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拟寄生蜂的寄主标记研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李国清 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):504-512
拟寄生蜂常借助寄主标记信息素 (host marking pheromone, HMP) 来辨别已寄生寄主和健康寄主,避免过寄生和多寄生,减少后代的种内和种间竞争。寄主标记有外部标记、内部标记和“容器”及区域标记3种方式。HMP来源于拟寄生蜂的杜氏腺、毒腺、输卵管、卵巢、卵或咽侧体,由触角或产卵器感受。目前已鉴定出几种拟寄生蜂的HMP,多数为饱和与不饱和烃类的混合物,但卡氏盾痣细蜂Dendrocerus carpenteri的HMP是保幼激素。拟寄生蜂对寄主标记的反应受HMP持效期,拟寄生蜂内部状况如载卵量、年龄、经验和学习,及外部条件如拟寄生蜂和健康寄主种群密度以及寄主种类的影响。本文还讨论了HMP研究的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

报道了标记信息素和雌蜂经历对玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae产卵行为的影响。研究结果表明,玉米螟赤眼蜂的寄主标记信息素是在其产卵过程中的收场阶段由产卵器产生的,并且标记在寄主卵表的化学物质;玉米螟赤眼蜂对标记信息素的识别不具有先天性,其必须先用产卵器插入寄生卵来检测是否被寄生,然后其触角不停地敲击,通过学习获得对标记信息素的识别能力,从而放弃了对寄生卵的选择,学习对初始放弃时间有着重要影响,改善了其对寄主搜索效率,这种学习行为是与寄主联系在一起学习的,它能根据寄主被寄生与否而对标记信息素作出反应与不反应。该研究丰富了生态学理论,为其在生防中更好的应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

寄生蜂是寄生在寄主体内或体外的一类重要天敌昆虫,在农林害虫生物防治中具有重要作用.寄生蜂对寄主的确定主要依靠触角敲打和产卵器刺探共同完成,作为寄生蜂的重要感觉器官,触角和产卵器上着生有不同种类的感受器,在其寄主搜寻和产卵识别等过程中起着感受外界信息的关键作用.本文综述了国内外有关寄生蜂触角和产卵器上感受器的研究进展,包括感受器的类群划分、超微结构和生理功能等方面,并对该领域中尚待解决的问题和研究展望进行了探讨,以期为深入研究寄生蜂的寄生行为,揭示其对外界信息的感受机制以及将来利用寄生蜂进行害虫的生物防治提供理论基础.  相似文献   

报道了标记信息素和雌蜂经历对玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae产卵行为的影响。研究结果表明,玉米螟赤眼蜂的寄主标记信息素是在其产卵过程中的收场阶段由产卵器产生的,并且标记在寄主卵表的化学物质;玉米螟赤眼蜂对标记信息素的识别不具有先天性,其必须先用产卵器插入寄生卵来检测是否被寄生,然后其触角不停地敲击,通过学习获得对标记信息素的识别能力,从而放弃了对寄生卵的选择,学习对初始放弃时间有着重要影响,改善了其对寄主搜索效率,这种学习行为是与寄主联系在一起学习的,它能根据寄主被寄生与否而对标记信息素作出反应与不反应。该研究丰富了生态学理论,为其在生防中更好的应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

李国清  慕莉莉 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1261-1269
综述拟寄生蜂搜索产卵过程中对寄主竞争的最新研究进展.这类竞争具有四种方式,即标记寄主、杀卵和杀幼、守护寄主和捕食寄主.(1)标记寄主常涉及寄主标记信息素,这是由雌蜂在产卵前、产卵时或产卵后分泌的化学物质.寄主标记信息素常介导拟寄生蜂对已寄生和健康寄主的辨别、减少过寄生和多寄生、减轻种内和种间竞争压力.(2)雌蜂遇到已寄生寄主时,很多种类杀死前一雌蜂遗留的卵和幼虫,再产下自己的卵.雌蜂使用三种方法杀卵和杀幼,即产卵器穿刺、取食和使用有毒物质.通过杀卵和杀幼,产卵雌蜂清除了前一雌蜂遗留的后代,主动改善了寄主品质,从而有利于自身后代的生存.(3)守护寄主在肿腿蜂科、缘腹细蜂科、金小蜂科、缨小蜂科和茧蜂科中均有报道,守护者驱逐入侵者以保护后代及健康寄主.(4)捕食寄主不仅减少了健康寄主数量,且直接导致已寄生寄主中拟寄生蜂卵和幼虫的死亡.雌蜂一般在体内成熟卵量较少时捕食寄主.讨论了研究拟寄生蜂搜索产卵过程中竞争寄主的理论意义和实际应用价值.  相似文献   

天牛成虫信息素及嗅觉感受机制研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
评述了天牛成虫信息素及嗅觉感受机制的研究进展。天牛雌、雄成虫均可释放性信息素,迄今已对31种天牛的性信息素进行了研究,其中完成组分鉴定的有13种。天牛性信息素包括长距离、短距离和接触性信息素3种类型。天牛性信息素存在变异现象,同种天牛分布在不同地区,其性信息素组分之间存在差异。触角是天牛感受性信息素的主要器官,也是判别成虫通讯方式的形态指标,性信息素发达的种类其触角常具显著的性二型现象。天牛利用寄主信息素(如萜烯类、醇类和酯类)寻找寄主。性信息素和寄主信息素在林间复合使用可提高诱捕率。天牛信息素还包括异种信息素、忌避信息素和产卵干扰素,能够提高天牛寄主定位效率。天牛触角嗅觉感受的神经细胞(RNs)有3类,气味信息经神经细胞群传输至中枢神经系统,神经信号按标记路线或交叉纤维样式输导。天牛气味结合蛋白(OBP)方面的研究尚未见报道。  相似文献   

多种实蝇科害虫产卵后可释放寄主标记信息素来表明寄主果实已经被占据,从而调节自身或同种个体间的对寄主果实的产卵选择行为。为探明桔小实蝇卵表化合物的寄主标记作用,本文测定了桔小实蝇卵表甲醇提取物对桔小实蝇的产卵驱避活性,并观察了甲醇提取物处理对桔小实蝇产卵行为过程的影响。结果表明:桔小实蝇卵表甲醇提取物对桔小实蝇有明显的产卵驱避活性,且活性随浓度的增加而增强,当提取物浓度为100 mg/mL(虫卵与溶剂质量体积比,m/v)时,在选择性条件下的产卵驱避率为55-45%;非选择性条件下的产卵驱避率达到64%-79%。经卵表提取物处理后,桔小实蝇在寄主果实上的访问次数、试探产卵时间、试探产卵次数、实际产卵次数和产卵量均显著少于对照。证实了桔小实蝇卵表化合物具有明显的产卵寄主标记作用。  相似文献   

王小艺  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1251-1260
膜翅目昆虫利用高效的毒素进行自身防卫、攻击猎物和调节寄主生长发育.从寄生性膜翅目昆虫毒素的产生、类别、组份、性质、毒素的生态功能以及毒素的作用机制等方面综述了寄生性膜翅目昆虫毒素的研究概况.膜翅目的泌毒器官起源于外胚层,由生殖系统的附腺演化而来.毒液由成熟雌蜂的毒腺或酸腺所分泌,并贮于毒囊中.昆虫毒素是成分复杂的混合物,已知膜翅目昆虫毒素中含有烃类、醇类、醛类、酮类、羧酸类、酯类、内酯类、酶类等多种化合物.寄生性膜翅目昆虫的毒素在提高自身适应能力方面的作用是巨大的,如通过麻痹寄主提高产卵成功的概率、通过抑制寄主的生长发育和免疫功能提高后代的存活率、通过干扰寄主的生理活动改善后代的营养需求等.体外寄生蜂毒素可造成寄主幼虫停止发育、永久性的麻痹甚至死亡,这类毒素常为抑性的、广谱的,一般作用于中枢神经系统或神经-肌肉连接点.而体内寄生蜂多为容性寄生,其毒液中含有多分DNA病毒(PDV),PDV通过抑制寄主免疫系统而巧妙地调节寄主的生理活动和发育,影响寄主的正常变态,大多数种类直到寄主结茧或做好蛹室时才将其杀死在安全的场所,从而使寄生蜂后代能够顺利完成发育.容性寄生蜂毒素对PDV的功能具有显著的增效或协同作用,而不会使寄主产生永久性麻痹.PDV对寄生蜂本身是非致病性的,与寄生蜂是一种分子水平上的共生或依生关系.寄生性膜翅目昆虫毒素显示了良好的应用前景,特别是在开发人类医药和特异性生物杀虫剂方面.但分离和纯化毒液中各个活性成分是应用的前提,也是生化和毒理研究的需要.  相似文献   

核型多角体病毒与侧沟茧蜂对斜纹夜蛾幼虫的协同作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内的斜纹夜蛾侧沟茧蜂存活率、发育历期、寄主感染病毒时间、病毒浓度之间的关系,并测定了斜纹夜蛾侧沟茧蜂的传毒效率.结果表明,病毒对寄主体内寄生蜂历期无明显影响,寄生在幼虫体内的寄生蜂能在寄主病死前完成发育,存活比例因寄主感染病毒的时间和浓度而异.斜纹夜蛾被寄生后接种病毒(SINPV),距离寄生时间越长,饲毒浓度越低,寄生蜂完成发育的比例越大,但饲毒时间是主要影响因素.从感病幼虫体内发育成的侧沟茧蜂或曾经在感病寄主上产过卵的寄生蜂,以及通过人工方式使产卵器被病毒污染的寄生蜂,均能携带一定数量的病毒.通过产卵活动,侧沟茧蜂成蜂能在寄主幼虫个体间传递病毒.当寄生蜂在感病的寄主幼虫上产卵带毒后,平均可传递病毒给2.14头幼虫;发育于感病幼虫体内的寄生蜂,平均可传递病毒给2.45头幼虫.通过用病毒液浸茧或用混有病毒的蜂蜜饲喂成蜂等方式使产卵器污染病毒的寄生蜂,传毒效率随饲毒浓度增加而提高,平均可传递病毒1.45头和0.94头幼虫  相似文献   

寄生蜂是一类重要的寄生性天敌昆虫,种类繁多、习性复杂,在害虫生物防治和综合治理中发挥着极其重要的作用。在产卵时,寄生蜂携带的毒液、多DNA病毒等寄生因子就会随之进入寄主体内,发挥调控寄主生长、发育、免疫、代谢、行为的作用,从而保障了寄生蜂后代的发育。本文主要针对我国寄生蜂的系统分类、资源普查、生物学、生态学、寄主调控、人工繁殖、释放应用、田间保护和助增等方面的基础研究和应用进行了概述和整理。  相似文献   

After oviposition, Trissolcus basalis females always mark the host's surface, depositing host marking substances for herself and to warn other ovipositing females. The perception of these host marking substances, probably through the antennae, can induce the female to leave and seek healthy hosts. Parasitoid females exposed to conspecific parasitized egg masses left the host egg masses significantly more often than when exposed to non-parasitized egg masses. More egg mass leaving behavior also was observed when the egg masses were treated with Dufour's gland secretion but not when treated with secretion from the common oviducts. The common oviduct has a secretory epithelium that produces electron-dense vesicles, probably containing proteinaceous substances. The secretory cells of the accessory gland, Dufour's gland, contain electron-lucid vesicles, whose secretion appears to be a lipid similarly to that found in pheromone secreting glands. Ultrastructural and behavioral evidence suggests that Dufour's gland is the host marking pheromone source.  相似文献   

The fitness consequences of superparasitism and the mechanism of host discrimination in Cotesia flavipes, a larval parasitoid of concealed stemborer larvae was investigated. Naive females readily superparasitized and treated the already parasitized host as an unparasitized host by allocating the same amount of eggs as in an unparasitized host. However, there was no significant increase in the number of emerging parasitoids from superparasitized hosts due to substantial mortality of parasitoid offspring in superparasitized hosts. Furthermore, the developmental time of the parasitoids in a superparasitized host was significantly longer than in a singly parasitized host and the emerging progeny were significantly smaller (body length and head width). Naive females entered a tunnel in which the host was parasitized 4 h previously and accepted it for oviposition. Experienced females (oviposition experience in unparasitized host) refused to enter a tunnel with a host parasitized by herself or by another female. In experiments where the tunnel and/or host was manipulated it was demonstrated that the female leaves a mark in the tunnel when she parasitizes a host. The role of patch marking in C. flavipes is discussed in relation to the ecology of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Walnut-infesting flies in the Rhagoletis suavis species group actively re-use hosts for oviposition despite engaging in a genus-typical host-marking behaviour which, in other Rhagoletis groups, deters oviposition. In a study of the walnut fly, R. juglandis (Cresson), alternative hypotheses for the putative marking behaviour were evaluated.
2. The oviposition site attraction hypothesis proposes that the host mark guides females to oviposition sites on occupied fruit. The competition intensity signal hypothesis proposes that the host mark is an indicator of the level of competition to be incurred if fruit are re-used.
3. In a field cage, females were presented simultaneously with fruit previously exposed to 25 females that were also allowed to oviposit and engage in the putative marking behaviour, and control fruit on which females were allowed only to oviposit. The occurrence of host marking reduced a female's propensity to oviposit from 46% to just over 10%, consistent with the competition intensity signal hypothesis only.
4. In a laboratory assay, the duration of host marking was correlated positively with the size of a female's clutch. This result, also consistent with the competition intensity signal hypothesis, suggests that the amount of marking pheromone on a fruit is a reliable indicator of the number of eggs already deposited within.
5. In a second field-cage experiment, females were allowed to mark on fruit for 0, 10, 20, or 30 min and fruit were presented to test females. Whether or not females alighted on a particular host was not affected by the duration of marking; however, the frequency of both ovipositor probing and egg deposition decreased with increasing duration of marking. Consistent with the competition intensity signal hypothesis, this result suggests that the host mark permits females to assess the level of competition that a clutch will incur within re-used fruit.  相似文献   

Intraspecific host discrimination is frequently found in solitary parasitoids, but interspecific host discrimination, where female parasitoids recognize hosts already parasitized by females of other species, is rare. This particular behaviour appears to be adaptive only under specific circumstances. In this paper, we quantified intraspecific host discrimination in Anaphes n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an endoparasitoid of the eggs of Listronotus oregonensis (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and interspecific host discrimination toward eggs parasitized by Anaphes sordidatus (Girault), a sympatric species competing for the same resource in similar habitats. To examine host discrimination, choice experiments were used where the females had to choose between different categories of eggs (unparasitized, parasitized by Anaphes n. sp. or A. sordidatus). Superparasitism and multiparasitism were avoided in experiments where the female had a choice between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by the same female, by a conspecific or by a female A. sordidatus. When all hosts available were parasitized, conspecific superparasitism occurred more often than self-superparasitism or multiparasitism. These results indicated that females Anaphes n. sp. were capable of self-, conspecific and interspecific discrimination. Self-discrimination followed recognition of an external marking while interspecific discrimination occurred mostly after insertion of the ovipositor. Interspecific discrimination could result from the recent speciation of these species and could be associated with a genotypic discrimination. This behavior appears to be adaptive because of the competition for common hosts between the two parasitoid species.  相似文献   

1. In studies on optimal foraging strategies, long-range decisions in the pursuit of resource are rarely considered. This is also the case for sympatric parasitoids, which may be confronted with the decision to accept or reject host larvae that are already parasitized by a competing species. They can be expected to reject already parasitized hosts if it is likely that they will lose the resulting intrinsic competition. However, examples of such interspecific host discrimination are rare. 2. We propose that parasitoids that are not egg-limited should reject inferior hosts only if it saves them time, and that this will be achieved mainly when the parasitoids are able to detect competitors from a distance. We tested this hypothesis using the sympatric parasitoids Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson) and Campoletis sonorensis (Cameron). 3. C. sonorensis was found to be the superior intrinsic competitor but, upon contact with a host larva, both wasps readily accepted hosts that had already been parasitized by the other species. However, in an olfactometer experiment, C. marginiventris females were found to strongly avoid the odour of their superior competitor. 4. These results are in accordance with a time optimization scenario, whereby the inferior competitor accepts competition if it costs only an egg, but avoids competition if it may save time that can be allocated to the search for more profitable hosts. 5. Models on host discrimination strategies in parasitoids had not yet considered discrimination from a distance. Long-range foraging decisions can also be expected for other organisms that have to choose between resources of varying suitability and profitability.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. We classified the parasitoids of 185 British herbivorous insect species as being koinobionts (which should tend to be specialists) or idiobionts (potential generalists) to examine the influences of host feeding-niche and foodplant type on the numbers of parasitoid species attacking individual host species.
2. The majority of parasitoid species of exophytic hosts are koinobionts, whereas endophytic hosts support mainly idiobionts.
3. Parasitoid assemblage size increases with host foodplant size and complexity; for endophytic hosts this is due to an increase in idiobionts on hosts on large plants, but for exophytic hosts it is the number of koinobionts that increases with foodplant size.
4. Comparison of these patterns with those predicted under a competition hypothesis suggests that parasitoid communities associated with endophytic hosts may be commonly limited by interspecific competition, whereas those of exophytic hosts probably are not.  相似文献   

Hymenopteran parasitoids change their sex ratio following different factors. One of these factors is the exploitation of a host patch by several females. The Local Mate Competition (LMC) model ( Hamilton, 1967 ) states that when there are many foundresses on a patch, they should lay a higher sex ratio. The impact of both intra‐ and interspecific competition on sex allocation was measured in two egg parasitoids, Trichogramma minutum Riley and T. pintoi Voegele (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), by comparing the sex ratio deposited by females exploiting host patches alone and in groups. Results showed that the sex ratio deposited by both species was higher when in groups, as predicted by the LMC model. When the sex ratio produced was compared between females either alone or in interspecific groups, T. minutum females deposited the same sex ratio, while T. pintoi produced more sons when in interspecific groups than when alone. These results are discussed following their natural habitat and their discrimination abilities.  相似文献   

In nature, most species of Lepidoptera are attacked by parasitoids, and some species may be hosts for several parasitoid species. When hosts are parasitized by more than one female of the same species (=superparasitism) or females of different species (=multiparasitism), then intrinsic competition occurs for control of host resources. To reduce competition, some parasitoids are able to recognize the difference between parasitized and unparasitized hosts. Inter- and intra-specific host discrimination were investigated in the two sympatric species, the gregarious Cotesia kariyai (Watanabe) and solitary Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael), endoparasitoids of the Oriental armyworm Mythimna separata (Walker). To measure host discrimination, choice experiments were conducted in which females of both species foraged and chose between healthy host larvae and hosts initially parasitized by either C. kariyai or M. pulchricornis. An olfactory test was also performed to examine the discrimination behavior of the two parasitoids. Our results showed that, in oviposition choice tests, both braconid female wasps were able to discriminate between unparasitized hosts and from four to seven day-old hosts previously attacked by conspecific and heterospecific wasps. On the other hand, superparasitism and multiparasitism occurred even in host larvae that were parasitized two days earlier. However, once the immature parasitoids hosts are at larval stage (1st and 2nd instar), super- and multiparasitism were avoided in the two-choice test, but the latter often occurred in the multiple-choice experiment. Host discrimination abilities may have been based on plant volatile signals incurred from damaged plants and internal mechanisms from four to seven post-parasitized hosts.  相似文献   

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