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We studied the interpecific competition between 2 species of predatory aquatic bugs, Diplonychus japonicus and D. major by conducting a field experiment. We set up 3 types of experimental plots in the paddy fields where D. major predominated. The two plots contained single species of either D. japonicus or D. major, respectively, and one plot had both species in equal number. We compared the development and the reproductive performance between plots in each species. In D. japonicus, the number of eggs and early instar nymphs were significantly smaller in the plots containing both species than in the monospecific plots. However, the numbers of late instar nymphs and newly emerged adults were not significantly different between plots. The proportions of starved nymphs in both plots were larger than those in the D. japonicus's natural habitats. The final densities of adults in both plots were lower than those in the natural habitats. These results suggest that lower density of D. japonicus in these paddy fields is due to the lack of available food for nymphs rather than the effects of interspecific competition with D. major. In D. major, significant differences were not found in the number of eggs, each instar nymphs and adults. These results suggest that the effects of interspecific competition did not affect the reproductive performance of D. major.  相似文献   

The East Asian giant water bug species Appasus japonicus Vuillefroy and Appasus major Esaki are aquatic hemipteran insects whose ranges overlap, particularly in the Japanese Archipelago and on the Korean Peninsula. In rare cases, the two species co‐occur. Furthermore, they are very similar ecologically and also morphologically, making their identification extremely difficult, and the possibility of hybridization has also been suggested. In the present study, we re‐examined their taxonomic validity, and the characteristics useful for identifying them. To re‐examine the morphological traits useful for distinguishing these two species, 222 specimens of A. japonicus collected from Japan, Korea, and China, and 132 specimens of A. major from Japan and Korea, were examined. We also performed molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) regions and the nuclear DNA Histone 3 region. Although the two species are very similar ecologically and also morphologically, they showed significant genetic differentiation. Thus, there is likely some form of reproductive isolation acting between them. Major morphological characteristics overlap extensively between A. japonicus and A. major, and no particular trait was identified as being effective for differentiating these species. All the morphological characteristics examined overlapped between A. japonicus and A. major. However, a principal component analysis based on all of the morphological characteristics revealed that, despite the overlap between these species, it was possible to morphologically distinguish them. Therefore, a more accurate identification becomes possible using multiple characteristics rather than a single characteristic. The male genital paralobes, evaluated as the most useful morphological characteristic, was effective with 100% probability for the Japanese Appasus species. However, for the Asian (i.e. Korean) specimens, this characteristic was not useful. On the other hand, the results of molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA and COI regions and the nuclear DNA Histone 3 region clearly showed significant genetic differentiation between the two species. Notably, the results for the mitochondrial COI region strongly supported the independence of each monophyletic group (i.e. validity of each species). Therefore, DNA barcoding based on the mitochondrial DNA COI region is also considered useful for the identification of A. japonicus and A. major. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 615–643.  相似文献   

Ciliates within the Mesodinium rubrum/Mesodinium major species complex harbor chloroplasts and other cell organelles from specific cryptophyte species. Mesodinium major was recently described, and new studies indicate that blooms of M. major are just as common as blooms of M. rubrum. Despite this, the physiology of M. major has never been studied and compared to M. rubrum. In this study, growth, food uptake, chlorophyll a and photosynthesis were measured at six different irradiances, when fed the cryptophyte, Teleaulax amphioxeia. The results show that the light compensation point for growth of Mmajor was significantly higher than for Mrubrum. Inorganic carbon uptake via photosynthesis contributed by far most of total carbon uptake at most irradiances, similar to Mrubrum. Mesodinium major cells contain ~four times as many chloroplast as M. rubrum leading to up to ~four times higher rates of photosynthesis. The responses of M. major to prey starvation and refeeding were also studied. Mesodinium major was well adapted to prey starvation, and 51 d without prey did not lead to mortality. Mesodinium major quickly recovered from prey starvation when refed, due to high ingestion rates of > 150 prey/predator/d.  相似文献   

Two summer annual C4 grasses with different trampling susceptibilities were grown as potted plants, and diurnal leaf gas exchange and leaf water potential in each grass were compared. The maximum net photosynthetic rate, leaf conductance and transpiration rate were higher in the trampling-tolerant Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. than in trampling sensitive Digitaria adscendens (H. B. K.) Henr. Leaf water potential was much lower in E. indica than in D. adscendens. There were no differences in soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance and leaf osmotic potential at full turgor as obtained by pressure–volume analysis. However, the bulk modulus of elasticity in cell walls was higher in E. indica leaves than in D. adscendens leaves. This shows that the leaves of E. indica are less elastic. Therefore, the rigid cell walls of E. indica leaves reduced leaf water potential rapidly by decreasing the leaf water content, supporting a high transpiration rate with high leaf conductance. In trampled habitats, such lowering of leaf water potential in E. indica might play a role in water absorption from the compacted soil. In contrast, the ability of D. adscendens to colonize dry habitats such as coastal sand dunes appears to be due to its lower transpiration rate and its higher leaf water potential which is not strongly affected by decreasing leaf water content.  相似文献   

The predator-prey relationship was investigated between the landlocked dwarf ayu (koayu; Plecoglossus altivelis) and three planktonic crustaceans, Daphnia galeata, Eodiaptomus japonicus, and Mesocyclops dissimilis, in Lake Biwa. The abundance of each prey species and daphniid size composition in the lake was compared with those in the stomachs of koayu collected at the same time and place. D. galeata was the main item of diet of koayu in spite of their low density, and the larger individuals were selectively preyed upon by the predator. In the stepwise multiple regression of the mean number of each prey species in the stomachs on prey densities in the lake and predator mass, the density of the prey itself was always selected as the predictor variable. The density of E. japonicus was also selected as the regressor of daphniid number in the stomachs with a negative slope. Multiple regression was also performed each for two size-classes of D. galeata, and a negative effect of large daphniids was detected for the consumption of small ones. The present results and additional information enable estimation of the collective predation rate by the koayu population on the prey populations.  相似文献   

华北平原地区景观格局对麦田害螨种群数量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生产的集约化经营导致农田景观格局日趋单一,而农田景观格局的变化势必对害虫种群产生深刻的影响,阐明景观因子对害虫种群的作用是通过生境管理进行害虫控制的基础。以华北平原地区的山东省为研究区域,24个县级单元为样点,通过对卫星遥感影像和土地覆盖分类数据的分析,获取了样点单元的景观格局指数,同时定点调查了样点单元的麦田害螨种群数量。利用相关性分析明确了影响麦田中两种害螨—麦岩螨(Petrobia latens(Müller))和麦圆叶爪螨(Penthaleus major(Duges))种群发生的主要景观因子。研究结果表明景观因子对麦田中两种害螨种群均有显著影响,而两种害螨对景观因子的响应并不一致。麦岩螨的发生量与森林的最大斑块面积指数和平均斑块面积均呈显著正相关,而与森林类的形状和水体的景观形状指数均存在显著负相关;麦圆叶爪螨的发生量同水体的总面积、斑块面积比例、最大斑块面积指数以及县域范围的平均斑块面积均呈显著负相关,而与水体类的形状呈显著正相关。因此在麦田害螨发生较重的地区,在区域性景观规划时,可以通过优化农田周围的森林和水体管理,不利于其种群发生,从而达到对麦田害螨种群生态调控的目的。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖引发栖息地干涸将对生活在水中的无尾类幼体提出了挑战。通过浙江丽水中华大蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)和黑眶蟾蜍(Duttaphrynus melanosticus)蝌蚪在实验条件下对不同水位变化的表型响应,检测表型可塑性的遗传性和环境近因性影响。结果表明,水位变化对中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪早期发育历期、头宽和体重影响不显著,对体长影响显著,其中逐减水位最大、恒低水位最小,慢波、恒高与快波、逐增水位依次减少;水位变化对黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪早期发育历期、体长、头宽和体重影响均显著;发育历期以恒高水位最大,恒低水位最小;体长以逐减水位最大,恒低、快波和慢波水位显著偏小,逐增和快波水位居中;头宽以恒低水位最小,逐增水位居中,其余较大;体重以恒低水位最小、恒高水位最大,其余居中。水位变化对中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪的变态时间、体长、头宽和体重影响均不显著;水位变化对黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪的变态时间、体长和体重影响均显著,对头宽影响不显著;恒低水位的变态时间最长,恒高水位的变态时间最短,其他水位变化之间差异不显著;恒高水位的体长最大,恒低和快波水位最小,其他居中;逐增和快波水位的体重最大,恒低水位最小。研究结果表明,繁殖季节不同的中华大蟾蜍和黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪响应水位变化的表型可塑性差异显著,长期在容易发生干旱和水位变化的冬季繁殖的中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪的表型可塑性低,在雨水充沛的春季繁殖的黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪的表型可塑性高,表现出表型可塑性的种间差异和遗传性;在早期发育过程中,两种蝌蚪体长的共同的表型变异与缺乏遗传基础的环境近因性影响有关;黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪对低水位或水位下降作出减速分化的消极响应,响应程度与环境信号的强弱直接相关。  相似文献   

We carried out dietary analysis on five numerically abundant fishes, Sillago japonica, Ditremma temmincki, Tridentiger trigonocephalus, Hippocampus japonicus and Petroscirtes breviceps in an eelgrass bed in Kwangyang Bay, Korea. Comparisons between species demonstrated that the dietary composition of each fish species was significantly different from that of every other species. Although gammarid amphipods and caprellid amphipods were consumed by all species, their individual contributions to each species' diet varied. Furthermore, polychaetes contributed to the diets of S. japonica and T. trigonocephalusand crab larvae were consumed byD. temmincki. Algae and eelgrass were not consumed by four fish species and made only a minimal contribution to the diet of P. breviceps. The diet of each fish species except H. japonicus underwent size-related changes; smaller fishes consumed gammarid amphipods, mysids and copepods, while larger fishes ate polychaetes, gastropods, isopods and other fishes. Differences in the prey organisms consumed of each individual species could be often related to differences in mouth length and width. S. japonica, D. temmincki, T. trigonocephalus, and P. breviceps underwent also a significant diel changes that could be related to differences in foraging behavior and/or prey availability. Thus, use of vision to detect prey would account for the greater daytime consumption of copepods by S. japonica and of crab larvae by D. temmincki, whereas the nocturnal emergence of gammarid amphipods, polychaetes and isopods from the substrate explained their greater consumption by S. japonica, D. temmincki, T. trigonocephalusand P. breviceps at night. Dietary breadth was greater for species with larger mouth dimensions.  相似文献   

The vegetation of wetlands show strong zonation patterns, but the mechanisms determining these patterns are not fully understood. In the present study, growth and morphological responses to a water level gradient (–20 cm (i.e. water level 20 cm below soil surface), –10 cm, 0 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm) were compared between a higher elevation plant (Imperata cylindrica) and a lower elevation plant (Carex brevicuspis) in the Dongting Lake wetlands of China. For both species, the aboveground, belowground, and total biomass were greater at –10 cm than at any other water level.. However, when the water level increased from –10 cm to 0 cm, there was a greater decrease in the biomass of I. cylindrica than in that of C. brevicuspis. Plant height, tiller number, leaf length, leaf width and leaf area showed greater variation along the water level gradient in I. cylindrica than in C. brevicuspis. Generally, with increasing water level, root length, rhizome number, and adventitious root biomass and number all decreased in I. cylindrica. However, in C. brevicuspis, neither the rhizome number nor the primary adventitious root biomass differed significantly among the five water levels. These results indicate that I. cylindrica have a lower tolerance for flooding and higher water sensitivity than C. brevicuspis and these differences may explain why I. cylindrica is found at relatively higher elevations that are not prone to flooding, while C. brevicuspis is found at comparatively lower elevations in the Dongting Lake wetlands.  相似文献   

Most stoneflies oviposit several times during their adult stage. In this study, the relations among oviposition frequency, the number of eggs per egg mass, and body size were examined in the chloroperlid stonefly Sweltsa sp. and two perlodid stoneflies, Isoperla aizuana and Stavsolus japonicus. It was found that larger individuals tended to oviposit more frequently than smaller ones, but the relation was significant only in Isoperla aizuana. In Sweltsa sp. and Isoperla aizuana, the number of eggs per egg mass was higher for the less-frequently ovipositing individuals than for those ovipositing more frequently, and the number of eggs per egg mass decreased with successive oviposition events. Stavsolus japonicus showed the same tendency but it was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Underwater observations on fish and asteroid consumers (i.e. predators and scavengers) of sea urchins, Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula, were carried out at several locations in shallow Mediterranean rocky reefs. Observations conducted in the marine reserve of Torre Guaceto (Adriatic Sea) revealed that sparid fishes, Diplodus sargus and D. vulgaris, are the main fish predators of small (<1 cm in test diameter) and medium (1–4 cm) sea urchins, whereas the labrids Coris julis and Thalassoma pavo preyed only upon small sea urchins. Large D. sargus were able to prey upon small and medium, and occasionally large (>4 cm) sea urchins, whereas medium and small Diplodus preyed mainly upon small sea urchins. The number of sea urchins preyed upon by fishes was negatively related to sea urchin size for both species. P. lividus appeared to be subject to higher predation levels than A. lixula. The scavenger guild comprised 11 fish species, with D. sargus, D. vulgaris, Coris julis and Chromis chromis accounting for about 80% of scavenger fishes. Observations performed at several locations in the Mediterranean on the predatory asteroid Marthasterias glacialis revealed that only 3% of the detected individuals were preying upon sea urchins. Due to the importance of sea urchins for assemblage structure and functioning of Mediterranean rocky reef ecosystems, these results may have also important implications for management of fishing activities.Communicated by H.-D. Franke  相似文献   

Squamation and scale morphology were examined in two closely related species, Pleuronichthys cornutus and P. japonicus, in order to establish the unambiguous characters to clearly separate the two species. Scale counts on the lateral body surface were also examined, with new count definitions proposed. Both the longitudinal and vertical scale rows followed essentially regular patterns in P. cornutus, whereas the longitudinal scale rows were occasionally irregular in P. japonicus. Scales were basically fan-shaped and oval in P. cornutus and P. japonicus, respectively, although considerable variation in scale shape was apparent in both species. The blind side scales of P. cornutus had sharp posterior margins, whereas those of P. japonicus had round ones. Scale length (scales on the ocular side, area above the lateral line) in P. japonicus was relatively greater than in P. cornutus, a plot of total length versus scale length separating the species completely. Measurements of many ocular side scales from the area above the lateral line indicated high intraspecific variance in both species, being particularly prominent in P. cornutus. Nevertheless, considerable scale measurement differences were found between the two species in some body areas, supported by principal component analysis. Longitudinal and vertical row scale counts were higher in P. cornutus than in P. japonicus, with the ranges of central longitudinal scales (88–103 vs. 75–86) and scales below the lateral line counts (59–74 vs. 47–57), respectively, not overlapping between the species. The scale count difference could be caused by the difference of the scale size between the two species. The study demonstrated that the two Pleuronichthys species can be readily distinguished on the basis of scale morphology and size, in addition to scale counts.  相似文献   

In a previous study, Teleaulax amphioxeia—the preferred prey of Mesodinium in the Columbia River estuary—were undetectable within intense annual blooms, suggesting blooms are prey‐limited or prey are acquired outside of bloom patches. We used a novel molecular approach specifically targeting the prey (i.e., Unique Sequence Element [USE] within the ribosomal RNA 28S D2 regions of T. amphioxeia nucleus and nucleomorph) in estuarine water samples acquired autonomously with an Environmental Sample Processor integrated within a monitoring network (ESP‐SATURN). This new approach allowed for both more specific detection of the prey and better constraint of sample variability. A positive correlation was observed between abundances of M. cf. major and T. amphioxeia during bloom periods. The correlation was stronger at depth (> 8.2 m) and weak or nonexistent in the surface, suggesting that predator–prey dynamics become uncoupled when stratification is strong. We confirmed exclusive selectivity for T. amphioxeia by M. cf. major and observed the incorporation of the prey nucleus into a 4‐nuclei complex, where it remained functionally active. The specific biomarker for T. amphioxeia was also recovered in M. cf. major samples from a Namibian coastal bloom, suggesting that a specific predator–prey relationship might be widespread between M. cf. major and T. amphioxeia.  相似文献   

A new 3,4-difluorobenzylidene analog of curcumin, CDF, was recently reported, which demonstrated significantly enhanced bioavailability and in vivo anticancer activity compared with curcumin. For highlighting the antiparasitic behavior of CDF, we tested this compound together with its new O-methylated analog MeCDF against Leishmania major and Toxoplasma gondii parasites. Both CDF and MeCDF were tested in vitro against L. major and T. gondii. In addition, the in vitro cytotoxicity against Vero cells and macrophages was determined and selectivity indices were calculated. The DPPH radical scavenging activity assay was carried out in order to determine the antioxidant activity of the test compounds. Both compounds showed high activities against both parasite forms with EC50 values in the (sub-)micromolar range (0.35 to 0.8 μM for CDF, 0.31 to 1.2 μM for MeCDF). The higher activity of CDF against L. major amastigotes when compared with MeCDF can in parts be attributed to the antioxidant activity of CDF while MeCDF lacking any antioxidant activity was more active than CDF against T. gondii parasites. In conclusion, CDF and MeCDF are promising antiparasitic drug candidates due to their high activities against L. major and T. gondii parasites.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the predatorMesocyclops thermocyclopoides andprey Eodiaptomus japonicus was observed in their several developmentalstages. Late copepodid M.thermocychpoides preyed on late naupliarand early copepodid E.japonicus. M.thermocyclopoides showedambush behaviour, and was not detected by E.japonicus beforeattack. Detection frequency by M.thermocyclopoides increasedas development of E.japonicus advanced. However, late copepodidsof E.japonicus were avoided by juvenile and adult female M.thermocyclopoides,and were probably recognized as mates by adult males. Neithertemperature nor the presence of other food affected the predator-preybehaviour Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Education,Kanazawa University, Marunouchi, Kanazawa, 920 Japan  相似文献   

Simons  Jan  Ohm  Marieke  Daalder  Remco  Boers  Peter  Rip  Winnie 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):243-253
Till about 1965 a rich characean community occurred in the shallow peat lake Botshol with six species of which the rare Nitellopsis obtusa and Chara major dominated at many sites. In the period 1980–1988 characean biomass strongly decreased and only two species, Chara globularis and C. connivens, remained in small populations at a few localities. Of the macrophyte Najas marina also some small populations remained, while the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica and the filamentous alga Vaucheria dichotoma predominated at many sites. These phenomena may have been due to eutrophication by the input of polluted water. This process of impoverishment was stopped by restoration measures in 1989, resulting in a lower phosphorus concentration (ca 25 µg l-1) and a higher water transparency. Immediately after these measures the Characeae community increased in abundance and number of species. During the summer of 1990, and especially 1991, a spectacular growth occurred of Chara connivens. C. connivens was often accompanied by C. major. Other species with scattered occurrence were C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria and C. globularis. The reasons for the shift in dominance from Nitellopsis obtusa to Chara connivens are discussed. From growth experiments evidence was obtained that neither the recent higher chloride level, nor the lowered phosphate concentration were the main factors for the domination of Chara connivens.  相似文献   

Larvae and juveniles ofLateolabrax japonicus andL. latus occurred from January to May 1986 in the shallow waters of the Shimanto estuary.L. japonicus markedly outnumberedL. latus. Distinct ecological differences were recognized in habitats and food habits between the two species:L. japonicus mainly inhabited eelgrass beds composed ofZostera nana, whileL. latus appeared evenly in both eelgrass beds and non-eelgrass habitats; the former fed on copepods and cladocerans, while the latter fed on copepods and fish larvae. From these habitat and food habit analyses, estuaries were considered to be important as a main habitat forL. japonicus, but not forL. latus. The fact that ecological differences have occurred during the early life stages was inferred to be one of the possible keys to speculate on the speciation of the two species.  相似文献   

OLAV HOGSTAD 《Ibis》1978,120(2):198-203
A comparison of morphological characters shows that Picoides tridactylus is more markedly sexually dimorphic than Dendrocopus leucotos, D. major or D. minor. This is correlated with intersexual differences in foraging behaviour in P. tridactylus, lacking in the Dendrocopus spp. Apparently as a consequence, the sexes are able to share winter territories among P. tridactylus but not among D. major or D. minor; conclusive observations of D. leucotos were not possible. It is suggested that these differences may reflect the distributional history of the species, and the extent of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 437 age‐0 year Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (20·3–59·4 cm fork length, LF) caught in the Tsushima Current and the Kuroshio regions around Japan were examined to investigate their ontogenetic diet shift. Prey compositions were diverse and different between regions. Although the seasonal growth patterns were different between regions, ontogenetic diet shifts shared a common pattern. In the Tsushima Current region (Sea of Japan), small T. orientalis (20–25 cm LF) preyed upon small squid (juvenile Enoploteuthis chunii), and larger ones (25–35 cm LF) gradually shifted their diet to mesopelagic fish (Maurolicus japonicus). In the Kuroshio region (Pacific Ocean), small T. orientalis (20–25 cm LF) preyed upon small zooplankton (mostly crustacean larvae), and larger ones (25–40 cm LF) shifted to epipelagic fishes (Etrumeus teres, Sardinops melanostictus and Engraulis japonicus). The observed data suggest that T. orientalis switch to a diet more based on fish prey items, which have more body mass and greater swimming ability than small squid and zooplankton, after they reach a LF of 25 cm.  相似文献   

采用高通量(Illumina Miseq)测序技术对栽培和野生2种生境下川麦冬根围的丛枝菌根(AM)真菌多样性和群落结构进行测定,并结合土壤理化因子进行相关性分析,以明确两种生境下川麦冬根围土壤AM真菌多样性和优势群落的分布特点,探讨AM真菌群落分布差异的驱动因子,为AM真菌应用于麦冬生产提供理论依据和技术支持。结果表明:(1)不同生境下川麦冬根围土壤中共鉴定出AM真菌3属10种,其中野生川麦冬根围土壤鉴定出的AM真菌3属7种,分别隶属于无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)、多孢囊霉属(Diversispora)和球囊霉属(Glomus),而栽培环境下鉴定出AM真菌1属6种,隶属于球囊霉属。2个生境优势属均为球囊霉属。(2)不同生境下川麦冬根围AM真菌之间存在显著差异,野生生境下川麦冬根围土壤AM真菌多样性指数ACE和Shannon均显著高于人工栽培生境,而Simpson指数则相反。(3)相关性分析表明,AM真菌多样性指数及群落组成结构均与土壤理化因子存在相关性,其中全钾(TK)、全磷(TP)、全氮(TN)对AM真菌多样性指数和群落结构组成均存在显著影响。研究认为,不同生境下川麦冬根围AM真菌群落存在显著差异,球囊霉属为川麦冬互利共生的关键属,TK、TP、TN是不同生境川麦冬根围AM真菌群落差异的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

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