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<正>2014年6月5日作者在贵州省茂兰国家级自然保护区内的洞塘乡板寨村(25°13'40.68″N,108°01'22.59″E,海拔528 m)进行定期鸟类监测时拍摄记录到一只灰燕鵙Artamus fuscus,发现的地点在保护区内的实验区,主要生境为水田和旱田,记录到该鸟时其正停栖在水田上方的电线上。作者在茂兰保护区已进行了连续4年的繁殖鸟类监测,该鸟为首次记录。经查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(郑光美,2011)、《贵州鸟类志》(吴志康,1987)、中国观鸟记录中心(http://birdtalker.net/report/index.,2014-6-16)及《贵州茂兰国家级保护区鸟类调查》(冉景丞,2003),确认该鸟属于燕鵙科Artamidae,为贵州省鸟类科的新纪录。燕鵙科鸟类全世界有1属10种,我国记录1属1种。灰燕鵙全长155~185 mm。头、上体深灰褐色;尾上覆羽白色;胸和腹浅棕灰褐色;尾下覆羽近白色;翅尖长,折合时超过尾端,嘴形宽厚呈蓝灰色。两性相似。茂兰国家级自然保护区位于黔、桂  相似文献   

正2018年1月10日,在由云南省大理白族自治州林业局组织的水鸟同步调查中,于洱海西岸星生邑村(100°7'44.89″E,25°53'3.46″N,海拔1 964 m)发现并拍摄到1种雁形目Anseriformes鸭科Anatidae鸟类(图1)。该鸟体型与混群的骨顶鸡Fulica atra(约40 cm)相近;呈黑白两色;头白,颈侧有明显黑斑;背部黑色,尾较长且尖锐上翘;胸褐色,体两侧白色;喙色较暗。参  相似文献   

<正>2013年9月8日作者在云南省昆明市晋宁县昆阳镇(24°39'14.41″N,102°35'20.69″E,海拔1892 m)记录到一种中型涉禽。根据观察和查阅有关文献确定该鸟为斑尾塍鹬Limosa lapponica,为云南鸟类物种新纪录。观察该鸟体形大小较与其混群的青脚鹬Tringa nebularia(体长约33 cm)大,约40 cm;头、颈和胸灰色具模糊黑色细纹,顶棕色,眉纹白色显著,过眼纹黑色;上背、肩棕褐色,各羽略具白色羽缘;翅上覆羽灰褐色,各羽具宽阔白色羽缘;初级飞羽黑色,第一、二枚羽轴白色显著,初级覆羽黑色,飞行时尤显;腰白色,尾上覆羽白且杂横斑,尾具黑白相间横斑。腹、胁至尾下覆羽白色沾棕,  相似文献   

<正>2018年12月23日08∶26,在海南省五指山市水满乡的五指山热带雨林风景区观山点平台附近(109°40'42. 40″E,18°51'52. 21″N,海拔667 m)进行鸟类及植物摄影时,于枫香Liquidambar formosana林间发现并拍摄到1只浅蓝色的雀形目Passeriformes鸟类(图1)。该鸟全身铜绿蓝色,眼先及眼圈黑色,尾下覆羽具偏白色鳞状斑纹。经查阅《中国鸟类野外手册》(约翰·马敬能等,2000),确定其为铜蓝鹟Eumyias thalassinus,结合《中国鸟类分类与分布名录(第三版)》(郑光美,2017),确  相似文献   

<正>2015年5月7日,在云南省昆明市晋宁县滇池湖滨湿地(24°46'18.79″N,102°43'1.16″E,海拔1888 m)进行水禽调查时发现并拍摄到1只大滨鹬Calidris tenuirostris。经查阅有关文献(杨岚等,1995;杨晓君,2009),确认此鸟为云南省鸟类新纪录。该鸟体长约30 cm,头、颈和上背密布黑褐色和灰白色相间的条纹;腰和尾上覆羽白色;尾羽暗灰色。翅上覆羽灰褐色,羽缘白色;肩羽具栗红色和黑色杂斑;飞羽黑色,羽干白色。喉白色;胸部具黑褐色胸斑;下腹部白色,两胁具黑斑;翅下覆羽白  相似文献   

正2015年11月30日中午,作者在宁夏回族自治区固原清水河国家湿地公园(原固原市原州区沈家河水库)(36°05'47″N,106°15'50″E,海拔1 646 m)观察到5只体型较大的鸟类,并拍摄到清晰照片。该鸟体羽多灰白色,头、颈和上背色较深,肩羽和翅上覆羽具暗褐色羽干纹;飞羽黑褐,腋下泛粉红色;腹部及尾下覆羽均白;嘴形似靴,嘴中央突然向下弯曲,灰色,端部黑色;颈长,腿长。根据其外部形态特征,经查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录(第二版)》(郑光美,2011)及马鸣等(2000),结合其他研  相似文献   

<正>2014年11月2日下午16∶00左右,笔者在四川省雅安市天全县向阳村滨河公园工地(30°03'18″N,102°45'16″E,海拔735 m)发现并拍摄到雀形目鸟类一只,经鉴定为燕雀科Fringillidae的蒙古沙雀Rhodopechys mongolicus,为四川省鸟类新纪录。该鸟嘴厚重而呈暗角质色,全身以沙褐色为主,喉部、覆羽沾粉红色,胁部粉红色不明显。发现时,该鸟在防洪堤上觅食,11月3日该鸟在离首次发现地点50 m左右的草丛中觅食。此后未再发现该鸟,其居留情况有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

<正>2014年9月22日,笔者于陕西省西安咸阳国际机场(34°25'N,108°44'E)发现一鹭科鸟类尸体。发现处为平坦的低矮草地,附近有数日阴雨天后形成的小面积水滩。该鸟头部后侧至尾上覆羽为暗栗褐色,并具黑白色和褐色杂点,翅上覆羽棕栗色具白色点斑,翼下为灰色,下体浅黄色具褐色纵纹,嘴峰黑色,上嘴基部和下喙为黄绿色,跗跖和趾均为绿褐色。该个体体质量110.6 g,体长324 mm,翅长144 mm,  相似文献   

正2020年11月14日,笔者在云南省曲靖市会泽黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区进行鸟类监测时,于大桥片区三家村附近(103°16'07″E,26°42'10″N,海拔2 492 m)记录到1只大型涉禽(图1),该鸟整体呈白色,侧面观察可见翅上覆羽为粉红色,停歇时可见初级飞羽为黑色;喙镰刀状,灰白色,先端为黑色;腿部为灰色,鉴定为亚成体大红鹳Phoenicop-terus roseus。  相似文献   

正采用夜鹰HD-SG-009红外相机对宁夏泾源县六盘山国家级自然保护区的哺乳动物及地面活动的鸟类进行监测期间,于2018年6月10日在二龙河林场安放的红外相机(35°16′24.35″N,106°20′56.84″E,海拔2 535 m)拍摄到一种雀形目鸟类(图1a)。该鸟除翅和尾羽黑褐色外,其余全为橄榄褐色;嘴橘黄色,眼圈黄色,腿和爪暗肉色。2019年3月9日在六盘山国家级自然保护区(35°24′19.38″N,106°23′13.08″E,海拔1 782 m)拍摄到一种雀形目鸟类(图1b)。其额、头顶、枕、眼先、眼周均为黑色;耳羽灰褐或棕褐色,背、肩、腰至尾上覆羽土  相似文献   

朱鹮冬季觅食地的选择   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
在无线电遥测的基础上 ,采用样方法对朱冬季觅食地进行了调查。朱冬季觅食地有冬水田、河流浅滩和水库 3种类型。成鸟与幼鸟的主要觅食地类型及分布有明显的差别 ,位于海拔 6 0 0~ 10 0 0m的低山区冬水田是朱成鸟冬季最重要的觅食地 ,幼鸟多在汉江流域的河流及浅滩中觅食。对冬水田的主要栖息地特征的方差分析和因子分析的结果表明 :影响朱冬季觅食地选择的主要因子为觅食地的海拔高度、开阔度、面积及人类活动的干扰程度等。冬水田的恢复及保护对朱的保护有着重要的意义  相似文献   

张野  黄石 《人类学学报》2019,38(4):491-498
1983年,科学家们根据线粒体DNA(mtDNA)系统发育树构建了首个现代人起源的分子模型,认为现代人起源于亚洲,但1987年非洲起源说的提出取代了这一亚洲起源说。非洲起源说所依赖的无限多位点假说以及分子钟假说后来被普遍认为是错误的且不切实际的。我们近几年提出了一个新的分子进化模式,即遗传多样性上限理论,重新构建了一个新的人类起源模型。这一模型与多地区起源说基本吻合, 重新把现代人类起源地定位在了东亚。非洲说与东亚说在线粒体进化树上的主要区别是单倍型N和R的关系,非洲起源说认为N是R的祖先,东亚说则反之。本研究引用了已发表的古代人群mtDNA数据,重点分析了线粒体单倍群N和R的关系。结果显示,三个最古老的人类(一个距今45000年,其他两个约40000年)都属于单倍群R;在距今39500到30000年前的人类样本中,绝大部分属于单倍群R下游的亚单倍群U,只有两例为单倍群N(Oase1距今39500年,Salkhit距今34425年)。这两例所属单倍型位于单倍群N下游最基本的未分化亚型,不属于今天存在的任何N下游单倍型,所以可能靠近单倍群N的根部。这些古DNA数据揭示单倍群R比单倍群N古老大约5000年,进一步证实了亚洲起源说的正确性,非洲说的依据不足。  相似文献   

沈阳地区稻田节肢动物群落结构及群落生态研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
郭玉人 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1854-1862
通过对沈阳地区稻田生态系统节肢动物群落结构及群落生态研究。共查得。属昆虫纲的有10个目的29科66种,其中天敌昆虫种类有7目20科51种,属蜘蛛纲的有蜘蛛目10科20种。用空间及时间生态位分析了害虫与天敌两个营养阶层间的关系。稻田生态系统节肢动物的多样性指数、均匀度与优势度分析表明,各类群落受外界干扰都很敏感,且表现一致性。依据节肢动物群落的结构及规律,结合沈阳地区水稻生长、栽培条件,用最优分割方法将稻田群落分为4个阶段,并提出了不同阶段害虫群落特点及害虫防治对策。  相似文献   

陕西宁陕野化放飞朱鹮秋季觅食地选择与食物丰富度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
于2008年秋季应用样方法对陕西宁陕县寨沟野化放飞朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)的觅食地和食物丰富度进行了调查。结果表明,朱鹮秋季的主要觅食地是冬水田,影响朱鹮觅食地选择的主要因素是人为干扰、觅食地开阔度和土壤松软程度;宁陕野化放飞区朱鹮觅食地中共发现记录动物36种,冬水田翻耕对朱鹮的食物丰富度和生物量无显著影响。总体上,在秋季游荡期朱鹮的食物并不丰富。  相似文献   

Gonggeom‐ji pond is the first protected paddy field wetland area, designated by the Ministry of Environment of Korea in 2011, because of its high biodiversity and historic value. It contains reservoirs, paddy fields, and a forest site that provides diverse niches for insects. Quantitative methods were used in this study to estimate the insect diversity of this region. A transect of 50 m was designated in each site (reservoirs, paddy fields, and a forest site). Data were collected using sweeping and pitfall traps along each transect in May, August, and November 2017, representative of the seasons—spring, summer, and autumn, respectively. As a result, a total of 1079 individual insects representing 170 species from 60 families within nine orders were collected. Diversity, richness, and evenness indices were the highest in the forest site in May (4.77, 8.6, and 0.91, respectively). The dominance index was the highest in the forest site in November (0.64). Similarity index was the highest in the reservoir in May and August (0.519). These results would help compare different sites and their vegetation to assess relationships between insects and habitats.  相似文献   

The mark-and-recapture method was used to study the lifetime movement of the Japanese skimmer,Orthetrum japonicum, in a forest-paddy field complex in the warmtemperate zone of Japan. The flight season was from mid April to late June. The age structure showed that the maiden flight occurred towards the forest from the emergence sites (paddy fields) for both sexes. The insects returned to the paddy fields after maturation. The total number of skimmers estimated in the whole survey area was about 1000–2000, of which about 200 males were found in the paddy fields. The average lengths of the immature and reproductive periods were about 10 and 20 days in both sexes, respectively. Most mature males tended to stay in the paddy fields and showed territorial behavior, while most mature females moved frequently between the forest and the paddy fields. The average extent of each territory was about 19 m2, being established mainly in the shady paddy fields. Few males were sneakers. The available habitat throughout the life span for the skimmers was both the paddy fields and the forest.  相似文献   

【背景】氨氧化细菌是驱动硝化作用的关键微生物,其群落多样性变化对土壤氮素转化具有重要意义。转基因作物可能通过根系分泌物和植株残体组成的改变对土壤微生物群落产生影响。【方法】本研究通过田间定位试验,利用特异引物进行PCR-DGGE(聚合酶链反应—变性梯度凝胶电泳)和荧光定量PCR,分析了种植转cry1 Ac/cpti双价抗虫基因水稻第3、4年土壤中氨氧化细菌群落组成和丰度的变化。【结果】水稻各生育期(分蘖期、齐穗期和成熟期)内,转cry1 Ac/cpti基因杂交稻Ⅱ优科丰8号(GM)的土壤氨氧化细菌16S rRNA基因群落组成、多样性指数与其对应的非转基因杂交稻Ⅱ优明恢86(CK)间均没有显著差异;以DGGE条带为基础的氨氧化细菌群落组成的冗余分析(RDA)显示,GM和CK的土壤氨氧化细菌群落组成只与水稻生育期存在显著相关性(P=0.002和0.018);同时,水稻各生育期内土壤氨氧化细菌16S rRNA基因丰度在GM和CK间也没有显著差异,但均随水稻生长而变化且在齐穗期达到最高(P〈0.05)。【结论与意义】稻田土壤氨氧化细菌的群落组成与丰度在水稻不同生育期存在差异,但在转cry1 Ac/cpti基因水稻和非转基因水稻间没有显著差异,即一定时期内种植转cry1 Ac/cpti抗虫基因水稻不会影响土壤氨氧化细菌的群落组成和丰度。  相似文献   

Bacteriophages are ubiquitous in various environments. Our previous study revealed the diversity of the cyanophage community in paddy floodwater. In this study, the phylogeny and genetic diversity of cyanophage communities in paddy field soils were reported. The viral capsid assembly protein gene (g20) of cyanophage was amplified with the primers CPS1 and CPS8 from soil DNA extracted during two different sampling times at three sampling sites in Japan. The sequencing results indicated that about 93% of the clones were g20 genes. In total, 70 clones of g20 genes were obtained in this study, of which 69 clones were of cyanophage origin. As evaluated by g20 sequence assemblages in paddy field soils, the unifrac analyses results indicated that cyanophage communities changed among the sampling sites and times and differed from those communities detected in paddy floodwater. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the g20 sequences in paddy field soils were very diverse and distributed into Clusters α, β and ?, as well as four newly formed clusters. Within Clusters β and ?, four unique subclusters were formed from the g20 clones that were only observed in this study. These findings suggested that the cyanophage communities in paddy field soils are different from those found in freshwater, marine water and paddy floodwater.  相似文献   

The Sanjiang Plain is the largest freshwater wetlands in Northeast China. In order to feed the growing population, about 84 % of the wetlands in this area have been converted to farmland, especially to paddy fields, since the 1950s. However, little is known about the influence of this conversion on soil microbial community composition. In this study, soil samples were collected from two natural wetlands dominated by plant species Carex lasiocarpa and Deyeuxia angustifolia and from a neighboring paddy field that was changed from wetland more than 10 years ago. The composition and diversity of bacterial communities in the soils were estimated by clone library analysis of nearly full length of 16S rDNA sequences. The results revealed that bacterial diversity was higher in paddy fields, and that the composition of bacterial communities differed among the three samples; the difference was more notable between the paddy field and two natural wetlands than between two natural wetlands. The distribution of clones into different bacterial phyla differed among soil samples, and the conversion from natural wetlands to paddy field increased the abundance of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes but decreased the abundance of Chloroflexi. About 63 % and 71 % of clones from two natural wetlands and 49 % of clones from the paddy field had <93 % similarity with known bacteria, suggesting that the majority of bacteria in natural wetland soils in the Sanjiang Plain are phylogenetically novel. In general, this study demonstrated that long-term conversion from natural wetlands to paddy field changes soil bacterial communities in the Sanjiang Plain.  相似文献   

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