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UV-B胁迫小麦上麦长管蚜的生命表参数和取食行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为明确UV-B胁迫小麦对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)种群生命表参数和取食行为的影响。【方法】采用特定年龄生命表方法和刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术, 研究了不同强度UV-B胁迫处理小麦对麦长管蚜生命表参数和取食行为的影响。【结果】生命表结果表明, 取食高强度(0.75 mW/cm2) UV-B辐射小麦后, 麦长管蚜种群内禀增长率rm、 净增殖率R0、 繁殖力F下降, 平均世代周期T缩短, 且差异显著(P<0.05); 取食低强度(0.2 mW/cm2)UV-B辐射小麦后, 麦长管蚜种群生命表参数与对照组(正常光照处理小麦饲喂的蚜虫种群)无显著差异(P>0.05)。刺探电位图谱结果显示, 高强度UV-B处理组np波(即非取食)数量显著增加, pd波(刺探波)首次出现的时间延迟, 表明紫外处理小麦干扰了蚜虫的在叶表面的正常刺探活动, 延长了搜索和刺探时间; C波持续时间显著延长, 反映取食难度加大, 有效取食时间缩短, 从而影响种群生命表参数; 而低强度UV-B处理组小麦对蚜虫取食行为影响与对照组差异不显著, 但pd波首次出现时间显著延长。【结论】高强度UV-B胁迫小麦会严重影响麦长管蚜的生长发育、 繁殖与取食行为。  相似文献   

重金属Zn2+胁迫下麦长管蚜的取食行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丽  宋亚茜  高欢欢  罗坤  赵惠燕 《生态学报》2016,36(9):2537-2543
为了探索重金属锌长期胁迫对麦长管蚜(Sitobion avenae)取食行为的变化影响,在模拟自然的实验室条件下,用不同浓度Zn~(2+)溶液浇灌土壤,通过土壤-小麦-蚜虫体系连续处理麦长管蚜15代,用EPG(刺探电位技术)对第1、5、10、15代成蚜的取食行为进行了监测。结果表明,第1代和第5代时,200 mg/kg的Zn~(2+)处理后np波和C波的总持续时间和数量显著低于对照,800mg/kg的Zn~(2+)使其显著增加。到第15代,高剂量的Zn~(2+)处理后np波和C波的总持续时间和数量均显著高于对照。涉及分泌唾液的E1波持续时间及涉及被动取食营养的E2波出现次数并未受到低剂量Zn~(2+)的显著影响,但高剂量的Zn~(2+)处理后单独E1波、伴随稳定E2的E1波总持续时间及E2波的数量均显著降低。麦长管蚜的取食行为会受到重金属锌的影响并且会在高剂量Zn~(2+)的胁迫条件下产生积累效应,而低剂量的Zn~(2+)则促进麦长管蚜对小麦的取食行为。针对重金属而言,此效应发生改变的关键浓度为400 mg/kg,蚜虫取食行为发生改变的关键世代为第5代和第10代。  相似文献   

利用田间抗蚜性鉴定模糊识别技术,结合室内刺探电位(EPG)植物抗性鉴定技术,比较分析了不同遗传背景的小麦种质资源的抗蚜性,为筛选新型小麦抗蚜种质材料提供依据。2年田间抗蚜性鉴定结果表明: 小偃麦多表现为中抗或低抗,而小黑麦多为中感或低感。选取抗性性状稳定且抗性级别不同的小偃麦21(中抗)、小偃麦22(低抗)、小黑麦31(中感)和小黑麦32(低感)进行麦长管蚜取食行为分析。对非刺探波(Np)、刺探波(P)、电势落差(Pd)、水溶性唾液分泌波(E1)、韧皮部取食波(E2)、细胞机械阻碍波(F)和木质部取食波(G)等基本波形的分析显示,麦长管蚜在小偃麦上首次开始刺探的时间显著长于小黑麦,且在小偃麦上的E1波的持续时间显著大于小黑麦;麦长管蚜在小偃麦21上的F波和小偃麦22上Np波的持续时间最长,在小黑麦31上的P波和小黑麦32上的G波的持续时间最长。以E1、F和Np波的持续时间为指标,基于刺探电位的小麦种质资源抗性水平鉴定结果与田间鉴定结果基本一致。因此,使用EPG技术筛选抗蚜小麦材料时,建议采用E1、F和Np波作为评价小麦抗性水平的指标。小偃麦21、22对麦长管蚜的抗性水平较高,可作为小麦抗蚜育种的种质材料。  相似文献   

基于EPG的麦长管蚜、麦二叉蚜和禾谷缢管蚜取食行为比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius),麦二叉蚜Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus)虽然都取食小麦,但其取食部位、传毒能力均有差异。利用EPG研究了3种麦蚜在同一寄主植物上的取食行为,结果显示:(1)禾谷缢管蚜在取食过程中G波出现的时间最早,G波总的持续时间和每次刺探G波的平均持续时间都明显长于麦长管蚜和麦二叉蚜。麦长管蚜第1次E1波的时间、E1波总的持续时间和每次刺探E1波的平均持续时间都明显比麦二叉蚜和禾谷缢管蚜要长。麦二叉蚜E2波总的持续时间和每次刺探E2波的平均持续时间都明显长于麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜。表明3种蚜虫各自拥有不同取食策略。禾谷缢管蚜比其它两种蚜虫需要更多的水分和无机盐,麦长管蚜通过分泌大量唾液增大对食物的利用率,麦二叉蚜通过增加韧皮部取食时间以满足对营养的需要。(2)刺探过程中麦二叉蚜pd波出现的次数为(51.97±7.82)次,高于麦长管蚜的(44.73±4.52)次和禾谷缢管蚜的(32.99±4.22)次。麦二叉蚜pd波Ⅱ-2和Ⅱ-3亚波的时间最长,禾谷缢管蚜最短,三者之间差异达显著水平。表明与其它两种麦蚜相比,麦二叉蚜在取食过程中口针与细胞间的接触频率更高,与细胞内获毒和传毒相关的Ⅱ-3波和Ⅱ-2波持续时间更长,增加了获毒和传毒的几率,是其传毒能力最强的机理。  相似文献   

茶蚜Toxoptera aurantii Boyer是茶树上的重要害虫之一,深入研究抗蚜特异资源的抗性机理对培育茶树抗蚜品种具有重要意义。课题组前期收集的望谟紫芽茶树优良品系‘W016’对茶蚜抗性强,为初步探明该种质的抗蚜特性,利用刺吸电位技术测定了茶蚜在‘W016’和黄金芽(感虫品种)上的取食行为,并探明影响茶蚜刺探取食叶片的主要物理性状及生化成分因子。结果表明,茶蚜在两种供试种质上均产生9种EPG波形,依次为非刺探波(np波)、路径波(A波、B波、C波、pd波)、机械阻力波(F波)、木质部吸食波(G波)、韧皮部唾液分泌波(El波)和韧皮部汁液吸食波(E2波)。刺探取食过程中,茶蚜在‘W016’上的非刺探时间(np波)和C波总持续时间均显著长于黄金芽。二者口针遇到阻力的次数(F波)和总持续时间无差异,但韧皮部吸食汁液(E2波)时间‘W016’显著短于黄金芽。茸毛密度、下表皮厚度和栅栏组织厚度是‘W016’抗茶蚜取食胁迫的主要物理屏障因子,而咖啡碱和可溶性糖含量为主要生化因子。表明‘W016’对茶蚜的取食抗性与其叶片理化性质密切相关。  相似文献   

应用EPG(E1ectrical Penetration Graph)技术记录了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae F.及禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi L.在不同抗性级别的小麦品种(红芒红、小白冬麦、kok1679和L1)上的取食行为。结果表明,麦蚜在参试品种上刺吸的各种特征波型基本相同,但其出现时间、重复出现的次数及历期长短存在差异,其中自开始记录至第一次出现E1:波的时间及E2。波历期比率可做为参试品种是否抗蚜的主要生理性指标。依据主要波型统计参数用聚类分析方法对参试品种抗蚜性进行分类,其结果与室内生命表参数研究及田间鉴定结果基本一致。本文还对EPG在抗性因子定位、抗蚜鉴定中作用及EPG记录的影响因素略作讨论。  相似文献   

周昊  李钰  滕子文  杜凌君  万方浩  周洪旭 《昆虫学报》1950,63(10):1207-1214
【目的】苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum、绣线菊蚜Aphis citricola和梨网蝽Stephanitis nashi是苹果园的一类重要害虫,它们以刺吸式口器对苹果树造成不同程度的危害。本研究旨在明确这3种刺吸式昆虫在苹果树上取食行为差异。【方法】利用刺吸电位(electrical penetration graph, EPG)技术对苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫在苹果苗韧皮部和非韧皮部上的EPG指标,以及苹果绵蚜、绣线菊蚜和梨网蝽成虫苹果苗上的取食行为进行了比较分析,分析了这3种害虫的成虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各种波形平均持续时间的占比。【结果】结果表明,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成蚜在苹果苗上均产生6种取食波形,即非刺探波(np)、路径波(C)、意外穿刺细胞非主动取食细胞波(pd)、木质部取食波(G)、韧皮部唾液分泌波(E1)和韧皮部取食波(E2);而梨网蝽成虫取食过程中只产生非刺探波(np)、表皮刺穿波(A)、叶肉细胞取食波(Gc)和木质部取食波(E)4种波形。从蚜虫在苹果苗非韧皮部上取食的EPG指标看,苹果绵蚜成蚜pd波平均时间显著高于绣线菊蚜的,而刺探次数、np波总时间和pd波次数均显著低于绣线菊蚜的。从蚜虫在苹果苗韧皮部上取食的EPG指标来看,除第1次出现E2波的时间外,各指标没有显著差异。从3种害虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各波形的占比来看,梨网蝽成虫的np波总时间所占比例最高(53%),其次是绣线菊蚜成虫的(24%),苹果绵蚜成虫的最低(为1%)。同时,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫取食波为E2波,所占总时间比例分别为35%和25%,而梨网蝽的取食波为Gc波(占总时间比例为36%)和E波(占总时间比例为11%)。【结论】本研究阐释了苹果园刺吸式口器害虫的生态位分离和取食行为学机制,为果园刺吸式口器害虫的综合治理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

禾谷缢管蚜在三个小麦品种上取食行为的EPG比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi在不同小麦品种(Ww2730、小偃22和Batis)苗期的取食行为进行了比较研究。结果表明:在小偃22上蚜虫开始取食的第1次刺探时间最晚,且持续时间最短;在Ww2730上取食受到机械阻力的个体最多,且出现F波的几率和持续时间最长;两品种上蚜虫在木质部主动摄取汁液(G波)花费的时间最长。 在Batis上,蚜虫口针第1次到达韧皮部时需要分泌较多水溶性唾液(E1波),但随后只需分泌较少的水溶性唾液就可以成功取食,而且被动吸食韧皮部汁液的时间(E2波)最长。蚜虫口针在到达小偃22韧皮部取食之前,出现多次的口针试探、回撤,并且多次、多量分泌水溶性唾液(E1波);虽然蚜虫在小偃22上口针最先到达韧皮部,但被动吸食韧皮部汁液的时间(E2波)最短。由此得出结论:小偃22表皮部、韧皮部存在阻碍禾谷缢管蚜取食的物理和生化因素; 禾谷缢管蚜在Ww2730取食遇到更多的是细胞间机械阻力; Batis是较感蚜的品种。  相似文献   

麦长管蚜对E-β-法尼烯的嗅觉行为反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】测定麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae Fabricius对E-β-法尼烯(E-β-farnesene,EβF)矿物油溶液反应的最低阈值浓度,为EβF的田间应用提供依据。【方法】观察麦长管蚜3龄若蚜对不同浓度EβF的逃逸行为和"Y"型管嗅觉行为反应。每天定时分5次(9:00,11:30,14:00,16:30和19:00)滴加10μL EβF于滤纸上,滤纸用牙签固定于麦苗盆中心,持续处理5 d。每盆麦苗处理前接1龄若蚜15头。记录成蚜翅型及2周后蚜虫总数量。【结果】随着EβF浓度升高,麦长管蚜3龄若蚜3 min内逃离数显著增加,有翅蚜比例显著增加,种群个体数量显著下降,驱避效果明显增强。EβF浓度为200 ng/μL和≥600 ng/μL使蚜虫逃离数显著增加(P0.05)。"Y"型管选择行为测试结果表明,EβF≥600 ng/μL对3龄若蚜具有极显著的驱避作用(P0.01)。与对照相比,EβF≥600 ng/μL处理极显著提高了有翅蚜比例(P0.01);EβF≥400 ng/μL极显著抑制蚜虫种群个体数量增长(P0.01),但与600 ng/μL处理差异不显著。【结论】600 ng/μL EβF矿物油溶液为麦长管蚜驱避剂的最低阈值浓度。  相似文献   

【目的】明确苜蓿斑蚜Therioaphis trifolii对不同品种苜蓿Medicago sativa的取食行为,探明抗蚜因子和抗虫位点,筛选抗蚜苜蓿品种。【方法】利用刺吸电位技术(electrical penetration graph, EPG)记录苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在10个苜蓿品种上的取食行为,并基于聚类分析方法筛选合适的EPG参数进行抗蚜性评价。【结果】苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在取食苜蓿过程中呈现np波、pd波、A波、B波、C波、E波、F波和G波8种波形,其中E波、F波和G波的总时间在不同品种间表现出显著差异。在5 h测试期间,E波持续时间在敖汉上最长,金皇后和中苜3号上次之,草原2号和阿尔冈金上最短;F波总时间以准格尔、阿尔冈金和金皇后上最长,敖汉、德宝和草原2号上最短,说明前者具有较强的机械抗性而后者机械抗性较弱。以第1次刺探持续时间、总刺探时间、F波总时间、C波总时间、E波总时间作为聚类分析的指标,10个苜蓿品种被聚成3类:阿尔冈金、草原2号、WL168HQ、德宝、中苜2号和新牧2号为第Ⅰ类,金皇后、中苜3号和准格尔为第Ⅱ类,敖汉为第Ⅲ类。【结论】苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在不同苜蓿品种上的取食行为存在差异,草原2号、阿尔冈金和WL168HQ在叶表皮、叶肉和韧皮部层次对苜蓿斑蚜成蚜存在抗性,金皇后在叶表皮和叶肉部位表现出抗性;苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在敖汉上能够长时间刺吸取食,因此敖汉抗性最弱。本研究为深入探讨苜蓿抗虫机理和蚜虫综合治理提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

Levels of atmospheric CO(2) have been increasing steadily over the last century and are projected to increase even more dramatically in the future. Soybeans (Glycine max L.) grown under elevated levels of CO(2) have larger herbivore populations than soybeans grown under ambient levels of CO(2). Increased abundance could reflect the fact that these herbivores are drawn in by increased amounts of volatiles or changes in the composition of volatiles released by plants grown under elevated CO(2) conditions. To determine impacts of elevated CO(2) on olfactory preferences, Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica Newman) and soybean aphids (Aphis glycines Matsumura) were placed in Y-tube olfactometers with a choice between ambient levels of CO(2) gas versus elevated levels of CO(2) gas or damaged and undamaged leaves and plants grown under ambient levels of CO(2) versus damaged and undamaged plants grown under elevated levels of CO(2). All plants had been grown from seeds under ambient or elevated levels of CO(2). Painted lady butterflies (Vanessa cardui L.) were placed in an oviposition chamber with a choice between plants grown under ambient and elevated levels of CO(2). A. glycines and V. cardui showed no significant preference for plants in either treatment. P. japonica showed no significant preference between ambient levels and elevated levels of CO(2) gas. There was a significant P. japonica preference for damaged plants grown under ambient CO(2) versus undamaged plants but no preference for damaged plants grown under elevated CO(2) versus undamaged plants. P. japonica also preferred damaged plants grown under elevated levels of CO(2) versus damaged plants grown under ambient levels of CO(2). This lack of preference for damaged plants grown under elevated CO(2) versus undamaged plants could be the result of the identical elevated levels of a green leaf volatile (2-hexenal) present in all foliage grown under elevated CO(2) regardless of damage status. Green leaf volatiles are typically released from damaged leaves and are used as kairomones by many herbivorous insects for host plant location. An increase in production of volatiles in soybeans grown under elevated CO(2) conditions may lead to larger herbivore outbreaks in the future.  相似文献   

Miao J  Wu Y  Xu W  Hu L  Yu Z  Xu Q 《Environmental entomology》2011,40(3):743-748
This study investigated the impact of transgenic wheat expressing Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA), commonly known as snowdrop lectin, on three wheat aphids: Sitobion avenae (F.), Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). We compared the feeding behavior and the life-table parameters of aphids reared on GNA transgenic wheat (test group) and those aphids reared on untransformed wheat (control group). The results showed that the feeding behaviors of S. avenae and S. graminum on GNA transgenic wheat were affected. Compared with the control group, they had shorter initial probing period, longer total nonprobing period, shorter initial and total phloem sap ingestion phase (waveform E2), shorter duration of sustained ingestion (E (pd) > 10 min), and lower percentage of phloem phase of the total observation time. Moreover, S. graminum made more probes and had a longer total duration of extracellular stylet pathway (waveform C). The fecundity and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)) of S. avenae and S. graminum on the transgenic wheat were lowered in the first and second generations, however, the survival and lifespan were not affected. The effects of the GNA expressing wheat on S. graminum and S. avenae were not significant in the third generation, suggesting rapid adaptation by the two aphid species. Despite the impact we found on S. avenae and S. graminum, transgenic GNA expressing wheat did not have any effects on R. padi.  相似文献   

Watling JR  Press MC  Quick WP 《Plant physiology》2000,123(3):1143-1152
We analyzed the impact of growth at either 350 (ambient) or 700 (elevated) microL L(-1) CO(2) on key elements of the C(4) pathway (photosynthesis, carbon isotope discrimination, and leaf anatomy) using the C(4) cereal sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.). Gas-exchange analysis of the CO(2) response of photosynthesis indicated that both carboxylation efficiency and the CO(2) saturated rate of photosynthesis were lower in plants grown at elevated relative to ambient CO(2). This was accompanied by a 49% reduction in the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase content of leaves (area basis) in the elevated CO(2)-grown plants, but no change in Rubisco content. Despite the lower phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase content, there was a 3-fold increase in C isotope discrimination in leaves of plants grown at elevated CO(2) and bundle sheath leakiness was estimated to be 24% and 33%, respectively, for the ambient and elevated CO(2)-grown plants. However, we could detect no difference in quantum yield. The ratio of quantum yield of CO(2) fixation to PSII efficiency was lower in plants grown at elevated CO(2), but only when leaf internal was below 50 microL L(-1). This suggests a reduction in the efficiency of the C(4) cycle when [CO(2)] is low, and also implies increased electron transport to acceptors other than CO(2). Analysis of leaf sections using a transmission electron microscope indicated a 2-fold decrease in the thickness of the bundle sheath cell walls in plants grown at elevated relative to ambient CO(2). These results suggest that significant acclimation to increased CO(2) concentrations occurs in sorghum.  相似文献   

Rao MV  Hale BA  Ormrod DP 《Plant physiology》1995,109(2):421-432
O3-induced changes in growth, oxidative damage to protein, and specific activities of certain antioxidant enzymes were investigated in wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv Roblin) grown under ambient or high CO2. High CO2 enhanced shoot biomass of wheat plants, whereas O3 exposure decreased shoot biomass. The shoot biomass was relatively unaffected in plants grown under a combination of high CO2 and O3. O3 exposure under ambient CO2 decreased photosynthetic pigments, soluble proteins, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase protein and enhanced oxidative damage to proteins, but these effects were not observed in plants exposed to O3 under high CO2. O3 exposure initially enhanced the specific activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and ascorbate peroxidase irrespective of growth in ambient or high CO2. However, the specific activities decreased in plants with prolonged exposure to O3 under ambient CO2 but not in plants exposed to O3 under high CO2. Native gels revealed preferential changes in the isoform composition of superoxide dismutase, peroxidases, and ascorbate peroxidase of plants grown under a combination of high CO2 and O3. Furthermore, growth under high CO2 and O3 led to the synthesis of one new isoform of glutathione reductase. This could explain why plants grown under a combination of high CO2 and O3 are capable of resisting O3-induced damage to growth and proteins compared to plants exposed to O3 under ambient CO2.  相似文献   

付雪  叶乐夫  戈峰 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3575-3583
以CO2浓度为主处理因子,研究了加倍CO2浓度和对照大气CO2浓度条件下,烟蚜、马铃薯Y病毒N株(PVYN)以及二者共同作用下烟草各指标的响应。结果表明,在当前CO2浓度条件下,PVYN、烟蚜及两者联合作用对烟草生物量影响不显著;而在未来高CO2浓度条件下,PVYN、烟蚜及两者联合作用对烟草生物量影响很大。CO2浓度升高后,PVYN和蚜虫二者联合作用显著降低烟草产量,危害加重,高CO2的"肥料"作用被极大地削弱。在有烟蚜、PVYN以及两者共同作用时烟草的化学物质及主要的次生代谢物烟碱的含量对CO2浓度升高的响应也发生一定的变化,表现在:高CO2浓度条件下,蚜虫、蚜虫与PVYN共同作用显著增加了烟草的含氮量;显著减少了烟叶含糖量;PVYN及其与蚜虫共同作用显著升高叶片可溶性蛋白含量;当高CO2浓度下,各处理的烟草烟碱含量均显著下降,而且PVYN感染的烟叶烟碱含量无论在哪一种CO2浓度条件下,都比无毒无虫的对照烟叶烟碱含量升高。结果显示,烟蚜和马铃薯Y病毒N株(PVYN)对烟草的产量、营养物质及防御物质都有影响;CO2浓度升高对烟草的生长有促进作用,增加了烟草的产量,但蚜虫的危害和PVYN感染使烟草产量下降,在高CO2浓度条件下,烟蚜和PVYN共同作用相对于目前CO2浓度对烟草产量的危害加重。  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of C3 photosynthesis is known to vary according to the growth environment. Atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature are predicted to increase with climate change. To test whether long-term growth in elevated CO2 and temperature modifies photosynthesis temperature response, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown in ambient CO2 (370 micromol mol(-1)) and elevated CO2 (700 micromol mol(-1)) combined with ambient temperatures and 4 degrees C warmer ones, using temperature gradient chambers in the field. Flag leaf photosynthesis was measured at temperatures ranging from 20 to 35 degrees C and varying CO2 concentrations between ear emergence and anthesis. The maximum rate of carboxylation was determined in vitro in the first year of the experiment and from the photosynthesis-intercellular CO2 response in the second year. With measurement CO2 concentrations of 330 micromol mol(-1) or lower, growth temperature had no effect on flag leaf photosynthesis in plants grown in ambient CO2, while it increased photosynthesis in elevated growth CO2. However, warmer growth temperatures did not modify the response of photosynthesis to measurement temperatures from 20 to 35 degrees C. A central finding of this study was that the increase with temperature in photosynthesis and the photosynthesis temperature optimum were significantly higher in plants grown in elevated rather than ambient CO2. In association with this, growth in elevated CO2 increased the temperature response (activation energy) of the maximum rate of carboxylation. The results provide field evidence that growth under CO2 enrichment enhances the response of Rubisco activity to temperature in wheat.  相似文献   

Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) have been increasing steadily over the last century. Plants grown under elevated CO(2) experience physiological changes that influence their suitability as food. Previous studies have found increased insect herbivory on plants grown under elevated CO(2). To determine effects of consuming foliage of soybean (Glycine max) grown under elevated CO(2) on adult survivorship and fecundity, Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica Newman) were fed for the duration of their adult lives leaves grown under elevated CO(2) (550 mumol/mol), under ambient atmosphere (370 mumol/mol), or grown under ambient atmosphere but supplemented with a solution of sugars. To determine effects of a diet of foliage grown under elevated ozone (O(3)), another anthropogenic gaseous pollutant, beetles in the laboratory were fed soybean leaves grown under elevated CO(2), elevated O(3), or a combination of both elevated gases. Leaf tissue was also analyzed for longevity-enhancing antioxidants, because increases in dietary antioxidants can increase lifespan. Lifespan of Japanese beetles was prolonged by 8-25% when fed foliage developed under elevated CO(2), but consuming foliage that had taken up sugars to approximately the same level as foliage grown under elevated CO(2) had no effect on fecundity or longevity. Females consuming elevated CO(2) foliage laid approximately twice as many eggs as females fed foliage grown under ambient conditions. Consuming foliage grown under elevated O(3) had no effect on fecundity. No significant differences in total antioxidant content of foliage from ambient and elevated CO(2) conditions were detected. Although the precise mechanism is unclear, by altering components of leaf chemistry other than sugar content, elevated CO(2) may increase populations of Japanese beetles and their impact on crop productivity.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic response of seedlings of two evergreen trees dorminant in a subtropical forest to long-term elevated CO2 were studied. Pot seedlings of Castanopsis fissa (Champ.) Rehd. et Wils. and Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. were grown in semi-open chambers with ambient (350 μL · L-1) CO2 concentration under natural light from June to September, 1993. Net photosynthetic rate of the plants exposed to elevated CO2 increased by 79%~95% than that of the plants in ambient CO2 atmosphere. But no significant difference was observed when measurement was done at either CO2 concentration, 350 μL · L-1 or 500 μL · L-1 The Ph-CO2 concen/ration response curves of plants growing in elevated CO2 were higher than that of plants growing in ambient (350μL · L-1 CO2). In addition, the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents dropped slightly and stomatal conductance decreased obviously under elevated atmospheric CO2, while the ratios of chlorophyll a to b and carotenoid to chlorophyll were unaltered. The results indicated that downward acclimation of phetosynthesis did not appear in both plant species when they were grown under prolonged exposure to high (500 μL · L-1) atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

To understand how the increase in atmospheric CO2 from human activity may affect leaf damage by forest insects, we examined host plant preference and larval performance of a generalist herbivore, Antheraea polyphemus Cram., that consumed foliage developed under ambient or elevated CO2. Larvae were fed leaves from Quercus alba L. and Quercus velutina Lam. grown under ambient or plus 200 microl/liter CO2 using free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE). Lower digestibility of foliage, greater protein precipitation capacity in frass, and lower nitrogen concentration of larvae indicate that growth under elevated CO2 reduced the food quality of oak leaves for caterpillars. Consuming leaves of either oak species grown under elevated CO2 slowed the rate of development of A. polyphemus larvae. When given a choice, A. polyphemus larvae preferred Q. velutina leaves grown under ambient CO2; feeding on foliage of this species grown under elevated CO2 led to reduced consumption, slower growth, and greater mortality. Larvae compensated for the lower digestibility of Q. alba leaves grown under elevated CO2 by increasing the efficiency of conversion of ingested food into larval mass. Despite equivalent consumption rates, larvae grew larger when they consumed Q. alba leaves grown under elevated compared with ambient CO2. Reduced consumption, slower growth rates, and increased mortality of insect larvae may explain lower total leaf damage observed previously in plots in this forest exposed to elevated CO2. By subtly altering aspects of leaf chemistry, the ever-increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere will change the trophic dynamics in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

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