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6℃下贮藏67和101d的兰州百合种球种植后,于花蕾伸出顶端2-3cm时将其摘除,以后定期取样,检测鳞茎膨大成熟过程中GA3和ABA含量的结果表明:6℃下处理101d的母鳞茎中GA3含量先上升后下降,而处理67d的则相反;新鳞茎中GA3含量呈升高趋势,处理101d的含量高于处理67d的。母鳞茎中ABA含量先下降后上升,处理67d的高于处理101d的,新鳞茎中则相反。母鳞茎中GA3/ABA比值先升高后下降,处理101d的高于处理67d的;新鳞茎中则显著下降。据此认为,在百合鳞茎膨大成熟过程中,GA3和ABA之间的含量和作用并不全是互为消长的关系。  相似文献   

水稻胚胎发生与萌发早期分离胚中内源激素的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以酶联免疫吸附检测技术分析了水稻(Oryza sativa ssp.iapoica)分离胚不同发育时期及萌发早期的内源激素含量的动态变化。GA1含量是所测激素中含量最高的。GA1的变化趋势基本上与ABA相反。花后4d的胚中GAl和ABA的含量最高;花后8d到18d,GA1的含量下降,而ABA含量增加。在早期萌发过程中,种子吸涨后2d的胚中GA,含量迅速上升,而ABA下降。GA1/ABA的最高比值也出现在吸涨后2d的胚中。iPAs和ZRs的最高含量也出现在开花后4d的胚中,但随后含量均下降到相当低的水平,并几乎没有变化。研究结果进一步证实了GAl在早期胚胎发生和萌发过程中起重要的作用;推测iPAs和ZRs可能仅在胚胎发生的早期起作用;GA1与ABA含量之间的相对平衡控制着胚胎发育的过程。用分离胚作为测试材料可以避免胚乳等其他组织成分的干扰,从而比较准确地反映了胚的内源激素变化。此外,本研究是首次用4d的水稻幼胚作为激素含量测定的起始材料。  相似文献   

以酶联免疫吸附检测技术分析了水稻(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica)分离胚不同发育时期及萌发早期的内源激素含量的动态变化.GA1含量是所测激素中含量最高的.GA1的变化趋势基本上与ABA相反.花后4 d的胚中GA1和ABA的含量最高;花后8 d到18 d,GA1的含量下降,而ABA含量增加.在早期萌发过程中,种子吸涨后2 d的胚中GA1含量迅速上升,而ABA下降.GA1/ABA的最高比值也出现在吸涨后2 d的胚中.iPAs和ZRs的最高含量也出现在开花后4 d的胚中,但随后含量均下降到相当低的水平,并几乎没有变化.研究结果进一步证实了GA1在早期胚胎发生和萌发过程中起重要的作用;推测iPAs和ZRs可能仅在胚胎发生的早期起作用;GA1与ABA含量之间的相对平衡控制着胚胎发育的过程.用分离胚作为测试材料可以避免胚乳等其他组织成分的干扰,从而比较准确地反映了胚的内源激素变化.此外,本研究是首次用4 d的水稻幼胚作为激素含量测定的起始材料.  相似文献   

打顶后施用生长素(IAA)和钾肥对烤烟碳氮代谢的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了不打顶(T1)、打顶(T2)、打顶 追施K_2SO_4(T_3)、打顶 涂抹生长素1次(T4)、打顶 追施K2SO4 涂抹生长素1次(T5)、打顶 追施K2SO4 涂抹生长素2次(T6)等6种调控措施对烤烟碳氮代谢的影响。结果表明:由打顶当天到打顶后30d,烤烟淀粉酶活性总体上表现为下降后又略有上升的趋势,转化酶(INV)活性则逐渐降低;2种酶活性均以T6最高,T1最低,且差异达到极显著水平;除T1外,各处理在打顶后的淀粉含量逐渐升高,总糖含量则呈现上升后又逐步下降的变化,至打顶后30d,淀粉和总糖含量均以T6最高,T1最低;随生育时期延长,硝酸还原酶(NR)活性和蛋白质含量均表现为逐渐下降的趋势。打顶后30d,T6的NR活性和蛋白质含量均为最高;在打顶后30d,以T5的NR/INV比值最大。打顶当天在顶端涂抹生长素,同时追施K2SO4肥,可促进烤烟生长和碳氮代谢。  相似文献   

水培的烟草打顶和打顶后喷施腐胺(Put),烟叶中Put和烟碱含量均增加,钾含量下降,Put含量与烟碱含量之间呈显著正相关;打顶喷施吲哚乙酸(IAA)和赤霉素(GA3)的烟叶中Put和烟碱含量下降,钾含量上升;喷施茉莉酸(JA)的烟碱含量提高,而Put含量变化不大;喷施脱落酸(ABA)和6-BA的叶中Put含量下降。  相似文献   

葡萄品种皇家秋天与藤稔初代试管苗在第10天(根原基发生)时内源IAA和ABA含量达最低点后上升;ZRs含量达最高值后下降。皇家秋天继代试管苗的IAA在第8天(根原基发生)时达最低点,而后上升达稳定4/t;ZRs含量达最高值后下降;ABA含量降至最低点后急剧上升,在第10天(生根时)达最高值,持续4d后又下降。藤稔继代苗在第6天(根原基发生)时IAA含量最低,后上升,持续到第12天后又下降;ZRs含量达最高值后快速下降,至第12天达稳定状态;ABA含量达最低值后缓慢上升,第10天(生根)达最高点后又下降。  相似文献   

苹果后熟过程中内源脱落酸与乙烯的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红蕉苹果后熟过程中其果肉内ABA含量开始迅速上升,比乙烯释放量的上升时间略早。在采后第12~14天,ABA水平达到高峰,尔后快速下降。当乙烯释放量在采后第15天出现高峰时,近果心的果肉ABA含量已降到其高峰值的1/4。青蕉苹果ABA和乙烯的变化趋势与前者相似,只是达到高峰所需要的时间稍长于前者。而较耐贮藏的国光苹果,所需时间更长,ABA水平也比前两个品种为低。  相似文献   

褐飞虱侵害后不同水稻品种根及叶片脱落酸含量的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)侵害后水稻耐虫性与植物体内源激素关系,应用酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)研究褐飞虱若虫侵害分蘖期超级培矮64S/E32和TN1,灌浆期协优963和TN1后根及叶片脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量变化.结果表明:褐飞虱侵害分蘖期超级培矮64S/E32和TN1后3 d,叶片ABA含量显著上升,ABA含量根冠比(根ABA/叶片ABA)显著下降;侵害后6 d,超级培矮64S/E32叶片ABA含量显著下降,根冠比显著上升;但TN1叶片ABA含量在褐飞虱侵害后3 d和6 d显著上升,根冠比显著下降.褐飞虱侵害灌浆期协优963与分蘖期超级培矮64S/E32变化一致,TN1在褐飞虱侵害后3 d叶片ABA含量显著上升,根冠比显著下降;侵害后6 d,叶片ABA含量、ABA含量根冠比均显著上升.由ABA含量变化百分比可见,分蘖期ABA含量变化幅度较灌浆期大;耐虫品种变化幅度较感虫品种大,持续期较感虫品种短;叶片变化幅度较根部大.褐飞虱侵害后,两种不同生育期两种抗性不同的水稻品种比较,耐虫品种叶片ABA含量先上升(3 d)后下降(6 d),ABA含量根冠比先下降(3 d)后上升(6 d);感虫品种叶片ABA含量持续上升(3 d和6 d),分蘖期ABA含量根冠比持续下降(3 d和6 d),灌浆期ABA含量根冠比先下降(3 d)后上升(6 d);耐、感虫水稻品种根部变化规律不明显.这些差别表明不同水稻(耐虫和感虫)品种受褐飞虱侵害后体内ABA含量变化规律不同.本研究结果对深入阐明水稻耐虫品种的机制具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

外源脱落酸抑制花生种子发芽的生理机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
花生品种'汕油523'种子用10-3mol·L-1脱落酸(ABA)浸泡12 h后,种子发芽显著受抑制,胚α-淀粉酶活性降低,内源ABA水平提高.5 mmol.L-1ABA合成抑制剂钨酸钠处理的种子发芽率和活力指数提高,胚根增长,α-淀粉酶活性提高,内源ABA含量降低.据此认为ABA对种子萌发的抑制作用可能与α-淀粉酶活性和ABA含量有关.  相似文献   

葡萄品种皇家秋天与藤稔初代试管苗在第10天(根原基发生)时内源IAA和ABA含量达最低点后上升;ZRs含量达最高值后下降.皇家秋天继代试管苗的IAA在第8天(根原基发生)时达最低点,而后上升达稳定值;ZRs含量达最高值后下降;ABA含量降至最低点后急剧上升,在第10天(生根时)达最高值,持续4 d后又下降.藤稔继代苗在第6天(根原基发生)时IAA含量最低,后上升,持续到第12天后又下降;ZRs含量达最高值后快速下降,至第12天达稳定状态;ABA含量达最低值后缓慢上升,第10天(生根)达最高点后又下降.  相似文献   

Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview . Audrey Smedley
Anthropology and Race . Eugenia Shanklin  相似文献   

Plasma somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in the portal and jugular veins of streptozotocin diabetic rats was compared with that in normal control rats. In the diabetic group, somatostatin levels in the portal (p less than 0.05) and jugular (p less than 0.01) veins were both elevated compared with those in the control group. Moreover, the degree of elevation was greater in the jugular vein than in the portal vein. To further investigate the role of the liver in the clearance of somatostatin-28 in vivo, 2 micrograms of somatostatin-28 was administered as a bolus into the external jugular vein of intact and functionally hepatectomized rats. The mean half-time of somatostatin-28 was significantly longer in intact diabetic rats than in controls (p less than 0.05). The functional hepatectomy did not cause a significant difference in the half-time in diabetic rats but made it longer in control rats. These results suggest that the longer half-time of somatostatin-28 in diabetic rats in vivo is due to its slower hepatic clearance. The hepatic clearance of somatostatin-28 and somatostatin-14 was further studied in vitro using a recirculating liver perfusion method. The hepatic clearance of 1.2 nM of either somatostatin-28 or somatostatin-14 was significantly lower in diabetic rats than in controls (p less than 0.01). This indicates that elevated plasma somatostatin levels in diabetic rats are caused at least in part by decreased hepatic clearance of somatostatin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The deoxynivalenol and nivalenol contamination in wheat and by-products obtained through milling was analized by Trucksess method slightly modified in the proportion of acetonitrile—water (3:1). Only one sample of wheat showed deoxynivalenol contamination, 1,200μg/kg. No samples obtained in different stages of the milling were contaminated with deoxynivalenol or nivalenol. In the commercial wheat flours the levels found ranged between 400 and 800μg/kg, as follows: 400μ/kg, 5 samples; 800jug/kg, 1 sample.  相似文献   

Obestatin and ghrelin in obese and in pregnant women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fontenot E  DeVente JE  Seidel ER 《Peptides》2007,28(10):1937-1944
We identified, through qPCR, receptor mRNA for a number of gut peptides in female human omental fat: the incretins, GIP and GLP-1, the orexigenic peptides PYY-Y1 and -Y2 and ghrelin, and the anorexigenic peptide obestatin. Four cohorts of women were examined: lean controls (BMI<23), obese (BMI>41), obese diabetic and term pregnant women. Human fat expressed receptor mRNAs for all six peptides. Pregnant women expressed roughly three times as much orphan GPR-39 receptor, a proposed obestatin receptor, than other women and less than half as much of the ghrelin receptor (GHSR-1a). An immunoblot probed with a GPR-39 selective antibody yielded a single band corresponding to the correct molecular weight (52 kDa) for the proposed obestatin receptor. Fluorescent immunohistochemistry of human fat employing the same antibody indicated the receptor protein was localized to the adipocyte cell membrane. The concentration of obestatin circulating in blood was measured in the same cohort of women and was significantly lower in obese and obese diabetic women compared to control.  相似文献   

The 3rd International Conference on Proteomics & Bioinformatics (Proteomics 2013)

Philadelphia, PA, USA, 15–17 July 2013

The Third International Conference on Proteomics & Bioinformatics (Proteomics 2013) was sponsored by the OMICS group and was organized in order to strengthen the future of proteomics science by bringing together professionals, researchers and scholars from leading universities across the globe. The main topics of this conference included the integration of novel platforms in data analysis, the use of a systems biology approach, different novel mass spectrometry platforms and biomarker discovery methods. The conference was divided into proteomic methods and research interests. Among these two categories, interactions between methods in proteomics and bioinformatics, as well as other research methodologies, were discussed. Exceptional topics from the keynote forum, oral presentations and the poster session have been highlighted. The topics range from new techniques for analyzing proteomics data, to new models designed to help better understand genetic variations to the differences in the salivary proteomes of HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

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