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苗进  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2007,27(10):3973-3982
应用可视DC-EPG方法研究了假眼小绿叶蝉(Empoasca vitis Gothe)在9个品种茶苗上的口针刺探行为,共发现并初步确定了7种主要波型,即A波、S波、C波、E波、F波和R波、以及非刺探波NP波。A波为刺探波,S波为口针向韧皮部刺探和进入韧皮部中的分泌唾液波,C波为口针到达韧皮部之前的主动取食波,E波和F波为口针在韧皮部中吸收波,R波为取食间歇波。以该叶蝉在不同品种茶树上的平均刺探次数和各波形平均持续时间为指标,或者以其在不同品种茶树上含有各波形的单次刺探平均持续时间为指标,分别进行聚类分析,均将9个品种分为3个不同的组。S、E和F波对应着假眼小绿叶蝉在茶树上的主要取食活动,可能与茶树抗假眼小绿叶蝉的取食密切相关。以S、E和F各波的平均持续时间、以及含有各波形的单次刺探的平均持续时间为指标,对品种的抗性强弱排序,评判9个茶树品种抗叶蝉取食能力由强至弱的顺序为:龙井长叶、黄旦、政和大白茶、黔湄601、红芽佛手、中茶102、中茶302、龙井43和安吉白茶。该顺序与田间查得的9个品种茶树上假眼小绿叶蝉种群密度由小到大的顺序一致,表明DC-EPG方法简捷、可信度高,可作为检测茶树品种对叶蝉抗性的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

茶蚜Toxoptera aurantii Boyer是茶树上的重要害虫之一,深入研究抗蚜特异资源的抗性机理对培育茶树抗蚜品种具有重要意义。课题组前期收集的望谟紫芽茶树优良品系‘W016’对茶蚜抗性强,为初步探明该种质的抗蚜特性,利用刺吸电位技术测定了茶蚜在‘W016’和黄金芽(感虫品种)上的取食行为,并探明影响茶蚜刺探取食叶片的主要物理性状及生化成分因子。结果表明,茶蚜在两种供试种质上均产生9种EPG波形,依次为非刺探波(np波)、路径波(A波、B波、C波、pd波)、机械阻力波(F波)、木质部吸食波(G波)、韧皮部唾液分泌波(El波)和韧皮部汁液吸食波(E2波)。刺探取食过程中,茶蚜在‘W016’上的非刺探时间(np波)和C波总持续时间均显著长于黄金芽。二者口针遇到阻力的次数(F波)和总持续时间无差异,但韧皮部吸食汁液(E2波)时间‘W016’显著短于黄金芽。茸毛密度、下表皮厚度和栅栏组织厚度是‘W016’抗茶蚜取食胁迫的主要物理屏障因子,而咖啡碱和可溶性糖含量为主要生化因子。表明‘W016’对茶蚜的取食抗性与其叶片理化性质密切相关。  相似文献   

【目的】明确苜蓿斑蚜Therioaphis trifolii对不同品种苜蓿Medicago sativa的取食行为,探明抗蚜因子和抗虫位点,筛选抗蚜苜蓿品种。【方法】利用刺吸电位技术(electrical penetration graph, EPG)记录苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在10个苜蓿品种上的取食行为,并基于聚类分析方法筛选合适的EPG参数进行抗蚜性评价。【结果】苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在取食苜蓿过程中呈现np波、pd波、A波、B波、C波、E波、F波和G波8种波形,其中E波、F波和G波的总时间在不同品种间表现出显著差异。在5 h测试期间,E波持续时间在敖汉上最长,金皇后和中苜3号上次之,草原2号和阿尔冈金上最短;F波总时间以准格尔、阿尔冈金和金皇后上最长,敖汉、德宝和草原2号上最短,说明前者具有较强的机械抗性而后者机械抗性较弱。以第1次刺探持续时间、总刺探时间、F波总时间、C波总时间、E波总时间作为聚类分析的指标,10个苜蓿品种被聚成3类:阿尔冈金、草原2号、WL168HQ、德宝、中苜2号和新牧2号为第Ⅰ类,金皇后、中苜3号和准格尔为第Ⅱ类,敖汉为第Ⅲ类。【结论】苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在不同苜蓿品种上的取食行为存在差异,草原2号、阿尔冈金和WL168HQ在叶表皮、叶肉和韧皮部层次对苜蓿斑蚜成蚜存在抗性,金皇后在叶表皮和叶肉部位表现出抗性;苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在敖汉上能够长时间刺吸取食,因此敖汉抗性最弱。本研究为深入探讨苜蓿抗虫机理和蚜虫综合治理提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

利用田间抗蚜性鉴定模糊识别技术,结合室内刺探电位(EPG)植物抗性鉴定技术,比较分析了不同遗传背景的小麦种质资源的抗蚜性,为筛选新型小麦抗蚜种质材料提供依据。2年田间抗蚜性鉴定结果表明: 小偃麦多表现为中抗或低抗,而小黑麦多为中感或低感。选取抗性性状稳定且抗性级别不同的小偃麦21(中抗)、小偃麦22(低抗)、小黑麦31(中感)和小黑麦32(低感)进行麦长管蚜取食行为分析。对非刺探波(Np)、刺探波(P)、电势落差(Pd)、水溶性唾液分泌波(E1)、韧皮部取食波(E2)、细胞机械阻碍波(F)和木质部取食波(G)等基本波形的分析显示,麦长管蚜在小偃麦上首次开始刺探的时间显著长于小黑麦,且在小偃麦上的E1波的持续时间显著大于小黑麦;麦长管蚜在小偃麦21上的F波和小偃麦22上Np波的持续时间最长,在小黑麦31上的P波和小黑麦32上的G波的持续时间最长。以E1、F和Np波的持续时间为指标,基于刺探电位的小麦种质资源抗性水平鉴定结果与田间鉴定结果基本一致。因此,使用EPG技术筛选抗蚜小麦材料时,建议采用E1、F和Np波作为评价小麦抗性水平的指标。小偃麦21、22对麦长管蚜的抗性水平较高,可作为小麦抗蚜育种的种质材料。  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确E型麦二叉蚜Schizaphis graminum在不同抗性表型燕麦品系上刺探取食行为的差异性,查明燕麦抗蚜因子。【方法】采用直流型刺吸电位仪(DC-EPG Giga-4)记录了E型麦二叉蚜无翅成蚜在10个抗性表型差异MN品系皮燕麦上A,B,C,Pd,E,F,G和np 8种基本波形的发生次数和持续时间。【结果】刺探电位图谱显示,E型麦二叉蚜在10个抗性表型差异MN品系皮燕麦上的识别时间在1.03~2.62 min之间。表型中抗的MN10253品系上非刺探时间相对较长,开始至首次刺探时间最长,分别为117.77和13.80 min,说明叶片表面可能存在不利于E型麦二叉蚜定位和识别寄主的干扰因子;表型中抗的MN08252品系上口针在叶肉组织和木质部刺探取食持续总时间以及开始至首次刺探木质部时间均为最短,分别为78.01,62.73和32.29 min,且np波发生次数多达28.57次,说明叶肉组织和木质部中可能存在抗蚜因子;表型低抗的MN06203品系上F波持续总时间和平均持续时间均最长,分别为4.96 min和5.81 s,说明该品系具有较强的机械抗性;表型低感的MN11213品系上E1时间最短,为1.94 min,开始至首次刺探韧皮部的时间最长,为246.05 min,说明抗蚜因子可能存在于韧皮部。【结论】皮燕麦表型中抗的MN10253品系叶片表面、MN08252品系的叶肉组织和木质部以及表型低感的MN11213品系韧皮部组织内可能存在抗蚜性因子,表型低抗的MN06203品系机械抗性较强。  相似文献   

张广珠  胡春祥  苏建伟  戈峰 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4745-4752
在加倍CO2浓度(0.7 mL/L)的人工气候箱中培养小麦感蚜品种(铭贤169)和抗蚜品种(KOK1679)幼苗30d,正常CO2浓度(0.35 mL/L)处理为对照.应用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fab.),在苗期小麦上的取食行为进行了比较研究.结果表明:蚜虫在加倍CO2浓度下生长的2个小麦品种上的取食过程中,电势降落次数(pd波个数)显著增加,刺探总时间(C波总时间)显著延长,首次出现在小麦韧皮部取食的时间(E2)显著滞后,被动取食持续时间(E2波的总时间)显著拉长.因此,加倍CO2浓度可能通过影响小麦而对麦长管蚜的取食行为产生了明显的间接影响.  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜在三个小麦品种上取食行为的EPG比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi在不同小麦品种(Ww2730、小偃22和Batis)苗期的取食行为进行了比较研究。结果表明:在小偃22上蚜虫开始取食的第1次刺探时间最晚,且持续时间最短;在Ww2730上取食受到机械阻力的个体最多,且出现F波的几率和持续时间最长;两品种上蚜虫在木质部主动摄取汁液(G波)花费的时间最长。 在Batis上,蚜虫口针第1次到达韧皮部时需要分泌较多水溶性唾液(E1波),但随后只需分泌较少的水溶性唾液就可以成功取食,而且被动吸食韧皮部汁液的时间(E2波)最长。蚜虫口针在到达小偃22韧皮部取食之前,出现多次的口针试探、回撤,并且多次、多量分泌水溶性唾液(E1波);虽然蚜虫在小偃22上口针最先到达韧皮部,但被动吸食韧皮部汁液的时间(E2波)最短。由此得出结论:小偃22表皮部、韧皮部存在阻碍禾谷缢管蚜取食的物理和生化因素; 禾谷缢管蚜在Ww2730取食遇到更多的是细胞间机械阻力; Batis是较感蚜的品种。  相似文献   

不同水稻品种上白背飞虱取食行为的EPG分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为探明不同水稻品种(丰源优272、R9810-T、华恢1号、明恢63、麻糯谷和Rathu Heenati)对白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera的抗性差异机理,利用刺吸电位技术(electronic penetration graph, EPG)记录了该虫在这6个品种三叶期稻苗上的取食行为。【方法】结合特定的EPG波形,考察了9个非韧皮部指标和22个韧皮部指标。【结果】在总记录时间8 h内,白背飞虱在品种Rathu Heenati上非刺探波np的总时间最长,其次是麻糯谷上非刺探波np的总时间,这两者间差异显著且都显著地长于其他4个品种的np总时间(P<0.05);该虫在Rathu Heenati上路径波Nc的总时间为8 523.41 s,是感虫品种明恢63 Nc总时间的2.24倍;该虫在Rathu Heenati上吸食韧皮部汁液N4-b的总时间显著地比其他品种短(P<0.05)。华恢1号和R9810-T上所有的EPG指标和感虫品种明恢63的EPG指标都没有显著的差异(P≥0.05)。白背飞虱在丰源优272上单次分泌水溶性唾液N4-a的平均时间更长,并伴随长时间的韧皮部取食。【结论】由此推测,品种Rathu Heenati可能存在不利于白背飞虱取食的忌避成分,并且在韧皮部外组织和韧皮部组织都存在抗性因子;在麻糯谷上仅存在忌避成分;然而,品种华恢1号和R9810-T可能对白背飞虱不具有明显的抗性;丰源优272可能是比明恢63更为感虫的品种。结合介体昆虫取食行为与传播持久性病毒的关系,这些结果也为利用抗白背飞虱品种控制南方水稻黑条矮缩病提供了参考。  相似文献   

周昊  李钰  滕子文  杜凌君  万方浩  周洪旭 《昆虫学报》1950,63(10):1207-1214
【目的】苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum、绣线菊蚜Aphis citricola和梨网蝽Stephanitis nashi是苹果园的一类重要害虫,它们以刺吸式口器对苹果树造成不同程度的危害。本研究旨在明确这3种刺吸式昆虫在苹果树上取食行为差异。【方法】利用刺吸电位(electrical penetration graph, EPG)技术对苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫在苹果苗韧皮部和非韧皮部上的EPG指标,以及苹果绵蚜、绣线菊蚜和梨网蝽成虫苹果苗上的取食行为进行了比较分析,分析了这3种害虫的成虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各种波形平均持续时间的占比。【结果】结果表明,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成蚜在苹果苗上均产生6种取食波形,即非刺探波(np)、路径波(C)、意外穿刺细胞非主动取食细胞波(pd)、木质部取食波(G)、韧皮部唾液分泌波(E1)和韧皮部取食波(E2);而梨网蝽成虫取食过程中只产生非刺探波(np)、表皮刺穿波(A)、叶肉细胞取食波(Gc)和木质部取食波(E)4种波形。从蚜虫在苹果苗非韧皮部上取食的EPG指标看,苹果绵蚜成蚜pd波平均时间显著高于绣线菊蚜的,而刺探次数、np波总时间和pd波次数均显著低于绣线菊蚜的。从蚜虫在苹果苗韧皮部上取食的EPG指标来看,除第1次出现E2波的时间外,各指标没有显著差异。从3种害虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各波形的占比来看,梨网蝽成虫的np波总时间所占比例最高(53%),其次是绣线菊蚜成虫的(24%),苹果绵蚜成虫的最低(为1%)。同时,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫取食波为E2波,所占总时间比例分别为35%和25%,而梨网蝽的取食波为Gc波(占总时间比例为36%)和E波(占总时间比例为11%)。【结论】本研究阐释了苹果园刺吸式口器害虫的生态位分离和取食行为学机制,为果园刺吸式口器害虫的综合治理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

电子取食监测仪在植物抗虫性研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要综述了电子取食监测仪在植物对同翅目昆虫抗虫性研究中的应用情况.利用电子取食监测仪可监测同翅目昆虫(蚜虫、飞虱、叶蝉、蓟马、粉虱等)在不同抗、感虫品种上的取食行为,并根据取食行为参数如刺探频率、唾液分泌时间、韧皮部取食时间等在不同抗、感品种上的差异来区别品种的抗、感虫特性和确定抗虫因子存在的部位.  相似文献   

An efficient liquid culture system for tea shoot proliferation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The efficiency of thidiazuron in promoting tea shoot proliferation in liquid medium was evaluated. As compared to 6-benzyl adenine which induced hyperhydricity in the proliferated shoots in liquid medium, a progressive increase in the multiplication rate together with healthy shoot growth was achieved when thidiazuron (2.5 to 5.0 μM) was used instead of 6-benzyl adenine. Of the different liquid volumes compared in 250 ml Erlenmyer flasks, 20 ml was the most effective. While an increase in the multiplication rate coupled with normal but healthy shoots was observed under static and agitated conditions at this volume of liquid medium, hyperhydricity was induced in 50 ml liquid medium. Therefore, 20 ml static liquid medium with subculture periods at an interval six to eight weeks seems to be a cost and labour effective process as compared to the existing protocols involving solid media with subculture periods at 4 weeks interval. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Micropropagation of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) has been widely attempted but commercial exploitation of this method is limited by heavy losses during the hardening procedures. In the present study, optimization of time of harvesting (spring and early summer) of microshoots, shoot size, soil pH (4.0–6.4), plant growth regulator treatment (IBA; 500 mg l-1, 30 min) CO2 (9.09/10×10−5 mol l-1 to 10.22/10×10-5 mol l-1 and 20/11×10−5 mol l-1 to 80/13×10−7 mol l-1) enrichment and light (15 μ mol m-2 s-1) conditions in specially designed hardening chambers, made a significant impact on the percent of success for hardening. Following the standardized procedure, up to 71.6% root induction and 73% survival could be achieved. Successful field transfer was also accomplished. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

【目的】对寄生茶小绿叶蝉的丝状真菌进行鉴定和分生孢子培养研究。【方法】采用形态特征比较和转录间隔区(ITS)序列构建系统树进行分析,分生孢子培养通过单因素筛选和正交试验进行产孢条件优化。【结果】根据形态特征比较和系统发育分析表明,该真菌为渐狭蜡蚧菌Lecanicillium attenuatum ZareW.Gams。最优产孢条件(质量体积比)为:蛋白胨2%,麦芽糖1%,蚕蛹粉1%,氯化钾0.05%,磷酸氢二钾0.1%,七水硫酸镁0.05%,琼脂1.5%,蒸馏水1 000 m L,25°C。【结论】通过形态特征比较和分子序列分析表明,罹病茶小绿叶蝉上的真菌为已知种——渐狭蜡蚧菌,并对该菌株进行了产孢条件的优化。研究结果为该菌株应用到茶小绿叶蝉的生物防治研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Species of Penicillium and Trichoderma were found to dominate the rhizosphere of established tea bushes in a detailed study conducted from various tea growing locations in India. Penicillium erythromellis, P. janthinellum, P. raistrickii, Trichoderma pseudokoningii and T. koningii were found to be closely associated with tea roots. While seasonal fluctuation was observed in the case of Penicillium spp., the population of Trichoderma spp. showed less variation during the year. Both species were sensitive to low temperatures. In general, fungi associated with the tea rhizosphere were found to prefer a mesophillic temperature range (15 °C to 35 °C). The dominant species of Penicillium and Trichoderma also exhibited tolerance to lower temperatures, i.e., 5 to 10 °C on agar plates. Most fungi were able to grow in a wide range of pH (4 to 12). Lowering of soil pH in the rhizosphere of tea bushes was positively correlated with the age of the bush and may have affected the development of a specific microbial community in the rhizosphere.The populations of Penicillium and Trichoderma species were inversely correlated with the populations of two most dominant rhizosphere bacteria, Bacillus subtilis and B. mycoides. Both Bacillus species have been shown to have antagonistic activity against these two fungi under in vitro conditions. The present study demonstrates the existence of a similar antagonism under in situ conditions in the rhizosphere of established tea bushes.  相似文献   

潘铖  林金丽  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3785-3795
为确定引诱假眼小绿叶蝉卵寄生蜂叶蝉三棒缨小蜂的茶梢信息物并检测其活性,遂于室内用Y管嗅觉仪进行行为测定,结果表明:1假眼小绿叶蝉口针刺吸和产卵管刺伤茶梢嫩茎、口针刺吸的茶树芽叶、以及口针刺吸芽叶近邻的健康茶叶的气味皆强烈引诱该蜂;2以健康茶梢、叶蝉为害茶梢挥发物中27种主要成分的3个剂量即10~(-6)、10~(-4)g/m L和10~(-2)g/m L正己烷溶液为味源,进行嗅觉反应测定,发现顺-茉莉酮、芳樟醇、橙花醇、正戊醇、正己醇、1-戊烯-3-醇、α-松油烯、α-松油醇和蒈烯的1或2个剂量显著引诱该蜂。茶园中:110~(-4)g/m L顺-茉莉酮、10~(-4)g/m L芳樟醇和10~(-4)g/m L 1-戊烯-3-醇三组分的等量混合物显著诱集叶蝉三棒缨小蜂;10-2g/m L橙花醇、10-2g/m L正戊醇、10-2g/m Lα-松油烯、10~(-6)g/m L正己醇、10~(-6)g/m Lα-松油醇和10~(-6)g/m L蒈烯六组分等量混合物的诱效更强;2加入液体石蜡作为缓释剂,可将该6组分诱集剂的半衰期延长0.7d;36:00—10:00缨小蜂比较活跃,这一时段诱捕的缨小蜂数占总诱捕数!50%。认为:假眼小绿叶蝉为害的茶梢上受害和未受害芽叶含有的顺-茉莉酮等部分挥发性化合物强烈地引诱叶蝉三棒缨小蜂,当它们按恰当比例组成诱集剂之后,则诱效显著增强,再与素馨黄色彩组合,诱效更强。  相似文献   

Tea (Camellia sinensis) phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) cDNA was cloned using labelled rice PAL cDNA as a probe. The PAL genes of the tea plant were investigated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis using tea PAL cDNA. PAL genetic variation in tea plants was much larger than predicted due to the presence of various hybridized fragments in the Assam hybrids, which are hybrids between C. sinensis var assamica and var sinensis. On the other hand, hybridized band patterns of Japanese green tea cultivars belonging to var sinensis could be divided into five groups. Furthermore, a short-length PAL probe, about 280 bp including the 3 untranslated sequence, detected 3 DNA fragments of different lengths, which were named A, B and D. An experiment tracing the PAL gene heredity showed that A, B and D fragments were inherited according to the Mendelian monogenic ratio. Therefore, PAL genes identifiable by A, B and D fragments are multiple alleles, and the PAL gene is present as a single gene in the tea haploid genome. It was also clear that five groups of Japanese green tea cultivars were characterized by the composition of these PAL fragments. From RFLP analysis using tea PAL cDNA, we succeeded in distinguishing Assam hybrids and Japanese green tea cultivars with high and low catechin content, respectively, and in grouping Japanese green tea at the cultivar level.  相似文献   

This study reports on the biocontrol role birds play in caterpillar pest control of tea plantations of Northeast India. In this area large tracts of tea plantations have been extensively defoliated by the recent invasion of two forest-dwelling geometrid looper caterpillars, Hyposidra spp. and a lymantriid hairy caterpillar, Arctornis submarginata. This exacerbated tea herbivory by two resident pest caterpillars, Biston suppressaria and Eterusia magnifera. Currently there are no identified resident insect predators for any life stage of Hyposidra spp. and A. submarginata. Larvae of these pests drop from tea bushes using salivary thread, allowing caterpillars to escape from insect predators. The study identified 38 native insectivorous bird species in tea plantations, of which four species (Asian-pied starling, Chestnut-tailed starling, Jungle Myna, Red-vented Bulbul) could be potential control agents of looper and hairy caterpillar pests. These species had high population densities. Their cumulative abundances represented a major proportion of the total bird community during both the infested (86.44%) and non-infested phase (75.34%). They foraged in mixed-species flocks in both tea foliage and on the ground. This behavior is suited to capture foliage-living and dropped caterpillars that were flushed from tea bushes by foraging birds. Abundance and species richness of overall tea layer-foraging birds were higher in infested phase when compared to non-infested phase. The predation rate of four bird species of the foraging flock varied significantly. These results suggest that birds should be considered as important biological control agent of caterpillar pests of tea and considered in pest management plans.  相似文献   

Total aluminum, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, and nickel were determined in black tea, green tea, Hibiscus sabdariffa, and Ilex paraguariensis (mate) by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after nitric/perchloric acid digestion. In each case, one ground sample of commercially available leafy material was prepared and three 0.5-g subsamples were run in parallel. The infusions were also analyzed and the percentage of each element leached into the liquor was evaluated. The obtained results indicated that hibiscus and mate contained lower levels of aluminum (272±19 μg/g and 369±22 μg/g, respectively) as referred to black tea (759±31 μg/g) or green tea (919±29 μg/g) and suggested that mate drinking could be a good dietary source of essential micronutrient manganese (total content 2223±110 μg/g, 48.1% leached to the infusion). It was also found that the infusion of hibiscus could supply greater amounts of iron (111±5 μg/g total, 40.5% leached) and copper (5.9±0.3 μg/g total, 93.4% leached) as compared to other infusions. Moreover, it was found that the percentage of element leached to the infusion was strongly related to the tannins content in the beverage (correlation coefficients >0.82 with the exception for nickel); for lower tannins level, better leaching was observed.  相似文献   

Black tea is consumed worldwide and is believed to play a role in cancer prevention. Xerophilic aflatoxigenic fungi are highly hazardous contaminants of tea since they are associated with tea quality impairment and human health risk. The present study reports isolation of such xerophilic and aflatoxigenic fungi associated with marketed tea. Twenty different tea samples collected from the local markets of Tamilnadu, India were investigated for fungal contamination. The results indicated contamination by 0.38% Aspergillus flavus. Other common contaminant fungi including Penicillium spp. (0.30%), Pacelomyces spp. (0.14%), and Mucor spp. (0.19%) were also isolated. Amongst the fungi isolated Aspergillus niger ML01 and A. flavus ML02 were found to be xerophilic aflatoxigenic mycoflora. Phylogenetic analysis based on 28S rRNA revealed their close ancestry. The chloroform and acetone extracts of spices Elettaria cardamomum and Syzygium aromaticum exhibited antifungal inhibitory activity on growth and toxin elaboration of both these xerophilic tea contaminants A. niger ML01 and A. flavus ML02. The results advocate the use of these spices plant or their extracts as novel antimicrobials which may add preservation and flavour in marketed tea.  相似文献   

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