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鄱阳湖水生维管束植物生物量及其合理开发利用的初步建议   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
用4种不同的计算方法测定了鄱阳湖水生维管束植物的生物量。根据22个断面,199个采集点,398个样方的测定结果,得出鄱阳湖水生维管束植物的年生产量为431.76万吨(湿重),即相当于5.44×10~(-15)焦耳(能量)。其中,马来眼子菜、苦草和黑藻等3种合计约占总生物量的71.46%。全湖可供草食性鱼类食用的水生维管束植物约占总量的86.9%。文中还对4个植物带和9个群丛生物量的分布规律进行了讨论。提出了人工增殖草食性鱼类,调整湖中植被组成,保护和种植水生经济植物等合理开发利用鄱阳湖水生植物资源的初步建议。  相似文献   

本文是根据1962—1964年部分调查研究资料整理而成的。文中列出了83种水生维管束植物(以下简称水生植物)的名录,比较了全湖21个采集断面、3个植物带和17个植物群丛以及长江中下游6个浅水湖泊水生植物的生物量,分析了东湖两个断面(Ⅻ和ⅪⅡ)的生物量的周年变化和湖中不同水深区的生物量变化情况。全湖面积为28.5平方公里。8月是生物量的高峰期,平均每平方米的生物量为1,068.1克(湿重)或94.8克(风干重)或82克(烘干重)或322千卡(能量)。其中,以黄丝草所占的比例为最大,其次为大茨藻、聚草、黑藻和金鱼藻。全湖水生植物的年生产量为30,440吨(湿重)或2,337吨(烘干重)或9×109千卡(能量),连同浮游植物(16×109千卡)一起,则东湖全年的原初生产量为25×109千卡,其中水生植物约占总原初生产量的36%。本文最后讨论了水生植物在湖泊渔业上的合理利用问题,提出了草食性鱼种放养量的计算公式和合理利用水生植物资源的建议。    相似文献   

报道1991-1993年武汉东湖子湖后湖区水处植被和水体理化性质的调查结果。上前后湖水生植物较东湖其它湖区丰富,共记载了47种,3年间水生植物生物量和水生植被分布面积变动剧烈。1991年水生植被分布面积约为该湖区面积的8.4%;1992年高达381hm^2,覆盖面积达80%;而1993年水生植被面积不到1%。经分析,认为目前影响后湖水生植被的扩要因子是草食性鱼类,只要停止放养  相似文献   

青菱湖和黄家湖水生植物多样性的比较分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于丹  康辉  谢平  陈宜瑜 《生态学报》1996,16(6):565-575
讨论了渔业利用对武汉市两个近郊湖泊的不同影响,养鱼历时10a的黄家湖中水生植物种类数量锐减,鱼喜食的一些植物种类已灭绝。青菱湖渔业利用强度低,仅在东半部进行2a鱼类粗养试验,故水生植物生长受到较少影响,1994年停放鱼苗后,东半部水生植被得以恢复,许多乡土种重新在湖区中出现。对青菱湖与黄家湖水生植物区系组成、群落结构、物种丰富度与均匀度、群落分类与生物量及植被分布等进行了对比分析。青菱湖现有水生植  相似文献   

水动力作为湖泊水生植物恢复的关键限制性因子,其对水生植物的影响机制是当前迫切需要关注的科学问题。从水动力作用下水生植物的分布、水生植物受力以及水生植物自身机械抗性3个方面系统梳理了当前的研究方法与结论。结果表明,水生植物在河流湖泊中的丰度、空间分布与水动力密切相关,各物种对水流胁迫表现出不同的响应;植物在水动力作用下的受力观测和研究主要依赖模拟试验,通过计算定量表征不同物理外型物种在水动力作用下的受力,明确了生物量和植物系数等影响受力的关键参数,为不同塑形物种受力的对比分析提供了研究方法;植物机械抗性主要基于测力装置观测,通过断裂应力、弯曲力等生物力学参数表征。在当前研究背景下,水生植物尤其是沉水植物在湖泊中的实际受力情况依然是研究难点,需要借助新的观测手段和研究方法来阐明植物在复杂的湖泊水动力环境下的实际受力特征。此外,还需要进一步开展水生植物在湖泊中的实际受力与植物自身机械抗性的耦合研究,这是开展水生植物响应湖泊水动力机理研究的关键。  相似文献   

水动力作为湖泊水生植物恢复的关键限制性因子,其对水生植物的影响机制是当前迫切需要关注的科学问题。从水动力作用下水生植物的分布、水生植物受力以及水生植物自身机械抗性3个方面系统梳理了当前的研究方法与结论。结果表明,水生植物在河流湖泊中的丰度、空间分布与水动力密切相关,各物种对水流胁迫表现出不同的响应;植物在水动力作用下的受力观测和研究主要依赖模拟试验,通过计算定量表征不同物理外型物种在水动力作用下的受力,明确了生物量和植物系数等影响受力的关键参数,为不同塑形物种受力的对比分析提供了研究方法;植物机械抗性主要基于测力装置观测,通过断裂应力、弯曲力等生物力学参数表征。在当前研究背景下,水生植物尤其是沉水植物在湖泊中的实际受力情况依然是研究难点,需要借助新的观测手段和研究方法来阐明植物在复杂的湖泊水动力环境下的实际受力特征。此外,还需要进一步开展水生植物在湖泊中的实际受力与植物自身机械抗性的耦合研究,这是开展水生植物响应湖泊水动力机理研究的关键。  相似文献   

湖泊水动力对水生植物分布的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水动力作为湖泊水生植物恢复的关键限制性因子,其对水生植物的影响机制是当前迫切需要关注的科学问题。从水动力作用下水生植物的分布、水生植物受力以及水生植物自身机械抗性3个方面系统梳理了当前的研究方法与结论。结果表明,水生植物在河流湖泊中的丰度、空间分布与水动力密切相关,各物种对水流胁迫表现出不同的响应;植物在水动力作用下的受力观测和研究主要依赖模拟试验,通过计算定量表征不同物理外型物种在水动力作用下的受力,明确了生物量和植物系数等影响受力的关键参数,为不同塑形物种受力的对比分析提供了研究方法;植物机械抗性主要基于测力装置观测,通过断裂应力、弯曲力等生物力学参数表征。在当前研究背景下,水生植物尤其是沉水植物在湖泊中的实际受力情况依然是研究难点,需要借助新的观测手段和研究方法来阐明植物在复杂的湖泊水动力环境下的实际受力特征。此外,还需要进一步开展水生植物在湖泊中的实际受力与植物自身机械抗性的耦合研究,这是开展水生植物响应湖泊水动力机理研究的关键。  相似文献   

云南抚仙湖、洱海、滇池水生植被的生态特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
戴全裕 《生态学报》1985,5(4):324-335
抚仙湖、洱海和滇池是云南高原上较大的三个断层构造湖泊。作者于1981—1983年对这三个湖泊的水生植物种类、分布、产量、植被类型以及演替作了调查。其结果是:(1)抚仙湖、洱海和滇池的湖盐形态、湖水的理、化性质以及生物生态条件是很不相同的:抚仙湖是我国第二深水湖泊,洱海是半深水湖,而滇池却是一个浅水湖泊。因此,水生植物的生态特征也是各不相同的;(2)随着湖泊的逐渐发育和演化水生植物的种类由少到多,而植被类型及其演替则由简单到复杂(即抚仙湖→洱海→滇池);(3)制约水生植物生长、分布的主要环境因素是水深、风浪、透明度以及沉积物的组成等;(4)水生植物的生态特征指示了滇池和洱海已经进入老年化阶段,其沼泽化程度是:滇池>洱海>抚仙湖;(5)滇池自受到工业废水污染以后,水生植被遭受到破坏,湖泊生态系统失去自然平衡,许多水生植物受到危害或者濒于绝灭(如海菜花、微齿眼子菜等),但是,漂浮植物却得到了发展(如凤眼莲)。  相似文献   

东湖大型围隔及围栏内植物群落和水质的变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为恢复湖泊水生植被,初步研究了建在武汉东湖的大型围隔、围栏中的植物群落和水质的季节动态以及两者间的关系,结果表明:围隔、围栏中,植物生物量明显增加,漂浮植物易定植,水绵和刚毛藻易发生,植物群落结构难以自然地得到优化;养鱼对水生维管束植物的生长和恢复不利;水中总氮与总磷的变化具一致性,它们与水生植物的生物量间关系密切,围隔中水生植物的良好生长使水的总氮、总磷浓度明显降低  相似文献   

鄱阳湖自然保护区的湖泊是相对独立于鄱阳湖主体湖的一个区域,是国际重要湿地。1998年的特大洪水导致湖泊中水生植物的地上部分大量毁灭。通过1999年和2001年的植被调查,并与历史资料比较,探讨了特大洪水干扰后的植被恢复动态。结果表明,1999年湖泊水生植物的种类和生物量均低于干扰前的水平;2001年物种种类已经恢复,苦草(Vallisneria spp.)和黑藻(Hydrialla verticillata)的生物量已超过干扰前的水平,但其它物种的生物量仍较低,尚处于恢复的初始阶段。据此推断,物种问恢复速度的差异主要与物种的无性繁殖方式有关。鄱阳湖自然保护区湖泊的植被恢复不同于温带和其它亚热带的湖泊,不经历轮藻(Chara spp.)作为先锋优势种的阶段,苦草和黑藻可以作为先锋种首先在湖泊中恢复。这可能与鄱阳湖作为通江湖泊其水位频繁波动、轮藻不易定居有关。研究显示,洪水导致的水生植物生物量下降和物种数目减少只是短期现象,湖泊水生植物能在几年内恢复到干扰前的水平。  相似文献   

花马湖位于湖北省鄂州市境内,面积约27.5km~2。湖中分布有水生高等植物82种2变种。花马湖水生植被可分为15个群丛,其中菱群丛、竹叶眼子菜群丛、金鱼藻+狐尾藻+菹草+苦草群丛较为重要。湖中水生植波呈不规则的环带状分布,并可划分为湿生、挺水、浮叶和沉水4个植被带,各带均有相应的群丛分布。  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The distribution and quantitative development of aquatic macrophytes have been studied in oligotrophic Lake Kalgaard, Denmark. The vegetation is dominated by isoetid species, which are widely distributed (about 40% of the lake bottom) compared to emergent and floating-leaved macrophytes (about 4%). Littorella uniflora dominates at depths of 0–2 m and Isoetes lacustris from 2.0 to 4.5m. Within the colonization area the mean midsummer biomass of Littorella is 112g organic dry weight m−2 and that of Isoetes, 66 gm−2. The total biomass of these two species constitutes 99% of the biomass of submerged macrophytes.
The perennial Littorella shows only small seasonal biomass variations. The vegetational biomass, the above-ground fraction of the biomass, and the weight of individual plants all increased with the organic content of the sediment at water depths from 0 to 0.75 m. At the same time the interstitial concentrations of carbon dioxide, extractable inorganic nitrogen, and exchangeable inorganic phosphorus increased, thus supporting the hypothesis that an increasing organic content of the sediments at this low level creates a physiologically richer medium for the plants.
The isoetid growth form is discussed in relation to the chemical environment of oligotrophic, softwater lakes.  相似文献   

干旱对湖北省长湖水生植物多样性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将断面法和地理信息系统(GIS)与全球定位系统(GPS)技术相结合,通过比较湖北省长湖2000年(干旱年)与1999年(非干旱年)的水生植物多样性,探讨了干旱对淡水湖泊水生植物多样性的影响,主要结论如下:(1)干旱对长湖淡水湖泊水生植物物种多样性无影响,但可增加优势种数目(从12个至14个)。(2)干旱使长湖水生植物群丛数目从14个增加至18个,且能显著提高各群丛的Simpson与Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数。(3)干旱显著提高了长湖水生植被覆盖率与各群丛的盖度,并使全湖水生植被平均单位面积生物量与各群从单位面积生物量显著升高。(4)在干旱年(2000年),长湖挺水植被消失,但浮水植被面积与沉水植被面积显著扩大:分别从1999年的3.71%与41.32%上升至2000年的12.63%与53.84%(占湖泊总面积的百分比)。(5)干旱条件下淡水湖泊水生植物的生长发育明显加快:2000年7月菹草石芽萌发率、菹草幼株长度和野菱黄叶率显著高于1999年同期值。  相似文献   

湿地植被对北京地区蜻蜓生态分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王辰  高新宇  刘阳  张正旺 《生态学报》2007,27(2):516-525
蜻蜓目(Odonata)昆虫是半变态类(Hemimetabola)昆虫,它的一生经过卵、若虫和成虫3个阶段。和其他水生昆虫一样,蜻蜓目昆虫是淡水生物群落的重要组成部分,对淡水生态系统起到重要作用。蜻蜓目昆虫在其生活史中,取食、交配等活动离不开水生植物和水域附近的植被。为了研究蜻蜓栖息生境中的湿地植被特征对蜻蜓生态分布影响,对北京地区不同湿地类型的17块样地中296个样方分布的蜻蜓种类、多度以及湿地植被的特征和植物多样性进行调查,记录到蜻蜓6科26属36种,维管植物40科99属150种。应用TWINSPAN对蜻蜓种类和样地进行双向聚类分析,所有样地被划分成为四组。同时,将植被特征因子和湿地植物的多样性视为影响蜻蜓数量及分布的因子进行CCA分析。结果表明:湿地植物的丰富度与植物群落结构的完整性是影响蜻蜓分布的主要因素;各湿地植被特征因子对于蜻蜓生态分布的影响不一,依贡献率由大及小依次为浮水植物层盖度、湿生植物盖度、G1eason丰富度指数、沉水植物层盖度、G-F多样性指数、挺水植物层盖度。并且首次应用G-F多样性指数分析湿地植物的多样性。对于蜻蜓栖息地的保护、城市中对于湿地的兴建和改造也提出了相关保护建议。  相似文献   

An ecological model is derived from recent studies, based on 60 years of empirical observations and experimental data, that conceptualizes how Cootes Paradise Marsh was transformed from a lush emergent marsh with considerable ecological diversity in all trophic levels, to one that is currently turbid, devoid of vegetation, and dominated by a few exotic plant and fish species. This conceptual model contains 17 key components that interact and contribute to the overall unhealthy state of the marsh. The most influential component is high water level which caused the initial loss of emergent vegetation in the 1940s and 1950s. In the absence of plants to attenuate sediment and assimilate nutrients, the marsh became turbid and windswept, and this led to the disappearance of submergent vegetation over the next two decades. Currently, high water turbidity is being maintained by wind re-suspension, high sediment loading from the watershed during the summer, high algal biomass resulting from excessive nutrient loads from sewage effluent and surface runoff, and the feeding and spawning activities of a very large population of common carp ( Cyprinus carpio). Due to vegetation loss, the substrate has become mostly loose sediment that is no longer suitable for the diverse assemblage of aquatic insect larvae that lived on the plants and detrital material in the 1940s. Benthic grazers have been kept in low abundances due to predation by benthivorous carp; consequently, epiphytic algae have proliferated and further contribute to light limitation of macrophytes. High nutrient loadings contribute to high diurnal fluxes in dissolved oxygen levels that tend to select against less tolerant organisms such as insect larvae (other than chironomids) and piscivores (northern pike and largemouth bass). Without piscivores in the marsh, the planktivores have become dominant and have virtually eliminated all of the large herbivorous zooplankton (e.g., Daphnia), except for a few pockets in the marsh inlets close to residual macrophyte beds. Because of the dominance of small-bodied inefficient grazers (rotifers and small cladocerans), algal biomass is high, and the community has a large proportion of heterotrophic forms that tolerate low light environments. This ecological model suggests that the current turbid un-vegetated state of Cootes Paradise may be very stable. It will persist as long as water levels remain unfavorable for natural re-colonization by the emergent flora, and/or water turbidities remain sufficiently high to suppress the growth of submergent vegetation. Using this conceptual model, I developed a model of how Cootes Paradise Marsh may have functioned as a healthy marsh prior to the 1940s, and use these models as a basis to explore a number of restoration and management options and discuss their implications on the aquatic foodweb.  相似文献   

植物体内的C、N和总酚是影响其被牧食和凋落物降解的重要因素,从而影响C和N在食物链的传递和生物地化循环。本研究测定了云南洱海3种生活型(挺水、沉水和浮叶)26种水生植物叶片中C、N和总酚含量以及C/N比率,并分析了它们与总酚的关系。结果表明:挺水植物叶片的C、N和总酚平均含量为448.08、39.30和24.70 mg/g,浮叶植物叶片的C、N和总酚平均含量为433.32、35.16和28.05 mg/g,沉水植物叶片的C、N和总酚平均含量为378.36、27.31和10.28 mg/g;总体上看,植物叶片C和N含量:挺水植物 浮叶植物 沉水植物;挺水和浮叶植物叶片的总酚含量差异不显著,且均远高于沉水植物叶片的总酚含量;26种植物叶片中C和N与总酚含量均呈显著正相关。在富营养化条件下,3种生活型植物所处生境的光照和CO2供给均差异显著,会对这些植物叶片的C、N和总酚含量有一定影响,此外由于应对生境中的胁迫(草食性昆虫、病原体及紫外线辐射等)压力以及自身的生长策略的不同也可能导致C、N和酚在三者中形成差异;通过对13种沉水植物叶片总酚含量比较,推测光叶眼子菜和微齿眼子菜较为适合作为洱海耐牧食恢复先锋物种;N与总酚正相关的关系可能在富营养化进程中加速湖泊沼泽化。  相似文献   

长湖水生维管束植物群落研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
长湖位于湖北省荆州地区,面积133.2km~2是江汉湖群中较大的淡水湖。湖中分布有40种水生维管束植物、12个群丛,湖中植被呈不规则环带状分布,并可划分为湿生、挺水、浮叶和沉水四个植物带。水生植被生物量随水深的增加而减少。  相似文献   

The diversity and community structure of macrophyte vegetation was studied in 50 boreal lakes forming several upper reaches of lake chains around Lammi, southern Finland. Water chemical parameters and morphometry of the basins were included in a multivariate analysis. Floating-leaved vegetation was the dominant growth form, followed by emergent plants. In downstream lakes, the dominance of floating-leaved macrophytes declined, and emergent species increased in abundance. Species richness was highest in larger lakes, with a wider range of littoral habitats than smaller lakes. Electrical conductivity (range 18–151 mS cm−1, 25 °C) of the water correlated well with patterns in diversity among lakes, but this was not the case for nutrient concentrations. As a whole, morphometrical characteristics of lake basins showed better correlations with vegetation structure than any of the measured chemical parameters. The macrophyte vegetation of neighbouring lake chains differed considerably, depending on the surrounding landscape properties, water quality of the lakes and immigration history of plant species.  相似文献   

Clear Lake, Iowa, USA is a shallow, agriculturally eutrophic lake that has changed drastically over the past century. Eight macrophyte surveys since 1896 were pooled and examined to characterize long-term impacts of eutrophication on macrophyte community composition and relative abundance. Surveys in 1981 and 2000 revealed few submergent and floating-leaved species and a dominance in emergent species (Scirpus, Typha). Over the past century, however, species richness has declined from a high of 30 species in 1951 to 12 found today, while the community composition has shifted from submergent-(99%) to emergent-dominated floras (84%). Potamogeton praelongus was the first emergent species to disappear but was followed by several other clear water Potamogeton species. Several floating leaved and emergent genera increased in relative abundance with eutrophication, notably Nuphar, Nymphaea, Phragmites, Polygonum, Sagittaria, Scirpus, and Typha. P. pectinatus was present over the entire century due to its tolerance of eutrophic conditions. Macrophyte growth was generally light-limited, with 93% of the variance in relative abundance of submergent species explained by changes in water transparency. Clear Lake exhibits signs of alternative stable states, oscillating between clear and turbid water, coupled with high and low submerged species relative abundance. The maximum macrophyte richness occurred as the lake oscillated between submergent- and emergent-dominated states. Changes in the water level have also impacted macrophyte growth since the area of the lake occupied by emergent macrophytes was negatively correlated with water level. Strongest correlations indicated that macrophytes respond to water level variations with a 2-year time-lag.  相似文献   

Temporal changes and vertical distribution of macrophytes in Lake Kawaguchi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The distribution of macrophytes in Lake Kawaguchi, Japan, was surveyed in August 1999 using a sampling anchor from a boat. The survey revealed that the present aquatic vegetation was composed of 17 submerged species, and no floating-leaved plants were present. The diversity of submerged plants and their vertical growth limits decreased progressively from the west to the east end of the lake. At the time of the survey, the dominant species was Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John, which had once grown explosively in the mid-1980s in the lake, and except for Vallisneria asiatica Miki, all of the species commonly observed in the lake seem to have diminished their growth greatly. Among them, Potamogeton compressus L., which was the most dominant species in the lake before the invasion of Elodea nuttallii, had decreased most severely. It is suggested that the present state of aquatic vegetation in this lake was much influenced by the persistent growth of Elodea nuttallii as well as by environmental factors. Received: August 7, 2001 / Accepted: February 9, 2002  相似文献   

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