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Abstract The tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis Göthe, is one of the most serious insect pests of tea plantations in mainland China. Over the past decades, this pest has been controlled mainly by spraying pesticides. Insecticide applications not only have become less effective in controlling damage, but even more seriously, have caused high levels of toxic residues in teas, which ultimately threatens human health. Therefore, we should seek a safer biological control approach. In the present study, key components of tea shoot volatiles were identified and behaviorally tested as potential leafhopper attractants. The following 13 volatile compounds were identified from aeration samples of tea shoots using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS): (E)‐2‐hexenal, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, 2‐ethyl‐1‐hexanol, (E)‐ocimene, linalool, nonanol, (Z)‐butanoic acid, 3‐hexenyl ester, decanal, tetradecane, β‐caryophyllene, geraniol and hexadecane. In Y‐tube olfactometer tests, the following individual compounds were identified: (E)‐2‐hexenal, (E)‐ocimene, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate and linalool, as well as two synthetic mixtures (called blend 1 and blend 2) elicited significant taxis, with blend 2 being the most attractive. Blend 1 included linalool, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol and (E)‐2‐hexenal at a 1 : 1 : 1 ratio, whereas blend 2 was a mixture of eight compounds at the same loading ratio: (E)‐2‐hexenal, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, 2‐penten‐1‐ol, (E)‐2‐pentenal, pentanol, hexanol and 1‐penten‐3‐ol. In tea fields, the bud‐green sticky board traps baited with blend 2, (E)‐2‐hexenal or hexane captured adults and nymphs of the leafhoppers, with blend 2 being the most attractive, followed by (E)‐2‐hexenal and hexane. Placing sticky traps baited with blend 2 or (E)‐2‐hexenal in the tea fields significantly reduced leafhopper populations. Our results indicate that the bud‐green sticky traps baited with tea shoot volatiles can provide a new tool for monitoring and managing the tea leafhopper.  相似文献   

缨小蜂对颜色的选择性和粘卡技术的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文比较了7种颜色的粘卡,在茭白田中对飞虱天敌缨小蜂(Anagrus spp.)的诱捕能力,结果表明,黄色粘卡对缨小蜂的诱捕量显著高于其它颜色的粘卡。缨小蜂对颜色的嗜好顺序为黄色>蓝色>蓝绿色>绿色>白色>红色>黑色。黄色粘卡在离地面40cm、70cm、100cm、130cm和160cm5个高度上,以70cm和100cm高度捕获的缨小蜂最多。黄色粘卡对缨小蜂的诱捕量在东、南、西、北四个方向差异不显著。一天中的不同时间段里,黄色粘卡所诱捕到的缨小蜂量以上午6:00至9:00最多。  相似文献   

  • 1 The Anagrusatomus’ parasitoid group (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), associated with Empoasca vitis (Göthe) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), overwinters on vegetation surrounding vineyards. The emergence of parasitoid adults from grapevine leaves in autumn was studied in north‐eastern Italy, both in relation to the E. vitis egg‐laying period and to the presence of leafhoppers overwintering as eggs on Rubus bushes.
  • 2 Autumnal peaks of Anagrus captured using yellow sticky traps were observed first on grapevines and then on brambles. Parasitoid captures in vineyards were observed for more than 1 month after the last first‐instar nymphs of the grape leafhoppers were noticed. Two species belonging to the A. ‘atomus’ group, Anagrus atomus and Anagrus ustulatus, were captured both on grapevines and brambles.
  • 3 Parasitoids of the A.atomus’ group can emerge from third‐generation grape leafhopper eggs in accordance with two different development time patterns (i.e. normal or delayed). Individuals with delayed emergence required up to 2.2‐fold more time to develop from an egg to adult than individuals with normal emergence. This meant that some parasitoid adults emerged in autumn from eggs of grape leafhopper laid in August.
  • 4 A delayed emergence as a result of a slower development ensures that the A.atomus’ parasitoid group is synchronized with the egg‐laying of leafhoppers that overwinter as eggs on Rubus spp.
  • 5 Consequently, leafhoppers overwintering as eggs on brambles play a key role in the ecology of the relationship between grape leafhoppers and the A.atomus’ parasitoid group.

The tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis (Göthe) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is a serious pest of tea plants. We examined the behavioral responses of E. vitis adults to odors from the shoots of three host plants in a Y‐tube olfactometer with background visual cues. The host plants were tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (Theaceae)], peach [Prunus persica (L.) Siebold & Zucc. (Rosaceae)], and grapevine [Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae)]. Volatiles from the shoots were analyzed. Both yellow‐green and gold backgrounds enhanced the olfactory responses of E. vitis adults to tea plant odors, and this enhancement was stronger under a high light intensity. On the yellow‐green background, E. vitis adults significantly preferred the odors from shoots of the three host plants compared with clean air. Moreover, E. vitis adults preferred grapevine odor over the tea plant odor. The volatile blends of the three plant species were distinctly different. Peach plant shoots emitted the greatest amount of volatiles, whereas grapevine shoots released the greatest diversity of compounds. These results provide evidence that background visual cues could enhance the response of E. vitis adults to host‐plant volatiles. The leafhoppers can discern different host odors, suggesting the possibility of using peach plant and grapevine odors to monitor and manage this pest in tea plantations.  相似文献   

We examined phenyl propionate as an attractant for trapping navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) adults, with the objective of developing a method of trapping both sexes more effectively than with almond meal. Two initial experiments maximized the total number of adults captured using phenyl propionate released from glass vials with cotton wicks. A third experiment compared the numbers of males and females captured using these glass dispensers in either bucket or sticky traps. The glass vial dispensers captured more adults than 0.1% phenyl propionate in water (as both attractant and killing agent), and far more adults were captured with glass vial phenyl propionate dispensers than with almond meal. On rare occasion, the glass vial dispensers captured as many adults as traps baited with virgin females, but usually phenyl propionate in glass vials captured fewer adults than virgin‐baited traps. Glass vial phenyl propionate dispensers were equally effective in sticky traps or bucket traps. The majority of females captured were mated, and the proportion of males captured increased over time within flights (generations). We conclude that phenyl propionate released from glass vials captured A. transitella adults more effectively than currently available options, and will be useful in research projects where capturing intact adults and comparing mating status are important. Developing a cost‐effective phenyl propionate‐based alternative to the egg traps currently used for commercial monitoring will be more difficult.  相似文献   

Stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae), are a blood-feeding pest of cattle worldwide. A new trapping material, Coroplast, was compared with Alsynite sticky traps based on the number, sex, and parity of stable flies caught. Coroplast sticky traps caught more stable flies than Alsynite (trap catches of 2384 versus 753 on 15 traps), with this increase attributed to catching more males (1531 versus 532) and nulliparous females (817 versus 175); parous catches were similar (36 versus 46). The spectral reflectance of Alsynite and Coroplast sticky traps is reported. We also examine Coroplast traps in detail with respect to trap color. Although clean sheets of Alsynite had a higher solar reflectance than Coroplast (90 versus 82% at 450 nm), Coroplast with debris had a higher reflectance than debris-covered Alsynite (62 versus 30% at 450 nm). White Coroplast was most effective, followed by closely by gray. Black and blue were the least effective trapping colors.  相似文献   

薛皇娃  吴伟坚 《昆虫学报》2013,56(2):161-166
利用害虫对不同颜色的趋性进行害虫防治, 如利用黄板对实蝇的监测和防治已有很长的历史, 然而尚未见把颜色量化进行实蝇对颜色偏嗜性研究的报道。为探明对瓜实蝇Bactrocera cucurbitae最具吸引力的颜色及其虚拟波长, 本试验应用Dan Bruton的虚拟波长与RGB值的函数关系, 把RGB值转换为虚拟波长; 选择RGB值[(0, 213, 255), (0, 255, 146), (54, 255, 0), (129, 255, 0), (195, 255, 0), (255, 255, 0), (255, 190, 0)和 (255, 119, 0)]的颜色进行打印, 这些颜色对应的虚拟波长分别是480, 500, 520, 540, 560, 580, 560和600 nm; 在八面体内进行瓜实蝇对8种颜色的偏嗜性试验。结果表明: 波长在520~560 nm 之间对应的颜色对瓜实蝇的吸引率高于其他虚拟波长对应的颜色, 而540 nm (黄绿色, RGB值为 129, 255, 0)对应的颜色纸对瓜实蝇的吸引率最大。此外田间颜色偏嗜性试验也证实了黄绿色对瓜实蝇有最强的引诱作用。结果说明, 黄绿色(虚拟波长540 nm)是吸引瓜实蝇的关键颜色, 黄绿色粘虫板可作为监测与防治瓜实蝇的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

瓢虫的趋光性反应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以六斑月瓢虫Menochilus sexmaculata Fabricius和狭臀瓢虫Coccinella transversalis Fabricius为例,研究了瓢虫对不同光质(波长)的趋光性反应。在室内分别测定了六斑月瓢虫和狭臀瓢虫对5种发光二极管(LED)光波的趋性,以及在田间挂板(佳多)测定了瓢虫对色板的选择趋性。室内测定结果表明,瓢虫对黄色和白色LED光波的选择趋性显著高于与其它颜色;田间挂板试验表明,黄色对瓢虫的诱杀作用最强。综合分析,黄色对瓢虫有强烈的吸引作用,建议在使用黄板进行田间监测和防治时应考虑对天敌瓢虫的诱杀作用。  相似文献   

The tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis Göthe (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is an economically important pest of tea crops, Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (Theaceae), in China. The use of non‐host plant essential oils for manipulation of E. vitis was investigated for potential incorporation into a ‘push‐pull’ control strategy for this pest. The effectiveness of 14 plant essential oils in repelling E. vitis was investigated in laboratory assays. Rosemary oil, geranium oil, lavender oil, cinnamon oil, and basil oil repelled leafhoppers in a Y‐shaped olfactometer. We also compared the efficacy of these five plant essential oils to repel E. vitis in the presence of a host plant volatile‐based leafhopper attractant, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, in a tea plantation. In the treatment combination, four plates (north, south, east, and west) treated with an essential oil surrounded a central sticky plate treated with (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate. Fewer E. vitis were found on the plates treated with rosemary oil (12.5% reduction) than on the four water‐sprayed control treatment plates surrounding a central plate with (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate. We compared the distribution of E. vitis on the plates, and the relative numbers of E. vitis on each plate were compared with similar plates in the control treatment. When four plates treated with rosemary oil surrounded a central (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate‐treated plate, the distribution of E. vitis on the different plates changed significantly compared with that of the control. Relatively fewer E. vitis were found on the east (13.0% reduction) rosemary oil‐treated plates and more E. vitis (11.3% increase) were found on the central attractant‐treated plate. Our findings indicate that rosemary oil is a promising leafhopper repellent that should be tested further in a ‘push‐pull’ strategy for control of E. vitis.  相似文献   

We examined various methods of trapping emerald ash borers (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, using solely visual cues based on previous work that has documented the importance of visual cues in EAB mate location. Here, we give the results of two of these methods, coloured sticky cards (yellow or blue), or live ash leaves covered with spray-on adhesive to which dead male EAB visual lures had been pinned. Feral male beetles were captured effectively on the sticky traps made from dead male EAB on ash leaves. These sticky-leaf-traps captured more male EAB when deployed in high-population density areas than low-density areas, but did capture EAB even at lower population densities. More feral males were captured on these traps when they were placed higher in the trees, regardless of the population density of EAB. Very few feral female EAB were captured using the sticky-leaf-traps. This novel method of EAB trapping may allow 'real-time' population detection and monitoring of EAB adults during the active flight period rather than locating larval galleries during the autumn and winter after adult flight and attack. Feral male beetles were also captured using standard yellow- or blue-coloured sticky cards to which male EAB had been affixed with adhesive; however, this type of trap was much less effective overall than using the sticky-leaf-traps. Furthermore, Agrilus cyanescens , a species similar in colour to EAB but smaller in size, showed a strong response to blue-coloured sticky traps to which dead male EAB had been affixed with adhesive, suggesting a general use of visual cues in the mating systems of some of the other Buprestidae as well.  相似文献   

The response of Trichogramma spp. egg parasitoids to colored sticky traps was evaluated in the field during two seasons (1995/1996, 1996/1997). Traps consisted of a glass tube coated with Bird-Tanglefoot® into which colored paper was inserted or clear traps without paper. Colors tested were white, green, blue, yellow and red in the first season and white, green, yellow and black in the second season. The proportion of both female and male parasitoids caught on the sticky traps was significantly different among colors, indicating that the parasitoids actively move between plants and are not solely carried along passively by wind. White was the color most preferred by female parasitoids, followed by clear and green traps. Yellow was preferred over black but was less attractive than green. Visual cues may be used by Trichogramma spp. during the habitat location process. The color preference of male Trichogramma spp. differed significantly from females with yellow and green being more attractive than white. For all colors, more female Trichogramma spp. were caught on the sticky traps (>85% of all wasps caught), indicating a lower activity level and/or shorter lifespan for males. The use of white cylindrical sticky traps for monitoring Trichogramma spp. populations in the field is recommended.  相似文献   

秋末苏南茶园昆虫的群落组成及其趋色性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏南地区名茶荟萃,而虫害历来较为严重。秋末选丹阳市一片无公害茶园,使用纯白、桃红、墨绿、果绿、湖蓝、天蓝、素馨黄、芽绿、土黄、桔黄、大红和紫色12种粘性色板诱虫。结果表明:① 4日内捕获7目42科85种30455头昆虫,其中优势类群是同翅目、膜翅目和双翅目,三者个体数分别占总个体数的86.5%、8.8%和2.5%。②主要害虫是假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜,分别占总个体数的15%和71.5%。③ 捕获的中华蜜蜂占总个体数8.2%。④捕获天敌昆虫1034头,其中,瓢虫类32头,占3.1%,主要种类是异色瓢虫和黄斑盘瓢虫;草蛉类582头,占56.3%,包括中华草蛉、大草蛉和丽草蛉;伞裙追寄蝇和蚕饰腹寄蝇等5种寄生蝇类111头,占10.7%;门氏食蚜蝇和黑带食蚜蝇等7种食蚜蝇类110头,占10.6%;螟蛉瘤姬蜂和花胸姬蜂等5种姬蜂类、茶尺蠖绒茧蜂和单白绵绒茧蜂等7种茧蜂类个体数分别占3.9%和9.4%。⑤ 芽绿、素馨黄和桔黄色板显著地引诱假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜;芽绿、素馨黄色板显著地引诱姬蜂和茧蜂;芽绿、土黄和果绿色板明显地引诱草蛉类;果绿、天蓝和紫色色板引诱较多的蝇类和蚊类等双翅目昆虫;素馨黄引诱的各类昆虫种数最多;纯白板上各类昆虫的多样性指数最大,表明其对许多昆虫都有引诱效应。秋末时节查明即将越冬的害虫和天敌昆虫种类、数量和益害比、以及优势种害虫和优势种天敌数量,探明多种色彩引诱益、害虫的差异,对于有效实施无公害封园防治,以压低越冬基数有重要意义。  相似文献   

The exotic redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus Eichhoff (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), and its fungal symbiont Raffaellea lauricola Harrington, Fraedrich, and Aghayeva are responsible for widespread redbay, Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng., mortality in the southern United States. Effective traps and lures are needed to monitor spread of the beetle and for early detection at ports-of-entry, so we conducted a series of experiments to find the best trap design, color, lure, and trap position for detection of X. glabratus. The best trap and lure combination was then tested at seven sites varying in beetle abundance and at one site throughout the year to see how season and beetle population affected performance. Manuka oil proved to be the most effective lure tested, particularly when considering cost and availability. Traps baited with manuka oil lures releasing 5 mg/d caught as many beetles as those baited with lures releasing 200 mg/d. Distributing manuka oil lures from the top to the bottom of eight-unit funnel traps resulted in similar numbers of X. glabratus as a single lure in the middle. Trap color had little effect on captures in sticky traps or cross-vane traps. Funnel traps caught twice as many beetles as cross-vane traps and three times as many as sticky traps but mean catch per trap was not significantly different. When comparing height, traps 1.5 m above the ground captured 85% of the beetles collected but a few were caught at each height up to 15 m. Funnel trap captures exhibited a strong linear relationship (r2 = 0.79) with X. glabratus attack density and they performed well throughout the year. Catching beetles at low densities is important to port of entry monitoring programs where early detection of infestations is essential. Our trials show that multiple funnel traps baited with a single manuka oil lure were effective for capturing X. glabratus even when no infested trees were visible in the area.  相似文献   

Sticky yellow rectangle traps have been used for many years to capture Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) fruit flies. Traditional sticky yellow traps are coated with a sticky gel (SG) that can leave residues on the hands of users. An alternative to SG on traps are hot melt pressure sensitive adhesives (HMPSAs), which are less messy. The main objective here was to evaluate two rectangle traps of two yellow colors, the Alpha Scents Yellow Card coated with HMPSA (Alpha Scents, West Linn, OR), and the Pherocon AM trap coated with SG (Pherocon; Trécé, Adair, OK), for capturing western cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran. Flies captured on both traps and held in the laboratory and field did not escape their surfaces. Flies caught on HMPSA were damaged when removed from traps without citrus solvent, whereas flies caught on SG could be removed intact without solvent. In field tests, Alpha Scents traps baited with an ammonium bicarbonate lure captured 1.4-2.2 times more R. indifferens than Pherocon traps baited with the same lure. Results of an experiment that eliminated differences in surface sticky material type, overall size, and surface sticky area between Alpha Scents and Pherocon traps suggested, although did not show conclusively, that more flies were caught on the Alpha Scents than Pherocon traps because of their different yellow color and/or lower fluorescence and not the HMPSA. Overall, the Alpha Scents trap is a viable alternative to the Pherocon trap for detecting R. indifferens.  相似文献   

The tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis, is the most serious pest in plantations of tea, Camellia sinensis. Beyond physical damage to the leaves, tea yields may be affected if feeding stress causes physiological and biochemical changes in the tea plant, which affected the quality and flavor of the tea. Yet the effect of feeding stress, induced by E. vitis, is largely unknown. We measured the injury index and the physiological and biochemical responses of C. sinensis to stress by E. vitis feeding in a series of laboratory trials. Using 2-year-old C. sinensis plants, we tested the effects of leafhopper feeding at different densities—0, 5, 10, and 20 leafhoppers—and different durations of exposure—1, 4, 7, and 10 days—on potential changes in chlorophyll, tea polyphenols, nutrient content, activities of protective enzymes (peroxidase, POD; superoxide dismutase, SOD; and catalase, CAT), and the lipid peroxidation (MDA). We found that the injury indices for tea leaves increased continuously as the density of E. vitis increased in the same day, and simultaneously, as the time of leafhoppers damage increased, the injury indices for tea leaves also increased. Our results also indicated that feeding by E. vitis caused a considerable decline in chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll in tea leaves and soluble carbohydrate content, and an increase in tea polyphenols. Soluble protein content showed a direct increasing relationship with the increasing leafhopper density and the duration of exposure. Throughout the period of E. vitis exposure, there was highly significant difference in the activities of protective enzymes and MDA content. Additionally, POD, SOD, and CAT activities in tea leaves were elevated significantly with the increase of leafhopper density. Lipid peroxidation (MDA) content also increased after the exposure to leafhopper feeding. Overall, our results indicate that although C. sinensis displays a certain level of tolerance to E. vitis feeding stress, higher density of leafhoppers, and longer exposure duration, can cause severe damage to tea leaves and also a decline in plant defense of tea, so as to affect the tea quality.  相似文献   

Feral Mexican fruit flies, Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), were trapped in a citrus orchard in Mexico by using two types of synthetic food-odor lures, the AFF lure (Anastrepha fruit fly lure, APTIV, Inc., Portland, OR) and the BioLure (two-component MFF lure, Suterra LLC, Inc., Bend, OR). In Multilure traps (Better World Manufacturing, Inc., Miami, FL) containing water, BioLures captured about the same numbers of flies as AFF lures. In Multilure traps containing antifreeze solution, BioLures captured 2 and 5 times more flies than AFF lures in two experiments. BioLures, and AFF lures did not differ in attractiveness when used on sticky traps (Intercept trap, APTIV, Inc.; and sticky cylinder trap). Multilure traps captured >4 times as many flies as sticky traps with the exception that captures of females did not differ between Multilure and sticky traps baited with AFF lures. The percentage of females captured in Multilure traps was greater when traps were baited with BioLures compared with AFF lures, but the reverse was true for sticky traps. Sticky cylinder traps captured a higher percentage of females than Multilure traps. The most effective trap/lure combination was the Multilure trap baited with BioLure and antifreeze. In comparison with tests of these two lures in Texas, results were similar for Multilure traps, but they differed for sticky cylinder traps in that AFF lures were consistently more attractive than BioLures in Texas, but not in Mexico.  相似文献   

1 Traps of four new designs were tested against the conventionally used multiple‐funnel trap to determine whether trapping of large wood‐boring insects can be improved in western Canada. All four new traps used a large collecting receptacle containing detergent‐laced water, and three presented a prominent visual silhouette above the receptacle. 2 In total, 27 336 large woodborers were captured from 10 June to 30 September in an experiment in the southern interior of British Columbia, and 4737 from 6 June to 27 July in an experiment in northern Alberta. The woodborers captured in the British Columbia experiment were mainly beetles in the families Cerambycidae (79%) and Buprestidae (15%), and woodwasps in the family Siricidae (6%). Most woodborers, e.g. three Monochamus spp. and Xylotrechus longitarsus (the predominant cerambycids), were captured throughout the summer, with peak captures in August. 3 Cross‐vane, pipe and stacked‐bottomless‐flower‐pot traps were generally superior to pan and multiple‐funnel traps for insects in nine taxa, but cross‐vane traps were the most effective overall, trapping 32% of all insects captured. 4 The large number of target insects captured in a relatively small number of traps in the two experiments suggests that employment of an efficacious trap with a large vertical silhouette and a wide, escape‐proof collecting receptacle could make mass trapping of large woodborers in timber processing areas operationally feasible. 5 Because the most effective traps were unstable in the wind, and the detergent‐laced water captured unacceptably high numbers of small mammals, design modifications are necessary. We are currently developing a wind‐firm trap, with a prominent vertical silhouette, a wide collecting surface, and an escape‐proof, but dry collecting receptacle.  相似文献   

The monitoring of insect pests in fields of forage maize is difficult because plants are tall and grow at a high density. We investigated the effectiveness of colored sticky traps and appropriate conditions for monitoring insect pests in forage maize fields. Large numbers of the maize orange leafhopper, Cicadulina bipunctata Melichar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), and the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), were collected during the experimental period with yellow and blue sticky traps placed in summer crop forage maize fields. A greater number of insects were trapped in yellow traps relative to blue traps. Traps located at a lower height (40 cm above the ground) attracted larger numbers of C. bipunctata, whereas L. striatellus did not demonstrate a height-dependent preference. These results indicated that yellow-colored sticky traps located at low height are effective for collecting C. bipunctata and L. striatellus simultaneously. Seasonal occurrence data obtained by the yellow sticky traps showed clearer seasonal occurrences than that obtained by two previously developed methods, suction and light traps, indicating that sticky traps are effective for monitoring the seasonal occurrence of these two insects in forage maize fields.  相似文献   

The citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), is an important world‐wide pest of citrus. Larval mining within leaf flush impacts yield and predisposes trees to infection by citrus canker, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. The present series of studies sought to identify factors affecting male P. citrella catch in pheromone‐baited traps with the intent of developing effective monitoring. A commercially available pheromone lure (Citralure, ISCA Technologies, Riverside, CA, USA) was highly effective in attracting male P. citrella to traps. Pherocon VI Delta (Trécé Inc., Adair, OK, USA) traps baited with a Citralure captured more male P. citrella than identically baited Pherocon IC Wing traps (Trécé Inc.). The superiority of the Delta‐style trap was found to be due to a 3 cm long closing latch that likely prevents males from flying directly through the trap without capture. Within canopies of mature citrus trees (approximately 3.5 m high), traps at mid‐canopy height (2.0 m) captured more males than traps placed higher (3.5 m) or lower (0.6 m). On the canopy perimeter and in between canopies, traps near ground level (0.6 m height) captured more males than traps at 2.0 and 3.5 m heights. Male catch was greater within the tree canopy or on the canopy perimeter than 2.0 away from the canopy. Traps deployed in trees on the edge of groves captured more males than traps placed 120 and 240 m away from the grove edge and within the grove interior. In non‐pheromone‐treated grove plots, the optimal dosage for catching males was between 0.1 and 1.0 mg of the 3 : 1 blend of (Z,Z,E)‐7,11,13‐hexadecatrienal and (Z,Z)‐7,11‐hexadecadienal; however, in pheromone‐treated plots a higher 10.0 mg dosage lure was most effective. Male catch in pheromone‐baited traps exhibited a diel rhythm with most males captured during scotophase (22:00–23:00 h) and no males captured during photophase.  相似文献   

Trap designs for banana root borer, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), have been done essentially on the understanding that C. sordidus rely primarily on chemical cues. Our present results indicate that these borers also rely on visual cues. Previous studies have demonstrated that among the eight differently colored traps tested in the field, brown traps were the most effective compared with the performances of yellow, red, gray, blue, black, white, and green traps; mahogany-brown was more effective than other shades of brown.In the current study, efficiency of ground traps with different colors was evaluated in the laboratory for the capture of C. sordidius. Response of C. sordidus to pheromone-baited ground traps of several different colors (used either individually or as 1:1 mixtures of two different colors) were compared with the standardized mahogany-brown traps. Traps with mahogany-brown mixed with different colors had no significant effect. In contrast, a laboratory color-choice tests indicated C. sordidus preferred black traps over other color traps, with no specific preferences for different shades of black. Here again, traps with black mixed with other colors (1:1) had no influence on the catches. Therefore, any other color that mixes with mahogany-brown or black does not cause color-specific dilution of attractiveness. By exploiting these results, it may be possible to produce efficacious trapping systems that could be used in a behavioral approach to banana root borer control.  相似文献   

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