤肥力的变化规律,对指导开发稻田资源,实现稻鱼双丰收具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

为研究养殖系统中浮游植物对饲料氮磷比(N:P 比)的响应, 在草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)集约化养殖池塘开展不同N:P 比饲料投喂的观测试验。设置两个处理组进行对比试验, 分别投喂N:P 比为4.74(A 处理)和8.63(B 处理)的配合饲料, 进行为期10 周的观测。结果表明, B 处理组观测到更高的浮游植物生物量, 推测浮游植物可能加速了水体食物链的物质循环效率,这解释了B 处理组具有更高饲料效率和更高鱼产量的原因。B 处理组中绿藻成为优势种类, 蓝藻相对生物量显著低于A 处理组, 生物多样性也较低。因此草鱼集约化养殖过程中过低N:P 比的饲料不利于鱼产量提高, 合理的N:P 比(8.63)可以更好地促进水体中浮游植物生长, 抑制可食性较低的蓝藻生物量比例, 间接提高饲料效率, 达到养殖增产和保护环境的双重效益。  相似文献   

<正>封面图片由浙江省青田县农业局吴敏芳于2014年8月24日摄于浙江省青田县仁庄镇浙江大学"青田稻田养鱼系统"试验基地(28°02'N,120°14'E).青田县位于浙江省东南部,瓯江中下游,属亚热带季风气候,全县稻田面积6200 hm~2,其中85%为稻田养鱼模式.在中国具有千年历史的稻鱼共生系统是农业利用种间互惠的典范,被联合国粮农组织选入世界首批重要农业文化遗产.浙江大学生态研究所农业生态研究团队通过多年的研究揭示了水稻和田鱼之间的互惠是稻鱼共生系统  相似文献   

稻田养鱼生态经济效益的初步分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
稻田养鱼(或称稻鱼共生生态系统)在我国已有1700多年的历史,近年来这项技术迅猛发展。据1985年不完全统计,全国稻田养鱼面积达5.0×10~6ha。长期的生产实践已证明,“稻田养鱼、稻鱼双丰收”,不仅能增加农田的经济收入,又可防病治虫,改善生态环境,能立体和综合利用农业自然资源,具有一定的社会、生态和经济效益。几年来,不少水产、农业科技工作者对稻田养鱼的经济效益和管理技术进行了大量的科学试验,但对养鱼后稻田生态系统在结构和功能上的变化未有深入研究。本文对稻田养鱼与水稻生长、病虫害和土壤肥力的关系进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

略论稻田养鱼与农田生态   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
稻田养鱼能够挖掘稻田生态系统的生产潜力 ,既提高稻谷产量又增加淡水鱼产量 ,又为发展养鱼提供大量优质鱼种。稻鱼群落能够产生单一种稻所不能有的经济、生态和社会诸方面的综合效益 ,稻田养鱼为合理地利用土地资源提供了一种特殊的、最佳的生态模式。1 稻田养鱼在农田生态系统中的作用农田的水、土、光、热和气等非生物因素和动物、植物、微生物等生物因素密切地相互关联、相互依存、相互制约 ,形成一个在功能上统一的系统 ,即农田生态系统。在这个系统内 ,生物群落同其生活环境进行着能量、物质转化和循环。稻田是一个典型的人工生态系…  相似文献   

Vromant  Nico  Chau  Nguyen T.H.  Ollevier  Frans 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):105-117
Concurrent rice-fish systems in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, are characterized by a rice field surrounded by a trench (on average 1000 m2, covering 15–20% of the field surface). Rice is direct seeded and fish are reared in polyculture. The most common species for polyculture are silver barb Barbodes gonionotus (Bleeker), common carp Cyprinus carpio L. and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). In a 1996–1997 dry season experiment, the effects of (1) absence or presence of a fish polyculture, and (2) two different rice-seeding rates (100 and 300 kg pre-germinated rice per ha) on the trench floodwater ecology were studied. Fish were stocked in six out of twelve rice-fish plots at the Co Do experimental rice-fish station (10° 10 N and 105° 20 E). Silver barb, common carp and Nile tilapia were stocked in polyculture at densities of 3150, 310 and 550 fish/ha, respectively. Several hydrological and biological parameters of the trench floodwater were measured. About 65% of the observed variation in the trench floodwater could be attributed to the fishes stocked and changes in rice-seeding rate. The presence of a fish polyculture increased the water turbidity of the trench floodwater, mainly through suspension of mineral and organic material through fish perturbation. At the lower rice-seeding rate, this resulted in a lower primary production. Photosynthetic activity, dissolved oxygen am and pm showed significant decreases, but only at the lower rice-seeding rate in the presence of fish. Fish polyculture presence resulted in lower ortho-phosphate concentrations, higher phytoplankton communities and higher Protozoa numbers, most probably due to a higher availability of nutrients through fish defecation and perturbation. The rice-seeding rate had a significant impact on pH am, pH pm and temperature pm readings. The survival rate for Nile tilapia and the gross production for Nile tilapia and common carp was higher at the lower rice seeding rate, most probably due to a better aquatic environment of the field. In terms of fish production, the trench floodwater environment was better than the field floodwater. The trench is a very important part of the rice-fish system. It serves as a refuge and supplies reasonable amounts of phytoplankton and zooplankton to the fish.  相似文献   

Vromant  Nico  Chau  Nguyen T.H.  Ollevier  Frans 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):151-164
Concurrent, rice-fish systems in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, are characterized by a rice field surrounded by a trench. Rice is direct seeded and fish are reared in polyculture. The most common species for polyculture are silver barb Barbodes gonionotus (Bleeker), common carp Cyprinus carpio L. and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). In a 1996–97 rice-fish experiment, the effects of (1) absence or presence of such a polyculture, and (2) different rice-seeding rates (100 and 300 kg pre-germinated rice per ha) on the field floodwater ecology were studied. Fish obtained from local nurseries were stocked in six out of 12 rice-fish plots at the Co Do experimental rice-fish station (10°10 N and 105°20 E). Silver barb, common carp and Nile tilapia were stocked in polyculture at densities of 3150, 310 and 550 fish ha–1, respectively. About 50% of the observed variation in the floodwater could be attributed to the fish stocked and to rice-seeding rate. The above-ground dry weight of the rice plants increased in the presence of fish and by an increase in rice-seeding rate. Greater shading by denser plants resulted in changes in variables related to aquatic primary production, including the amount of chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen concentration and pH. The presence of fish quadrupled the ammonium concentration, but decreased that of ortho-phosphate. Though fish increased the ammonium concentration, this did not result in a higher aquatic photosynthesis. Light, not ammonium, was the most limiting factor. However, increased ammonium concentrations in the presence of fish did have a positive effect on the density of Euglenophyta and the amount of chlorophyll-a, though only at the lower rice-seeding rate. At the higher rice-seeding rate, light seemed to be lacking. At the lower rice-seeding rate, fish also had a significant effect on the Cladocera–Rotifera ratio. Rotifera numbers increased as fish stimulated phytoplankton. We also demonstrated that fish most probably do not reduce ammonia volatilization losses. The lower rice-seeding rate seemed better for fish production than the higher rate: at the lower rate, dissolved oxygen concentrations were higher throughout the rice cycle. In addition, the amount of chlorophyll-a and the density of Euglenophyta were higher at the lower rice-seeding rate. Finally, we could show that even at high rice-seeding rates, fish had an impact on the aquatic environment. Fish access to the field is not hindered by dense rice stands.  相似文献   

Rice field ecology and fish culture — an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rice fields are an integral part of the landscape throughout most of the tropics. Rice is also grown widely in higher latitudes. Most rice cultivation is done in flooded fields where a temporary aquatic fauna is generated. Rice cultivation has sustained some of the oldest civilizations but the use of the aquatic phase for raising a crop of fish has not been practiced widely although fragmentary records indicate that rice and fish have been cultivated concurrently but rarely over 2 or 3 millennia. We have more reliable records of rice and fish culture in rice fields during the past 150 years.Rice cultivation is now very highly mechanized and uses high fertilizer and pesticide inputs and extensive irrigation facilities have been constructed to increase the area of rice cultivation and enhance yields. Rice cultivation also provides a suitable habitat for the breeding of mosquitoes, some of which are vectors for diseases. It appears that in regions outside the tropics aquatic pests of rice are also encountered. In the tropics indigenous fishes and other organisms including copepods act as biological control agents for mosquitoes and aquatic rice pests.The rice field is usually a successor of shallow marshes or a lowland area which can be supplied with adequate water. In addition deep water rice is grown in permanent marshes and rice is also grown in terraced hillsides, not to mention relatively dry localities where dry-land rice is cultivated. The marsh habitat is usually rich in plant and animal species. Some of these survive in rice fields. The water supplied to rice fields come via irrigation systems which bring a complement of plants, animals, and other organisms seasonally to colonize the rice field. The rice field is thus a new habitat, like a reservoir, with some similarities to a marsh but manipulated for cultivation of rice. This creates a unique, temporary and rapidly changing habitat which is often very productive and can be used to raise fish on an artisanal or intensive scale.Fish culture in rice fields has had a checkered history during the past 150 years when records are available. Its earlier history is obscure. Long-term records of fish culture activities are not available from any part of the world although apparently thriving enterprises seem to have existed in Japan, Italy, USSR and China. Attempts to culture fish in rice fields have been made on all continents except Australasia and Antarctica of course. At the present time the focus of rice-cultivation seems to have shifted to China, Indonesia, and Thailand. Whether this enterprise will endure even in these countries cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty.  相似文献   

稻作系统对淡水养殖池塘富营养化的修复效应及应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冯金飞  李凤博  吴殿星  方福平 《生态学报》2014,34(16):4480-4487
养殖池塘富营养化是目前制约我国淡水养殖业可持续发展的关键因素。稻作系统具有显著的净化水质能力,如何将稻作系统和淡水养殖系统进行生态耦合实现氮、磷养分的循环利用,是淡水养殖池塘富营养化生态修复的一个重要研究方向。通过文献调研和实地考察,综合分析了浮床种稻-原位修复、稻田湿地-异位修复、稻鱼生态种养3种耦合方式对养殖池塘富营养化的修复效应,以及氮、磷养分综合利用效率,归纳总结了不同模式的技术特点以及应用中存在的问题,并就修复技术研究和生态补偿提出了培育生态修复专用水稻品种,加强稻作系统生态修复理论研究和技术推广,建立养殖池塘富营养化修复的生态补偿机制等建议。  相似文献   

In the 1996-97 dry season, a rice caseworm (Nymphula depunctalis (Guenee)) outbreak occurred at the Co Do rice-fish experimental station, Can Tho province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. A polyculture of Thai silver barb, common carp and Nile tilapia was able to reduce the number of rice caseworm larvae (P< 0.001) by at least 93%. As a result, the number of rice caseworm adults (P< 0.001) and the percentage of damaged rice leaves (P< 0.001) were also reduced compared with rice fields without introduced fish. As the pest reduction did not differ in fields with high and low seeding densities, it was concluded that the access of fish into the rice field was not severely hampered by high rice seeding densities. The presence of fish or rice caseworms had no effect on the rice yield. The broader acceptance of rice-fish culture could lead to a reduction of the number of pesticide sprays used against highly visible defoliators like the rice caseworm. This would enforce the concept that rice-fish culture and integrated pest management are complementary.  相似文献   

稻渔综合种养的科学范式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
管卫兵  刘凯  石伟  宣富君  王为东 《生态学报》2020,40(16):5451-5464
21世纪是渔业的世纪。中国和世界水产业历经数十年的发展为人类应对食品危机做出了巨大贡献。然而,我国传统的水产业对产量的片面追求导致养殖环境日趋恶化,养殖生态系统不断退化,养殖业的可持续发展受到限制。传统稻田其氮素的流失亦是导致农业面源污染的主要原因之一。我国当前的环境问题源于复合生态系统演化进程的缺陷,解决当前的环境问题,必须从优化复合生态系统演化进程着眼。采用优化的生态循环水产养殖模式,如综合水产养殖则可以大大提高氮、磷等养分物质的利用率。稻渔综合种养是一种科学的复合生态模式,可以概括为三种模式,一种是在我国传统稻田养鱼的基础上,逐步发展起来的一种稻渔共生模式,可采取稻鱼、稻蟹、稻虾等多种共作形式;二是稻田作为湿地用于处理水产养殖尾水的模式,属于异位处理形式;三是将稻渔共生和水产养殖相耦合的模式,尤其是与多种水产养殖形式结合或与复合水产养殖系统相结合,甚至是与农牧系统相结合。这第三种稻渔共作模式又称为陆基生态渔场,具有高产、高品质、高生态可持续性等特点,应加强对该创新养殖模式中有机碳、氮、磷等营养收支平衡和循环利用的相关机制以及复合生态系统对外源营养输入的整体响应机制开展研究。概括而言,尾水排放是传统池塘养殖中氮源的主要流失途径,颗粒物吸附沉降是池塘养殖中磷源的主要流失途径,而系统中的碳源则主要是通过鱼类等生物的呼吸作用进行消耗。基于生态循环的"稻渔共生-池塘复合生态系统"则恰好可以解决这三大类营养物质在生态系统中的高效保持和利用问题,实践业已证明该复合系统拥有较高的产量、品质和生态效益,是一种可持续的农业发展模式。稻渔复合生态系统的创新模式因其特有的生态循环机制及系统的高弹性、高缓冲性、高可持续性,将成为我国乃至世界应对农田、渔业生态系统的退化,复合高效解决渔业、农业或农牧业生态环境问题的典型范式。  相似文献   

稻—萍—鱼系统中红萍氮素吸收利用及有效性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道以红萍为饵料,鱼类对红萍氮素消化吸收、转化情况。试验结果表明:草鱼和尼罗罗非鱼对红萍氮素的消化和吸收率约为60%,其中30%红萍氮素转化为鱼体动物蛋白,另外约30%氮素排出体外。在田间条件下,尼罗罗非鱼摄食红萍,每季平均增长率约为41—40%。稻田养鱼,以萍喂鱼,鱼粪肥田,萍体氮素得以吸收利用,效益明显。在稻萍鱼体系中,当季红萍氮素的总利用率可达45—50%,而红萍单作肥料处理其利用率仅为30—36%,第二季作物对红萍残留氮素回收率可达7.83—9.64%,比红萍单作肥料处理高3.33—4.11%。第二季残效明显优于红萍压施处理,晚季稻谷产量的增产率可达13—25%,比压施红萍作肥料处理高7—8%。  相似文献   

殷战 《水生生物学报》2017,41(6):1380-1385
倪达书是我国从事原生动物、海洋甲藻、鱼病学、水产养殖包括稻鱼互作养殖模式研究的先驱。在纪念倪达书先生诞辰110周年的日子里, 重读倪达书当年涉及原生动物、鱼类细菌病、稻田草鱼种养殖等4篇代表性研究论文, 回顾倪达书对相应研究领域的学术贡献, 体会倪达书历经社会动荡, 依然勤勉执着的科学追求精神, 并发展为民服务的理念, 以示缅怀。  相似文献   

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