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采用三亲本杂交将Tn5-mob-sacB标记华癸中生根瘤菌(Mesorhizobium huakuii)HN3015的非共生质粒pMhHN3015a分别导入HN308SR和7653R-1SR, 获得2个转移接合子HN308SRN29和7653R-1SRN29。HN308SRN29的质粒图谱显示HN308SR的pMhHN308b被消除, 该结果暗示pMhHN3015a和pMhHN308b不相容。然而, HN308SRN29的质粒消除实验未获得标记质粒消除突变株。pMhHN3015a和pMhHN308a的大小  相似文献   

华癸中生根瘤菌(Mesorhizobium huakuii)7653R是分离自我国南方水稻田的一株根瘤菌,含有2个内源质粒:p7653Ra和p7653Rb,其中7653Rb是共生质粒.通过Tn5-sacB的插入方法来消除质粒,获得7653Rb消除的突变株7653RD.将豌豆根瘤菌T83K3的共生质粒pJB5JI导入7653R和7653RD中,盆栽结果表明含有pJB5JI的转移接合子7653R-197的竞争结瘤能力和共生固氮能力均高于7653R.pJB5JI不能恢复7653RD在紫云英上的结瘤能力.含有pJB5JI的7653RD可以在豌豆上结无效瘤,表明pJB5JI可以在7653R的染色体背景下表达其功能.对转移接合子中的质粒稳定性进行检测,结果表明pJB5JI在人工传代的情况下可以稳定存在,但经过共生之后发生了遗传分离,对转移接合子和出发菌株及分离菌株进行kan基因的PCR扩增,除了受体菌外其他菌株都可得到PCR产物,由此推测,pJB5JI可能部分或全部整合到了受体菌的染色体基因组中.  相似文献   

摘要华癸中生根瘤菌菌株7653R含有2个内源质粒(pMH7653Ra,pMH7653Rb).用三亲本杂交法将7653R的共生质粒pMH7653Rb分别导入HN308SR(Sm^r,Rif^r;含pMHHN308a,pMHHN308b和pMHHN308c)和HN3015SR(Sm^r,Rif^r;含pMHHN3015a,pMHHN3015b和pMHHN3015c).发现受体菌HN308SR的两个稳定内源质粒pMHHN308b和pMHHN308c随着pMH7653Rb的导入而同时被消除.该接合子命名为HN308SRN14.这一结果表明pMH7653Rb与pMHHN308b和pMHHN308c不相容,可以归于同一不相容群.另一转移接合子HN3015SRN14的质粒图谱显示其第二大质粒pMHHN3015b由于pMH7653Rb的导入而被消除.该结果表明,pMH7653Rb与pMHHN3015b不相容.植物结瘤实验结果表明,pMH7653Rb的导入能恢复HN308SRN14的结瘤能力,其结瘤数目超过HN308SR,但不能替代pMHHN308b和pMHHN308c的固氮作用,HN308SRN14失去了固氮能力.质粒消除突变株HN308SRNl4D只含有pMHHN308a,能形成少量无效根瘤,确认pMHHN308a与HN308的结瘤能力有关.HN3015SRN14(含pMH7653Rb,pMHHN3015a和pMHHN3015c)只能形成无效根瘤,而质粒消除突变株HN3015SRN14D(仅含pMHHN3015a和pMHHN3015c)则完全失去结瘤能力.通过PCR反应从7653R,HN308,HN3015,HN308SRN14,HN3015SRN14中均检测到质粒复制基因repC.供试菌株的repC基因序列相似性达到99%.  相似文献   

以紫云英根瘤菌菌株7653R为材料,制备总DNA,经EcoRⅠ限制酶部分酶解,通过10—50%蔗糖梯度离心,分离到20一30 kb的DNA片段。利用能在革兰氏阴性菌中转移和复制的广谱寄主载体——pLAFRl质粒,构建了紫云英根瘤菌基因文库。通过与苜蓿根瘤菌102l菌株中8.7kb的共同结瘤基因(作探针DNA)杂交,从基因文库中分离到紫云英根瘤菌共同结瘤基因片段。以紫云英根瘤菌不结瘤突变株7653R+1(7653R消除共生质粒)为受体、构建的7653R基因文库(E.Coli C600)为供体,通过协助转移质粒pRK2013(LE392)进行三亲交配,在含四环素的根瘤菌台成培养基(sM)上选择接合转移子。将得到的所有接台转移子混合在一起接种植物,通过植物结瘤试验,分离到含紫云英根瘤菌结瘤基因的重组质粒pRaz15。将该质粒用EcoRⅠ完全酶切,得到25kb左右的外源DNA片段,该片段携带完整的结瘤基因簇。  相似文献   

紫云英根瘤菌质粒功能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
紫云英根瘤菌CH203含有3条质粒(pRHa,97MI);pRHb,168MD;pRHc,251MD为共生质粒),用带蔗糖敏感基因Tn5-sacB进行菌株质粒消除和质粒缺失突变株筛选,获得一系列突变株。与野生型菌相比,质粒pRHa的丢失导致菌株结无效根瘤,质粒pRHb的丢失使菌株失去共生能力,在TY培养基平板上菌落变得粗糙,失去了脂多糖(LPSI)。质粒pRHc(共生质粒)的丢失显然失去其菌株的共生能力,同时使菌株抗酸性明显减弱。质粒回复能恢复突变株的表现特征和共生能力。此外,紫云英根瘤菌CH205含有5条大小不同的质粒(分子量42MD~230MD),该菌株某些质粒的消除能显著增强菌株的结瘤固氮能力。研究结果也表明除共生质粒外,紫云英根瘤菌其它质粒明显影响菌株的共生效应。  相似文献   

【目的】研究hfq基因在Mesorhizobium huakuii 7653R抵抗外界不利环境和共生固氮中的功能特性。【方法】利用pK19mob同源重组方法构建7653R hfq基因的插入失活突变株7653RΔhfq,并构建互补菌株7653RΔhfq-C,对hfq在压力胁迫和共生固氮中的功能特性进行研究。【结果】与野生型7653R相比,突变株7653RΔhfq的生长速率降低,热激处理后致死率升高;hfq突变影响了7653R中部分sRNA的表达;在4.5%乙醇和50 mmol H_2O_2生长胁迫下,突变株适应性明显较野生型差。另外,接种突变株的紫云英结瘤能力和固氮酶活性都明显降低。【结论】hfq基因作为重要的转录后调控因子,在7653R抵御外界胁迫环境和与宿主紫云英的共生固氮中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

经转座子Tn5诱变,获得20株紫云英根瘤菌菌株109胞外多糖(Exopolysaccharide,EPS)缺陷型(Eps-deficient,Exo-)变种。这些变种仍都是原养型,在含不同的碳底物或不同浓度碳底物的固体培养基上,菌落型态均无改变。与亲本菌相比,变种的EPS产量明显降低。所有变种未能在其宿主植物紫云英上结瘤。利用载体质粒pMN2,经Exo-变种与大肠杆菌受体菌交配,通过选择Tn5卡那霉素抗性标记的转移,构建成带有Tn5及菌株109多糖基因DNA片段的R-prime质粒。R-prime质粒能稳定地存在于菌株109中。大部分变种的Exc-表型能被R-prime质粒互补,但R-prime质粒未能使这些Exo-变种恢复有效结瘤的共生能力。根据互补结果,20株Exo-变种分为6种不同的互补群,其中5种互补群的多糖位点在遗传上是连锁的。  相似文献   

通过接合作用将携带有转座子 Tn5—Mob 的“自杀”性载体质粒 pSUP5011引入紫云英根瘤菌 SR72,得到卡那霉素抗性(Km~r)菌落的频率为6.99×10~(-6),测得受体菌的 Km~r 自发突变频率<10~(-8)。从对1071个 Km~r 突变体进行的植物砂培结瘤试验中筛选出结瘤不固氮(Nod~ ,Fix~-)突变株17个,不结瘤(Nod~-)突变株4个。另外,还从近3000个 Km~r 突变体中选出腺苷营养缺陷型突变株3个。通过 Tn5探针进行的菌落原位杂交试验证明:这21个共生固氮突变株中均含有 Tn5序列,进一步通过接合作用将协助质粒 RP4—4(Tc~r)引入 Nod~ ,Fix~ 突变株,获得了含有 Tn5—Mob 和 RP4—4的新突变株 SR72ZR(Km~r,Tc~r),但试图通过它们的协同作用将SR72中的大质粒诱动转移到根癌农杆菌 A136的试验未获成功.  相似文献   

2020是一株分离自中国南方水稻田里的华癸中生根瘤菌(Mesorhizobiumhuakuii),有3个内源质粒,分别命名为p2020a,p2020b和p2020c.用Tn5-sacB插入突变的方法对2020进行质粒消除,得到了两株质粒缺失突变株20201)29和2020D8.缺失了第一大质粒p2020c的突变株2020D29的结瘤固氮能力有显著的提高;而缺失了第二大质粒p2020b的突变株2020D8失去了在紫云英(Astragalus sinicus)上结瘤的能力;第三大质粒很难被消除,原因可能是该质粒上含有菌株生长所必需的基因.然后将豌豆根瘤菌(Rhizobium leguminosarum)的共生质粒pJB5JI转入2020及其质粒缺失突变株中,盆栽结果显示,2020-137(pJB5JI)的竞争结瘤能力和固氮能力显著高于2020.但是pJB5JI不能恢复2020D8在紫云英上的结瘤能力.2020D8—8(pJB5JI)可以在豌豆(Pisum sativum Linn)上形成无效瘤,这说明pJB5JI的功能可以在2020的遗传背景下进行表达.对pJB5JI在受体菌中的稳定性进行检测,结果发现在人工传代的情况下pJB5JI可以稳定的存在,但经过与植物共生之后只能在部分根瘤分离物中检测到pJB5JI,对这些转移接合子和出发菌株及分离菌株进行Km基因的PCR扩增,除了出发的受体菌外其余的菌株都可以得到PCR产物.由此推断,在没有检测到pJB5JI的分离株中,pJB5JI可能部分或全部整合到了受体根瘤菌的染色体DNA中.  相似文献   

用Tn5 Mob sacB转座子标记费氏中华根瘤菌 (Sinorhizobiumfredii)HN0 1和WWG1 8的内源质粒 ;在含有 1 0 %蔗糖的TY培养基上进行了质粒消除试验以鉴定其功能。将HN0 1的标记共生质粒pSymHN0 1b转入费氏中华根瘤菌WWG1 8SR和C361SR中 ,质粒快速检测、质粒消除和植物盆栽结瘤试验结果证明 :HN0 1的共生质粒与WWG1 8SR的共生质粒具有不相容性 ,但能与其非共生质粒相容。相反 ,HN0 1的共生质粒可与C361SR的共生质粒相容 ,但与其中一个非共生质粒具有不相容性。利用费氏中华根瘤菌不同菌株质粒间的不相容性 ,本研究成功地消除了WWG1 8SR的共生质粒和C361SR的一个非共生质粒。  相似文献   

Mesorhizobium huakuii strain 7653R harbored two indigenous plasmids named pMH7653Ra and pMH7653Rb.The larger plasmid pMH7653Rb (symbiotic plasmid) was transferred to M.huakuii HN308SR harboring three plasmids: pMHHN308a,pMHHN308b and pMHHN308c,and HN3015SR harboring three plasmids: pMHHN3015a,pMHHN3015b and pMHHN3015c by tri-parent mating.Two stable indigenous plasmids,pMHHN308b and pMHHN308c of HN308SR,were co-eliminated due to the introduction of pMH7653Rb,and the transconjugant was named HN308SRN14.The results implied that pMH7653Rb and pMHHN308b,pMHHN308c were incompatible and might have been ascribed to the same incompatible group.The plasmid profiles of transconjugant HN3015SRN14 showed that the second largest plasmid pMHHN3015b of HN3015SR was cured due to the introduction of pMH7653Rb.The results also implied that pMH7653Rb and pMHHN3015b were incompatible.Results from plant nodulation tests showed that pMH7653Rb could only maintain the nodulation ability in transconjugant HN308SRN14 and its nodule number was more than that of wild strain HN308SR,but could not replace the nitrogen fixation effect of pMHHN308b and pMHHN308c.The plasmid cured mutant HN308SRN14D harboring only pMHHN308a formed null nodules that demonstrated pMHHN308a was relevant to nodulation ability.HN3015SRN14 harboring pMH7653Rb,pMHHN3015a and pMHHN3015c formed null nodules while HN3015SRN14D containing pMHHN3015a and pMHHN3015c lost the nodulation ability.The plasmid replication repC-like gene sequences were detected by a polymerase chain reaction from 7653R,HN308,HN3015,HN308SRN14 and HN3015SRN14.The repC gene sequence similarities of the strains tested attained 99%.  相似文献   

The Tn5-sacB-labeled symbiotic megaplasmid pMhHN3015c of Mesorhizobium huakuii HN3015 was, respectively, transferred into M. huakuii HN308SR containing three large plasmids of pMhHN308a, pMhHN308b and pMhHN308c, and 7653R-1SR, a symbiotic plasmid pMh7653Rb deleted mutant from M. huakuii 7653R by tri-parent mating. The stable indigenous plasmid pMhHN308c of HN308SR was cured by the introduction of pMhHN3015c and the transconjugant was named as HN308SRN18. The results implied that pMhHN3015c and pMhHN308c were incompatible and might be ascribed to the same incompatibility group. Furthermore, the results from plasmid curing tests of HN308SRN18 containing pMhHN3015c, pMhHN308b, and pMhHN308a showed that not only was pMhHN3015c deleted, but that pMhHN308a was also cured simultaneously. The plasmid profiles of transconjugant 7653R-1SRN18 showed pMhHN3015c could coexist with pMh7563Ra. The plasmid replication repC-like gene sequences were detected by polymerase chain reaction from 7653R-1SRN18, HN308SRN18 and its plasmid-curing derivatives, but failed to detect from plasmid-curing derivatives of 7653R-1SRN18. The repC gene sequence similarities of strains tested were up to 99%. Results from plant nodulation tests showed that introduction of pMhHN3015c failed to restore the nitrogen fixation ability of HN308SRN18 and 7653R-1SRN18.  相似文献   

Mesorhizobium huakuii strain 7653R harbored two indigenous plasmids named pMH7653Ra and pMH7653Rb. The larger plasmid pMH7653Rb (symbiotic plasmid) was transferred to M. huakuii HN308SR harboring three plasmids: pMHHN308a, pMHHN308b and pMHHN308c, and HN3015SR harboring three plasmids: pMHHN3015a, pMHHN3015b and pMHHN3015c by tri-parent mating. Two stable indigenous plasmids, pMHHN308b and pMHHN308c of HN308SR, were co-eliminated due to the introduction of pMH7653Rb, and the transconjugant was named HN308SRN14. The results implied that pMH7653Rb and pMHHN308b, pMHHN308c were incompatible and might have been ascribed to the same incompatible group. The plasmid profiles of transconjugant HN3015SRN14 showed that the second largest plasmid pMHHN3015b of HN3015SR was cured due to the introduction of pMH7653Rb. The results also implied that pMH7653Rb and pMHHN3015b were incompatible. Results from plant nodulation tests showed that pMH7653Rb could only maintain the nodulation ability in transconjugant HN308SRN14 and its nodule number was more than that of wild strain HN308SR, but could not replace the nitrogen fixation effect of pMHHN308b and pMHHN308c. The plasmid cured mutant HN308SRN14D harboring only pMHHN308a formed null nodules that demonstrated pMHHN308a was relevant to nodulation ability. HN3015SRN14 harboring pMH7653Rb, pMHHN3015a and pMHHN3015c formed null nodules while HN3015SRN14D containing pMHHN3015a and pMHHN3015c lost the nodulation ability. The plasmid replication repC-like gene sequences were detected by a polymerase chain reaction from 7653R, HN308, HN3015, HN308SRN14 and HN3015SRN14. The repC gene sequence similarities of the strains tested attained 99%.  相似文献   

The Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae host-range plasmid pJB5JI was transferred into Rhizobium huakuii strains, both wild-type 7653R and its sym plasmid-cured mutant 7653R-1. Transconjugant 7653R-1 (pJB5JI) acquired the ability to form ineffective nodules on pea plants, whereas transconjugant 7653R (pJB5JI) could not do so, indicating that the indigenous symbiotic plasmid could restrict the functional expression of pJB5JI. On the other hand, transconjugant 7653R (pJB5JI) showed higher nitrogenase activity on A. sinicus and higher shoot dry weight than the recipient strain 7653R. The alien plasmid pJB5JI in both kinds of transconjugants remained stable during frequent transfer on culture media, but in part of the isolates from nodules formed by them the pJB5JI was not visualized on gel by the Eckhardt procedure. Southern hybridization with Tn5 and nod gene probes showed that these isolates still reserved, at least in part, DNA of pJB5JI, which was probably intergrated onto the chromosome of cells.  相似文献   

【目的】Mesorhizobium huakuii 7653R的MCHK_1326基因编码一种外膜孔蛋白,可能参与根瘤菌侵染宿主植物以及结瘤固氮过程,本研究旨在探索该基因在共生固氮中的功能。【方法】生物信息学分析MCHK_1326蛋白的结构特征及生物学功能,启动子原位表达技术检测MCHK_1326共生时空表达特征,利用Cre-loxp系统构建MCHK_1326缺失突变株,考察其共生固氮表型及早期侵染事件,通过植物盆栽并额外添加无机氮源,检测突变株接种紫云英后的共生固氮表型变化。【结果】MCHK_1326基因在侵染早期如侵染线的延伸等过程中表达,在成熟根瘤的侵染区表达,与野生型相比,突变体△1326侵染线和根瘤原基数量显著减少;植株地上部分鲜重与固氮酶活性极显著降低,根瘤数量和根瘤重量显著降低;额外添加无机氮源能恢复其共生缺陷表型。【结论】MCHK_1326基因参与根瘤菌早期侵染和结瘤,在根瘤发育与共生固氮过程中发挥作用。  相似文献   

We have physically and genetically characterized 20 symbiotic and 20 auxotrophic mutants of Rhizobium meliloti, the nitrogen-fixing symbiont of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), isolated by transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. A "suicide plasmid" mutagenesis procedure was used to generate TN-5-induced mutants, and both auxotrophic and symbiotic mutants were found at a frequency of 0.3% among strains containing random TN5 insertions. Two classes of symbiotic mutants were isolated: 4 of the 20 formed no nodules at all (Nod-), and 16 formed nodules which failed to fix nitrogen (Fix-). We used a combination of physical and genetic criteria to determine that in most cases the auxotrophic and symbiotic phenotypes could be correlated with the insertion of a single Tn5 elements. Once the Tn5 element was inserted into the R. meliloti genome, the frequency of its transposition to a new site was approximately 10-8 and the frequency of precise excision was less than 10-9. In approximately 25% of the mutant strains, phage Mu DNA sequences, which originated from the suicide plasmid used to generate the Tn5 transpositions, were also found in the R. meliloti genome contiguous with Tn5. These later strains exhibited anomalous conjugation properties, and therefore we could not correlate the symbiotic phenotype with a Tn5 insertion. In general, we found that both physical and genetic tests were required to fully characterize transposon-induced mutations.  相似文献   

Two self-transmissible Sym(biosis) plasmids, one encoding pea-specific nodulation and nitrogen-fixation functions (plasmid pJB5JI) and the other encoding clover-specific nodulation and nitrogen-fixation functions (plasmid pBR1AN) were used to determine whether the symbiotic genes encoded on these plasmids are expressed in various members of the Rhizobiaceae. The host specificity of Rhizobium trifolii and R. leguminosarum Sym plasmid-cured strains could be directly determined by the transfer to these strains of the appropriate Sym plasmid. The nodulation of white clovers was restored by either plasmid pJB5JI or pBR1AN when these plasmids were transferred to two transposon Tn5-induced hair-curling (Hac-) R. trifolii mutants. In addition, lucerne nodulation was restored to a Hac- R. meliloti mutant when either plasmid pBR1AN or pJB5JI was transferred to this strain. The phenotype of nonmucoid (Muc-) Rhizobium mutants, which had altered cell surfaces, was not influenced by the transfer to these strains of plasmid pBR1AN or plasmid pJB5JI.  相似文献   

A Mesorhizobium huakuii strain HN3015 was isolated from Astragalus sinicus in a rice-growing field of Southern China. Strain HN3015 contained three large plasmids. The three indigenous plasmids, named as pMhHN3015a, pMhHN3015b and pMhHN3015c of M. huakuii HN3015, were, respectively, cured by Tn5-sacB insertion. The mutant strain HN3015-1 cured with its largest plasmid pMhHN3015c formed only white null nodules. Mutant HN3015-3 cured with its smallest plasmid pMhHN3015a could form pink effective nodules. However, mutant HN3015-2 cured of the second largest plasmid pMhHN3015b lost nodulation ability. Furthermore, curing of pMhHN3015a had enhanced competitive nodulation ability and symbiotic efficiency of HN3015-3. The results from acidity tolerance assays indicated that the three plasmids in M. huakuii HN3015 had a positive control effect on acidity tolerance of HN3015, and all indigenous plasmids of M. huakuii HN3015 had a negative control effect on the alkali tolerance capacity of HN3015. Surprisingly, all plasmids in M. huakuii HN3015 had also a negative control effect on its growth rate. The results showed an interactive and functional complexity of plasmids in strain HN3015.  相似文献   

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