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人工林目前存在结构单一、土壤退化、生物多样性降低等人类普遍关注的生态问题。马尾松(Pinus massoniana)是长江上游低山丘陵区退耕还林的主要人工林树种。研究采伐林窗对植物物种组成和更新的影响, 对马尾松低效人工林的改造, 提升其生态服务功能具有重要的意义。该文以采伐39年生的马尾松人工林形成的7种不同大小的林窗为研究对象, 分析了不同季节林窗内的植物生活型组成及多样性变化。结果表明: 1)马尾松人工林林下植物以高位芽植物居多, 其次是地面、地下芽植物, 一年生植物较少而缺少地上芽植物。在林窗形成初期, 林窗的高位芽植物比例明显低于林下, 大林窗的高位芽植物比例稍高于小林窗, 地下芽和一年生植物的比例低于小林窗。2)林下的物种丰富度和物种多样性指数显著低于大林窗。不同林窗下植物的丰富度指数、优势度指数、多样性指数也存在显著差异。3)夏季林窗下植物多样性最高, 其次是秋季, 春季多样性最低。1225-1600 m2的大林窗能够促进马尾松人工林植物多样性恢复和植被更新。  相似文献   

人工林目前存在结构单一、土壤退化、生物多样性降低等人类普遍关注的生态问题。马尾松(Pinus massoniana)是长江上游低山丘陵区退耕还林的主要人工林树种。研究采伐林窗对植物物种组成和更新的影响, 对马尾松低效人工林的改造, 提升其生态服务功能具有重要的意义。该文以采伐39年生的马尾松人工林形成的7种不同大小的林窗为研究对象, 分析了不同季节林窗内的植物生活型组成及多样性变化。结果表明: 1)马尾松人工林林下植物以高位芽植物居多, 其次是地面、地下芽植物, 一年生植物较少而缺少地上芽植物。在林窗形成初期, 林窗的高位芽植物比例明显低于林下, 大林窗的高位芽植物比例稍高于小林窗, 地下芽和一年生植物的比例低于小林窗。2)林下的物种丰富度和物种多样性指数显著低于大林窗。不同林窗下植物的丰富度指数、优势度指数、多样性指数也存在显著差异。3)夏季林窗下植物多样性最高, 其次是秋季, 春季多样性最低。1225-1600 m2的大林窗能够促进马尾松人工林植物多样性恢复和植被更新。  相似文献   

林窗环境异质性导致群落物种多样性与系统发育多样性(phylogenetic diversity, PD)存在差异, 研究不同大小的林窗中群落的物种多样性与系统发育多样性有助于揭示林下生物多样性的形成及维持机制。本文以格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)天然林为研究对象, 通过Pearson相关性分析与广义线性模型探讨了林窗内物种多样性与系统发育多样性间的相互关系及其环境影响因素。结果表明: (1)大林窗(面积 > 200 m2)植物种类及多度均高于中林窗(50 m2 ≤ 面积 < 100 m2)、小林窗(30 m2 ≤ 面积 < 50 m2)和非林窗(面积 = 100 m2)。大林窗群落系统发育结构趋于发散, 中、小林窗和非林窗群落系统发育结构受到生境过滤和竞争排斥综合作用。(2)群落系统发育多样性指数与物种丰富度(species richness, SR)、Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均呈显著正相关, 这与林窗内稀有种种类组成多于优势种有关。(3)林窗面积对物种多样性存在显著正效应; 土壤全氮含量对系统发育多样性和系统发育结构存在显著正效应。林窗形成提高了格氏栲天然林群落物种多样性和系统发育多样性, 林窗面积与土壤全氮共同驱动了格氏栲天然林林窗物种多样性和系统发育多样性的变化。  相似文献   

为了研究城市森林草本植物多样性及其与冠层结构的关系,本文对上海崇明岛人工林1公顷样地的草本植被结构进行了调查分析,结果表明:(1)样地内共有草本植物40种,分属20科39属,以菊科种为主。(2)不同群落林下草本植被组成有明显差异,各群落林下草本植被优势种不同,物种多样性指数也不一样。香樟群落林下草本植物多样性指数最大,重阳木群落林下草本植物多样性指数最低。各指数变化趋势一致,均表现为常绿阔叶林(香樟林)落叶针阔混交林(水杉-重阳木林)落叶阔叶林(梧桐林)落叶阔叶林(重阳木林)。(3)同一群落林下草本植被组成有差异,不同密度梯度以及不同郁闭度梯度下各草本植被物种多样性指数均呈先增大后减小的趋势。  相似文献   

为研究人工林群落的边缘效应特征, 本文以川西周公山森林公园的柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)人工林破碎化大斑块为对象, 以植株平均胸径、平均高度、平均密度、丰富度指数(D)和Shannon-Wiener指数(H)来综合衡量边缘效应深度。在实地踏查的基础上, 从林缘向林内(梯度1至梯度5)设置5条样带(宽度为10 m), 在每条样带中设置4个10 m × 10 m的小样方进行调查。结果表明: (1)从物种组成上看, 在总面积为2,000 m2的20个小样方中共记录到111个物种, 隶属于54科96属, 物种数从林缘至林内递减。(2)从群落结构上看, 乔木层的平均胸径从林缘至林内呈减小趋势, 平均密度则相反, 平均高度无显著变化; 灌木层的平均密度从林缘向林内减小, 平均高度无显著变化; 草本层的平均密度和平均高度均呈减小趋势。(3)从物种多样性上看, 总体上各层次的丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均从林缘向林内呈减小趋势, 其中灌木层和草本层的变化趋势最明显; 同时, 林内各梯度与梯度1 (林缘)的共有种和相似性系数从林缘向林内递减。(4)分析各项群落特征发现, 平均高度、平均密度和相似性系数的数值在梯度2向梯度3过渡时的起伏变化最明显, 推断本研究中柳杉人工林斑块的边缘深度可达林内20 m。  相似文献   

为了解川西亚高山森林林窗对不同时期土壤生态过程的影响,于2012年6月—2013年5月期间,根据温度动态过程,对比研究了生长季节(土壤完全融化期、生长季节前期和生长季节后期)与非生长季节(冻结初期、深冻期和融化期)川西亚高山粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)人工林林窗中心、林缘和林下土壤有机层和矿质土壤层转化酶和脲酶活性变化过程。结果表明:林窗不同区域中,土壤有机层转化酶活性均高于矿质土壤层;在生长季节,土壤有机层和矿质土转化酶活性表现为:林窗中心林下林缘,而脲酶活性表现为:林窗中心林缘林下。冻结初期和深冻期林窗中心土壤转化酶活性均高于林缘和林下,而在融化期林下转化酶活性高于林窗中心和林缘;冻结初期和融化期林下土壤脲酶活性显著高于林窗中心和林缘,而在深冻期林窗不同区域土壤脲酶活性没有显著差异。林窗不同区域在不同时期对土壤转化酶和脲酶活性的响应有着深刻影响。  相似文献   

林下草本植物是森林生态系统的基本组成要素,对森林的更新、生态系统结构、功能的维持和提升具有重要作用,理解林下草本层群落特征及其影响因素,有助于构建理想的林-草结合模式。本研究以宁南山区泾源县无人为干扰的华北落叶松林人工林、间伐处理的华北落叶松林人工林和华北落叶松与白桦自然混交林为研究对象,探究林下草本层群落特征(物种多样性和地上生物量)及其与土壤理化特性(土壤容重、含水量、全碳含量、全氮含量及全磷含量)和林分结构(密度和郁闭度)的关系。结果表明:(1)与人工林相比,自然混交林林下草本植物组成最丰富(34种),且物种多样性和地上生物量也最高;(2)自然混交林林下土壤特性均优于人工林,但间伐处理的人工林林下土壤特性较无人为干扰的人工林土壤特性有显著提高;(3)冗余分析表明,林下草本层物种多样性主要与土壤含水量、土壤全碳、全氮和全磷含量呈正相关,与土壤容重、林分密度和郁闭度呈负相关,且林分密度、0~20 cm土层含水量对林下草本物种多样性有显著影响(P<0.05);(4)回归分析结果表明,0~20 cm土层的土壤特性、物种丰富度和优势度、林分密度及郁闭度显著影响林下草本地上生物量的积累...  相似文献   

采用典范对应分析(CCA)、Pearson相关分析、冗余分析(RDA)分别研究了不同环境因子对太白山森林群落及林下草本物种组成、多样性、功能性状等方面的影响。结果表明:(1)9种环境因子对于群落及林下草本物种的组成变化的解释程度不高,分别为23.9%和21.1%,但与海拔和土壤含水量紧密相关的CCA 1轴能大致区分高、中、低海拔样方的群落所有物种和草本植物的组成差异。(2)沿海拔梯度,群落所有物种的α多样性先增加后降低,林下草本物种α多样性沿海拔梯度有下降趋势,但二者都与坡度(Slope)及木本层盖度(WCD)无关。(3)海拔是决定森林群落及林下草本层物种功能性状值变化的主要因子,与海拔密切相关的RDA1轴能解释森林群落和林下草本物种性状值变化的71.2%和54.7%,林下草本植物与群落的最大株高(Hmax)变化模式不一致。  相似文献   

微生物活性是影响土壤碳循环等地下生态系统过程的重要因素。以徐州市侧柏(Platycladus orientalis(L.)Franco)人工林为研究对象,以未受干扰的侧柏林为对照(CK),设置半径分别为4、8、12m的3种尺度近圆形林窗,从林窗边缘(D1)到距林缘4m(D2)及8m处林下(D3)水平梯度上分析土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、氮(MBN)和代谢功能多样性的变化。结果表明:1)与CK相比,林窗样地土壤MBC总体降低,MBN含量显著下降(P0.05),MBC/MBN显著上升(P0.05)。在3种尺度林窗中,MBC在大林窗偏小,MBN在小林窗偏小;MBC/MBN总体上随林窗尺度增大而减小。2)与CK相比,大中林窗降低了土壤微生物代谢活性(AWCD),小林窗变化不大。从D1到D3点,小林窗的AWCD先降后升,中林窗呈上升趋势,大林窗则相反。而且林窗降低了土壤微生物对各类碳源的利用,主要利用聚合物类和氨基酸类碳源,中林窗样点对碳水化合物和氨基酸类小分子碳源的利用最低。3)林窗总体提高了土壤微生物功能多样性,其中多样性(H')、丰富度(S)和均匀度(E)3个指数在各点之间均无显著差异,小林窗和CK的优势度指数(D_s)显著大于(P0.05)大林窗。侧柏林人工林窗对土壤微生物量和功能多样性的影响有着明显的尺度和位置梯度效应,林窗有望促进侧柏林土壤碳固持和大分子物质降解,提高其应对全球气候变化的能力,综合而言,中尺度林窗对侧柏林生态功能的发挥较为有利。  相似文献   

林窗对格氏栲天然林更新层物种多样性和稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用物种多样性指数和改进的M.Godron稳定性法研究林窗干扰对格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)自然保护区天然林更新层物种多样性和稳定性的影响.结果表明:林窗干扰改善了微环境,表现在林窗和林下乔灌层树种重要值和多样性存在差异.林窗乔木层中丰富度指数R、优势度指数D、Shannon-Wiener指数H、均优多指数Z均高于林下,均匀度指数Js和群落优势度指数C低于林下;灌木层中R、D、H、Js、Z指数均高于林下,群落优势度指数C低于林下,林窗物种多样性更为丰富,生态优势种不明显,群落向复杂化和均匀化方向发展.林窗与林下乔木层Jaccard相似性系数Cj、Sorenson相似性系数CS、Bray-Curtis指数CN相对较低,Morista-Horn指数CmH较高,林窗对树种更新具有促进作用;灌木层相似性系数Cj、Cs、CN、CmH均较高,物种组成基本一致.根据M.Godron稳定性原理拟合出稳定性模型,林窗和林下乔木层分别为对数模型与二次函数模型,林窗和林下灌木层最佳拟合模型均为对数模型.林窗乔木层植物处于稳定状态,林下乔木层植物不稳定;林窗和林下灌木层植物均处于稳定状态.林窗和林下乔木层树种中以桂北木姜子(Litsea subcoriacea)重要值最高,说明其在森林更新中占有重要地位,可能对格氏栲种群更新产生较大影响.林下乔木层中格氏栲重要值较低,格氏栲更新存在困难,而林窗干扰促进了格氏栲的向上生长和重要值的提升,可有效实现格氏栲种群的更新和恢复.  相似文献   

以太白山牛皮桦林林隙内草本植物总数为区域物种丰富度,分别采用0.25m2和1m2样方重复抽样的丰富度平均值为局域物种丰富度,来探讨区域物种多样性变异对局域多样性的影响。结果显示:(1)0.25m2和1m2局域物种丰富度与区域物种丰富度显著相关(r=0.791和r=0.861),且随区域物种丰富度的增加而增加;同时,林隙面积也能显著增加局域和区域物种丰富度。(2)控制林隙面积变量的多元回归分析显示,0.25m2和1m2局域物种丰富度与区域物种丰富度存在显著线性回归关系(R2=0.642和R2=0.743);方差分离分析显示,林隙面积仅能解释0.25m2和1m2局域物种丰富度变异的4.0%和4.4%,而区域物种丰富度能解释25.8%和35.3%。研究表明,区域物种丰富度变异在一定程度上决定着局域物种丰富度的组成。  相似文献   

To detect the factors that affect sapling species composition in gaps, we investigated 55 gaps in an old-growth temperate deciduous forest in Ogawa Forest Reserve, central Japan. Gap size, gap age, gap maker species, topographic location, adult tree composition around gaps, and saplings of tree species growing in the gaps were censused. For gaps 5 m2, mean gap size was 70 m2 and the maximum was 330 m2. Estimated ages of gaps had a tendency to be concentrated in particular periods relating to strong wind records in the past. The sapling composition in gaps was highly and significantly correlated to that under closed canopy, indicating the importance of advance regeneration in this forest. However, some species showed significant occurrence biases in gaps or under closed canopy, suggesting differences in shade tolerance. The result of MANOVA showed that gap size and topography were important factors in determining the sapling composition in gaps. Species of gap makers affected the sapling composition indirectly by influencing gap size. The existence of parent trees around gaps had effects on sapling densities of several species. Gap age did not have clear influences on sapling composition. Variations in gap size and topography were considered as important factors that contribute to maintenance of species diversity in this forest.  相似文献   

阔叶红松林林隙结构与树种多样性关系研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对阔叶红松林林隙与林下不同层次树种多样性进行比较,探讨林隙大小及发育阶段与树种多样性间的关系.结果表明,林隙与林下树种多样性存在显著差异(P<0.01).与林下相比,林隙更新层树种多样性、丰富度和均匀度增大,生态优势度减小(P<0.01);演替层树种多样性、丰富度和均匀度减小,生态优势度增大(P<0.0001).林隙中不同层次树种多样性随着林隙大小呈现出相反的变化趋势.长白山阔叶红松林林隙演替层树种多样性和丰富度总体上呈单峰形变化,中等大小林隙(100~250 m2)中树种多样性和丰富度较高,生态优势度较小.而更新层树种多样性和均匀度在≥250 m2和<100 m2的林隙中最大,在200~250 m2的林隙中最小;生态优势度在200~250 m2的林隙中达到最大.更新层和演替层树种对林隙面积大小反应不同,有利于更新层幼苗建立的林隙面积并不是演替层幼树发育和成活的最适面积;随林隙年龄的增加,更新层和演替层树种多样性在不同层次上呈互补关系.  相似文献   

林窗作为森林群落中一种重要的干扰方式, 对林下物种构成有着重要的影响。开展林窗空间格局及其特征指数与林下植物多样性关系研究对于探讨林窗对林下生物多样性的影响有重要意义, 有助于进一步了解群落动态, 在物种多样性保护方面也具有指导作用。本研究在西双版纳热带雨林地区随机选取3块大小为1 ha的热带雨林为研究样地, 采用轻小型六旋翼无人机搭载Sony ILCE-A7r可见光传感器, 分别获取各个样地的高清数字影像, 结合数字表面高程模型以及各个样地的地形数据用以确定各样区的林窗分布格局, 并进一步提取出各林窗的景观格局指数。结合地面样方基础调查数据, 对各样地各林窗下植物多样性情况进行统计, 旨在分析热带雨林林窗空间分布格局以及林窗下植物多样性对各林窗空间格局特征的响应情况。研究表明, 西双版纳州热带雨林林窗呈大而分散的空间分布, 林窗空间格局特征指数如林窗形状复杂性指数、林窗面积都与林下植物多样性呈显著正相关关系。在面积小的林窗下, 较之林窗形状复杂性因子, 林窗面积大小对林下植物多样性影响更显著; 在面积达到一定程度后, 相对于面积因子, 林窗形状复杂性指数对林下植物多样性影响更显著, 各样地林窗皆趋于向各自所处样地顶极群落发展。  相似文献   

Question: Is tree regeneration in canopy gaps characterized by chance or predictable establishment. Location: Coastal scarp forests, Umzimvubu district, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Methods: Estimation of richness of gap‐filling species across canopy gaps of different size. Data are compared with regeneration under the canopy. Probability of self‐replacement of gap forming species is calculated. Results: Forest area under natural gap phase was 7.8%, caused mostly by windthrow (54%). The abundance and average size of gaps (87.8 m2) suggests that species diversity may be maintained by gap dynamics. However, only four of 53 gap‐filler species displayed gap size specialization and these were pioneer species. An additional 13 species were more common in larger gaps but there was no gradient in composition of gap‐filler species across gap size (p= 0.61). Probabilities of self‐replacement in a gap were low (< 0.3) and common canopy species were equally abundant in gaps and the understorey. Species composition in gaps showed no pattern of variation, i.e. was unpredictable, which suggests absence of a successional sequence within tree‐fall gaps. There was also only a slight increase in species richness in gaps at intermediate levels of disturbance. Conclusions: Coastal scarp forest appears not to comprise tightly co‐evolved, niche‐differentiated tree species. Unpredictable species composition in gaps may be a chance effect of recruitment limitation of species from the species pool. Chance establishment slows competitive exclusion and may maintain tree diversity in these forests. These data suggest that current levels (≤ 3 gaps per ha) of selective tree harvesting may not cause a reduction in species richness in this forest.  相似文献   

Abstract: In most temperate deciduous forests, windstorm is the main source of dead wood. However, the effects of this natural disturbance on ambrosia and bark beetle communities are poorly known. In managed oak‐hornbeam forests storm‐damaged in France in 1999, we sampled ambrosia (and second bark beetles) by ethanol‐baited window‐flight traps in 2001. By comparing uncleared gaps, undisturbed closed‐canopy controls and seedling‐sapling stands, we investigated the short‐term effects of gap formation, gap size and surrounding landscape to provide a snapshot of scolytid response. Contrary to expectations, neither the abundance nor the richness of ambrosia beetle species was significantly higher in gaps than in undisturbed stands. Few responses in abundance at the species level and only a slight difference in assemblage composition were detected between gaps and closed‐canopy controls. Gaps were more dissimilar from seedling‐sapling stands, than from closed‐canopy controls. More scolytid individuals and species were caught in gaps than in seedling‐sapling stands. Mean local and cumulative richness peaked in mid‐size gaps. Only mid‐size gaps differed from closed‐canopy controls in terms of species composition. We identified generalist gap species (Xyleborus saxesenii, X. cryptographus), but also species significantly more abundant in mid‐size gaps (Platypus cylindrus, Xyloterus signatus). The faunistic peculiarity of mid‐size gaps seemed to be partly related to a bias in oak density among gap size classes. Few landscape effects were observed. Only the scolytids on the whole and X. dispar were slightly favoured by an increasing density in fellings at the 78 ha scale. We did not find any correlation between scolytid abundance and the surrounding closed‐forest percentage area. We confirmed that temperate, deciduous, managed stands did not come under threat by ambrosia and bark beetle pests after the 1999 windstorm. Nonetheless, our data stressed the current expansion in Western Europe of two invasive species, X. peregrinus and especially X. germanus, now the predominant scolytid in the three oak forests studied.  相似文献   

We used a controlled experiment to investigate how disturbance scale (canopy gap area) and herbivory influence post-disturbance plant community dynamics. Twenty canopy gaps were installed in a temperate hemlock-hardwood forest during the winter of 2002–2003: seven small gaps (50–150 m2), seven medium gaps (151–250 m2), and six large gaps (251–450 m2). Within each gap, we established 4–12 sample plots (depending on gap size); 1–3 of which were enclosed with wire mesh white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) exclosures in 2005. Gaps were revisited and intensively sampled in 2007. After five growing seasons, ground-layer plant communities in non-exclosed plots were more similar compositionally than exclosure plots. Non-exclosed plots in small and medium gaps were more similar to non-exclosed plots in large gaps than they were to exclosed plots in their respective gap size class. Shade-tolerant forbs and trees were less common outside exclosures, while generalist species associated with higher understory light levels and exotics were more prevalent outside exclosures. Our results suggest that even in forests with relatively low deer densities (6.5–9.3 deer km−2), white-tailed deer herbivory may influence the developmental trajectory of post-disturbance plant communities and be a mechanism for decreasing β-diversity along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Disturbance regimes in many temperate, old growth forests are characterized by gap-scale events. However, prior to a complex stage of development, canopy gaps may still serve as mechanisms for canopy tree replacement and stand structural changes associated with older forests. We investigated 40 canopy gaps in secondary hardwood stands on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee to analyze gap-scale disturbance processes in developing forests. Gap origin, age, land fraction, size, shape, orientation, and gap maker characteristics were documented to investigate gap formation mechanisms and physical gap attributes. We also quantified density and diversity within gaps, gap closure, and gap-phase replacement to examine the influence of localized disturbances on forest development. The majority of canopy gaps were single-treefall events caused by uprooted or snapped stems. The fraction of the forest in canopy gaps was within the range reported from old growth remnants throughout the region. However, gap size was smaller in the developing stands, indicating that secondary forests contain a higher density of smaller gaps. The majority of canopy gaps were projected to close by lateral crown expansion rather than height growth of subcanopy individuals. However, canopy gaps still provided a means for understory trees to recruit to larger size classes. This process may allow overtopped trees to reach intermediate positions, and eventually the canopy, after future disturbance events. Over half of the trees located in true gaps with intermediate crown classifications were Acer saccharum, A. rubrum, or Liriodendron tulipifera. Because the gaps were relatively small and close by lateral branch growth of perimeter trees, the most shade-tolerant A. saccharum has the greatest probability of becoming dominant in the canopy under the current disturbance regime. Half of the gap maker trees removed from the canopy were Quercus; however, Acer species are the most probable replacement trees. These data indicate that canopy gaps are important drivers of forest change prior to a complex stage of development. Even in relatively young forests, gaps provide the mechanisms for stands to develop a complex structure, and may be used to explain patterns of shifting species composition in secondary forests of eastern North America.  相似文献   

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